A. Sales: 1. General Provisions

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Contract of Sale Contract to sell

A. SALES Ownership is Ownership is only
transferred upon transferred upon full
delivery payment of price
1. General provisions Full payment is a
positive suspensive
Non-payment is a
Definition condition; hence non-
payment would not give
Contract of Sale rise to the obligation to
Article 1458, CC: By the contract of sale transfer ownership
one of the contracting parties obligates
himself to transfer the ownership and to Conditional
Contract to sell
deliver a determinate thing, and the other to Contract of Sale
pay therefor a price certain in money or its Sale is already
No perfected sale yet
equivalent. perfected
A subsequent buyer A subsequent buyer
Contract to Sell is presumed to be a is presumed to be a
Article 1478, CC: The parties may stipulate buyer in bad faith buyer in good faith
that ownership in the thing shall not pass to
the purchaser until he has fully paid the price
Essential requisites [Art. 1318,
Conditional Contract of Sale
Article 1461, CC: Things having a potential
1. Consent of contracting parties
existence may be the object of the contract
of sale.
Consent refers to seller’s consent to transfer
ownership of, and deliver, a determinate thing,
The efficacy of the sale of a mere hope or
and to buyer’s consent to pay the price certain.
expectancy is deemed subject to the
condition that the thing will come into
Being a consensual contract, the contract of
sale is perfected at the moment there is a
“meeting of the minds” upon the thing which is
The sale of a vain hope or expectancy is
the object of the contract and upon the
price. [Art. 1475, CC]
Article 1462, CC: The goods which form the
Can there be sales without consent?
subject of a contract of sale may be either
1. Expropriation [Art. 1488, CC]
existing goods, owned or possessed by the
2. Ordinary Execution Sale [Rule 39, Sec. 15,
seller, or goods to be manufactured, raised,
Rules of Court]
or acquired by the seller after the perfection
3. Judicial Foreclosure Sale [Rule 68, Rules
of the contract of sale, in this Title called
of Court], and
“future goods.”
4. Extra-Judicial Foreclosure Sale [Act. 3135,
as amended]
There may be a contact of sale of goods,
whose acquisition by the seller depends
upon a contingency which may or may not

Article 1465, CC: Things subject to a

resolutory condition may be the object of the
contract of sale.

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Special Case something in existence already

If the sale involves the conjugal property of belonging to the seller, and the title will
spouses, consent must be given by both. vest in the buyer the moment the thing
comes into existence. [Sibal v. Valdez,
2. Object certain which is the subject G.R. No. L-26278 (1927)]
matter of the contract
Sale of Things Having Potential
The things must be licit and the vendor must Existence
have a right to transfer the ownership thereof Emptio Rei Emptio Rei Spei
at the time it is delivered [Art. 1459]. Speratei Mere Hope Vain Hope
Sale of a Sale of a Sale of a
Requisites of a Valid Subject Matter [Arts. thing MERE HOPE VAIN HOPE
1459-1465, CC] expected or or or
a. Must be licit future thing expectancy expectancy
• Within the commerce of man General rule: Exception:
• When right is not intransmissible [Art. Valid
Valid Void
1347, CC] Example:
• It does not contemplate a future Example:
Sale of the Example:
inheritance, unless expressly Sale of a
grain a field Sale of a valid
authorized by law fake lottery
may grow in lottery ticket
• Example of illicit things per se (of its ticket
a given time
nature) and per accidens (due to Deals with a
provisions of law future thing Deals with a thing that
o Sale of animals if the use or that is currently exists – the hope or
service for which they are currently not expectancy
acquired has been stated in the in existence
contract, and they are found to Subject to
be unfit therefor [Art. 1575, CC] Not subject to any condition;
the condition
o Sale of animals suffering from The contract comes into
that the thing
contagious diseases [Art. existence immediately
will exist
1575, CC] Future thing
o Sale of future inheritance is is certain as
void [Art. 1347, CC] to itself, but
Sale of land in violation of uncertain as
Constitutional prohibition to quantity
against the transfer of lands to and quality
aliens. [Art. XII of Constitution] In case of doubt, the presumption is in favor
of emptio rei speratae since it is more in
b. Existing, Future, Contingent keeping with the commutative character of
• Existing goods owned or possessed by the contract.
the seller;
• Goods to be manufactured, raised, OR c. Determinate or Determinable
acquired by the seller – “Future Goods” Determinate
[Art. 1462, CC] When it is particularly designated or physically
• Things having potential existence may segregated from all others of the same class.
be the object of a contract of sale [Art. [Art. 1460, CC]
1461, CC]. A sale may be made of a
thing which, though not yet actually in Determinable
existence is reasonably certain to When it is capable of being made determinate
come into existence as the natural at the time the contract was entered into
increment or usual incident of

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without the necessity of a new or further o UNLESS proved to be

agreement between the parties. [Art. 1460, CC] founded on another true
and lawful price [Art. 1353,
Failure to state the exact location of the land CC]
does not make the subject matter
indeterminate, so long as it can be located. b. How price is determined/when certain
[Camacho v. CA, G.R. No. 127520 (2007)] 1. Fixed by agreement of the parties and
cannot be left to the discretion of one of
3. Cause of the obligation which is the parties – BUT if such is accepted by
established the other, sale is perfected. [Art. 1473,
This refers to the “price certain in money or its 2. Determination is left to the judgment of
equivalent” [Art. 1458]. It does not include a specified person.
goods or merchandise although they have their
own value in money. General Rule: Price fixed by 3rd persons
designated by the parties is binding upon them
However, the words “its equivalent” have been
interpreted to mean that payment need not be Exceptions:
in money, so that there can be a sale where the • If 3rd person is unable or unwilling: Sale is
thing given as token of payment has “been inefficacious unless parties subsequently
assessed and evaluated and [its] price agree about the price.
equivalent in terms of money [has] been • If 3rd person fixed the price in bad faith/by
determined.” [De Leon] mistake: Courts may fix price (but mere
error in judgment cannot serve as basis for
a. Requisites of a valid price impugning price fixed)
1. Certain or ascertainable at the time of • If 3rd person is prevented from fixing price
perfection by fault of seller or buyer: Innocent party
2. In money or its equivalent may avail of remedies (rescission or
• If price is partly in money and partly fulfillment of obligation, with damages)
in another thing: determine • If 3rd person disregards specific
manifest intention of the parties to instructions/data/procedure, thereby fixing
see whether it was barter or sale. an arbitrary price
[Art. 1468, CC] • The price is made in reference to another
• If intention does not clearly appear, thing, or when the price fixed is the price of
it shall be considered a barter if the the commodity on a definite day, or in a
value of the thing exceed the particular exchange or market, or when the
amount of money or its equivalent. amount fixed is above or below the price on
[Art. 1468, CC] such day, exchange or market. [Art. 1472,
3. Real CC]
• When buyer has an intention to pay
and the seller has an expectation to General Rule: When the price is not certain,
receive the price the contract is without effect and no obligation
• If simulated: Sale is VOID; BUT act arises from it.
may be shown to have been a
donation or some other act or Exception: When the thing is already
contract. [Art. 1471, CC] delivered, the buyer must pay a reasonable
• If Price is false – when the real price therefor. This exception only arises when
consideration is not the price stated the means contemplated by the parties for
in the contract: fixing the price have become ineffectual.
o Sale is void
c. Inadequacy of price

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The stipulation in a contract of sale which 3. Generally, the reasonable price is the
states that the consideration is “PhP1 and market price at the time and place fixed by
other valuable considerations” does not make the contract or by law for delivery of goods.
the contract void. Gross inadequacy of price
does not affect the contract of sale except that e. False price vs. simulated price
it may indicate a defect in consent. [Bagnas v. False Price Simulated Price
CA, G.R. No. L-38498 (1989)] Price stated in the
Price stated in the
contract is not
contract is not the
General Rule: Does not affect a contract of intended to be paid.
true price. Parties
sale’s validity. [Art. 1470, CC] Parties never
intended to be
intended to be
Exceptions: bound.
a. In Voluntary sales Effect: Void for lack
• Where low price indicates a vice of Effect: Binds the of
consent, sale may be annulled. parties to their real cause/consideration,
• Where price is so low to be shocking to the agreement when it but can be shown as
conscience (fraud, mistake, undue does not prejudice a donation or some
influence), then sale may be set aside 3rd persons and is other contract.
• Where price is simulated such as when the not intended for any Parties may recover
real intention was a donation or some other purpose contrary to from each other
contract. law, morals, public what they may have
• Where the parties did not intend to be policy, etc. given under the
bound at all, sale is void. contract.

b. In Involuntary sales f. Earnest money vs. option money

• A judicial or execution sale is one made by Earnest Money – paid in advance of the
a court with respect to the property of a purchase price agreed upon by the parties in a
debtor for the satisfaction of his contract of sale, given by the buyer to the
indebtedness. seller, to bind the latter to the bargain
• Rescissible contracts of sale - Inadequacy
of price is a ground for rescission of Option Money Earnest Money
conventional sale under Art. 1381 (a) and Separate and distinct
(b), CC. Part of purchase
consideration from the
price [Art. 1482, CC]
purchase price
d. When no price agreed Given only when
1. Sale is inefficacious [Art. 1474, CC] Given when sale is not
there is already a
2. But if the thing or part thereof has been yet perfected
delivered and appropriated by the buyer, When given, the
he must pay a reasonable price therefore would-be-buyer is not
• What is a reasonable price is a required to buy, but
When given, the
question of fact dependent on the buyer is bound to pay
may even forfeit it
circumstances of each particular case. the balance
depending on the
[Art. 1474, CC] terms of the option
• The reasonableness of a price may be Grantee of option is
determined on the basis of a still undecided Buyer manifests his
company’s balance sheet showing the whether or not to buy earnest desire to buy
book value or fair market value of its or sell the property the property
shares. [Philippine Free Press v. CA, [Baviera]
G.R. No. 132864 (2005)] [Limson v. CA, G.R. No. 135929 (2001)]

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Perfection ensues and both parties are then reciprocally

bound to comply with their respective
1. Offer undertakings. [Ang Yu v. CA, G.R. No. 109125
The offer must be certain and the acceptance
absolute. [Art. 1319, CC] The offeror is still free and has the right to
withdraw the offer:
The person making the offer may fix the time, • If the period is not itself founded upon or
place, and manner of acceptance, all of which supported by a consideration and
must be complied with. [Art. 1321, CC] withdrawn before its acceptance,
• If an acceptance has been made, before
An offer becomes ineffective upon the death, the offeror's coming to know of such fact,
civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of by communicating that withdrawal to the
either party before acceptance is conveyed. offeree.
[Art. 1323, CC]
Breach of contract
When the offerer has allowed the offeree a It will be a breach of contract when the offer
certain period to accept, the offer may be was withdrawn during the agreed period if the
withdrawn at any time before acceptance by period has separate consideration since the
communicating such withdrawal, except when contract of “option is deemed perfected.”
the option is founded upon a consideration, as
something paid or promised. [Art. 1324, CC] 3. Right of first refusal

Unless it appears otherwise, business While the object might be made determinate,
advertisements of things for sale are not the exercise of the right, however, would be
definite offers, but mere invitations to make an dependent not only on the grantor's eventual
offer. [Art. 1325, CC] intention to enter into a binding juridical relation
with another but also on terms, including the
2. Option contracts price, that obviously are yet to be later firmed
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell Even on the premise that such right of first
a determinate thing for a price certain is binding refusal has been decreed under a final
upon the promissor if the promise is supported judgment, like here, its breach cannot justify
by a consideration distinct from the price. [Art. correspondingly an issuance of a writ of
1479(2), CC; De Leon] execution under a judgment that merely
recognizes its existence, nor would it sanction
Separate Consideration an action for specific performance without
A consideration for an optional contract is just thereby negating the indispensable element of
as important as the consideration for any other consensuality in the perfection of contracts.
kind of contract. If there was no consideration [Ang Yu v. CA, G.R. No. 109125 (1994)]
for the contract of option, then it cannot be
enforced any more than any other contract 4. Mutual promise to buy and sell
where no consideration exists. [Enriquez dela
Cavada v. Diaz, G.R. No. 11668 (1918)] The obligation is not to enter into a sale, but
rather to negotiate in good faith for the
The option is not the contract of sale itself. The possibility of entering into a sale. When the
optionee has the right, but not the obligation, to promissor has in fact negotiated in good faith,
buy. Once the option is exercised timely, i.e., but the parties’ minds could not meet on the
the offer is accepted before a breach of the price and the terms of payment, then promissor
option, a bilateral promise to sell and to buy has complied with his obligation [Villanueva].

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BARTER = where the value of the thing given

Contract of sale distinguished as part of the consideration exceeds the
amount of money given or its equivalent
1. Donation
SALE = where the value of the thing given as
Sale Donation part of the consideration equals or is less than
Onerous Gratuitous the amount of money given
Requires consent and
must comply with the 3. Contract for a piece of work
Perfected by mere
formalities required by
consent Contract for a
law for its validity. [Art. Sale
745, CC] Piece of Work
The property sold Goods are
Goods are
is replaced by the Requires that there be manufactured or
manufactured for
equivalent a diminution of the procured in the
customer upon his
monetary estate of one party ordinary course of
special order
consideration; (donor) and the business
there is no enrichment of the other For the general
For a specific
diminution of the party’s estate (donee) market, whether on
seller’s estate hand or not
Governed by Statute Not within Statute of
When the price of the contract of sale is of Frauds Frauds
simulated, the sale may be void but the act may
be shown to have been in reality a donation or When each product or system executed is
some other contract. [Art. 1471, CC] always UNIQUE and could not mass-produce
the product because of its very nature, such is
The donee must accept the donation a contract for a piece of work. [Commissioner
personally, or through an authorized person v. Engineering Equipment and Supply Co.,
with a special power for the purpose, or with a G.R. No. L-27044 (1975)]
general and sufficient power; otherwise, the
donation shall be void. [Art. 745, CC] 4. Dacion en pago

2. Barter Sale Dacion en pago

No pre-existing debt Pre-existing debt
Sale Barter Extinguishes the
Consideration is price in Consideration is Creates an obligation obligation (mode of
money or its equivalent another thing payment)
Price is more freely
Price is the value of
Rules to determine whether contract is sale agreed upon, fixed by
the thing given
or barter: the parties
a. Manifest intention of the parties: Even if the Payment is
acquisition of a thing is paid for by another received by the
Buyer has to pay the
object of greater value than the money debtor before
component, it may still be a sale and not a contract is
barter, when such was the intention of the perfected
b. When intention does not appear and
consideration consists partly in money and
partly in another thing

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5. Agency to sell Kinds of incapacity

1. Absolute [Art. 1327, 1397, 139, CC] - In
Sale Agency to sell the case of persons who cannot bind
Agent receives themselves
Buyer receives the 2. Relative - Married persons
good as goods of
goods as owner
the principal 3. Special disqualifications [Arts. 1491-
Agent delivers the 1492, CC]
Buyer pays the price price which he got
from his principal 1. Absolute incapacity
Buyer cannot return
Agent can’t return a. Minors [Art. 1327, CC]
the object sold as a
the goods b. Insane or Demented [Art. 1327, CC]
general rule
c. Deaf-mutes who do not know how to write
Seller warrants the Agent makes no [Art. 1327, CC]
thing sold warranty d. Civil Interdiction [Art. 38, CC]
Not unilaterally Essentially e. Judicially-declared Incompetents [Art. 39,
revocable revocable CC]
• Prodigal
6. Lease • Imbeciles
• Absence & presumption of death
Sale Lease • Persons not of unsound mind but by
Ownership reason of age, disease, weak mind,
No transfer of
transferred by and other similar causes, cannot take
delivery care of themselves and manage their
Permanent Temporary property without outside aid (Easy prey
Seller must be for deceit and exploitation)
Lessor need not be
owner at time of
owner General Rule: Contracts entered into by a
minor and other incapacitated persons are
In the lease of things, one of the parties binds
himself to give to another the enjoyment or use
Exception: Where necessaries are sold and
of a thing for a price certain, and for a period
delivered to him (without parent or guardian),
which may be definite or indefinite. However,
he must pay a reasonable price therefor.
no lease for more than ninety-nine years shall
be valid. [Art. 1643, CC] • Such contract is VALID
• But the minor has the right to recover any
excess above a reasonable value paid by
2. Parties him.

