Quantum Sheet by Quanta Institute

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1. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons in a photoelectric effect

experiment depends on [GATE 1997]
(a) Intensity of the incident light
(b) frequency of the incident light
(c) polarization of the incident light
(d) angle of incidence
2. The dispersion relation of a certain wave is [GATE 1998]

Z c2k 2  m2
where Z is the angular trequency, c is the wave vector, c is the velocity of light
and m is a constant. The group velocity of the wave has the following proper-
(a) v o c as k o 0 and v o c as k o f
(b) v o c as k o 0 and v o f as k o f
(c) v o 0 as k o 0 and v o f as k o f
(d) v o 0 as k o 0 and v o c as k o f
3. An electron propagating along the x-axis passes through a slit of width
'y 1nm. The uncertainty in the y-component of its velocity after passing
throuoh the it is
(a) 7.332 u105 m sec (b) 1.166 u105 m sec

(c) 3.436 u105 m sec (d) 2.326 u105 m sec

4. For a free electron gas in a metal, the magnitudes of phase velocity v p and

group velocity vg are such that [GATE 2002]

(a) v p vg (b) v p vg

(c) v p 2v g (d) v p 2vg

5. A parallel beam of electrons of a given momentum pass through astreen S1

containing a slit and produces a diffraction pattern on a screen S2 placed
behind it. The width of the central maximum observed on the screen S2 can be
increased by [GATE 2003]
(a) decreasing the distance between the screen S1 and S2

(b) increasing the width of the slit in screen S1

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
(c) decreasing the momentum of the electrons
(d) increasing the momentum of the electrons
6. Which one of the following statements concerning the conipton effect is not
correct? [GATE 2003]
(a) The wavelength of the scattered photon is greater than or equal to the
wavelength of the incident photon.
(b) The electron can acquire a kinetic energy equal to the energy of the incident
(c) The energy of the incident photon equals of the kinetic energy of the
electron plus the energy of the scattered photon
(d) The kinetic energy acquiredbythe electron is the largest when the ineid6-t
and scattered photons move in opposite direction.
7. Given a wave with the dispersion relation Z ck  m for k ! 0 and m ! 0,
which one ofthe following is true? [GATE 2003]
(a) the group velocity is greater titan the phase velocity
(b) the group velocity is less than the phase velocity
(c) the group velocity and the phase velocity are equal
(d) there is no definite relation between the group velocity and the phase velocity
8. The de-Broglie wavelength for an electron of energy 150 eV is [GATE 2005
(a) 108 m (b) 1010 m

(c) 1012 m (d) 1014 m

9. Although mass-energy equivalence of special relativity allows conversion ofa
photon to an electron-positron pair, such a process cannot occur in free space
because [GATE 2005]
(a) the mass is not conserved
(b) the energy is not conserved
(c) the momentum is not conserved
(d) the charge is not conserved
10. The de Broglie wavelength of particles ofmass in with average momentum p at
a temperature T in three dimensions is given by [GATE 20091
h h
(a) O 2mk BT (b) O 3mk BT

h h
(c) O 2k BT (d) O

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
11. A particle is confined within a spherical region of radius one femtometer
1015 m . Its momentum can be expected to be about

keV keV
(a) 20 (b) 200
c c

(c) 200 (d)
c c
12. A proton is confined to a cubic box, whose sides have length 10–12 m. What is
the minimum kinetic energy of the proton? The mass of proton is 1.67 u1027 kg
and Planck’s constant is 6.63 u1034 Js [GATE 2013]

(a) 1.1u1017 J (b) 3.3 u10 17 J

(c) 9.9 u10 17 J (d) 6.6 u1017 J

13. The Compton wavelength of a proton is ______ fm. (up to two decimal places).
[GATE 2017]

mp 1.67 u1027 kg , h 6.626 u1034 Js, e 1.602 u1019 C, c 3 u108 ms 1

14. Consider a one-dimensional potential well of width 3 nm. Using the uncertainty
principle 'x.'p t = 2 , an estimate of the minimum depth of the well such
that has at least one bound state for an electron is [GATE 2017]

me 9.31u10 31 kg , h 6.626 u1034 Js, e 1.602 u1016 C

(a) 1PeV (b) 1meV

(c) 1eV (d) 1MeV

1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(b)

8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b) 11.(c) 12.(c) 13. (1.30 to 1.34)

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
1. Which of the graphs below gives the correct qualitative behaviour of the energy
density ET O of blackbody radiation of wavelength O at two temperatures
T1 and T2 T1  T2 ? [CSIR June 2014]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

TIFR Previous Year's Questions
1. Two blackbodies radiate energy at temperature T1 and T2 T1 ! T2 . The energy gy
emitted per unit time per unit solid angle per unit surface area of a blackbody
in the frequency range v to v  dv is given by B v dv . Which one of the
following graphs has the correct form? [TIFR 2015]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
Other Examinations Previous Year's Questions
1. The angular frequency Z of deep water waves varies as the inverse square
root of the wavelength O i.e., Z O v 1 O . Which of the following is the
relation between its group velocity vg and phase velocity

(a) vg vp 2 (b) vg vp

(c) vg 2v p (d) vg Ov p

2. The intensity vs wavelength distribution ola blackbody is found to have its

maximum at the wavelength O max 0.2 cm. Moreover, the total energy radiated
J is measured to be 30 watts. If the temperature of the blackbody is now doubled,
the new values of and O max and J will be
(a) 0.1 cm and 120 watts (b) 0.1 cm and 240 watts
(b) 0.1 cm and 480 watts (d) 0.4 cm an 60 watts
3. According to the uncertainty principle the kinetic energy ofan electron
confined to a spherical region of volume 1033 m3 is of the order of

(a) 1010 J (b) 1012 J

(c) 1014 J (d) 1016 J
4. In a Compton scattering process, a photon of wavelength O is scattered off a
charged particle of mass 'm', (initially at rest) by an angle T . If the final
wavelength of the photons O ' , then the difference O  O ' .
(a) depends on T , but not on O (b) depends on O but not on m
(c) depends on both O and T (d) depends on T but not on m
5. The kinetic energy, of a proton and an D  particle (not under the influence of
any force) are given to be equal. If we denote the de Broglie wavelengths of
the proton by O p and that of the D  particle by O D , then

(a) O p OD (b) O p 4O D

(c) O p OD (d) O p 2OD
6. When a monochromatic point source of light is placed at a distance of 0.2 m
from a photoelectric cell, the stopping potential VS and the saturation current
I S are found to be 0.6 V and 18.0 mA. respectively. If the same source is now
placed 0.6 m away from the photoelectric cell, one finds

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(a) VS  0.2 and I S 6.0 mA (b) VS 6.0 and I S 6.0 mA

(c) VS 0.6 and I S 2.0 mA (d) VS 0.6 and I S 18.0 mA

7. The graph in the figure below shows the intensity I as a function of frequency
v of a perfect blackbody at a fixed temperature T:

The corresponding graph at teperature 2T can be obtained by which of the

following operations? For every point of the graph
(a) multi pl y the v-coordinate by 1/ 2 and the I-coordinate by 8
(b) multiply the y-coordinate by 2 and the I-coordinate by 8
(c) multiply the v-coordinate by 1/ 2 and the 1-coordinate by 16
(d) multiply the v–coordinate by 2 and the I-coordinate by 16
8. In a photoelectric effect experinient, a stream of photons of frequency f and
intensity (energy per unit time) is incident on the photocathode to produce a
photocurrent i. If the frequency f is steadily reduced without any the plot of
current vs frequency looks like

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

9. The energy of a 200 nm photon is :

(a) 0.01 eV (b) 100 eV
(c) 6.2 eV (d) 1 eV
10. Phase velocity and group velocity for a wave will be identical
(a) If the phase velocity is independent of wavelength
(b) It phase velocity is dependenton wavelength
(c) If the group velocity is dependent on wavelength
(d) lf the group velocity is dependent on refractive index of the medium

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
11. An electron in an X-ray rubeisaccelerated through a voltage V and strikes a
tungsten target. The shortest wavelength photon emitted will have
=c eV
(a) O (b) O
eV hc

hc eV
(c) O (d) O
eV =c

12. The dispersion relation for acertan type of excitation is given by Z Ak a ,

where A and a ! 0 are constants. For these excitations, the group velocity is
less than the phase velocity when
(a) a 1 (b) a 2
(c) a  1 (d) a t 2
13. A small object is viewed with a microscope, using light of wavelength O to
illuminate the object. Let D be the half-angle subtended by the objective of
the microscope at the position of the object being examined. The uncertainty
'x in the position of the objects of the order of
(a) O / sin D (b) O / cos D
(c) O sin D (d) 2O sin D

14. If a particle ofmass m 5 u1028 kg is confined to move in a space of size

10 15 m , the minimum value of its kinetic energy will approximately be

(a) 109 kg m2 s 2 (b) 6.6 u10 19 kg m2 s 2

(c) 1012 kg m2 s 2 (d) 6.6 u1015 kg m2 s 2

15. The relation between angular frequency Z and wave number k for given type
of waves is Z2 Dk  E k 3 . The wave number k0 for which,the phase velocity
equals the group velocity is :
D §1· D
(a) 3 (b) ¨ ¸
E © 3¹ E

D §1· D
(c) (d) ¨ ¸
E ©2¹ E
16. A particle of rest mass tno is moving uniformly in a straight line with relativistic
velocity Ec , where c is the velocity of light in vacuum and 0  E  1 . The phase
velocity of the de-Broglie wave associated with the particle is :
(a) Ec (b) E

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(c) c (d)
17. The speed of an electron, whose de-Broglie wavelength is equal to its compton
wavelength, is (c is the speed of light)
(a) c (b) c / 2
(c) c / 2 (d) c / 3

1.(a) 2.(c) 3.(d) 4.(a) 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(d)

8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(c) 12.(c) 13.(a) 14.(c)
15.(c) 16.(b) 17.(b)

GATE Previous Year's Questions

1. The eigen function for the Hamiltonian of a particle of mass m in a one
dimensional potential V x is given by \ x A exp bx 2 / 2 , where A and
b are constants. It follows that [GATE 1998]

(a) V x constant (b) V x v x3

(c) V x v x 2 (d) V x v 1/ x
2. A particle of mass 'm' in one dimension is in a state described by

§ ipx  iEt · § ipx  iEt ·

\ x, t A exp ¨ ¸  B exp ¨ ¸
© = ¹ © = ¹
The probability current density is given by [GATE 1998]
p p
(a) (b) A  B
m m

2 2 p 2 2 p
(c) A  B (d) A  B
m m
3. Bound state eigen functioons of an attractive finite range smooth potential
behave for larger r as :
(a) exp r / r0 where r0 is a positive constant

(b) 1/ r where n > 0

(c) constant

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(d) exp ikr / r

4. A normalized state o f a particle moving in a potential V x is given by

\ x, t ¦ Cn I n x e  E0t / =
n 0

where In x ' s are the normalized eigen functions of the particle

corresponding to the energies En ' s . Then [GATE 2001]

¦ Cn
(a) 1
n 0

¦ Cn
(b) The average energy of the particle in the state \ x, t is En
n 0

(c) \ x, t is an eigenfunction of the Hamittonian of the particle

(d) \ x, t is an eigenfunction of the momentum operator

5. Which of the following function represents acceptable wave function of a
particle in the range f d x d f . [GATE 2001]
(a) M x A tan x, A ! 0

(b) M x B cos x, B real

(c) M x C exp  D / x 2 , C ! 0, D  0

(d) M x Ex exp  Fx 2 , E, F ! 0

6. An electron in a time independent potential is in a state which is a superposition

of the ground state E0 11eV and the first excited state E1 13eV . The
wave function of the electron will repeat itself with a period of [GATE 2003]
(a) 3.1u1018 sec (b) 2.1u1015 sec

(c) 1.2 u1012 sec (d) 1.0 u10 9 sec

7. A particle has the wave function \ x, t A ª¬ exp iZt cos kx º¼ . Which one of
the following is correct? [GATE 2003]
(a) This is an eigen state of both energy and momentum
(b) This is an eigen state of momentum and not energy

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(c) This is an eigen state of energy and not momentum

(d) This is not an eigen state of energy or momentum
Commom dsata for Q. 8 and Q.9.
The normalized wave function \1 and \ 2 correspond to the ground state and
the first excited state of a particle in a potential. You are given the information
that the operator  acts on the wave functions as Â\1 \ 2 and Â\ 2 \3
[GATE 2003]
8. The expectation vale of A for the state \ 3\1  4\ 2 / 5 is :
(a) 0.32 (b) 0.0
(c) 0.75 (d) 0.96
9. Which of the following are eigenfunctions of Â2 ?
(a) \1 and \ 2 (b) \ 2 and not \1

(c) \1 and not \ 2 (d) neither \1 and \ 2

10. The time independent Schrodinger equation of a system reprersents the
conservation of the [GATE 2004]
(a) total binding energy of the system
(b) total potential energy of system
(c) total kinetic energy of the system
(d) total of the system
11. The wave function of a spin less particle of mass m in a one dimensional
potential V x is \ x A exp D 2 x 2 corresponding to an eigenvalue

E0 = 2D 2lm. The potential V x is [GATE 2004]

2 2 2 2
(a) 2 E0 1  D x (b) 2 E0 1  D x

2 2
(c) 2E0D 2 x 2 (d) 2 E0 1  2D x

12. A beam of monoenergetic particles having speed v is described by the wave

funcion \ x u x exp ikx , where u x is a real function. This
corresponding to a current density [GATE 2004]

(a) u 2 x v (b) v

(c) zero (d) u 2 x

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

13. A system in a normalized state \ c1 D1  c2 D2 with D1 and D 2

representing two different eigenstates of the system, requires that the constants
c1 and c2 must satisfy the condition [GATE 2005]

(a) c1 ˜ c2 1 (b) c1  c2 1

(c) c1  c2 1 (d) c1 2  c2 2 1
14. The parities of the wave functions (i) cos kx and (ii) tanh kx are[GATE 2005]
(a) odd, odd (b) even, even
(c) odd, even (d) even, odd

15. If the probability that x lies between x and x  dx is p x ae  ax dx, where

0  x  f, a ! 0, then the probability that x lies between x1 and x2 x2 ! x1 is:

[GATE 2005]
(a) e  e  ax
1 2
(b) a e
 e ax
1 2

(c) e 2
e  ax  e  ax
1 2
(d) e
e ax  e ax
1 2

16. The wave function ofa particle in a one-dimensional potential at time t = 0 is

\ x, t 0 ª¬ 2\ 0 x  \1 x º¼

where \ 0 x and \1 x are the ground and the first excited states of the
particle with corresponding energies E0 and E1 . The wavefunction of the
particle at a time 't' is [GATE 2006]
1 i E0 E1 1
(a)  e 2= ª¬ 2\ 0 x  \1 x º¼

1 iE0 1 =
(b)  e ª¬ 2\ 0 x  \1 x º¼
1 iE0 1 =
(c) e ª¬ 2\ 0 x  \1 x º¼
1 ª iE 1  iE 1 º
(d) « 2\ 0 x e 0 =  \1 x e 1 = »
5¬ ¼
17. A particle of mass is represented by the wave function \ x Aeikx , where k
is the wavevec tor and A is a constant. The magnitude of the probability current
density of the particle is [GATE 2006]
An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,
IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

2 =k 2 =k
(a) A (b) A
m 2m
2 2
2 =k 2 =k
(c) A (d) A
m 2m
18. The wave function of a particle, moving in a one-dimensional time-independent
potential V x , is given by \ x e iax b , where a and b are constants. Theis

means that the potential V x is of the form [GATE 2007]

(a) V x v x (b) V x v x 2

(c) V x 0 (d) V x v e  ax
19. For a particle of mass m in a one dimensional harmonic oscillator potential of
mZ2 x 2 , the first excited energy eigen state is \ x x  ax .
the form V x
The value of a is [GATE 2007]
mZ mZ
(a) (b)
4= 3=

mZ 2mZ
(c) (d)
2= 3=

20. A particle is in the normalized state \ which is superposition of the energy

eigenstates E0 10eV and E1 30eV . The average valueof energy of the
particle in the state \ is 20 eV. The state \ is gien by [GATE 2009]

1 3 1 2
(a) E0 10eV  E1 30eV (b) E0 10eV  E1 30eV
2 4 3 3

1 3 1 1
(c) E0 10eV  E1 30eV (d) E0 10eV  E1 30eV
2 4 2 2
Common Data for Q.21 and Q.22.
A free particle of mass m moves along the x-direction. At t = 0, the normalized
1 ª x2 º
\ x, 0 exp «   i D x »
wave function of the particle is given by 2 1/4 «
¬ 4 D 2
¼» ,

where D is a real constant [GATE 2009]

The expectation value of the momentum, in this stale is

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(a) =D (b) = D

(c) D (d)
22. The expectation value of the particle energy is

=2 1 =2 2
(a) (b) D
2m 2D3/2 2m

= 2 4D 2  1 = 2 4D 2  1
(c) (d)
2m 4D3/2 2 m 4D 2
23. Which of the following is an allowed wave function for a panicle in a bound
state? N is a constant and D.E ! 0 [GATE 2010]

e Dt Dt
(a) \ N 3 (b) \ N 1  e

­ non  zero constant if x  R

(c) \  NeDt eE x2  y2  z 2 (d) \ ® if x ! R
¯ 0

Common data for Q. 24 and Q. 25

The wave function of a particle moving in free space is given by \ eikx  2eikx
24. The enemy ofthe particle is [GATE 2012]

5= 2 k 2 3= 2 k 2
(a) (b)
2m 4m

=2k 2 =2k 2
(c) (d)
4m m
25. The probability current density for the real part of the wave function is
(a) 1 (b)

(c) (d) 0

26. Consider the wave function Aeikx r0 / r , where A is the normalization

constant. For r 2r0 the magnitude of probability current density up to two
decimal places, in units of A =x / m is [GATE 2013]
27. The state of a system is give by [GATE 2016]

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

\ I1  2 I2  3 I2

where I1 , I2 and I2 form an orthonormal set. The probability of finding

the system in the state I2 is ________. (Give your answer upto two decinal

1.(c) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(a & b) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(c)

8.(d) 9.(a) 10.(d) 11.(c) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(d)
15.(a) 16.(d) 17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(c) 20.(d) 21.(a)
22.(c) 23.(c) 24.(c) 25.(d) 26.(0.25) 27.(0.27 to 0.29)
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
§ 1 ·
1. The wavefunction of a particle is given by \ ¨ I0  iI1 ¸ , where I and I
0 1
© 2 ¹
are the normalized eigenfictions with energies E0 and E1 corresponding to
the ground state and first excited state, respectively. The expectation value of
the Hamiltonian in the state \ is : [CSIR June-2011]
E0 E0
(a)  E1 (b)  E1
2 2

E0  2 E1 E0  2 E1
(c) (d)
3 3

2. The vavefunction of a particle at t = 0 is given by \ 0 ¬ª u1  u2 ¼º ,
where u1 and u2 are the normalized eigenstates with eigenvalues E1 and
E2 respectively, E1 ! E2 . The shortest time after which \ t will become

orthozonal to \ 0 is [CSIR Dec-2011]

=S =S
(a)  E  E (b) E  E
2 1 2 1

2=S 2=S
(c) E  E (d) E  E
2 1 2 1

3. If a particle is represented by the normalized wave function

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

­ 15 a 2  x 2
°° for  a  x  a
\ x ® 5
° 4a 2
°̄ 0 otherwise
the uncertainty 'p in its momentum is [CSIR Dec-2012]
2= 5=
(a) (b)
5a 2a

10= 5=
(c) (d)
a 2a
4. The energies in the ground state and first excited state of a particle of mass
m in a potential V x are –4 and –1, respectively, (in units in which = 1 ).
If the corresponding wavefunctions are related by \1 x \ 0 x sinh x, then
the ground state eigenfunetion is [CSIR Dec 2012]
(a) \ 0 x sec hx (b) \0 x sec hx

(c) \ 0 x sec h 2 x (d) \ 0 x sec h3 x

5. If \ x A exp  x 4 is the eigenfunction of a one dimensional Hamiltonian

with eigenvalue E = 0, the potential V x (in units where = 2m 1 ) is

(a) 12x 2 (b) 16x 6

(c) 16 x 6  12 x 2 (d) 16 x 6  12 x 2
6. Suppose the Hamiltonian of a conservative system in classical mechanics is
H Zxp , where Z is a constant and x and p are the position and momentum
respectively. The corresponding Hamiltonian in quantum mechanics, in the
coordinate representation, is [CSIR Dec-2014]
§ w 1· § w 1·
(a) i=Z ¨ x  ¸ (b) i=Z ¨ x  ¸
© wx 2 ¹ © wx 2 ¹
w i =Z w
(c) i=Zx (d)  x
wx 2 wx
7. Let \1 and \ 2 denote, the normalized eigenstates of a particle with energy
eigenvalues E1 and E2 respectively, with E2 ! E1 . At time t = 0 the particle is
prepared in a state \ t 0 \1  \ 2 . The shortest tune T at which
\ t T will be orthogonal to \ t 0 is [CSIR Dec 2014]
An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,
IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

2=S =S
(a) E  E (b) E  E
2 1 2 1

=S =S
(c) 2 E  E (d) 4 E  E
2 1 2 1

8. A Hermitian operator Ô has two normalised eigenstates 1 and 2 with

eigenvalues 1 and 2, respectively. The two states u cos T 1  sin T 2 and

v cos I 1  sin I 2 are such that u Oˆ v  7 / 4 and u | v 0 . Which of

the following are possible values of T and I ? [CSIR Dec. 2015]
(a) T  and I (b) T and I
5 3 6 3

(c) T  and I (d) T and I 
4 4 3 6

9. The eigenstates corresponding to eigenvalues E1 and E2 of a time independent

Hamilto nium are 1 and 2 respectively. If at t = 0, the system is in a state
\ t 0 sin T 1  cos T 2 the value of \ t  \ t at time t will be

[CSIR June, 20161

E1 sin 2  E2 cos2 T
(a) 1 (b)
E12  E22

(c) eiE t / = sin T  eiE t / = cos T

1 2 (d) eiE t / = sin 2 T  eiE t / = cos 2 T
1 2

10. Consider the two lowest normalized energy eigenfunctions \ 0 x and \1 x

d \0
of a one dimensional system. They satisfy \ 0 x \*0 x and \1 x ,
where D is a areal constant. The expectation value of the momentum operator
in the state \1 is [CSIR Dec. 2016]

(a)  (b) 0

= 2=
(c) 2 (d)
D D2

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(b)

8.(a) 9.(a)
JEST Previous Year's Questions
1. The ground state (apart from normalization) of a particle of unit mass moving
in a one-dimensional potential V x is exp  x / 2 cosh 2 x . The potential

V x in suitable units so that = 1 , is (up to an additive constant).

