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A study
Presented to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Jerome A. Balatbat

Christelle Jane V. Belo

Rogelio Bautista

Ariane S. De Guzman

Renz Carlo L. Garraez

Franz Joshua G. Pingol

Stanley Real I. Soliman

Lawrence Nichole Tan

Dr. Ginno L. Andres

Thesis Adviser
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We would like to express our most sincere gratitude and appreciation to our

Professor, Dr. Ginno L. Andres, for supervising us throughout the project. His skills

and knowledge have given us enough support for completing this project. Also, for

his patience that help us push ourselves to improve the project.

We would also like to thank our parents who never failed to give their support

financially, and morally to the researchers for in able to complete the project.

To the institution, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, for yielding and

improving the knowledge of the researchers in order to become a competitive

student of Mechanical Engineering Department in the Field of Research and


Above all, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Almighty God for

giving us strength, wisdom, mercy and grace, and spiritual support thus, we can

able to finish our project.

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Air pollution, one of the major environmental issues in the Philippines, continuously

give birth to threats and yet the country’s locale-based air quality monitoring system

is expensive and limited. To aid the issue, the study was conducted utilizing

microcontroller (Arduino Mega 2560) – dust & gas sensors system. The researcher

aims to design and develop a portable Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) that

capable of measuring various type of air pollutants. The study utilized low-cost

sensors namely Sharp’s GP2Y1010AU0F Optical Dust Sensor (for PM 2.5 & PM10)

and SGP30 Metal-Oxide (MOX) Gas Sensor (for Total Volatile Organic Compounds

& Carbon Dioxide). The monitoring device was tested in Tagaytay City. The data

obtained from the device was then compared to the location’s air-quality index

(AQI) with the help of real-time monitoring system from the internet. The results

showed that the portable AQMS and the real-time AQI air quality interpretations are

the same, both display good quality of air. However, the study is preliminary in

nature and needing improvement. This monitoring system will provide information

especially for the university community to determine the quality of the air on

campus and to lessen its pollution. Overall, the study served as neo monitoring

system for air quality locally and potential use can be maximized.
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Preliminary Pages Page

Title Page 1

Acknowledgement 2

Abstract 3

Chapter I:

Introduction 6

Theoretical Framework 7

Conceptual Framework 9

Statement of the Problem 11

Scope and Limitations 11

Significance of the Study 12

Definition of Terms 12

Chapter II: Review of Literation and Studies

Air Quality related studies 16
Principle of Operation of Sensors 31
Air Quality Hazard Level Standard 34
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Chapter III: Research Methodology

Research Design 38
Description of Instruments Used 41
Material Requirement 42
Data Gathering Procedure 43
Programming of Codes 44
Detailed Schematic of the System 46

Chapter IV: Results and Discussion

Experiment: Pollutant Concentration Over 47
Time in each Experimental Location
Data Result 50

Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendations

Conclusion 52
Recommendation 53
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Chapter 1


Pollution has now become a commonplace term that we have been

accustomed of. We see a lot of activities that focuses on controlling and monitoring

different forms of pollution. Air pollution is one of such form that has become one of

concerning issues in today’s society. Air affects directly to our health; it goes in and

out of the human body system. Air is what keeps any living organism alive, from

plants to animals to human, it requires a certain amount of air to live. The addition

of harmful substances to the atmosphere causes air pollution which damages the

environment, human health and quality of life. Alongside the developments in

industries, increase in urbanization rates and economic development; is the

increase of pollution. Air pollution may occur inside homes, schools, offices and

even streets and it causes increasing rates of cardiovascular and respiratory

disease especially when exposed in polluted air for a long time.

Air pollutants are harmful substances or particulates in the atmosphere.

Particle pollutants in the air come from both natural and man-made sources such

as vehicle exhaust emissions, soil and road dust, volcanic eruptions and smoke

from fire or burning of materials, and depending on properties; it may be suspended

in air for a few seconds and travel anywhere. Total Suspended Particulates are the

tiny particles in atmosphere with diameters equal or less than 100 micrometers.

Particulate Matter that are less than 10 micrometers are called PM 10 while
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particulate matter with diameters less than 2.5 micrometers are called PM 2.5. These

particulate matters are great health concern as they can infiltrate the lungs.

The World Health Organization (WHO) sets guidelines to help in reducing

impacts of air pollution to our health. In the Philippines, the Environmental

Management Bureau set up regional monitoring stations that routinely take

measurements of criteria air pollutants however, according to the report of World

Health Organization (WHO), the Philippines ranks third on the highest cases of

death due to air pollution with an average of 45.3 deaths per 100,000 individuals

(Madarang C.R. 2019). Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

records also states that the current rate of air quality in the Philippine doesn’t meet

its Clean Air Act Standards (Perez D. 2019).

Monitoring, modelling and management are used for environmental system

analysis. Constant monitoring allows us to have the knowledge about the change in

the environment, modelling helps us understand the results of monitoring and

proper management controls the harmful emissions in the environment.


The following are the underlying principles and theories supporting the

concept of the study: Arduino-Based Air Quality Monitoring System. These

rationales are comprehended for the feasibility and effectivity of the proposed

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Air Quality Alert

The air quality status on certain area must be known to the public. AQI should be

displayed by the device for the public to be knowledgeable of how polluted the air

their breathing is and take proper measures to alleviate the problems posed by air

pollution. Accuracy is a factor that must be considered on this study. Accuracy is

needed for the public to be informed properly.

The device should be monitoring continuously for the public to know the real-time

AQI and if the air they are breathing is considered to be safe. The device should be

designed to incessantly monitor the air environment without anything that causes it

to malfunction or be destroyed by the surrounding environment.

Public Awareness
The public should be aware of the information gathered by the system or the

device. The information displayed should be communicated in an understandable

way for the public to know what the data gathered meant.

The device should consider portability on its design. This should make the device

easier to use and cost-effective when a certain area needs to be monitored short-

term or long-term for observation. The device should be easily be moved and

disassembled if need be.

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Cost-effectiveness should be accounted properly. Materials and components on

this research must considered. Choosing the most cost-effective materials and

components would help the device to be mass produced on the future for the

Filipino people anywhere in the country to be aware of the air environment they are

in. Accuracy and effectiveness of the device should not suffer when considering

cost-effectiveness of the device.