General Rule: Any person who has capacity to 2. Relative incapacity

act may enter into a contract of sale.
[Villanueva] 1. Husband and wife [Art. 1490, CC]
General Rule: Cannot sell property to each
As a general rule, all persons, whether natural other
or juridical, who can bind themselves have also
legal capacity to buy and sell. [De Leon] Exceptions:
• Separation of property in marriage
a. Capacity of Parties settlement, OR
• Judicial separation of property.

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Sale by husband in favor of a concubine after was entrusted to them. Prohibition includes
he had abandoned his family and left conjugal judges and government experts who, in
home where his wife and children lived and any manner, take part in the sale.
from whence they derived their support, is void.
[Ching v. Goyanko, Jr., G.R. No. 165879 5. Lawyers - Cannot acquire or purchase
(2006)] property or rights in litigation in which they
take part by virtue of their profession
Reason for this rule: Such prohibition is for
the protection of third persons who, relying For the prohibition to operate, the sale or
upon supposed property of either spouse, assignment must take place during the
enters into a contract with either of them only pendency of the litigation involving the
to find out that the property relied upon was property. [Laig v. Court of Appeals (1991)]
transferred to the other spouse. [De Leon]
Exceptions: An assignment to a lawyer by
2. Alienage [Art. 39, CC] his client of an interest in the property does
General Rule: Aliens are disqualified from not violate Art 1491, where:
purchasing or acquiring real property. a. A judgment has been rendered and
has become final; and
Exception: If acquisition is through hereditary b. In case of contingency fee
succession arrangements: the interest of the
lawyer may be annotated as an
3. Trusteeship [Art. 39, CC] adverse claim on the property
awarded to his client [Director of
3. Special disqualifications Lands v. Ababa, G.R. No. L-26096
Such is grounded on public policy
considerations which disallow the transactions 6. Justices, Judges, prosecuting
entered into by them (directly or indirectly) in attorneys, clerks and other officers and
view of the fiduciary relationship involved or employees connected with the
the peculiar control exercised by these administration of justice - Cannot
individuals over the properties or rights acquire or purchase property or rights in
covered. [Mananquil v. Villegas (1990)] litigation or levied upon on execution
1. Agents – Cannot purchase or acquire before the court within whose jurisdiction or
property whose administration or sale was territory they exercise their respective
entrusted to them, except if principal gives functions.
2. Guardian – Cannot purchase property of 7. Others specially disqualified by law
person under his guardianship i. Unpaid sellers with goods in transit
3. Executors and administrators –Cannot from buying the goods
acquire or purchase property of estate ii. Officer conducting the execution
under their administration. sale of deputies
iii. Aliens who are disqualified to
The prohibition on executors and purchase private agricultural lands
administrators does not apply if the
principal consents to the sale. [Distajo v. b. Effects of incapacity
CA, G.R. No. 112954 (2000)]
1. Absolute incapacity
4. Public officers and employees - Cannot
acquire or purchase property of State/any If both parties are incapacitated:
of its subdivisions, GOCC or unenforceable [Art. 1403 (3), CC].
administration, the administration of which

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If only 1 party is incapacitated: voidable. RATIFIED by means of and in the form of a

new contract when the cause of nullity has
Exception: Where necessaries are sold and ceased to exist. Ratification is valid only from
delivered to a minor or to a person without date of execution of the new contract and does
capacity to act, he must pay a reasonable price not retroact.
therefor. [Art. 1489, par. 2, CC] The resulting
sale therefore described in the foregoing article 3. Obligations of the Vendor
is valid and binding.
(Note: Further discussion can also be found in
2. Relative incapacity Section J of this Sales Reviewer, on the
Performance of the Contract.)
Sale between spouses is void.
Obligations of the Vendor in
1. To protect 3rd persons who may have General
contracted with the spouse
2. To avoid undue advantage of the dominant 1. To transfer ownership of the thing [Art.
spouse over the weaker spouse. 1495, CC]
3. To avoid circumvention of the prohibition 2. To deliver the thing, with its accessions and
against donations between spouses. accessories, if any [Arts. 1164, 1166, CC]
[Medina v. CIR, G.R. No. L-15113 (1961)] 3. To warrant against eviction and against
hidden defects [Arts. 1545-1581, CC]
Such prohibition shall likewise apply to 4. To take care of the thing, pending delivery,
common law spouses. [Calimlim-Canulas v. with proper diligence [Art. 1163, CC]
Fortun, G.R. No. L-57499 (1984)] 5. To pay for the expenses of the deed of sale
[Art. 1487, CC]
But if already sold to a third person who relied
on the title of his immediate seller, (1) To Transfer Ownership of the
reconveyance to the seller spouse is no longer Thing and To Deliver the
available [Cruz v. CA, G.R. No. 120122 (1997)] Thing, with its Accessions
and Accessories
Sale contracted by aliens is void [Art. XII of the
Constitution] i. When Seller is Not the Owner

3. Specific incapacity General Rule: Ownership is not acquired by

the buyer. One cannot give what one does not
General rule: Contracts expressly prohibited have. [Art. 1505, CC]
Neither can the right to set-up the defense of Exceptions: buyer acquires ownership
illegality be waived. [Art. 1409 (7), CC] a. Seller has a right to transfer ownership.

Those entered into by public Seller need not be the owner of the thing at
officers/employees, justices and judges, and the time of perfection of the contract. It is
lawyers in violation of Art. 1491 are inexistent sufficient that the seller has a right to
and VOID from the beginning. [Rubias v. transfer ownership thereof at the time it is
Batiller, supra]. It is NOT subject to delivered. [Art. 1459, CC]
One who sells something he does not own
Exception: Sales entered into by guardians, yet is bound by the sale when he acquires
administrators, and agents (specific the thing later. [Bucton v. Gabar, G.R. No.
incapacities) in violation of Art. 1491 may be L-36359 (1974)]

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b. Estoppel: Owner is, by his conduct, b. Contract to sell

precluded from denying the seller’s c. Contract of insurance
authority to sell. [Art. 1434, CC] d. Sale on acceptance/Trial
e. When seller is not the owner or has
c. Registered land bought in good faith voidable title

General rule: Buyer need not go beyond Obligation to transfer ownership and to deliver
the Torrens Title is implied in every contract of sale [Arts. 1458-
1459, CC]
Exception: When he has actual
knowledge of facts and circumstances that Transfer of ownership requires delivery [Art.
would impel a reasonably cautious man to 1495, CC]
make further inquiry
General Concepts
d. Order of courts; Statutory Sale - In Under Article 1495, the seller has twin
execution sale, the buyer merely steps into obligations to (a) transfer the ownership and (b)
the shoes of the judgment debtor [Sec. 33, deliver the thing, which is the object of sale to
Rule 39, ROC] the buyer. In Article 1164, this includes the
obligation to deliver the fruits and accessories
e. When goods are purchased in Merchant’s from the time the obligation to deliver it arises;
store, Fair, or Market [Art. 1505, CC] however he shall acquire no real right over
them until the same has been delivered to him.
ii. Sale by Person having a Voidable Title
Transfer of ownership is effected even if the
a. True owner may recover the thing when the purchase has been made on credit. Payment
ff. requisites concur: of the purchase price is not essential to transfer
• Subject matter is movable of ownership as long as the property sold was
Determine first if • Owner has either lost the thing or delivered.
there’s a lawful
deprivation has been unlawfully deprived. [Art.
559, CC] Intention to transfer ownership
if there is, it can be • All forms of delivery shall be coupled
b. Reimbursement is necessary before owner with intention of delivering the thing
XPN: if acquired in can recover when: sold.
public sale (cannot ● Buyer acted in good faith • Seller must be the owner or authorized
recover without
reimbursing) ● Acquired at a public auction [Art. by owner of the thing sold
559, CC]
When right to transfer ownership must
c. Recovery no longer possible when: exist: At the time of delivery and not at the time
● Buyer in good faith of perfection of contract of sale.
● Acquired it at a merchant’s store,
fair or market. [Art. 1506, CC] iv. Concept of Delivery

iii. Manner of Transfer [Arts. 1477, 1496-150, Requisites

CC] a. Identity – between what must be
delivered and what is actually delivered
General Rule: Ownership of the thing sold b. Integrity – in a condition suitable for
shall be transferred to the vendee upon actual enjoyment
or constructive delivery thereof [Art. 1477, CC] c. Intentional

Exceptions: What to Deliver

a. Contrary stipulation a. Thing sold [Art. 1495, CC]

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b. Fruits [Art. 1164 & 1537, CC] – belong Sale or Return

to the vendee from day of perfection. ● Buyer becomes owner of the property on
c. Accessions and accessories [Art. 1166 delivery, BUT has the option to revest
& 1537, CC] – in the same condition ownership in the seller instead of paying
they were in on day of perfection the price by returning the goods within the
● Improvements by seller at his time fixed in the contract, or, if no time is
expense grants him a usufructuary fixed, within a reasonable time. Otherwise,
right [Art. 1138, 1189, CC] the sale becomes absolute.
● No indemnification ● Loss or destruction of the property prior to
● But he may remove it to the extent return falls upon the buyer and makes him
that there is no damage [Art. 1538, responsible for the purchase price.
Sale on Approval v. Sale or Return
Where to Deliver Sale on Approval Sale or Return
a. A hierarchy is followed: Ownership passes to
Ownership does not
1. Stipulation buyer on delivery
pass upon delivery
2. Usage of trade and subsequent
3. Seller’s place of business (office) remaining with the
return revests
4. Seller’s residence seller until buyer
ownership in the
signifies his approval.
b. In case of specific goods, which the parties seller.
knew to be at some other place when the Depends on the
contract was perfected, that place is the Depends on the will
character or quality of
place of delivery of the buyer
c. If goods at the time of sale are possessed Subject to a Subject to a
by a third person, then there is no delivery suspensive condition resolutory condition
until he acknowledges to the buyer that he
holds the goods for the buyer. Risk of loss remains Risk of loss remains
with the seller with the buyer
When to Deliver
Absent a stipulation as to time, delivery must Express Reservation
be made within a reasonable time; demand or If it was stipulated that ownership in the thing
tender of delivery shall be made at a shall not pass to the purchaser until he has fully
reasonable hour. paid the price, then ownership remains with
seller even when delivery is made [Art. 1478,
v. When Delivery Does Not Transfer Title CC]. A bill of lading is a legal document issued by a
carrier to a shipper that details the type, quantity,
Sale on Approval or Trial Implied Reservation and destination of the goods being carried
● Title remains with the seller The following are instances when there is an
notwithstanding delivery of the goods. implied reservation of ownership:
● Buyer becomes the owner when he: a. Goods are shipped, but by the bill of
a. Signifies his approval or acceptance to lading goods are deliverable to the
the seller seller or his agent, or to the order of the
b. Does any other act adopting the seller or his agent
transaction (i.e. sale to a third person) b. Bill of lading is retained by the seller or
c. Retains the goods without giving notice his agent.
of rejection after the time fixed has
expired; if no time has been fixed, after When the seller of the goods draws on the
the expiration of a reasonable time [Art. buyer for the price and transmits the bill of
1502, CC] exchange and bill of lading to the buyer, and
the latter does not honor the bill of exchange
by returning the bill of lading to the seller.

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When Sale Not Valid “Control” over thing sold must be such that
When the thing sold is a public property the seller is capable of physically
transferring it to buyer.
Sale by Person Having a Voidable Title
a. True owner may recover the thing when the Although parties may stipulate that the
ff. requisites concur: execution of a public instrument is
● Subject matter is movable equivalent to delivery, this legal fiction
● Owner has either lost the thing or has holds true only when there is no
been unlawfully deprived. [Art. 559, impediment that may prevent the passing
CC] of the property from the vendor to the
b. Reimbursement is necessary before owner vendee. [Vda. de Sarmiento v. Lesaca,
can recover when: G.R. No. L-15385 (1960)]
● Buyer acted in good faith
● Acquired at a public auction [Art. 559, If, notwithstanding execution of the
CC] instrument, the buyer cannot enjoy material
c. Recovery no longer possible when: tenancy and make use of the object himself
● Buyer in good faith or through another in his name, there is no
● Acquired it at a merchant’s store, fair or delivery. [Power Commercial v. CA, G.R.
market. [Art. 1506, CC] No. 119745 (1997)]

vi. Kinds of Delivery Execution of a public instrument gives rise

only to a prima facie presumption of
Actual Delivery delivery, negated by failure of the buyer to
Deemed made when the thing sold is placed in take actual possession of land sold. A
the control and possession of the vendee [Art. person who does not have actual
1497, CC] possession cannot transfer constructive
possession by execution and delivery of
Not always essential to passing of title [Art. public instrument. [Spouses Santiago v.
147, CC] Villamor, G.R. No. 168499 (2012)]

Parties may agree when and on what b. Symbolic Delivery

conditions the ownership shall pass to the
buyer [e.g.: Art 1478 where ownership will only Delivery of keys of the place or depositary
pass after full payment of the price] where the movable is stored or kept. [Art. 1498,
Constructive Delivery
a. Execution of public instrument [par. 1, Unless otherwise agreed, when symbolic
Art. 1498, CC] delivery has been made, the seller is not
obliged to remove tenants to place the buyer in
General Rule: produces the same legal effects actual possession of the property as he has
of actual delivery. already complied with his obligation to transfer
ownership of and deliver the thing sold. [Power
Exceptions: Commercial and Industrial Corp. v. CA, G.R.
1. The parties intended otherwise. No. 119745 (1997); Sabio v. The International
2. At the time of execution, the subject matter Corporate Bank, Inc., G.R. No. 132709 (2001)]
was not subject to the control of the seller,
which control must subsist for a c. Traditio Longa Manu (Long Hand)
reasonable length of time after execution.
[Pasagui v. Villablanca, G.R. No. L-21998 Delivery of movable property by mere consent
(1975)] or agreement, if the thing sold cannot be

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transferred to the possession of the buyer at For example, a seller remains in possession of
the time of sale. [Art. 1499, CC] the property sold, by virtue of a lease
agreement with the vendee, at the time of the
Example: Seller points to the property without perfection of the contract of sale.
actually transferring physical possession
thereof. Vendee became, as lessor, the legal
possessor while the vendor is in material
Delivery by mere agreement; seller points out possession of the property in the name and
to the buyer the property without need of representation of the vendee.
actually delivering (as when the thing sold
cannot be transferred to the possession of the Seller continues to be in possession of the
vendee at the time of sale). Delivery takes property sold
place when the thing is placed in the sight of
the purchaser so that he can take possession f. Quasi-traditio
of it at pleasure. With regard to movable
property, its delivery may also be made by the Mode of delivery of incorporeal things or rights.
delivery of the keys of the place or depository
where it is stored or kept. Delivery is effected:
● By execution of public instrument
When an employer assigned all its rights and ● When such is not applicable, by placing
title to all surplus property salvaged by the the titles of ownership in the
contractor, traditio longa manu takes place. possession of the buyer
Delivery is upon the moment a thing is ● By allowing the buyer to use his rights
salvaged. [Board of Liquidators v. Floro, G.R. as new owner with the consent of the
No. L-15155 (1960)] seller

d. Traditio Brevi Manu (Short Hand) g. Delivery to a Common Carrier

Example: If Delivery of movable property by mere consent General Rule: Delivery to the courier or carrier
you are renting or agreement, if the buyer already had it in his is tantamount to delivery to buyer, whether
a house then
you bought it.
possession for any other reason. [Art. 1499, carrier is named by buyer or not. The buyer
CC] assumes the risk of loss.

