EIA Final

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College of Development Studies Center for

Environment &Sustainable Development

Review Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment on Unifruit Ethiopia Project
Tigray Region Raya Azebo District
Submitted To: Engdawork Assefa (PhD)
Prepared by: Antigegn Guday
ID No: GSE/2837/2011
Addis Ababa
February, 2020
Executive summery....................................................................................................................................iv
2. Objective.................................................................................................................................................1
2.1 Specific objective..............................................................................................................................1
2.2 Approaches and Methods..................................................................................................................1
3. over view of Environmental Impact Assessment processes (EIA)..........................................................1
3.1 Environmental screening...................................................................................................................2
3.2 Environmental Scoping.....................................................................................................................2
3.2.1 The Baseline of Environment.....................................................................................................2
3.3 Environmental Impact identification, prediction and Analysis..........................................................3
3.3.1 Construction Phase Impacts........................................................................................................3
3.3.2 Impact on Air Quality.................................................................................................................4
3.3.3 Impact on flora and fauna...........................................................................................................4
3.3 Operation Phase Impacts...................................................................................................................4
3.3.1 Impact on ground water..............................................................................................................4
3.3.2 Impact on Fertilizers such as.......................................................................................................5
3.3.3 Impacts on soil............................................................................................................................5
3.3.4 Impacts on Socio Economic & Environment..............................................................................6
4. Impact Mitigation Measures...................................................................................................................6
4.1 Pre-construction Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures.......................................................................6
4.2 During Construction Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures.................................................................7
4.2.1 Mitigation Measures for Removal of vegetation, landscape and land use pattern alteration.......7
4.2.2 Mitigation Measures for Impact on Air Quality..........................................................................7
4.2.3 Mitigation Measures for Impact on flora and fauna....................................................................7
4.2.4 Mitigation Measures Work accident.........................................................................................8
4.3 Operation Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures............................................................................8
4.3.1 Mitigation measures for impacts on water quality......................................................................8
4.3.2 Mitigation Measures for Impacts on Soil....................................................................................8
4.3.3 Mitigation Measures for Socioeconomic Impacts.......................................................................9
4.4 Mitigation measure for Pollution from Solid and Liquid waste from packaging plant......................9

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5. Environmental Management plane (EMP).............................................................................................10
5.1 Pre-construction phase.....................................................................................................................10
5.2 Construction Phase..........................................................................................................................10
6. Generally the results of EIA Document review Repot components and appropriate procedures...........11
6.1 The result of the review process can be:..........................................................................................11
6.2 To Evaluate the Reporting formats..................................................................................................12
7. Legal framework of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).............................................................13
7.1 Legal and Institutional Frameworks................................................................................................13
7.2 Environmental Impact Assessment (Proclamation No. 299/2002)...............................................13
7.2.2 Environnemental Pollution Control (Proclamation No. 300/2002)...........................................14
8. Conclusion and Recommendation.........................................................................................................14
8.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................14
8.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................15

Executive summery

The main components of the ESIA report review is structures under seven sections. The first
section deals with the introduction part; Section two discusses about the initial environmental
examination and scoping; Section three The impact analysis of socio-economic factors, section
four to reviews the implementation and mitigation of the EIA project report, section five the
evaluation of EIA report review section six the policy, legal and institutional frameworks that are
relevant to the project under consideration. In the last section; section of the report, conclusive
remarks and recommendations are highlighted under the conclusion and recommendation

1. Introduction

The basic purpose to review the document of Environmental impact assessment (EIA) to
identify, predict and analyze the magnitude of environmental and social impacts and propose
enhancement and/or mitigation measures for significant environmental and social effects that are
likely to arise from the various activities of the fruit and vegetables farm project during pre-

Review EIA Document Report iii February, 2020, Addis Ababa

construction, construction and operation phases and the cross-choking of the the EIA procedures
which is the fulfillments of legal and institutional frameworks as well as standards of Various
EIA tools for identification, prediction and analysis of impacts were approved. To review All the
environmental resources survey, field observation and and utilization of secondary data sources
were utilized tools. In addition, national Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines and
International Finance Corporation’s Guidance on Performance Standards on Social, Economical
& Environmental Sustainability was used in identification, prediction and analysis procedures.
Significant positive and negative project impacts have been identified. On top of this,
environmentally sound and socially acceptable impacts enhancement and management options
were also suggested. Public consultations were held with the communities living in the vicinity
of the project site, and the outcome of consultations included in the report.