Dust Arduino Mega Print on TFT
sensors and 2560 LCD the AQI and
PM Sensors Microcontroller LED lights be lit

FIG. 1.1 Research Paradigm of the Arduino Based-Air Quality Monitoring System

The input will be coming from the sensors monitoring incessantly the air

environment. The sensors will then send the electronic signals to the Arduino Mega

2560 Microcontroller via electronic cables capable of transmitting electronic data.

The Microcontroller will then process the data gathered by the sensors. The output

will then be displayed on the LCD and the lighting of the LED lights .

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FIG. 1.2 Flow diagram of the Arduino-Based Air Quality Monitoring System

As shown on fig. 1.2, the AQMS needs power for the system to function,

thus, a power source will switch on the whole system. The electronic devices such

as the sensors, microcontroller board, and LCD will boot up, thus starting the

system, the LCD will show pre-programmed text for aesthetic purposes. The

sensors will monitor the air environment continuously as long as power is available.

The data flow then will be incessant. The Arduino microcontroller board will also

process the data gathered by the sensors from the environment and serve as the

communication medium between the electronic devices. The data processed by the

Arduino microcontroller board will be turned to output. The microcontroller was

programmed to display the output as per the researchers’ liking on the chosen

output display mediums. Output will be on the form of text shown on the LCD

display and will be interpreted as the real-time AQI. Another output will be the LED

lights: green for good AQI; yellow for moderate AQI; and red for bad AQI.


The manual and real time stations are situated in highly urbanized cities and

also rural areas nationwide. However, due to high cost of materials used and the
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system being not a portable device there are inadequate air monitoring systems.

The lack of the monitoring systems results in representing only the small portion of

the air pollution situation in the Philippines.


 To aid the problem and spread awareness regarding air pollution

 To develop an air quality monitoring system that will provide information on

the air quality of the campus

 To fabricate a portable and cost-efficient air quality monitoring system that

will be of use around the campus


This research aims to collect data of air quality in different parts of Tagaytay,

for 2 hours of collection of data. The said data will be focused on the particulate

matter, carbon dioxide and volatile organic compound. Particulate matters are

determined via the dust particles present in the air. The researchers have the dust

density of the air in µg/ m3. Volatile organic compound in parts per billion (ppb), and

carbon dioxide are determined via a gas sensor amounting to parts per million



The study regarding Air Quality Monitoring System will be beneficial to all students

of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, the residents around the campus, and

the government which they can use to sustain a clean and green environment. The
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project can be an alternative for high-end real-time air quality monitoring stations

and it is designed for the portability of the designated location. The device does not

need any supervision since the device can automatically store and monitor the air

quality through the use of Arduino.

Also, it can be used for experimental apparatus for improving its features for a

simple air quality monitoring system. Modification can easily be done to the sensors

and microcontroller in the dependence of the location of a certain experiment.


 Air Quality Index (AQI): is a numerical scale used for reporting day to day

air quality with regard to human health and the environment. The daily

results of the index are used to convey to the public an estimate of air

pollution level.

 Air Quality Monitor: is a device that measures the level of common air

pollutants. Monitors are available for both indoor and outdoor settings.

 Carbon Dioxide (CO2): a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning

carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in

air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.

 Carbon Monoxide (CO): a colorless, odorless toxic flammable gas formed

by incomplete combustion of carbon.

 Criteria Pollutants: are the only air pollutants with national air quality

standards that define allowable concentrations of these substances in

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ambient air. The criteria pollutants are carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen

dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide.

 Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Sensor: are electrical conductivity sensors

which can detect concentration of various types of gases by measuring the

resistance change of the metal oxide due to adsorption of gases. The gas

actually reacts with the sensor surface in a completely reversible reaction.

 Microcontroller: is a computer present in a single integrated circuit which is

dedicated to perform one task and execute one specific application. It

contains memory, programmable input/output peripherals as well a


 Nitrogen Oxide (NOx): is a product of fuel combustion that contributes to

the formation of smog, acid rain, and tropospheric ozone, which is commonly

known as bad ozone.

 Optical Dust Sensor: is a dust sensor which detects the reflected light of

dust in air. It is consisting of an infrared emitting diode (IRED) and a

phototransistor which are diagonally arranged.

 Oxidation: is the loss of electrons during a reaction by a molecule, atom or

ion and occurs when the oxidation state of a molecule, atom or ion is


 Ozone (O3): a colorless unstable toxic gas with a pungent odor and powerful

oxidizing properties, formed from oxygen by electrical discharges or

ultraviolet light. It differs from normal oxygen (O2) in having three atoms in

its molecule (O3).

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 Particulate Matter (PM): is the term for small particles found in the air

including dust, dirt, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets.

 Parts per million (ppm): a unit measurement which is the mass of a

chemical or contaminate per unit volume of water. It also can be expressed

as milligrams per liter (mg/L).

 Reduction: is the gain of electrons during a reaction by a molecule, atom or

ion and occurs when the oxidation state of a molecule, atom or ion is


 Relative Humidity: the ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in

the air to the greatest amount possible at the same temperature.

 Sensor: a device that responds to a physical stimulus (such as heat, light,

sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion) and transmits a

resulting impulse (as for measurement or operating a control).

 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): a colorless gas with a strong odor, similar to a just-

struck match. It is formed when fuel containing sulfur, such as coal and oil, is

burned, creating air pollution.

 Temperature: the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or

object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale.

 Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs): is a term used to describe a

group of compounds that are present in emissions or ambient air. It is

essentially a complex mixture of potentially hundreds of low level volatile

organic compounds (VOCs).

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 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): are organic chemicals that readily

produce vapors at ambient temperatures, and are therefore emitted as

gases from certain solids or liquids.

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Chapter 2


Air quality monitoring has become an integral part of smart city solutions

(Liu, X., & Nielsen, P. S. 2017). It is important simply because we have to breathe

the air around us. People who live in industrial cities should be especially

concerned, since we are exposed to a greater amount of pollutants coming from

industries, automobile traffic, commercial, as well as other sources. (Environmental

assessment and policy 2010.) Rapid industry development as well as increase of

traffic volume across the world have resulted in air quality becoming one of the

most important factors of everyday life. Air quality monitoring is the necessary

factor for proper decision making regarding air pollution(Živkovi, Tomi, Ili, Vuki, &

Stevanovi, 2011). Education and developing air quality awareness are natural

applications of sensor technologies and provide a means by which citizens and

students might learn about air quality issues, sources impacting air pollution, and

variations in air quality in various environments such as work, home, and outdoors.