[JEST 2012]

x2 x2
(a) (b)  2 x tanh 2x
2 2

x2 x2
(c)  2 x tan 2x (d)  2 x coth 2x
2 2
2. The wave function °fa free particle in one dimension is given by
\ x A sin x  B sin 3 x . Then \ x is an eigenstatc of [JEST 2012]
(a) the position operator (b) the Hamiltonian
(c) the momentum operator (d) the parity operator
3. If the expectation value of the momentum is p for the vavefunction \ x then
the expectation value of momentum for the wavefunction eik S / = \ x is
[JEST 2013]
(a) k (b) p  k

(c) p  k (d) p
4. The Hamiltonian operator fora two-state system is given by
H a 1 1 2 2 1 2  2 1

where a is a positive number with the dimension of energy. The energy

eigenstates corresponding to the larger and smaller eigenvalues respectively
are [JEST 2014]

(a) 1  2 1 2 , 1  2  1 2 (b) 1  2 1 2 , 1  2 1 2

(c) 1  2 1 2 , 2  1 1  2 (d) 1  2 1 2 , 2 1 1  2

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

5. Consider a three-state system with energies E, E and E  3g (where g is a

constant) and respective eigenstates

§1 · §1 · §1·
1 ¨ ¸  ¨ ¸ 1 ¨ ¸
\1 1 , \ 2 1 , \3 1
2 ¨¨ ¸¸ 6 ¨¨ ¸¸ 3 ¨¨ ¸¸
©0 ¹ © 2 ¹ ©1¹

If the system is initially (at t = 0) in state

§1 ·
¨ ¸
\1 ¨0¸
© ¹

What is the probability that at a later time ‘t’ system will be in state

¨ ¸
\f ¨0¸ [JEST 2014]
¨1 ¸
© ¹

4 2 § 3 gt ·
(a) 0 (b) sin ¨ ¸
9 © 2= ¹

4 § 3 gt · 4 2 § E  3gt ·
(c) cos 2 ¨ ¸ (d) sin ¨ ¸
9 © 2= ¹ 9 © 2= ¹
6. A ball bounces back off earth. You are asked to solve this quantum mechanically
assuming the earth is an infinitely bard sphere. Consider surface o f earth as
the origin implying V 0 f and a linear potential eleswhere (in V x  mgx
for x ! 0 ). Which of the following wave function is physically admissible for
(with k > 0) [PEST 2014]

e kx 2
(a) \ x (b) \ x xe kx

Ae kx
(c) \ x  Axe kx (d) \ x

7. Given that \1 and \ 2 are eigenstates ofa Hamiltonian with eigenvalues E1 and
E2 respectively, what is the energy uncertainty in the state \1  \ 2 ?
[JEST 2015]
(a)  E1E2 (b) E1  E2

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1 1
(c) E1  E2 (d) E2  E1
2 2

8. If a Hamiltonian H is given as H 0 0  1 1  i 0 1  1 0 , where 0

and 1 are orthonormal states, the eigenvalues of H are

(a) r1 (b) r i
(c) r 2 (d) r i 2

= w\
9. It is the dimension of , where \ is a wavefunction in, two dimensions?
i wx

(a) kgm1s 2 (b) kgs 2

(c) kgm2 s 2 (d) kgs 1

10. Consider the Hamiltonian

§1 0 0· §0 0 1 ·
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
H t D ¨ 0 2 0¸ ,E t ¨ 0 0 0 ¸
¨0 0 3¸ ¨ 1 0 2 ¸
© ¹ © ¹

The time dependent function E t D for t d 0 and zero for t > 0. Find
< t0 < t!0 , where < t  0 is the normalized ground state of the

system at a time t < 0 and < t ! 0 is the state of the system at t ! 0

1 1
(a) 1  cos 2Dt (b) 1  cos Dt
2 2

1 1
(c) 1  sin 2Dt (d) 1  sin Dt
2 2

1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(b) 7.(b)

8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(a)
TIFR Previous Year's Questions
1. In a quantum mechanical system, an observable A is represented by an operator
 . If \ is a state of the system, but not an eigenstate of  , then the quantity
r \ Aˆ \  \ Aˆ 2 \

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

satisfies the relation [TIFR 2013]

(a) r < 0 (b) r = 0
(c) r > 0 (d) r t 0
2. A particle of energy E moves in one dimension under the influence of a
potentials V x . If E ! V x for some range of x, which of the following
graphs can represent a bound state wave function of the particle?[TIFR 2013]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

3. The state \ of a quantum mechanical system, in a certain basis, is represented

by the column vector

§1/ 2 ·
¨ ¸
\ ¨ 0 ¸
¨ ¸
©1/ 2 ¹

The operator  corresponding to a dynamical variable A, is given, in the same

basis; by the matrix
§1 1 1 ·
ˆ ¨ ¸
A ¨1 2 1 ¸
¨1 1 2 ¸
© ¹
If now, a measurement of the variable A is made on the system in the state \ ,
the probability that the result will be + 1 is [TIFR 2013]
(a) (b) 1

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1 1
(c) (d)
2 4
4. A particle moving in a one dimension has the un-normalised wave function

§ x2 ·
\ x x exp ¨ 2 ¸ [TIFR 2014]
¨O ¸
© ¹
Where O is a real eonstant.The expectation value of its momentum is

= § x2 · x2 =
(a) O exp ¨¨  2 ¸¸ (b) 2
© O ¹ O

(c) (d) zero

5. The probability function for a variable x which assumes only positive values is

§ x·
f x x exp ¨  ¸ [TIFR 2014]
© O¹

where O ! 0 . The ratio x / xˆ , where x is the most probable value and x is

the mean value of the variable x, is
1 O
(a) 2 (b)
1 O

(c) (d) 1
6. A two state quantum system has two observables A and B. It is known that the
observable A has eigenstates D1 and D 2 with eigenvalues a1 and a2
respectively,while B has eigenstates E1 and E2 with eigenvalues b1 and b2
respectively and that these eigenstates aretelated by [TIFR 2015]
3 4 4 3
E1 D1  D 2 E2 D1  D 2
5 5 5 5
Suppose a measurement is made of the observable A and a valeu a1 is obtained.
If the observable B is now measured, the probability of obtaining the value b1
will be
(a) 0.80 (b) 0.64
(c) 0.60 (d) 0.36
7. If is a continuous variable which is umformly distributed over the real line
from x 0 to x o f according to the distribution f x exp 4 x then the
exteption value of cos 4x is [TIFR 2016]
An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,
IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
(a) zero (b) 1/2
(c) 1/4 (d) 1/16
8. A particle moving in one dimension is confined inside arigid box located
between x a / 2 and x a / 2 . If the particle is in its ground state
\ 0 2 / a cos momentum p is given, by

8= 4 pa
2 S2 =4 pa
cos sin 2
(a) S2 = 2  p 2 a 2 2= (b) S2 = 2  p a 2 2 2 2=

2= 4 pa 16= 4
cos 2 2
(c) S2 = 2  p 2 a 2 2= (d) S2 = 2  p 2 a 2

9. The normalized wave function of a particle can written as

f n
§ 1 ·
< x N¦¨ ¸ Mn x , where Mn x are the normalized energy eigen
n 0© 7 ¹
functions of a given Hamiltonian. The value of N is [TIFR 2017]

1 6
(a) (b)
7 7

3 62 7
(c) (d)
7 7

1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(d) 5.(a) 6.(d) 7.(b)

8.(a) 9.(b)
Other Examinations Previous Year's Questions
1. A quantum particle in one dimension x moves under the influence of a potential
that supports bound states. Plotted below are the wave functions \ vs. x
corresponding to four eigenstates of energy. Identily the wave functions
corresponding to the ground state and the highest energy state among the those

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
(a) (i) corresponds to the gound state and (iii) to the highest energy state
(b) (ii) corresponds to the ground state and (iv) to the highest energy state
(c) (iv) corresponds to the ground state and (ii) to the. highest energystate
(d) None of the ground state and (ii) corresponds to the highest energy state
2. The time-dependent wave function of a particle of mass in moving in one
dimension under the influence of a potential V (x) is given to be

­°Dxe E= eiE/ = for x ! 0

\ x, t ®
°̄ 0 for x  0

where D, E and J are real numbers. For x ! 0 , the potential V x is of the

form ( N1 and N2 are constants)

N2 N2
(a) N1  (b) N1 
x x2

(c) N1  N2 x (d) N1  N 2 x 2
3. The wave function \ r of a particle moving in three dimentional space has
the physical dimensions of
 12 3
(a) Length (b) Length 2

(c) Length (d) Length
4. The plot of a particular function is as shown

(a) This is not acceptable as a bound state wave function because it is not zero
at the origin
(b) This is not acceptable as a bound state wave function because it is
(c) This is acceptable as a bound state wave function
(d) This is not acceptable as a bound state wave function but acceptable as a
scattering state wave function
5. Let \ c1I1  c2I2  c3I3 , I1, I2 , I3 being (orthogonal) eigen functions of H

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
(a) \ is always an eigenliinction of H
(b) \ can never be an eigen function of H
(c) \ is an eigen function only if I1, I2 , I3 are degenerate
(d) \ is an eigen function if any two of \ are degenerate.
6. A is an operator which does not vary with time, and (A) the expection value
ofA in the state \ . Which of the following equation is correct in the
Schrodinger representation.
d 1 d 1
(a) A A, H (b) A  A, H
dt i= dt i=

d 1 1 d
(c) A  (d) A 0
dt i= H  A dt
7. The Schordinger equation for a quantum system is a linear differential equation
of the type
(a) First order in time and first order in space
(b) First order in space and second order in time
(c) Second order in space and first order in time
(d) Second order in space and second order in time
8. Which cat the following wave function is acceptable as the solution of the
Schrodinger equation for all values of x?
(a) \ x A sec x (b) \ x A tan x
2 2
(c) \ x  Ae x (d) \ x Ae x

9. Which of the following wavefunctions can be bound state solution of the one
dimensional Schrodinger equation for all vallie of x?
(a) \ A sec x (b) \ Ae x

Ae  x
2 2
(c) \ Ae x (d) \
10. The dispersion relation for travelling waves admitted by the wave equation
w 2\ w 2\ w 4\
 D 0 ( D : parameter) is :
wt 2 wx 2 wx 4

(a) Z r k 2  Dk 4 (b) Z r k  Dk 2

2 2
(c) Z r k 2  Dk 4 (d) Z r k  Dk

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

11. Given the Hamiltonian Hˆ Hˆ 0  Hˆ where Ĥ 0 and Ĥ are hermitian, which of

the following statements arecorrect?
(a) Ĥ is a hermitian operator and the total probability is consrved
(b) Ĥ is a hermitian and the total probability is not conserved
(c) Ĥ is not a hermitian operator and the total probability is conserved
(d) Ĥ is not a hermitian Operator and the total probability is not conserved.

1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(c)

8.(d) 9.(d) 10.(a) 11.(d)
GATE Previous Year's Questions
1. x and p are two operators which satisfy x, p i the operators X and P are
defined as X x cos I  p sin I and Y  x sin I  p cos I for I real. Then
X ,Y [GATE 2001]
(a) 1 (b) –1
(c) i (d) –i

2. ª ˆ ˆº
 and B̂ are two quantum, mechanical operators. If ¬ A, B ¼ stands for the

commutator of  and B̂ then ª¬ ª¬ Aˆ , Bˆ º¼ , ª¬ Bˆ , Aˆ º¼ º¼ is equal to [GATE 2002]

(a) ABAB
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ  BABA
ˆˆ ˆˆ (b) Aˆ AB
ˆ ˆ  BA
ˆ ˆ  Bˆ BA
ˆ ˆ  AB

(c) zero (d) ª¬ Aˆ , Bˆ º¼

The commutator ª¬ x, P º¼ , where x and Pare position and momenrum operators

respectively, is [GATE 2003]
(a) 2i=P (b) 2i= x P
(c) i=P (d) 2i= x P

i=, the value of ª¬ x , p º¼ is

4. If x, p [GATE 2007]

(a) 2i=x 2 (b) 2i=x 2

(c) 3i=x 2 (d) 3i=x 2

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

5. For a physical system, two obervables Q1 and Q2 are known to be compatible.

Choose the correct implication from amongst those given below
[GATE 2008]
(a) every eigenstate of Q1 must necessarily be an eigenstate Q2

(b) every non-degenerate eigenstate of Q1 must necessarily be an eigenstate

of Q2

(c) when an observation of Q1 is carried out on an arbitrary state \ of the

physical system, a subsequent observation of Q2 leads to an unambiguous result

(d) observation of Q1 and Q2 earned out on an arbitrary state \ of the physical

system, lead to the identical results irrespective of the order in which the the
observations are made
6.  and B̂ respesents two physical characteristics of a quantum system. If  is
Hermitian, then for the product AB
ˆ ˆ to be Hermitian, it is sufficient that
[GATE 2009]
(a) B̂ is Hermitian
(b) B̂ is anti Hermitian
(c) B̂ is Hermitian and  and B̂ commute
(d) B̂ is Hermitian and  and B̂ is anti-commute
7. Which one of the functions given below represents the bound state eigen
function of the operator  in the region 0 d x  f , with the eigenvalue -
dx 2
4? [GATE 20091
(a) A0e 2 x (b) A0 cosh 2 x

(c) A0e 2 x (d) A0 sinh 2 x

8. Which of the following operators is Hermitian? [GATE 2016]
d d2
(a) (b)
dx dx 2

d2 d3
(c) i (d)
dx 2 dx 3
9. If x and p are the x components of the position and the momentum operators
of a particle respectively, the commutator ª¬ x , p º¼ is
2 2
[GATE 2016]

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(a) i= xp  px (b) 2i= xp  px

(c) i= xp  px (d) 2i= xp  px

10. For the parity operator P, which of the following statements-is NOT true?
[GATE 2016]
(a) P 2 P (b) P 2 P
(c) P 2 1 (d) P 2 P 1
11. Which one of the following operators is Hermitian? [CATE 2017]

px x 2  x2 px px x 2  x2 px
(a) i (b) i
2 2

(c) e\ ,a (d) e \ ,a

1.(c) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(c)

8.(b) 9.(d) 10.(b) 11.(a)
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions

The commutator ª¬ x , p º¼ is:

2 2
1. [CSIR June 2012]

(a) 2i=xp (b) 2i= xp  px

(c) 2i=px (d) 2i= xp  px

2. Which of the following is a self-adjoint operator in the spherical polar
coordinate system r , T, M ? [CSIR June 2012]

i= w w
(a) (b) i=
sin T wT

i= w w
(c)  (d) i= sin T
sin T wT

3. Given the usual canonical commutation relations, the commutator A, B of

A i xp y  ypx and B ypz  zp y is [CSIR June 2013]

(a) = xp z  p x z (b) = xp z  px z

(c) = xp z  px z (d) = xp z  p x z

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
4. If the operators A and B satisfy the commutation relation [A, B] = 1, where I is
the identity operator, then [CSIR June 2013]

(a) ª¬e , B º¼ e (b) ª¬e , B º¼ ª¬e , Aº¼


(c) ª¬e , B º¼ ª¬e , Aº¼ (d) ª¬e , B º¼ 1

5. If A, B and C are non-zero Hermitian operators, which of the following relations

must be false?
(a) A, B C (b) AB  BA C
(c) ABA C (d) A  B C
6. Let x and p denote, respectively coordinate and momentum operators satisfying
the cannonical commutation relations x, p i in natural units = 1 . Then
the commutator ª¬ x, pe º¼ is : [CSIR June 2014]

2 p
(a) i 1  p e  p (b) i 1  p e

(c) i 1  e (d) ipe  p

7. The waveform of a particle in one-dimension is denoted by \ x in the

coordinate representation and by I p ³\ x dx in the momentum

representation. If the action of an operator Tˆ on \ x is given by

Tˆ \ x \ x  a where a is a constant, then Tˆ I p is given by
[CSIR June 2015]
(a)  apI p (b) eiap / = I p

§ i ·
(c) eiap / = I p (d) ¨1  ap ¸ I p
© = ¹

8. A particle moves in one dimension in the potential V k t x 2 , where k t
is a time dependent parameter. Then V the rate of change of the
expectation value V of the potential energy, is [CSIR June 2015]

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1 dk 2 k 1 dk 2 1
(a) x  xp  px (b) x  p2
2 dt 2m 2 dt 2m

k 1 dk 2
(c) xp  px (d) x
2m 2 dt

­§1 · § 0 · ½
9. Two different sets of orthogonal basis vectors ®¨ 0 ¸ , ¨1 ¸ ¾ and
¯© ¹ © ¹ ¿

­ 1 § 1· 1 § 1 · ½
® ¨ ¸, ¨ ¸ ¾ are given for a two dimensional real vector space. The
¯ 2 © 1¹ 2 © 1¹ ¿
matrix representation of a linear operator  in these bases are related by
unitary transformation. The unitary matrix may be chosen to be
[CSIR June 2015]

§ 0 1· §0 1·
(a) ¨ 1 ¸ (b) ¨ 1 0 ¸
© 0¹ © ¹

1 §1 1 · 1 §1 0 ·
(c) ¨ ¸ (d) ¨ ¸
2 ©1 1¹ 2 ©1 1 ¹

10. Consider the operator a x  a acting on smooth functions of x. The
commutator a, cos x is [CSIR Dec. 2016]
(a)  sin x (b) cos x
(c)  cos x (d) 0
11. Consider the operatnr SG G
p  qA , where p is the momentum operator
A Ax , Ay , Az is the vector potential and q denotes the electric charge. 1f
B Bx , By , Bz denotes the ma caletie field, the z-component of the vector
operator x is [CSIR Dec. 2016]

(a) iq=Bz  q Ax p y  Ay px (b) iq=Bz  q Ax p y  Ay px

(c) iq=Bz (d) iq=Bz

§a· §b·
12. The two vectors ¨ 0 ¸ and ¨ c ¸ are orthogonal if [CSIR June 2017]
© ¹ © ¹
(a) a r1, b r1 / 2, c r1 / 2 (b) a r1, b r1, c 0
(c) a r1, b 0, c r1 (d) a r1, b r1/ 2, c 1 / 2

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(a) 7.(c)

8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(c)
JEST Previous Year's Questions
1. The hermitian conjugate of the operator w / wx is [JEST 2013]
(a) w / wx (b) w / wx
(c) iw / wx (d) iw / wx

§d ·§ d ·
2. The operator ¨  x ¸ ¨  x ¸ is equivalent to
© dx ¹ © dx ¹

d2 d2
(a) 2
 x2 (b) 2
 x2  1
dx dx

d2 d d2 d
(c) x 1 (d)  2x  x2
dx 2 dx dx 2 dx
3. The operator A and B share all the eigenstates. Then the least possible value of
the product of uncertainties 'A'B is [JEST 2014]
(a) = (b) 0
(c) = / 2 (d) Determinant (AB)
4. The adjoint of a differential operator acting on a wavefunction \ x for a
quantum mechanical syste is [JEST 2016]
d d
(a) (b) i=
dx dx

d d
(c)  (d) i=
dx dx
5. For operators P and Q the commutator ª¬ P, Q º¼ is: [JEST 2016]

(a) Q 1 P, Q Q 1 (b) Q 1 P, Q Q 1

(c) Q 1 P , Q Q (d) Q 1 P , Q Q 1

§1 0· § 10 3i ·
6. Let A ¨ 0 11 ¸ and M ¨ ¸ . Similarly transformation of M to A can
© ¹ © 3i 2 ¹
be performed by [JEST 2017]

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1 § 1 3i · 1 § 1 3i ·
(a) ¨ ¸ (b) ¨ ¸
10 © 3i 1 ¹ 9 © 3i 1 ¹

1 § 1 3i · 1 § 1 3i ·
(c) ¨ ¸ (d) ¨ ¸
10 © 3i 1 ¹ 9 © 3i 1 ¹
7. If the ground state waveffinction of a particle moving in a one dimensional
potential is proportional to exp  x / 2 cosh 2 x then the potential in
suitable units such that = 1 is proportional to [JEST 2017]

(a) x 2 (b) x 2  2 2 x tanh 2x

(c) x 2  2 2 x tan 2x (d) x 2  2 2 x coth 2x

1.(a) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(b)

TIFR Previous Year's Questions
1. Consider a quantum mechanical system with three linear operators Aˆ , Bˆ and
Ĉ , which are related by
ˆ ˆ Cˆ
where Iˆ is the unit operator. If Aˆ and B̂ x then Ĉ must be [TIFR 13]

(a) zero (b)

d d
(c)  x (d) x
dx dx

2. Denote the commutator of two matrices A and B by A, B AB  BA and the

anti-commutator by A, B AB  BA

If A, B 0 , we can write A, BC [TIFR 2017]

(a)  B A, C (b) B A, C

(c)  B A, C (d) A, C B

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
1.(d) 2.( )
Other Examinations Previous Year's Questions
1. Two Hermitian operators A and B commute (on a finite dimensional linear
vector space). This implies that
(a) every eigenvector of A is necessarily an eigenvector of B
(b) a complete set o f simultaneous eigen vector ofA and B exist
(c) every vector is necessarily an eigenvector of A and B
(d) all eigenvectors ofA are always orthogonal to those of B
2. Let A and B be the Hermitian operators correspoinding to two physical
observables ofa system, such that A, B z 0 . We may conclude in general that

(a) The uncertainty product is always 'A 'B !