Review EIA Document Report iv February, 2020, Addis Ababa

2. Objective

The fundamental objectives of the paper is to review of environmental impact assessment report
document and ensure that the proposed fruit and vegetables production project is
environmentally sound and socially acceptable, and hence contributes to the development of
environmental economic and social functions of local communities.

2.1 Specific objective

 To review the identification of sensitive environmental components likely to be affected

by the proposed fruit and vegetables farming,
 To review the positive social and economic benefits local communities can derive from
the proposed project implementation, .
 To review the the procedures and fulfillment of legal and institutional frameworks

2.2 Approaches and Methods

The methodology of review document adopted for conducting the environmental impact
assessment study of Unifruit fruit and vegetables farm project follows the conventional
methods that meet the requirements of the Federal and Regional Environmental
Protection Organs’ Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines as well as International
Finance Corporation’s Performance on Social and Environmental Sustainability

3. over view of Environmental Impact Assessment processes (EIA)

operational procedures, of the review report is interpret and communicate information about the :
environmental effects of a project is collected, both by the developer and from other sources, and
taken into account by the planning authority in forming their judgments on whether the
development should go ahead. Environmental impact assessment is the process of identifying,
predicting, evaluating, and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of
development proposals.”

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

3.1 Environmental screening

The project is the fulfillment On the decision of screening processes to discussion with decision
making bodies, key stakeholders, sector institutions and area specialist experts were made on the
very concepts and nature of the proposed project and the importance of fruit and vegetables
cultivation, giving emphasis on levels of public participation, role of key stakeholders and joint
contributions of these actors to the success of the project. With the screening procedures consists
under taken:

 Sensitivity to the environment,

 Significance of the EIA proposal,

 Location of the project,

 Technology aimed to be used,

3.2 Environmental Scoping

The project carried out the scoping procedures.Which comprises following main objectives?

 To define the limits of the study area,

 To define list of Valued Ecosystem Components within the study area,
 To define lists of activities, type and magnitude of the proposed project, and
 To assess and include views and concerns of key stakeholders on the scope of EIA study

In order to carry out the above tasks, the Consultant employed different tools and techniques
relevant to the proposed project like using environmental scoping checklists, consultations with
different stakeholders (including experts, project affected communities, local administrators and
sector institutions, etc) and informal discussions and talks with prominent individuals, local
elders, women groups and general public in the project area.

3.2.1 The Baseline of Environment

 Land Use and Land Cover

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

The review document is based on land cover of the Raya Azebo district comprises cultivation,
patches of disturbed natural forests and woodlands, grasslands and settlement areas. The
cultivated land is confined to well drain reddish brown soils, occurring on upland and hills. The
land uses are mainly for crop production and livestock grazing.
 Socio economic environment

The farming system is mixed farming system with special emphasis on crop production.
However, in the study area, agriculture is characterized by subsistence farming where farmers
employ traditional technologies of farming over centuries then the project is significance around
the living population.

3.3 Environmental Impact identification, prediction and Analysis

The major social-economic impacts of the project are expected to Negative and positive emanate
from its overall objectives within pre-construction phase and construction phase souled be
conducted. Hence, the following are the main positive expected socio economic impacts of the
proposed project.
 Creation of Job Opportunity

 The increment of productivity

 The damaging event of socio economic impact.