Personal exposure monitoring is another emerging and exciting application for

sensors, especially for individuals who are more sensitive to air pollution. Personal

exposure monitoring may help an individual make decision about the timing and

location of daily activities like commuting and exercise, based on air quality

data(Clements et al., n.d.). The purpose of air quality monitoring is not merely to

collect data but to provide the information required by scientists, policy-makers and

planners to enable them to make informed decisions on managing and improving

the environment, in addition to presenting useful information for public end-users.

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Monitoring fulfils a central role in this process, providing the necessary sound

scientific basis for developing policies and strategies, setting objectives, assessing

compliance with targets and planning enforcement action(Kadri, Yaacoub,

Mushtaha, & Abu-dayya, n.d.). The use of low-cost sensors for air quality

measurements is expanding rapidly, with an associated rise in the number of

citizens measuring air quality themselves. This has major implications for traditional

air quality monitoring as performed by Environmental Protection

Agencies(Wesseling et al., 2019). Today, information about the current air quality

is available to the public through websites or mobile apps (for example). High-

quality data for such portals comes from the monitoring stations of governmental

agencies, where automated measuring systems (AMS) are used. However, the

spatial coverage of monitoring stations is not very dense and nowadays new

techniques are sought to improve the spatial and temporal resolution of PM data.

Technological progress leads, among other things, to the development of

miniaturized low-cost sensor devices and makes them promising tools for air quality

monitoring application. Currently, low-cost pollution monitoring is possible via

different commercial sensors and a growth in the popularity of the use of such

devices is observed worldwide(Badura, Batog, Drzeniecka-osiadacz, & Modzel,


Air pollution is a great concern because of its impact on human health and

on the environment(Cameletti & Ignaccolo, n.d.). Since the Industrial Revolution,

mankind is dealing with increasing pollution problems. The main pollution sources
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are the side effects of manufacturing, mining, transportation, and power production.

The effects on the human standard of living, number of people affected and the

applied technology are usually taken as the measure of pollutant emissions impacts

to the environment. As the air pollution increases, the effort to understand the

related phenomena consequentially increases(Živkovi et al., 2011). It is when the

introduction of chemicals, particulate matter or biological materials starts to

contaminate the air where it may cause harm and discomfort to human being and

other living organisms. It also damages the natural environment and the

atmosphere. The World Health Organization (W.H.O) stated that 2.4 million people

dies each year are directly attributed to air pollution, with 1.5 million of these deaths

were attributable by indoor air pollution. The Air Quality Index (AQI) which also

known as the Air Pollution Index (API) or Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) is a

number used by many government agencies to characterize the quality of the air at

a given location. As the AQI increases, an increasingly large percentage of the

population is likely to experience the increases of severe adverse health

effects(Azhari et al., 2011). Today more than 1,400 cities worldwide regularly report

on their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the Carbon Climate Register

and the Governors Convention initiative (Ahlers et al., 2016). However, emissions

monitoring at the city level is often costly and time-consuming because they relate

to a high degree of uncertainty. Most cities in Europe do not currently possess the

capacity to measure the actual emissions within their urban space. On the other

hand, carbon reduction has become a city development strategy. For example, the

European Union (EU) aims to cut its primary energy consumption by 27% by 2030.
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In Denmark, the government has set the goal of reducing GHG emission by 40% by

2020, and becoming a fossil-fuel free country by 2050. This requires innovating

approaches to reporting air quality for politician and citizens to make quick and

effective decision makings(Sieverts, 2017). NAAQS establishes health-based

outdoor air contaminant standards for six pollutant types. Maximum allowable

concentration levels for various periods of time are set for these “criteria

pollutants:”(Sound & To, n.d.)

 Carbon monoxide (CO)

 Lead (Pb) and it compounds

 Nitrogen Dioxides (No2)

 Ozone (O3)

 Particulate Matter (PM 10) (less than 10 microns in diameter)

 Sulfur Oxides (Sox) or Sulfur Dioxide (S0s)

Pollutants include Sulphur Dioxide (SO 2), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Ozone

(O3), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Volatile organic compounds (VOC s)

Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas with a pungent odor which is a

result of burning coal or crude oil in factories and too much exposure can cause

adverse respiratory and heart diseases. Nitrogen Oxides (NO x) are produced as

result of reaction of nitrogen and oxygen gases in air during combustion and it can

cause breathing problems, headaches, eye irritation and chronically reduced lung

function. Ozone (O3) which when inhaled can result damage in lungs and with

relatively low amounts may result shortness of breath, chest pain and throat

irritation. Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is caused by not fully burned fuel and
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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) the organic chemicals that produce vapors as it

reacts with nitrogen oxides emitted which in turn forms into smog that also results in

damage to human health.

Accessibility to such information is critical. A community without access to

information compared to a well-informed community will not act in their personal

way to help in environmental protection (Nograles et al. 2014).

Air pollution can have a short- and long-term effect on our health and a lot of

people are concerned. According to World Health Organization, annually, air

pollution kills around seven million people. A person inhales about 14,000 liters of

air on a daily average. The presence of pollution in the air can adversely affect

people’s health. Monitoring the air quality lets people be more aware of their

surroundings. Monitoring the quality of air in the environment allows us to know if

the quality of air is still in good quality and safe for us. This study aims to monitor

the amount present at the most concerning pollutants in the air which are;

particulate matter, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and total volatile organic

compounds. This allows us to know how many pollutants occur in a specific area so

we can recommend any preventive measures to protect ourselves from poor air

quality. This could also help in developing plans that may help in aiding the air

pollution. The gathered data can also be used to expand the air quality information

in the country and may be a way to find better ways to improve the quality of air.

The Clean Air Act required to set National Ambient Air Quality standards for
pollutants which are considered harmful to public health and environment. It is
reviewed periodically and possible to be revised.
Table 2.1 Air quality standard
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1 YEAR 12.0 μg/m3
PM 2.5 1 YEAR 15.0 μg/m3
24 HOURS 35 μg/m3
PM 10 24 HOURS 150 μg/m3
Carbon dioxide or CO2 mainly comes from burning of fuels. These fuels are

used for everything from producing power to manufacturing industry. When the

carbon dioxide in the air is really high it can greatly affect the ozone layer. Over the

years, the depletion of ozone layer cause to increase the average temperature of

the earth.

Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are gases that are emitted into the air

from products or processes.  Some are already harmful by themselves, especially

those that cause cancer. Moreover, they can react with other gases and form other

air pollutants after they are in the air. Breathing VOCs can irritate the eyes, nose

and throat, can cause difficulty in breathing, and can damage the central nervous

system as well as other organs. Not all VOCs have all these health effects, though

many have several. Outdoors, VOCs can cause similar health effects, but also can

react with nitrogen oxides that produce ozone pollution.

Particle pollutants in the air not only affects the health of humans but also

affect the environment. Particle pollution levels can be very unhealthy and

hazardous during events such as forest fires. Particle levels can be elevated

indoors when outdoor particle levels are high.

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Particles come in a wide range of sizes. Those less than 10 micrometres in

diameter are so small that they can get into the lungs, where they can cause

serious health problems.

Table 2.2 Particle pollution Air Quality Index (AQI) and actions to protect health


Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged
Unhealthy for
The following groups should reduce heavy outdoor exertion:
sensitive groups
   - People with heart or lung disease
   - Children and older adults
Unhealthy The following groups should avoid prolonged exertion:
   - People with heart or lung disease
151-200    - Children and older adults
The following groups should avoid all physical activity outdoors:
Very unhealthy
   - People with heart or lung disease
   - Children and older adults
Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.

Table 2.3 Carbon monoxide Air Quality Index (AQI) and actions to protect health


Unhealthy for
People with heart disease, such as angina, should reduce heavy
sensitive groups
exertion and avoid source of high exposure to carbon monoxide,
such as heavy traffic.
People with heart disease, such as angina, should reduce
moderate exposure and avoid sources of carbon monoxide.
Very unhealthy People with heart disease, such as angina, should avoid exertion
and sources of carbon monoxide, such as heavy traffic.
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Carbon monoxide or CO is formed when the carbon in fuels does not

completely burn. Vehicle exhaust contributes roughly high percentage of carbon

monoxide emissions. Other sources include fuel combustion in industrial processes

and natural sources such as wildfires. Carbon monoxide levels typically are high

during cold weather, because cold temperatures make combustion less complete

and trap pollutants close to the ground. Carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream

through the lungs and binds to haemoglobin, the substance in blood that carries

oxygen to cells. It reduces the amount of oxygen reaching the body’s organs and

tissues. In healthy individuals, exposure to higher levels of carbon monoxide can

affect mental alertness and vision.

Air pollution can be natural or human-made. Air pollution occurs naturally

during volcano eruptions, forest fires, or dust storms. This has been an occasional

problem for humans. However, during the past hundred years, air pollution created

by humans has become a major, persistent problem. On the other hand, the most

critical air pollutants are human-made(Lin, Lu, Lu, & Lin, 2006). Particle pollution

(also called particulate matter or PM) is the term for a mixture of solid particles and

liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke,

are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Others are so small, they

can only be detected using an electron microscope( STORM Project, "Particulate

Matter Matters!" 2007). How big are Particle Pollutions? PM10s are particulates

with a diameter less than 10 μm, including dust from road traffic, emission from

vehicles, open burning, construction, agriculture, or as a secondary pollutant

transformed from other air pollutants. Due to its small size, PM10 can easily
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penetrate into the bronchus of the human lungs. The respiratory system can be

damaged by the physical presence of PM10 or by the pollutants that are absorbed

on the PM10(Lin et al., 2006). PM2.5 (particles which pass through a size-selective

inlet with a 50% efficiency cut-off at 2.5 µm aerodynamic diameter) have been

classified by International Organization for Standardization as the “high-risk”

respirable fraction(Galbarczyk & Scibor, 2019). PM2.5, also known as respirable

dust, is an exceptionally harmful fraction because it penetrates the smallest

bronchioles and the alveoli. Therefore, it may interfere with gas exchange inside the

lungs and trigger or exacerbate respiratory diseases. Moreover, some fraction of

inhaled PM2.5 (most likely the fraction of particles under 0.1 micrometer) may be

capable to translocate into blood vessels and then spread with the blood to various

tissues and organs(Galbarczyk & Scibor, 2019). The negative influence of

particulate matter (PM) on the respiratory system has been known for a long time,

especially in the case of patients with bronchial hyper-reactivity(Connor et al., 2008)

(Penttinen et al., 2001). However, the evaluation of the impact of particulate matter

on the quality of life of patients with bronchial asthma has not yet been widely

analyzed. To the best of our knowledge, only limited evidence exists to suggest that

fine particles measuring less than 10 µm (PM10) has an impact on the quality of life

of patients with bronchial asthma, with no conclusive confirmation of the detrimental

connection between the quality of life and the concentration of PM10. No studies

were conducted concerning particulate matter of 2.5 µm or less in diameter (PM2.5)

(Galbarczyk & Scibor, 2019).

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The Philippines, and especially its capital region, Metro Manilla, is just

subjected to Air Pollution just like any other countries in Asia. Quoted from

this overview from the 'Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources', the Philippines ranks 5th (out of 11 countries)

at the Environmental Performance Index in the ASEAN Region (which includes

Japan, China and South Korea). This other articles explains that "Pollution levels in

Metro Manila are still higher than acceptable levels ...". The good ranking of

Philippine cities in the 2018 World Air Quality Report is not a cause for celebration,

environmental group Greenpeace Philippines said, as it lamented the lack of air

monitoring systems in the country. Eleven of the cities in Southeast Asia with

cleanest air are in the Philippines, according to the report of Switzerland-based IQ

AirVisual and Greenpeace. The report measured the amount of fine particulate

matter known as PM2.5 (µg/m³) in cities in 73 countries. Calamba, Laguna topped

the list of cleanest cities in Southeast Asia with 9.3 µg/m³, which is pursuant to the

threshold of the World Health Organization at 10 µg/m³. Valenzuela City (9.9 µg/m³)

and Carmona City (10.9 µg/m³) ranked second and third, respectively. “The good

ranking of Philippine cities in the global report is not a cause for celebration as we

have the least average number of monitoring stations per city in the region,” Khevin

Yu, Greenpeace Philippines campaigner, said. He added: “In fact the report

highlights the urgent need for more comprehensive, governmental, real-time

monitoring networks for the public to fully understand the state of quality in the

Philippines.” The air quality data in the report is generated from ground-based

monitoring stations that report PM2.5 concentrations. Greenpeace Philippines

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explained that the study had to rely on the use of only one or two devices in the 16

cities highlighted, most of which are not located near coal-fired power plants. Coal

plant emissions are major contributors to PM2.5 pollution. According to the group,

coal plant emissions could kill at least 2,400 Filipinos annually. “The report

therefore represents only a small fraction of the air pollution in the country. Given

the previous alarming studies related to coal emissions, it is imperative to conduct

more thorough and comprehensive research in cities near coal power plants and

other sources of air pollution,” Yu said. Seven of the 15 Southeast Asian cities on

the list are in Metro Manila: Valenzuela City (9.9 µg/m³), Parañaque (12.2 µg/m³),

Makati (13.7 µg/m³), Manila (14.3 µg/m³), Mandaluyong (14.5 µg/m³), Quezon (17.5

µg/m³) and Las Piñas (17.9 µg/m³). Other Philippine cities that made it to the list

were: Carmona (10.9 µg/m³), Davao (12.2 µg/m³) and Balanga (16.1 µg/m³).

