Human Rights & Value MCQ PDF

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Roll No…………….. Total No.

of Pages: 04

Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Each questions carry one mark
3. There is no negative marking

1. Values are linked to

a) Vision b) Imagination 12. Religious and moral education is possible in a country
c) Creation d) Mission where only one religion is
2. Value in general is a part of a) Prominent b) Dominant
a) Psychology b) Physiology c) Trusted d) None of these
c) Philosophy d) Philanthropy 13. Through holistic education one would know
3. Religious value is the value related to a) Value of respect b) Value of nationalism
a) Humans b) Races c) Value of personal being d) Value of human life
c) Casts d) Religions 14. In which of the following fields, the faculty ‘BUDDHI’ is
4. Self control stands for used
a) Control on individual’s aesthetics a) Decision-making b) Determination
b) Control on individual’s behavior c) Option (a) & (b) d) Classification & differentiation
c) Control on individual’s mind for action 15. Which faculty of mind is called ‘MANAS’
d) Control on individual’s personality a) Deliberation & conceptualization
5. Sacrifice in human value stands for b) Determination & decision making
a) Help without self realization C) Conclusion & differentiation
b) Help without selfish motive d) Globalization
c) Help without egotism 16. In one of the four functions of mind, the term
d) Help without egoism ‘AHAMKARA’ refers to
6. Indian constitution includes which following set of a) ‘I talk’ b) ‘I think’
values c) ‘I am confused’ d) ‘I consciousness’
a) Liberty, order, equality 17. Which of the following dimension is characterized by
b) Democracy, people nationalism the activities of mind, thinking, feeling and emotions?
c) Groupism, planning, team work a) Energy dimension
d) none of these b) Physical dimension
7. Dr. Chitan has fixed which following social values of c) Mental dimension
Indian society d) Intellectual dimension
a) Pity b) Self control 18. Who founded the University of Berlin in 1810 and
c) Honesty d) All of these coined the statement ‘personality development’
8. Professional values relies on a) Wilhelm Von Hombolett
a) Knowledge thrust b) Regularity and faith b) Wilhelm Jay Witler
c) Sincerity in profession d) All of these c) Wilhelm Sire Marendy
9. The chief aim of education is d) Wilhelm Macantosh
a) Knowledge 19. In the personal benefit of personal development a
b) Inculcation of human values person has
c) Options (a) & (b) a) Increasing confidence
d) None of these b) Decreasing attitude
10. In the education commission of 1882, which knowledge c) Increasing popularity
of subject was introduced? d) Increasing employability
a) Physical education b) Home science education 20. A person who is no longer swayed by any event or
c) Moral education d) English education circumstance of life is through the activity of
11. According to the national policy of 1986, _________ was a) I consciousness
broadly defined and coined into value education. b) Deliberation & conceptualization
a) Moral and religious education c) Determination & decision making
b) Morale & personality education d) None of these
c) Human rights education
d) None of these
21. _____________is governed by mind and is seemingly c) To synchronize the different cultures
unchanging despite the circumstances a person is d) All of the above
placed in. 35. The two aspects of culture are
a) Behavior b) Character a) Matter & non matter
c) Personality d) Etiquettes b) Worldly & non worldly
22. ‘Think positive thoughts’ is the quality of _________. c) Material & non material
a) Behavior b) Character d) none of these
c) Personality d) Habits 36. Would culture change with the change in society?
23. National integration in India stands for a) Yes b) No
a) Unity in diversity b) Unity in traditions c) May be d) can’t comment
c) Unity in values d) Unity in cultures 37. The ‘sprit of mind’ is often termed as
24. Professional value accounts to a) Culture b) Race c) Caste d) Religion
a) Responsibility 38. Learning, what is wrong or right is termed as
b) Integrity a) Habits b) Culture
c) Self discipline c) Ethics d) None of these
d) All of these 39. Transnational education is also called as
25. __________ values such as tolerance, simplicity & a) National education
welfare of mankind are recommended by all religions of b) International education
world. c) Cross-border education
a) Religious b) Professional d) Education without permission
c) National d) Human rights 40. Ethic is concerned as the science of
26. Moral values can be inculcated through a) Occurrence b) Happening
a) Peer guidance, parenting & enforcing laws c) Conduct d) Execution
b) Educational workshops, social media & radio 41. Which is the one thing that helps us to fight the
programs struggle we face during the time of crises?
c) Social sessions a) Response
d) Health & mind exercises b) Thinking
27. Aesthetic values are concerned with c) Action
a) Physical appearance b) Beauty d) Ethics
c) Appreciation of Beauty d) All of these 42. The education which takes place beyond the national
28. The need to inculcate environmental ethical values jurisdictional borders is called as
inside people arise due to a) National education
a) Environmental degradation b) Cross-border education
b) Mismanagement of natural resources c) High level education
c) Energy crises d) None of these
d) All of these 43. The thought of oneness between two adult partners is
29. Who has said ‘Try not to be a man of success but rather called as
try to be a man of value’? a) Real love b) Real match
a) Albert Einstein b) Galileo Galilei c) Real couple d) Real life
c) Isaac Newton d) Bill Gates 44. Thinking Positive on a situation such as lost of keys
30. The action of ‘switching off unnecessary lights’ falls would be
under which group of values a) I am so stupid.
a) National Value b) Environmental ethical value b) I lost my keys again.
c) Social value d) Personal value c) If I would lose my keys again.
31. Bringing about the prevailing economic, social & cultural d) I will fix the place to keep the keys from now on.
differences among people refers to as 45. The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is
a) National integration b) social integration a) Mature
c) Cultural integration d) Socio-economic integration b) Growth
32. The cause of national disintegration is c) Adolescence
a) Inequality in recruitment policies d) Transformation
b) Lack of patriotism, narrow politics & dynamic 46. A complete positive attitude is attained through
leadership a) Focusing on past
c) Generation of jobs & employability b) Focusing on the consequences
d) Equality in social & economic spheres c) Focusing on the outcomes
33. International understanding refers to d) Focusing on a pleasant event
a) Acceptance of rights of all nations 47. The onset of puberty brings physical changes among the
b) Acceptance of principles of common existence adolescents, these changes include
c) Acceptance of social values by the states of a) Emotional tensions b) Sense of insecurity
supremacy c) Depression d) All of these
d) None of these 48. Social development in adolescents adds to
34. Need for international understanding arise? a) Style of dressing b) Fashion and glamour
a) To safeguard the national interest c) Option (a) & (b) d) None of these
b) To prevent the narrow nationalistic ideas
49. Moral development in adolescents is characterized by a) Liquid, heat, air
a) Ethical sense b) Solid, evaporation, vapors
b) Flora sense c) Gas, molecules, composition
c) Adolescence d) none of these
d) Nonsense 64. How many exercises can be done to keep overall body
50. ________&_______are two ways to cope with stress. completely healthy?
a) Problem solving & managing emotions a) 9 b) 3
b) Problem formulation & emotion analysis c) 7 d) none
c) Foretelling & Palmistry 65. The exercise ‘KAPALAPATHI’ is related to exercise of
d) None of these a) Nose breathing
51. Self-esteem & self-confidence are important elements b) Skull Cleansing
of a well developed personality. c) Eyes relaxing
a) Right b) Wrong d) Releasing muscular pains
c) Can’t say d) none of these 66. The best time of the day when the exercise should be
52. Development of self-esteem & self-confidence is practiced is
influenced by a) After day routines work
a) Family b) Friends b) Between the working hours
c) Self Character d) All of these c) Early morning on empty stomach
53. Self-esteem & self-confidence can be built up by d) none of these
a) Maximizing potential 67. Is it recommended for a person to start exercise
b) Overcoming weakness immediately after surgery?
c) Option (a) & (b) a) Yes
d) Making comparisons b) No
54. Anger can be produced by c) After three months
a) Criticism b) Dignity d) None of these
c) Versatility d) Fear 68. Diseases in the nervous system, respiratory system,
55. Fear is the type of muscles and bones can be cured through
a) Cognitive behavior b) Stress & storm a) Aerobics
c) Self-esteem d) Emotional pattern b) Dancing
56. During common emotional pattern, the young c) Neuromuscular breathing
adolescents may experience d) None of these
a) Frustration 69. The relief from ‘SINUS’ can be achieved through
b) Affection a) Suryaasan b) Kapalapathi
c) Joy c) Vajraasan d) Pranayam
d) All of these 70. ‘NITYANANDA’ is a type of ___________
57. Which type of health benefit activity helps to release a) Leg exercise
tension to peace or illness to health? b) Yoga
a) Gymnastics b) Yoga c) Prayer
c) Meditation d) None of these d) Meditation
58. A human body is composed of how many number of 71. The force of need, force of habit, force of heredity &
layers corresponding to elements force of divinity are the roots of
a) 4 a) Sense
b) 5 b) Intelligence
c) 6 c) Thoughts
d) 2 d) Mind
59. The element ‘AKASH’ of human body is referred to as 72. Blood pressure, headache and indigestion are the
a) Life-force b) Physical Being symptoms of
c) Soul d) None of these a) Worry b) Wary
60. The two aspects of physical exercises are c) Fear d) None of these
a) Stance & direction b) Aid & safety 73. Which Article of United Nations charter provides
c) Posture & movements d) none of these International Human Rights protection?
61. If the intensity of disturbance of life-force extends over a) Article 62
a long period, it is referred to as b) Article 55
a) Disease b) Pain c) Article 51
c) Stroke d) Cramps d) Article 52
62. ‘Yoga’ helps to unify and streamline our 74. On which date President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a
a) Physical functions proclamation named “Four Freedoms”
b) Psychic functions a) January 6, 1941 b) January 6, 1942
c) Options (a) & (b) c) January 5, 1941 d) January 9, 1941
d) None of these 75. Article 3. Of Civil and Political Rights, states
63. The subtle life-force and the gross solid body are linked a) Freedom from arbitrary arrest
together by three media b) Right to freedom
c) Right to privacy 87. The convention under Article____ provides that women
d) Right to life, liberty, security of persons shall be provided same conditions for careers &
76. Who declared the line ‘’”Freedom means supremacy of vocational guidance as to that of men.
human rights everywhere”. a) 10 b) 5 c) 7 d) 8
a) President Barack Obama 88. The convention under Article 11 relates to
b) President Franklin D. Roosevelt a) Education b) Heath care
c) President Herbert Hoover c) Employment d) Economic & Social life
d) President John F. Kennedy 89. Which of the following statements can be included in
77. ‘Right to marry and find a family’ of Civil & Political Article 11 of discrimination against women?
Rights falls under which Article______. a) Right to work
a) 16 b) 15 b) Right to same employment opportunities
c) 14 d) 13 c) Right to free choice of profession and employment
78. ‘Right to freedom of opinion and expression’ of Civil & d) all of these
Political Rights falls under which Article_____. 90. The convention under Article______ provides that the
a) 16 b) 15 states shall take steps to eliminate discrimination
c) 17 d) 19 against women in the field of healthcare.
79. Article 22. of Economic & Social Rights, states a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14
a) Right to social security 91. The convention under Article____ states that the
b) Right to rest & leisure women shall be provided the same rights as to that of
c) Right to education men in particular.
d) Right to participate in cultural life a) 13 b) 14 c) 15 d) 16
80. Under which Article does ‘Right to work and free choice 92. The convention under Article ______ provided
of employment’ of Economic & Social Rights, falls? elimination of discrimination against women in rural areas.
a) Article 23 a) 13 b) 14 c) 15 d) 16
b) Article 24 93. Article _____ of the constitution provides that the
c) Article 25 states shall accord to women equality with men before
d) Article 26 the law
81. On which date the Indian Constitution was adopted by a) 13 b) 14 c) 15 d) 16
the Constituent Assembly? 94. ____________provides that states shall take all
a) November 21, 1950 measures to eliminate discrimination against women in
b) November 26, 1949 all matters related to marriage and family relationships.
c) November 21, 1949 a) Article 13 b) Article 14
d) None of these c) Article 15 d) Article 16
82. The Indian Constitution of Constituent Assembly came 95. India has ratified the convention on the elimination of
into force on all forms of discrimination against women on
a) January 26, 1949 a) July 10, 1994 b) July 9, 1993
b) January 26, 1950 c) July 9, 1994 d) none of these
c) January 26, 1948 96. ____________provides that no child below the age of
d) None of these 14 years shall be employed in any factory or mine or
83. Which Article of Indian Constitution relates to the engaged in any other hazardous employment.
‘Right of Social Security’ from Article 22 of Universal a) Article 21 b) Article 22 c) Article 23
Human Rights? d) Article 24
a) Article 28 97. The incident of sexual harassment of women at work
b) Article 27 place results in violation of fundamental rights of
c) Article 29(1) a) Gender inequality
d) None of these b) Right to life & liberty
84. Which Article of Indian Constitution relates to the ‘Right c) Right to same employment opportunities
to freedom of opinion and expression from Article 19 of d) Option (a) & (b)
Universal Human Rights? 98. The roots of protection of rights of man may be traced
a) Article 19(1)(a) b) Article 19 as far back as
c) Article 18 d) none of these a) Babylonian laws
85. The General Assembly of United Nations on November b) Assyrian laws
7, 1967 adopted a declaration on________________. c) Hittite laws
a) Elimination of discrimination against women d) All of these
b) Elimination of rights of women 99. Whose duty it is to prevent the commission of acts of
c) Elimination of recognition of women sexual harassment against women at work place?
d) none of these a) Working women b) Parents of women
86. The convention under Article 1. defines the term c) Employer or responsible persons
a) Disadvantages against women d) none of these
b) Fundamental freedom against women 100. In year 1941, a proclamation was issued by President
c) Discrimination against women Franklin D. Roosevelt on
d) none of these a) Four speeches b) Four freedoms
c) Four rights d) none of these
59 A
1 A 61 A
2 C 62 C
3 D 63 A
4 C 64 A
5 B 65 B
6 A 66 C
7 D 67 C
8 D 68 C
9 C 69 B
10 C 70 D
11 A 71 C
12 B 72 A
13 D 73 B
14 A 74 A
15 A 75 D
16 D 76 B
17 C 77 A
18 A 78 D
19 A 79 A
20 A 80 A
21 B 81 B
22 B 82 B
23 A 83 C
24 D 84 A
25 A 85 A
26 A 86 C
27 D 87 A
28 D 88 C
29 A 89 D
30 B 90 B
31 A 91 A
32 B 92 B
33 A 93 C
34 D 94 D
35 C 95 B
36 A 96 D
37 A 97 D
38 C 98 D
39 C 99 C
40 C 100 B
41 D
42 B
43 A
44 D
45 C
46 D
47 D
48 C
49 A
50 A
51 A
52 D
53 C
54 A
55 D
56 D
57 C
Roll No…………….. Total No. of Pages: 03

Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Each questions carry one mark
3. There is no negative marking

Q1 Unnecessary comparison in adolescent harm’s Q16 Dependency to autonomy (Self dependent) period is
(a) Self respect (b) Self knowledge (a) Mature (b) Young person
(c) Self confidence (d) Self Discipline (c) Adolescent (d) Old person
Q2 What is full form of “HRV” Q17 Ethics deals with what aspect?
(a) Human Rights and Values (a) Personality (b) value
(b) Human Responce and Values (c) Behavior (d) Personal character
(c) Human Respect and Values Q18 Values Model is part of which of the basic concept?
(d) None of these (a) Diginity (b) Human right education
Q3 Indian Philosophy is essentially a “Philosophy” of (c) Liberty (d) Sincerity
(a) Morals (b) Values Q19 Meditation helps to convert tension into
(c) Ethics (d) Facts (a) Feeling (b) Stress
Q4 Which legal bodies have the power to enforce Fundamental (c) Relief (d) Peace
Rights in India? Q20 “Science of conduct” is
(a) Parliament of india (a) Ethics (b) Values
(b) President of india (c) Character (d) Life
(c) The Supreme Court of India and State High Courts Q21 Managing for ethical behavior includes each of the
(d) Human Rights commissions following except
Q5 Which of the following is positive value? (a)Unethical behavior (b) Decision procedures
(a) Fear (b) Anger (c) Ethical performance (d) Positive rights
(c) Self Respect (d) Narrow Mindeness Q22 Women in rural area can
Q6 The convention under Article 10 will provide to women (a) Participate in all community
(a) Education (b) Employment (b) Right to family benefits
(c) Health care (d) Pension (c) Right to protection of health
Q7 Analysis of thoughts is also called (d) None of these
(a) Dreams (b) Images Q23 When adolescent is teased, lectured and criticized by others,
(c) Study (d) Self analysis he feels
Q8 Human Values get modified by (a) Esteemed (b) Confident
(a) Stress (b) Worry (c) Angry (d) Proud
(c) Choice (d) Joy Q24 What are the three distinct forms squeezed in Preamble of
Q9 Which one is the first level of living Indian Constitution?
(a) Social (b) Individual (a) Social, economic and political
(c) Family (d) Nature (b) Moral, social and cultural
Q10 In moral development stage adolescent understand the (c) Social, religious and caste
(a) Importance of laws (b) Importance of rules (d) Ethnic, culture and political
(c) Importance of parents (d) Importance of self Q25 Cross border education is also refers as
Q11 According to an ethic of care, the first stage of individual (a) National (b) Social
moral development is (c) International (d) Transnational
(a) Principles (b) Self focused Q26 Dr. Ambedkar gives a significant place for……….?
(c) Understanding (d) None of these (a) Socialism (b) Liberalism
Q12 What is the alternative name for Legal Rights? (c) Moral equality (d) Mutual sympathy
(a) Corporal rights (b) Passive Rights Q27 Which one is odd exercise
(c) Possessive Rights (d) Statutory Rights (a) Hand exercise (b) Mind exercise
Q13 Exercise is mainly (c) Eye exercise (d) leg exercise
(a) 7 types (b) 8 types Q28 In which year the World Conference on Human Rights
(c) 9 types (d) Can’t define was conducted?
Q14 Right has two parts “form and………..” (a) 1993 (b)1994
(a) Law (b) Function (c) 1995 (d) 1996
(c) Rule (d) Duty Q29 What is root word of `Right'?
Q15 Which concept gave the basis for right? (a) Rit (b) Riht
(a) Liberty (b) Justice (c) Reht (d) Ret
(c) Diginity (d) Sincerity
Q30 Changes in the structure and function of human being with Q50 Which one is wrong related to personality development
age are (a) Believe in yourself (b) Practice makes perfect
(a) Adaptions (b) Metabolism (c) Self awareness (d) Innovation
(c) Order (d) Development Q51 The Human Values design the…….of individual.
Q31 Right to education comes in (a) Nature (b) Character
(a) Art. 28(3) (b) Art. 28(2) (c) Value (d) Personality
(c) Art. 28(1) (d) Art. 28 Q52 Which one is odd related to elements of human being
Q32 Meditation helps to convert illness into (a) Solid (b) Heat
(a) Healthy (b) Dullness (c) Energy (d) Liquid
(c) Active (d) Sadness Q53 Positive Value……..the circle of society
Q33 For protection of human right act the court established (a) Increase (b) Improve
refferd as (c)Decrease (d) all of these
(a) High court (b) Supreme court Q54 Each country has its own independent constitution in which
(c) Human Right court (d) Right Court specific values are included. They are called
Q34 In which year UNESCO adopted the declaration on the (a)Internationa Value (b) National Value
responsibilities of the present generation towards the future (c)Personal Value (d) Constitutional Value
generation. Q55 Some of interests during adolescence are
(a) 1998 (b) 1997 (a) Character (b) Personality
(c) 1996 (d) 1995 (c) Feelings (d)Extracurricular activities
Q35 What is minimum age of children in India to provide free Q56 Air pollution, water and land position comes under
education (a) Ethical Value (b) Enviornment Value
(a) 17 (b) 16 (c) Enviornment Ethical Value (d)Enviornment Education
(c) 15 (d) 14 Q57 By choosing carrier path we can develop
Q36 Movement of people, programs, knowledge is (a) Society (b) Self
(a) Distance education (c) Nation (d) Person
(b) Social education Q58 Which one is not root of thoughts
(c) Transnational education (a) Force of habit (b) Force of divinity
(d) National education (c) Force of culture (d) Force of need
Q37 A fundamental requirement of every human being is Q59 In 1987 the Indian culture was studied by a person. He found
(a) Order (b)Energy the values like self control, honesty. Who was he
(c) Development (d) Evolution (a) Dr. Gawande (b) Chilana
Q38 Self-perception has all the following parts except (c) Gawande (d) None of these
(a) Disctinctiveness information (b) Self esteem Q60 In cognitive development period adolescent able to think in
(c) Self presentation (d) Self concept (a) Limited (b) Abstract
Q39 What is the main aim of Human Rights? (c) Unnecessary (d) Broad
(a) To teach Morals and ethics Q61 The cell arrangement can be set right by
(b) To develop friendly relations (a) Proper Exercise (b) Ethics
(c) To establish peace, security and one world (c) Fitness (d) Sincerity
(d) To make people sensible Q62 Meaning of the values originally related to
Q40 “Right to rest and Leisure” in (a) Social Value (b)Democratic Value
(a) Art. 19 (b) Art. 20 (c) Economic Value (d) Education Value
(c) Art. 21 (d) Art. 22 Q63 Self confidence of youth is
Q41 Human Values defined universally related to there (a) Confidence (b) Consciousness
(a) Happiness (b) Fear (c) Motivation (d) Positive personality
(c) Nationality (d) Vision Q64 Which one is odd value
Q42 Which one is unethical practice? (a) Student Value (b) National Value
(a) Democracy (b) Corruption (c) Aesthetic Value (d) Religious Value
(c) Pity (d) All are valid Q65 How many types of culture is
Q43 How many ways of coping with stress (a) 4 (b) 3
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
(c) 4 (d) 5 Q66 Western culture tends to gravitate towards
Q44 Person with disability is ……………..challenged (a) Low context communication
(a) Mently (b) Physicslly (b) Medium context communication
(c) Self (d) None of these (c) High context communication
Q45 By right……………we become responsible to ourselves (d) Medium to high context communication
(a) Confidance (b) Weakness Q67 Nature is the………………………... Level of Living.
st nd
(c) Understanding (d) Potential (a) 1 (b) 2
rd th
Q46 How many function of mind is (c) 3 (d) 4
(a) 4 (b) 3 Q68 What is the full form of “NEP”
(c) 5 (d) 2 (a) National Educated Policy
Q47 All values are around………. (b) National Education Policy
(a) Social Value (b) Religious Value (c) National Educated Practice
(c) Human Value (d) Personal Value (d) National Education Practice
Q48 Values are the building block of human Q69 Being kind, sporty, reliable etc. improves
(a) Nature (b) Character (a) Respect (b) Character
(c) Value (d) Personality (c) Personality (d) Confidence
Q49 How many elements of human being corresponding to layers Q70 How many types of characterstics of adolescent
(a) 4 (b) 5 (a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 6 (d) 7 (c) 4 (d) 5
Q71 Conceptualization, function of mind is controlled by (c) Mentality change (d) life style change
(a) Heart (b) Mannas Q93 Who is an Adolescent as per Factories Act, 1948?
(c) Mind (d) Buddhi (a) Who have completed 17 years of age
Q72 Those suffering from heart problem need not do (b) Who is less then 18 years
(a) Kapalapathi (b) Hand exercise (c) Who have completed 15 years but less then 18 years
(c) Breathing exercise (d) Leg exercise (d) None of these
Q73 Due to deterioration of value, new values arrived like Q94 Health care for women associated with
(a) Respect (b) Anger (a) Art. 10 (b) Art. 11
(c) Indiscipline (d) Human Education (c) Art. 12 (d) Art. 13
Q74 Liberity, Equality is under which type of value Q95 Self study helps us to know our-------and how to remove.
(a) Social (b) Human Value (a) Confidance (b) Weakness
(c) National Value (d) International Value (c) Strength (d) Potential
Q75 Culture is more than language, dress and Q96 Common reactions like fear, anxiety, anger due to
(a) Shoes (b) Food (a) Experiance (b) Education
(c) Money (d) Ethics (c) Awareness (d) Stress
Q76 Painting, music, drawing, arts is Q97 Fundamental Rights are……….and guaranteed.
(a) Student Value (b) National Value (a) Constitutionally recognised (b) Basic rights
(c) Aesthetic Value (d) Religious Value (c) Fundamentally allowed (d) Legally forced
Q77 Fitness routine should not exceed………minute Q98 Under which article discrimination against women defined
(a) 4-6 (b) 10-12 (a) Art. 4 (b) Art. 1
(c) 6-8 (d) 14-16 (c) Art. 5 (d) Art. 7
Q78 National disintegration occurs due to Q99 What is the main feature of the Indian Constitution?
(a) Religious relation (b) Brotherhood (a) Written constitution (b) Traditional
(c) Inequality (d)Feeling of Harmony (c) Religious (d) Partial
Q79 Negative syndrome in the adolescent is Q100 Human ideas, interest, attitudes comes under
(a) Truthfuleness (b) respect (a) Social culture (b) Non material aspects
(c) Realization (d) Showing off (c) Material aspects (d) Dynamic culture
Q80 ……..reflect you where you are and you can grow.
(a) Self Respect (b) Self motivation
(c) Self Anaysis (d) Self-control
Q81 Right to freedom of thoughts in article……..
(a) Art. 18 (b) Art. 19
(c) Art. 20 (d) Art. 21
Q82 Self Exploration is the process to understand
(a) Ethics (b) Human Values
(c) Social Value (d) Religious Value
Q83 Development of technology and human capital comes under
(a) Material Aspects (b) Social Culture
(c) Dynamic Culture (d)Non Material Aspects
Q84 The Indian Constitution is the....................... constitution.
(a) Longest (b) Worst
(c) Small (d) Different
Q85 Ethics sometime called as
(a) Moral value
(b) Moral education
(c) Moral principles
(d) Moral rights
Q86 The purpose of Value education is to
(a) Foster core Value (b) Developement
(c) Develop Values in individual (d) Education
Q87 Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination Against
Women was adopted by UN on
(a) Nov. 6, 1967 (b) Nov. 7, 1967
(c) Nov. 6, 1968 (d) Nov. 7, 1968
Q88 Physical facilities are the need of
(a) Mind (b) Hands
(c) Body (d) Legs
Q89 Which one is odd related to discrimination against women
(a) Education (b) Employment
(c) Health care (d) Enjoy
Q90 Empty stomach exercise in beneficial in
(a) Evening (b) Mid-day
(c) Morning (d) Anytime
Q91 Culture gives us message to move in
(a) Same way (b) Different way
(c) Individual way (d) Particular way
Q92 Adolescent is the period not only brings physical changes but
also brings
(a) Social change (b) Psychological change
HUL3301 (SET-A)
Answer Key
1 c 21 d 41 c 61 a 81 a
2 a 22 a 42 b 62 c 82 b
3 b 23 c 43 a 63 d 83 a
4 c 24 a 44 b 64 a 84 a
5 c 25 d 45 c 65 c 85 c
6 a 26 d 46 a 66 a 86 a
7 d 27 b 47 c 67 d 87 b
8 c 28 a 48 d 68 b 88 c
9 b 29 c 49 b 69 d 89 d
10 a 30 d 50 d 70 b 90 c
11 b 31 c 51 d 71 b 91 d
12 d 32 a 52 c 72 a 92 b
13 c 33 c 53 a 73 c 93 c
14 b 34 b 54 b 74 c 94 c
15 a 35 d 55 d 75 b 95 b
16 c 36 c 56 c 76 c 96 d
17 d 37 b 57 b 77 b 97 a
18 b 38 a 58 c 78 c 98 b
19 d 39 c 59 a 79 d 99 a
20 a 40 d 60 b 80 c 100 b
HUL3301 (SET-B) 56 D
59 A
1 A 61 A
2 C 62 C
3 D 63 A
4 C 64 A
5 B 65 B
6 A 66 C
7 D 67 C
8 D 68 C
9 C 69 B
10 C 70 D
11 A 71 C
12 B 72 A
13 D 73 B
14 A 74 A
15 A 75 D
16 D 76 B
17 C 77 A
18 A 78 D
19 A 79 A
20 A 80 A
21 B 81 B
22 B 82 B
23 A 83 C
24 D 84 A
25 A 85 A
26 A 86 C
27 D 87 A
28 D 88 C
29 A 89 D
30 B 90 B
31 A 91 A
32 B 92 B
33 A 93 C
34 D 94 D
35 C 95 B
36 A 96 D
37 A 97 D
38 C 98 D
39 C 99 C
40 C 100 B
41 D
42 B
43 A
44 D
45 C
46 D
47 D
48 C
49 A
50 A
51 A
52 D
53 C
54 A
55 D
Roll No…………….. Total No. of Pages: 06
HUL-3301 – Human Rights & Values
Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100
General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Each question carry one mark
3. There is no negative marking