Happens when the already has possession of Exceptions

the thing sold before the sale by virtue of 1. Seller reserved title through the form of the
another title (as lessee, borrower, depositary, bill of lading, with intent to remain the
etc.) owner, not merely for the purpose of
securing payment, OR
e. Traditio Constitutum Possessorium 2. Contrary intention appears in the contract
(i.e. seller is required to deliver goods to
Seller continues to be in possession of the buyer at the point of destination)
property sold not as owner but in some other 3. Delivery by the seller is in breach of the
capacity, like as tenant or lessee. contract
4. F.O.B. (Free on Board or Freight on Board)
At the time of perfection, the seller held - When seller bears the expenses of
possession of the subject matter in the concept transportation up to the F.O.B. point.
of owner, and pursuant to the contract, the 5. C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance, Freight) - Price
seller continues to hold physical possession quoted includes the costs of the goods,
thereof as lessee or other form of possession insurance, and freight charges on the
other than the concept of owner. goods up to the point of destination.

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6. F.A.S. (Free Alongside) – Seller bears the Rules Governing Sale of Movables,
expenses of transportation until he delivers Immovables and Unregistered Lands
the goods alongside a vessel at a named
port. a. Sale of Movable: Ownership shall be
transferred to the person who may have
vii. Double Sales [Art. 1544, CC] first taken possession in good faith.

General Rule: Prior tempore, prior jure (“First b. Sale of Immovables: Registered Land –
in time, priority in right”) applies. Ownership belongs to the person who:
● In good faith first recorded the sale in
Requisites: the Registry of Property; or
a. 2 or more valid sales; ● If there is no inscription of sale on the
b. Same subject matter; title, ownership passes to the person
c. 2 or more buyers with conflicting interests who in good faith was first in
over the rightful ownership of the thing possession; or
sold; ● In the absence thereof, to the person
d. Same seller. [Cheng v. Genato, G.R. No. who presents the oldest title,
129760 (1998)] provided there is good faith.

Rules on Double Sale Possession refers to any of the modes of

There is no double sale when: possession in Arts. 1497-1501, CC
Note: Double a. Not all the elements of a sale are present
sale b. The principle of prior tempore, prior jure (he Oldest Title as to any public document
does not apply
to contract of
who is first in time is preferred in right) showing acquisition of the land in good
sell should apply faith. To constitute “title,” the transmission
c. The two different contracts of sale are of ownership must appear in a public
Does not apply
to conditional
made by two different persons, one of them document [Art. 1358 (1), CC]
sale not being the owner of the property sold.
d. The land sold is not yet registered under Registration includes any entry made in
Does not apply
if merely steps the Torrens system the Primary Entry Book of the registry,
into the shoes e. The first sale occurred when land was not including both registration in its ordinary
of the yet registered, and the second sale was and strict sense and cancellation,
debtor done when the land was already registered annotation, and even marginal notes.
– prior tempore, prior jure should apply [Cheng v. Genato, G.R. No. 129760
Rules on Preference
a. Personal property Pencilled entries on the title are not
b. First possessor in good faith considered registration. [AFPMBAI v. Court
c. Real property of Appeals, G.R. No. 126745 (1999)]
d. First registrant in good faith: second buyer
must register the document in good faith, c. Second Sale Made by Virtue of
otherwise, he does not have a better right Execution and Attachment – Art. 1544
e. First possessor in good faith does NOT apply in cases where the first
f. Person with oldest title in good faith sale of an unregistered immovable
occurred prior to an execution sale and the
Caveat emptor: One who purchases real second sale occurred by virtue of an
property which is in actual possession of others execution sale. This is because a buyer of
should make some inquiry concerning the unregistered land at an execution sale only
rights of those in posses steps into the shoes of the judgment debtor
(the person who sold the property prior to
the execution sale). The second buyer

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merely acquires the latter’s interest in the When buyer is presumed to be in bad faith
property sold as of the time the property ● Annotation of adverse claim: Places any
was levied upon. [Carumba v. CA, G.R. No. subsequent buyer of the registered land in
L-27587 (1970)] bad faith. [Balatbat v. CA, G.R. No. 109410
d. Sale of Immovables: Unregistered Land ● Annotation of Lis Pendens: Buyer cannot
be considered an innocent purchaser for
Instrument or deeds establishing, value where it ignored the lis pendens on
transmitting, acknowledging, modifying or the title.
extinguishing rights with respect to lands ● A purchaser of a parcel of land cannot
not registered under the Land Registration close his eyes to facts which should put a
Act or the Spanish Mortgage Law, are reasonable man upon his guard, such as
required to be registered in the Registry of when the property subject of the purchase
Property to prejudice 3rd persons, although is in the possession of persons other than
such registration is understood to be the seller. A buyer who could not have
“without prejudice to a third party with a failed to know or discover that the land sold
better right”. [PD 1528 Sec 113] to him was in the adverse possession of
another is a buyer in bad faith. [Heirs of
Art. 1544 applies to unregistered land Ramon Durano v. Uy, G.R. No. 136456
subject to a conventional sale (because of (2000)]
Art. 1358) but NOT to unregistered land
subject to judicial sale. Annotation of
Lis Pendens
Adverse Claim
Unregistered by both buyers, the first buyer May be cancelled
May be cancelled
is preferred. only in one
even before the action
instance, i.e., after
If first buyer did not register but second buyer is finally terminated
the claim is
registered property, second buyer is preferred. for causes which may
adjudged invalid or
not be attributable to
unmeritorious by
viii. Property Registration Decree [P.D. the claimant
the Court
The two are not contradictory or repugnant to
REQUISITES FOR REGISTRATION OF one another; nor does the existence of one
DEED OF SALE IN GOOD FAITH automatically nullify the other, and if any of the
registrations should be considered
a. Purchaser in Good Faith - One who buys unnecessary or superfluous, it would be the
the property of another, without notice that notice of lis pendens [A. Doronila Resources
some other person has a right to or interest Development Inc v. CA, G.R. Nos. L-42956-
in such property, and who pays a full and 571988]
fair price for the sale, at the time of the
purchase or before he has notice of the b. Accompanied by vendors duplicate
claim/interest of some other person in the certificate of title, payment of capital
property. [Agricultural and Home Extension gains tax, and documentary tax
Development Group v. CA, G.R. No. 92310 registration fees
Must be accompanied by:
General Rule: As a rule, he who asserts the ● Vendor’s duplicate certificate of title
status of a purchaser in good faith and for value ● Payment of capital gains tax – 6% of the
has the burden of proving such assertion. selling price or zonal value, whichever is
[Mathay v. CA, G.R. No. 115788 (1998)] higher

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● Documentary tax registration fees – 1.5% makes an alteration in them in a

of the selling price or zonal value, manner proper only for an owner;
whichever is higher or
c. When the buyer, after the lapse of
ix. Risk of Loss a reasonable time, retains the
goods without intimating his
(Note: This is discussed under Section F of this rejection.
Sales Reviewer, on Risk of Loss.)
Vendee’s refusal
(2) To Warrant Against Eviction If vendee has the right to refuse and rightfully
and Against Hidden Defects refused upon delivery,

(Note: This is discussed under Section H of this He has no obligation to return them UNLESS
Sales Reviewer, on Warranties.) otherwise agreed BUT he has to take
reasonable care of the goods
4. Obligations of the Vendee
He is not a depositary thereof UNLESS he
voluntarily agrees to be one
Inspection and acceptance
i. Inspection/buyer’s right to examine
The buyer is deemed to have accepted the
[Art. 1584]
goods when:
1. He intimates to the seller that he has
General rule: The buyer is not deemed to have
accepted them
accepted the goods delivered which he has not
2. The goods have been delivered to him and
previously examined unless and until he has
he does any act in relation to them which is
had a reasonable opportunity to examine them
inconsistent with the ownership of the
for the purpose of ascertaining whether they
are in conformity with the contract.
3. After the lapse of a reasonable time, he
retains the goods without intimating to the
Exception: If there is a stipulation to the
seller that he has rejected them. [Art. 1585,
contrary [par. 1, Art. 1584, CC]
General rule: The seller is bound, when he
General rule: Exercise of acts of ownership
tenders delivery to the buyer, on request, to
over the goods is a manifestation of
afford the buyer a reasonable opportunity to
acceptance, such as making use of them as
examine the goods for the purpose of
owner, making alterations in the goods, or
ascertaining whether they are in conformity
subjecting it to the process of manufacture.
with the contract.
Exception: Buyer’s right to make a test of
Exception: Unless otherwise agreed upon
goods, but only if necessary, to enable him to
[par. 2, Art. 1584, CC]
determine whether to accept or reject the
Exception to the right to examine: C.O.D.
Modes of acceptance
Where goods are delivered to a carrier by the
2. Express acceptance - Buyer intimates to
seller, in accordance with an order from or
the seller that the has accepted them
agreement with the buyer, upon the terms that
3. Implied acceptance
the goods shall not be delivered by the carrier
b. When the vendee, after delivery of
to the buyer until he has paid the price, whether
goods, does any act inconsistent
such terms are indicated by marking the goods
with the vendor’s ownership or
with the words "collect on delivery," or

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otherwise, the buyer is not entitled to examine i. Obligation to pay interest

the goods before the payment of the price, in
the absence of: The buyer shall owe interest on the price from
a. agreement; or the time the thing is delivered up to the time of
b. usage of trade payment if there is stipulation requiring
c. permitting such examination. [par. 3, interests, or even if there is none, if the thing
Art. 1584, CC] delivered produces fruits or income, or if the
buyer incurs in default from the time of judicial
ii. Delivery of goods in installment or extrajudicial demand for payment [Baviera].

General rule: The vendee is not bound to The three instances when the vendee shall pay
accept delivery of goods in installment interest for the period between delivery and
payment of the price:
Exception: Unless otherwise agreed upon 1. If there was a stipulation;
[par. 1, Art. 1583, CC] 2. If the thing sold and delivered produces
fruits or income;
Where separate price has been fixed for 3. If the vendee is in default, from the time of
each installment [par. 2, Art. 1583, CC] judicial or extrajudicial demand for
Where there is a contract of sale of goods payment [Art. 1589, CC].
1. To be delivered by stated installments,
2. To be separately paid for, and ii. Right of vendee to suspend payment
3. The seller makes defective deliveries in of price
respect of one or more installments, or the
buyer neglects or refuses without just The vendee has the right to suspend in two
cause to take delivery of or pay for one or instances:
more installments. 1. If he is disturbed in the possession or
ownership of the thing bought; or
It depends in each case on the terms of the 2. If he has reasonable grounds to fear such
contract and the circumstances of the case: disturbance, by a vindicatory action or a
1. Whether the breach of contract is so foreclosure of mortgage [Art. 1590, CC]
material as to justify the injured party in
refusing to proceed further and suing for Except
damages for breach of the entire contract, 1. If the vendor gives security for the return of
or the price in a proper case
2. Whether the breach is severable, giving 2. If it has been stipulated
rise to a claim for compensation but not to 3. If the vendor caused disturbance or danger
a right to treat the whole contract as to cease
broken. 4. If the disturbance is a mere act of trespass
5. If the vendee has already fully paid the
Obligation to pay the price price [De Leon]

Article 1582, CC: The vendee is bound to Should the vendee be disturbed in the
accept delivery and to pay the price of the possession or ownership of the thing delivered,
thing sold at the time and place stipulated in or should he have reasonable grounds to fear
the contract. such disturbance by a vindicatory action, or a
foreclosure of mortgage, he may suspend
If the time and place should not have been payment until the vendor has caused the
stipulated, the payment must be made at the disturbance or danger to cease, unless there is
time and place of the delivery of the thing a stipulation to the contrary [Baviera]

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In cases of delay of payment, one should also

be liable for interest and penalties for such One who sells something he does not own
delay in payment. It would be grossly unfair for yet is bound by the sale when he acquires
respondent to be deprived of the amount it the thing later. [Bucton v. Gabar, G.R. No.
would have received from the sale of their L-36359 (1974)]
properties, while petitioners benefited from the
use and continued possession of the properties 2. Estoppel: Owner is, by his conduct,
[Sps. Mahusay v. B.E. San Diego (2011)]. precluded from denying the seller’s
authority to sell. [Art. 1434, CC]
Obligation to Bear the
Expenses for the Execution and 3. Registered land bought in good faith
Registration of the Sale and
General rule: Buyer need not go beyond
Putting the Goods in a the Torrens Title
Deliverable State, if so
Stipulated Exception: When he has actual
knowledge of facts and circumstances that
Art.1521, par. 5: Unless otherwise agreed, the would impel a reasonably cautious man to
expenses of and incidental to putting the goods make further inquiry
into a deliverable state must be borne by the
seller. 4. Order of courts; statutory sale - In
execution sale, the buyer merely steps into
the shoes of the judgment debtor [Sec. 33,
5. Transfer of Ownership
Rule 39, ROC]
The ownership of the thing sold shall be
5. When goods are purchased in Merchant’s
transferred to the vendee upon the actual or
store, Fair, or Market [Art. 1505, CC]
constructive delivery thereof, or in any manner
signifying an agreement that possession is
transferred from the vendor to the vendee. Sale by Person Having a
[Baviera] Voidable Title

Note: The contract of sale constitutes only a 1. True owner may recover the thing when
right to the transfer or acquisition of ownership, the ff. requisites concur:
while delivery is the method of accomplishing • Subject matter is movable
the same. • Owner has either lost the thing or has
been unlawfully deprived. [Art. 559,
When the seller is not the owner CC]