(b) The system can never be in a state in which 'A 'B 0

(c) Neither A nor B can have anyeigenstates
(d) A and B may have one or more common eigensiate(s), but not a complete
set oithese.
3. Let N b ' b , where the operators b and b' satisfy the relations bb ' b ' b 1 and
b2 0 b ' . The eigenvalues of N are

(a) Positive and negative integers (b) ail positive integers

(c) ± l and 0 only (d) 0 and 1 only

4. The commutator ª¬ xˆ xˆ, pˆ º¼ is

(a) i=xˆ (b) i=xˆ
(c) 2i=xˆ (d) 0

5. An operator F̂ is such that F̂ \ x \ x  a . Here \ x is any wave function

in the position representation and a is a constant. If x̂ and p̂ are position and
momentum operator, then F̂ is given by

§  aipˆ · § aixˆ ·
(a) exp ¨ ¸ (b) exp ¨ ¸
© = ¹ © = ¹

§  aixˆ · § aipˆ ·
(c) exp ¨ ¸ (d) exp ¨ ¸
© = ¹ © = ¹
6. If the momentum operator p̂ is presented by multiplication by p̂ on a wave
function of a particle in one dimension, the position operator x̂ is given by :
An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,
IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

w w
(a) x̂ i= wp (b) x̂ i= wp

(c) x̂ wp
(d) x̂ x (multiplication by x)

7. For any operator A, i A  A is :

(a) Hermitian (b)Anti-Hermitian

(c) Unitary (d) Orthogonal
8. The Hamiltonian of a three-level system is:

§2 0 0·
¨ ¸
H a¨0 0 1¸
¨0 1 0¸
© ¹

The energy eigenvalues are

(a) 2a, a,  a (b) 2a, a, 0
(c) 2a, 0, 0 (d) 2a, a, a

1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(a)

Gate Previous Year's Questions
1. In the first excited state ofa one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with angular
frequency Z , the energy eigenvalue is given by [GATE 1997]
(a) =Z (b) =Z

(c) =Z (d) 2=Z
2. A particle of energy E is incident on a rectangular potential barrier of height
Vo and width b. [GATE 1999]
(a) The reflection coefficient for E  V0 tends to unity as b tends to infinity

(b) The reflection coefficient is zero for some specific values of E ! V0

(c) The transmission coefficient is always zero for E  V0

(d) The transmission coefficient is zero for some specific values of E ! V0

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

3. A t t = 0, a one dimensional harmonic oscillator of tiequency Z is in a state

\ x, 0 u0 x  i 3 / 2u1 x

where u0 and u1 are the first two normalized eigenfunctions. [GATE 1998]

(a) The probability of finding the oscillator in state u1 is

(b) The probability of finding the oscillator in the state u0 is
(c) The average energy of the oscillator is 2=Z

(d) The average energy of the oscillator is 5=Z

4. Let a particle move in a potential field given by [GATE 2000]

­1 2 2
° mZ x for x ! 0
V xˆ ®2
°¯ f for x d 0

Tne allowed energies of this patricle are

(a) n  1/ 2 =Z (b) 2n  3 / 2 =Z

(c) 2n  1/ 2 =Z (d) n  5 / 2 =Z
5. If the wave function of a particle trapped in space between x 0 and x 1 is
§ 2Sx ·
given \ x A sin ¨ ¸ where A is a constant, for which value(s) of x will
© 1 ¹
the probability of finding the particle be the maximum? [GATE 2002]
(a) (b)
4 2

L L L 3L
(c) and (d) and
6 4 4 4
6. A free particle with energy E whose wave-function is a plane wave with
wavelength O enters a region of constant potential V ! 0 where the wavelength
of the particle is 2O . The ratio (V/E) is: [GATE-2003]
(a) 1/2 (b) 2/3
(c) 3/4 (d) 4/5

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
7. Which of the following is a valid normalized wave function for a particle in a
one dimensional infinite potential well of width L centred at x 0 ?

(a) 2 L ª¬cos 2S x L  sin 2S x L º¼

(b) 2 L sin nS x L for odd n

(c) 2 L cos nS x L for odd n

(d) 2 L cos S x L
Common data for Q. 8 and Q.9
A particle is confined to the region 0 < x < L in-one dimension. [GATE 04]
8. If the particle is in the first excited state, then the probability of finding the
particle is maximum at
(a) x (b) x
6 2

L L 3L
(c) x (d) x and
3 4 4
9. If the particle is in the lowest energy state, then the probability of finding the
particle in the region T to is : [GATE 2004]

1 1 1
(a) 4  2S (b)

1 1 1
(c) 4  2S (d)
10. A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator carrying a charge is placed in a uniform
electric field E along positive axis. The corresponding Hamiltonian operator
is [GATE 2005]

=2 d 2 1 2 =2 d 2 1 2
(a)  kx  qEx (b)   kx  qEx
2m dx 2 2 2m dx 2 2

=2 d 2 1 2 =2 d 2 1 2
(c)   kx  qEx (d)   kx  qEx
2m dx 2 2 2m dx 2 2
11. A particle is incident with a constant energy E or. a one-dimensional potential
barrier as shown in the figure. [GATE 2005]

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

The wavefunctions in region I and II are respectively

(a) decaying, oscillatory (b) oscillatory, oscillatroy
(c) oscillatory, decaying (d) decaying, decaying.
12. A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is in the state
\ x ª¬3\ 0 x  2\1 x  \ 2 x º¼

Where \0 x , \1 x and \ 2 x are the ground, first excited and second

excited states, respectively. The probability of finding the oscillator in the
ground state is: [GATE 2006]
(a) 0 (b)

(c) (d) 1
13. A free particle is moving in +x direction with a linear momentum p. The
wavefunction of the particle normalised in a length L is: [GATE 2006]
1 P 1 P
(a) sin x (b) cos x
L h L h

1 i h x 1 ihx
(c) e (d) e
Common data for Q. 14, Q. 15 and Q. 16
A particle of mass m is confined in the ground stateof a one-diernensional
box, extending from x 2L to x 2L . The wavefimction of the particle in
this state is \ x \ 0 cos . Where \ 0 is a constant [GATE 2007]

14. The normalization factor \ 0 of this wavelength is:

2 1
(a) (b)
L 4L

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1 1
(c) (d)
2L L
15. The energy eigenvaluc corresponding to this state is:

=2S2 =2S2
(a) (b)
2mL2 4mL2

= 2 S2 = 2 S2
(c) (d)
16mL2 32mL2

16. The expectation value of p 2 (p is the momentum operator) in this state is:

= 2 S2
(a) 0 (b)

= 2 S2 = 2 S2
(c) (d)
16L2 8L2
17. There are only three bound states for a particle o f mass m in a one-dimensional
potential well of the form shown in the figure. The depth V0 of the potential
satisfies. [GATE 2007]

2 = 2 S2 9= 2 S 2 = 2 S2 2= 2 S 2
(a)  V0  (b)  V0 
ma 2 2ma 2 ma 2 ma 2

2 = 2 S2 8= 2 S 2 2 = 2 S2 50= 2 S2
(c)  V0  (d)  V0 
ma 2 ma 2 ma 2 ma 2
18. A particle with energy E is in time independent double well potential as shown
in the figure. Which of the fbllowing statements about the particle is NOT
correct? [GATE 2007]

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(a) The particle will always be in a bound state

(b) The probability of finding the particle in one well be time dependent
(c) The particle will be confined to any one of the wells
(d) The particle can tunnel from one well to the other, and back
19. The energy levels of a particle of mass m in a potential of the form
V x f, xd0

mZ2 x 2 , x!0
are given, in terms of quantum number n = 0,1, 2, 3 ......, by [GATE 2007]

§ 1· § 1·
(a) ¨ n  ¸ =Z (b) ¨ 2n  ¸ =Z
© 2¹ © 2 ¹

§ 3· § 3·
(c) ¨ 2n  ¸ =Z (d) ¨ n  ¸ =Z
© 2¹ © 2¹
Common data for Q.10,Q. 21 and Q. 22
A beam of identical particles of mass in and energy E is incident from left on
a potential barrier ofwidth L tbetween 0 < x < L) and height V0 as shown in the
figure E  V0 [GATE 2008]

For x > L, there is tunneling with a transmission coefficient T > 0. Let AQ , QR

and AT denote the amplitudes for the incident, reflected and the transmitted
waves, respectively.
20. Throughout 0 < x < L, the wave function
(a) Can be chosen to be real (b) Is exponentially decaying

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(c) Is generally complex (d) Is zero.
21. Let the probability current associated with the incident wave be S0 . Let R be
the reflection coefficient. Then
(a)The probabiltiy current vanishes in the classically forbidden region
(b) The probability current is TS0 for x ! L

(c) For, x  0 the probability current S0 1  R

(d) For x ! L the probability eurreht is complex
22. The ratio of the reflected to the incident amplitude A is :

(a) 1  A (b) 1  T in magnitude

§ 2·
¨1  AT ¸ E
(c) A real negative number (d) ¨ A0 ¸V  E
© ¹ 0

23. A particle is placed in a one dimensional box of size L along the x-axis
0  x  L . Which of the following is true? [GATE 2008]
(a) In the ground state, the probability of finding the particle in the interval
§ L 3L ·
¨ , ¸ is halt
©4 4 ¹
(b) In the first excited state, the probability of ending the particle in the left in

the interval is half. This also holds for states with n = 4, 6, 8, .....

(c) For an arbitory state \ , the probability of finding the particle in the left
half of the well is half
(d) In the ground state, the particle has a definite momentum
24. A particle of rnass rn is confided in the potential,
­1 2 2
° mZ x for x ! 0
V x ®2
°¯ f for x d 0

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
Let the wave function of the particle be given by
1 2
\ x  \0  \1
5 5

where \ 0 and \1 are the eigen functions of the ground state and the first excited
state respectively. The expectation value of the energy is : [GATE 2010]
31 25
(a) =Z (b) =Z
10 10

13 11
(c) =Z (d) =Z
10 10
Common data for Q.25 and Q. 26
In a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, M0 , M1 and M2 are respectively the
ground, first and the second excited states. These three states are normalized
and are orthogonal to one another \1 and \ 2 are two states defined by
\1 M0  2M1  3M2 , \ 2 M0  M1  DM2 . Where a is a constant. GATE 2011]

25. The value of D for which \ 2 is orthogonal to \1 is

(a) 2 (b)1
(c) –1 (d) –2
26. For the value of D determined in Q.37, expectation value of energy of oscillator
in the state \ 2 is :
(a) =Z (b) 3=Z / 2
(c) 3=Z (d) 9=Z / 2
27. An electron with energy E is indent from left on a potential barrier, given by
V x 0 for x  0

V0 for x ! 0
as shown in the figure [GATE 2011]

For E  V0 , the space part of the wavefunction for x > 0 is of the form

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(a) eDx (b) eDx

(c) eiDx (d) eiDx

wheie D is a real positive quantity..
28. A particle is constrained to move in a truncated harmonic potential well (x >
0) as shown in the figure. Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?
[GATE 20121

(a) The parity of the first excited state is even

(b) The parity of the around State is even
(c) The ground state energy is =Z

(d) The first excited state energy is =Z
29. A one dimensional harmonic oscillator is in the superposition of number state,
n given by

1 3
\ 2  3
2 2
The average energy of the oscillator in the given state is _____ =Z .
[GATE 2014]
30 Suppose a linear harmonic oscilfator of freuertcy Z and mass m is in the state
1 ª« i º
\ \ 0  e 2 \1 » at
2« » t 0 where \0 and \1 are the ground and the
¬ ¼

first excited states;’ respectively. The value of \ x \ in the units of at
t 0 is [GATE 2015]
31. A particle of mass m and energy E, moving in the positive x direction is incident
on a step potential at x = 0, as indicated in the figure. The height of the potential
is V0 where V0 ! E . At x x0 , where x0 ! 0 the probability of the finding the

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1 2m V0  E
electron is times the probability of findirig it at x 0 . If D
e =2
the value of x0 is [GATE 2016]

2 1
(a) (b)

1 1
(c) (d)
2D 4D
32. A free electron of energy 1eV is incident upon a one-dimensional finite
potential step of height 0.75eV. The probability of its reflection from the harrier
is ______ (up to two decimal places). [GATE 2017]

1.(c) 2.(a, b) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(c)

8.(d) 9.(a) 10.(b) 11.(c) 12.(c) 13.(d) 14.(c)
15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(b) 21.(b)
22.(b) 23.(c) 24.(a) 25.(c) 26.(b) 27.(b) 28.(d)
29.(3.25) 30.(0) 31.(c) 32.(0.10 to 0.12)
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
1. Consider a particle in a one dimensional potential that satisfies V x V x .

Let \0 and \1 denote the ground and the first excited states, respectively
and let \ D0 \ 0  D1 \1 be a normalized state with D0 and D1 being real

constants. The expectation value x the position operator x in the state \ is

given by [CSIR Dec. 2011]

(a) D 02 \ 0 x \ 0  D12 \1 x \1 (b) D 0D1 ª¬ \ 0 x \1  \1 x \ 0 º¼

(c) D 02  D12 (d) 2D0D1

2. Let 0 and 1 denote the normalized eigenstates corresponding to the ground

and first excited state of a onw dimensional harmonic oscillator. The uncertainty
'p in the state 0 1 is : [CSIR Dec 2011]

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

(a) 'p =mZ / 2 (b) 'p =mZ / 2

(c) 'p =mZ (d) 'p 2=mZ

3. A particle in one-dimension is in the potental

­ f if x  0
V x ®V0 if 0 d x d A
° 0 if x ! A

If therer is at least one bound state, the minimum depth of the potential is :
[CSIR June 2012]

= 2 S2 =2S2
(a) (b)
8mA 2 2mA 2

2= 2 S2 = 2 S2
(c) (d)
mA 2 mA 2

4. Let 0 and 1 denote the normalized eigenstates correspondig to the ground

and the first excited states of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. The
uncertainty 'x in the state 0 1 is : [CSIR Dec 2012]

(a) 'x = / 2mZ (b) 'x = / mZ

(c) 'x 2= / mZ (d) 'x = / 4mZ

5. Consider the normalized state \ of a particle in a one-dimensional harmonic

oscillator :
\ b1 0  b2 1 where 0 and 1 denote the ground and first excited states
respectively, and b1 and b2 are real constants. The expectation value of the
displacement x in the state \ will be a minimum when [CSTR June 2013]

(a) b2 0, b1 1 (b) b2 b1

(c) b2 b1 (d) b2 b1
6. A particle is in the ground state of an infinite square well potential given by

­ 0 for  a d x d a
V x ®
¯f otherwise

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

a a
The probability to find the particle in the interval between  and is
2 2
[CSIR Dec. 2013]
1 1 1
(a) (b) 
2 2 S

1 1 1
(c)  (d)
2 S S
7. A particle in the infinite square well

­2 0  x  a
V x ®
¯f otherwise
is prepared in a state with the wavefunction

­ 3 § Sx ·
° A sin ¨ ¸ 0  x  a
\ x ® © a ¹
° f
¯ otherwise

The expectation value °of the energy o f the particle is [CSIR June 2014]

5= 2 S 2 9= 2 S 2
(a) (b)
2ma 2 2ma 2

9= 2 S2 = 2 S2
(c) (d)
10ma 2 2ma 2

8. Let \ c0 0  c1 1 (where c0 and c1 are constant with c02  c12 1) be a linear

combination of the wayefunctions of the ground and first excited states of the
one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. For what value of c0 is the expectation
value x a maximum ? [CSIR Dec 2011]

= 1 = 1
(a) x , c0 (b) x , c0
mZ 2 2mZ 2

= 1 = 1
(c) x , c0 (d) x , c0
2mZ 2 mZ 2
9. The ground state energy of a particle of mass m in the potential
§x· =2
V x cosh ¨ ¸ where L and V0 are constants (with V0 !! ) is
©L¹ 2mL2
approximately [CSIR Dec. 2015]

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

= 2V0 = V0
(a) V0  (b) V0 
L m L m

= V0 = V0
(c) V0  (d) V0 
4L m 2L m
10. The state of a particle of mass m in a one-dimensional rigid box in the interval
0 to is given by the normalised wavefunction [CSIR June 2016]

2 § 3 § 2Sx · 4 § 4Sx · ·
\ x ¨ sin ¨ ¸  sin ¨ ¸¸
L ©5 © L ¹ 5 © L ¹¹
energy is measured, the possible outcomes and the average value of energy
are, respectively.

=2 2= 2 73 = 2 =2
=2 19 = 2
(a) , and (b) , and
2mL2 mL2 50 mL2 8mL2 2mL2 40 mL2

=2 2= 2
19 = 2 =2 2= 2
73 =2
(c) , and (d) , and
2mL2 mL2 10 mL2 8mL2 mL2 200 mL2
11. A particle of mass m in moves in one-dimension under the influence of the
potential V x Doˆ x where D is a positive constant. The uncertainty in

the product 'x 'p in its ground state is [CSIR June 2016]

(a) 2= (b)
(c) 2=

1 1
12. Let a x  ip and a n x  ip be the lowering and raising operators
2 2
of a simple harmonic oscillator in units where the mass, angular frequency
and = have been set to unity. If 0 is the ground stare of the oscillator and O
is a complex constant, the expectation value of \ x \ in the state

\ exp Oa 2  O*a is [CSIR Dee. 2016]

2 1
(a) O (c) O

1 1
(c) O  O* (d) O  O*
2i 2
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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

13. A particle in one dimension is in a potential V x AG x  a . Its wavefunction

\ x is continuous every-where. The discontinuity in d \ / dx at x a is

[CSIR Dee. 2016]
(a) A\ a (b) A\ a  \ a

(c) A (d) 0
14. If the root-mean-squared momentum of a particle in the ground state of a one-
dimensional simple harmonic potential is p0 , then its root-mean-squared
momentum in the first excited state is [CSIR June 2017)]
(a) p0 2 (b) p0 3

(c) p0 2 / 3 (d) p0 3 / 2

15. Consider a potential barrier A of height V0 and width b, and another potential
bather B of height 2V0 and the same width b. The ratio TA / TB of tunnelling
probabilities TA and TB , through harriers A and B respectively, for a particle
of energy V0 /100 is best approximated by [ICSIR June 2017]

ª§ 8mV0b 2 ·º
« ¨ ¸»
(a) exp «¨ 1.99  0.99 =2 ¸»
¬© ¹¼

ª§ 2 ·º
exp «¨ 1.98  0.98 8mV0b ¸»
(b) «¨ =2 ¸»
¬ © ¹¼

ª§ 8mV0b 2 ·º
« ¨ ¸»
(c) exp «¨ 2.99  0.99 =2 ¸»
¬© ¹¼

ª§ 2 ·º
exp «¨ 2.98  0.98 8mV0b ¸»
(d) «¨ =2 ¸»
¬© ¹¼

1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(a) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(c)

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(a) 11.(c) 12.(d) 13.(a) 14.( )

15.( )
JEST Previous Year's Questions
1. A quantum mechanical particle in a harmonic oscillator potential has the initial
wavefunction \0 x  \1 x , where \ 0 and \1 , are the real wayckinctions in
the ground and first excited states of the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian.
For convenience we take m = Z 1 for the oscillator. What is the probabihty
density of finding the particle at x at time t S ? [JEST 2013]

2 2
(a) \1 x  \ 0 x (b) \1 x  \ 0 x

2 2
(c) \1 x  \ 0 x (d) \1 x  \ 0 x

2. A particle of macs in is contained in a one-dimensional infinite well extendding

from x L / 2 to x L / 2 . The particle is in its ground state given by
\0 x 2 / L cos Sx / L . The walls of the box are moved suddenly to form a
box extending from x = –L to x = L. What is the probability that the particle
will be in the ground state a fter this sudden expansion?
[JEST 2013]
(a) 8 / 3S (b) 0

2 2
(c) 16 / 3S (c) 4 / 3S
3. The lowest quantum mechanical energy of a particle confined in a one-
dimensional box of size 1 is 2 eV. The energy of the quantum Mechanical
ground state for a system of three non-interacting, spin- l,2 particles is
(a) 6 eV (b) 10 eV
(c) 12 eV (d) 16 eV
4. Consider a square %veil of depth V0 and width a with V0a fixed. Let
V0 o f and a o 0 . This potential well has [JEST 2011]
(a) No bound states (b) 1 Vound state
(c) 2 bound states (d) infinitely many bound states

5. Consider a harmonic oscillator in thc state \ e 2 e aa ' 0 where 0 is the

ground state, a1 is the raising operator and D is a complex number. What is

the probability that the harmonic oscillator is in the n-th eigenstate ?

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

2 a12 2
D  D
(a) e  a
(b) e 2 [JEST 2015]
n! n!

2 a12 2
D  D
(c) e (d) e 2
n! n!
6. A particle of mass m moves in 1-dimensional potential V(x), which vanishes
at infinity. The exact ground state eigenfunction is \ x A sec h Ox where
A and O are constant. The ground state energy eigenvalue of this system is,
[JEST 2015]

= 2O 2 =2O2
(a) E (b) E 
m m

=2O2 = 2O 2
(c) E  (d) E
2m 2m
7. An electron confined within a thin layer of semiconductor may be treated as a
free particle inside an infinitely deep one-dimensional potential well. If the
difference in energies between the first and the second energy levels is GE ,
then the thickness of the layer is: [JEST 2016]

3= 2 S2 2= 2 S 2
(a) (b)
2mGE 3mGE

= 2 S2 = 2 S2
(c) (d)
2mGE mGE

8. I0 x and I1 x are respective the orthogonal wavefunctions of the ground

and first excited states of one dimensional simple harmonic oscillator.
Consider the normalised wave function \ x c0I0 x  c1I1 x , where c0

and c1 are real. For what values of c0 and c1 will \ x x \ x be maximized?

