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1. Full name with aliases : Mohd. Sadiq @ Yaseer @ Imran

2. Father's name with aliases : Israr Ahmed
3. Date and place of birth : 03/07/1975, Mumbai
4. Nationality : Indian
5. Sex : Male
6. Religion and caste : Islam, Sunni Muslim (Hanafi)
7. Descriptive roll: :
Age: 33 Yrs.
Height: 5’6”
Complexion: Wheatish
Face: Thin Long
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black, receding hairline
Beard/moustache: Clean shaven
Nose: Long
Built: Thin-built
Marks of identification: Cut mark on the forehead.
Dress: Pant-shirt
Wears spectacles or not: No
8. Photograph, if available : Yes
9. Permanent address : Village Para, PO Rangdi, PS Saraimir, Dist.
Azamgarh, UP
10. Present address : # C/I/19, Cheeta Camp, Trombay, Mumbai
10A Mobile Number & E-Mail ID : 9969506114 (M),
1. [email protected] (pw-munnabhai)
2. [email protected] (not known)
3. [email protected] (pw- munnabhai)
11. Educational qualifications : BA 1ST Year
12. Languages known : Hindi, Urdu and little English

13. Passport number : Not Known
Date of issue: :
Valid upto: :
Issued by : : RPO, Mumbai
14. Person/ agency through whom/ : Self
which passport was got
15. Details of close family members :

Israr Ahmad Shaikh,
Ashiya Bano (60) housewife.
1) Md. Arshad (40) Fitter in Muscat
2) Md. Asad (38) video game shop in
Cheeta Camp, Trombay
3) Md. Arif (36) as foreman in Singapore
4) Md. Tahir (36) Desktop Engr. in CMS.
1) Israt (42) w/o Late Sahil Ahmad r/o
Nanoti, Jaunpur (UP)
2) Parveen (34) w/o Md. Azam r/o

Wife: Suraiya (26)

Daughter: 1) Asra (2 ½ yrs.)

2) Rehma (1)
Son: 3) Sana (1)

16. Relatives in defence forces, : No

paramilitary forces, government
(Central and State)
17. Occupation before joining : FMS Engr. with CMS, SEEPZ, Andheri (W)
18. Identity related documents : ATM cum Debit card of Stanchart Bank,
(such as driving licence, bank Santa Cruz (W)
account, credit card, etc.) held Driving licence from RTO Ghatkopar
by the subject Voter ID Card from his village .
19. Person/ agency through whom/ : Self
which these documents were


20. Whether committed : SIMI as Ikhwan (1996-99). One of the founding

member of a Muslim members of Indian Mujaheedin (IM)
outfit and, if so, which
one, and position held
21. Economic status and :
source of funds for the Poor
activity for which Finances sourced through Hawala channel of
arrested LeT.

22. Main financier : Received money (Rs. 3 lakh) from Amir Raza,
Pak based LeT operative.
23. Countries visited, period : Twice visited Dubai, Pakistan for arms training
and purpose and Bangladesh and Nepal for transit journeys.

24. Details of illegal border : Indo-Bangladesh Border for onward journey to

crossings with routes Pakistan. On way back, came via Kathmandu
adopted and sneaked into India.

25. Guides/ intermediate : Abdul Khaliq Mondal (2001) Iqbal & Owais
places of stay used helped.
during such crossings
Stayed in an unknown Kolkata lodge
26. Particulars of arrest: - :

Place of apprehension : Cheeta Camp, Trombay, Mumbai

Date : September 14, 2008
PS : Crime Branch, Mumbai
Distt. :
State : Maharashtra
Case Crime No. :
27. Recoveries : NIL

28. Category : Pak trained IM militant (Hard core)

29. Associates:

1) Amir Raza, based in Pakistan.

2) Aftab Ansari , co-accused in attack on US Consulate in Kolkata (in jail).
3) Azam Cheema, LeT Commander based in Pakistan
4) Abdul Khaliq Mondal, facilitator in border crossing (Indo-BD)
5) Dr. Sahhnawaz, a BUMS doctor in Lucknow, a PTM of IM.
6) Md. Saif, since arrested in Delhi, IM terrorist.
7) Riyaz Bhatkal, one of IM founders.
8) Sajid r/o Mumbai.
9) Arif Badr r/o Sarimir UP
10) Abdus Subhan Qureshi @ Tauqeer, a SIMI and IM operative
11) Shadab, an IM terrorist
12) Saqib arrested in Delhi.
13) Shakeel arrested in Delhi
14) Tanvir Pathan @ Talha @ Raju, IM terrorist (since arrested).