Meycauayan (32.4 µg/m³) and Caloocan (31.4 µg/m³), on the other hand, were

included on the list of most polluted cities in the region. “Anyone in the country who

has been in cities and main thoroughfares of Metro Manila and Calamba knows that

we have air pollution problems,” Yu said. He added: “As Greenpeace has done in

Thailand, we are urging the Philippine government to improve our air pollution

standards and put publicly accessible monitoring systems in place for further

research and legislative support to reduce pollution globally.”

The air quality problems in the Philippines arise principally from domestic

sources. Given its geography and meteorology and the absence of emissions from

neighbors to the west, the country does not suffer from the continental problems of

long-range transport of particles, ozone, or acid deposition(Krupnick et al., 2003).

Page | 27

Urban smog, smoke-belching buses, and industrial smoke stacks. These are

prominent and visible reminders of the need to manage air quality. However, air

pollution is not just an aesthetic problem; it can also cause acute and long-term

health effects – personally and economically very damaging. The health cost of air

pollution in four cities (Metro Manila, Davao, Cebu, and Baguio) has been

estimated to be more than US$400 million per year, equivalent to 0.6 percent of the

country's national gross domestic product (GDP). These four cities represent more

than a quarter of the Philippines' urban population.(Summary, 2001) According to a

perception survey conducted in 2001, more than 72 percent of Manila's residents

were alarmed by air pollution and 73 percent said they were not aware that the

government was doing something to control it. This public perception is in sharp

contrast to the amount of time spent by governmental agencies and non-

governmental organizations (NGOs) in discussing and debating air pollution issues

in recent years and reflects a general failure to convert analyses and discussions

into effective action.(Summary, 2001)

The Philippines is a developing country competing with its neighbors for

needed investments. Although environmental regulations may create some

disincentive for investment, emissions fees offer less costly ways of achieving air

quality improvements. Moreover, the Philippine people are already laboring under

pollution-caused health conditions that lower productivity; by improving the health of

its labor force, the Philippines may gain a competitive edge. Even though many

countries in Asia are adopting more stringent environmental policies, Manila may

stand to gain more, if only because it has some of the worst air pollution in
Page | 28

Asia(Krupnick et al., 2003). The Clean Air Act (CAA) of 1999 aims to provide a

comprehensive air pollution control policy for the country. However, implementation

difficulties point to the complexities associated with solving a problem involving

many agencies. Inter-agency collaboration remains a challenge despite many multi-

sectoral working committees and memoranda of agreement. Lack of provincial and

local government capacities for air quality management will be further exposed, as

these entities are under-prepared to carry out the functions devolved to them by

CAA. Preliminary estimates for implementing parts of CAA indicate that the country

will need to spend at least PhP25 billion (US$500 million) between 2000 and 2010

but the benefits are likely to far exceed these costs(Summary, 2001). The

Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 establishes National Ambient Air Quality

Guidelines for Criteria Pollutants. It is clear that the Metro Manila area is in

“nonattainment” status for particulate concentrations. This status has implications

for the introduction of emissions charges to stationary sources, because the

implementing rules and regulations of the act require that in nonattainment areas, a

50% surcharge be applied to the emissions fees(Krupnick et al., 2003).

In today’s world, air quality monitoring in the Philippines is timely and is

really vital as the air pollution grows rapidly. Air quality monitoring is a system for

environmental monitoring, specifically designed to provide a collection, evaluation

and storage of environmental data for the sake of air quality and environment

safeguard and health protection. In the past, the air quality monitoring is

traditionally performed using fixed monitoring stations. These stations are highly

sensitive and well calibrated but were very big, non-portable and expensive. The
Page | 29

efficiency of the professional equipment and their poor deployment coverage raised

issues (Nograles et al. 2014)

Typical air quality monitoring system involved the use of expensive

instruments often accessed through the Philippines Department of Environment

and Natural Resources (DENR), leading to limited locale-based air quality

monitoring system. The lack of well-equipped facilities needed for air quality

monitoring especially in urbanizing communities resulted to dependency on

government reports (e.g. Department of Environment and Natural Resources-

DENR). Often these reports do not cover all regions for air quality monitoring. Thus,

in recent years these drawn researchers to develop new technologies for air quality

monitoring typically low cost and efficiently faster. Such technologies developed are

the utilization of microcontroller-gas sensor devices and wireless monitoring

devices. (Heyasa and Galarpe 2017)

Conveniently, microcontroller-gas sensing device is well suited for air quality

sensing owing to its access both for non-experts and experts and some of the

researches in the Philippines locally used this technology. Gas sensors are devices

which detects gas molecules. Most gas detectors follow five functional components

which are the transport of air samples, the analysis of these air samples, the

identification of the target gas concentration, the comparison of the read gas

concentrations to the set alarm levels and the actions to these alarm conditions.

Light emitting diodes (LED) and alarm buzzers were the common alarm actions of

most gas detectors. The microcontroller unit facilitates the implementation of these

five functional components to identify the hazardous levels of gases present in an

Page | 30

area. Utilization of storage device (SD) technology was incorporated in the design

for data logging. (Cortez et al. 2015)

Presently, most air pollution sensors developed on five most common air

pollutants viz. nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide and particulate

matter. The developed air-quality measurement sensor can identify and observe

the incidence of air pollution in the adjacent areas. It can be employed for both

indoor and outdoor. (Ahasan et al. 2018)

The studies served as neo monitoring system for air quality locally and

potential use can be maximized. However, it is preliminary in nature and needing

improvement. (Heyasa and Galarpe 2017) With the help of future technological

improvements, these sensors will become cheaper, more common, and portable

air-quality sensors which can be bring anywhere to observe the local air quality

(Ahasan et al. 2018).

