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Region: JerseyEN

HSBC Global Investment Funds - US Dollar Bond

Share Class PD As at 31 October 2020

Investment Aim Fund Share Class Details

The Fund invests for total return (meaning capital growth and income) in a diversified portfolio of bonds. These Performance benchmark
bonds are investment grade, and are denominated in US dollars. Most of the Fund’s investments are in bonds Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate
from issuers in developed countries, such as those part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and First price date
Development (OECD). The Fund can invest significantly (up to 50% of its assets) in asset-backed securities 27 February 1987
(ABS) and mortgage-backed securities (MBS). The Fund can also invest up to 10% of its assets in contingent
Fund launch date
convertible securities. See the Prospectus for a full description of the investment objectives and derivative usage
24 February 1987
Risk Disclosure Minimum initial investment
It is important to remember that the value of investments can go down as well as up and you may not get back the 50,000 USD (or equivalent)
amount originally invested. Where overseas investments are held the rate of currency exchange may cause the Share class currency
value of such investments to go down as well as up. The performance of bonds, gilts and other fixed interest USD
securities tends to be less volatile than those of shares of companies (equities). However there is a risk that the
capital value of these may be reduced if interest rates go up. Stock market investments should be viewed as a
medium to long term investment and should be held for at least five years. For a full list of risks, please refer to the Annually (July) - Distributed
Prospectus and KIID. Dealing time
Daily by 10am CET
Performance in USD Net returns % Valuation time
31/10/2015 - 31/10/2016 - 31/10/2017 - 31/10/2018 - 31/10/2019 - Daily at 5pm CET
31/10/2016 31/10/2017 31/10/2018 31/10/2019 31/10/2020 Ongoing charge
Fund 3.39 0.45 -2.34 10.84 5.12 0.75%
Benchmark 4.37 0.90 -2.05 11.51 6.19 Where the share class has been
priced for at least a full financial
Net returns % for periods ended 31 October year, the ongoing charge figure is
based on the actual expenses in
Months Years (Annualised) Calendar Years
the UCITS’ annual report for that
1 3 6 YTD 1 3 5 2019 2018 2017 2016 year. Charges may vary from year
Fund -0.02 -0.89 3.68 4.80 5.12 4.40 3.40 9.41 -0.79 2.98 1.50 to year. Otherwise, the ongoing
charge figure displayed would be
Benchmark -0.45 -1.30 1.27 6.32 6.19 5.06 4.08 8.72 0.01 3.54 2.65
an estimate.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
Management fees
The figures are calculated in USD, and changes in the rate of currency exchange may affect the value of your 0.50%
Returns are cumulative for all periods of 12 months or less. Maximum initial charge
Source: HSBC Global Asset Management, performance returns are based on a NAV per share basis, net of fees,
with gross income reinvested. Bloomberg Barclays data is provided by Rimes. Financial year end
31 March
Regular savings scheme
Lead portfolio manager
Jerry Samet
Management company
HSBC Investment Funds
(Luxembourg) S.A.
Investment adviser
HSBC Global Asset Management
(USA) Inc.
ISIN: LU0011820056
Prior to 25/11/02 the fund was
called US Dollar Core Plus Bond.
Top Holdings Fund Characteristics
Security Name Fund (%)
Fund size (in millions) 177.89
2 TBA FNMA MBS 30YR 3% 11/2015 6.68
Current price (USD) 11.62
3 US TREASURY N/B 0.2500 31-OCT-25 5.03
Tracking error (3 year) % 3.31
4 TBA FNMA MBS 30YR 3.5% 11/2014 4.99
5 HSBC US DOLLAR LIQUIDITY Y 4.46 High share price last 12 11.78
6 US TREASURY N/B 0.2500 15-JUN-23 3.94 months (USD)
7 TBA FNMA MBS 30YR 4% 11/2015 3.88 Low share price last 12 10.58
9 TBA FNMA MBS 30YR 4.5% 11/2015 2.97
Glossary of terms
10 FNCL 2 11/20 2.75
Total 47.47 Tracking Error is a measure of relative
risk. It is the standard deviation of the
The Top Holdings may include short term instruments that are held as cash equivalents. relative returns. Low tracking error
indicates correlation to benchmark.
Contact Details

HSBC Bank plc, Jersey Branch Tel: +44 1534 606389

Email: [email protected]

Issued by HSBC Global Asset Management that is a group of companies in many countries and territories throughout the
world that are engaged in investment advisory and fund management activities, which are ultimately owned by HSBC
Holdings Plc. Approved in the UK by HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited which is registered in England at 8
Canada Square, London E145HQ. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and entered on the
Financial Conduct Authority register as number 122335. Distributed by HSBC Bank plc, Jersey Branch which is registered
at HSBC House, Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey, JE1 1HS, Channel Islands. HSBC Bank plc, Jersey Branch is regulated by
the Jersey Financial Services Commission for Banking, General Insurance Mediation, Investment and Fund Services
Business. HSBC Bank plc is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with limited liability, number 14259.
Registered office 8 Canada Square, London, E14 5HQ. Investors in HSBC Global Investment Funds will not be afforded
some of the protections conveyed by the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. This factsheet does
not constitute an invitation, or solicitation to make an investment in the Fund to any person to whom it is unlawful. All
applications are made on the basis of the current Prospectus and most recent annual and semi-annual reports which are
available at The shares have not been and will not be offered for sale or sold in the United States of
America, its territories or possessions and all areas subject to its jurisdiction, or to United States Persons.
Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate and its associated data, Copyright © 2019 Bloomberg Index Services Limited,
Bloomberg Finance L.P., their affiliates and/or third party licensors ("Licensors"). Used with permission. All rights
reserved. Licensors make no warranties regarding use of or reliance upon such index data and shall have no liability in
connection therewith.
Document published: 17/11/2020 20:43

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