3.3.1 Construction Phase Impacts

The construction phase of the project involves clearing, land leveling, and transportation of
construction materials, construction of access roads, and installation fruit and vegetables packing
facilities. Potential adverse impacts associated with these activities of the project are:

 Removal of vegetation, landscape and land use pattern alteration,

 Impact on Air Quality,
 Impact on flora and fauna,
 Nuisance Noise,
 Work place accidents.

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

3.3.1 Removal of vegetation, landscape and land use pattern alteration

Land clearing and removal of the existing vegetation from fruit packaging facility and fruit and
vegetables development sites can be a cause for the alteration of landscape integrity, grasses,
perennial vegetation and change in land use pattern in the project area. In addition, some of the
acacia trees on about 600ha will be selectively removed for the farm.

3.3.2 Impact on Air Quality

Local land degradation due to earth moving operation during the site preparation and land
leveling is the main air quality concern of the project during the construction stage. As the
impact that can arise from the problem is localized, the contribution of the project construction to
air quality degradation is not significant. However, as the dust storm can have visibility impact
on site operation and decrease breathing because of the suspended particles in the air, the
problem is an important issue that requires consideration.

3.3.3 Impact on flora and fauna

Removal of vegetation and cutting trees during land preparation for plantation, installation of
fruit and vegetables packaging facilities will affect the biodiversity of the area. Potential impacts
include those associated with the loss of flora and fauna communities, and increase in natural
instability of the communities.The project site is neither a recognized wildlife habitat nor an
important ecosystem of indigenous tree species; therefore, the construction phase has minimum
impact on flora and fauna.

3.3 Operation Phase Impacts

3.3.1 Impact on ground water

Agrochemicals that may leach in from the farm fields are the main pollution sources that can
cause a likely significant impact on the ground water bodies found in the project area.

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

3.3.2 Impact on Fertilizers such as

Superphosphate, Nitrophoska, Potassium Sulphate ,Potassium Chloride, Ammonium Sulphate

Sulphate of Ammonia, Calcium ,Ammonium Nitrate andUrea will be applied to fruit and
vegetables. The company will use and apply pesticides and fertilizers that are registered under
the applicable National and International laws.

3.3.3 Impacts on soil

One of the impacts that can be anticipated to arise as a result of the activities of the present
development project is its impact on soil. The Fruit and vegetables production and processes will
not generate wastes that would affect the soil in the project area. Therefore, impact prediction
and analysis on soil will focus on the irrigation related activities of the proposed development

 Soil salinity

Soil salinity in any given irrigation scheme can arise from one or combination of the following
causes. The first cause that can bring about salinity in irrigated soils is associated with the quality
of the water used for the irrigation itself. Salts carried in the irrigation water are liable to build up
in the soil profile, as water is removed by plants and by the atmosphere at a much faster rate than

 Water logging

Water logging is a phenomenon that lowers land productivity through the rise in groundwater
table close to the soil surface. Due to farm management and appropriate irrigation system, water
logging won’t cause a problem for Unifruit farm.

 Soil erosion

Soil erosion is another impact that can arise from irrigation development projects. Because
irrigated land is wetter, it is less able to absorb rainfall and runoff will therefore be higher. Since
Unifruit’s irrigation system is computerized one, there will be effective water management in

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

place which will not cause soil erosion. Moreover, the slope of the fruit and vegetable farm land
is flat protecting erosion.

3.3.4 Impacts on Socio Economic & Environment

 Impacts on Households and use types

The documentation of the project shows the family members will be affected as a result of the
project. There is no land to be inundated by reservoir as the project uses water from boreholes.
Hence no area will be lost for this purpose. However, there is huge land to be utilized for fruit
and vegetables farm. The total area of land under the boundary delineated for the project area is
about 1,000 hectares. Therefore, changing this area into an intensive agricultural land does not
affect the livestock production of the area.