(a) c0 c1 1/ 2 (b) c0 c1 1 / 2 [JEST 2017]

(c) c0  3 / 2, c1 1/ 2 (d) c0  3 / 2, c1 1/ 2

9. If x̂ t be the position operator at a time t in the Heisenberg picture for a

pˆ 2 1
particle described by the Hamiltonian, Hˆ  mZ2 xˆ 2 , what is
2m 2
eiZt 0 xˆ t xˆ 0 0 in units of , wheit 0 is the -ound state? [PEST 2017]

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1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(a)

8.(a) 9.(0001)
TIFR Previous Year's Questions
1. A particle is confined in a one-dimensional infinite potential well with walls
at x r1 . Another Particle P2 is confined in a one-dimensional infinite
potential well with walls at x = 0, 1. Comparing the two particles, one can
conclude that [TIFR 2010]
(a) the no. of nodes in the nth excited state of P1 is twice that of P2

(b) the no. of nodes in the nth excited state of P1 is half that of P2

(c) the enemy of the nth level of P1 is the same as that of P2

(d) the energy of the nth level of P1 is one quarter or that of P2

2. The wave function < of a quantum mechanical system described by a
Hamiltonian it can be written as a linear combination or )1 and ) 2 , which are
the eigenfunctions of Ĥ with cigetivalues E1 and E2 respectively At t = 0, the
4 3
syctem is prepared is the state < 0 )1  ) 2 and then allowed to evolve
5 5
with time. The wavefunction at time T E1  E2
will be (accurate to within a

phase). [TIFR 2010]

3 4
(a) )1  ) 2 (b) )1
5 5

4 3
(c) )1  ) 2 (d) ) 2
5 5

3 4 3 4
(e) )1  ) 2 (f) )1  ) 2
5 5 5 5
3. A particle of mass m is placed in the ground state of a one-dimensional harmonic
oscillator potential of the fon
1 2
V x kx

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where the stiffness constant k can be varied externally. The ground state
wavefunction has the form \ x v exp ax k where a is a constant. If,
suddenly, the pararneter k is changed to 4k, the probability that the particle
will remain in the ground state of the new potential is [TIFR 2011]
(a) 0.47 (b) 0.06
(c) 0.53 (d) 0.67
(e) 0.33 (f) 0.94
4. A particle in a one-dimensional potential has the wavefunction
1 § x ·
\ x exp ¨ ¸ where is a constant. It follows that for a positive
a © a ¹
constant V0 , the potential V x is [T1FR 2012]

(a) V0 x 2 (b) V0 x

(c) V0G x (d) V0 / x

5. A harmonic oscillator has the wave function, \ x, t 3M0 x, t  2 2M x, t

2 2 x, t º¼ where Mn x, t is the eigenfiinction belonging to the n-th energy

§ 1·
eigenvalue in ¨ n  ¸ . The expectation value E of energy for the state \ x, t
© 2 ¹
(a) 1.58=Z (b) 0.46=Z
(c) =Z (d) 1.46=Z
6. A particle is con aned to a one-dimensional box of length L. If a vanishingly
thin but strongly repulsive partition is introduced in the exact centre of the
box, and the particle is allowed to come to its ground state then the probability
density for finding the particle will appear as [TIFR 2014]

(a) (b)

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(c) (d)

7. A particle is moving in one dirnension Under a potential V(x) such that, for
large positive values of x. V x | kxE , where k > 0 and E t 1. If the wave function

in this region has the form \ x exp  x 2 which oldie following is true ?

(a) O 1 (b) O E [TIFR 2013]

(c) O 2E  2 (d) O
8. A one-dimensional box contains a particle whose ground state energy is  . It
is observed that a small disturbance causes the particle to emit a photon of
energy hv 8 , after which it is stable just before emission, a possible state
of the particle in ferms of the eigenstate \1, \ 2 ... would be [TIFR 2015]

\1  \ 2 \ 2  2\1
(a) (b)
2 5

4\ 4  5\5 2\1  3\ 2  5\ 5

(c) (d)
41 6
9. 1000 neutral spinless particles are confined in a one dimensional box of length
100 cm. At a given instant of time, if 100 of these particle have energy 4 0
and the remaining 900 have energy 225 0 , then the numbers of particles in
the left half of the box will he approximately [TIFR 2015]
(a) 625 (b) 500
(c) 441 (d) 100
10. A one-dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator is in its ground state
[TIFR 2015]
§ mZ ·
e  mZx
/2 =
\0 x ¨ ¸
© S= ¹
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Two experiments, [A] and [B], are performed on the system. In [A], the frequency
co of the oscillator suddenly doubled, while in [B] the frequency Z is suddenly
halved. If p A and pB denote the probability in each case that the system is
found in its new ground state immediately after the frequency change, which
of the following is true?
(a) p A 2 pB (b) p A 2 pB

(c) 2 p A pB (d) p A pB
11. A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator ofmass in and natural frequency Z is
in the quantun state
1 i i
Z 0  1  1 [TIFR 2016]
1 3 2
§ 1·
at time t 0, where n denotes the eigenstate with eigenvalue ¨ n  ¸ =Z. It
© 2¹
follows that the exception value
x t of the position operator is
ª 1 º
(a) x 0 «cos Zt  sin Zt » (b) x 0 cos Zt  sin Zt
¬ 3 ¼

ª º1 ª 1 º
(c) x 0 «cos Zt  sin Zt » (d) x 0 «cos Zt  sin Zt »
¬ 2 ¼ ¬ 2 ¼

12. A particle is conlincd inside a ono-dimensionai potential well V x , as shown

on the right. One of the possible probability distributions \ x for an energy
eigenstate for this particle is [TIFR 2016]

(a) (b)

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(c) (d)

13. Two harmonic oscillators A and B are in excited eigenstates with the same
excitation energy E, as measured from their respective ground state energies.
The natural frequency of A is twice that of B.

If the wavefunction of B is as sketched in the above picture, which of the

following would best represent the wave function of A? [TIFR 2016]

-10 -5 0 5 10
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

14. A particle is confined in a one-dimensional box o f unit length L 1 , i.e. in a


­ 0 if 0  x  1
V x ®
¯f otherwise

The enegy eigenvalues of this particle are denoted E0 , E1, E2 , E3 ,...

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In a particular experiment, the wavefunction of this particle at t 0 , is given


°­ 2 if 0  x  1 / 2
\ x ®
°̄ 0 otherwise

lf simultaneouly i.e. at t = 0 a meansurement the energy of the particle is

made, find 100 p3 , where p3 is the probability that the measurement will yield
the energy E y [TIER 2016]
15. Consider the 1-D asymmetric double-well potential V(x) as sketched below.

The probability distribution p(x) of a particle in the ground state of this potential
is best represented by

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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16. A particle of mass m, confined to one dimenstion x, is in ground state of a

harmonic oscillator potential with a normalised wave function
§ 2a ·
eDx , where a
<0 x ¨ ¸ mZ / 2= , find the expectation value of x 3 in
© S ¹
terms of the parameter a. [TIFR 2017]

1.(d) 2.(c) 3.(f) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(a)

8.(b) 9.(b) 10.(d) 11.(d) 12.(a) 13.(b) 14.(0)
15.( ) 16.( )
Other Exmaination Previous Year's Questions
1. A particle in one dimension is in the ground state (lowest energy quantum
state) of the potential well given by

­ L
° 0 for x 
V x ® 2
°¯f otherwise

Let P, be the probability that the particle is found to move along the positive x-
direction and p be the magnitude of the momentum for that state of motion.
1 S
(a) P = 0 and p = 0 (b) P and P
2 2L

1 S S
(c) P and P (d) P 1 and P
2 L L
2. For the ground state of a particle moving. freely in a one-dimensional box 0 <
x < L with rigid reflecting end-points, the uncertainty product 'x 'p is:

(a) h/2 (b) 2h

(c) 0.09 h (d) h / 3
3. The ground state energy ofa particle in an infinite square-well potential of
width L is E. If the width of the wall is reduced to L/P, then the gronnd state
energy becomes
(a) 2E (b) E/2
(c) 4E (d) E/4

Consider the operators a and a’, satisiyiri4 the commutation relation ª¬ a, a º¼ 1

the unit operator. There are no normalisable eigenstatcs of the operator

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(a) a† , a (b) a

(c) a† (d) a†a

5. The first excited state ofa one dimensional harmonic oscillator has
Nxe D
x 2 /2
eigenfunction I x where N is :

(a) 2D3 (b) 2D

(d) D S
(c) D S

6. The expectation value of the momentum in the ground state of one - dimensional
harmonic oscillator of mass m and frequency co is:
(b) 2m=Z

(c) 0 (d) f
7. The unnormalized ground state wave function of a partial confined to a one
dimensional box of length L is :

§ 2Sx · § Sx ·
(a) A sin ¨ ¸ (b) A sin ¨ ¸
© L ¹ © L ¹

§ L · § L ·
(c) A sin ¨ ¸ (d) A sin ¨ ¸
© Sx ¹ © 2Sx ¹
8. A stream of particles of mass m and energy E encounter a potential step of
height W (<E). In the limit W approaching E, the fraction of particles reflected
from the barrrier will
(a) Appraoch zero (b)Approach unity
(c) Diverge to infinity (d) Approach half
9. Coiisiderone’dimensional- attractive potential of arbitrarYshape. Which of
the following statement is true?
(a) Only one bound state exists
(b) Ithas at least one bound state
(c) It may have bound state only if the depth of the potential is greater than
some critical depth
(d) It has no bound state.

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10. For a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, let \ n x denote the eigenstate

of the nth quantum state. Which one of the statements is correct?
(a) Parity of \ n x is even when n is even

(b) Parity of \ n x is odd when n is even

(c) Parity of \ n x is even where n is odd

(d) \ n x has mixed parity

11. The schematic form oldie ground state wave- function in the one-dimensional

­Va for at x
V x ®0 for a x L
°f for x tL

where V0 , a positive constant, is given by

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

12. A particle Ut ;n in one dimension moves in a potential V x 1  e2 x
where k and D are positive constants. If the particle exccutes small oscillations
around x = 0, its quantum mechanical zero-point energy is

1 =2 k 1 =2 k
(a) (b)
2 m 2 mD

1 =2m 1 =2 mD
(c) (d)
2 k 2 k

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13. A particle is confined to a one dimensional harmonic oscillator potential in
the region 0  x  f . At x = 0 there is n infinite barrier. The energy levels of
the particle are separated by
(a) =Z (b) =Z

(c) =Z (d) 2=Z
2  ax 2

14. A function of the form x  2 e can represent the state of a one

dimensional quantum mechanical system in
(a) its ground state
(b) its first excited state
(c) its second exited state
(d) a superposition of tirst and second excited state
15. A system is in the state \ \1  3\ 2 where \1 and \ 2 denote
energyeigenstates corresponding to k the eigenvalues E1 and E2 respectively..
When a measurement of energy is made, the probability of obtaining the value
E, is
(a) 3 / 2 (b) 3/4
(c) 1/ 2 (d) 1/4

­° x 2 for x ! 0
16. Consider a particle in a one dimensional potential V x ® . The
°̄ f for x d 0
schematic form of the wound state wave function is as follows”

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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17. \0 x , \1 x and \ 2 x are the simple harmonic oscillator wave functions

1 3 5
corresponding to energies =Z, =Z and =Z respectively. At t = 0 a particle
2 2 2
is in the state

1 5 1
\ x \ 0 x  \1 x  \2 x
3 3 3
If an energy measurement is made the most probable outcome is
5 1
(a) =Z (b) =Z
2 2

9 3
(c) =Z (d) =Z
2 2

°­U for x  1
18. One-dimensional barrier is given by the potential V x ®
°̄ 0 for x t 1 where
U is a positive constant. Particles arriving from the left wrthan energy E < U
impinge on the barrier. The general form.ofthe wave function in the region
x  1 is

(a) ae kx  be kx (b) ae  kx  bekx

(c) ae kx  be ikx (d) ae kx  beikx

19. Let a particle move in a potential field given by

­§ 1 · 2 2 ½
°¨ ¸ mZ x for x ! 0 °
V x ®© ¹
2 ¾
° f for x d 0 °¿
The allowed energies of this particle, are
(a) n  1/ 2 =Z (b) 2n  3 / 2 =Z

(c) 2n  1/ 2 =Z (d) n  5 / 2 =Z
where 'n' is a non-negative odd integer.
20. The ground state energy ofa particle in the one-dimensional potential
­1 2 2
° mZ x for x ! 0
V x ®2 is equal to
°¯ f for x  0
(a) =Z (b) =Z
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(c) 2=Z (d) =Z
21. The particle in a box has a ground state wavefimction given by
1 § Sx ·
I x cos ¨ ¸ . The expectation value of x is:
a © 2a ¹

(a) 0 (b)

(c) (d) 1
22. The variation of transm ission probability with energy E, o ft he particles hitting
a potential ban-ier or finite height, is represented as

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

23. Consider a particle trapped inside an infinite potential well. If an observer

makes a measurement to detect the particle lust outside the well then
(a) He will always find the particle
(b) He will never find the particle
(c) He will find the particle half the timer
(d) He will find the particle only if the measurement is perfomedl for
sufficiently time
24. The matter wave corresponding to a free particle moving in one dimension
satisfies the time-dependent.

G\ x, t =2 w2\
Sehrodinizer wave equation i= 
Gt 2m wx 2
If =k is the momentum, then the wavepacket formed out of the mater waves
moves with a group velocity Vs equal to
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= 2 =2 2
(a) k (b) k
2m 2m

=2 =k
(c) k (d)
2m m

25. A particle limited to the x-axis has the wave function \ 3x between x =0
and x 1: \ 0 elsewhere. The expectation value x o the particle is position
on is :
(a) 0 (b)

(c) 1 (d)

1.(c) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(b&c) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(b)

8.(b) 9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(c)
15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(a) 20.(a) 21.(b)
22.(a) 23.(b) 24.(d) 25.(d)
GATE Previous Year's Questions
1. A system is known to be in a state described by the wave function
\ T, I 5Y40  Y60  2Y63 [GATE 1998]

where YAm T, I are the spherical harmonics. The probability of finding the
system in a state within m = 0 is
(a) zero (b) 2/15
(c) 1/4 (d) 13/15
2. In a Stern-Gerlach experiment the atomic beam whose angular momentum
state. is to be determined, must travel through [GATE 2000]
(a) homogeneous radio frequency magnetic field
(b) homogeneous static magnetic field
(c) inhomogeneous static magnetic field
(d) inhomogeneous radio frequency magnetic field

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3. A spin Y2 particle with g > 0, is subjected to a magnetic field H H 0 zˆ . If the

quantization axis is along  ẑ , then the minimum energy eigenstate is given by,,
[GATE 2000]
(a) p (b) n p

(c) n (d) n  p

4. If a spin 1 particle is in the state m 0 with respect to a quantization axis n̂ ,

which of the following is correct?
(a) S 0 (b) S nˆ
(c) S 2nˆ (d) S  nˆ

p2 G G G G
5. The Hamiltonian of a partie is given by H  V r  I r E , S where S
is the spin, V r and I r are potential functions and P rG u pG is the anuglar
momentum. The hamiltonian does NOT commute with [GATE 2004]
(a) L  S (b) S 2
(c) Lz (d) L2
6. Let L Lx , Ly , Lz denote the orbital angular momentum operators of a

particle and let L Lx  iLy and L Lx  iLy The particle is in an eigenstate

of L2 and Lz eigenvalues A A  1 = 2 and =A respectively. The expectation

value of L L in this state is : [GATE 2001]
(a) A= 2 (b) 2A= 2
(c) 0 (d) A=

§ 3 / 2·
7. An electron is an a state spin wave function Is ¨ ¸ in the S z
© 1/ 2 ¹
representation. What is the probability finding the z-component of its spin
along the  ẑ direction? [GATE 2002]
(a) 0.75 (b) 0.50
(C)0.35 (d) 0.25

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8. In a sterm-Gerlach experiment, the magnetic field is in +z direction. A particle
comes out of this experiment in  Ẑ n state. Which of the following
statements is true? [GATE 2002]
(a) The particle has a definite value of the y-component of the spin angular
(b) The particle has a definite value of the square of the spin angular momentum
(c) The particle has a definite value of x-components of spin angular momentum
(d) The particle has definite value of x- and y-components of spin angular
9. A spin half particle is in the state S z = / 2 . The expectation values of

S x , S x2 , S y , S y2 are Given by [GATE 2003]

(a) 0, 0, = 2 / 4, =2 / 4 (b) 0, =2 / 4, = 2 / 4, 0

(c) 0, =2 / 4, 0, = 2 / 4 (d) = 2 / 4, =2 / 4,0, 0

10. The commutator ª¬ Lz , YAm T, I º¼ where Lz is then component of the

orbitalangular momentum and YAm T, I is a spherical harmonic, is :
[GATE 2005]
(a) A A  1 = (b) m=
(c) m= (d) A=

11. For a spin 1/2 particle, the expectation value of S x , S y , S z , where S x , S y and
S z are spin operators, is [GA FE 2005]

i=2 i= 2
(a) (b) 
8 8

i=2 i= 2
(c) (d) 
16 16

12. The commutator Lx , y , where Lx is the x-coniporient of the angular

momentum operator and y is the y-component of the position operator, is
equal to : [GATE 2006]
(a) 0 (b) i=x
(c) i=y (d) i=z
13. Which one of the following relations is true for Paulimatrices?

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(a) V x V y V yVx (b) V x V y Vz

(c) V xV y iV z (d) V x V y V yVx

14. Three operators X,Y and Z satisfy the commutation relations [GATE 2007]
X ,Y i=Z , Y , Z i=X and Z , X i=Y
The set of all possible eigenvalues of the operator Z, in units of = , is

­1 3 5 ½
(a) 0, r1, r2, r3,.... (b) ® ,1 , 2, ,....¾
¯2 2 2 ¿

­ 1 3 3 ½ ­ 1 1½
(c) ®0, r , r1 , r2, ,....¾ (d) ® ,  ¾
¯ 2 2 2 ¿ ¯ 2 2¿

15. Let \0 denote the wound state of the hydrogen atom. Choose the correct
statement from those given below: [GATE 2008]

(a) ª¬ Lx , Ly º¼ \0 0 (b) J 2 \ 0 0
(c) L, S \ 0 0 (d) ª¬ S x , S y º¼ \ 0 0

16. Vi i  1, 2,3 represents the Pauli spin matrices. Which one of the following
is NOT true? [GATE 2009]
(a) Vi V j 1V j Vi 2Gij (b) Tr Vi 0

(c) The eigenvalues of Vi are ± 1 (d) det Vi 1

17. The spin function of a fiee particle, in the basis which S z is diagonal, can be
§1 · §0· = =
written as ¨ 0 ¸ and ¨1 ¸ with eigenvalucs  and , respectively. In the given
© ¹ © ¹ 2 2
basis, the normalized eigenfunction of S y with eigenvalue  [GATE 2009]

1 §1 · 1 § 0·
(a)  ¨ ¸ (b) ¨ ¸
2 © i ¹ 2 ©i ¹

1 §i · 1 §i ·
(c) ¨ ¸ (d) ¨ ¸
2 © 0¹ 2 © 1¹

18. For a spins particle, in the eigen basis of S 2 , S z the expectation value
sm S x2 sm is [GATE 2010]

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ª s s  1  m 2 º =2
(a) ¬ ¼ (b) ª¬ s s  1  2m º¼ =
2 2

(c) ª¬ s s  1  m º¼ =
2 2
(d) m 2 = 2

19. If Lx , Ly and Lz are the x, y and z components of angular momentum operator

L, the commutator ª¬ Lx , Ly , Lz º¼ is equal to

2 2 2 2
(a) i= Lx  Ly (b) i= Lx  Ly

(c) 2i=Lz (d) zero

20. Which one of the following conunutation relations is not correct?
[GATE 2013]

(a) ª¬ L , Lz º¼ 0
(b) ª¬ Lx , L y º¼ i=Lz

(c) Lz , L =L (d) Lz , L =L

21. A spin-half particle is in a linear superposition 0.8 n  0.6 p of its spin-up

and spin-down states. If n and p are the eigen-states of V z then what is

the. expectation value, up to one decimal place, of the operator 10V z  5V x ?
[GATE 2013]
22. It L is the orbital angular momentum and, S is the spin angular momentum,
then L ˜ S does not commute with
(a) S z (b) L2
G G 2
(c) S 2 (d) L  S

23. \1 and \ 2 are two orthogonal states of a spin ½ system it is given that
[GATE 2014]

§1 · § 0·
where ¨ 0 ¸ and ¨1 ¸ represents the spin-up and spin-down states, respectively..
© ¹ © ¹
When the system is in the state \ 2 its probability to be in the spin-up state is

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24. If L and L are the angular momentum ladder operators, then the expectation
value of L L  L L in the state l 1, m 1 of an atom is _____ = 2 .
[GATE 2014]
25. Let L and p be the angular and linear momentum operators respectively, for
a particle. The commutator ª¬ Lx , p y º¼ gives [GATE 2015]

(a) i=p x (b) 0

(c) i=p x (d) i=p z

26. An operator for a spin-1/2 particle is given by Aˆ OVG .B , where
B xˆ  yˆ , V denotes Pauli spin matrices and O is a constant. The
eigenvalue of  are [GATE 2015]

(a) (b) rOB
(c) 0, OB (d) 0, OB

27. V x , V y and V z are the Pauli matrices. The expression 2V x V y  V y V x is equal

to [GATE 2016]
(a) 3iV z (b) iV z

(c) iV z (d) 3iV z

28. Let A, m be the simultaneous eigenstates of L2 and L. Here L is the angular

momentum operator with Cartesian components Lx , Ly , Lz  A is the angular

momentum quantum number and in is the azimuthal quantum number. The value
of 1,0 Lx  iLy 1, 1 is [GATE 2016]
(a) 0 (b) =
(c) 2= (d) 3=
29. For the Hamiltonian H a0 I  b .V where a0  R, b is a real vector, I is the 2 ×
2 identity matrix and VG are the Pauli matrices, the ground state energy is
[GATE 2017]
(a) b (b) 2a0 b

(c) a0  b (d) a0

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30. The wave function of which orbital is spherically symmetric: [GATE 2017]
(a) px (b) p y

(c) s (d) d xy
31. The electronic ground state energy of the Hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. The
highest possible electronic energy eigenstate has an energy equal to
[GATE 2017]
(a) 0 (b) 1 eV
(c) +13.6 eV (d) f

1.(d) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(d)

8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(a) 12.(d) 13.(c) 14.(c)
15.( ) 16.(d) 17.(a) 18.(a) 19.(b) 20.(d) 21.(7,6)
22.(a) 23.(0.67) 24.(2) 25.(d) 26.(b) 27.(c) 28.(c)
29.(c) 30.(c) 31.(a)
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
1. The Hamiltonian of an electron in a constant magnetic field B is given by
H PV.B where P is a positive constant and V V1, V 2 .V3 denotes the Pauli
matrices. Let Z PB / = and I be the 2 × 2 unit matrix. Then the operator
eiHt / = simplifies to [CSIR June 2011]
Zt iV.B Zt iV.B
(a) I cos  sin (b) I cos Zt  sin Zt
2 P 2 P
iV.B iV.B
(c) I sin Zt  cos Zt (d) I sin 2Zt  cos 2Zt
2. The component along an arbitrary direction n̂ , with direction cosines
nx , n y , nz of the spin of a spin-½ particle is measured The result is:

[CSIR June 2012]

(a) 0 (b) r nz

= =
(c) r nx , n y , nz (d) r
2 2

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3. In a basis in which the z-component S z of the spin is diagonal, an electron is

in a spin state

§ 1 i / 6 ·
\ ¨ ¸
¨ 2/3 ¸
© ¹

The probabilities that a measurement of S z will yield the values of = / 2 and

= / 2 are, respectively [CSIR June 2013]
(a) 1/2 and 1/2 (b) 2/3 and 1/3
(c) 1/4 and 3/4 (d) 1/3 and 2/3

