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Gantt Chart
For Project Managers
• Track any project up to 30 days (Expandable).

• Track up to 10 stages of a single project (Expandable).

• Project Insights

 Count of stages completed on time.

 Count of stages completed after target date.

 Count of stages completed before target date.

• Project Details

 Name of the project.

 Name of the project manager.

 Project Description.

• Highlight delay days and days saved.

You can enter or edit following details for your project.

 Name of the project.

 Name of the project manager & Project Description.

To edit details click of the “Edit Details” button on the top

right side of the template.

Once you click on this button it will navigate you to details

section where you can edit or enter new details for your
And, once you done with your project details click on back
button get back to your Gantt chart template.

As soon as you change the details in “Details Pane” it will

change in your main template.
The beauty of this excel Gantt chart template “No Complex
Editing”. Once you have done with your project details next
step is to enter details of the project to start tracking it.
To track your project (Stage By Stage) we have following
inputs in this template.
• Stage Name (Manual Entry) – You can enter a specific
name for each stage for your project. And, maximum
stages you can use for a project in this template is 10.
• Start date (Manual Entry) – For each stage of
the project, you have input a start date. The start date of
the first stage of the project will be consider as the start
date of the project. You can also specify the start date of a
stage earlier than the end date of the previous stage.
• Target Days (Manual Entry) – Once you specify the
start date of the stage, next you have to specify the target
days to complete that stage. This will help to calculate the
target closing date of a particular stage.
• Target End Date [Auto Calculation] – From the
target days for completion of a stage, “Target End Date”
will be calculated automatically. This will give you a
deadline to complete your stage.
• Actual End Date (Manual Entry) – Once a stage is
completed you can enter the closing date of that stage.
Whether the actual closing date is earlier than or later than
target date, this template will consider those days in
insights to show the number of stages which are completed
on target date.
• Actual Days Taken [Auto Calculation] – From the
actual end date it will calculate the actual days taken to
complete a stage..
Once you enter your inputs correctly, you can get some
insights from those inputs. And, insights will update instantly
with data update in the template.

• If any stage is in the process then it will show the name of

the stage and if no stage is in the process then it will show
the name of the last completed stage.
• It will show you the number of stages which are completed
on target date, after target date, and before target date.
• If any stage is completed before the target date, the days
which are saved will highlight with green color.
• If any stage is completed after the target date, the excess
days will highlight with red color.

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