4. Impact Mitigation Measures

4.1 Pre-construction Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures

 Mitigation Measures for Loss of Grazing land and other Assets

The following are specifically mitigation measures for loss of grazing land due to land
acquisition for the project and infrastructure developments are:

 Giving priority for the project affected people for job opportunities available in
the project; and
 Implementing appropriate technical support package including training to ensure
that the affected people would adapt to the new farming system.
 The project will assist in providing alternative to the livelihood of the affected
community by encouraging farmers to start cattle fattening activities using crop
by products for animal feed. In order to encourage the farmers the project
proponent will supply by products to the farmers.

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

4.2 During Construction Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures

4.2.1 Mitigation Measures for Removal of vegetation, landscape and land use

pattern alteration

The following mitigation measures are proposed to minimize and/or prevent the anticipated

 Maintaining some trees and shrubs while clearing lands for preparation of fruit and
vegetables production and restoration of trees and shrubs in a designated area and
other degraded areas outside the farm in collaboration with the local community
 Soil removed from the construction site will be distributed over the farm land and
 Creating awareness on the value of conserving biodiversity in general. In this regard,
training will be conducted for workers prior to commencement of construction

4.2.2 Mitigation Measures for Impact on Air Quality

To avoid any adverse consequence of visibility loss due to dust creation during operation,
the practical option is to sprinkle water on fresh construction spoil, in line with EHS and
OHS guidelines, applicable for project staff and contractors.

4.2.3 Mitigation Measures for Impact on flora and fauna

Based on the document the review document should be the following measures are conducted.

 Limit clearing and soil disturbance in the sites in such a way that acacia trees are
 Limit and control movement of trucks and construction machineries during
construction in a manner that trucks will not damage vegetation.
 Record the type and number of trees and shrubs cut in order to replace after
construction is completed
 Create an awareness for the local people and workers in every opportunity about the
importance of vegetation cover for soil and water conservation

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

 Grade disturbed areas and restore landscape.

4.2.4 Mitigation Measures Work accident

The following proposed measures to be the fulfillments of mitigate the impact:

 Train and equip some of the workers to voluntarily serve as a traffic service
person during the beginning and end of daily work
 Aware and train workforce on the safety issues during site operation and on
road safety
 Put in place necessary signpost on site and near the gate
 Develop a Traffic Management Manual

4.3 Operation Phase Impacts Mitigation Measures

4.3.1 Mitigation measures for impacts on water quality

To review in order to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the various wastes
generated, Unifruit will introduce and implement both preventive and curative mitigation
measures that are implemented at different levels during the design and operational phases of the
farm. The aim of the preventive mitigation measures is generally to minimize the generation of
wastes at source and it will be implemented during the production operation phases:-

 Setup operational procedures for good housekeeping; effective maintenance and

efficient production operation.
 The other pollutants of concern are oil and lubricants used for agricultural
 After implementing the above preventive mitigation measures,

4.3.2 Mitigation Measures for Impacts on Soil

The mitigation measures for the sound management of these organic solid wastes will involve its
beneficial application to the soil in the fruit and vegetables farms.

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

The project will introduce appropriate procedures to regulate water application and prevent
overwatering of the irrigation fields thereby avoiding inefficient use of water.
Unifruit vegetable and fruit farm project will work together concerned stakeholders at different
levels to identify and designate a waste disposal site for the solid waste.

4.3.3 Mitigation Measures for Socioeconomic Impacts

 Mitigation Measures On Impacts On Households Within The Boundary

The households will be relocated by the district administration and appropriate land will be
given to them to mitigate the impact occurred.
 Mitigation Measures for Loss of land under various uses

The mitigation measures for loss of grazing land due to land acquisition and infrastructure
development should conduct:

 Giving priority for the project affected people for job opportunities available in the
 Implementing appropriate technical support package including training and.
 The project will assist in providing alternative to the livelihood of the affected
community by encouraging farmers to start cattle fattening activities using crop by
products for animal feed.

 Mitigation Measure for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).

