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NM Ref. No.(CRC/YYYY/MM/SN):____________________________ Date:

Project Title: Contract / CRC No.:

Supervisor / Foreman (Name & Emp. No.): Witness (Name & Emp. No.):
________________________________ _________________ ________________________________ _________________
Employee(s) Involved (Name & Emp. No.): Property Involved (If Assess Potential:
Any): LOW
________________________________ _________________
________________________________ _________________ MEDIUM
________________________________ _________________
 HIGH
Date: Time: Location:

A.M. P.M.
Near Miss Description (Explain what happened)
Cause(s) of the Near Miss (What caused it to happen)
Recommendation (To prevent recurrence and future accidents)
__________________________________________________________________ Signature of Witness
__________________________________________________________________ Signature Supervisor/Foreman
Evaluation & Conclusion (Review and conclude the incident)
__________________________________________________________________ Signature of PM / PIC
DISTRIBUTION: Project Manager HSE Manager Supervisor / Foreman Originator
* All High Risk Incident Reports must be sent to CEO.
NOTE: 1. To be filled by the witness, Supervisor / Foreman.
2. Orally notify HSE Manager & Project Manager / Project in-charge immediately.

Revision No. 01 Page No. 1 of 1 Doc. No. IS-HSE-R53

Prepared by: Management Representative Issued Date: 21st January 2018
Reviewed by: General Manager Approved by: Chief Executive Officer
3. This form to be duly completed, signed and sent within 24 hours.

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