1 1 §1  i ·
4. A spin  particle is in the state F ¨ ¸ in the eigenbasis of S A and S
2 11 © 3 ¹
= =
If we measure S z the probabilities of getting  and  , respectively are
2 2
[CSIR Dec. 2013]
1 1 2 9
(a) and (b) and
2 2 11 11

1 3
(c) 0 and 1 (d) and
11 11

5. Let \ S/m denote the eigenfunctions of a Hamiltonian for a spherically

symmetric potential V(r). The expectation value of Lz in the state

\ ª\ 200  5\ 210  10\ 211  20\ 211 º is [CSIR Dec. 2013]
6¬ ¼

5 5
(a)  = (b) =
18 6

(c) = (d) =
6. The expectation value of the x-component of the orbital angular momentum

Lx in the state \ 3\ 211t 5\ 21.1  11\ 2.11 º¼ (where \ S/m are

eigenfuncions in usual notation), is [CSIR Dec. 2013]
= 10
(a)  11  3 (b) 0

= 10
(c) 11  3 (d) = 2

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7. A particle is prepared in a simultaneous eigenstate of L2 and LA If A A  1 = 2

and m= are respectively the eigenvalues of L2 and Lz then the expectation
value Lx of the particle in this state satisfies [CSIR Dec 2013]

2 2 2 2
(a) Lx 0 (b) 0 d Lx d A =

A A  1 =2 A= 2 A A  1 =2
(c) 0 d L2x d (d) d L2x d
3 2 2

8. Consider the normalized wavefunction I a1\11  a2\10  a3\11 where \ Am

is a simultaneous normalised eigenfunction of the angular momentum
operators and L2 and L2 with eigenvalues l l  1 = 2 and m= respectively.. If
I is an eigenfunction of the operator with eigenvalue = , then
[CSIR Dec. 2014]
1 1 1 1
(a) a1 a3 2
, a2 (b) a1 a3 2
, a2
2 2

1 1 1
(c) a1 a3 , a2  (d) a1 a2 a3
2 2 3
9. Let V V1, V 2 , V3 , where V1, V2 , V3 are the Pauli matrices. If aG and b are
two arbitrary constant vectors in three dimensions, the commulator ª¬ a , V, b , V º¼
is equal to (in the following I I is the identity matrix) [CSIR Dec 201]
(a) a ˜ b V1  V2  V3 (b) 2i a u b V
(c) a ˜ b I (d) a b I
10. If Li are the components of the angular momentum operator L , then the
operator ¦i 1, 2,3 ª¬ ª¬ L, Li º¼ , Li º¼ equals [CS1R June 2015]
(a) L (b) 2L
(c) 3L (d)  L
11. Let \ S/m denote the eigenstates of a hydrogen atom in the usual notation. The
state [CSIR Dec. 2015]

2\ 200  3\ 211  7\ 210  5\ 211 º¼ is an eioenstate of

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(a) L2 but riot of the Hamiltonian or Lz

(b) the Hamiltonian, but not of L2 or Lz

(c) the Hamiltonian, L2 and Lz

(d) L2 and Lz but not of the Hamiltonian

12. The Hamiltonian for a spin 1

2 particle at rest is given by H E0 V z  DV x ,
where V z and V x are Pauli spin matrices and E0 and a are constants. The
eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian are [CSIR Dec. 2015]

(a) r E0 1  D 2 (b) r E0 1  D 2

§ 1
2 ·
(c) E0 (doubly degenerate) (d) E0 ¨1 r D ¸
© 2 ¹

13. The product of the uncertainties 'Lx 'L y for a particle in the state
a 1,1  b 1, 1 (where denotes an eigenstate of L2 and Lz ) will be a minimum
for [CSIR Dec. 2015]
(a) a rib (b) a 0 and b 1

3 1
(c) a and b (d) a rb
2 2
14. If Lx , L y and Lz are the components of the angular momentum operator in
three dimensions, the commutator [CSIR Dec. 2016]
G 2
(a) i=Lx Lz  Ly (b) i=Lx Ly Lz

(c) i=Lx 2Lz  Ly (d) 0

ª 1 º
15. If U « I  V x  V y  V z » 2 , where V ' s are the Panli ‘matrices and I is
¬ 3 ¼
the identity matrix, then the trace U2017 is [JEST 2017]

(a) 22017 (b) 22017

(c) 1 (d) 1/2

1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(d)

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8.(b) 9.(b) 10.(b) 11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(a)
JEST Previous Year's Questions
1. Define V x f ' f and V y f ' f , where the are Pauli spin matrices and

f , f ' obey anticommutation relations f , f 0, f , f 1 1 . Then V x is given

by [JEST 2012]
(a) f † f  1 (b) 2 f † f  1

(c) 2 f † f  1 (d) f † f
2. Consider a spin- l /2 particle in the presence of homogeneous magnetic field
of B along z-axis which is prepared initially in a state \ n  p at
time t = 0. At what time 't' will the particles be in the state  \ ( P B is Bohr
magneton)? [JEST 2012]
S= 2S=
(a) t PB B (b) t PB B

(c) t 2P B B (d) Never

3. The quantum state sin x n  exp iI cos x p where n p 0 and x, I are,

real, is orthogonal to : [JEST 2012]
(a) sin x n (b) cos x n  exp iI sin x p

(c)  cos x n  exp iI sin x p (d)  exp iI cos x n sin x p

4. If J x , J y , J z are angular momentom operators J x  J y / = are [JEST 2013]

(a) real and discrete with rational spacing
(b) real and discrete with irrational spacing
(c) real and continuous
(d) not all real
§ 1/ 2 ·
¨ ¸
¨ 1/ 2 ¸
5. Consider the state corresponding the angular momentum l 1 in the
¨1/ 2 ¸
© ¹
Lz basis of states with m 0.1, 1 . If L2z is measured in this state yielding a
result 1, what is the state after the measurement? [JEST 2013]
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§1· § 1/ 3 ·
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
(a) ¨ 0 ¸ (b) ¨ 0 ¸
¨ 0¸ ¨ ¸
© ¹ © 2/3¹

§ 0· §1/ 2 ·
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
(c) ¨ 0 ¸ (d) ¨ 0 ¸
¨1¸ ¨ ¸
© ¹ ©1/ 2 ¹
6. What are the eigenvalues of the operator H V.D , where V are the three
Pauli matrices and DG is a vector? [JEST 2013]

(a) D x  D y and D z (b) D x  D y and iD z

(c)  D x  D y  D z (d) r D
7. Consider an eigenstate of L2 and Lz operator denoted by A, m . Let A nˆ.L
denote an operator, where n̂ is a unit vector parametrized in terrns of two
angles as nx , n y , nz sin T cos I,sin T sin I, cos T . The width 'A in A, m
suite is: [JEST 2014]

A A  1  m2 A A  1  m2
(a) = cos T (b) = sin T
2 2

(c) A A  1  m2 = sin T (d) A A  1  m 2 = cos T

1 1 ª1  i º
8. Suppose a spin particle is in the state \ « » . If S x (x component
2 6¬ 2 ¼
of the spin angular momentum operator) is measured what is the probability
of getting  ? [JEST 2014]

1 2
(a) (b)
3 3

5 1
(c) (d)
6 6

9. A spin-1 pa:ticic is in a state \ described by the column matrix 1/ 2

2, 2, 2i in the S z basis. What is the probability that a measurement of

operator will yield the result = for the state S z \ ? [JEST 2016]
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1 1
(a) (b)
2 3

1 1
(c) (d)
4 6

10. A spin- particle in a uniform external magnetic field has energy eigenstates
1 and 2 . The system is prepared in ket-state 1  2 2 at time t 0 . It
evolves to the state described by the ket 1  2 2 in time T. The minimum
energy differerence between two levels is: [JEST 2016]
= =
(a) (b)
6T 4T

= =
(c) (d)
2T T

11. If Yxy Y2,2  Y2,2 , where Yl ,m are spherical harmonics, then which of
the following is true? [JEST 2016]
(a) Yxy is an eigenfunction of both L2 and Lz

(b) Yxy is an eigenfunction of L2 but not Lz

(c) Yxy is an eigenfunction of Lz but not L2

(d) Yxy is not an eigenfunction of either Yxy or Lz

12. A spin- 12 particle is in a state n  p 2 where n and p are the

eigenstates of S z operator. The exceptation value of the spin angular momentum

measured alongx-direction is: [JEST 2016]
(a) = (b) =
(c) 0 (d)
13. If the direction with respect to a right-handed carteSian-coordinate system
ofthe ket vector z,  is (0, 0, 1), then the direction of the ket vector obtained
by application of rotations: exp iV, S / 2 exp iV, S / 4 ,on the ket z,  is
( V x , V y are the Pauli matrices) : [JEST 2016]

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(a) (0, 1, 0) (b) (1 , 0, 0)
(c) 1,1, 0 2 (d) 1,1,1 3

1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(d) 7.(b)

8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(c) 11.(b) 12.(d) 13.(b)
TIFR Previous Year's Questions
1. Consider the Hamiltonian
H f V, x
here xG is the position vector, f is a constant and V V x , V y , V z , where

V x , V y , V z are the three Pauli matrices. The energy eigenvalues are[TIFR 14]

(a) f x2  y2 r z (b) f x r iy

(c) f x2  y2  z 2 (d) r f x  y  z

2. In a Stem-Gerlach experiment with spin-½ particles, the beam is found to

form two spots on the screen, one directly above the other. The experimenter
now makes a hole in the screen at the position of the upper spot. The particles
that go through this hole are then passed through another Stem-Gerlach
apiv:ratlis with its magnets rotated by 90 degrees counter-clockwise about
the axis of the beam direction. Which of the following shows what happens on
the second screen?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

3. A rigid rotator has the wave function [TIFR 2015]

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\ T, M N ª¬ 2iY1,0 T, M  2  i Y2 1 T, M  3iY1,3 T, M º¼

where Yl ,m T, M are the spherical harmonics and N is a normalisation

momentum operator and Lr Lx r iLy the expectation value of L , L is

[TIFR 2015]

21= 2 23= 2
(a) (b)
9 9

25= 2
(c) (d) 0
4. A unitary matrix U is expandeablexms of a Herrmitian matrix-H, such that
U eiSH /2 . If we know that

§ ·3
¨ 12 0 ¸
¨ ¸
H ¨ 0 1 0 ¸
¨ 3 1¸
¨ 2 0  ¸
© 2¹

then U must be [TIFR 2017]

§ i 1 3· § · 3
¨ 2 2 ¸ ¨ 12 0 ¸2
¨ 1 1 ¸
¨ ¸
i ¨ 0 i 0 ¸
(a) ¨ 2 2 ¸ (b) ¨
¨¨ 3 ¸ i¸
© 2
1 i ¹¸ ¨ i 23 0  ¸
2 © 2¹

§ 3·
¨ 2i 1 ¸
§ 1 0 3· ¨ 2 ¸
¨ ¸ ¨ 1 2i 0 ¸
(c) ¨
0 2 0 ¸
(d) ¨ 3 ¸
¨ ¸ ¨ 2 2i ¸
© 3 0 1 ¹ ¨
© ¹

1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.( )

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

Other Examination Previous Year's Questions

1 § 1 1·
1. The eigenstates of Ŝ of a quantum panicle with spin are n ¨s , s2 ¸
2 © 2 2¹

§ 1 1·
and p ¨s , s2  ¸ which of following statements about eigenstatcs of
© 2 2¹
the operator Sˆx is true?

(a) n is an eigenstate of Sˆ z

(b) p is an eigenstate of Sˆ z

(c) n  p is an eigenstate of Sˆ z

(d) No lnear combination of n and p can be an an eigenstate of Sˆz

2. J x , J y , J z are the operators corresponding to the angular momentum J and

\ jm is the eigenfunction of J 2 and J z with eigenvaiues.

J 2\ jm j j  1 =2 \ jm J i \ jm m=\ jm

Then the eigenvalue relation for J  J x  iJ y is

(a) J  \ jm j j  1  m m  1 =\ jm

(b) J  \ jm j j  1  m m  1 =\ jm1

(c) J  \ jm j  m =\ jm

(d) J  \ jm ª j j  1 =  m m  1 º \ jm1
¬ ¼

3. P is a beam of atoms with spin quantum number and zero orbital angular
momentum , with all angular momenta being along x axis. Q is a similar beam
which is unpatarized. These beams can be differentiated experimentally by
passing P and Q separately through Stem-Gerlach apperratus with
(a) Magnetic field along X axis (b) MagnetiCfield aldng Y axis
(c) Magnetic field along Z axis (d) Magnetic field alongYZ plane
4. The expression exp i V.n T can be rewritten as
(a) V.n cos T  i sin T (b) sin T  i V.n cos T

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(c) cos T  i V.n cos T (d) cos T  i V.n sin T

5. The eigenvaiues or the pauli spin matrix V x are

(a) i, i (b) i, i
(c) 1, 1 (d) 1, 1

6. Pauli’s spin operators V x , V y , V z are represented by 2 × 2 matrices. These are

(a )All anti-hermitian and traceless (b) All orthogonal and traceless
(c)All Hermitian and traceless (d) Only V z is hermitian and traceless

7. The orbital angular momentum eignstate \A,m r , T, I with l 0, m 0

(instandard notation ) is an eigenstate of the following operators
(a) Lx Ly Lz and L2 (b) Lx and L2 only

(c) Ly and only L2 (d) Lz and L2 only

8. The Dirac Hamiltonian for the relativistic Hydrogen atom has a coupling L , S
between the orbital angular momentum and the spin of the electron. Let sz , I z
and jz denote the z-cornponents ofthe spin, orbital and total angular momenta
respectively. For the electron in an eigenstate of energy
(a) jz and sz (but not l z ) can be measured precisely
(b) jz (but not sz and l z ) can be measured precisely

(c) jz and l z (but not sz ) can be measured precisely

(d) l z (but not lz and sz ) can be measured precisely

9. Which of the following describes the same physical state of a spin-1/2 particle
1 § 1·
as ¨ ¸?
2 ©i ¹

1 § 1· 1 §1 ·
(a) ¨ ¸ (b) ¨ ¸
2 © 1¹ 2 © 0¹

1 §1 · 1 §i ·
(c) ¨ ¸ (d) ¨ ¸
2 © 1 ¹ 2 © 1 ¹

10. If J x j , m 0 where ' J  ' denotes the angular momentum raising operator
J J x  iJ y the value of m is

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(a) j  1 (b) –j
(c) j  1 (d) j

11. The wavefunction of a particle is of the form \ r , T, I u r , T cos I . If the

z-component of the angular momentum Lz is measured, then the possible
outcome is = with probability
(a) 0 (b) 1
1 1
(c) (d)
2 2
12. The total spin-angular momentum of a system-of three free electrons is :
1 3 1
(a) Stot and Stot (b) Stot only
2 2 2

(c) Stot only (d) Stot 0 Stot 1
Statement for Linked Answer type Q. 13 and Q. 14
An electron is placed in an uniform magnetic field H that points in the
direction. The Hamiltonian of the system is H  KS .H where k > 0 is a
constant and S is the electron spin operator.
13. The energy of the ground state of the Hamiltonian is :
(a)  KS = (b) KS=

(c)  KS = (d) 0

14. The expectation value of S z in the ground state of this Hamiltonian is:
(a) = / 2 (b) 0
(c) = / 2 (d) =

1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(d) 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(a)

8.(b) 9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(c) 12.(a) 13.(c) 14.(b)
GATE Previous Year's Questions
1. The Hamiltonian of the electron in the hydrogen atom is [GATE 1991]

H p 2 / 2 m  e 2 / 4S 0 r

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where the symbols have their usual meannings. Let \ denote the ground
state of H, with \ | \ 1

(a) \ is an eigen state of p 2 2m

(b) \ r \ is zero

(c) \ 1/ r \ is infinite

(d) \ H \  0
2. A particle is moving in a Coulomb potential. An operatorAcommutes with the
Hamiltonian of the system. The observable corresponding to A is [GATE 1993]
(a) position (b) linear momentum
(c) kinetic energy (d) angular momentum
3. The rround state wave function \ of hydrogen atom in spherical polar co-
ordinates has no angular dependence but only radial dependenc. Then is an
eigen function of [GATE 1996]
(a) Lx , Ly and Lz simultaneously (b) Lz but not of Lx and Ly

(c) none of Lx , Ly and Lz (d) pz

4. Degeneracy olthe first excited state of an isolated hydrogen atom is :
[GATE 1996]
(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8
5. Given that binding energy of hydrogen atom in the wound state is 13.6 eV, the
binding energy for n = 2 state of the positronium atom is [GATE 1998]
(a) 13.6 eV (b) 6.8 eV
(c) 3.4 eV (d) 1.7 eV
6. The Bohr model gives the value for the ionisation potential of Lrˆ ion as
[GATE 2000]
(a) 11.6 eV (b) 27.2 eV
(c) 40.8 eV (d) 124.4 eV
7. The spiniess particle moves in a central potential V x which of the following
statement is TRUE? [GATE 2001]
(a) The kinetic energy and the potential energy of the particle cannot have
simultaneous sharp values

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Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760
(b) The total energy and the potential energy of the particle can have
simultaneous sharp values
(c) The total energy and the square of the orbital angular momentum about the
origin cannot have simultaneous sharp values
(d) The total energy of the particle can have only discrete eigenvalues
8. A quantum particle of mass m is.confined to a square region in xy plane whose
vertices are given by (0,0), (L,0), (L,L) and (0,L). Which of the following
represents an admissible wave function of the particle (for A, m a positive
integers)? [GATE 2001]
2 § nSx · § mSy · 2 § ASx · § nSy ·
(a) sin ¨ ¸ cos ¨ ¸ (b) sin ¨ ¸ cos ¨ ¸
L © L ¹ © L ¹ L © L ¹ © L ¹

2 § mSx · § nSy · 2 § nSx · § ASy ·

(c) sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸ (d) cos ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸
L © L ¹ © L ¹ L © L ¹ © L ¹
Common data for Q. 9 and Q.10
A particle is located in a three dimensional cubic well of width L with
impenetrable walls [GATE 2003]
9. The sum of he energies of the third and the fourth levels is:
(a) 10 S2 = 2 mL2 (b) 10 S2 = 2 3mL2

(c) 11 S2 =2 2mL2 (d) 15 S2 =2 2mL2

10. The degeneracy of the fourth level is given by
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d)
11. In a hydrogen atom, the accidental or Coulomb degenaracy for the n 4 state
is [GATE 2004]
(a) 4 (b) 16
(c) 18 (d) 32
Linked Answer for Q.12 and Q.13
The one-electron states for non-interacting electrons confined in a cubic box
of side a are H0  H1  H2  H3  H 4 etc. [GATE 2004]
12. The energy of the lowest state is :
= 2 S2
(a) zero (b)
2ma 2

= 2 S2 3= 2 S2
(c) (d)
ma 2 2ma 2
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13. The degeneracy (including spin) of the level H3 is :

(a) 2 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8
14. The expectation value of the z coordinate (z) in the round state of the hydrogen
atom (wave function: \100 r Ae r / a0 , where A is the normalization constant
and a0 is the Bohr radius), is [GATE 2005]

(a) a0 (b)

(c) (d) 0
15. The degeneracy of the n = 2 level for a three dimensional isotropic oscillator
is [GATE 2005]
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) 10

16. A particle is moving in a spherically symmetric potential V r Dr 2 , where

D is a postive constant. In a stationary state, the expectation value of the kinetic
energy of the particle is: [GATE 2006]
(a) T V (b) T 2V

(c) T 3V (d) T 4V
17. An atomic state of hydrogen is represented by the following wave function :
1 § 1 · 2§ r ·  r /2a0
\ r , T, I ¨ ¸ ¨1  ¸e cos T
2 © a0 ¹ © 2a0 ¹

where a0 is a constant. The quantum number of the state are [GATE 2007]
(a) A 0, m 0, n 1 (b) A 1, m 1, n 2
(c) A 1, m 0, n 2 (d) A 2, m 0, n 3
18. The radial wave function of the-electrons in the state of n = 1 and 1 = 0 in a
2 § r ·
3 ¨ a ¸ 0 is the-Bohr radius. The most probable
hydrogen atom is
a 2© 0¹
value of r for an electron is : [GATE 2008]
(a) a0 (b) 2a0

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(c) 4a0 (d) 8a0

19. Consider the combined system of proton and electron in the hydrogen atom in
its (electronic) ground state. Let I denote the quantum number associated with
the total angular momentum and let m denote the magnitude of the
expectation value of the net magnetic moment in the state. Which of the
following pairs represents a possible state of the system ( P B is Bohr
magneton)? [GATE 2008]
(a) I 0, m 0 (b) I , m 1P B

(c) I 1, m 1P B (d) I 0, m 2P B

20. The three principal moments of inertia of a methanol CH 3OH molecule have
the property I x Iy I and I x z I . The rotational energy eigenvalues are

[GATE 2010]

=2 = 2 mA2 § 1 1 · =2
(a) 2 I A A  1 ¨  ¸ (b) A A 1
2 © Iz I ¹ 2I

= 2 mA2 § 1 1 · =2 = 2mA2 § 1 1 ·
(c) 2 ¨ I  I ¸ (d) 2 I A A  1  ¨  ¸
2 © Iz I ¹
© z ¹
21. The normalized ground state wavefunction of hydrogen atom is given by
1  r a
\ r e
4S 1 , where a is the Bohr radius and r is the distance of the
electron from the nucleus, located at the origin. The expectation value
is : [GATE 2011]
8S 4S
(a) 2 (b)
a a2

4 2
(c) 2 (d)
a a2
22. A particle of mass m is confined in a two dimensional square well potential
ofdimension a. This potential V x, y is given by

V x, y 0 for 0  x  a and 0  y  a
The energy ofthe first excited state for this particle is given by,[GATE 2012]
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S2 =2 2 S2 = 2
(a) (b)
ma 2 ma 2

5S 2 = 2 4 S2 = 2
(c) (d)
2ma 2 ma 2
23. The ground state wavefunction for the hydrogen atom is given by
1 § 1 ·
\100 ¨ ¸ e r / a0 , where a0 is the Bohr radius. The plot of the radial
4S © a0 ¹
probability density, P(r) for the hydrogen atom in the ground state is
[GATE 2012]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

24. An electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom has the wave function
G 1  r / a0
\ r e

where a0 is constant. The expectation value Q̂ z 2  r 2 , where z r cos T is

(Hint) :
f  ar n * n n 1 !
e r dr
D n1 D n1
[GATE 2014]