The impact assessment project conducted to addressed arise from materials (including chemical,
physical and biological substances and agents), environmental or working conditions, or work
processes (including tools, machinery and equipment). But there is the limitation to mitigate each
hazardous materials how to measure.

4.4 Mitigation measure for Pollution from Solid and Liquid waste from

packaging plant

Wastewater expected to be generated by the fruit packing plant will be relatively small in
amount. This waste water will be dispersed back in the farm land. The sound handling and

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

disposal of solid wastes generated from the production process is another important aspect which
is given due consideration. The mitigation measures for sound handling and disposal of the solid
wastes involves packing materials production.

5. Environmental Management plane (EMP)

Unless the mitigation and benefit enhancement measures identified in the EIA are fully
implemented, the prime function of EIA, which is to provide a basis for shaping the project so
that overall environmental performance is enhanced, cannot be achieved.

5.1 Pre-construction phase

Environmental management plan should take into considerations the following

 Ensuring that all government and concerned agency requirements and procedures related
to EIA are complete with,

 Selecting of technologies, equipments and processes that minimizing adverse impacts

and enhancing beneficial impacts
 Preparation of detail designs for the farm layout, which incorporate specific features
aimed at minimizing adverse impacts and enhancing beneficial impacts, and
 Preparation of contract documents which contain appropriate clause to allow control of
impacts arising from the project implementation.

5.2 Construction Phase

During construction phase of the project, environmental management plan should take into
account the following recommendations:
 Top soil removed during building construction will be spread over the farm land.
 Creating awareness on the value of conserving biodiversity in general and plant
species in particular among the workers engaged on the construction activity,
 Proper handling wastes generated from construction sites, .

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

6. Generally the results of EIA Document review Repot components and

appropriate procedures

6.1 The result of the review process can be:

Components Strength Weakness Ranki

of EIA ng
stages on the

Screening Some involvement of In complete screening structure B

Scoping By using public involvement to the relationship to the decision-making process- B
identify and organize the including modification of design and selection of
project boundary alternatives - as well as final approval of the
Impact To analysis the impacts of all Focused on the negative impacts and Direct and B
analysis socio-economic factors indirect impacts are not identified.

Mitigation All phases of the project are For public sector proposals, alternative means of B
considered e.g. pre- achieving project goals are considered (e.g.
construction, construction, energy efficiency investments versus dams for
operation and energy supply). If not, the report discusses why
decommissioning. this was not done.
Decisionmakin To concern EIA legislation, The limitation which is the balancing of B
g procedure, guidelines, the economic, social and environmental factors.
effectiveness, EIA practice and Lack of consider which EIA is identified as a key
the limitations on EIA instrument to integrate environmental and social
information. considerations into development decision-making

Environmental Under this section, the way To indicate which Important design features B
management specific mitigation and were, especially those for environmental planning

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

plan (EMP) enhancement measures and socio-economic management (eg pollution
implemented and monitored at control, waste management, and erosion control,
the pre-construction, handling of toxic or hazardous materials, worker
construction and operational services) were not highlighted.
phases to overcome possible
impacts of the project are

6.2 To Evaluate the Reporting formats

Components Strength weakness Rankin

of EIA g
Executive There are some issues to complete of There is no mainstreaming and comprises of C
them. all things
Introduction Enough to the back ground of There is the fulfilment of the review document A
introduction on the introduction part
Project Clearly described by using project There is the fulfilment of the review document on A
background the project background
location map
Administrativ Limited sufficient assesses to the Not sufficient assesses to the completeness B
completeness and presentation quality and presentation quality of a report
of a report
Approach to Limited sufficient assesses to the There is no the fulfilments of Methodology B
the study which is
completeness and presentation quality
of a report
Assumptions Lack of to identify the probability The review document is not the fulfilment C
assumptions of uncertainty

7. Legal framework of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

According to the Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commition environmental impact
assessment consists of the Legal framework, public involvement, stakeholder participation and
EIA practitioners are involving.