1. Which of the following statement is correct? b. Moral

a. Education is an art c. Health
b. Education is a science d. Ecological
c. It is neither an art nor science 9. We are responsible for, what we are and whatever we
d. To some extent it is an art and to some extent it is a wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make
science ourselves, this definition meaning is:
2. The education that is acquired without any specific a. Faith in oneself
purpose, fixed period and place is: b. Think positive thoughts
a. Indirect education c. Self-reliance
b. Individual education d. Attitude towards failures and mistakes
c. Informal education 10. Respecting others means:
d. Formal education 1. A way to express our feeling for them.
3. What are the three components of the educational 2. A way of communication which build unshaken and
process? strong relations.
a. Education, teacher and books 3. You are degrading yourself.
b. Teaching, student and education a. 1, 2 & 3 are true
c. Teaching, learning and practice b. 1 & 3 are true
d. Direction, instruction and skill c. 1 & 2 are true
4. Which is the first school for a child’s education? d. Only 1 is true
a. Society 11. Human personality is the result of:
b. Friends a. Upbringing and education
c. Family b. Interaction between heredity and environment
d. School c. Only environment
5. ______ studied Indian culture and observed that Indian d. Only heredity
culture is based on the values; kind heartedness, self
12. Behaving in a virtuous manner refers to
control, universal brotherhood, honesty, respect to others
and faith. a. Possessing positive moral character and acting with
a. Chilana (1987) integrity.
b. Dr. Gawande (1994) b. Following the rules and guidelines established by
c. Dr. Kothari (1964-66) your profession.
d. Sir Williams (1984) c. Always meeting your clients’ needs.
6. Standards we use to determine right from wrong, or good d. None of the above.
from bad, in thought and behavior are known as: 13. Belief, opinion, knowledge, emotions, feelings and
a. Attitudes intention are the components of:
b. Beliefs a. Job satisfaction
c. Ethics b. Attitude
d. Values c. Personality
7. Which of the following has the capacity to judge the pros d. All of above
and cons of things and find out what is more desirable? 14. Having good thoughts about oneself gives us self-
a. Manas confidence and self-respect, which is hallmark of any
b. Buddhi strong……………
c. Chitta a. Personality
d. All of these b. Celebrity
8. Mike is a vegetarian who does not eat any animal c. Philosopher
products. He based this lifestyle decision on his love of d. None of these
animals, and he did not want an animal to suffer for his 15. The statement “I am going to apologies for my mistakes” is
pleasure. On which motive did Mike base his decision? an example of…………...components of attitudes.
a. Economics a. Cognitive
b. Affective d. May be
c. Positive 24. A person who does not discriminate others on the basis of
d. Behavioral religious beliefs is called:
16. Sometimes due to any hard situation……………of an a. Communalist
individual will change, but it will take a long time. b. Secular
a. Objective c. Feminist
b. Motivation d. None of these
c. Personality 25. According to Dr. Ambedkar which of the following
d. None of these concepts are relate to social justice?
a. Liberty, equality and fraternity
17. _____ Values necessitate the interaction of Two or more
b. Equity, liberty and equality
c. Socialism, Marxism, and liberalism
a. Social
d. Human rights, fundamental duties, and social
b. Religious
c. Constitutional
26. What does the word “socialist” mean?
d. Professional
a. Absolutely independent
18. Love towards humanity, faith in co-operative living, faith in
b. System of political economy that ensures equitable
change and peaceful methods, scientific temper of mind
distribution of wealth and protects from exploitation.
and concern for environment etc. examples are comes
c. Having no official state religion and granting every
under which values?
citizen the right to freely follow any religion of his or
a. Professional value
her choice.
b. Social value
d. Having a democratic form of government that grants
c. National value
equal voting rights to every single citizen.
d. Religious value
27. Match the following:
19. Match the followings:
A. Equality 1. The head of the state is an
A. Sovereignty 1. Promoting social change
elected person
to end all forms of
B. Liberty 2. Equal treatment without
any discrimination
B. Socialism 2. Government of the
C. Fraternity 3. Freedom of thought,
people, by the people and
expression and belief
for the people
D. Republic 4. The spirit of common
C. Secularism 3. Freedom of profess,
preach and practice and
a. A-3,B-2,C-1,D-4
b. A-2,B-3,C-4,D-1
D. Democracy 4. Complete political
c. A-3,B-1,C-2,D-4
freedom and supreme
d. A-3,B-4,C-1,D-2
28. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
Codes: a. Social justice means the whole society should
a. A-4,B-1,C-3,D-2 progress without some section falling behind and
b. A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3 exploited.
c. A-3,B-2,C-1,D-4 b. Economic justice means ensuring that growth
d. A-1,B-2,C-3,D-4 benefits all by alleviating poverty and generating jobs.
20. The concept of rights, property, liberty, equality and c. Political justice means all citizens are given the right
justice are related to…… to note and stand for political office.
a. Dictatorship d. Liberty was one of the goals of the American
b. Aristocracy resolution along with equality and fraternity.
c. Democracy 29. Which of the following are true of socialism?
d. Oligarchy 1. Socialism aims at the elimination of capitalism.
21. Which of the following is not the feature of Democracy? 2. Socialism stands for the subordination of the interests
a. Election of the society to the higher interests of the
b. Rule of law individuals.
c. Independent judiciary 3. Socialism stands for justice, fair play and liberty. It
d. Preference to a particular religion aims at adding to the sum total of social welfare.
22. What is regarded as a definite plus point of democratic 4. Socialism stands for the elimination of competition
regimes. where there is much economic waste
a. Rule of majority a. 1, 2 and 3
b. Participative decision making b. 1, 3 and 4
c. Ability to handle social differences, divisions, and c. 1, 2 and 4
conflicts d. 2, 3 and 4
d. None of these 30. ………… concerned with the development of
23. Is India is a secularism country?
a. Yes
b. No a. National Disintegration
c. Can’t say b. National Integration
c. Politics 40. The period of life when body undergoes changes, leading
d. National Understanding to reproductive maturity is called ……………….
31. Who is the chairmen of the national integation council? a. Old age
a. President of india b. Childhood
b. Prime minister of india c. Adolescence
c. Minister of miniority affair d. None of these
d. Chief justice of india 41. Many minority teenagers are at risk for developing health
32. “Try not to be a man of success but rather try to be a man problems during adolescence due to
of value” Said by: a. Genetic differences
a. Aristotle b. Hormonal imbalances
b. Mahatma Gandhi c. Cultural values
c. Albert Einstein d. Inadequate access to health care
d. Swami Vivekananda 42. Program that advocate health-enhancing behaviors in
33. Mr. Sunil’s one-day salary was deducted because of his teenagers have been shown to:
uninformed leave, as he was already warned about this a. Change teenagers behavior
behaviour. It is an example of which method of shaping b. Change teenagers attitudes toward health-comprising
behaviours? behaviors
a. Reinforcement c. Have no effect on attitudes
b. Positive Reinforcement d. Have failed because almost no teenagers participate
in such programs
c. Punishment
43. While adolescence is naturally a very healthy period of life,
d. Negative Reinforcement
many adolescents experience healthy problems due to:
34. Competence in ………… implies the ability to be fulfilling
a. Genetic defects
with human being as well as rest of the nature in
b. Hormonal dysfunction
c. Lifestyle choice
a. Life
d. Separation from parents
b. Professional ethics
44. The thoughts will turn positive and your emotions and
c. Dealing
images will …………………… each other, resulting in an
d. None of these
overall positive attitude.
35. Knowledge thirst, sincerity in profession, ethics, regularity,
a. Reinforce
punctuality and faith are the common examples of:
b. Coincide
a. Social values c. Distribute
b. Human values d. None of these
c. Professional values 45. Which group of adolescent evidence the highest rates of
d. Religious values drug and alcohol use in early adolescence?
36. Judaism, Islam and Christianity share a belief in: a. Late maturing males
a. The central authority of the pope b. Average maturing male
b. A prohibition of the consumption of port c. Early maturing males
c. Reincarnation and the four noble truths d. None of these
d. Monotheism and ethical conduct 46. There are certain attitudes and patterns of behavior, which
37. What are the criteria required for a profession? are normally found among older adolescents that make
a. Knowledge them different from young adolescents they are ……….
b. Organization a. The -youth’s
c. Public good b. The-teenagers
d. All of these c. The- adults
38. Which is the oldest of the world religions, being at least d. None
6,000 years old? 47. The adolescent’s affections are concentrated on people
a. Islam with whom he has a pleasurable relationship and who
b. Confucianism have made him feel …………and …………
c. Buddhism a. Protected and helped
d. Hinduism b. Secure and loved
39. ……………education is not possible in India because India is c. Happy and good
the country of religions. d. None of these
a. Professional 48. …………….. Is commonly thought of as an infantile emotion,
b. Religious it appears in an intense and well-camouflaged form during
c. Aesthetic early adolescence
d. Holistic a. Greedy
b. Cunning c. Self – realization
c. Jealousy d. All of these