(a)  (b) a02

(c)  (d) 2a02
25. A particle of mass 'm' is subjected to a potential,

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V x, y mZ2 x 2  y 2 , f d x d f, f d y d f
The state with energy 4=Z is g- fold degenerate. The value of g is ____
26. A hydrogen atom is in the state

8 3 4
\ \ 200  \310  \32.1 [GATE 2014]
21 7 21

where n, A, m in \ nAm denote the principal, orbital and rnagnetic quantum

numbers, respectively. If L is the angular momentum operator, the average
value of L2 is _______ = 2 .
27. The moment of inertia of a rigid diatomic molecule A is 6 times that of another
rigid diatomic molecule B. If the rotational energies of the two molecules are
equal then the corresponding values of the rotational quantum numbers J A
and J B are

(a) J A 2, J B 1 (b) J A 3, J B 1

(c) J A 5, J B 0 (d) J A 6, J B 1
28. Positronium is an atom made of an electron and a positron. Given the Bohr
radius for the ground state of the Hydrogen atom to be 0.53 Angstroms, the
Bohr radius for the ground state of positronium is _____ Angstroms. (up to
two decimal places). [GATE-2017]
29. The degeneracy of the third energy level of a 3-dimensional isotropic quantum
harmonic oscillator is
(a) 6 (b) 12
(c) 8 (d) 10 [GATE 2017]

1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(a)

8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(c) 11.(b) 12.(d) 13.(c) 14.(d)
15.(b) 16.(a) 17.(c) 18.(a) 19.(b) 20.(a) 21.(d)
22.(c) 23.(d) 24.(d) 25.(4) 26.(2) 27.(b)
28.(0.99 to 1.10) 29.(a)
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
1. The energy levels of the non-relativistic electron in a hydrogen atom (i.e. in a
Coulomb potential V r v 1/ r are given by En / m v 1/ n 2 , where n is the
principal quantum number, and the corresponding wave functions are given by
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\ n / m where A is the orbital angular momentum quantum number and in is the

magnetic quantum number. The spin of the electron is not considered. Which
of the following is a correct statement? [CSIR June 2011]
(a) There are exactly 2A  1 different wave functions \ n/ m , for each En / m

(b) There are A A  1 different wave functions \ n/ m for each En / m

(c) En / m does not depend on A and in for the Coulomb potential

(d) There is a unique wave function \ n/ m and En / m
2. It electron is in the ground state of the hydrogen atom, the probability that its
distance from the proton is more than one Bohr radius is approximately
[CSIR June 2011]
(a) 0.68 (b) 0.48
(c) 0.28 (d) 0.91
3. Given that the ground state energt, of the hydrogen atom is 3.6 eV, the ground
state energy of positronitun (which is a bound state of an electron and a positron)
is [CSIR Dec 2011]
(a) 6.8 eV (b) -6.8 eV
(c) -13.6 eV (d) -27.2 eV
4. The energy of the first excited quantum state of a particle in the two-dimensional
potential V x, y mZ2 x 2  4 y 2 is : [CS1R Dec 2011]
(a) 2=Z (b) 3=Z
3 5
(c) =Z (d) =Z
2 2
5. A particle of mass m is in a cubic box of size a. The potential inside thebox
0 d x d a, 0 d y d a,0 d z d a is zero and infinite outside. If the particle is in

14 S2 =2
an eigenstate of energy E , its wave function is : [CSIR June 2012]
2ma 2

§2· 3Sx 5Sy 6Sz
(a) \ ¨ ¸ sin sin sin
©a¹ a a a

§2· 7 Sx 4Sy 3Sz
(b) \ ¨ ¸ sin sin sin
©a¹ a a a

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§2· 4Sx 8Sy 2Sz
(c) \ ¨ ¸ sin sin sin
©a¹ a a a

§2· Sx 2Sy 3Sz
(d) \ ¨ ¸ sin sin sin
©a¹ a a a

6. Let < nAm denote the eigenfuncfions of a Hamiltonian for a spherically

symmetric potential V(r). The wavefunction < < 210  5< 211 

10< 213 º¼ is an eigenfunction of [CSIR June 2012]

(a) H , L2 and Lz (b) H and Lz

(c) H and L2 (d) L2 and Lz

7. The wave function ofa state of the hydrogen atom is given by
\ \ 200  2\ 211  3\ 210  2\ 211

where \ nAm on, denotes the normalized eigen function of the state with quantum
numbers n, l and m in the usual notation. The expectation value of Lz in the
state \ is : [CSIR Dec. 7012]
15= 11=
(a) (b)
16 16

3= =
(c) (d)
8 8
8. Let on-normalized wavefunction of a panicle in a spherically symmetric
potential is given \ r zf r where f r is a function of the radial variable
r. The eiaenvalue of the operator L2 (namely the square of the orbital angular
momentum) is [CSIR June 2013]
(a) = 2 / 4 (b) = 2 / 2
(c) = 2 (d) 2=2

9. If \ nAm denotes the eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian with a potential V V r

then the expectation value the operator L2x  L2y in the state

\ 3\ 211  \ 210  15\ 211 º¼ is [CSIR June 20131]

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(a) 39=2 / 25 (b) 13=2 / 25

(c) 2=2 (d) 26=2 / 25

10. A particle of mass in in three dimensions is in the potential

­0 r  a
V r ®
¯f r t a
its around state eneriry is [CSIR June 2014]

S2 = 2 S2 =2
(a) (b)
2ma 2 ma 2

3S2 = 2 9S 2 = 2
(c) (d)
2ma 2 2ma 2

§ w 1·
11. Given that pˆ r i= ¨  ¸ the uncerfainty 'p , in the ground state
© wr r ¹

\0 r e  r / a0

of the hydroaen atom is [CSIR June 2014]

= 2=
(a) a (b)
0 a0

= 2=
(c) 2a (d) a
0 0

12. A particle of mass m in the potential V x, y mZ2 4 x 2  y 2 is in an
eigenstate of energy E =Z . The corresponding un-normalized eigenfunction
is [CSIR June 2014]

ª mZ º ª mZ º
(a) y exp «  2x2  y 2 » (b) x exp «  2x2  y 2 »
¬ 2= ¼ ¬ 2= ¼

ª mZ 2 º ª mZ 2 º
(c) y exp «  x  y2 » (d) xy exp «  x  y2 »
¬ 2= ¼ ¬ 2= ¼
13. An electron is in the ground state of a hydrogen atdm. The probability that it is
within the Bohr radius is approximately equal to [CSIR June 2014]
(a) 0.60 (b)0.90
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(c) 0.16 (d) 0.32

14. The ratio of the energy of the first excited state E1 to that of the ground state
E0 of a particle in a three-dimensional rectangular box of sides L, L and L/2 is
[CSIR June 2015]
(a) 3:2 (b) 2:1
(c) 4:1 (d) 4:3
15. A positron is suddenly absorbed by the nucleus of a tritium 1H atom to turn
the latter into a He  ion. If the electron in the tritium atom was initially in the
ground state, the probability that the resulting He  ion will be in its ground
state is [CSIR Dec. 2015]
(a) 1 (b)

128 512
(c) (d)
243 729
16. Suppose that the Coulomb potential of the hydrogen atom is changed by adding
G ze 2 g
an inverse-square term such that the total potential is V r   2,
r r
where g is a constant. The energy eigenvalues EnAm in the modified potential
[CSIR June 2016]
(a) depend on n and l, but not on m
(b) depend on n but not on l and m
(c) depend on n and m, but not on l
(d) depend explicitly on three quantum numbers n, l and m

1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(d)

8.(d) 9.(d) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(a)
15.(d) 16.(a)
JEST Previous Year's Questions
1. Consider a particle of mass 'm' moving inside a two-dimensional square box
whose sides are described by the equations x = 0, x = L, y = 0, y = L. What is
the lowest eigenvalue of an eigenstate which changes sign under the exchange
of x and y? [JEST 2012]

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=2 3= 2
(a) (b)
mL2 2mL2

5= 2 7=2
(c) (d)
2mL2 2mL2
2. The binding energy of the hydrogen atom (electron bound to proton) is 13.6
eV. The binding energy of positronium (electron bound to positron) is
[JEST 2012]
(a) 13.6/2 eV (b) 13.6/180 eV
(c)13.6 × 1810 eV (d) 13.6 × 2 eV
3. A simple model of a helium-like atom with electron-electron interaction is
= 2 2 1
replaced by Hooke’s law force is described by hamiltonian '1  ' 22 
2m 2
O G G 2
mZ2 r12  r22  mZ2 r1  r2 . What is the exact ground state energy?
[JEST 2013]
3 3
(a) E =Z 1  1  O (b) E =Z 1  O
2 2

3 3
(c) E =Z 1  O (d) E =Z 1  1  O
2 2
4. If a proton were ten times lighter, then the ground state energy of the electron
in a hydrogen atom would have been [JEST 2013, 2014]
(a) Less (b) More
(c) The same (d) Depends on the electron mass

5. A particle moving under the influence of a potential V r kr 2 / 2 has a

wavefunction \ r , t . If the wavefunction changes to \ Dr , t , the ratio of the

average final kinetic energy to the initial kinetic energy will be [JEST 2015]
(a) (b) D

(c) (d) D 2
6. The wavefunction of a hydrogen atom is given by the following superposition
of energy eigen-functions \ nm r (n, l, m are the usual quantum numbers)

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G 2 G 3 G 1 G
\ r \ 200 r  \ 210 r  \322 r [JEST 2016]
7 3 14
The ratio ofexpectation value of the energy to the ground state energy and the
expectation value of L2 are, respectively:

229 12=2 101 12= 2

(a) and (b) and
504 7 504 7

101 229
(c) and =2 (d) and = 2
504 504
7. The Hamiltonian of a quantum particle of mass m confined to a ring of unit
radius is: [JEST 2016]
=2 § w ·
H ¨ i  D ¸
2m © wT ¹
where T is the angular coordinate, D is a constant. The energy eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions of the particle are (n is an integer):

einT =2 2
(a) \ n T and En nD
2S 2m

sin nT =2
(b) \ n T
and En nD
2S 2m

cos nT =2
(c) \ n T
and En nD
2S 2m

einT =2 2
(d) \ n T and En nD
2S 2m
8. In the ground state of hydrogen atom, the most probable distance of the electron
from the nucleus, in units of Bohr radius a0 is : [JEST 2016]

(a) (b) 1

(c) 2 (d)

1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(a)

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TIFR Previous Year's Questions

1. The normalized wavefunctions of a hydrogen atom are denoted by \ n,l ,m x ,
where n, A and m are, respectively, the principal, azimuthal and magnetic
quantum numbers respectively. Now consider an electron in the mixed state
G 1 G 2 G 2 G
\ x \1,0,0 x  \ 2,1,0 x  \ 3,2,2 x [TIFR 2012]
2 3 3

the expectation value E of the energy of this electron, in electron-Volts (eV)

will be approximately
(a) –1.5 (b) –3.7
(c) –13.6 (d) –80.1
(e) +13.6
2. An energy eigenstate of the Hydrogen atom has the wave function
1 § 1 · ª § r ·º
\ nAm r , T, M ¨ ¸ sin T cos T exp «  ¨  iM ¸ » [TIFR 2013]
81 S © a0 ¹ ¬ © 3a0 ¹¼

where a0 is the Bohr radius. The principal S , azimuthal (l) and magnetic (m)
quantum numbers corresponding to this wave function are
(a) n 3, A 2, m 1 (b) n 2, A 1, m 1
(c) n 3, A 2, m 1 (d) n 2, A 1, m r1
3. The velocity of an electron in the ground state of a hydrogen atom is vH . If vP
be the velocity of an electron in the ground state of positronium, then
[TIFR 2013]
(a) vP vH (b) vP 2vH

(c) vP (d) vP 2vH
4. A rigid rotator is quantum state described by the wavefunction

\ T, M sin T sin M [T1FR 2014]
where T and M are the usual polar angles. If two successive measurements of
Lz are made on this rotator, the probability that the second measurement will
yield the value r= is
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.33

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(c) 0.5 (d) negligible
5. A particle in the 2s state of hydrogen the wave function
1 § 1 · § r · § r ·
\ 2S r ¨ ¸ ¨ 2  ¸ exp ¨  ¸
4 2S © a0 ¹ © a0 ¹ © 2a0 ¹

where 'r' is the radial coordinate w.r.t. the nucleus as origin and a0 is the Bohr
radius. The probability P of finding the electron somewhere inside a sphere of
radius Oa0 centred at the nucleus, is best described by the graph[TIFR 2014]

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

6. The ground state enagy of a particle of massm in a three dimensional cubical

3= 2
box of side e is not zero but . This is because [TIFR 2015]
8mA 2
(a) The ground state has no nodes in the interior of the box
(b) This is the most convenient choice of the zero level of potential enemy
(c) Position and momentum cannot be exactly determ ined simultaneously
(d) The potential at the boundaries is not really infinite, but just very large
7. A quantum mechanical plane rotator consists to two rigidly connected particles
of mass m and connected by a massless rod of length d is rotating in the xy-
plane about their centre of mass. Suppose that the initial state of the rotor is
given by \ M, t 0 A cos 2 M where M is the angle between one mass and the

x-axis, while A is normalization constant. Find the exception value of 3Lˆ22 in

this state, in units of = 2 [TIFR 2016]

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8. The energy of an electron in the ground state of the He atom is –79eV.
Considering the Bohr model of the atom, what would be 10 times the first
ionizationpotential for a He  ion; in units of eV ? [TIFR 2017]
9. Electrons in a given system of hydrogen atoms are desribed by the wavefunction

\ r , T, M 0.8<100  0.6eiS/3 < 311

where the < nlm denote normalized energy eigenstates. If Lˆx , Lˆ y , Lˆ z are the
components of the orbital angular momentum operator, the expectation value
of Lˆ2x in this system is [TI FR 2017]

(a) 1.5= 2 (b) 0.36= 2

(c) 0.18=2 (d) zero

1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(004)

8.( ) 9.( )
Other Examination Previous Year's Questions
1. Consider a quantum particle of mass 'm' in a three-dimensional isotropic simple
harmonic potential V x, y, z mZ2 x 2  y 2  z 2 . It is known that the
particle is in an energy eigenvalue E 7=Z / 2 . Which of the following cannot
be the wave function of the particle? (In the following D mZ.= and H n [
is the nth Hermite polynomial)
2 2
(a) H 2 Dx exp D y  z

2 2 2
(b) H 2 Dx exp D x  y  z

2 2 2
(c) H1 Dy H1 Dz exp D x  y  z

2 2 2
(d) H1 Dx H1 Dz exp D x  y  z

2. A particle of mass in is moving in a three-dimensional potential

V x, y , z mZ2 x 2  2 y 2  4 z 2
The energy of the particle in the ground state (lowest energy quantum state) is

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7 3
(a) =Z (b) =Z
2 2

7 3 2
(c) =Z (d) =Z
2 2
3. Given that the ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 eV, that of positronium
which is a composite state made of one electron and one position is,
(a) 0eV (b) 6.8 eV
(c) 13.6 eV (d) 27.2 eV
4. Which of the following is not an allowed set of quantu m numbers for an
electron in a Hvdrooen atom?
1 1
(a) n 1, l 0, m 0, s (b) n 2, l 2, m 1, s
2 2

1 1
(c) n 3, l 1, m 1, s  (d) n 4, l 3, m 2, s
2 2

3 § Et· 1
5. A hydrogen beam is prepared in the state \ r , t exp ¨ i 1 ¸ \1 r 
2 © = ¹ 2

§ Et·
exp ¨ i 1 ¸ \ 2 r , t
© = ¹

Where E1 and E2 are the energies of the ground state and the fires excited
state of the hydrogen-atom and \1 r and \ 2 r are then wave functions
respectively. The beam is incident on a detector which measures their energy.
Let E0 be the ionization energy of the hydrogen atom. The average energy
measured by the detector is given by
(a)  E0 (b)  E0

3 15
(c)  E0 (d)  E0
4 16
6. A hydrogen beam is prepared in the state

1 § Et· 2 § E t· 3 § E t·
< r ,t exp ¨ i 1 ¸ <1 r exp ¨ i 2 ¸ < 2 r exp ¨ i 3 ¸ < 3 r
14 © = ¹ 7 © = ¹ 14 © = ¹

Where E1, E2 , E3 are the energies of the ground state and the first excited and
second excited states of the hydrogen atom and <1 r , < 2 r , < 3 r are their

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normalized wave functions respectively. The beam is incident on a detector
which measures their energy. Let E0 be the ionization energy of the hydrogen
atom. The average energy measured by the detector is given by
(a)  E0 (b)  E0

1 1
(c)  E0 (d)  E0
7 14
7. A quantum mechanical particle of mass m is confined to move in a circle
ofradius. R. The energy levels are

(a) E A A 1 A  0,1, 2,3,.....
2mR 2

(b) E 2
A2 A  ...., 3, 2, 1, 0,1, 2,3,.....

(c) E A A 1 A  0,1, 2,3,.....
2mR 2

=2 R2 2
(d) E A A  ...., 3, 2, 1, 0,1, 2,3,.....
8. The ground state energy of the Hydrogen atom is –13.6 eV. The energy of the
second excited state is:
(a) –27.2 eV (b) –6.8 eV
(c) –1.5 eV (d) –4.5 eV
9. The degeneracy of energy fora hydrogen-like atom with principal quantum
nurnbern and orbital quantum number l is:
(a) n (b) rr
(c) 2n2 (d) l l  1
10. In a central force field, the angular part of the solution of the Schrodinger
equation is in general
(a) Independent of T and I (b) A constant
(c) A spherical harmonic (d) A Bessel function
11. Consider ls and 2s states for hydrogen atom, then ³ \100 r \ 200 r d 3r , is
(a) –ve (b) +ve
(c) zero (d) 1.0

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12. The wave function \ r eipr is an eigen function for a Hamiltonian with

(a) A constant potential V t 0

(b) A zero potential only
(c) A potential V(r) (not constant) which is spherically symmetric
(d) Any potential which is periodic with periodicity R

13. The azimuthal wave function for the hydrogen atom is: I M AeimI . Where

m is the magnetic quantum number. If I M is norrnalized, the value of the

normalization constant A is :
1 1
(a) (b)
2 S 2 mS

1 1
(c) (d)
2S 2mS
14. An An electron in the hydrogen atom is in a state whose energy is –3.4 eV. The
degeneracy of the state is
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 2 (d) 1
15. The quantum states of a particle in a Coulumb potential is labelled by the
principal, orbital and azimuthal quantum numbers n, l and m respectively. From
the rotational symmetry of the Hamiltonian alone we may conclude that the
energy eigenvalues are
(a) independent of n only (b) independent of l only
(c) independent of land m (d) independent of m only
16. The degeneracy of the state of energy En hZ n  1 , where n is an integer, in
a two-dimensional isotopic harmonic oscillator with potential
V x, y mZ2 x 2  y 2 is

n n 1
(a) (b) n  1
(c) n  1 (d) n
17. If EH is the binding energy of the electron in the Bohr model of the Hydrogen
atom, and both the charge and mass of the electron are doubled, the binding
energy becomes
(a) 32 EH (b) 2 EH
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(c) 4 EH (d) 16 EH
Statement for Linked Answer type Q.18 and Q.19.
Consider a three dimensional harmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian
p x2 p y p z2 1
H    mZ2 x 2  y 2  z 2
2 m 2m 2 m 2

18. The number of distinct eigenvalues with energy eigenvalue mZ is:
(a) 5 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 1
19. The eigenvalue of L2 (where L is the angular momentum operator) in the
around state is:
(a) = 2 (b) 2=2
(c) 0 (d) 6= 2
20. The number of nodes of the radial wave function for an atomic electron,
R r A ª 27  18r  2r 2 º e r /3 is :
¬ ¼
(a) 0 (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 3
A 2
21. Which of the following figure represents the potential, V r  Br :

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

22. The effective radial potential for the motion of the election in the hydrogen
atom is of the form

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K A A 1 =
V r 
r 2mr 2
Wheren K is strength of interaction. A is angular momentum quantum number
and m is mass of theparticle. The variation of V(r) with r is given by

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

23. A quantum particle of mass m moves in two dimensions in an anisotropic

harmonic oscillator potential V x, y mZ2 x 2  2mZ2 y 2 . The he energy
eigenvalues are (n is a positive integer or zero)
(a) =Z 2n  1 (b) =Z n  1

§ ·3
(c) 2=Z n  1 (d) =Z ¨ n  ¸
©2 ¹

1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(b) 7.(b)

8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(c) 12.(a) 13.(c) 14.(b)
15.(c) 16.(b) 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(c) 21.(c)
22.(c) 23.(d)
GATE Previous Year's Questions
1. Which one of the following is not a Boson? [GATE 1994]
(a) 42 He (b) 11 H

(c) 32 He (d) photon

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2. The energy of a single particle in an infinite potential box is E0n 2 where

E0 = 2 S 2 / 2mD 2 , n 1, 2,3... If three non-interacting bosons are in such a

potential box, the ground state energy of the system will be [GATE 1998]
(a) 3E0 (b) 4E0
(c) 6E0 (d) 9E0
3. Two spin –1/2 fennions having spins S1 and S2 interact via a potential
V r S1 ˜ S2V0 r . The contributions of this potential in the singlet and triplet
states, respectively, are) [GATE 2004]
3 1 1 3
(a)  V0 r and V0 r (b) V0 r and  V0 r
2 2 2 2

1 3 3 1
(c) V0 r and  V0 r (d)  V0 r and V0 r
4 4 4 4

4. The wavefunctions of two identical particles in state n and s are given by In r1

and Is r2 respcectively. The particles obey Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics.
The state of the combined two-particle system is expressed as [GATE 2006]
(a) In r1  Is r2

(b) ª¬In r1 Is r2  In r2  Is r1 º¼

(c) ª¬In r1 Is r2  In r2  Is r1 º¼

(d) In r1 I s r2
5. Consider the wavefunction \ \ r1, r2 F s for a fenrminie system consisting
of two spin-half particles. The spatial part of the wavefunction gifen by
G G 1 G G G G
\ r1, r2 ª¬I1 r2 I2 r2  I2 r1 I1 r2 º¼ [GATE 2012]

Where I1 and I2 are single particle states. The spin part F s of the wavefunction
§ 1· § 1·
with spin states D ¨  ¸ and E ¨  ¸ should be :
2 ¹ 2 © ¹