General Rule: Ownership is not acquired by 2. Reimbursement is necessary before

the buyer. One cannot give what one does not owner can recover when:
have. [Art. 1505, CC] • Buyer acted in good faith
• Acquired at a public auction [Art. 559,
Exceptions CC]
1. Seller has a right to transfer ownership
3. Recovery no longer possible when:
Seller need not be the owner of the thing at • Buyer in good faith
the time of perfection of the contract. It is • Acquired it at a merchant’s store, fair or
sufficient that seller has a right to transfer market. [Art. 1506, CC]
ownership thereof at the time it is delivered.
[Art. 1459, CC]

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property. [Agricultural and Home Extension

Development Group v. CA, G.R. No. 92310 b. Accompanied by vendors duplicate
(1992)] certificate of title, payment of capital
gains tax, and documentary tax
General Rule: As a rule, he who asserts the registration fees
status of a purchaser in good faith and for value
has the burden of proving such assertion. Must be accompanied by:
[Mathay v. CA, G.R. No. 115788 (1998)] • Vendor’s duplicate certificate of title
• Payment of capital gains tax – 6% of the
When buyer is presumed to be in bad faith selling price or zonal value, whichever is
Annotation of adverse claim: Places any higher
subsequent buyer of the registered land in bad • Documentary tax registration fees – 1.5%
faith. [Balatbat v. CA, G.R. No. 109410 (1996)] of the selling price or zonal value,
whichever is higher
Annotation of Lis Pendens: Buyer cannot be
considered an innocent purchaser for value 6. Risk of Loss
where it ignored the lis pendens on the title.
The Code Commission followed the common
A purchaser of a parcel of land cannot close his law rule that the OWNER bears the risk of
eyes to facts which should put a reasonable loss in absence of stipulation to the contrary,
man upon his guard, such as when the property
while retaining the rule in Roman Law which
*subject of the purchase is in the possession of
requires delivery by the seller, whether actual
persons other than the seller. A buyer who
or constructive, to transfer OWNERSHIP to the
could not have failed to know or discover that buyer. 

the land sold to him was in the adverse
possession of another is a buyer in bad faith.
Article 1263, CC: In an obligation to deliver
[Heirs of Ramon Durano v. Uy, G.R. No.
a generic thing, the loss or destruction of
136456 (2000)]
anything of the same kind does not
extinguish the obligation.
Annotation of
Lis Pendens
Adverse Claim General Rule: Risk of loss shall be borne by
May be cancelled the owner (Note: owner is not always the seller)
May be cancelled
even before the
only in one instance,
action is finally Exceptions
i.e., after the claim is
terminated for 1. When ownership of the goods has been
adjudged invalid or
causes which may transferred to him, the buyer bears the risk
unmeritorious by the
not be attributable to of loss.
the claimant 2. When there is a stipulation to the contrary.
3. When the seller retains the title for security,
The two are not contradictory or repugnant to the buyer bears the risk of loss.
one another; nor does the existence of one
4. When there is delay in the delivery, the
automatically nullify the other, and if any of the
party in fault bears the risk of loss.
registrations should be considered
5. When sale is for “approval or trial”, the
unnecessary or superfluous, it would be the
seller bears the risk of loss until the buyer
notice of lis pendens [A. Doronila Resources
approves or the trial period lapses.
Development Inc v. CA, G.R. Nos. L-42956-
6. When sale is on “return”, the buyer bears
the risk of loss until he returns it.

Page 350 of 532


(1) As avoided; or
Res Perit domino [Arts. 1263, (2) As valid in all of the existing goods or in
and 1189 CC] so much thereof as have not deteriorated,
and as binding the buyer to pay the agreed
Owner bears risk of loss and deterioration. The price for the goods in which the ownership
ownership is transferred only upon delivery. will pass, if the sale was divisible.

Prior to Perfection of Contract Partial Loss (Or loss

which results in
Total Loss
Seller bears risk of loss and deterioration. substantial change in
Basis: Res perit domino character)
Contract is void
Buyer may withdraw from
When there is no proof that the parties have because the
the contract
agreed as to the thing which should be the object did not
subject of the contract and that one has exist at the time
Buy the remainder at a
accepted the terms proposed by the other, it of the
proportionate price
cannot be said that the contracting parties have transaction.
given their mutual consent as to the subject
and consideration of the contract. The Article 1496 of the Civil Code which provides
disappearance or loss of property which the that in the absence of an express assumption’
owner intended or attempted to sell can only of risk by the buyer, the things sold remain at
interest the owner, who should suffer the loss, seller’s risk until the ownership thereof is
and not a third party who has acquired no rights transferred to the buyer,” is applicable to this
nor incurred any liability with respect thereto. case, for there was neither an actual nor
[Roman v. Grimalt, 1906] constructive delivery of the thing sold, hence,
the risk of loss should be borne by the seller,
Norkis, which was still the owner and
At Time of Perfection [Arts. 1493
possessor of the motorcycle when it was
and 1494, CC] wrecked. This is in accordance with the well-
known doctrine of res perit domino. [Norkis v.
Seller bears risk of loss and deterioration. CA, 1991]
Basis: Res perit domino.
After Perfection but Before
Article 1493, CC: If at the time the contract
of sale is perfected, the thing which is the
object of the contract has been entirely lost,
the contract shall be with- out any effect. Loss
But if the thing should have been lost in part General Rule: Stipulations in the contract will
only, the vendee may choose between govern.
withdrawing from the contract and
demanding the remaining part, paying its Exception: In the absence of stipulation, there
are two conflicting views:
price in proportion to the total sum agreed
upon. 1. Res perit creditori or the buyer bears the
risk of loss.
Article 1494, CC: Where the parties purport
a sale of specific goods, and the goods with- This is an exception to the rule of res perit
out the knowledge of the seller have domino
perished in part or have wholly or in a
material part so deteriorated in quality as to Basis: Art. 1504, CC only covers goods.
be substantially changed in character, the
buyer may at his option treat the sale:

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Pursuant to Art. 1262, CC if the thing is Exceptions: [Art. 1504 (1) and (2), CC]
destroyed without the fault of the a. Where delivery has been made either to
debtor/seller, the obligation to pay shall the buyer or to the bailee for the buyer, but
subsist. ownership in the goods has been retained
2. Res perit domino or the seller bears the risk by the seller merely to secure performance
of loss. by the buyer of his obligations under the
Basis: The rule on loss is different from the contract; and
rule on deterioration for the loss would be b. Where actual delivery has been delayed
for the account of the seller, while the through the fault of either the buyer or
deterioration would be for the account of seller, the goods are at the risk of the party
the buyer. in fault.

In reciprocal obligations, the SUMMARY OF RULES ON THE RISK OF

extinguishment of the obligation due to loss LOSS
of the thing extinguishes the entire juridical Before Seller bears risk of loss or
relation. Perfection deterioration
Seller also benefits from the
Deterioration [Art. 1189 CC] fruits and improvements therein
Impairment is borne by the BUYER if the thing At Entire Loss will be ineffective
deteriorates without the fault of the seller. Perfection Substantial Loss or
Deterioration shall allow buyer
If it deteriorates through the fault of the seller, to withdraw or buy the
the buyer may choose between rescission of remainder at a proportionate
obligation and fulfillment, either case with price.
indemnity for damages. After Seller bears risk of loss
Perfection Buyer bears risk of
After Delivery Buyer also benefits from the
fruits and improvements therein
Article 1504, CC: Unless otherwise agreed, Before Buyer bears risk of loss or
the goods remain at the seller's risk until the Delivery deterioration
ownership therein is transferred to the buyer, Buyer also benefits from the
but when the ownership therein is fruits and improvements therein
transferred to the buyer the goods are at the
buyer's risk whether actual delivery has
been made or not, except that:
7. Documents of Title

(1) Where delivery of the goods has been In General

made to the buyer or to a bailee for the
buyer, in pursuance of the contract and the Documents of Title to Goods – Includes bills
ownership in the goods has been retained by of lading, dock warrants, “quedans” or
the seller merely to secure performance by warehouse receipts or orders for the delivery of
the buyer of his obligations under the goods
contract, the goods are at the buyer's risk • This is proof of possession or control of
from the time of such delivery; the goods
• This also authorizes the possessor of
(2) Where actual delivery has been delayed the document to transfer or receive,
through the fault of either the buyer or seller either by indorsement or delivery, the
the goods are at the risk of the party in fault. goods represented by the document,

General Rule: Buyer bears risk of loss and Bill of Lading – A document issued by the
deterioration. common carrier acknowledging receipt of

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goods described therein for transportation to a divested of his rights merely upon loss of the
designated place and delivery to a named documents.
• It is a symbol of possession and control Rights Acquired by Negotiation
of the goods if it is negotiable in form A document of title represents the right of the
• This authorizes the consignee to consignee in the goods so that:
transfer the goods to another • A person to whom a negotiable document
• If properly negotiated, this shall of title had been duly negotiated acquires
operate as a transfer of possession of not merely the rights of his vendor but
the goods in transit as effectively as a also whatever rights the original
physical delivery thereof consignee had over the goods.
• The buyer of the document of title may
Kinds of Documents of Title acquire a better title than his vendor,
constituting an exception to Art. 1505, CC.
Negotiable – the goods described therein are
deliverable to bearer or to the order of the Note: The validity of the negotiation of a
consignee document of title to an innocent purchaser for
value is not affected by the fact that there was
Non-Negotiable – deliverable only to a a breach of duty on the part of the person to
specified person whom such document was entrusted by the
owner, or by the fact that the owner of the
NEGOTIABLE DOCUMENTS OF TITLE document was deprived of it by loss, theft,
fraud, accident, mistake, duress or conversion.
How Negotiated [Baviera]
A negotiable bill of lading may be negotiated by
delivery of the document to another if by the Example: If a negotiable instrument was
terms thereof, the goods are deliverable to indorsed in blank by the consignee and was
bearer stolen by the one who sold and delivered the
document to an innocent purchaser for value =
When the bill of lading was endorsed in blank the latter acquires the title of the consignee
by the person to whose order the goods
were deliverable. Implied Warranties
A person who transfers or negotiates a
If by its terms the goods are deliverable to the document of title for value:
order of a specified person, it can only be • Warrants not only the genuineness and
negotiated by indorsement of such person. validity of the document and his right to
transfer it
Who May Negotiate It • BUT ALSO assumed all the warranties
Only the owner of the document or one to of a vendor of goods.
whom possession or custody of the document
has been entrusted by the owner, may However, he does NOT warrant that the
negotiate it. [Art. 1512, CC] common carrier will fulfill its obligations to
deliver the goods or that the previous indorsers
Or the one to whom possession or custody of will fulfill their obligation.
document has been entrusted by the owner. • The indorser of a negotiable document of
This was in accordance with common law title does not assume the same warranties
denying the full effects of negotiability of bills of like that of a general indorser of a
lading inasmuch as they do not represent negotiable bill of exchange/promissory
money but merely evidence of performance of note
certain contractual duties. Owner should not be

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o A document of title refers to specific • Even if the deed of sale or donation is

goods in the possession of the evidenced in a public instrument, the
carrier execution of such instrument will not
○ This cannot be substituted by operate as a constructive delivery of the
similar goods of the same kind and goods described in the bill of lading where
quantity should the carrier fail to the goods are in possession of a third
deliver the goods described in the person.
Rights Acquired by Transfer of Documents
Creditor’s Rights Against the Goods of Title
General Rule: Goods in the hands of the Transfer – the assignment of the rights of the
carrier covered by a negotiable document of consignee of a non-negotiable document of
title cannot be attached or levied upon title to another.
Exception: Unless the document be first
surrendered to the carrier or impounded by the Also refers to a case where an “order”
court or its negotiation be enjoined. document of title was sold or assigned, without
For the mercantile theory of documents of title
is founded on the idea that a negotiable The effect of a transfer of document of title is
document of title represents the goods that the transferee does not acquire a better
[Baviera]: title than his transferor.
! THUS, it is not allowable for the carrier
to deliver the goods without the The same rules governing sales of goods not
surrender of the negotiable bill of lading covered by a document of title apply.
to them
○ Or for the law to allow Illustration: Where an "order" bill of lading was
attachment or levy on the sold without endorsement, the transferee can
goods, regardless of an bring an action to compel the transferor to
outstanding negotiable endorse the document, unless a contrary
document of title. intention appears – but the “negotiation” will
take effect only as of the time endorsement is

How Transferred Hence, before endorsement, the rights of the

Goods described in a non-negotiable transferee may be defeated by the rights of a
document of title are deliverable only to a prior party who was illegally deprived of
specified person: possession of such document.
• Thus, the carrier will NOT deliver the goods
to any holder of the document, 8. Warranties
• Or to whom such document of title may
have been endorsed by the consignee. Warranties - A statement or representation
made by the seller contemporaneously and as
There must be evidence of the sale or donation part of the contract of sale, having reference to
of the goods: the character, quality, or title of the goods, and
• The person must present to the carrier the by which he promises or undertakes to ensure
deed of sale or donation in his favor. that certain facts are or shall be as he then
• Hence, delivery of such document to a represents.
purchaser or donee cannot operate as a
symbolic delivery of the goods described Not every false representation voids the
therein as would pass title to the latter. contract, only those matters substantially
affecting the buyer’s interest, not matters of

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opinion, judgment, probability, or expectation. If seller has promised that the condition should
When the buyer undertakes his own happen or be performed, the buyer may treat
investigation, and the seller does nothing to the nonperformance of the condition as a
prevent it from being as full as the buyer breach of warranty. [Art. 1545, CC]
chooses, the buyer cannot afterwards allege
misrepresentations. [Songco v. Sellner, G.R. Express Implied
No. L-11513 (1917)] Nature is
Contractual; Freely Constituted by Law
Economic Loss Doctrine: Where the defect Represented
makes the goods less valuable Only seller is bound,
Stipulated by parties,
whether or not
Condition v. Warranty thereby binding both
intended or known
the seller and buyer
Article 1545, CC: Where the obligation of by the parties.
either party to a contract of sale is subject to
any condition which is not performed, such Express Warranties
party may refuse to proceed with the
contract or he may waive performance of the For there to be express warranty, the following
condition. If the other party has promised requisites must concur:
that the condition should happen or be a. An affirmation of fact or any promise
performed, such first mentioned party may relating to the thing sold;
also treat the nonperformance of the b. The natural tendency of such
condition as a breach of warranty. affirmation or promise is to induce the
buyer to buy;
Where the ownership in the thing has not c. The buyer buys the thing relying
passed, the buyer may treat the fulfillment by thereon. [Art. 1546, CC]
the seller of his obligation to deliver the same d. Made before the sale, not upon
as de- scribed and as warranted expressly delivery or any other point
or by implication in the contract of sale as a
condition of the obligation of the buyer to An express warranty can be made by and also
perform his promise to accept and pay for be binding on the seller even in the sale of a
the thing. second hand article. [Moles v. IAC, G.R. No.
73913 (1989)]
Condition Warranty
Goes into the Express Warranty v. Dealer’s/Trader’s Talk
Pertains to and performance of an Article 1545, CC: Any affirmation of fact or
affects the existence obligation and may, any promise by the seller relating to the thing
of the obligation in itself, be an is an express warranty if the natural
obligation tendency of such affirmation or promise is to
Non-happening does Non-fulfillment induce the buyer to purchase the same, and
not amount to breach constitutes breach if the buyer purchase the thing relying
of contract of contract thereon. No affirmation of the value of the
Stipulation or thing, nor any statement purporting to be a
Must be stipulated statement of the seller's opinion only, shall
operation of law
Always relates to the be construed as a warranty, unless the seller
May attach either to made such affirmation or statement as an
subject matter or the
the seller’s duty to expert and it was relied upon by the buyer.
seller’s obligations
deliver thing or some
as to the subject
other circumstance Article 1340, CC: The usual exaggerations
in trade, when the other party had an