d. Lying 58. ……………are two aspects in all physical exercises.
a. Postures and movements
49. Adolescent should be careful about what they eat,
b. Regularity and postures
because: c. Regularity and movements
a. Proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking d. None of these
place in their body 59. Kabalapathi is a
b. Proper develops their brain a. Mind cleansing exercise
c. Adolescents feel hungry all the time b. Breathing system cleansing exercise
d. Taste buds are well developed in teenagers c. Skull cleansing exercise
d. None of these
50. The onset of puberty brings physical changes among the
60. Which of these types of exercise s best at helping you
adolescents. These changes are often accompanied
maintain strong bones?
a. Aerobics
a. Happiness
b. Weight-bearing exercise
b. Emotional tensions
c. Resistance exercise
c. Society
d. All of these
d. None of these
61. Which of the following type of exercise is anaerobic?
51. The adolescent brings a change in the habitual pattern of
a. Sprinting 100m
behavior …………………there are marked changes in the
b. Going for a steady jog
adolescent’ interest.
c. Doing a yoga class
a. Attitude
d. Going for a long bike ride
b. Personality
62. Which one of the following would be a good method of
c. Attitude and personality
exercise to improve your stamina?
d. None of these
a. Aerobics
52. …………..involves handling thoughts and feelings caused by
b. Walk
the problem.
c. Jogging
a. Problem solving
d. None of these
b. Managing emotions
63. Which one of the following is a social reason that might
c. Triggers
affect participation in physical activities?
d. None of these
a. Family
53. Which of the following step help the adolescent to
b. Equipment
effectively manage difficult emotions such as anger,
c. Weather
depression and anxiety, as well as low self-esteem?
d. Facilities
a. Recognize triggers
64. The other world for “contemplation” is:
b. Listen for your emotional mind
a. Meditation
c. Indentify automatic negative thoughts and core
b. Mediation
c. Contempt
d. All of above
d. Thoughtful
54. Traditionally, adolescence is a period of …….
65. Which asana is helpful in maintaining normal blood-
a. Storm
b. Stress
a. Shavasana
c. Storm and stress
b. Padmasana
d. Weakness
c. Sheershasana
55. ……… a form of fear that comes from imaginary rather
d. Shalbhasana
than real causes.
66. A thought may arise:
a. Jealousy 1. From the force of need,
b. Anger 2. From the force of habit,
c. Affection 3. From the force of environmental conditions,
d. Worry 4. From the force of imposition by others,
56. A meaningful education should include _______________ 5. From the force of heredity and
as a component. 6. From the force by divinity
a. Yoga a. Only 1,2,3,4
b. Meditation b. Only 3,4,5,6
c. Games c. Only 1,2,5,6
d. Moral values d. All 1,2,3,4,5,6
57. Meditation is _____________ 67. Padmasana, pawanmuktasana, bhujangasana, shalbasana
a. Solo inward journey are helpful incurring which diseases?
b. Know oneself a. Diabetes
b. Hernia 76. Under which fundamental right Child labour and Beggar is
c. Asthma prohibited?
d. Stomach diseases a. Right to equality
68. Many people with a serious illness reports significant b. Right against exploitation
levels of distress. Providing information may reduce it, c. Right to freedom of religion
however, information does not necessarily need to target d. Right to constitutional remedies
distress. Which of the following types of information may 77. Which of these is not allowed under the culture and
help? educational rights in India?
a. How to cope with diseases and/or its treatment. a. Every cultural group has the right to protect its
b. The nature of the disease and/or its treatment. language and culture.
c. How to change behavior in order to reduce risk of b. Admissions can be denied on the basis of religion and
disease or disease progression culture in government aided educational
d. All of above organizational set up by cultural groups.
69. ………………………means unifying and streamlining our c. All minority groups have the right to establish
physical and psychic functions with those of nature and educational institutions of their choice.
living with constant awareness of the consequences of our d. None of these
activities and deeds.
78. When was the universal declaration of human rights
a. Meditation
b. Yoga adopted?
c. Physical exercises a. 10 December 1945
d. None of these b. 10 December 1948
70. The risk of which of these illnesses is reduced through c. 10 November 1945
regular physical activity? d. 10 November 1948
a. Thyroid cancer 79. What does “right to equality” say about the public jobs?
b. Bowel cancer a. Jobs will be provided to all by the government
c. Stomach cancer b. Jobs will be reserved for the more meritorious
d. All of these students
71. In which year the general assembly adopted Covenant on c. All citizens will be provided with equal opportunity in
Economic, social, cultural rights? matters of employment
a. 1966 d. None of above
b. 1968 80. Which of the following is correct regarding the Indian
c. 1976 constitution?
d. 1979 a. It is completely based on British constitution.
72. Which Indian got Nobel Prize for Economics? b. It is original
a. Mother Teresa c. It is made only on the basis of government of India
b. Amarthiya Sen Act, 1935
c. C.V. Raman d. It is a mixture of several constitutions
d. Dr. Manmohan Singh 81. ………is another name of code of duties and justice in
73. The Fundamental Rights can be suspended by the: Indian tradition.
a. Parliament a. Dharma
b. President b. Constitution
c. Supreme Court c. Rights
d. President in consultation with the Supreme Court of d. Fundamental duties
India 82. …………. Is the foundation stone of Indian constitution?
74. Which Fundamental Right cannot be suspended even a. Social justice
during an emergency under Article 352 of the b. Social equality
Constitution? c. Social equity
a. Right to equality d. Democracy
b. Right to freedom of speech and expression 83. Celebration of republic day is related to which of the
c. Right to life following?
d. Right to constitutional remedies a. Adoption of constitution
75. How can the Fundamental Rights be suspended? b. Adoption of UN declaration of human rights
a. If Parliament passes a law by two-thirds majority c. Adoption and commencement of directive principals
b. If the Supreme Court orders it of state
c. If the President orders it in the time of National d. Commencement day of Indian constitution
Emergency 84. Fundamental right cultural and education is given by which
d. They can never be suspended of the following articles of Indian constitution?
a. Article 44 & 45
b. Article 15 &16 d. Gender equality and right to life and liberty
c. Article 29 & 30 93. Which of the following is formal guidance relating to child
d. Article 22 & 23 protection work?
85. Which of these statements about the relationship a. Every Child Matters (2003)
between democracy and rights is more valid? b. Child Protection: Messages from Research (1995).
a. Every country that is democracy gives rights to its c. No Secrets (2000)
citizens d. Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006)
b. Every country that gives rights to its citizens is a 94. Under the protection of harassment Act 1997, what is the
democracy minimum number of incidents needed to constitute a
c. Giving rights is good, but is not necessary for a course of conduct?
democracy a. Two
d. All of above b. Five
86. Right to privacy and belief in own religion is……. c. Eight
a. Legal right d. Ten
b. Political right 95. Domestic violence is a physical abuse by one family
c. Natural right member against another. Which two of the following are
d. Civil right most likely to be victims of such abuse?
87. The reasons for recovery of civil society are: a. Female partners/spouses and older relatives
a. Cultural b. Male partners/spouses and children
b. Social c. Female partners/ spouses and children
c. Political d. Older relatives and children
d. None of these 96. Liza believes that her adolescent client would not talk to
88. Moral power to hold (own property ) to do(education) to her if she knew that Liza was speaking to the client’s
omit (freedom from torture) or to exact something (equal parents. Therefore, Liza promises the client confidentiality
pay for equal work) is : and secretly arranges to call the client’s parents when the
a. Values client is at school. Which ethical principle is Liza violating?
b. Moral a. Autonomy
c. Rights b. Fidelity
d. Ethics c. Justice
89. The right to education, health care, food, clothing and d. All of above
shelter is: 97. The…….. Perspective combines the exploitation of women
a. Political by capitalism with patriarchy in the home in its analysis of
b. Social gender inequality.
c. Economic a. Radical feminist
d. Cultural b. Democratic feminist
90. In case of Reji Mathew, he suffered due to improper c. Socialist feminist
anesthesia which resulted in brain abnormalities. Who was d. Liberal feminist
held responsible by the national commission after looking 98. Men currently outnumber women in ……..programs.
into complaint? a. Allied health field
a. Father b. Psychology
b. Mother c. Education
c. Hospital d. Doctoral
d. Patient himself 99. Domestic violence will always prevent a child
91. …..…….. Provides that states shall take all measures to arrangements order dealing with contact being made?
eliminate discrimination against women in all matters a. True
b. False
relating to marriage and family relations.
c. May be
a. Art. 16 d. May be not
b. Art. 14 100. If you get six or more points within the years on your
c. Art. 21 current driving record because of your traffic violation,
d. Art. 19 you will be assessed a:
92. Each incident of sexual harassment of women at work a. Surcharge
places results in violation of fundamental rights of………… b. Suspension
and the……….. c. Both a and b
a. Gender equality and right to education d. None of these
b. Freedom and right to life and liberty
c. Cultural and the right to education
Answer key