1 1
(a) DE  ED (b) DE  ED
2 2

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(c) DD (d) EE
6. The ground state and the first excited state wave functions of a one dimensional
infinite potential well are \1 and \ 2 , respectively. When two spin-up electrons
are placed in this potential, which one of the following, with x1 and x2 denoting
the position of the two electrons, correctly. represents the space part of the
ground state wave function of the system? [GATE 2014]
(a) ª¬\1 x1 \ 2 x1  \1 x2 \ 2 x2 º¼

(b) ª¬\1 x1 \ 2 x2  \1 x2 \ 2 x1 º¼

(c) ¬ª\1 x1 \ 2 x1  \1 x2 \ 2 x2 º¼

(d) ª¬\1 x1 \ 2 x2  \1 x2 \ 2 x1 º¼
7. Which one of the following is a fermion? [GATE 2014]
(a) D  particle (b) 4 Be7 nucleus
(c) hydrogen atom (d) Deuteron
1 G G G
8. The Pauli matrices for three spin particles are V1, V2 and V3 respectively..
The dimension of the Hilbert space required to define an operator
Ô V1 ˜ V1 u V3 is ______ [GATE 2015]

1 G
9. Let the Hamiltonian for two spin particles of equal masses nr,, momenta p1
G G G 1 2 1 2 1
and p2 and positions r1 and r2 be H p1  p2  mZ2 r12  r22 
2m 2m 2
kV1 ˜ V 2 where V1 and V2 denote the corresponding Pauli matrices,
=Z 0.1eV and k 0.2eV . If the ground state has net spin zero, then the energy
(in eV) is ____ [GATE 2015]
10. Consider a system of eight non-interacting, identical quantumparticles of spin-
in a one dimensional box of length L. The minimum excitation energy of

S2 = 2
the system, in units of is _____ [GATE 2015]

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11. If s1 and s2 are the spin operators of the two electrons of a He atom, the value
of s1 ˜ s2 for the ground state is [GATE 2016]

23 3
(a)  = (b)  =
2 4

1 2
(c) 0 (d) =
12. A two-dimensional square rigid box of side L contains six non-interacting
electrons at T 0 K. The mass of the electron is m. The ground state energy
S2 = 2
of the system of electrons, in units of is _____ [GATE 2016]

1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(d) 7.(b)

8.(8) 9.(–0.3) 10.(5) 11.(b) 12.(24)
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
1. In in a system consisting of two spin particles labeled 1 and 2, let
G1 =G1 G 2 =G 2
S V and S V denote the corresponding spin operators. Here
2 2
V V x , V y , V z and V x , V y , V z are the three Pauli matrices. [CSIR June 11]

A. In the standard basis the matrices for the operators S x1 S y2 and S y1 S x2


= 2 § 1 0 · = 2 § 1 0 ·
(a) ¨ ¸, ¨ ¸
4 © 0 1 ¹ 4 © 0 1 ¹

= 2 § i 0 · = 2 § i 0 ·
(b) ¨ ¸, ¨ ¸
4 © 0 i ¹ 4 © 0 i ¹

§ 0 0 0 i · § 0 0 0 i ·
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
= 2 ¨ 0 0 i 0 ¸ = 2 ¨ 0 0 i 0 ¸
(c) 4 ¨ 0 i 0 0 ¸ 4 ¨ 0 i 0 0 ¸
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
©i 0 0 0 ¹ ©i 0 0 0 ¹

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§0 1 0 0· § 0 i 0 0·
2 ¸ 2¨ ¸
= ¨1 0 0 0¸ = ¨i 0 0 0¸
(d) 4 ¨ 0 0 0 i ¸ 4 ¨ 0 0 0 1¸
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
©0 0 i 0¹ ©0 0 1 0¹

B. These two operators satisfy the relation

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
(a) S x S y , S y S x  S z S z (b) S x S y , S y S x 0

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
(c) S x S y , S y S x iz S z (d) S x S y , S y S x 0

2. The mininum energy of a collection to 6 non interacting electrons of spin 
placed in a one dimensional infinite square well potential of width L is
[CSIR Dec 2012]
(a) 14S2= 2 / mL2 (b) 91S2= 2 / mL2

(c) 7S2 =2 / mL2 (d) 3S2 = 2 / mL2

3. Consider a system of two non-intecting identical fennions, each of mass m in
an infinite square well potential of width a. (Take the potential inside the well
to be zero and ignore spin). The composite wavefunction for the system with
total energy

S52 = 2
E [CSIR June 2014]
2ma 2

2ª § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · § 2Sx1 · § Sx2 ·º

(a) a «sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸  sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸»
¬ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹¼

2ª § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · § 2Sx1 · § Sx2 · º

(b) a «sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸  sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸ »
¬ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹¼

2ª § Sx1 · § 3Sx2 · § 3Sx1 · § Sx2 · º

(c) a «sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸  sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸ »
¬ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹¼

2ª § Sx · § Sx · § Sx · § Sx · º
(d) a «sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸  sin ¨ a ¸ sin ¨ a ¸ »
1 1 2 2
¬ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹¼

1.A(c) 1.B(b) 2.(a) 3.(a)

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JEST Previous Year's Questions

1. The spatial part of a two-electron state is symmetric under exchange. If n

and p represent the spin-up and spin-down states respectively of each particle,
the spin-part of the two-particle state is [JEST 2012]

(a) n n (b) n p

(c) n p  n p / 2 (d) p n  n p / 2
2. Consider a system of two spin-1/2 particles with total spin S S1  S2 , where
S1 and S 2 are in terms of Pauli matrices Vi . The spin triplet projection operator
is [JEST 2012]
1 3
(a)  s1.s2 (b)  s1.s2
4 4

3 1
(c)  s1.s2 (d)  s1.s2
4 4
3. The grond state energy of 5 identical spin-1/2 particles which are subject to a
one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator potential of frequency Z is
[JEST 2012]
15 13
(a) =Z (b) =Z
2 2

(c) =Z (d) 5=Z
4. Two electrons are confined one dimensional box of length L. The one-electron
states are given by \ n x 2 / L sin nSx / L . What would be the ground state

wave function \ x1, x2 if both electrons are arranged to have the same spin
state? [JEST 2013]

1 ª2 § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · 2 § 2Sx1 · § Sx2 · º

(a) \ x1, x2 « L sin ¨ L ¸ sin ¨ L ¸  L ¨ L ¸ sin ¨ L ¸ »
2¬ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹¼

1 ª2 § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · 2 § 2Sx1 · § Sx2 · º

(b) \ x1, x2 « L sin ¨ L ¸ sin ¨ L ¸  L ¨ L ¸ sin ¨ L ¸ »
2¬ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹ © ¹¼

2 § Sx · § 2Sx2 ·
(c) \ x1, x2 sin ¨ 1 ¸ sin ¨ ¸
L © L ¹ © L ¹

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2 § 2Sx1 · § Sx2 ·
(d) \ x1, x2 sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸
L © L ¹ © L ¹
5. Suppose the spin degrees of freedom of a 2 particle system can be described
by a 21-dimensional Hilbert subspace. Which among the following could be
the spin of one of the particles? JEST 2017]
(a) (b) 3

(c) (d) 2

1.(c) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(b)

TIFR Previous Year's Questions
1. Two identical non-interacting particles, each of mass m and spin 1/2, are placed
in a one-dimensional box of length L. In quantum mechanics, the lowest
possible value of the total energy of these two particles is H0 . If instead, four
such particles are introduced into a similar one-dimensional box of length 2L,
then the lowest possible value of their total energy will be [TIER 2011]
(a) 2H0 (b) 5H0 / 4

(c) 3H0 / 2 (d) H0

2. Consider mo spin-1/2 identical particles A and B, separated by a distance r,
V0 G G
interacting through a potential V r S A , S B where V0 is a positive constant
and the spins are S A, B V V x , V y , V z in terms of the Pauli spin matrices. The
exception values of this potential in the spin-singlet and triplet states are
[TIFR 2016]
V0 V 3V0 V
(a) Singlet  , Triplet : 0 (b) Singlet :  Triplet : 0
3r r r r

3V0 V V0 3V
(c) Singlet :  Triplet : 0 (d) Singlet :  Triplet : 0
r r r r
3. A quantum mechanical system consists of one-dimensional infinite box, as
indicated in the ficaire hebw.

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3 (three) identical non-interacting  particles, are first placed in the box,
and the ground state energy of the system is found to be E0 18eV . If (seven)
such identical particles are placed in the box, what will be the ground state
energy, in units of eV? [TIER 2017]

1.(b) 2.(b) 3.( )

Other Examination Previous Year's Questions
1. A system consists of two identical particles, each of which can be in any one
of the two quantum states. The allowed states are
(a) 3 symmetric and antisyrametric
(b) 1 symmetric and 3 antisymmetric
(c) 1 symmetric and I antisymmetric
(d) 3 symmetric and 3 antisymmetric
2. Consider a one dimensional infinite square well potential
­ 0, for 0 d x d L
v x ®
¯f, otherwise
If two identical non- interacting, bosons occupy the lowest two energy levels,
the unnormalized wavefunction o f the combined system is given by

§ Sx · § 2Sx2 ·
(a) \ x1 , x2 sin ¨ 1 ¸ sin ¨ ¸
© L ¹ © L ¹

1 ª § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · § Sx2 · § 2Sx1 · º

(b) \ x1, x2 « sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨
2¬ © L ¹ © L ¹
¸  sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸»
© L ¹ © L ¹¼

1 ª § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · § Sx2 · § 2Sx1 · º

(c) \ x1, x2 « sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨
2¬ © L ¹ © L ¹
¸  sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸»
© L ¹ © L ¹¼

1 ª § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · § 2Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · º

(d) \ x1, x2 « sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨
2¬ © L ¹ © L ¹
¸  sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸»
© L ¹ © L ¹¼
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3. Consider a one-dimensional infinite source well potential

­0 dxdL
V x ®
¯f otherwise
If each of the lowest two energy levels are occupied by identical non-
interacting bosonic particles (one in each level), then the unnormalized wave
function of the combined system is:

§ Sx · § 2Sx2 ·
(a) \ x1 , x2 sin ¨ 1 ¸ sin ¨ ¸
© L ¹ © L ¹

§ 2Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · § Sx2 · § 2Sx2 ·

(b) \ x1, x2 sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸  sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸
© L ¹ © L ¹ © L ¹ © L ¹

§ 2Sx1 · § 2Sx2 · § Sx1 · § 2Sx2 ·

(c) \ x1 , x2 sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸  sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸
© L ¹ © L ¹ © L ¹ © L ¹

§ Sx · § Sx · § 2Sx1 · § 2Sx2 ·
(d) \ x1 , x2 sin ¨ 1 ¸ sin ¨ 2 ¸  sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸
© L ¹ © L ¹ © L ¹ © L ¹
4. Lithium has three electronsin in the state \1 r ; \ 2 r and \3 r
The wavefhnction of the three electrons (together) can be written as :
(a) \1 r1 \ 2 r2 \3 r3
(b) \1 r1 \ 2 r2  \1 r1 \ 2 r1 \3 r3
(c) \1 r1 \ 2 r2  \1 r1 \ 2 r1 \ 3 r3
\1 r1 \1 r2 \1 r3
1 G G G
\ 2 r3 \ 2 r2 \ 3 r3
(d) 6 G G G
\ 3 r1 \ 3 r2 \ 3 r3
5. Consider a system of two spin-half particles, in a state with total spin quantum
number S = 0. The eigenvalue of the spin Hamiltonian H AS1 ˜ S2 (A is a
positive constant) in this state is:
(a) A= 2 / 4 (b)  A=2 / 4

(c) 3 A= 2 / 4 (d) 3 A= 2 / 4
6. What is the ground state, energy of six non-interacting electrons in a 2-
dimensional, isotropic, simple harmonic oscillator characterized by Z ?
(a) 3=Z (b) 5=Z
(c) 10=Z (d) 12=Z
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1.(a 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(c)

GATE Previous Year's Questions
1. Let E0' n 0,1, 2,.... be the energy eigenvalucs for a particle of mass m placed

1 § 1·
in an anharmonic potential V x mZ2 x 2  ax 4 , a ! 0 .Let E0 ¨ n  ¸ =Z .
2 © 2¹
Then according to the first order perturbation theory: [GATE 1996]
(a) E0' E0 (b) E0' ! E0

(c) E0'  E0 (d) E0'  E0 for all n

2. Let E1, E2 , E3 be the respective ground state energies of the following

potentials. Which one of the following is correct? [GATE 2000]

(a) E1  E2  E3 (b) E3  E1  E2

(c) E2  E3  E1 (d) E2  E1  E3

3. A quantum harmonic oscillator is in the energy eilzenstate n . A time

independent perturbation O a ' a 2 acts on the particle, where O is a constant

of suitable dimensions and a and a' are lowering and raising operators
respectively. Then the first order energy shill is given by [GATE 2001]
(a) On (b) O 2n
(c) On2 (d) On
4. The wave function of a one dimension harmonic osciciator is
§ D 2 x 2 ·
\0 A exp ¨
¨ 2 ¸¸ for the ground state E0 Dx /10
, the first order change
© ¹
ª f x
in the ground state energy : Given : « F x  1 ³0 t exp tedt º»
¬ ¼

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§1 · 4
(a) ¨ E0 ¸10 (b) 3E0 104 [GATE 2004]
©2 ¹

§3 · 4
(c) ¨ E0 ¸10 (d) E0 104
©4 ¹
Common data for Q. 5, Q. 6 and Q.7
An unperturbed unperturbed two-level system has energy eigen values E1 and
§1· § 0·
E2 and eigen functions ¨ ¸ and ¨ ¸ . When perturbed, its Hamiltonian is
© 0¹ ©1¹
§ E1 A·
represented by ¨¨ * ¸ [GATE 2004]
©A E2 ¹¸

5. The first-order correction to E1 is:

(a) 4A (b) 2A
(c) A (d) 0
6. The second-order correction to E1 is
(a) 0 (b) A
A2 A
(c) (d)
E2  E1 E1  E2

7. The first-order correction to the eigenfunction ¨ 0 ¸ is:
© ¹

§ 0 · § 0·
(a) ¨ A* / E  E ¸¸ (b) ¨ 1 ¸
© 1 2 ¹ © ¹

§ A* / E1  E2 · § 1·
(c) ¨¨ ¸¸ (d) ¨1¸
© 0 ¹ © ¹
8. A particle amass m is confined in an infinite potential well
­ 0 if 0  x  L
V x ®
¯f otherwise

§ 2Sx ·
It is subjected to a perturbing potential V p x V0 sin ¨ ¸ within the well.
© L ¹
Let E 1 and E 2 be the corrections to the ground state energy in the first and
second order in V0 respectively. Which o f the following are true?
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(a) E 1 0; E
0 [GATE 2010]

(b) E 1 ! 0; E 2

(c) E 1  0; E 2
 0 depends on the sign of V0

(d) E 1  0; E 2
9. The normalized eigenstates of a particle in a one-dimensional potential well

­ 0 if 0  x  a
V x ®
¯f otherwise
are given by
2 § nSx ·
\0 x sin ¨ ¸
a © a ¹
The particle is subjected to a perturbation

§ Sx · a
V' x V0 cos ¨ ¸ for 0 d x d [GATE 2011]
© a ¹ 2
=0 otherwise
The shift in the ground state energy due to the perturbation, in the first order
perturbation theory,
2V0 V0
(a) (b)
3S 3S

V0 2V0
(c)  (d) 
3S 3S

10. Consider a system in the unperturbed state described by the Hamiltonian H 0

§1 0· §G G·
¨ ¸ . The system is subjected to a perturbation of the form H ¨ ¸,
©0 1¹ ©G G¹
where G  1 . The energy eigenvalues of the perturbed system using the first
order perturbation approximation are [GATE 2012]
(a) 1 and 1  2G (b) 1 G and 1 G

(c) 1  2G and 1  2G (d) 1 G and 1  2G

Common Data for Q. 11 and Q. 12 :
ª5 2 0 º
« »
To the given unperturbed Hamiltonian « 2 5 0 »
«¬0 0 2 »¼

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ª1 1 1 º
« »
we add a small perturbation given by H «1 1 1» [GATE 2013]
¬«1 1 1 ¼»

where H is a small quantity..

11. The ground state eigen vector of the unperturbed Hamiltonian is

(a) 1/ 2,1 / 2, 0 (b) 1/ 2, 1 / 2, 0

(c) (0, 0, 1) (d) (1, 0, 0)
12. A pair of eigen values of the perturbed Hamiltonian, using first order
perturbation theory, is
(a) 3  2H,7  2H (b) 3  2H, 2  H
(c) 3, 7  2H (d) 3, 2  2H
13. A particle is confined in a one-dimensional potential box with the potential

­ 0 if 0  x  a
V x ®
¯f otherwise
if the particle is subjected to a perturbation, within the box, W Ex , where E
is a small constant, the first order correction to the p.round state energy is
(a) 0 (b)

(c) (d) aE
14. A particle is confined in a box of length Las shown below [GATE 2015]

If the potential V0 is treated as a perturbation, including the first order

correction, the ground state energy is

= 2 S2 = 2 S2 V0
(a) E 2
 V0 (b) E 2

2mL 2mL 2

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= 2 S2 V0 = 2 S2 V0
(c) E  (d) E 
2mL2 4 2mL2 2
15. A hydrogen atom is in its ground the state. In the presence of a uniform electric
field E E0 zˆ , the leading order change in its energy is propprtional to E0 .
The value of the exponent n is ____ . [GATE 2016]
16. A one dimensional simple harmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian
p2 1 2
H0  kx is subjected to a small per-turbation, H1 Dx  E x3  Jx 4 .
2m 2
The first order correction to the ground state energy is dependent on
[GATE 2017]
(a) only E (b) D and J
(c) D and E (d) only J

1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(a)

8.(a) 9.(a) 10.(a) 11.(c) 12.(c) 13.(c) 14.(d)
15.(2) 16.(d)
CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
1. It the perturbation H ' ax , where a is a constant; is added to the infinite square
well potential

­ 0 for 0 d x d S
V x ®
¯f otherwise
The first order correction to ground state energy is : [CSIR June 2011]
(a) (b) aS

aS aS
(c) (d)
4 2

2. The perturbation H ' bx 4 where 'b' is a constant, is added to the one

dimensional harmonic oscillator potential V x mZ2 x 2 . Which of the
following denotes the correction to the ground state energy to first order in
b? [CSIR Dec 2011]

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[Hint :The normalized ffound state wave function of the one dimensional
harmonic oscillator potential is
§ mZ ·
e mZx
/2 =
\0 ¨ ¸ . You mayuse the following integral
© =S ¹

f  n
2 n  ax 2 2* § n  1·
³ x e dx a ¨


3b= 2 3b= 2
(a) (b)
4m 2Z2 2m 2Z2

3b= 2 b=
(c) 2 2 (d)
2Sm Z 4mZ
3. A constant perturbation as shown in the figure below acts on a particle of mass
m confined in a infinite potential well between 0 and L. The first order
correction to the ground state energy of the particle is [CSIR Dec 2011]

V0 3V0
(a) (b)
2 4

V0 3V0
(c) (d)
4 2
4. Consider an electron in a box oflenght L with periodic boundary condition
1 ikx
\ x \ x  L . If the electron is in the \ k x e with energy

=2 k 2
Hk , what is the correction to its energy, to second order of perturbation
theory, when it is subjected to weak periodic potential V x V0 cos gx, where
g is an integral multiple of the 2S / L ? [CSIR June 2012]

mV02 § 1 1 ·
(a) V02H g / H2k (b)  ¨  ¸
2= 2 ¨© g 2  2kg g 2  2kg ¹¸

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(c) V0 H k  H g H 2k (d) V0
Hk  H g

5. The energy eigenvalues of a particle in the potential V x mZ2 x 2  ax are
[CSIR Dec. 2012]

§ 1· a2 § 1· a2
(a) En ¨ n  ¸ =Z  (b) En ¨ n  ¸ =Z 
© 2¹ 2mZ2 © 2¹ 2mZ2

§ 1· a2 § 1·
(c) En ¨ n  ¸ = Z  (d) En ¨ n  ¸ =Z
© 2¹ mZ2 © 2¹

­b a  x a  x  a
6. The perturbation H ' ®
¯ 0 otherwise

acts on a particle of mass 'm' confined in an infinite square well potential

­0  a  x  a
V x ® [CSIR Dec 2012]
¯0 otherwise
The first order correction to the ground state energyof the particle is
ba ba
(a) (b)
2 2
(c) 2ba (d) ba
7. Consider a two-dimensional infinite square will

­ 0, if 0  x  a 0  y  a
V x, y ® . Its normalized eigenfimctions are
¯f, otherwise

2 § nx Sx · § n y Sy ·
\ nx ,ny x, y sin ¨ ¸ sin ¨ ¸ where nx , n y 1, 2,3,.... If a pernirbation
a © a ¹ © a ¹

­ a a
°V if 0  x  ,0  y 
H' ® 0 2 2 is applied then the correction to the energy
°¯ 0 otherwise

of the first excited state to order V0 is [CSIR June 2013]

V0 0 V ª 64 º
(a) (b) 4 «1 r 2 »
4 ¬ 9S ¼

0 V ª 16 º 0 V ª 32 º
(c) 4 «1 r 2 » (d) 4 «1 r 2 »
¬ 9S ¼ ¬ 9S ¼

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8. Two identical bosons of mass m are placed in a one dimensional potential

V x mZ2 x 2 . The bosons interact via a weak potential, V12 V0 exp
ª  m: x  x 2
/ 4= º» where x1 and x2 denote coordinates of the particles.
«¬ 1 2 ¼
Given that the ground:state wavelimetion of the harmonic oscillator is
1 mZx 2
§ mZ · 4
\0 x ¨ ¸ e 2= . The ground state energy of the two-boson system, to
© S= ¹
the first order in V0 is : [CSIR June 2013]

V0 :
(a) =Z  2V0 (b) =Z 

§ :· § Z·
(c) =Z  V0 ¨1  ¸ (d) =Z  V0 ¨1  ¸
© 2Z ¹ © :¹

9. The motion of a particle of mass m in one dimension is described by the

p2 1
Hamiltonian H  mZ2 x 2  Ox . What is the difference between the
2m 2
(quantized) energies of the first two levels? (In the following, x is the
expectation value of x in the ground state) [CSIR Dec 2013]
10. The ground state eigenfunction for the potential V x G x , where G x is
D x
the delta- function, is given by \ x Ae , where A and D ! 0 are constants.
If a perturbation H bx 2 is applied, the first order correction to the energy of
the ground state will be [CSIR June 2014]
b b
(a) (b)
2D 2 D2