Principle of Operation and Parameters

The devised air quality monitoring device is mainly composed of the various

sensors such as gas sensors, particulate matter (PM) sensor, temperature &

humidity sensor. To measure the pollutants in the air, the researchers specifically

used Gas Sensor and Optical Dust Sensor.

Working Principle of the Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Gas Sensor:

MOS-based sensors are electrical conductivity sensors which have a have high degree of

sensitivity and efficiency. It is the most prominent sensor used by researchers and

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MOS sensors can detect concentration of various types of gases by measuring the

resistance change of the metal oxide due to adsorption of gases. The gas actually reacts

with the sensor surface in a completely reversible reaction. Because of their chemical

composition, MOS gas sensors are highly recommended for detection of all sorts of

reactive gases.

MOS gas sensors offer low power consumption, water-based manufacturing for cost

reduction, reproducibility and scalability, as well as high sensitivity.

The MOS gas sensor is mainly composed of sensing elements which is made up of

semiconductor particles (typically tin dioxide) responsible for sensor’s gas detection.

In clean air, oxidation occurs. Donor electrons in tin dioxide are attracted toward oxygen

which is adsorbed on the surface of the sensing material, preventing electric current flow.

In the presence of other gases, reduction in the sensing elements occur and the surface

density of the adsorbed oxygen decreases as it reacts with the pollutant’s gases. Electrons

are then released into the tin dioxide, allowing current to flow freely through the sensor.

SGP30 Gas Sensor:

The sensing principle of the Sensirion Gas Platform (SGP) multi-pixel gas sensor is based

on a heated film of metal-oxide (MOx) nanoparticles. Same with the MQ series gas

sensors, adsorbed oxygen on the metal-oxide particles reacts with the target gas and

thereby releases electrons. The change in the electrical resistance of the metal-oxide layer

is measured by the sensor.

The SGP multi-pixel gas sensor platform integrates four sensing elements (pixels) into one

small DFN (dual-flat-no leads) package. DFN physically and electrically connect integrated

circuits to printed circuit boards.

Page | 32

SGP multi-pixel gas sensor enables measurement of Total Volatile VOC levels plus the

equivalent Carbon Dioxide (eCO2).

Optical Dust Sensor:

Optical Dust Sensor detects the dust particle concentration in air by using optical

sensing method or it operates on the principle of light scattering. An infrared light emitting

diode (IR LED) and a photo-sensor are optically arranged in the device. The photo-sensor

detects the reflected IR LED light by dust particles in air.

Working Principle of the Optical Dust Sensor:

A photo-detector and LED emitter oppose each other at an angle within the

rectangular package of the sensor which has a dust through hole on either side.

The more dust there is in the air within the sensor chamber, the greater the

intensity of the scattered light. The dust sensor outputs a voltage value which varies

according to the intensity of the scattered light which in turn corresponds to the

level of dust in the air. The actual dust density (or dust or mass concentration) can

then be calculated from the output voltage value using a linear relation.

Sharp’s GP2Y1010AU0F Optical Dust Sensor:

To measure the amount of particulate matter (PM) present in the air, the

researchers decided to use GP2Y1010AU0F optical dust sensor. GP2Y1010AU0F is a dust

sensor by optical sensing system. An infrared emitting diode (IRED) and a phototransistor

are diagonally arranged into this device. It detects the reflected light of dust in air.

Especially, it is effective to detect very fine particle like the cigarette smoke. In addition, it

can distinguish smoke from house dust by pulse pattern of output voltage.

Table 2.4 Specifications of the Sensors

Page | 33

Model Name Sensor Type Target

Total Volatile Organic

0-60000 ppb
Compound (TVOCs)
SGP30 MOS Gas Sensor
Equivalent Carbon Dioxide
400-60000 ppm

Optical Dust/PM Total Dust Density (PM1.0,

GP2Y1010AU0F 0-600 μg/m3
Sensor PM2.5 & PM10)

Pollutant Standards in Air Quality Monitoring System

PM2.5 readings are often included in air quality reports from environmental authorities and

companies. Find out what they mean and why you should monitor their levels. PM2.5 refers

to atmospheric particulate matter (PM) that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers,

which is about 3% the diameter of a human hair. Commonly written as PM2.5, particles in

this category are so small that they can only be detected with an electron microscope. They

are even smaller than their counterparts PM10, which are particles that are 10 micrometers

or less, and are also called fine particles. (Ho, Bliss Air 2010)

Fine particles can come from various sources. They include power plants, motor vehicles,

airplanes, residential wood burning, forest fires, agricultural burning, volcanic eruptions and

dust storms. Some are emitted directly into the air, while others are formed when gases

and particles interact with one another in the atmosphere. For instance, gaseous sulfur

dioxide emitted from power plants reacts with oxygen and water droplets in the air to form

sulfuric acid as a secondary particle. (Ho, Bliss Air 2010)

The table below will give you a sense of what levels of PM2.5 are harmful and the

appropriate precautions you need to take. It is based on the air quality standards for

particle pollution published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Page | 34

Table 2.5: 24-Hour PM2.5 Levels (μg/m3)

PM2.5 Air Quality PM2.5 Health Effects Precautionary Actions

0 to 12.0 Good Little to no risk. None.
0 to 50
12.1 to 35.4 Moderate Unusually sensitive Unusually sensitive
51 to 100 individuals may people should consider
experience respiratory reducing prolonged or
symptoms. heavy exertion.
35.5 to 55.4 Unhealthy for Increasing likelihood of People with respiratory or
Sensitive Groups respiratory symptoms in heart disease, the elderly
101 to 150 sensitive individuals, and children should limit
aggravation of heart or prolonged exertion.
lung disease and
premature mortality in
persons with
cardiopulmonary disease
and the elderly.
55.5 to Unhealthy Increased aggravation of People with respiratory or
150.4 151 to 200 heart or lung disease and heart disease, the elderly
premature mortality in and children should avoid
persons with prolonged exertion;
cardiopulmonary disease everyone else should limit
and the elderly; prolonged exertion.
increased respiratory
effects in general
150.5 to Very Unhealthy Significant aggravation of People with respiratory or
250.4 201 to 300 heart or lung disease and heart disease, the elderly
premature mortality in and children should avoid
persons with any outdoor activity;
cardiopulmonary disease everyone else should
and the elderly; avoid prolonged exertion.
significant increase in
respiratory effects in
general population.
250.5 to Hazardous Serious aggravation of Everyone should avoid
500.4 301 to 500 heart or lung disease and any outdoor exertion;
premature mortality in people with respiratory or
persons with heart disease, the elderly
cardiopulmonary disease and children should
and the elderly; serious remain indoors.
risk of respiratory effects
in general population.