1 D
2 C
3 B
4 C
5 A
6 C
7 B
8 B
9 C
10 C
11 B
12 A
13 B
14 A
15 D
16 C
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20 C
21 D
22 C
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29 B
30 B
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88 C
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92 D
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98 C
99 B
100 A
Roll No…………….. Total No. of Pages: 05
HUL-3301 – Human Rights & Values
Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100
General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Each question carry one mark
3. There is no negative marking

1) Which one of the fundamental right do article 32 13) Right to equal pay for equal work conditions of work etc
contains? comes under
(i) Right to freedom i) social rights (ii) economic
(ii) Right to elementary education iii) political rights (iv) cultural rights
(iii) Right to constitutional remedies 14) Which of these is a type of meditation?
(iv) Right to freedom of religion i) agna (ii) nityananda
2) Which of the following is not a broad form of cultural iii) shanthi iv) all of these
values? 15) Article 24 of Indian constitution provides that no child
(i)environment-oriented (ii)self-oriented below which age shall be employed in any factory or in
(iii)other-oriented (iv)object -oriented any other hazardous employment?
3) People who engage in frank and open expression of their i)13 ii) 14
feelings are considered? iii)15 (iv) 12
(i)inconsiderate (ii) assertive 16) By which amendment number secularism is added in the
(iii)aggressive (iv)rude constitution?
4) Neglect ,physical abuse and emotional abuse are specific i)42 ii) 43
types of? iii)48 iv) 50
(i) conduct disorders 17) Doing many routine chores simultaneously that enhance
(ii) maltreatment personal productivity is called:
(iii) antisocial behaviour (iv) behaviour disorders i) time management ii)perfectionism
5) Students sometimes drop out of school due to which one iii) multitasking iv)none of these
of the specific reasons? 18) A teacher can develop moral values in students by
(i) problematic home lives i) laying clear rules of behaviour
(ii) student work schedule ii) involving them in discussions of moral values
(iii) lack of parental support for education iii) by giving instructions on how to behave in a strict
(iv) all of these manner
6) Who said that ‘where there is no law there is no iv) giving importance to religious teachings
freedom’? 19) ”The present generations have a responsibility of
(i) (ii) John Locke ensuring that the needs and interests of present and
(iii)Hobbes (iv) Edward future generations are fully safeguarded”. Which article
7) Altruism means: of the declaration by UNESCO states this?
(i) hatred (ii) angry i)1 ii)2
(iii) showing love (iv) sadness iii)5 iv)6
8) People who share a common origin and a unique social 20) An ethical listener seeks out what kind of behaviour by a
and cultural heritage is known as shared: speaker?
(i)culture (ii) minority i)well-dressed ii)well –respected
(iii)authenticity (iv) attribution iii) well-mannered iv) well-informed
9) National Human Rights Commission is a: 21) Good practice according to agreed upon rules and
(i) constitutional body (ii) autonomous body standards of practice established by a profession is
(iii) extra constitutional (iv) none i) licensure ii) morality
10) Fundamental duties are adopted from: iii) philosophy iv)professional ethics
(i) Germany Constitution (ii)U.K Constitution 22) The vegetarian market includes which type of customers?
(iii)USSR Constitution (iv)USA Constitution i) adults ii) adolescents
11) On which of basis right to freedom of religion can be iii) children iv) i,ii and iii
resisted? 23) Which is one of the most basic influences on a person’s
(i)public arrangement (ii)morality needs ,desirers and behaviour?
(iii)health (iv) all of these i) culture ii) product
12) Kabalapathi is a: iii) brand iv) price
i) Skull cleaning exercise (ii)eye exercise 24) Which of the following cannot be a reason for choosing to
iii )hands exercise (iv) neck exercise become a vegetarian?
i) economics ii) moral
iii) health iv) ecological
25) When one become physically absent to see how other iv) none of these
person will respond in his absence, is engaging in 36) An act which ends in itself with no benefit to the
i) manipulation ii) bonding individual would be:
iii) separation iv) none of these i) altruistic ii) hedonic
26) The motive to do something for another’s welfare is: iii) prosocial iv) none of these
i) sympathy ii) humanity 37) In which work or sector women are over represented
iii) socialism iv) altruism because it provides a greater flexibility to meet family
27) Who shares the responsibility of unethical behaviour? responsibilities
i) speaker and listener ii) speaker only i) private sector ii) public sector
iii) listener and environment iii) semiskilled iv) contingent
iv) speaker and environment 38) Which of the following statements are not regarding the
28) Rosy found a good source for her speech on organic gender socialization?
farming. she brought the author’s scientific proof on i) daytime soap operas tend to show men in positions
earthworms into her speech this unethical? where they give orders to others, whereas women are
i) no,this is unethical because it is patchwork plagiarism shown in traditional roles
ii) yes ,this is ethical as long as rosy gives credit to the ii) more male roles are shown on television than women
author in a bibliography iii) few, if any, changes have occurred in the roles men
iii) yes ,this is ethical if rosy cites his source orally within and women play in movies
the speech iv) most social analysts agree that the media simply
iv) no,this is unethical as rosy is not an expert in organic reflect existing gender roles in society
farming. 39) History provides many examples of discrimination,
29) Which of the following is not a criminal offence under the exclusion and persecution on the basis of:
Terrorism Act 2006? i) exclusion ii) religion
i) dissemination of terrorist publications iii) law iv) caste
ii) encouragement to terrorism 40) Is India a secularism country?
iii) acts preparatory to terrorism i) yes ii) no
iv) trespassory assembly iii) may be iv) may be not
30) Separation of same religion from the state in democratic 41) Which right of consumer is violated if the consumers are
societies is because of: not allowed to get their claims settled against
i) to interrupt religious teaching manufacturer in case they are cheated?
ii) to protect the freedom of individual from their religion i) right to seek redressal ii) right to choose
iii) both i and ii iii) right to be heard iv) none of these
iv) none of the above 42) A constitution is:
31) Which one of the following is a fundamental right? i) a set of ordinary laws ii) a set of official laws
i) right to work ii) right to freedom of religion iii) a set of financial laws
iii) right to property iv)all of these iv) basic structure defining the powers of the state and
32) Which of the following statements wrt to gender the rights and duties of the citizens
socialization is true? 43) Human value is an academic behaviour through which the
i) parents play more vigorously with an infant daughter progress of:
than with an infant son i) individual is created ii) society is created
ii) gender bias is favouring men over women, but not vice iii) national understanding is created
versa iv) all of the above
iii) peer groups encourage children to have fun and to 44) Aesthetic value is related to”
engage in behaviour that is not appropriate for their own i) values in art and literature ii) values in society
gender iii) values in religion iv) values in constitution
iv) teachers are more likely to give boys more praise, 45) Being embarrassed in a business meeting is an example
criticism and suggestions than they give to girls of:
33) Gender roles refer to: i) losing face ii) being submissive
i) chromosomal differences that cause inevitable iii) poor communication management
differences in the behaviour of men and women iv) none of the above
ii) the subordination of women based on the assumption 46) Sara is going for an interview. She doesn’t believe she has
of superiority of men. any chance of securing the job and expects to behave
iii) the rights, responsibilities and relationships of women badly. She doesn’t get the job? What has happened?
and men. i) Sara was unprepared for the interview
iv) none of the above ii) Sara had bad luck on that day
34) The most common personality type in society is: iii) Sara was very self –aware
i) inner directed personality ii) modal personality iv) Sara was subject to self-fulfilling prophesy
iii) tradition-oriented iv) none of these 47) Many people with physical disability prefer to use which
35) Domestic violence is defined as: term to describe their condition?
i) any physical injury i) handicapped ii) low incidence
ii) any harm, injury to health or well being iii) severely involved iv) physically challenged
iii) any harm, injury to health, safety or well being by an
adult member of family
48) Sympathy and brotherhood comes under:
i) social values ii) religious values 64) Enduring beliefs of what is worthwhile that reflect the
iii) aesthetic values iv)professional values value holder’s worldview, culture ,or understanding of
49) Assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and the world is:
integrity of the nation is: i) ethics ii) morals
i) liberty ii) justice iii) philosophy iv) values
iii) fraternity iv) equality 65) Define morality:
50) What is the basis for virtually all societies? i) what is considered as correct within a society
i) family ii) government ii) making a right decision’s where there is a chance to do
iii) religion iv) workplace wrong
51) Respecting others means: iii) defining what is right or wrong for an individual r
i) a way to express our feelings for them community