29(b) Details of associates : 1. Mohd. Arif Badrudin Shaikh (Mumbai)

arrested i n particular 2. Mohd Zakir Abdul Haq Shaikh (Mumbai)
case along with places 3. Ansar Ahmad, o.r.o. Chittoor, A.P.
of their arrest (all three are PTM)
29(c) Previous reference of : NO
arrest, if any
30. List of hideouts and : Abdul Khaliq, a Bengali speaking youth
harbourers facilitated his stay in Kolkata and crossing over
to Bangladesh.
31. Links with other : LeT
(fraternal) militant
32. Links with politicians, : No
lawyers, intellectuals,
socio religious
33. Whether trained abroad : Pak-trained
and if so, details
thereof, including dates Sept-Dec. 2001
between which training
received and nature of Training in Arms/ ammunitions and explosives.
training received

34. Details about training Arms Training at Muzaffarbad was held in a
camps-location, : mountainous region at a temporary structure
infrastructure and comprising two wooden halls with separate room
security arrangements for instructors. Daura-e-Khas (Ummul Kura,
in place, identities of Muzaffarabad)
camp commander, his
immediate subordinates 15 days of physical and arms training was
and trainers, identities imparted.
of visiting supervisors,
nature of training Arms training in AK-47, AK-56, Revolver and
imparted. Pistols were also given.

35. Journey to and from : B a n g l a d e s h - K a r a c h i b y a i r, K a r a c h i t o

training camp-details Bahawalpur by road and to Muzaffarabad by
36. Recruitment and : Mujahid Salim, a SIMI activist (since killed in
motivation methodology Hyderabad), indoctrinated and lured him to go
for arms training in Pakistan by discussing with
him the atrocities on Muslims across the world.
37. Modus operandi for : Involved in blasts in Delhi serial blasts (29 Oct.
carrying out `actions' 2005) and subsequent serial blasts in Jaipur and
Ahmedabad (2008) .
38. Knowledge about threat : No specific threat.
posed to VIPs & VIPs
on the hit list.
39. Assessment of interrogator(s):

Sadiq Shaikh was motivated to go for arms training in Pakistan by Salim

Mujahid, a SIMI activist in the year 2001. The subject himself was an ‘Ikhwan’
and used to attend the meetings of SIMI in Kurla Mosque, Mumbai. He also
came in contact with Asif Raza (since killed) and Aftab Ansari, gangster
presently lodged in Kolkata Jail. He was involved in several acts of terror
across the country.

Background / Brief History:

I was born on 03/07/1975 in Chembur, Mumbai. At that time, my family lived at

Janta colony and later the said colony was relocated to Cheeta Camp, Trombay. My father
used to run the ‘Israr Gen. Store’ in Cheeta Camp. I had 4-5 bighas of arable land in my
village. After my family moved to Cheeta Camp, we started living at C-1/19, Cheeta Camp,
Trombay. I did my early schooling in my village. Later I did my 6th and 7th from Municipal
School from Cheeta Camp and from 8th to 10th from Ideal High School, Cheeta Camp. I
took admission in 11th in Saboo Siddique College, Byculla, Mumbai but left the studies, as I
could not pick up the tough course.
Later I took admission in Habib Technical Institute, Dongri for course in refrigeration
Engg. After one year of apprenticeship with Godrej at Vikhroli, I worked as refrigeration
technician with Godrej at monthly salary of Rs. 5500/-. I did this job till 2001 after the plant
was shifted to Mohali, Punjab. After I quit the job, I took admission in B.A. (Urdu) in
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad through distance education but could
not complete this as well.


The demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992 greatly moved me. I wanted a platform for
Muslims that could take some bold steps for the betterment of community. This time
around, I was closely following the news and reckoned that SIMI being one organization
taking up the various issues of Muslims. In the beginning of 1996, I joined SIMI as ‘Ikhwan’
and continued to attend its meetings held at Cheeta Camp itself. During the course of
meeting, I came across several contemporary SIMI leaders such as Shafiq, Sirajuddin
Salim, Mohd. Zafar r/o Bhindi Bazar, Mohd. Yaqub r/o Kurla, Siraj r/o Vikhroli, Anis r/o
Vikhroli and Dr. Ayub. During this time I also came in contact with Riyaz Bhatkal and
Abdus Subhan @ Taukeer who used to come to attend the meeting in 1999 I got
disenchanted with SIMI’s programme and discontinued attending the meeting.