The display PM2.5 data on EPA AirWatch using air quality categories. We show the
average levels of PM2.5 over:
Page | 35

 the last hour (1-hour average)

 the last 24 hours (rolling 24-hour average)
Table 2.6: Source: EPA AirWatch

Air quality PM2.5 µg/m3 averaged over 1 PM2.5 µg/m3 averaged over 24

category hour hours
Good   Less than 27 Less than 8
Moderate   27–62 8–25
Poor   62–97 25–40
Very poor   97–370 40–177
Hazardous   More than 370 More than 177
The term total VOC (TVOC) refers to the total concentration of VOCs present

simultaneously in the air. The TVOC concept is used as a practical time and cost-

effective method of surveying indoor environments for contamination. Global

consensus has resulted in the emergence of guidelines for TVOC standards of

indoor air quality (IAQ) issued by governmental organizations in different countries

(e.g. Australia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan). Recommended TVOC levels

of IAQ that are considered acceptable range from 0.6 to 1 mg/m3. The German

Health Department defines TVOC levels as shown in Table 2.7. The TVOC levels

and the corresponding recommendations are based on the results of a large

number of controlled exposure studies that established a relationship between

increased TVOC levels and adverse health effects. (Sensirion, n.d.)

Table 2.7 TVOC guidelines issued by the German Federal Environmental Agency
Page | 36

Carbon Colorless, odorless, Simple
CO 2 Compressed gas
Dioxide tasteless asphyxiant
[Threshold Limit Values ppm: 5000; Permissible Exposure Limit ppm: 5000;
Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health ppm: 40000]

Toxic and Hazardous Gas Classifications Chart 

Table 2.8 Source:
Page | 37

Chapter 3


This chapter contains the procedures and the methods of research used by

the researchers for the completion of the study as well as the scientific accounts of

the research study. This section also includes the research design, flowchart of the

experimental apparatus, description of research instrument used, and material


Research Design

This research study aims to create an Arduino Based – Air Quality

Monitoring System that incorporates various existing Air Quality Sensors. This

study also aims to produce the system at a cheaper cost compared to Industrial-

used Air Quality monitoring systems without sacrificing a great deal with accuracy

based from existing online real-time monitoring system as the researchers further

acquire data from industrial-used systems.

Design of Experimental Apparatus

The apparatus will utilize the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller board as

the central data processing component for all sensors and display. The design is

composed of five major parts; Arduino Mega2560, Sensors (SGP30 and Sharp

Dust Sensor), 3D Printed Probe, TFT LCD and the Metal Housing.

Air Probe

Page | 38

Figure 3.2: Front View of the Prototype with


Figure 3.3: Side View of the Prototype with

Page | 39

Description of Research Instruments Used

The following are the brief description of the major components used in the

building of the apparatus.

1. Arduino Mega 2560 – a microcontroller board based on the ATMega2560. It

was chosen to compensate for the number of sensors as it has more I/O

pins compared to Arduino UNO.

2. 3D Printed Probe – the probe is designed in a cylindrical form with holes of

constant diameter to let air flow freely in and out of the probe.

3. Metal Housing – a 12” by 12” metal casing was used to house the

components of the system and lined with insulators to prevent overheating

from exposure to the sun.

4. TFT LCD – a 3.5” TFT LCD that has a screen resolution of 320 by 480 pixels

to project the data from the various sensors

5. Sensors – the sensors used are all based on the researchers’ decision on

what types of gases and data are to be gathered.

a. Adafruit SGP30 – it is a multi-pixel gas sensor based on a heated film

of Metal Oxide (MOx) nanoparticles. This sensor outputs the reading

for TVOC (in ppb) and eCO2 (in ppm).

b. Sharp Dust Sensor – this dust sensor is the device to detect house

dust, cigarette smoke, etc. and designed as a sensor for automatic

running of application like air purifier and air conditioner with air

purifier function.

Table 3.4 Material Requirements

Page | 40

Arduino Mega 2560 Microcontroller 1
3.5” TFT LCD 320 x 480 1
Adafruit Air Quality SGP30 Sensor 1
Sharp Dust Sensor 1
2 Sets (Female to Male)
Jumper Wires
2 Sets (Male to Male)
Electrical Wires 2 meters
5V Fan 2
Micro SD Card Reader 1
Table 3.5 Sensor Specification

Model Name Sensor Type Target Detection Range

Total Volatile
0-60000 ppb
MOS Gas Compound
Equivalent Carbon
400-60000 ppm
Dioxide (eCO2)

Total Dust Density

Sharp Optical Dust/PM
(PM1.0, PM2.5 & 0-600 μg/m3
GP2Y1010AU0F Sensor

Data Gathering Procedure

Data gathering was supposed to be done in various locations where air

quality may be polluted and can pose a threat to the number of congested people

exposed long term in the area. Such areas include; Local parks in Tagaytay and

Highways. Running time for each area is two (2) hours.

However, one of the sensors (SGP30) requires calibration after some time.

The sensor data sheets indicate a drift in readings. The manufacturer has a way to

solve this problem by incorporating a “Baseline Set and Get” function for the

SGP30. The data sheet states; “If no stored baseline is available after initializing
Page | 41

the baseline algorithm, the sensor has to run for 12 hours until the baseline can be

stored. This will ensure an optimal behavior for preceding startups. Reading out the

baseline prior should be avoided unless a valid baseline is restored first. Once the

baseline is properly initialized or restored, the current baseline value should be

stored approximately once per hour. While the sensor is off, baseline values are

valid for a maximum of seven days.” The calibration of this sensor is crucial for the

data to read normally, especially if applications is for long-term run like with the

researchers’ purpose.