ii) a way of communication which build strong relations iv) where individuals have a conscious choice to make a
iii) you are degrading yourself right decision
iv) i and ii are true 66) Social structures are:
52) Justice is a: i) tenets with a shared meaning in a culture that are held
i) social value ii) moral value to be true
iii) professional value iv) aesthetic value ii) those aspects of a culture that are held in high regard
53) The benefits of personal development can be: are desirable.
i) social ii) personal iii) principles of right and wrong actions and rules and
ii) academic iv) all of the above laws that govern good or bad behaviour
54) What best describes an amoral attitude? iv) methods of placing people in social strata.
i) being blind or indifferent to moral questions 67) Which values do you think are disturbing the balance of
ii) stating ‘business is business’ ,and joining in. country?
iii) relying on others to report malefactors i) gender ii) occupation
iv) turning a blind eye to suspected illegal practices iii) marriage iv) nationalism : secularism
55) A family is defined as: 68) Which state has the highest rate of female foeticide?
i) a traditional household i) kerala ii) Kolkata
ii) a husband, wife and a child iii) a civil union iii) Punjab iv) Gujarat
iv) people having a shared history and future and who 69) Which of the following are characteristics of child abusing
share a common residence parent?
56) A relationship may be strengthened by: i) a parent who was abused as a child
i) relatives ii) negativity ii) a parent who is under financial stress
iii) withdrawal iv) similar beliefs iii) a parent who spends most of the time with child
57) Nira’s job at a major manufacturer of consumer goods is iv) all of the above
to learn as much as possible about knowledge ,beliefs, 70) Which of the following characteristics are typical of an
morals and customs acquired by humans in a country in abuser?
which her company needs to expand. Her job is then to i) jealousy ii) low self esteem
understand a country’s: ii) insecurity iv) all of the above
i ) culture ii) society 71) In which year India ratified International Convenant n
iii) economics iv) government economic, social and cultural rights?
58) Who is competent to amend fundamental Rights? i) 1966 ii) 1968
i) President ii) Supreme Court iii) 1976 iv) 1979
iii) Lok Sabha iv) Parliament 72) Which of the following is a cultural factor that affects
59) Learning life education without going to school is: consumer behaviour and marketing strategy?
i) cultural education ii) socialism i) demographics ii) values
iii) productive iv) spiritual iii) language iv) all of the above
60) Right to participate in government and equal opportunity 73) Which of the following is incorrect?
to occupy the highest office by qualification gives the a) the fundamental rights granted by the Indian
citizens: Constitution are absolute
i) national liberty ii) political liberty b) the fundamental rights of the Indian citizens are non-
iii) natural liberty iv) social liberty justiciable
61) In which article right to equality comes? c) the fundamental rights of the Indian citizens are
i) 14-17 ii) 19-21 justiciable
iii) 23-24 iv) 28-29 d) the fundamental rights of the Indian citizens protect
62) Which article of the constitution envisages free and them against tyranny of majority codes
compulsory education for children upto the age of 14 yrs? i) a,b,c ii) b,c,d
i) 19 ii) 31 iii) a,c,d iv) a,b,d
ii) 32 iv) 45 74) Consider the following statements:
63) The constitution guarantees equality before law .it is a) human rights are contained in United Nations Universal
provided in: Declaration of human rights 1948.
i) article 11 iii) article 12 b) natural rights are universal rights which are inherent in
iii) article 13 iv) article 14 every human being as a part of nature.
Which of the above are correct? c) the remedies of the protection of fundamental rights
i) a ii) b are very expensive and beyond the capacity of ordinary
iii)both iv) none citizens
75) According to act 28,which type of education is resisted in d)the rights are hegded with so many restrictions and
educational institution? limitations that they virtually became ineffective codes
i) education of specific religion i) a,b,c ii) a,b,d
ii) navy education iii) a,c,d iv) b,c,d
ii) moral education iv) sex education 84) Consider the following statements:
76) Which of the following is true: a) civil rights are the rights that a citizen of a country
i) a state is against all religions enjoy and are conferred by the constitution or the law of
ii) state accept only one religion the country
iii) state will not give any special concernwith any religion b) human rights can only be demolished at the time of
iv) none of these national emergency
77) Consumers have the right to be protected against any i) a ii) b
danger caused by goods like electrical goods and pressure iii) both of these iv) none of these
cookers. The right referred here is: 85) Physical abuse is a manifestation of domestic violence on
i) right to seek redressal ii) right to be heard women
iii) right to safety i) true ii) false
iv)right to consumer education iii) may be iv) may be not
78) Sheena is dyana’s supervisor. Sheena is aware that Dyna 86) Social abuse is a manifestation of domestic violence on
is struggling at home due to illness of her partner. Dyna women
has no official leave left.sheena negotiates extended i) true ii) false
deadlines on projects ,a s well as allowing dyna flexible iii) may be iv) may be not
work hours andan ability to work from home. What is 87) According to whom ‘democracy is the way of life and a
Sheena demonstrating towards Dyna? more political arrangement. It is based on equal freedom
i) Sympathy ii) empathy and equal rights for all its members regardless of race,
iii) good skills iv) none of these religion, occupation or economic status’?
79) Article 25 defines: i) Dr. Radhakrishnan Commission Report
i) freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and ii) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
propagation of religion iii) Mahatma Gandhi iv) Jawahar Lal Nehru
ii) right to education 88) Which of the following is not a cultural factor that affects
iii) abolition of untouchability consumer behaviour and marketing strategy?
iv) equality before law i) demographics ii) language
80) Our emotional reactions to others are an important iii) exchange rates iv) values
source of helping behaviours. Which of the following are 89) Which of the following rights are available to foreigners in
sources of helping behaviours? India?
i) self-esteem ii) empathy a) right to education b) right to information
iii) sympathy iv) ii,iii i) a ii) b
81) Who can be the chairperson of National Human Rights iii) both of these iv) none of these
Commission? 90) Right to freedom is described in:
i) chief justice of supreme court i) article 14-17 ii) article 19-21
ii) judge of supreme court iii) article 23-24 iv) article 25-28
iii) chief justice of high court 91) Which right is described under article 23-24?
v) member of lok sabha i) right to safety ii) right to freedom
82) Which of the following are not included in the right to iii) right against exploitation iv) right to equality
freedom of religion in the Indian Constitution? 92) Sanya was upset when Tanya stole some candy, but did
a) freedom of conscience and the right to practise and not care when Ramya put her elbows on the dinner table
propagate religion when she was told not to. what might explain her
b) levying of taxes or use of funds of the government different reactions?
c) establishment and maintenance of religion and i) stealing is a personal rule and putting elbows on the
charitable institutions dinner table is a conventional rule.
d) imparting of religious instructions in any government ii) stealing is a conventional rule and putting elbows on
institution the dinner table is a personal rule.
i) a,b ii) a,b,c iii) stealing is a moral rule and putting elbows on the
iii) a,c,d iv) b,d dinner table is a conventional rule.
83) Which of the following are the points to criticism against iv) stealing is a moral rule and putting elbows on the
to fundamental rights? dinner table is a personal rule.
a) the economic and social rights do not find any chapter 93) Beginning at the age 0f 3,children are able to discern
on fundamental rights between moral values, conventional rules and personal
b) the fundamental rights are almost absolute and attach rules. which of the following is not an example of these
too much importance to the interest of the individual types of rules?
i) elder women are addressed as auntie
ii) bedtime is at7:30
iii) stealing from others is wrong
iv) chocolate is good
94) Employers have to provide a safe and healthy place for:
i) employees only ii) workers only
iii) employees and workers only
iv) employees, workers and self employed persons
95) A teacher never gives answers to questions herself, she
encourages her students to suggest answers and
collaborative learning. This approach is based on the
learning of:
i) proper organization of learning material
ii) setting a good example and being a role model
iii) readiness to learn
iv) active participation
96) What does unity in diversity exactly means?
(i) single family (ii) living together with differences
(iii) a place for everyone
(iv) living together with respect to every one’s recognized
dignified practices
97) What is advocated by ethical values?
(i) social system (ii) compassionate living
(iii) devotional living (iv) rule making
98) What is the main aim of human rights?
(i) to teach morals and ethics
(ii) to develop friendly relations
(iii) to make people sensible
(iv) to establish peace. Security and one world
99) Natural duties will bind to whom?
(i ) men (ii) women
(iii) children (iv) all of us
100. Values model is part of which of the basic concept?
(i) dignity (ii) human rights education
(iii) liberty (iv) justice
Answer Key of Human Rights and Values 30.i