In early 2001, Mujahid Salim (since killed), then residing in Hyderabad, who was
cousin of my sister in law (Bhabhi) visited my house. During conversation, he started
talking about various issues of ‘jehad’ and those affecting the lives of Muslims across the
country. Seeing my fervour, he confided in me about some individuals taking up the cause
of Muslims and he offered me to join hands with them. Impressed by his opinion, I decided
to go ahead with his plans and accordingly I along with him went to a nearby cyber café
and at his instance created a Yahoo E Mail ID for communication.

After 20 days I received an E Mail from unknown responder appreciating my

decision to join hands with them. I again received a mail asking me to meet a person at
Madina Hotel in Cheeta Camp, Mumbai. Accordingly one person in the name of Zahir
appeared at a predecided place. The person later came to be known as Asif Raza Khan.
Asif Raza gave me a phone number and told me to go to Kolkata. I reached Kolkata by
Train and contacted the person who appeared after sometime. He took me to a flat on his
Motorcycle. The man was at first known as Azhar but later came to be known as Aftab
Ansari. While in Kolkata, Aftab Ansari took me to a place where he introduced me to
another man named Abdul Khalique. Abdul Khalique took me to Bangaon and from there
to a bordering village. The next day, I alongwith Abdul crossed over to Bangladesh and
after two hours of walk, we reached Jessore where we rested for a while. At night we
boarded the bus for Dhaka. The next morning we reached Dhaka and straightway went to
a hotel where one Iqbal, a Pakistani National was working. Abdul Khalique left the place
after telling Iqbal to take care of me. I stayed with Iqbal for another eight days. In the
meanwhile four other boys- Umer, Ashraf, Tarique and Jamshed also joined me. Iqbal had

told me assume name of Sahadat Hussain. Two months had elapsed after Iqbal one day
came with a travel document (Emergency Certificate) for me for onward travel to Pakistan.


In Feb. 2001, all five of us boarded the Emirates Air flight for Karachi. On reaching
Karachi one person in Pathani suit received us and later handed us over to one Fahad
who was waiting outside Airport. Fahad took all of us to a multi-storeyed flat at Karachi.
We rested in the flat for a while. I could know from the papers and posters lying in the flat
that it was used as an office of LeT. Later we were taken by bus to Bahawalpur. To avoid
interception by the Police I was given a letter by an LeT operative at Karachi. We reached
Bahawalpur the next morning. I called one person on a given number and after 20 minutes
one person, who also introduced him as ‘Fahad’ came in a Jeep and took all of us to a five
room flat in industrial area, Bahawalpur. One Mohsin was already staying in the flat. Fahad
took note of my Mumbai address and background and named me as Imran. He also told
me that henceforth one Tariq would take me to training camp in Muzaffrabad.


Tariq took me to Islamabad where I stayed for a night. During my stay, I visited an
office of LeT where I met Ansar and Umer both r/o Mumbai, Pahalwan r/o UP and one boy
of Bihar (name not recollected). From Islamabad I headed for Muzaffrabad in a Jeep. In
Muzaffarabad I was put up in LeT camp of Ummul kura, where about 200 trainees were
already undergoing arms training. I underwent 40 days of Arms Training and handling of
explosives. Tariq was acting as instructor in the camp. My training ranged from firing by
Pistol, AK-47 and LMG to handling of explosives like TNT, C3, C4 and locally available
chemicals. I was also imparted training in fabrication of switches such as Pull type, Push
type, Day switch and Night switch the skills of using electrical and non-electrical

After the completion of training at Ummul kura, I went to Bahawalpur for next part of
training. There I was imparted the skills of kidnapping of VIPs like Sonia Gandhi and Rahul
Gandhi. While I was undergoing training, Azam Cheema, a top commander of LeT was
regularly visiting and supervising the training, which lasted for about 15-20 days. After the
completion of training, I returned to Islamabad and visited Aftab Ansari who was to be
married with the sister of Tahir @ Nanhe. At the marriage ceremony of Aftab Ansari, I also
met Omar Shaikh (one of three militants swapped in IC-814 Hijacking case and later
involved in the killing of American journalist Daniel Pearl of the Wall Street Journal in