Programming of Codes

The entire system runs on the combination of codes for each specific sensor

and the LCD. It incorporates the basic Arduino Programming functions with the

additional specific functions for each sensor. The code begins with the initialization

of the sensors and display and then constantly runs throughout the test, data from

the sensors are projected to the TFT LCD and is refresh every two (2) seconds and

loops throughout the duration of the test

One parameter that is displayed that does not directly come from a specific

sensor is the Air Quality Index or AQI. Rather, it is computed based on the Dust

Density which is the direct output of the Sharp Dust Sensor. AQI has certain levels

and the design indicates this by the LED lights depending on the AQI level.
Page | 42
Page | 43

Program Flowchart


Initializing the sensors


Data stored in the

Sensors Running Micro SD Card
every minute

Output AQI is computed based
on Dust Density

Outputs are displayed

on the LCD Analysis of
AQI level


Light on Light on Light on

Green Yellow Red

Fig 3.6 Flow Chart of Programming Code

Page | 44

Fig. 3.7 Schematic of Sensors

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Chapter 4


This Chapter presents the data gathered in the experiment. The data were

analyzed in relation to the main questions and problems that would make the

device more efficient and reliable than other air quality monitoring system.

The researchers test the capability of the AQMS prototype for measuring the

quality of air around in Tagaytay City in Tagaytay due to recent Taal Volcano’s

eruption. The researchers gathered the data in three (3) different locations in

Tagaytay based on the crowded places in the City which are Our Lady of Lourdes

Church (Site 1), Picnic Groove (Site 2) and Sky Ranch (Site 3). The experiment

took 2 hours per location site.

Pollutant No. of Trials and Locations

Dust ( PM 2.5 ¿ 0.0737 0.1041 0.07972
TVOCs ppb 140.84 39.49 80.9155
CO 2 438.22 410.08 502.113
After the experiment, the data recorded in the memory card (SD Card) were

gathered for analysis. It is compared to the Air Quality Index (AQI) of the testing

locations available in the website. Note that during the experiment, the AQI of the

location was taken from the real time air quality monitoring system online 1.
Table 4.1 Average Dust Concentration per hour (µg/m 3 /hr ¿

Page | 46

Particle Concentration
Dust Density (µg/m3) 0.35
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99

Time (Min)
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
Figure 4.2 Recorded Data for Particle Concentration per Minute

The graph 4.2 shows the increase of Dust Particle (PM 2.5) at the Site Location 2

wherein there are more people and the device were exposed in terrain area which

consists of more particles such as, soil, and smoke (since there was an ongoing

construction in the area). It decreases in the Site Location 3 since the location was

exposed in a well-ventilated area thus, it doesn’t detect more dust particle than the

previous location. The readings are the same as the result in the online AQI.

Figure 4.3 Recorded Data for Total Volatile Organic Compound per Minute
Page | 47

TVOCs Concentration
Parts per Billion (ppb) 2500
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99

Time (min)

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

In Figure 4.3 shows the decreasing value of TVOCs in the Site Location 2. TVOCs

are dominant in a controlled area such as the Location 1 and Location 3, thus the

fluctuation explains that the more the device is expose in a controlled area the more

the value of TVOCs increases. The Site Location 2 was in an open area which

explains the declination of the graph.

Figure 4.4.1 Recorded Data for Carbon Dioxide Concentration per Minute
Page | 48

Carbon Dioxide Concentration

Parts per Million (PPM) 3500
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99

Time (min)

Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

Figure 4.4, shows that the Carbon Dioxide Concentration decreases in Site

Location 2. The experiment held in an open area but there are barely factors that

can affect the carbon dioxide such as people, vehicles and other emissions (gases,

smoke, etc.) thus there is a declination on the middle of the graph. The value

increases at the Site Location 3 since the device was exposed in a crowded place

where there are more vehicles and people lurking in the area. Furthermore, there
Page | 49

are more emissions from the restaurants, and residents along the location thus the

increasing value of Carbon Dioxide was shown.

Equivalent AQI Actual AQI Value

LOCATION Value On Site
Dust ( (based on
μg TVOCs CO 2
PM 2. 5 ¿ 3 See Table 2.6,2.7,2.8
ppb ppm

Site 1 0.0737 140.84 438.22

Site 2 0.1041 39.49 410.08 GOOD

Site 3 0.0797 80.916 502.11 GOOD

Table 4.5 Experimental and Actual Air Quality Index

In Figure 4.5, the researchers took the average value from the raw data to get the

experimental result value of AQI and compare it to the actual value of Air Quality

Index from the online real time air quality monitoring system. Then after the
Page | 50

average value was gathered, the data was assessed to determine the AQI of the

data through comparing the allowed concentration in a standard hazard level given

by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). After comparing, the date

gathered shows the status of the Air Quality in the area and compared it to the

given actual result gathered by the researchers before and after of the experiment.

The result from the experimental AQI value is the same in the actual AQI value

from a Real Time Air Quality Index.

Page | 51

Chapter 5



Monitoring the quality of air helps us be aware and conscious of our surroundings.

The research provides us data of the air quality monitoring system we produced. By

using different sensors in the system, we could tell people the amount of pollutants

and harmful gases in the air in specific areas. The sensors installed in the air

quality monitoring system can detect, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compound

and dust particle concentration. Based on the data gathered around Tagaytay, the

air quality is still good which means there are not much pollution present in the air.

We encounter problems wherein there is a sudden fluctuation in the TVOCs

reading of data. Also, the system has to be calibrated every start of the experiment.

Further experiments and analyzation are needed to gather more data to improve its


After the experimentation, in addition of features to the prototype, we installed and

programmed another 2 low-cost sensors which is the MQ-7 Gas Sensor (CO

Sensor) and DHT 22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor for more enhancement of

the prototype. However, in the midst of installation, we haven’t collected any data

from these sensors due to Enhanced Community Quarantine of COVID-19

breakout. Still, we believe that the improvement of this prototype is necessary to

pursue more attention from the benefactors and may help the project to implement

in the community.
Page | 52

Table 5.1 Specification for Additional Sensors

Model Name Sensor Type Target Detection Range

MOS Gas Carbon Monoxide

MQ-7 10-10000 ppm
Sensor (CO)

Temperature -40°C – 80°C
DHT22 Sensor

Humidity Sensor Relative Humidity 0-100%


1. Monitoring system can improve its features and portability through adding

sensors and programs.

2. Further monitoring and experiment should be needed for further analyzation.

3. Compare the prototype with the actual air quality monitoring system to

further analyze the data with accuracy and consistency.

4. Additional modification is needed for monitoring the readings and system


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