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opportunity to know the facts, are not in Implied Warranties [Art. 1547,
themselves fraudulent. CC]
Article 1341, CC: A mere expression of an An implied warranty is derived by law, by
opinion does not signify fraud, unless made implication, or inference from the nature of the
by an expert and the other party has relied transaction or relativation, or circumstances of
on the former's special knowledge. the parties, irrespective of any intention of the
seller to create it. [De Leon]
Dealer’s or Trader’s Talk
Warranty Implied Warranty of Title
What is a. Implied Warranty against
Affirmation of the value of the
specifically Encumbrance/Non-Apparent Servitudes
thing or statement of only the
represented b. Implied Warranty against Hidden Defects
seller’s opinion is not a
as true in [Art. 1547, CC]
warranty unless:
● The seller made it as an • Implied Warranty as to Merchantable
document Quality and Fitness of Goods
cannot be
● It was relied upon by the • Implied Warranty against Redhibitory
considered Defect in the Sale of Animals [Art.
buyer. [Art.1546, CC]
as mere 1572, CC]
● Ordinarily, what does not
dealer's • Quality and Fitness of Goods in Sale by
appear on the face of the
talk. [Moles Sample or Description
written instrument [Moles
v. IAC, c. Other Warranties
v. IAC, supra]
Express Warranty v. False Representation
Article 1342, CC: Misrepresentation by a Implied warranty arises by operation of law and
third person does not vitiate consent, unless need not be stipulated in the contract of sale.
such misrepresentation has created
substantial mistake and the same is mutual. Warranty of Seller’s Right to Sell: Seller
warrants his right to sell at the time the
Express ownership is to pass.
False Representation
When concealment of facts Inapplicable to a sheriff, auctioneer,
comes with an active mortgagee, pledgee, or other person
misstatement of fact or a professing to sell by virtue of authority in fact or
partial statement of fact, such law. [Art. 1547, CC]
that withholding of that unsaid
portion makes that which is Warranty against Eviction: Seller warrants
stated absolutely false.
Concealment that buyer, from the time ownership passes,
of facts does shall have and enjoy legal and peaceful
However, a buyer who fails to
not possession of the thing. Its requisites are:
inspect the condition of
property despite ample a. Buyer is deprived of the whole or a part of
amount to the thing sold;
opportunity to do so when
false b. Eviction is by final judgment;
there is no opposition on the
representation c. Final judgment based on a right prior to the
part of seller to inspect cannot
later on allege false sale or an act imputable to the vendor;
representation. [Philippine d. Seller is summoned and made co-
Manufacturing Co. v. Go defendant in the suit for eviction at the
Jocco, G.R. No. L-24256 instance of the buyer. [Power Commercial
(1926)] and Industrial Corp. v. CA, G.R. No.
119745 (1997)]

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ENCUMBRANCE/NON-APPARENT a. Where the goods are brought by
SERVITUDES description from a seller who deals in
goods of that description [Art. 1562, CC]
Requisites for breach: b. In a sale by sample, if the seller is a dealer
a. Thing sold is an immovable in goods of that kind and the defect is not
b. Burden or servitude encumbering the thing apparent on reasonable examination of the
sold is: sample [Art. 1566, CC]
1. Non-apparent to the naked eye
2. Not mentioned in the agreement Warranty of merchantability is warranty that
3. Of such nature that it must be goods are reasonably fit for the general
presumed that the buyer would not purpose for which the same are sold.
have bought it had he been aware of it
4. Not recorded in the Registry of Warranty of fitness is warranty that goods are
Property unless there is an express suitable for the special purpose of the buyer
warranty that the thing is free from all which will not be satisfied by mere fitness for
burdens and encumbrances [Art. 1560, general purposes.
In a sale by sample, there is implied warranty
IMPLIED WARRANTY AGAINST HIDDEN that goods are free from defects not apparent
DEFECTS on reasonable examination of sample and
which render goods unmerchantable.
Requisites for breach: [Mendoza v. David, G.R. No. 147575 (2004)]
a. The defect renders the thing sold unfit
for the use for which it was intended “Fitness for a particular purpose”: Where
OR diminishes its fitness for such use the buyer expressly or impliedly makes known
to such an extent that had the buyer to the seller the particular purpose for which the
been aware thereof, he would not have goods are acquired AND it appears that the
bought it or would have paid a lower buyer relied on the seller’s skill or judgment
price; [Art.1562(1), CC]
b. The defect is not patent or visible;
c. The buyer is not an expert who, by IMPLIED WARRANTY AGAINST
reason of his trade or profession, REDHIBITORY DEFECT IN THE SALE OF
should have known the defect ANIMALS [Art. 1572, CC]
d. The seller is aware of the hidden fault
or defect, OR even if he is not aware Redhibitory defect – a hidden defect of
thereof, if there is no stipulation to the animals of such nature that expert knowledge
contrary [Art.1566] is not sufficient to discover it, even in a case
where a professional inspection has been
The buyer must also give notice of such made
redhibitory defect within a reasonable time.
No warranty in case of [Art. 1574, CC]
The use contemplated must be that which is a. Animals sold at fairs or public auctions
stipulated, and in the absence of stipulation, b. Livestock sold as condemned
that which is adopted to the nature of the thing,
and to the business of the buyer. The following sales are void [Art. 1575, CC]
a. Sale of animals suffering from contagious
MERCHANTABLE QUALITY AND FITNESS b. Sale of animals unfit for the purpose for
OF GOODS which they are acquired as stated in the

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reasonable man upon his guard and then claim

Veterinarians are liable if they fail to discover that he acted in good faith under the belief that
or disclose the hidden defect through there was no defect in the title of the vendor.
ignorance or bad faith. [Art. 1576, CC]
Buyer’s Options in Case of
Seller liable if animal dies within 3 days after Breach of Warranty
its purchase due to a disease that existed at
the time of sale. [Art. 1578, CC] Remedies of buyer for breach of warranty,
both implied and express:
Effects of Warranties • Accept goods + demand
diminution/extinction of price
a. Natural tendency is to induce buyer to • Accept goods + damages
purchase the subject matter • Refuse to accept goods + damages
b. Buyer purchases subject matter relying Rescind (Refuse to accept or return or offer
thereon to return) + recover price paid [Art. 1599,
c. Seller liable for damages in case of breach CC]

Effects of Waivers EXPRESS WARRANTY

Only applicable to waiver of warranty against Prescriptive period: Period specified in

eviction; parties may increase or decrease express warranty OR 4 years, if no period is
warranty against eviction but the effect specified (following the general rule on
depends on good/bad faith of the seller: rescission of contracts)
a. Seller in bad faith and there is warranty
against eviction – null and void Remedies
b. Buyer without knowledge of a particular Rescission not available when buyer:
risk and made general renunciation of a. Knew of breach of warranty when he
warranty – not waiver but merely limits accepted the goods without protest
liability of seller in case of eviction (pay b. Fails to notify the seller about election to
value of subject matter at the time of rescind within a reasonable period of time
eviction) c. Fails to return or offer to return the goods
c. Buyer with knowledge of risk of eviction to the seller in substantially a good
assumed its consequences and made a condition as they were when delivered,
waiver – vendor not liable unless deterioration was due to breach of
d. Waiver to a specific case of eviction – warranty
wipes out warranty as to that specific risk
but not as to eviction caused by other Measure of damages: Difference between
reasons value of goods at the time of delivery and the
value they would have had if they had
One who purchases real estate with knowledge answered to the warranty
of defect or lack of title cannot claim he
acquired title thereto in good faith, as against Effects of rescission
true owner of land or of interest therein. [J.M. a. Buyer no longer liable for price: Entitled
Tuason v. CA, G.R. No. L-41233 (1979)] The to the return of any part of price paid,
same rule must be applied to one who has concurrently with or immediately after
knowledge of facts which should have put him an offer to return the goods
upon such inquiry and investigation as might b. If seller refuses to accept offer to return
be necessary to acquaint him with the defects goods: buyer deemed as bailee for
in the title of his vendor. A purchaser cannot seller and has right of lien to secure
close his eyes to facts which should put a payment of part of price paid

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Total Eviction Partial Eviction ENCUMBRANCES [Art. 1560, CC]
Enforce liability for
eviction Enforce liability Rescission: Within 1 year from execution of
(demand deed of sale OR
Demand from seller: VICED)
(VICED) OR Damages: Within 1 year from execution of
a. Value of thing sold at Rescind within 6 deed of sale or discovery of the burden or
time of eviction months from servitude
b. Income or fruits, if he delivery
has been ordered to a. If he would IMPLIED WARRANTY AGAINST HIDDEN
deliver them to the not have DEFECTS [Arts. 1567-1571, CC]
party who won the bought the
eviction suit thing sold If thing is not lost:
c. Costs of eviction suit without the • Withdraw from contract (accion
and in a proper case, part lost; redhibitoria) + damages
suit against seller for b. BUT he must • Demand a proportionate reduction of the
warranty return the price (accion quanti minoris) + damages
d. Expenses of the thing without
contract, if buyer has other If thing is lost:
paid them encumbranc Due to fortuitous
e. Damages and es than Due to hidden fault event or fault of
interests, and those which buyer
ornamental it had when Demand:
If seller aware of
expenses, IF sale he acquired a. Price paid
defect, buyer may
was made in bad it minus value
faith of thing
a. Return of
when it was
Rules lost
b. Refund of
a. Buyer need not appeal from decision to b. Damages, if
hold seller liable for eviction seller acted
c. Damages
b. When adverse possession commenced in bad faith
before sale, but prescription period If seller not aware of
completed after transfer: seller is not liable defect:
c. If property sold for nonpayment of taxes Buyer may demand
due and not made known to the buyer price and expenses
before the sale: seller liable BUT NOT damages
d. Judgment debtor also responsible for
eviction in judicial sales, unless it is Prescriptive period: 6 mos. from delivery
otherwise decreed in the judgment
If there is waiver of warranty: REDHIBITORY DEFECTS OF ANIMALS
a. Seller acted in bad faith: Waiver is void,
seller liable for eviction Remedies
b. Buyer made waiver without knowledge of • Withdraw from contract + damages
risks of eviction: Seller liable only for the • Demand a proportionate reduction of the
value of the thing sold at time of eviction price + damages
c. Buyer made waiver with knowledge of
risks: Seller not liable; buyer assumed the If sale is rescinded:

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a. Buyer must return animal in the condition in Remedies of the Seller

which it was sold and delivered
b. Buyer shall be liable for injury due to his QUICK SUMMARY OF REMEDIES OF
negligence. SELLER
Prescriptive period: 40 days from delivery Damages, Rescission, Price
through Specific
Warranty in Sale of Consumer Performance.
Goods Special Remedies:
Possessory lien, Stoppage in
If implied warranty accompanies express transitu, Resale, Rescission
warranty, both will be of equal duration. [Sec. Exact fulfillment, Cancellation
Movables on
68, RA 7394] of the Sale, Foreclosure of
Chattel Mortgage
Express Warranty Implied Warranty Price through Specific
a. Retain the Performance, Rescission (for
a. Demand repair Immovables
goods and anticipatory breach and for
within 30 days;
recover non-payment)
extendible for
damages Contract of Sale: Rescission
causes beyond the
OR Immovables through Article 1592, CC
control of the
b. Reject the on Contract to Sell: Rescission
goods, cancel Installment through Maceda Law (RA
b. Demand refund of
contract and 6552)
price minus amount
recover from
directly attributable
seller so much 1. Sale of Goods
to the use of the
of the purchase
consumer prior to
price as has ACTION FOR PRICE [Art. 1595, CC]
the discovery of the
been paid + a. When the ownership of the goods has
damages passed to the buyer and he wrongfully
neglects or refuses to pay for the price
9. Breach of Contract b. When the price is payable on a certain day
and the buyer wrongfully neglects to pay
The following remedies arise from the such price, whether or not ownership has
bilateral nature of the contract of sale: passed
a. Specific performance c. When the goods cannot readily be resold
b. Rescission for a reasonable price, and the buyer
c. Damages wrongfully refuses to accept the goods,
whether or not ownership has passed
General rule: Rescission of a contract will not
be permitted for a slight or casual breach, but In an action by the seller under (2), buyer can
only for such substantial and fundamental set up the defense that the seller, at any time
breach as would defeat the very object of the before judgment in such action, could not or did
parties in making the agreement. [Song Fo & not intend to deliver the goods.
Co. v. Hawaiian-Philippine Co., G.R. No.
23769 (1925)] Unless the contrary appears, payment and
delivery are presumed to be concurrent acts,
Prescriptive periods and the obligation of each party to perform the
• 10 years if based on written contract contract is dependent upon the simultaneous
• 6 years if based on oral contract performance by the other party [de Leon].