By Apr-May 2001, I completed the training and was ready to come back to India. I
was given a Pakistani passport in the name of Ashraf. As directed, I reached Karachi and
boarded a flight to Kathmandu. One ‘Owais’@ Haroon received me at the Kathmandu
airport. On arrival in Kathmandu, Owais took my passport and made arrangement of my
stay in a hotel. He also created an e-mail ID for me for further communication. After few

days of stay in Gulshan Hotel, Thamel, Kathmandu., I boarded a bus for Indo-Nepal
border. Owais had come to see me off. I had also met Ansar in Kathmandu who was on his
way back from Pakistan after undergoing arms training. I along with Ansar crossed over
into India using Raxaul route on Indo-Nepal border. I reached my village in Azamgarh via
Patna whereas Ansar left for Mumbai.

In May, 2001, I went to Mumbai and stayed in my Cheeta Camp house. On

reaching Mumbai, I tried to contact Asif Raza through e-mail. Asif Raza, in turn, asked me
to form a group of my own. Instead, I offered to join any group already floated by him. In
June 2001, Asif instructed Sadiq on the latter’s email to go to Kolkata.

Partho Burman Kidnapping Case (July 2001)

Accordingly, two days before Partho Burman Kidnapping case, I reached Kolkata by
train and initially stayed in a hotel near Park Circus area.In Kolkata. I contacted Asif Raza
on his mobile number and then met him at Shiraz Restaurant. Later Asif took me to the
fifth floor of another house where Zahid (Pakistani, since killed), Arshad (Pakistani, since
arrested), Sikander (r/o Kolkata, since arrested), Shahbaz (r/o Mumbai, since arrested),
Fahim @ Khurram (r/o Kolkata, absconding), Owais @ Haroon (r/o West UP, absconding)
and 3-4 unidentified persons were already present. I had earlier met Sikander in
Bangladesh on my way for arms training in Pakistan and had undergone training with
Shahbaz in the training camp in Pakistan whereas Zahid was arms instructor under the
name of Abu Owaida at the training camp in Bahawalpur.

On the day of Kidnapping, I alongwith Owais stayed back in the house while all
others went out. Fahim also left but did not take part in kidnapping. Later in the afternoon,
Zahid, Shahbaz and two others came back whereas rest did not return to the house. On
return, they talked about the successful kidnapping. Arshad had probably fired some
gunshots on Partho Burman leaving him with minor injuries.

About ten days following the Kidnapping case, Asif told me that he had floated his
own group and asked me to join it. For this, Asif told me to go to Hazaribagh along with
Zahid and two other new boys namely, Naseer (r/o Kolkata, since arrested) and Hasan
Imam (r/o Bihar). Asif codenamed me as Sadaqat Hussain for the new assignment.
Accordingly, I along with Zahid and Hasan Imam left Kolkata in a blue Maruti 800 car and
Naseer drove a Suzuki motorcycle. Zahid was carrying 2 AK-47 rifles, 2 Pistols and
enough cartridges in the car. Enroute, we stopped at Rajgir and stayed for two days in a
hotel. Later we went to Dharmachak (Gaya), native village of Hasan Imam. All of us were
traveling under the cover of shoe traders. Since Hasan Imam was married in Hazaribagh,
he had good idea about the place and he could easily find a suitable place for them to
stay. All along we stayed there from August 2001 till January 2002. During this period, one
Haji, a Pakistani (since arrested), Sameer and Akhtar or Jameel (r/o UP) had come and
stayed in the house for 1 ½ -2 months. They had come empty-handed and did not take
part in any action. One Salim (Pakistani) had also come towards the end. All this while,
Naseer and Zahid would travel frequently to Kolkata.

While in Hazaribagh, I heard the news of Asif Raza being killed in police encounter
in Gujarat. To this, Zahid reacted violently and vowed to take revenge of the killing of Asif
Raza. In due course, Zahid and Naseer had reached Kolkata and in the process, car and
motorcycle were also taken to Kolkata. Zahid called me to reach Kolkata. Therefore, I left
for Kolkata where Naseer received me at the station. Naseer took me to a house where
Zahid, Fahim and Owais were already present. At this time, Owais was staying under the
codename of Fayyaz. I had heard Amir Raza at some point as saying that Fahim @
Khurram, a Bengali speaking resident of Bihar, was in Bangladesh and married there and
about 1-½ years back, Fahim went to Pakistan and almost settled there.