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

7.1 Legal and Institutional Frameworks

The project covers the policy, legislative and institutional issues that are most relevant to

agricultural projects in general and the fruit and vegetables project in particular. Therefore; the

following international conventions and protocols are relevant to the proposed fruit and

vegetables production project can comprises:

 International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Guidance on Performance Standards on Social

& Environmental Sustainability
 Convention on Biological Diversity
 Framework Convention on Climate Change
 The United Nations Conventions to Combat Desertification

7.2 Environmental Impact Assessment (Proclamation No. 299/2002)

This Proclamation (No 299/2002) aims primarily at making the EIA mandatory for categories of
projects specified under a directive issued by the EPA. The proponent of the project must prepare
the EIA following the format specified in the legislation. The Proclamation requires, among
other things:

 Specified categories of projects to be subjected to an EIA and receive an authorization

from the EPA or the relevant regional environmental agency prior to commencing
implementation of the project.
 Licensing agencies to ensure that the requisite authorization has been duly received prior
to issuing an investment permit, a trade or operating license or a work permit to a
business organization.
Procedures that need to be followed in the process of conducting an environmental impact
assessment are described in the Proclamation. Thus, a project developer is expected to act as

 Impact study report accompanied by the necessary documents to the EPA or the relevant
regional environmental agency.

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

 Ensure that an environmental impact assessment is conducted and an environmental
impact study report is prepared by an expert who meets the requirements set forth by the
directive issued by the EPA.

7.2.2 Environnemental Pollution Control (Proclamation No. 300/2002)

Proclamation No. 300/2002 on Environmental Pollution Control primarily aims to ensure the
right of citizens to a healthy environment and to impose obligations to protect the environment of
the country. The law addresses the management of hazardous waste; establishment of
environmental quality standards for air, water and soil; and monitoring of pollution. The problem
of improper handling of hazardous substances related to activities such as pest management and
industrial development are becoming a serious environmental concern.

8. Conclusion and Recommendation

8.1 Conclusion

The 1995 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia provides a strong
constitutional foundation for the introduction and effective implementation of the EIA system. It
stipulates that development programs and projects in the country should not be conducted in a
way that causes damage to the environment. Some of the gaps and challenges are as follows:

 There is a gross lack of awareness and widespread misconceptions about EIA in Ethiopia.
This is not only related to the general public but also to some of the main actors in the
EIA process. Some even consider it as obstacle to development activities.
 EIA needs an extensive human and resource capacity, which is lacking in the major
implementing organs of the EIA system.
 The EIA Proclamation is a framework law that needs specific regulations, directives or
guidelines. Legally speaking, there are no regulations or other specific rules to support
the implementation of the EIA Proclamation.

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

8.2 Recommendation

Generally, the project will have a positive impact on the environment, although there are some
temporary adverse impacts during construction and operation phases could occur. On balance,
the project has overall beneficial effects. To properly manage those environmental impacts and
to tackle unforeseen situations that could occur during the project lifecycle, the company shall
develop a comprehensive environmental monitoring program and work on proposed mitigation
measures so that, The following recommendations are forwarded to improve the low level
implementation of the EIA process on the document:

 As the knowledge level on EIA is very low in the country, efforts must be made to
enhance awareness.
 The government, as the main stakeholder of the EIA process, must take the guiding role
in augmenting the human, financial, infrastructure and other capacities of EPA and the
Regional environmental agencies and sectoral offices. In this regard, guidelines which
provide for the registration, accreditation and licensing of consultants who prepare the
EISR must be prepared and approved by the Environmental Council.
 To assess characterizations of impact significance:-

 Nature of impact (e.g., positive, negative, synergistic)

 Extent and magnitude

 Timing (i.e., construction, operation, closure)

 Duration (i.e., short, chronic, intermittent)

 Reversibility/irreversibility

 Likelihood (i.e., probability, uncertainty)

Review EIA Document Report February, 2020, Addis Ababa

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