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If ownership has not yet passed to the buyer, perform his obligations, or has committed a
the seller cannot maintain an action for the breach of the contract of sale.
price, unless it involves (1) or (3). Under this rule, rescission would bar an action
Title to goods passes from the moment the on the contract because it means cancellation
goods are placed at the buyer’s disposal when of the contractual obligations between the
refusal to accept is without just cause. [de Leon parties. [Baviera]
citing Art. 1588, CC]
The unpaid seller’s right to rescind for non-
ACTION FOR DAMAGES [Art. 1596, CC] performance is not absolute. Not allowed to
When ownership has not yet passed and the rescind when:
buyer, without lawful cause, neglects or a. There are 3rd persons possessing the
refuses to ACCEPT and PAY for the goods objects of the contract to whom no bad faith
is imputable [de Leon; Ocejo Perez & Co.
General rule: Measure of damages is the v. International Bank, G.R. No. L-10658
ESTIMATED LOSS directly and naturally (1918)]
resulting in the ordinary course of events from b. Breach is on slight or casual [de Leon;
the buyer’s breach. Song Fo & Co. v. Hawaiian-Phil. Co.,
a. Where there is available market for goods: The seller cannot unilaterally and
Difference between the contract price and extrajudicially rescind a contract absent
the market price. The market price is fixed express stipulation to do so, except as
at the time the goods ought to have been provided in Art. 1597. [De Leon]
accepted, or if no time was fixed, at the
time of refusal to accept. 2. Special Remedies of the Unpaid
Seller [Arts. 1525-1535, CC]
Note: When there are special
circumstances showing proximate a. Possessory lien;
damages of a greater amount than the b. Stoppage in transitu;
difference between the contract price and c. Special right of resale; and
market price, seller is entitled to such d. Special right to rescind
higher amount of damages when such
damages may be reasonably attributed to Note: These special remedies have a
the non-performance of the obligation. [de hierarchical application. The special rights to
Leon; par. 3, Art. 1596 read with par. 2, Art. resell and to rescind can be availed of by the
2201, CC] unpaid seller only when either of the two prior
rights of possessory lien or stoppage in transitu
b. Where labor or expense of material amount have been exercised by the unpaid seller.
is necessary on the part of the seller to [Villanueva]
perform the contract: Cost of labor
performed or expenses made before Definition of an Unpaid Seller
receiving notice of buyer’s repudiation, and
unrealized profit. Art. 1525. Seller is deemed to be unpaid seller:
1. When the whole of the price has not
RESCISSION BY GIVING THE BUYER been paid or tendered;
NOTICE OF THE ELECTION TO RESCIND 2. When a bill of exchange or other
[Art. 1597, CC] negotiable instrument has been
When the goods have not yet been delivered to received as conditional payment, and
the buyer, and the buyer repudiated the the condition on which it was received
contract of sale, or manifested his inability to has been broken by reason of the

Page 361 of 532


dishonor of the instrument, the c. Seller waives the lien

insolvency of the buyer, or otherwise. ● But it is not lost with respect to the
remainder of the goods when only
Unpaid Seller also includes: partial delivery is made (unless such is
a. The agent of the seller to whom the bill symbolic delivery of the whole)
of lading was endorsed, ● It is not lost by the mere fact that seller
b. The consignor or agent who had paid obtained a judgment for the price
the price or is responsible for the price
c. Any other person who is in the position When Lien May Be Revived After Delivery
of a seller (i.e. buyer who paid the price a. If the buyer refuses to receive the goods
and had a right to return the goods). after the same are delivered to the carrier
[Art. 1525, CC] or other bailee on his behalf, though the
seller has parted with both ownership and
A seller is considered to be an unpaid seller if possession. Here, the seller may reclaim
the whole price has not been paid or tendered, the goods and revest the lien. [par. 1 (2).
or when check received as a conditional Art 1531, CC]
payment was dishonored by non-payment or b. If the buyer returns the goods in wrongful
insolvency of the buyer. [Baviera] repudiation of the sale, and the seller, in
accepting the goods from the buyer, says
POSSESSORY LIEN OVER THE GOODS he does not assent to the rescission.
Right to retain possession of goods until
payment or tender of the whole price, or unless Possessory lien is lost after the seller loses
he agrees to sell on credit [Arts. 1526-1529, possession but his lien as an unpaid seller
1503, 1535, CC] remains. His preference can only be defeated
When lien available by the government’s claim to the specific tax on
a. The seller is unpaid the goods. [Arts. 2241, 2247, CC]
b. The unpaid seller has possession over the
c. Ownership of the thing has passed to the An extension of the lien for the price; entitles
buyer unpaid seller to resume possession of the
d. Any of the following: [Art 1527, CC] goods while they are in transit before the goods
• Goods are sold without stipulation as to come in possession of the vendee. [Arts. 1530-
credit 1532, 1535, 1636(2) CC]
• Goods are sold on credit, but term of
credit has expired Note: This is an old common law remedy which
• Buyer becomes insolvent is an extension of the lien for the price and
entitles the unpaid seller to resume possession
The seller may exercise his right of lien of the goods while they are in transit before the
notwithstanding that he is in possession of the goods come in possession of the vendee if the
goods as agent or bailee for the buyer [par. 2, latter is or becomes insolvent.
Art. 1527, CC]
Requisites for the exercise of stoppage in
When unpaid seller loses his lien [Art. 1529, transitu
CC] a. The seller is unpaid
a. Seller delivers goods to carrier or other b. The buyer is insolvent
bailee for transmission to the buyer without c. The goods are in transit
reserving ownership or right of possession d. The seller either takes actual possession,
(i.e. under a straight or non-negotiable bill or gives notice of claim to the carrier or
of lading) other person possessing the goods
b. Buyer or his agent lawfully obtains
possession of goods

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e. The seller must surrender the negotiable b. By giving notice of his claim to the
instrument or title, if any, issued by the carrier/other bailee who has possession of
carrier/bailee the goods
f. The seller must bear the expenses of the • Carrier must redeliver goods to seller,
delivery of the goods after exercise of such or according to his instructions
right. • Carrier not obliged to redeliver until the
negotiable document of title, if any, has
When Goods Are In Transit [par. 1, Art 1531, been surrendered for cancellation
a. From the time of delivery to the carrier or Effect When Buyer Has Sold the Goods [Art.
other bailee by the seller, for the purpose 1535, CC]
of transmission to the buyer, until the buyer General Rule: Seller’s right to stoppage in
or his agent takes such delivery from the transitu is not affected even if buyer has sold or
carrier. disposed of the goods unless the seller has
b. Even when goods have reached their given his assent thereto.
ultimate destination, if buyer rejects them Exceptions:
and carrier retains possession a. When seller has given consent thereto
b. When a negotiable document of title has
To terminate transit by delivery to a been issued for the goods to a purchaser
middleman, delivery must be to keep, not to for value in good faith
In case of misdelivery, the goods are still Available to unpaid seller who has a right of lien
considered in transit, hence, the seller may still or who has stopped the goods in transitu [Art.
exercise his right pursuant to Article 1523. 1533, CC].

When Goods are No Longer in Transit [par. When available

2, Art. 1531, CC] When the unpaid seller has either a right of lien
a. Buyer obtained delivery of the goods or has stopped the goods in transitu and under
before they have reached their appointed any of the following conditions:
destination a. The goods are perishable in nature
b. Goods have arrived at the appointed b. The right to resell is expressly reserved in
destination, and the carrier/bailee case the buyer should default
acknowledges to hold the goods on behalf c. The buyer delays in paying the price for an
of the buyer unreasonable time
c. Goods have arrived at the appointed
destination, but carrier wrongfully refuses The right to resell the goods is not mandatory,
to deliver to buyer/his agent but permissive.

Note: If the goods are delivered to a ship, How exercised

freight train, truck, or airplane chartered by the a. He must do so within a reasonable time
buyer, it is a question depending on the and in such manner as to obtain the best
circumstances of the particular case, whether price possible.
they are in the possession of the carrier as b. The place of sale shall be at the place of
such or as agent of the buyer. delivery, except if the seller cannot sell the
thing at a fair price at the place of delivery.
How Right is Exercised [Art. 1532, CC] c. Resale is deemed to be a fair sale if it is
a. By obtaining actual possession of the undertaken in accordance with established
goods business practices, with no attempt to take
advantage of the original buyer.

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d. Resale may be in a private or public sale, WHEN APPLICABLE

but seller cannot buy directly or indirectly.
e. For resale to be valid, buyer need not be Sale of movables in installment
notified of an intention to resell or the time The rule is intended to apply to sales of
and place of the resale. movables, the price of which is payable in 2 or
more installments, but not to straight-term
Exception: if the ground for resale is failure to sales where the price is payable in full, after
pay for an unreasonable amount of time making a down payment because the law aims
The seller must exercise reasonable judgment to protect improvident buyers who may be
in making the sale. tempted to buy beyond their means. [Levy
Hermanos v. Gervacio, G.R. No. l-46306
Effects of Resale: (1939)]
a. Seller is no longer liable to the original
buyer upon the contract of sale or for any Lease of personal property with option to
profit made by the resale buy
b. Buyer at resale acquires good title as When lessor has deprived the lessee of the
against the original owner possession or enjoyment of the thing (i.e.
c. In case resale is at a loss, seller is entitled lessor files a complaint for replevin against
to recover the difference from the original lessee).
d. Seller may recover damages from original Also applies when seller assigns his credit to
buyer for breach of contract someone else.


Return of the title over the undelivered goods REMEDIES
to the seller, and right to recover damages for
breach of contract [Art. 1534, CC] Note: The exercise of one remedy bars the
exercise of the others.
When available
When the unpaid seller has either a right of lien a. Specific Performance
or has stopped the goods in transitu and under
any of the following conditions: General Rule: When the seller has chosen
a. Seller expressly reserved his right to specific performance, he can no longer seek
rescind in case buyer defaults for rescission or foreclosure of the chattel
b. Buyer has been in default in payment for an mortgage
unreasonable time
Exception: If specific performance has
Transfer of title shall not be held to have been become impossible, the seller may still choose
rescinded by the unpaid seller until he rescission [Art. 1191, CC]
manifests by notice to the buyer or some other
overt act an intention to rescind. b. Cancellation of sale if vendee fails to
pay 2 or more installments
Communication of rescission to buyer is not
always necessary (it can be an overt act). But When the seller cancels the sale by
giving/failure to give notice is relevant in repossessing the property sold, he is barred
determining reasonableness of time given to from exacting payment for its price.
the buyer to make good his obligation under It can only be carried out when he who
contract. [de Leon] demands rescission can return whatever he
may be obliged to restore. [Art. 1385, CC]
3. Recto Law: Sale of Movables on
Installment – Arts. 1484-1486, CC

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c. Foreclosure of Chattel Mortgage if rescission. If absolute sale, seller must make a

vendee fails to pay 2 or more demand for rescission.
installments a. Judicially, OR
b. By a notarial act
If seller chooses this remedy, he shall have no
further action to recover any unpaid balance, Demand necessary even if automatic
and any stipulation to the contrary shall be void. rescission is stipulated
The purpose of the law is to remedy the abuses a. Effect of lack of demand: Buyer can still pay
committed in foreclosure of chattel b. Effect of demand: Court may not grant
mortgages. It prevents mortgagees from buyer a new term
seizing the mortgaged property, buying it at
foreclosure sale for a low price and then SECS. 23 AND 24, PD 957
bringing the suit against the mortgagor for a Non-forfeiture of payments
deficiency judgment. The almost invariable No installment payment made by the buyer
result of this procedure was that the mortgagor shall be forfeited in favor of the owner or
found himself minus the property and still developer of the condominium or subdivision
owing practically the full amount of his original project, after due notice, when the buyer
indebtedness. [Bachrach Motor Co., Inc. v. desists from paying due to the failure of the
Millan, G.R. No. L-42256 (1935)] developer or owner to develop the project
according to the approved plans or within the
4. Sale of Immovables time limit stated.

RESCISSION FOR ANTICIPATORY Buyer’s Remedy: At his option, he may

BREACH [ART. 1591, CC] reimburse the total amount paid including
Note: This is applicable to both cash sales and amortization interest with interest thereon at
sales in installments. the legal rate.

Requisites If the buyer fails to pay the installments for

a. There is delivery of immovable property reasons other than the failure of the owner or
b. Vendee has not yet paid the price; and developer to develop the project, his rights
c. Vendor has reasonable grounds to fear the shall be governed by RA 6552.
loss of property and the loss of price
5. Maceda Law (RA 6552): Sale of
If there is no such reasonable ground, Art. 1191 Immovables on Installment
applies (specific performance or rescission
with damages). RA 6552 does NOT apply to:
a. Industrial lots
Court has no discretion to compel the seller to b. Commercial buildings
wait for the expiration of the period to pay, or to c. Sale to tenants under Agricultural Reform
grant the buyer more time to pay. Code [RA 3844]
d. Sale of lands payable in straight terms
Seller may choose between specific Rights of the Buyer:
performance and rescission, with damages in The law imposes additional requirements on
either case. Court has discretion, for a just the part of the seller for a valid rescission.
cause, to give the buyer more time to pay even a. If buyer has paid at least 2 years of
if the seller chooses rescission. installments then defaults:
• Buyer has right to a grace period of 1
If seller chose specific performance, and such month per year of installment payment
becomes impossible, he may still avail of

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made BUT the buyer may only avail of However, mere filing of an unlawful detainer
the grace period once every 5 years suit by the seller does not operate as such
• Buyer has right to the refund of Cash notice. [de Leon]
Surrender Value (CSV): 50% of total
amount paid + 5% for every year after b. Remedies of the Buyer
the first 5 years of installments BUT
total CSV should not be greater than General rule: Courts will refuse to decree
90% of total amount paid specific performance with respect to chattels
• After the lapse of the grace period, because damages are a sufficient remedy.
buyer is given a notice of cancellation
or demand for rescission by notarial Exception: Buyer is entitled to the specific
act, effective 30 days from the buyer’s thing which to him has special value and which
receipt thereof AND only upon full he cannot readily obtain in the market OR
payment of CSV where damages would not furnish a complete
and adequate remedy. [Baviera]
b. If buyer has paid less than 2 years of
• Grace period of at least 60 days BUYER
• After the lapse of the grace period, REMEDY
buyer is given a notice of cancellation Damages, Rescission, Price
or demand for rescission by notarial Movables through Specific
act, effective 30 days upon receipt Performance.
thereof Return or Offer to Return
(with recovery of price or may
c. During the grace period, the buyer shall become the seller’s bailee)
also have the right: Breach of
Acceptance, for recoupment
• To sell or assign his rights, evidenced Warranty
or with damages
in a notarial instrument Refuse to Accept with
• To update his account Damages
• To pay in advance any installment, or Rescission, Suspension of
the full unpaid balance of the price, Payment, PD 957
without any interest, and to have such (Reimbursement of the total
full payment of the purchase price Immovables
amount paid/ compel the
annotated in the certificate of title developer to complete
covering the property. facilities)
Contract of Sale: Article
Down payments, deposits, or options on the Immovables
1592, CC
contract shall be included in the total number of on
Contract to Sell: Maceda Law
installments made. Installment
(RA 6552)

The seller may go to court for judicial rescission

in lieu of a notarial act of rescission.

Cancellation pertains to extrajudicial

cancellation. Absence of notice does not bar
the filing of an action to cancel the contract.

A decision in an ejectment case can operate as

notice of cancellation as required by RA 6552.

