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Kumar Dhananjay Mani

PGID – 92010049
PGP pro Mumbai

The Buying Process

Problem Recognition
Raj has always desired to get admission into IIT & his Parents have always supported his dreams
of getting into one of the most prestigious Engineering college in the world. Raj is above
average student getting 80%-90% marks but not the brightest of the lot.
His parents figure out that he is having problem into his concepts. He is not being mentored
They understand that Raj is in dire need of a good coaching institute who will help him getting
into IIT.

What Coaching Institutes should do – They should start with Content Marketing by
sharing testimonials of successful students.

Information Search
Now that the problem is recognized, Parents of Raj start the search process. They know that
there is a issue & they are looking for the solution.
They are looking for the best Coaching institute in their Locality who works on the concepts of
the students, mentor students properly & generates top ranks from them. They have chosen
the best option of PACE IIT & MEDICAL.

What Coaching Institutes should do – They should establish their Brand as Industry
Expert. Increasing the credibility will keep them in front of the Customers & ahead of
the competition.

Evaluation of Alternatives

Even after selecting PACE they are looking for alternatives as it’s the matters Raj’s Future. They
want to be sure of their decision. Now they are comparing other coachings with PACE in aspects
of student teacher ratio, mentoring , cost , study material etc.
What Coaching Institutes should do – They should allow customers to compare. Even if
the completion offers cheaper price. This will establish a trusting customer relationship
& will also simplify the process.

Purchase Decision

Now Raj along with his parents have decided to go along with PACE. They have done all the
research & found out that PACE is best despite of the highest cost among others.
PACE is 25yrs old brand who works with child very closely & generates maximum selections in

What Coaching Institutes should do – Here they should step up the game in marketing
process by providing a sense of security by reminding customers of why they wanted to
make the purchase. Giving information relating to the need would establish more faith
& trust among customers.


Now that Raj & his parents have completed the research, they have decided to do the
enrolment in PACE. They are happy so far with the provided service.

What Coaching Institutes should do – Since all the stages that lead to conversion is
finished , now they should keep the Marketing simple with current customers.

Post Purchase Evaluation

Raj is attending daily lectures at PACE. They still have refund period in their hand so each &
every point is being analyzed. They are analyzing are the deliverables which were promised to
them during enrolment.

What Coaching Institutes should do – Process has not ended yet . the should service the
student properly. They should fulfill all deliverables and make the customer happy. Later
they can work on referrals and make a easy sale.

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