2b b
(c) (d)
D2 2D 2

11. The Hamiltonian H 0 for a three-state. quantum system is given by the matrix

§1 0 0· §0 1 0·
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
H0 ¨ 0 2 0 ¸ . When perturbed by H '  ¨ 1 0 1 ¸ where  1 , the
¨0 0 2¸ ¨0 1 0¸
© ¹ © ¹
resulting shift in the energy eigenvalue E0 2 is [CSIR Dec 2014]

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(a) , 2  (b)  , 2 
(c) r  (d) r2 
12. A hydrogen atom is subjected to the perturbation V pert r  cos 2r / a0 where

a0 is the Bohr radius. The change in the ground state energy to first order in 
(a)  /4 (b)  /2
(c)   /2 (d)   /4
13. Consider a particle of mass m in a potential V x mZ2 x 2  g cos kx . The
change in the ground state energy, compared to the simple harmonic potential
mZ2 x 2 , to first order in g is [CSIR June 2016]

§ k 2= · § k 2= ·
(a) g exp ¨¨  ¸¸ (b) g exp ¨¨ ¸¸
© 2 mZ ¹ © 2 mZ ¹

§ 2k 2 = · § k 2= ·
(c) g exp ¨¨  ¸¸ (d) g exp ¨¨  ¸¸
© mZ ¹ © 4 mZ ¹
14. A particle of changes q in one dimension is in a simple harmonic potential
with angular frequency Z . It is subjected to a time dependent electric field
 t /W
E t Ae where A and W are positive constants and ZW !! 1 .If in the
distant past t o f the particle was in its ground state, the probability that it
will be in the first excited state as t o f is proportional to [CSIR Dee. 2016]
1 2 1 2
(a)  ZW (b) ZW
e 2 e2

(c) 0 (d) ZW 2

15. A constant perturbation H' is applied to a system for time 't (where
H ' 't  = ) leading to a transition from a state with energy Ei to another with
energy El . If the time of application is doubled, the probability of transition
will be [CSIR June 2017]
(a) unchanged (b) doubled
(c) quadrupled (d) halved

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16. The Coulomb potential V r e 2 / r of a hydrogen atom is perturbed by adding

H ' bx 2 (where b is a constant) to the Hamiltonian. The first order correction

to the ground state energy is (The uround state wavetimction is
\0 e  r / a0
). [CSIR June 2017]

(a) 2ba02 (b) ba02

(c) ba02 / 2 (d) 2ba02

17. In the usual notation nlm for the states of a hydrogen like atom, consider the
spontaneous transitions 210 o 100 and 310 o 100 . If t1 and t2 are the
lifetimes of the first and the second decaying states respectively, then the
ratio t1 / t2 is proportional to [CSIR June 2017]

3 3
§ 32 · § 27 ·
(a) ¨ ¸ (b) ¨ ¸
© 27 ¹ © 32 ¹

3 3
§2· §3·
(c) ¨ ¸ (d) ¨ ¸
©3¹ ©2¹

1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(a) 6.(d) 7.(b)

8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(c) 12.(d) 13.(d) 14.(a)
15.( ) 16.( ) 17.( )
JEST Previous Year's Questions
1. Consider a spin- particle characterized by the Hamiltonian H ZS x . Under
a perturbation H ' ZS x , the second order correction to the ground state energy
is given by [JEST 2015]

g2 g2
(a)  (b)
4Z 4Z

g2 g2
(c)  (d)
2Z 2Z

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2. A particle oftnass in is confined in a potential well given by V x 0 for

 L / 2  x  L / 2 and V x f elsewhere. A perturbing potential H ' x Dx

has been applied to the system. Let the first and second order corrections to
the wound state be E01 and E02 , respectively. Which one of the following
statements is correct ? [JEST 2015]

(a) E01  0 and E02 ! 0 (b) E01 2

0 and E0 ! 0

(c) E01 ! 0 and E02  0 (d) E01 2

0 and E0  0

3. Consider a quantum particle of mass m in one dimension in an infinite potential

well, i.e., V x 0 for a / 2  x  a / 2 and V x f for x t a / 2 . A small

perturbating V ' x 2  x / a , is added. The change in the wound state energy

to O H is : [JEST 2016]

(a) 2
S2  4 (b) 2
S2  4
2S 2S

HS2 2 HS2 2
(c) S 4 (d) S 4
2 2

pˆ 2 1
4. A particle is described by the following Hamiltonian Hˆ  mZ2 xˆ 2  Oxˆ 2 ,
2m 2
where the quartic term can be treated perturbatively. If 'E0 and 'E1 denote
the energy correction of O O to the ground state and the first excited state
respectively, what is the fraction 'E1 / 'E0 ? [JEST 2017]

1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(0005)

TIFR Previous Year's Questions
1. A charged particle is in the ground state of a one-dimensional harmonic
oscillator potential, generated by electrical means. If the power is suddenly
switched off, so that the potential disappears, then, according to quantum
mechanics. [TIFR 2010]
(a) the particle will shoot out of the well and move out towards infinity in one
of the two possible direction as
(b) the particle will stop oscillating and as time increases it may be found
Farther and rat ihei way Iron; the centre of the well
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(c) the particle will keep oscillating about the same mean position but with
increasing amplitude as time increases
(d) the particle will undergo a transition to one of the higher excited states
ofthe harmonic oscillator
2. A particle of mass 'm' and charge 'e' is in the ground state of a one-dimensional
harmonic oscillator potential in the presence of a uniform external electric
field E. The total potential felt by the particle is
1 2
V x kx  eEx [TIER 2014]
If the electric held is suddenly switched off, then the particle will
(a) Make a transition to any harmonic oscillator state with x eE / k as origin
without emitting any photon
(b) Make a transition to any harmonic oscillator state with x = 0 as origin and
absorb a photon
(c) Settle into the harmonic oscillator ground stale with x – 0 as origin after
absoibnig a photon
(d) Oscillate back and forth with initial amplitude eE / k emitting multiple
photons as it does so
3. A quantum mechanical system which has stationary states 1 , 2 and 3
corresponding to energy levels 0 eV, 1 eV and 2 eV respectively, is perturbed
by a potential of the form Vˆ H 1 3  H 3 1 , where in e V , 0  H  1.
The new ground state, corret to order H , is approximately [TIFR 2017]

§ H· H H
(a) ¨1  ¸ 1  3 (b) 1  3 H 3
© 2¹ 2 2

(c) 1  3 (d) 1  3
2 2

1.(a) 2.(b) 3.( )

Other Examinations Previous Year's Questions
1. The validity of Fermi’s golden rule which connects two states with energy
difference 'E , implies that it is true for
(a) All times t (b) t t
(c) t d (d) 'E 0
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1 2
2. A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator whose Hamiltonian is H 0 pˆ 
1 2 2
Z xˆ is perturbed such that the total Hamiltonian is H H 0  Hxˆ . The first
order correction to the ground state is

(a) 2H=Z (b) H=Z 2

(c) H=Z (d) 0
3. The first-order correction to the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian
pˆ 2 1 2
Hˆ 0  kxˆ due to a perturabation Hˆ 1 Dxˆ are
2m 2
(a) 0 (b) D / k
(c) 2D / k (d) 2D / k

1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(a)

GATE Previous Year's Questions
1. A particle is scatterd by a central potential. If the dominant contribution to the
scattering is from the p-wave, the differential cross-section is [GATE 2000]
(a) isotropic (b) proportional to cos 2 T
(c) stabilize the magnetization (d) cause critical magnetic fluctuations
2. If V is the total cross-section and f T is the scattering amplitude ( T being
the angle of scattering) for a quantum mechanical elastic scattering by a
spherically symmetric potential, then which-of the following is true? Note
that k is the maanitude of the wave vector along the ẑ direction.
[GATE 2002]
(a) V f T

4S 2
(b) V f 0 T

(c) V u imaginary part of f 0 T

4S 2
(d) V f T

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Common data for Q. 3 and Q.4.
A particle is scattered by a spherically symmetric potential. In the centre of
mass (CM) frame the wavefunction of the incoming particle is \  Aeikt where
k is the wavevcctor and A is a constant. [GATE 2005]
3. If f T is an angular function then in the asymptotic region the scattered wave
function has the form

Af T eikt Af T e ikt
(a) (b)
r r

Af T eikt Af T e ikt
(c) (d)
r2 r2

4. The differential scattering cross section V T in CM

2 f T 2 2
(a) V T A 2
(b) V T A f T
(c) V T f T (d) V T A f T

5. The scattering of particles by a potential can be analyzed by Born

approximation. In particular, if the scattered wave is replaced by an appropriate
plane wave, the corresponding Born approximation is known as the first Born
approximation. Such as approximation is valid for [GATE 2016]
(a) large incident energies and weak scattering
(b) large incident energies and strong scattering potentials
(c) small incident energies and weak scattering potential
(d) small incident energies and strong scattering potentials
6. Consider an elastic scattering of particles in l = 0 states. If the corresponding
phase shift G0 is 90º and the magnitude of the incident wave vector is equal to
2S fm 1 then the total scattering cross section in units of fm2 is
[GATE 2016]

1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(a) 6.(2)

CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions

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1. A free particle described by a plane wave and moving in the positive z-direction
­V0 if r d R
undergoes scattering by a potential V x ® if V0 is changes to
¯ 0 if r ! R
2V0 , keeping R fixed, then the differential scattering cross-section, in the
born approximation [CS1R June 2012]
(a) increases to four times the original value
(b) increases. to twice the original value
(c) decreases to half the original value
(d) decreases to one fourth the original value
2. In the Born approximation, the scattering amplitude f T for the Yukawa

Ee Pr
potential V r is given by (in the following
b 2k sin , E = 2 k 2 / 2m )
[CSIR June 2013]
2mE 2mE
(a) 2 2 (b) = 2 P 2  b2
= 2 P2  b

2mE 2mE
(c) 2 2 2 (d) = 2 P2  b2
= P b

3. The scattering amplitude f T for the Yukawa potential V r Ee Pr where

E and P are positive constants is given in the Born approximation by (in the
1 2 T
following b 2k sin , E = k / 2m ) [CSIR June 2014]

4mEP 4mEP
(a) 2 2 (b) = 2b 2 b 2  P 2
= 2 b2  P

4mEP 4mEP
(c) (d) =2 b2  P2
= 2 b2  P 2

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4. The differential cross-section for scattering by a target is given by
d V T, M
a 2  b 2 cos 2 T . If N is the flux of the incoming particles, the number
of particles scattered per unit time is [CSIR June 2015]

4S 2 §2 1 ·
(a) N a 2  b2 (b) 4SN ¨ a  b ¸
3 6© ¹

§ 2 2·1 1 § 2 2· 1
(c) 4SN ¨ a  b ¸ (d) 4SN ¨ a  b ¸
2 ©
3 ¹ 3© ¹
5. A particle of energy E scatters off a repulsive spherical potential
[CSIR June 2015]

­V0 for r  a
V r ®
¯0 for r d a

where V0 and a are positive constants. In the low energy limit, the total
1 · 2§ 2 2m
V0  E
scattering corss section is V 4Sa ¨ tanh ka  1¸ , where k
© ka ¹ =2
! 0 . In the limit V0 o f the ratio of V to the classical scattering cross-section
off a sphere of radius a is
(a) 4 (b) 3
(c) 1 (d) 1/2
6. In the scattering of some elementary particles, the scattering cross-section V
is found to depend on the total energy energy E and the fundamental constants
h (Planck’s constant) and c (the speed of light in vacuum). Using dimensional
analysis, the dependence of on these quantities is given by [CSIR Dec. 2015]

hc hc
(a) (b)
E E 3/2

§ hc · hc
(c) ¨ ¸ (d)
©E¹ E

7. A particle is scattered by a central potential V rV0 re Pr , where V0 and P

are positive constants. If the momentum transfer q is such that q q !! P ,
depends on q as [CSIR Dec. 2016]

[You may use ³ x e dx ³e
n ax ax
dx ]

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(a) q 8 (b) q 2

(c) q 2 (d) q 6
8. After a perfectly elastic collision of two identical balls, one of which was
initially at rest, the velocities of both the halls are non-zero. The angle T
between the final velocities (ni the lab frame) is [CSIR Dec. 2016]
(a) T (b) T S

(c) 0  T  (d) TdS
2 2
9. Consider the potential V r r  ri where are the position

vectors of the vertices of a cube of length a centered at the origin and V0 is a

constant. If V0a 2  , the total scattering cross-section, in the low energy
limit, is [CSIR June 2017]
§ mV a 2 · 16a 2 § mV0a 2 ·
(a) 16 a 2 ¨ 02 ¸¸ (b) 2 ¨¨ 2 ¸¸
¨ = S © =
© ¹ ¹

64a 2 § mV0a 2 · 64 a 2 § mV0a 2 ·
(c) 2 ¨¨ ¸ (d) 2 ¨¨ 2 ¸¸
S © = 2 ¹¸ S © = ¹

1.(a) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(a)

8.(a) 9.( )
Other Examination Previous Year's Questions
1. For the scattering under a central force field, the asymptotic form of the total
wave function aller scattering is :

 ikr eikr
(a) \ r e ikr
e (b) \ r f T

(c) \ r eikr  f T eikr (d) \ r eikr  f T
2. Born approximation is justified for

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(a) Particle moving very slowly
(c) Fast particles in a weak potential
(b) Very strong potential fields
(d) Hydrogen atom.
3. A beam o fquantum mechanical particles of momentum k moving along the z-
direction scatters off a spherically symmetric potential

­V0 for 0 d r d R
V r ®
¯0 for r ! R

The leading term of the wave function of the scattered particles is of the form
(a) eikr (b) eikz

eikr eikr
(c) (d)
r r2
4. Let k be the wave number of the incident plane wave in a scattering experiment.
If the scattering is purely a p-wave with the phase shift G1 S 4 , then the total
scattering cross-section is:

(a) 2S (b) 6S
k2 k2
(c) 0 (d) k 2
5. For a spherically symmetric potential, V r g G r where G r is a three

dimensional G  function and g is a constant. The scattering amplitude f T

in the Born approximatation then varies as
(a) g (b) g 2

(c) 1/g (d) 1/ g 2

6. A beam ofparticlesoflinear monjenttim =k is scattered by a short-range
potential of range a, where ak  1 . Which of the following statements is
(a) All phase shifts are zero (b) There is no scattering
(c) The scattering is spherically symmteric
(d) All phase shifts are equal
7. Consider the scattering of two identical fermions. If the two particles are in a
spin singlet state, the differential cross section relates to the scattering
amplitude as

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dG 2 2 dG 2 2
(a) f T  f ST (b) f T  f ST
d: d:

dG 2 dG 2
(c) f T  f ST (d) f T  f ST
d: d:

1.(d) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(d)

GATE Previous Year's Questions
1. Let the hermitian operator H be the Hamiltonian of quantum mechanical
particle, E0 its ground state energy, and \ r an arbitrary normalized trial
wavefunction. The quantity [GATE 1991]
(a) must necessarily be less than or equal to E0

(b) must necessarily be greater than or equal to E0

(c) may be any real number – greater than, equal to, or less tahn E0
(d) is purely imaginary

CSIR-UGC-NET Previous Year's Questions
1. A particle in one dimension moves under the influence of a potential
V x ax 6 , where a is a real constant. For large n the quantized energy level
En depends on n as : [CSIR June 2011]

(a) En ~ n3 (b) En ~ n 4/3

(c) En ~ n6/5 (d) En ~ n3/2

2. A variational calculation is done with the normalized trial wavefunction
\ x 5/2
a 2  x 2 for the one dimensional potential well

°­ 0if x d a
V x ®
°̄f if x ! a

The ground state energy is estimated to be [CSIR June 2012]

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5= 2 3= 2
(a) (b)
3ma 2 2ma 2

3= 2 5= 2
(c) (d)
5ma 2 4ma 2
3. What would be the ground state energy of the Hamiltonian

=2 d 2
H   DG x
2m dx 2
if variational principle is used to estimate it with the trial
wavefunction \ x Aebx with b as the variational parameter?

f 1
n § 1·
x 2ne 2nx dx

[Hint : ³ 2b 2 *¨n  ¸ ]
© 2¹ [CSIR Dec. 2012]

(a) mD 2 / 2=2 (b) 2mD 2 / S=2

(c) mD 2 / S= 2 (d) mD 2 / S=2

4. The bound on the ground state of the Hamiltonian with an atractive delta delta-
function potential, namely

=2 d 2
H   DG x [CSIR Dec. 2013]
2m dx 2

using the variational principle with the trial wavefuntion \ x A exp bx 2
(a) mD 2 / 4S= 2 (b) mD 2 / 2S= 2

(c) mD 2 / S= 2 (d)  mD 2 / 5S= 2

5. Consider a particle of mass m in the potential V x a x , a ! 0 . The energy

eigen-values En n 0,1, 2,..... , in the WKB approximation, are

[CSIR Dec. 2014]
1/3 2/3
ª 3a=S § 1 ·º ª 3a=S § 1 ·º
(a) « ¨ n  ¸» (b) « ¨ n  ¸»
¬ 4 2m © 2 ¹¼ ¬ 4 2m © 2 ¹¼

3a=S § 1· ª 3a=S § 1 ·º
(c) ¨n ¸ (d) « ¨ n  ¸»
4 2m © 2¹ ¬ 4 2m © 2 ¹¼

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6. The ground state energy of the attractive delta function potential V x bG x
where b ! 0 calculated with the variational trial function
°­ A cos 2 a , for  a  x  a
\ x ® is [CSIR Dec. 2014]
°̄ 0, otherwise

mb 2 2mb 2
(a)  (b) 
S2=2 S2 = 2

mb 2 mb 2
(c)  (d) 
2S2 = 2 4S2 = 2

7. The ground state energy of a particle in the potential V x g x estimated

­ c 2 2
° 5 a x , x a
\ x ® a
using the trial wavefunction (where g and c
° 0, x t a
are constants) is [CS1R Dec. 2015]
1/3 1/3
15 § = 2 g 2 · 5 § =2 g 2 ·
(a) ¨¨ ¸ (b) ¨¨ ¸
16 © m ¹¸ 6 © m ¹¸

1/3 1/3
3 § =2 g 2 · 1 § =2 g 2 ·
(c) ¨¨ ¸ (d) ¨¨ ¸
4 © m ¹¸ 8 © m ¹¸

8. The energy levels for a particle of mass in in the potential V x Dx,

§ 1·
determined in the WKB approximation 2m ³ E  V x dt ¨ n  ¸ =S , where
a © 2¹
a, b are the turning points and n = 0, 1, 2, ...), are [CSIR June 2016]
2/3 2/3
ª =SD §  ·º ª 3=SD §  ·º
(a) En « ¨ n  ¸» (b) En « ¨ n  ¸»
¬4 m © 2 ¹¼ ¬ 4 2m © 2 ¹¼

2/3 2/3
ª 3=SD §  ·º ª =SD §  ·º
(c) En « ¨ n  ¸» (d) En « ¨ n  ¸»
¬4 m © 2 ¹¼ ¬ 4 2m © 2 ¹¼

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= 2E 4
9. The around state enemy of particle of mass m in the potential V x x ,
e  ax
estimated using the normalized trial wavefunction \ x ¨ ¸ is
© S¹

f f
D 1 D 3
dx x 2e  ax 4  ax 2

[Use S ³ 2D and S ³ dx x e
4D 2
] [CSIR June 2016]
f f

3 2 1/3 8 2 1/3
(a) = E (b) = E
2m 3m

2 2 1/3 3 2 1/3
(c) = E (d) = E
3m 8m
10. The Dirac Hamiltonian H cD, p  Emc 2 for a free electron corresponds to
the classical relation E 2 p 2c 2  m 2c 4 . The classical energy momentum
relation of a particle of charge q in a electromagnetic potential I, A is

2 2§ G q G ·2
E  qI c ¨ p A ¸  m 2c 4 . Therefore, the Dirac Hamiltonian for an
© c ¹
electron in an electromagnetic field is : [CSIR June 2015]

G G e G G G §G e G· 2
(a) cD ˜ p A ˜ A  Emc 2  eI (b) cD ˜ ¨ p  A ¸  E mc  eI
c © c ¹

§G G e G· G §G e G·
(c) c ¨ D ˜ p  eI  A ¸  Emc 2 2
(d) cD ˜ ¨ p  A ¸  E mc  eI
© c ¹ © c ¹
11. The dynamics of a free relativisric particle of mass m is governed by the Dirac
Hamiltonian H cD ˜ p  Emc 2 , where p is the momentum operator and
D D x , D y , D z and E are four 4 × 4 Dirac matrices. The acceleration operator
can be expressed as [CSIR Dec. 2016]
2ic G G G
(a) cp  DH (b) 2ic 2DE

ic G 2ic G G
(c) HD (d)  cp  DH
= =

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­° A a 2  x 2 ; a  x  a
12. Using the trial function \ x ® , the ground state
°̄ 0 ;otherwise
energy of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillattor is [CSIR June 2017]

(a) =Z (b) =Z

1 5
(c) =Z (d) =Z
2 7

1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(b) 7.(a)

8.(b) 9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(a) 12.( )
JEST Previous Year's Questions
1. Consider a particle confined by a potential V x k x , where k is a positive
constant. The spectrum En of the system, within the WKB approximation, is
proportional to [JEST 2017]
3/2 2/3
§ 1· § 1·
(a) ¨ n  ¸ (b) ¨ n  ¸
© 2¹ © 2¹
1/2 4/3
§ 1· § 1·
(c) ¨ n  ¸ (d) ¨ n  ¸
© 2¹ © 2¹

Other Examinations Year's Questions
1. Let Er be the energy obtained variationally by using trial function Ae  ar (with 2

D as a variational parameter) for hydrogen atom. If the exact ground state is

EH then,

(a) Er  EH (b) Er ! EH

(c) Er t EH (d) Er  EH
2. For a harmonic oscillator of mass m and energy, E, moving in a potential
1 2
V x kx , the WKB quantization condition reads.

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

1 § 1·
(a) ³ dx E  kx 2
¨ n  ¸ S=
© 2¹
 2E /k

 2E /k
1 § 1·
(b) ³ dx E  kx 2
¨ n  ¸ S=
© 2¹

1 § 1·
(c) ³ dx E  kx 2
¨ n  ¸ S=
© 2¹

1 § 1·
(d) ³ dx E  kx 2
¨ n  ¸ S=
© 2¹

1.(b) 2.(c)

An Institute for NET/JRF Physical Science,

IIT-JAM, JEST TIFR & M.Sc. Entrances
Email : [email protected], 9694473047, 9136887760

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