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Preliminary Examination

LEA 14
Name :____________________________________________ Score: ___________
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Write the corresponding answer on the given questions in CAPITAL
PART I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of the best answer.

1. It is the first organization to bear the label was the Sicilian Mafia based in
a. Nortenos
b. Surtenos
c. Cosa nostra
2. A.k.a “ thieves with code of honor”
a. Yakuza
b. Vory v Zakone
c. Big Hazard
3. The following are triads in HongKong, except
a. Wo Sing Wo
b. Nam Cam gang
c. 14K
4. An American gangster who led a Prohibition-era crime syndicate.
a. Al Pacino
b. Al Capone
c. Al Pombra
5. Is another name for the Chinese Triads,name popularized by Martin Booth’s
a. Dragon Sydicate
b. Gang
6. The procurement to obtain a financial or other material benefit of the illegal
entry of a person into a state party of which the person is not a national
a. Human Trafficking
b. Prostitution
c. People Smuggling
7. The act of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment
a. Human Trafficking
b. Prostitution
c. People Smuggling
8. Is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of slavery, commercial
sexual exploitation, forced labor
a. Human Trafficking
b. Prostitution
c. People Smuggling
9. The smuggling of contraband weapons or ammunitions
a. Human Trafficking
b. Prostitution
c. Arms Trafficking
10. Also known as chop-shop or export
a. Burglary
b. Stock fraud
c. Car theft
11. Also known as robbery in a building
a. Burglary
b. Stock fraud
c. Car theft
12. Also known as pump and dump scam
a. Burglary
b. Stock fraud
c. Car theft
13. Is disguising illegal sources of money so that it looks like it came from
legal sources
a. Money laundering
b. Extortion
c. Casino skimming
14. Illegal transport of Alcohol
a. Butt legging
b. Bootlegging
c. Inside trading
15. Illegal transport of Cigarettes
a. butt legging
b. Bootlegging
c. Inside trading


1. ______________________________ perpetuated for the attainment of direct

personal gain but prey upon unwilling victims
2. ______________________________ comes with a structure organization that
participates in illicit activity in society using force, or intimidation.
3. ______________________________ a public official, law enforcement officer or
anybody who not a member of the organization who helps the organization.
4. ______________________________ manned by semi-organized individual with the end
view of attaining psychological gratification such as adolescent gangs
5. ______________________________ is a term used to describe a number of criminal
organizations around the world
6. ______________________________ The corporation, the police, and the military
are examples of bureaucracies, that mode of organization essential for
efficiently carrying out large scale tasks.
7. ______________________________ committed by political criminals for purposes of
gaining profit though violence or force for the attainment of political goals
or ambitions such as used of private armies, buying of votes or threatening
8. ______________________________ is a code of silence and secrecy that forbids
Mafiosi from betraying their comrades to the authorities.
9. ______________________________ the one who corrupts or bribes, intimidate or
threatens, negotiate or “sweet talks” into a relationship with public
officials, law enforcement officer, or anyone who would be of help in obtaining
security and immunity from possible arrest, prosecution and punishments.
10. ______________________________ It is a characteristic of traditional societies
that centers on families, patrons and their clients, and other personalities
11. ______________________________ the one who makes for the arrangements for the
killing (injuring or carrying out the task physically, economically or
psychologically) the members or non-members
12. ______________________________ any enterprise or group of persons engaged in a
continuing illegal activity which has as its primary purpose the generation of
profits and continuance of the enterprise regardless of national borders.
13. ______________________________ meaning of the acronym MAFIA
14. ______________________________ one of the most active Criminal Justice Unit
involved in controlling illicit activities of these triads
15. ______________________________ an ethnic group engaged in kidnap for ransom



1. Always show _________ to those who can command it.
2. _________any failure to show respect to one’s patron immediately.
3. _________must be used, even if only a limited type, to ensure respect.
4. Never ask for _________.
5. Never resort to _________in a dispute with a member or associate of another
6. Do not use the _________except to arrange a meeting place, preferably in code,
from which you will then travel to a place to discuss business.
7. Keep your _________shut-anything you hear, anything you see, stays with you,
in your head; do not talk about it.
8. Do not ask necessary _________. The amount of information given to you is all
you need to carry out your instructions.
9. Never engage in _________activities.
10. The _________can unilaterally direct violence, including murder, against any
member of his family, but he cannot engage in murder-for-hire, that is, make a
profit from murder.


1. It is a conspiracy activity involving ____________ of members.
2. Economic ____________is the primary goal.
3. Economic goal is achieved through ____________means.
4. Employs ____________tactics such as intimidation, violence and corruption.
5. Effective ____________over members, associates and victims.

PART IV. Enumerate and explain the 9 attributes of organized crimes.

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