Attack on American Consulate in Kolkata (Jan. 2002)

Few days before the final attack, Zahid had divulged before me about their plan to
strike on American Consulate in Kolkata. About three days prior to the attack, Zahid took
me on Suzuki motorcycle to reccee the areas around the American Consulate. On the day
of attack, I drove the same bike to the American Consulate in the wee hours.
Simultaneously, Zahid and Naseer reached there in the Maruti car. I was carrying one Star
Pistol with two loaded magazines. Similarly, Zahid had one loaded AK-47 rifle concealed in
the cover of cricket bat. By 0630 Hrs. I reached the gate of the Consulate and fired
indiscriminately on the security personnel guarding it. In the process, I emptied both the
magazines. After this, I left the bike to be later driven by Naseer and boarded the car
driven by Zahid. After the attack, all three of us fled from the scene. Fahim also joined us
in the middle of way to our hideout. All of us had a mobile each with unused pre-activated

Zahid had masterminded the whole operation and Fahim, being a local resident
provided the logistic support. The time of attack was intentionally selected to avoid being
blocked in the traffic after the attack. The same day at 1030 Hrs. I boarded the train for
Hazaribagh. Naseer had come to the station to see him off. The next day Zahid also joined
me in Hazaribagh. Hasan Imam and Salim were already present at the Hazaribagh
hideout. After few days, I along with Hasan Imam went to Patna to purchase mobile
phones. Enroute, we again stopped at Hasan’s native village. In the meanwhile, Hasan
called his in-law’s place just to know the welfare. Hasan knew that the police had raided
the house where they were staying and in the encounter that ensued, Zahid was killed. On
hearing this news, I left for his native village.

I remained in my village for little over a month. Once I went to the Azamgarh town
and checked my e-mail. I saw one mail from Amir Raza enquiring about my welfare and
location etc. In response to the mail, I expressed my acute financial problems. Then I went
to Mumbai and again got in touch with Amir Raza through e-mail. In the subsequent e-
mail, Amir Raza offered me a job in Dubai. Hard pressed with money, I accepted this

By now I had procured my own passport from RPO, Mumbai. As decided, I sent a
copy of my Passport to my ‘prospective employer’. I was informed that I would get the Visa
in due course. For this purpose, I went to an STD booth in Santa Cruz and received the

print copy of my Visa via fax. Later I also received Rs. 20000/- from Western Union for
journey expenses. I used this money for purchasing air ticket for Dubai.


In June 2002, I boarded the Biman Air flight from Mumbai to Dubai. On reaching
Dubai, I went to Dera Dubai and stayed in Hotel Miraz. I went to a nearby cyber café and
sent an e-mail to Amir Raza intimating my arrival in Dubai and address of the hotel I was
putting up in. After sometime, one person, who introduced himself as ‘Hero’ (36 yrs.) came
to meet me in my hotel room and took me to a flat where I started living. One day I
received a mail from Amir Raza asking me to go to Dubai Airport to receive one Azizbhai
who was coming from India. I went to the Airport only to see that Riyaz Bhatkal was
coming out of the terminal. Riyaz told me that it’s was only him I had come receive. Within
two weeks time, Amir Raza also came to Dubai and opened one electronics goods
shop-‘Yahya Electronics’ in Sharjah. Riyaz Bhatkal had inaugurated this shop. Amir Raza
also moved to Sharjah and I started working as salesman at the shop. I worked at the
shop for 8 months and decided to return to India. Amir Raza had instructed me to do some
tangible work for him.


As instructed by Amir Raza, I returned to India to take up the task of preparing

youth for terrorist activities. Accordingly, I motivated Arif Badar (since arrested), then
running an electrical goods repair shop in his native place Sanjarpur, and Dr.
Shahnawaz (then studying BUMS in Siwan, Bihar) during my 20 days stay in Azamgarh. I
returned to Mumbai in Feb/March 2003 and arranged through Amir Raza the passage of
Dr. Shahnwaz and one Rashid of Azamgarh to Dubai on valid travel documents in April/
May 2003. I had also traveled with Dr. Shahnawaz and Rashid to Dubai.