1.iii 31.iv

2.iv 32.iv

3.ii 33.iii

4.ii 34.ii

5.iv 35.iii

6.ii 36.iii

7.iii 37.iv

8.iv 38.iv

9.i 39.ii

10.iii 40.i

11.iv 41.i

12.i 42.iv

13.i 43.iv

14.iv 44.i

15.ii 45.i

16.i 46.iv

17.iii 47.iv

18.ii 48.i

19.i 49.iii

20.iv 50.i

21.iv 51.iv

22.iv 52.i

23.i 53.iv

24.ii 54.i

25.iii 55.iv

26.iv 56.iv

27.i 57.i

28.iii 58.iv

29.iv 59.i
60.ii 90.ii

61.i 91.iii

62.iv 92.i

63.iv 93.iv

64.iv 94.iv

65.iii 95.iv

66.iii 96.iv

67.i 97.i

68.i 98.iv

69.iv 99.iv

70.iv 100.ii



















Roll No…………….. Total No. of Pages: 06

Bachelor of Business Admn/Bachelor of Commerce


Time allowed: 03 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Each questions carry one mark
3. There is no negative marking

1. Values & beliefs have much commonality between b. Swami Vivekanand

the two: c. Dr. William Osler
a. These are the same things with a different d. Dr Thomas Carlyle.
name. 7. Three words describing laws of Attraction as given in
b. Belief is internal feeling, while values are the movie “The Secret” were:
exhibited through behaviour. a. Thoughts become things.
c. Belief is external, while values are internal. b. Thoughts can attract thoughts.
d. Both are opposite to each other. c. Like thoughts attract opposing thoughts.
2. Four aspects of the mind are: d. Things become action.
a. Mind, brain, feeling and self pride. 8. Dr. Gawande (1994) had given the following types of
b. Manas, buddhi, feelings and self knowldge human values:
c. Manas, intellect, feeelings and ahamkar a. Human value and human behavior.
d. Manas, buddhi, chitt and ahamkar b. National or constitutional value and
constitutional rules.
3. Being both physically and intellectually challenged c. Social value rules about society.
means: d. All of above.
a. Inability to guess correct words. 9. Steve jobs founded two companies after he was
b. Learning disability. removed from Apple. These were:
c. Lesser physical mobility or restriction and a. Mac and iPad.
being mentally challenged. b. Pixar and Cartoon network.
d. Lesser physical and mental mobility. c. NeXT and Applet.
4. The divine core of our personality is covered with d. NeXT and Pixar.
following five dimensions: 10. How many years Dashrath Manjhi took to build the
a. Physical, energy, mental, blissful and road through the mountain:
intellectual dimensions. a. 10
b. Energy, mind, blissful and intellectual b. 22
dimensions. c. 26
c. Energy, mental, peaceful and intellectual d. 30
dimensions. 11. How many years Dashrath Manjhi took to build the
d. Physical, energy, mental, blissful and road through the mountain:
growth dimensions. a. 10
5. Magical words “The remedy for weakness is not b. 22
brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength c. 26
that is already within them” were spoken by: d. 30
a. Gandhiji. 12. Personality is a brand image made of three aspects:
b. Swami Vivekanand a. Attitude, values and aspirations.
c. Dr. William Osler b. Values, behavior and habits.
6. Dr Thomas Carlyle. Magical words “The remedy for c. Character, behaviour and attitude.
weakness is not brooding over weakness, but d. Attitude, character and communication.
thinking of strength that is already within them” 13. Personality determinants are:
were spoken by: a. Heredity, situation and environment.
a. MK Gandhi. b. Environment, surroundings and nationality.
c. Culture, situation and heredity. d. Principle of non derogation.
d. Heredity, environment and grooming. 23. The International Criminal Court is based in:
14. Three most important facets of personality checked a. Hague.
by corporate these days are: b. Geneva.
a. Team work, determination and c. New York.
communication skills. d. Paris.
b. Creative problem solving, dress sense and 24. The convention on the rights of the child came into
communication skills. force on:
c. Team work, creative problem solving and a. Sep 12, 1991.
communication skills. b. Mar 25, 1990.
d. Team work, creative problem solving and c. Sep 20, 1996.
dress sense. d. Sep 2, 1990.
15. Personality develops through following essentials: 25. The Appointment Committee for the Chief of
a. Seek positives only national Human rights Commission is headed by:
b. Willing for change a. Chief Justice of India.
c. Continuous learning b. Prime Minister.
d. All of above. c. President.
16. Energy dimension of personality is reflected in: 26. Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition. The rights
a. Digestion of food, circulation of blood, that all people have by virtue of being human beings
respiration. are called:
b. Thinking, feeling and emotions. a. Natural laws.
c. Discrimination and will power. b. Human rights.
d. Body and senses. c. Natural rights.
17. Management of stress involves: d. People rights.
a. Management of time. 27. The Indian constitution under Art. 24 provides that
b. Management of intellectual work. no child below the age of ……. years shall be
c. Management of body metabolism. employed in any factory or mine:
d. Management of prevailing situation. a. 21
18. “Life without limit” is a book written by: b. 12.
a. CK Prahalad. c. 16.
b. Nick Vujocic. d. 14.
c. Chetan Bhagat. 28. The Sikh Guru who codified and recognized that all
d. Philip Kotler. the human races are one was:
a. Guru Nanak Dev.
19. If a person was insecurely attached in infancy, in b. Guru Arjan Dev.
adolescence he/she is likely to become: c. Guru Teg Bahadar.
a. Independent and careful. d. Guru Gobind Singh.
b. Independent and diligent. 29. The first recorded human rights go back to
c. Dependent and careful. Babylonian period and were given by…….who set his
d. Dependent and jealous. prisoners free:
20. The mood swings in adolescents are caused mainly a. King Cyrus.
due to: b. King Darius.
a. Growth in height. c. King Alexander.
b. Parental disapproval. d. King Nero.
c. Hormonal changes. 30. “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains”
21. Chairman of National Human Rights Commission is was proclaimed by:
supposed to be: a. Chinese philosopher Hsun-tzu.
a. Former Justice of Supreme Court. b. German philosopher Maxwell.
b. Former Chief Justice of Supreme Court. c. French philosopher Jean-Jacques
c. Retired Chief Justice of High Court. Rousseau.
d. Any senior advocate. 31. Axelrod experiment was to find a solution to:
22. The laws laying down that incidental loss of civilian a. Defect behavior & solution to it.
life or damage to civilian objects must not be b. Obtaining insight to games people play
excessive compared to the concrete and direct c. A motor vehicle accident enquiry.
military advantage anticipated, is called: d. Finding out the torque of an axle with
a. Principle of arbitration. maximum weight.
b. Principle of equality. 32. Fundamental rights are included under Chapter….of
c. Principle of proportionality. Indian constitution:
a. III. d. Fundamental duties.
b. IV.
c. II. 40. Visible part of our nature & character is:
d. IVa. a. Values.
33. “An eye for eye will make the world blind” was said b. Behaviour.
by: c. Beliefs.
a. Martin Luther King. d. Thoughts.
b. Abraham Lincoln. 41. Kipling had six honest ‘serving men’ who developed
c. MK Gandhi. the writer in him. These were:
d. Nelson Mandela. a. What and whose and want and how and
34. The roots for the protection of the rights of man may where and whom
be traced as far back as in the: b. What and why and whenever and how and
a. New Testament period. where and want
b. Shingo community. c. What and want and whenever and
c. Indus valley. wherever and where and Who
d. Babylonian laws. d. What and why and when and how and
35. The United Nations Charter was signed by 51 nations where and who
on: 42. Differences in Focus, foundation and aspirational
a. 26 June 1945 values depend on:
b. 26 Nov 1949. a. Focus-basic needs, foundation-daily needs,
c. 10 Dec 1948. and aspirational- goals.
d. 24 Oct 1945. b. Focus-daily needs, foundation-basic needs,
36. The four freedoms declared in the speech of and aspirational- past goals.
Roosevelt were: c. Focus-basic needs, foundation-future goals,
a. Freedom from hate, speech, racism and and aspirational-past goals.
fear d. Focus-daily needs, foundation- past needs,
b. Freedom from want, race, religion and fear and aspirational- goals.
c. F 43. Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham designed Johari
reedom from want, speech, religion and Window to:
fear. a. To understand psychology of participants.
d. F b. To enable a person understand oneself.
reedom from hunger, speech, religion and c. To help people better understand their
fear relationship with self and others.