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1. Sale of Movables seller is bound to make

good the deficiency [Art.
2. Sale of Immovables [Art 1539 – 1543,
If thing is lost: CC]
Through fault of seller /
Without fault of
Event (if seller is liable) UNIT OF MEASURE OR NUMBER
Obligation is Damages Less (in area or More (in area or
extinguished. quality) than what quality) than what
was agreed upon: was agreed upon:
A thing is lost when it: Proportional reduction Reject the excess
a. Perishes; of price OR
b. Goes out of commerce of man; or OR Accept the whole
c. Disappears in such a way that its existence Rescission, if: and pay at contract
is unknown or it cannot be recovered a. Lack in area is at rate
least 1/10 of what
If thing deteriorates: is stated, or inferior
Without fault of value of thing sold
Through fault of seller exceeds 1/10 of
NO BREACH. Rescission + damages price
Impairment shall OR b. Buyer would not
be borne by Specific performance + have bought the
buyer damages property has he
been aware of the
inferior quality or
smaller area
Note: This rule also applies to judicial sales
Delivery of wrong quantity [Art. 1522, CC]
[Art. 1541, CC].
Goods are
what was contracted what was
contracted Everything is within Not everything is
Reject the goods boundaries, even if within the
OR less or more than boundaries
Accept and pay: stated area
a. At contract rate if No remedy Proportional
buyer accepts reduction in price
Reject the excess Where both the area OR
knowing that
OR and the boundaries of Rescission
seller won’t
Reject the whole, the immovable are
perform in full
if indivisible declared, the area
b. At fair value if
OR covered within the
goods were used
Accept the whole boundaries of the
before knowing
and pay at immovable prevails
that seller won’t
contract rate over the stated area.
be able to
perform in full [Rudolf Lietz, Inc. v.
CA, G.R. No. 122463
Buyer becomes the owner (2005)]
of the whole mass and the

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Prescriptive period: 6 months counted from RULE ON THE TIME

date of delivery. Where by agreement, the seller is bound to
send the goods to the buyer, he is bound to
10. Performance of the send them within the time agreed upon.
• If no time fixed: within a reasonable time.
Contract • The expenses of placing the goods in a
deliverable state shall be borne by the
Note: The obligations of the vendor and seller (unless otherwise stipulated)
vendee are also discussed in detail in sections
C and D of this Sales Reviewer. RULE ON THE MANNER
Where the goods at the time of the sale are in
Delivery of the Thing Sold the possession of a third person: NO
DELIVERY unless such third person
1. In General acknowledges to the buyer that he holds
the goods on the latter’s behalf.
Payment and delivery of the thing sold are
concurrent acts, in consonance with the rule in What Constitutes a Reasonable Time?
reciprocal obligations. [Baviera] When the time of delivery is not fixed in the
contract, time is not of the essence. Delivery
The rule is that neither party incurs in delay if must be made within a reasonable time. [Smith
the other does not comply or is not ready to Bell v. Matti (1922)]
comply in a proper manner with what is
incumbent upon him. General Rule: The reasonable time for
delivery is determined by the circumstances
The Agreement of the parties determines attending the particular transaction.
whether it is for the buyer to take possession of
the goods or for the seller to send them to the When Time is of the Essence
 Time is of the essence of the contract
whenever the intention of the parties is clear
Place, Time and Manner of Delivery that performance of its terms shall be
General Rule: The vendor is not bound to accomplished exactly at the stipulated day. It
deliver the thing sold if the vendee has not paid could also be implied from the nature of the
the price contract itself, or of the subject matter, or of the
circumstances under which the contract is
Exception: When the thing is sold on credit made. [Baviera]

RULE ON THE PLACE Whenever the intention of the parties is clear

Whether it is for the buyer to take possession that performance of its terms shall be:
of the goods or for the seller to send them to • Accomplished exactly at the stipulated day
the buyer depends on the AGREEMENT • Implied from the nature of the contract
between the two parties. itself, the subject matter or the
• In the absence of stipulation: delivery circumstances under which the contract is
should be at the seller’s place of business made
if he has one
• In case of sale of specific goods which are When the Vendor is not Bound to Delive
in another place: the buyer should take Article 1524, CC: The vendor shall not be
delivery from such place. bound to deliver the thing sold, if the vendee
has not paid him the price, or if no period for
Note: Demand or tender of delivery shall be the payment has been fixed in the contract.
made at a reasonable hour.

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Article 1536, CC: The vendor is not bound

to deliver the thing sold in case the vendee General Rule: The buyer is not bound to
should lose the right to make use of the accept delivery of a quantity of goods more or
terms as provided in Article 1198. less than that agreed upon or to accept goods
which are of a description different from that
agreed upon.
Article 1198, CC: The debtor shall lose
every right to make use of the period: Exception: There is usage of trade, special
stipulation, or course of dealing to the contrary.
(1) When after the obligation has been
contracted, he becomes insol- vent, unless REMEDIES PROVIDED FOR BY LAW:
he gives a guaranty or security for the debt; 1. Where the seller delivers a quantity less
than that agreed 
upon, the buyer may
(2) When he does not furnish to the creditor reject them. If the buyer accepts or retains
the guaranties or securities which he has that goods delivered, knowing the inability
promised; of the seller to deliver the rest, the buyer is
bound to pay for them at the contract rate.
(3) When by his own acts he has impaired If the buyer has used or disposed of the
said guaranties or securities after their goods before knowing the inability of the
establishment, and when through a seller to deliver the rest, the buyer shall pay
fortuitous event they disappear, unless he not more than the fair value of the goods.
immediately gives new ones equally (Note: “fair value” means the price of the
satisfactory; goods in the open market.) 

2. If the quantity delivered is more than that
(4) When the debtor violates any agreed upon, the buyer may reject the
undertaking, in consideration of which the excess, unless the subject matter is
creditor agreed to the period; indivisible, in which case, the buyer may
reject the whole. 

(5) When the debtor attempts to abscond. 3. Where the seller delivers the goods mixed
with goods of a different description not
included in the contract, the buyer may
Sales of Goods/ Movables accept the goods which are in accordance
with the contract, and reject the rest, unless
1. Delivery of Wrong Quantity the subject matter is in- divisible, in which
case, the buyer may reject the whole.
Article 1522, CC: Where the seller delivers
to the buyer a quantity of goods larger than 2. Delivery by Installments
he contracted to sell, the buyer may accept
the goods included in the con- tract and Article 1538, CC: In case of loss,
reject the rest. If the buyer accepts the whole deterioration or improvement of the thing
of the goods so delivered, he must pay for before its delivery, the rules in Article 1189
them at the contract rate. xxxx In the shall be observed, the vendor being
preceding two paragraphs, if the subject considered the debtor.
matter is indivisible, the buyer may reject the
whole of the goods.
General Rule: The buyer is not bound to
accept the delivery of goods by installments.
Quantity is always of the essence of a sales
contract and a seller is bound to tender the Exception: Unless it is otherwise stipulated.
amount of goods contracted for, in order to hold Where the contract calls for the delivery of
the buyer liable for performance. [Baviera] goods at stated intervals which are to be

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separately paid for, whether prompt payment there shall be no increase or decrease of the
or delivery is of the essence of the contract price, although there be a greater or less
such that a delay or breach of the obligation area or number than that stated in the
would entitle the aggrieved party to treat the contract.
entire contract as broken or to regard each
breach as severable would depend on the
terms of the contract and the circumstances of If the sale of property is for a lump sum, there
the case. [Baviera] shall be no increase or decrease in the price,
whether the actual area delivered turned out to
Severability: is whether the breach is so be greater or less than that stated in the
material as to justify the aggrieved party in contract. [Baviera]
refusing to proceed further with the entire
contract or so immaterial that the breach is Inspection and Acceptance
severable, giving rise merely to a claim for
 Note: This is discussed in Section D of this
sales reviewer, on the Obligations of the
Sale of Immovables Vendee.

1. Where Price is at Certain Rate Per Unit 1. Payment of Price

of Measure
WHEN VENDEE HAS THE OPTION TO The vendee is bound to accept delivery and to
DEMAND A PROPORTIONATE REDUCTION pay the price of the thing sold at the time and
OF THE PRICE (OR DEMAND RESCISSION place stipulated in the contract (Art. 1582, CC:
OF CONTRACT) If the time and place should not have been
stipulated, payment must be made at the time
General Rule: If price is fixed at a certain rate and place of delivery of the thing sold).
per unit of measure and the area is delivered is
less than that stated in the contract, or even if General Rule: The vendee shall owe interest
the area is correct but part of the land is not of on the price from the time the thing is
the quality stated in the contract. delivered up to the time of payment if there
is a stipulation requiring interests
Exception: Where the entire land is not of the • If there is no stipulation: from the time of
quality stated in the contract, as in such a case, judicial or extrajudicial demand for
the consent must have been obtained by payment.
mistake or fraud (contract may then be • This applies if the thing delivered produces
voidable). These rules presuppose that the fruits or income, or if the buyer incurs in
actual area was not known to both parties until default
a survey was made after the execution of the
Art. 1590, CC A vendee may suspend
Note: These rules do not apply where the entire payment when:
land is not of the quality stated in the contract • The vendee is disturbed in the possession
because in such case, the consent must have or ownership of the thing delivered; or
been obtained by mistake or fraud. [Baviera] should he have reasonable grounds to fear
such disturbance by vindicatory action, or
2. Sales for a Lump Sum a foreclosure of mortgage.
• Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary
Article 1542, CC: In the sale of real estate, notwithstanding any such contingency; or
made for a lump sum and not at the rate of a unless the vendor gives security for the
certain sum for a unit of measure or number, return of the price in a proper case. (Note:

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Disturbance or threat of disturbance must RA 6552 (MACEDA LAW)

come through a vindicatory action or a Note: This was discussed in Section I,
foreclosure of mortgage, and not through a Subsection 1.a.5 of this Sales Reviewer, on
mere threat or claim of a third person.) Maceda Law.
● Neither can the buyer suspend payment,
on the ground that the vendor is August 26, 1972: The Realty Installment
incapacitated. Buyer Protection Act was approved:
● If the third person claims a servitude on the • It declared a public policy to protect buyers
thing sold, the remedy of the buyer is to of real-estate on installments.
demand rescission of the contract or • This included residential condominium
payment of the proper indemnity. apartments, excluding industrial lots,
commercial buildings and lands sold under
A vendee may not suspend payment when: RA 3844, against onerous and oppressive
• For a mere act of trespass by a third conditions.
person, the buyer could defend himself and
has no right to suspend payment 11. Extinguishment of Sales
Note: There is a mere trespass when the third
Causes [Arts. 1600, 1231, CC]
person claims no right to the thing whatsoever.
Generally, extinguished by the same causes as
Therefore, in order that the buyer may have a
all other obligations [Arts.1600, 1231, CC]
right to suspend payment, it is absolutely
a. Payment/performance
necessary that the cause of disturbance or
b. Prescription
danger be based on a fact arising before the
c. Loss of thing due
sale or if it arose after the sale, the cause is
d. Annulment
imputable to the vendor or his successor-in-
e. Novation
interest. [Baviera]
f. Condonation/remission
g. Confusion/merger
h. Compensation
General Rule: The power to rescind
i. Rescission
obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in
j. Resolutory condition fulfilled
case one of the obligors should not comply with
k. Redemption (Conventional or Legal)
what is incumbent upon him.
● The injured party may choose between
fulfillment and rescission of the obligation, Conventional redemption
with payment of damages in either case. (Pacto de Retro Sale)
● The court shall order the rescission
claimed, unless there is just cause 1. Definition
authorizing the granting of a new period.
Conventional Redemption exists when the
However, in absolute sales of real property, vendor reserves the right to repurchase the
even if there is a stipulation providing for ipso thing sold, with the obligation to:
jure rescission, in case of default in payment, 1. Return price of the sale
the law required the seller to demand the 2. Expenses of the contract
resolution of the contract from the buyer 3. Any other legitimate payments by reason of
judicially or by a notarial act, before such the sale
stipulation could be given effect. Otherwise, the 4. Necessary and useful expenses [Art. 1601,
buyer could still pay the price, even after the CC]
expiration of the period to pay. [Baviera]
Note: Redemption feature does not prevent the
full consummation of the contract of sale.

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Available when the seller reserves the right to 3. Subsequent purchaser of property, even if
repurchase the thing sold in the same the right to redeem was not mentioned in
instrument of sale as one of the stipulations of the subsequent contract; except if
the contract [Villarica v. CA, G.R. No. L-19196 registered land, where the right to redeem
(1968)] must be annotated on the title
4. If several heirs, then the right of redemption
2. Period can be exercised against each heir for his
share of the property [Art. 1615, CC]
General Rule: Follow period stipulated in
contract, but should not exceed 10 years. 5. How exercised

Exceptions: 1. By returning the ff. to the buyer:

1. If no period stipulated but the parties • Price of the sale; except if the parties
intended a period, then it shall be 10 years agreed on a redemption price
from the date of the contract. • Expenses of the contract and other
2. If no period stipulated, then it shall be four legitimate payments made by reason of
years from the execution of the contract the sale;
3. But vendor may still exercise the right to • Necessary and useful expenses made
repurchase within thirty days from the time on the thing sold
final judgment was rendered in a civil 2. Complying with any other stipulation
action on the basis that the contract was a agreed upon, if any.
true sale with right to repurchase
The general rule in redemption is that it is not
3. By whom exercised sufficient that a person offering to redeem
manifests his desire to do so. The statement of
1. Vendor, after returning to vendee price of intention must be accompanied by an actual
sale plus expenses of the contract, other and simultaneous tender of payment for the full
legitimate payments made by reason of amount of the repurchase price. [BPI Family
sale, and necessary and useful expenses Savings Bank, Inc. v. Sps. Veloso, G.R. No.
made on the thing sold [Art. 1616, CC] 141974 (2004)]
2. His heirs, assigns or agents
3. Creditor, after he has exhausted the 6. Effect of Redemption
property of the vendor [Art. 1610, CC]
4. Co-owners of an immovable, if they sold 1. The sale is extinguished
their interests to the same person, may 2. The seller shall receive the thing free from
only redeem their respective shares [Art. all charges or mortgages constituted by the
1612, CC] buyer BUT he shall respect leases
• Vendee cannot be compelled to agree executed by the buyer in good faith and in
to a partial redemption [Art. 1613, CC] accordance with local custom.
• If the co-owners sold their interest to 3. As to fruits:
the same person who previously • If parties agreed on a distribution, the fruits
bought the share of a co-owner subject shall be distributed according to the
to a right of redemption, then the latter agreement.
may be compelled to redeem the whole • If parties did not agree on a distribution,
property o If there are growing fruits at the
time of sale and at the time of
4. From whom to redeem redemption:
a. Buyer receives reimbursement
1. Vendee a retro if the buyer paid indemnity at
2. His heirs, assigns or agents the time of the sale

Page 372 of 532


b. Buyer receives no effectively on the

reimbursement or prorating if buyer
the buyer did not pay indemnity
at the time of sale Equitable Mortgage
○ If there were no growing fruits at
the time of sale, but some exist at An equitable mortgage is defined as one
the time of redemption: fruits which, although lacking in some formality, or
prorated (buyer entitled to part form or words, or other requisites demanded by
corresponding to time he a statute, nevertheless reveals the intention of
possessed the land in the last year, the parties to charge real property as security
counted from the anniversary of the for a debt, and contains nothing impossible or
date of sale) contrary to law. [Molina v. CA, G.R. No. 125755
7. Effect of non-redemption
A pactum commissorium is a stipulation
Ownership is consolidated in the buyer BUT enabling the mortgagee to acquire ownership
the consolidation shall not be recorded in the of the mortgaged properties without need of
Registry of property without a judicial order, foreclosure proceedings which is a nullity being
after the vendor has been duly heard. contrary to the provisions of Article 2088 of the
Civil Code. The inclusion of such stipulation in
8. Right to redeem vs. Option to purchase the deed shows the intention to mortgage
Right to Redeem Option to Purchase rather than to sell. [Legaspi v. Sps. Ong, G.R.
Not a separate No. 141311 (2005)]
contract but part of a
main contract of Generally a principal A pactum commissorium is contrary to the
sale, and cannot contract and may be nature of a true pacto de retro sale since
exist unless reserved created independent ownership of the property sold is immediately
at the time of the of another contract transferred to the vendee a retro upon
perfection of the execution of the sale, subject only to the
main contract of sale repurchase of a vendor a retro within the
Must have a stipulated period.
Does not need its
separate and distinct 1. Presumption that a contract is
from the purchase an equitable mortgage
consideration to be
price to be valid and
valid and effective
effective [Arts. 1324 Art. 1602. The contract shall be presumed to
and 1479, CC] be an equitable mortgage, in any of the
The maximum period following cases:
The period of the
for the exercise of 1. Price unusually inadequate;
option contract may
the right to 2. Possession retained by the seller as lessee
be beyond the 10-
repurchase cannot or otherwise;
year period
exceed 10 years 3. Period of redemption extended (or granted
Requires in addition anew) upon or after the expiration of the
a tender of payment right to repurchase;
of the amount 4. Part of the purchase price retained by the
May be exercised by
required by law, seller;
notice of its exercise
including 5. Payment of taxes on the thing sold borne
to the offeror
consignment thereof by the seller;
if tender of payment 6. Any other case where it may be fairly
cannot be made inferred that the Real intention of the