I accompanied Dr. Shahnawaz and Rashid to Karachi for their arms training in
Pakistan. Besides giving them company, I had been tasked by Amir Raza to collect
some documents from one Col Atif of ISI from Karachi. Accordingly, I received two sealed
un-addressed brown envelopes from Col. Atif at Defence colony, Karachi. Dr. Shahnawaz
and Rashid returned to India via Kathmandu after completion of their training.


On my return to Dubai from Pakistan in August 2003, I handed over the sealed
envelops given by Col Atif to Amir Raza. Around this time, I received two Indian youths
viz. Abdul Majid and Akmal Ahmed both residents of Azamgarh, who were sent by Arif Badr
for arms training in Pakistan. While Ajmal turned cold feet and returned to India fro
Dubai itself, Abdul Majid was dispatched to Pakistan from Dubai using the same
route. As their shop in Sharjah (Yahya Electronics) was running into losses, I was

directed to go back to India and do action there. Thus, I returned to my native place
in Dec, 2003 via Kathmandu -Sanauli (Gorakhpur)


In January 2004, I met Atif Ameen (since killed in Delhi) in Arif's shop in
village Sanjarpur. Meanwhile Atif and Sharfuddin @ Dildar also of Azamgarh had been
prepared for arms training by Arif Badar. Accordingly, in April 2004 Atif and Sharfuddin
went to Pakistan via Dubai for arms training and returned to India via Kathmandu in
June 2004.


As per an e-mail instruction of Amir Raza who gave a mobile number of one
Babu bhai for delivery of explosives etc., I instructed Atif to contact Babu Bhai on the
given number for taking delivery of explosive consignment some time in July 2004. In the
month of July ’04 itself Atif received delivery of about 20 kg. explosives (black dough like
- could -be RDX), 10/12 electric detonators and 3 ABCD timers (Programmed Time
Devices) from aforementioned Babu Bhai in Varansi. Atif kept this consignment at his
place in Azamgarh.


In Sept/October 2004, I alongwith Atif prepared two lEDs (3 1/2 Kg explosives

each) with the help of Arif Badar cased in aluminum containers. Atif and Shahnawaz
planted these two devices at Dashashwmedh Ghat in Varanasi. Atif and myself had
recceed the target places beforehand. However, only one of these devices went off
and the other was recovered.


In the beginning of 2005, Atif and I went to Varansi and stayed in a lodge where
both of us fabricated an IED (3.5 kg) cased in a brief case and planted it in the
stationary Shramjeevi Express train at Varanasi railway station. Both of us returned to
our native place the same day and learnt the next day about blast in Shramjeevi


In Sept, 2005, Atif Ameen went to Delhi with the remaining explosives (10 kg
approx.) and four timers (clock-based) devices made by Arif Badr in Azamgarh. Atif
called me to come to Delhi in the 3 rd week of October 2005, as he needed a moral
support for the action. While in Delhi, I stayed with Atif in his hideout in Jasola Vihar,
New Delhi. Atif prepared two lEDs cased in pressure cookers in my presence. Atif
and others were to prepare Tiffin box bomb later. As per plan, Shadab (since
absconding) was to plant IED in Sarojini Nagar Market, Atif in Paharganj while Shakeel
and Saquib were to plant IED in Govindpuri area. I went to Azamgarh one day before
the Delhi blasts.

In November/December 2005, I received a consignment of 6/7 kg. of silver colour

explosive material from Riyaz Bhatkal. Abu Rashid collected this consignment through a
transport company in Sion area, Mumbai. Later this consignment was sent to
Azamgarh through Dr. Shanawaz who happened to be in Mumbai at that time. This
explosive was used in fabricating IED devices used for Sankat Mochan temple and
Varanasi railway station blasts. The devices were also cased in pressure cookers and
Arif Badr had prepared clock-based timers. While Atif and Ariz of Azamgarh planted the
IED at Sankat Mochan, Asad and Sarwar- both of Azamgarh placed IED at Varanasi
Railway station. These lEDs were assembled in Saraimir in a rented accommodation.