Page 373 of 532


parties is for the transaction to secure a

debt or other obligation. In case of doubt, a contract purporting to be
a sale with right to repurchase shall be
Note: A contract shall be construed as an construed as an equitable mortgage [Art.
equitable mortgage when any of the 1603, CC]
circumstances in Art. 1602 is present. When in
doubt whether equitable mortgage or sale, 3. Rationale behind provision on
settle in favour or equitable mortgage because equitable mortgage
it involves a lesser transmission of rights.
a. Circumvention of usury law
By itself, no equitable mortgage under the ff. b. Circumvention of prohibition against
instances: pactum commissorium – creditor
1. Mere tolerated possession cannot appropriate the things given by
2. Mere delay in transferring title to the buyer way of pledge or mortgage since
remedy is foreclosure.
The provisions on equitable mortgage of
Art.1602, CC also applies to a contract 4. Remedies of apparent vendor
purporting to be a deed of absolute sale.
a. If the instrument does not reflect the
Remedy: Reformation of the instrument [must true agreement: remedy is reformation
be brought within 10 years] b. If decreed to be an equitable mortgage:
1. If the agreement is construed to be an any money, fruits or other benefit to be
equitable mortgage, any money or other received by the buyer as rent or
benefit received as “rents,” shall be otherwise considered as interest.
considered as “interest” (and subject to c. If decreed as a true sale with right to
usury laws) purchase: seller may redeem within 30
2. The court may decree that the vendor- days from finality of judgment, even if
debtor to pay the outstanding loan to the the period for redemption has expired.
3. Where the agreement is upheld as a pacto 5. Period of redemption
de retro sale, the vendor may still exercise
the right within 30 days from the time the No stipulation: 4 years from the date of
judgment becomes final. contract [Art. 1606, CC]

The right of repurchase is not a right granted to When there is agreement: Period not to
the seller by the buyer in a subsequent exceed 10 years [Art. 1606, CC]
instrument, but one reserved by the seller in the
same instrument as the sale contract. Any right General Rule: Period starts to run from the
granted after the execution of the sale date of the execution of the contract
instrument is not a right to repurchase, but
some other right like an option to buy. [Roberts Exception: When the efficacy of the sale is
v. Papio, G.R. No. 166714 (2007)] subject to a suspensive condition, period
should be counted not from the date appearing
2. Requisites for presumption of on the instrument, but from the date when the
an equitable mortgage condition is fulfilled, marking the
consummation of the sale [Tolentino citing
a. That the parties entered into a contract Manresa].
denominated as a contract of sale, and
b. That their intention was to secure an Additional 30 days for Repurchase
existing debt by way of a mortgage. The last paragraph of Art. 1606 giving the
[Molina v. CA, supra] vendor the right to repurchase within 30 days

Page 374 of 532


from the time of the rendition of final judgment seller a retro to file a suit for consignation
applies only where the nature and the with the courts of the redemption price
character of the transaction, whether as a [Catangcatang v. Legayada, G.R. L-26295
pacto de retro or an equitable mortgage, was (1978)].
put in issue before the court [Gonzales v. de 4. If the offer or tender of payment for
Leon, G.R. No. L-14532 (1965)] repurchase is refused, it is not necessary
for the vendor a retro to consign in court or
When an unrecorded pacto de retro sale was make judicial deposit of the repurchase
construed as an equitable mortgage, the price [Rosales v. Reyes, G.R. No. 8162
plaintiff had the right to enforce his lien in a (1913)].
separate proceeding notwithstanding the fact
that he had failed to obtain judgment declaring The seller a retro is given no option to require
him the sole and absolute owner of the land. the buyer a retro to remove the useful
[Heirs of Arches v. Diaz, G.R. No. L-27136 improvements on the land subject of the sale a
(1973)] retro, unlike that granted the owner of a land
under Arts. 546 and 547. Under Art. 1616, the
Where the petition of the buyer in a pacto de seller a retro must pay for useful improvements
retro sale is for a judicial orders pursuant Art. introduced by the buyer a retro; otherwise, the
1607, so that there may be consolidation of latter may retain possession of the land until
ownership since there was failure to redeem reimbursement is made. [Gargollo v. Duero,
during the redemption period, the right of action G.R. No. L-15973 (1961)]
to foreclose or to collect the indebtedness
arises from the court judgment declaring the Legal Redemption [Art. 1619,
contract an equitable mortgage. CC]
6. Exercise of the right to redeem Rationale for the law: Public policy (to minimize
[Art. 1616, CC] co-ownership) and benefit of the redemptioner

The seller can avail himself of the right of 1. Definition

repurchase by returning to the buyer:
1. the price of the sale; 1. Right to be subrogated:
2. the expenses of the contract and any other ● Upon the same terms and conditions
legitimate payments made by reason of the stipulated in the contract,
sale; ● In the place of one who acquires a thing by
3. the necessary and useful expenses made purchase or dation in payment, or by any
on the thing sold [Art.1616, CC]. other transaction whereby ownership is
transmitted by onerous title [Art. 1619, CC]
7. How redemption is exercised 2. Applies to transfers of ownership by
onerous title where subrogation is possible.
1. The vendor de retro must complete the Hence, it cannot apply to barter or to
repurchase before the expiration of the transfer by gratuitous title or hereditary
redemption period [Panganiban v. Cuevas, succession.
G.R. No. 2001 (1907)] 3. Applies to sales with pacto de retro
2. A sincere or genuine tender of payment is [Baviera citing Manresa]
enough. The deposit of the amount of the
repurchase money with the Clerk of Court 2. Manner
was simply an additional security [Legaspi
v. CA, G.R. No. L-45519 (1986)] 1. A formal offer to redeem or
3. When tender of payment cannot be validly 2. Filing of an action in court together with the
made because the buyer cannot be consignation of the redemption price within
located, it becomes imperative for the

Page 375 of 532


the reglementary period [Lee Chuy Realty Judgment debtor,

v. CA, G.R. No. 104114 (1995)] successor–in-
1 year from the date
interest, or creditor
of registration of the
3. Period to redeem with subsequent lien,
certificate of sale
in case of execution
To whom granted Period sale [Sec. 27, Rule
30 days from notice 39, ROC]
● In writing Debtor-mortgagor,
● By the seller successors-in-
● Of the interest,
actual judicial/judgment
execution creditor, any person 1 year from the date
and delivery having a lien on the of the sale
of the deed property, in case of
of sale extrajudicial
foreclosure of
Actual knowledge of mortgage [Sec. 6, Act
the sale is No. 3135]
immaterial, absent Debtor-mortgagor in
Co-owner any showing that case of judicial
[Art 1620, CC] the co-owner has foreclosure of real
90 days from finality
been shown a copy estate mortgage IF
of judgment
Adjoining owner of of the deed of sale the mortgagee is a
Rural Land through a written bank or a banking
[Art 1621, CC] communication. institution. [General
[Doromal v. CA, Banking Law of 2000]
Adjoining owner of G.R. No. L-36083 Agricultural lessee
urban land (1975)] 2 years from the
w/o knowledge of
registration of the
[Art. 1622, CC] sale of landholding
The law did not [Sec. 12, Agrarian
provide for a Land Reform Code]
particular mode of
written notice, thus The notice required in Art. 1623 must be given
any compliance by the seller because the seller is in a better
with “written notice” position to identify who his co-owners are. Said
should suffice, provision is clear. [Francisco v. Boiser, G.R.
including the giving No. 137677 (2000)]
of a copy of the
deed of sale. 4. Instances of legal redemption
[Conejero v. CA,
G.R. No. L-21812 a. Redemption by co-owners [Art. 1621,
(1966)] CC]
Debtor in case a 30 days from the
credit or date the assignee A co-owner of a thing may exercise the right of
incorporeal right in demands payment redemption in case the shares of all the co-
litigation is sold [Art. from debtor owners or any of them are sold to a third person
1634, CC]
Taxpayer in case of Third person refers to all persons who are not
1 year from date of
tax sale [Sec. 215, heirs of the vendor, by will or intestate
NIRC] succession.

Page 376 of 532


The right is available not only to original co- b. Adjacent lands are separated by
owners, but to those who had later acquired the brooks, drains, roads and other
share of the co-owner. apparent servitudes for the benefit of
other estates
But the right of redemption may be exercised
by a co-owner only when part of the community Order of preference if two or more wishes to
property is sold to a stranger. When the portion exercise the right:
is sold to another co-owner, the right does not • Owner with smaller land area
arise because a new participant is not added to • If same land area, then the one who
the co-ownership [Fernandez v. Sps. Tarun, first requested the redemption
G.R. No. 143868 (2002)].
c. Redemption by adjoining land-owners
If the price of the alienation is grossly of urban land (applies only to small
excessive, the redemptioner shall pay only a portions of urban land) [Art. 1621, CC]
reasonable one.
Right of Pre- Right of
Should two or more co-owners desire to emption Redemption
exercise the right, they may also do so in Owner of any
proportion to the share they may respectively adjoining land has a
have in the thing owned in common. right of pre-emption
If the resale has
at a reasonable price
The ff. requisites must concur: been perfected, the
a. Co-ownership of a thing owner of the
a. Urban land is
b. Alienation of shares of co-owners or all adjoining land shall
so small and
of the other co-owners have a right of
so situated
c. Sale must be to a third person or redemption, also at a
that a major
stranger reasonable price
portion of it
d. Sale must be before partition cannot be
e. Right must be exercised within the Priority if 2 or more
used for any
period specified in Article 1623 adjoining owners
f. Buyer must be reimbursed the price of want to redeem:
purpose w/in
the sale owner whose
a reasonable
intended use of the
Rationale: Public Policy, since co-ownership is land appears to be
b. Was bought
a hindrance to the development and best justified
merely for
administration of the property. [Baviera] speculation;
c. Was resold
b. Redemption by adjoining landowners of Arises before sale Arises after sale
rural land [Art. 1621, CC] No rescission There can be
because no sale rescission of the
The ff. requisites must concur: exists yet original sale
a. All lands must be rural lands The action is
b. Lands must be adjacent to each other Action is directed
directed against
c. A piece of rural land is alienated against buyer
prospective seller
d. Area does not exceed one hectare
e. Buyer must already own other rural d. Redemption of Credit
Available when it is sold while in litigation (From
When not applicable the time the complaint is answered)
a. The grantee does not own any rural

Page 377 of 532


Not available when the assignment is in favor f. Redemption in Foreclosure and

of: Execution Sales
a. Co-heir/co-owner of right assigned
b. Creditor in payment of his credit Who may redeem
c. Possessor of a tenement or piece of In extra judicial In execution sales
land which is subject to the right foreclosure • Judgment debtor
assigned ● Debtor • Successor in
● Successor in interest
How exercised: reimburse the assignee for interest • Creditor having a
the: ● Judicial or lien on the property
a. Price paid judgment sold by attachment,
b. Judicial expenses incurred creditor of said judgment or
c. Interest on the price from date of debtor mortgage on the
● Junior property
encumbrancer subsequent to the
e. Under the Public Land Act
Period to redeem
If land is
mortgaged in
a. Every conveyance of land acquired under Execution
Extra-judicial favor of a bank:
a free patent or homestead sale:
b. The ownership of the land must have been within 1 year
transferred to another. If the transaction is within 12
within 1 year after the sale
a mere promise to sell, there is no right yet months
from the date (not available
to redeem after the
of the sale in case of a
c. This refers to conveyances made after the sale
prohibited 5 years from the issuance of the mortgagor)
patent or grant Amount of redemption
a. Amount of the purchase
Period: b. Interest at 1% per month from the time
a. Within 5 years from the date of conveyance of the sale up to the time of redemption
b. If pacto de retro sale, the period to redeem c. Any assessment or taxes which the
cannot be less than 5 years purchaser may have paid

Who may redeem Note: Every conveyance of land acquired

General Rule: Applicant, widow, or heirs under a free patent or homestead, when
proper, shall be subject to repurchase by the
Exception: land is sold to another member of applicant, his widow or legal heirs within 5
the family of the applicant, or his direct years from the date of conveyance.
descendant or heir
Sale within the 5-year prohibition is void even
if the sale is in favor of the homesteader’s own
From whom: Subsequent purchasers
son or daughter. This right of repurchase by
the homesteader cannot be waived.
The right to redeem can be exercised against
any subsequent purchaser even if the land is g. Under the Agrarian Land Reform Code
registered under the Torrens System because
the fact that it was acquired through a Lessee’s right of pre-emption
homestead or free patent can be seen from the The agricultural lessee shall have the
description of the property in the certificate of preferential right to buy under the same
title. reasonable terms and conditions, in case the
lessor decides to hold the landholding

Page 378 of 532



a. The landholding must be pre-empted CONCEPTS
by the DAR Stipulation pour
b. When two or more lessees, each shall autrui
have preferential right only to the Involves any
Refers to a specific
extent of the area cultivated by him stipulation in favor
of a third person
Period: 180 days from notice in writing
Trust Condition
Lessee’s right of redemption Performance or
In case landholding is sold to 3rd person Performance of
accomplishment is
without the knowledge of the lessee, the latter trust is enforceable
not enforceable
shall have the right to redeem the same at a
reasonable price and consideration. [Sec. 12, Guardianship or
RA 3844] Trust
Guardians or
Period: within 180 days from notice in writing Executors do not
have legal title but
Trustees has legal
mere actual
title to the property
B. TRUSTS possession and
limited powers over
the property
A trust is the legal relationship between one Trust Contract
person having an equitable ownership of Always involves
A legal obligation
property and another person owning the legal ownership,
based on an
title to such property, the equitable ownership embracing a set of
of the former entitling him to the performance rights and duties
supported by a
of certain duties and the exercise of certain fiduciary in
consideration, which
powers by the latter. [Estate of Cabacungan v. character, which
obligation may or
Laigo, G.R. No. 175073 (2011)] may be created by a
may not be fiduciary
declaration without
in character.
Characteristics of Trust: consideration
1. It is a relationship
2. The relationship is of fiduciary character
3. The relationship is with respect to property, Trust Debt
not one involving merely personal duties The beneficiary of a A creditor has
4. It involves the existence of equitable duties trust has a beneficial merely a personal
imposed upon the holder of the title to the interest in the trust claim against the
property to deal with it for the benefit of property. debtor.
another There is a fiduciary There is no fiduciary
5. It arises as a result of a manifestation of relationship between relationship
intention to create the relationship a trustee and a between a debtor
beneficiary. and a creditor.

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