Sometime in April/May 2006, while in Saraimir itself, Atif and I planned attacks
on local trains in Mumbai. I chose the Western Line of the route and first class
compartment to strike as I wanted to afflict maximum damage to Gujarati community
that lived along this route and being affluent traveled in first class. I informed about this
plan to Amir Raza through e-mail. The latter was initially skeptical about our capability to
strike that big in Mumbai.

On June 20, 2006, I reached Mumbai and Atif joined me later enroute Delhi. Abu
Rashid and Dr. Shanawaz also joined in the last week of June 2006. For the hideout, Abu
Rashid took a rented flat in Deccan Cooperatve Society (4th/5th floor) in Sewari Area of
Mumbai for a month. Sadiq, Atif, Dr. Shahnawaz and Abu Rashid stayed in the hideout
while I lived in Mahakali Caves Road Andheri (E). For preparation, I studied the
timetable of local trains for selecting the target trains and all the five of us made first
class train passes from Andheri to Churchgate. We traveled in a train on few occasions
to familiarize ourselves with the feel and ambience in first class bogey of local trains.

Riyaz Bhatkal at the instance of Amir Raza agreed to arrange explosive

materials. He gave the delivery of 35 kg (dough type) explosive materials in rolls,
wrapped in brown paper marked ‘Ameen Explosives' and 10-12 electric detonators to
Atif. Atif alone had brought this consignment from Mangalore to Mumbai on 5/6 July
2006. For fabricating the IEDs, clock timers were prepared by Arif Badar again and I
brought the same from Saraimir, Azamgarh. For casing the devices, we purchased 7
pressure cookers and 7 luggage bags locally.


As per plan, we set the clock timers for blasts at 1830 hrs for July 11, 2006.
Around 1600 hrs. at first I left the hideout with a bag containing IED and reached the
prefixed RV at Churchgate. I boarded local train at 1730 hrs. planted the first IED in the
train and got down at Marine Lines only to return to Church Gate station. By this time
Atif had reached the RV with two bags containing IEDs. Atif planted the second IED
leaving another bag with me. I, using the bag brought by Atif, planted the third IED in
another local train. I again got down at Marine Lines styation and returned to Chrurch
Gate station. Meanwhile, Abu Rashid and Sajid had reached with one bag each.
Subsequently, they planted 4th and 5th lEDs in local train. Lastly Dr. Shahnawaz came
to RV with two bags (lEDs). While Shahnawaz planted 6th IED, I planted the 7th one.
In all, I planted 3 lEDs. All of us got down finally at Dadar station and reached the
hideout while Sajid got down at Bandra station and went his place. All of us had left our
cell phones at our hideout and made no calls, as planned earlier.

After the blasts, on July 13, 2006, Shahnawaz left for Lucknow while Atif and I
went to Azamgarh. I stayed in his village till March 2007. I again came back to Mumbai
in April 2007. I took admission in Heron Computers for Course in Hardware and
Networking. After the completion of this course, I joined ‘3i Infotech’ and later CMS

Hereafter, I distanced myself from all terrorist activities. However, Atif would
always inform him about various terrorist actions although he did not confide in me
about Jaipur blasts. As for Hyderabad twin blasts, Riyaz Bhatkal once hinted to me that
they were the handiwork of his group.

Few days before Ahmedabad blasts (July 26, 2008), Riyaz Bhatkal called me
requisitioning 40 clock-based timer devices. I, in turn, gave this job to Arif Badar, who was
in Mumbai at that time. Arif Badar fabricated these clock timers at a hideout in Pune
arranged by Riyaz Bhatkal. At this time, Atif Ameen also came to Mumbai and met me
and told that they had selected Ahmedabad/ Surat as the next targets. Riyaz had also
indicated to me that stolen cars would be used in Ahmedabad blasts and terror e-mails
would be sent by hacking the insecure Wi-Fi networks of Mumbai. Riyaz had asked
me to participate in the action and also arrange for some operative for blasts in Surat. I
asked Zakir (since arrested), who was familiar with Surat and was a PTM, to go to Surat
for action. Simultaneously, I had made Abu Rashid and Shahnawaz ready for action. I
myself was to join action team in surat on July 26, 2008 along with Abu Rashid and
Shahnawaz but was informed by Riyaz that he did not need them as he had enough
manpower. In the meantime, Zakir who had gone to Surat to meet one Talha, returned
to Mumbai after meeting him and did not take part in any action.



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