37. Important parts of International Bill of human rights d. To enable experiment before
are: psychotherapy.
a. Universal declaration, Covenant of civil & 44. Visible part of our nature and character is:
political rights and Covenant on economic, a. Values
social & cultural rights. b. Behaviour
b. Universal declaration, Geneva conventions c. Beliefs
and covenant on economic, social and d. Thoughts
cultural rights. 45. ABC of self denotes:
c. Universal declaration, Hague Conventions a. Alter ego, benchmarking and creativity.
and covenant on economic, social and b. Affect, behavior and cognition.
cultural rights. c. Affection, behavior and clarity.
d. Universal declaration, Hague conventions d. Affect, behavior and cognition.
and Geneva Conventions. 46. Self-Concept is:
38. The United Nations came into existence after a. The sum total of beliefs that people have
ratification by permanent five on: about themselves.
a. 26 June 1945 b. Conceptual basis of oneself.
b. 26 Nov 1949. c. Perception of self through others.
c. 10 Dec 1948. d. Knowledge of others
d. 24 Oct 1945. 47. Axelrod experiment was to find a solution to:
39. Most of the Civil and Political rights as per the a. Defect behaviour and solution to it.
universal Declaration of Human Rights are a part of b. Obtaining insight to games people play.
Indian constitution under: c. A motor vehicle accident enquiry.
a. Fundamental rights. d. Finding out the torque of an axle with
b. Directive principles. maximum weight.
c. Constitutional rights. e. Equity, liberty, equality and fraternity.
48. Nature of India described by our constitution is : d. Adjusted human behaviour which is
a. Sovereign and Socialist, conductive to the development of himself,
b. Secular, Democratic and Republic society, and nation.
c. All of the above. 57. Moral education is a:
d. Only b of the above. a. Part of ethical grooming.
b. Constituent of education.
49. Four core values enshrined in preamble of our c. Part of overall literacy.
constitution are: d. Constituent of value education.
a. Justice, socialism, equality and fraternity. 58. “The prosperity of a country depends not on the
b. Justice, liberty, secularism and fraternity. abundance of its revenues, not on the strength of its
c. Justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public
d. Justice, socialism, secularism and fraternity. buildings; but on its cultivated citizens, in its men of
50. Emotional intelligence is defined as: education, enlightenment and character.” Who said
a. The ability to understand and manage one’s it?
own moods and emotions. a. MK Gandhi.
b. The ability to understand and manage b. Martin Luther King.
moods and emotions of other people. c. Abraham Lincoln.
c.The ability to understand and manage one’s d. Nelson Mandela.
own moods and emotions and the moods and 59. Human values are formed with:
emotions of other people. a. Truthfulness, constructivity, sacrifice,
sincerity and self-control.
51. Crow. The moral lessons of story of Turkey and bull b. Truthfulness, sacrifice, sincerity and self-
was: control.
a. Bullshit can take you to the top. c. Truthfulness, constructivity, sincerity and
b. Bullshit might get you to the top, but it self-control.
won't keep you there. d. Truthfulness, sincerity and self-control.
c. Bullshit can take you to the top, but you 60. Aesthetic values consist of:
have to work hard. a. Understanding of fine arts, and literature.
d. Bullshit is not needed to reach the top. b. Understanding of literature and sciences.
52. The value based curriculum was prepared by: c. Understanding of sciences and fine arts.
a. National Education Policy of 1989. d. Understanding of literature and sciences
b. National Education Policy of 1986.
c. National Education Policy of 2006. 61. Indian philosopher Chankya. After the World War II
d. National Education Policy of 2012. and birth of the UN, the world was divided into three
53. Personal values that most of us find important in our major groups, which were:
day-to-day life lay the foundations of: a. Developed, developing and emerging
a. Traditions and norms. worlds.
b. Laws to be followed. b. First, second and third worlds.
c. Social customs and tradition. c. Both of these.
d. Law, custom and tradition. d. None of these.
54. Holistic education aims to: 62. The chairperson and the members of the National
a. Call forth from people an intrinsic reverence Human Rights Commission are appointed by the
for life. President and hold office for a period of:
b. Passionate love of learning. a. Five years.
c. Both of above. b. Three years.
d. None of above. c. Ten years.
d. Four years.
55. Main aim of education is to acquire: 63. National Human Rights Commission has the
a. Knowledge, skills and attitude. following members besides the Chiarman:
b. Knowledge, jobs and entrepreneurship. a. 8.
c. Jobs and entrepreneurship. b. 10.
d. Skills and entrepreneurship. c. 12.
56. Value is defined by Roketch as: d. 5.
a. Conception of desirable and not something 64. In 1997 the Declaration on the Responsibilities of
desired. the Present Generation Towards the Future
b. standards and principles for judging worth Generation was adopted by:
c. Enduring beliefs, mode of conduct or end a. UN Security Council.
state of existence along with importance. b. UNDP.
d. UNOCHR. a. Break up with boy/girl-friend.
65. Present United Nations Commissioner for Human b. Increased arguments with parents.
Rights is: c. Trouble with brother or sister.
a. Ms Navi Pillai. d. Increased arguments between parents.
b. Mr. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein 75. Repression as a defence mechanism of
c. Mr Ban ki Moon. adolescent’s methods of reducing anxiety is:
66. Mr Zafrullah Khan. Civil and political rights covered a. Increases such thoughts.
under Universal Declaration fall under Articles: b. Repress others’ feelings.
a. 2 to 21. c. Banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts and
b. 22 to 56. feelings.
c. 2 to 56. 76. Transfer own blame on others. Warning signs of
d. 22 to 76. substance abuse are:
67. Many rights such as right to ‘life’ or right against a. Frequent absenteeism
‘torture’ can never be suspended and thus are b. Unusual behaviors
called: c. Slurred speech
a. Non-derogable rights. d. All of above.
b. Non-negotiable rights. 77. Ethics involves learning:
c. Basic rights. a. What is right, and then doing the right thing :
d. Basic natural rights. b. What is right, and then avoiding doing the
68. Acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole wrong thing :
or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious c. What is right or wrong, and then doing the
group: right thing :
a. Terrorism. d. What is wrong, and then doing the right thing
b. Wanton homicide. :
c. Racial discrimination. 78. As per Stephen Covey, first three habits for moving
d. Genocide. from dependence to independence stage are:
69. Basic constitution of the UNO is contained in: a. Be proactive, first thing first and end in mind.
a. UN Security council. b. Think win-win, understand and synergize.
b. The UN Assembly charter. c. Both a and b .
c. The UN charter. d. None of these two.
d. The UN constitution. 79. As per Stephen Covey the 8th habit to be cultivated is:
70. The International Humanitarian laws are made of: a. Physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual
a. Human rights and Geneva conventions. habits as the core of 8th habit.
b. Geneva conventions and Hague b. Physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual
conventions. intelligences as prime habits.
c. Hague conventions and human rights. c. Use four intelligences - physical, intellectual,
d. All of above. emotional and spiritual to inspire others.
d. Not to abuse four intelligences - physical,
71. Social stigma. Adolescent age looks for: intellectual, emotional and spiritual..
a. Personal identity. 80. The bird in the video clip of respect your parents
b. Peer groups. was:
c. Parental support. a. Sparrow.
d. Family support. b. Parrot.
72. What element of stress is more harmful: c. Hummingbird.
a. Stress giving person or element. 81. Most of the Civil and Political rights as per the
b. Our reaction to it. universal Declaration of Human Rights are a part of
c. Our non reaction to it. Indian constitution under:
d. None of the above. a. Fundamental rights.
73. Dysthymia is: b. Directive principles.
a. Chronic mild depression and occurs when a c. Constitutional rights.
person feels a little down most of the time for a d. Fundamental duties.
year or more. 82. Who said that “Wealth without work; pleasure
b. Depression when a person is occasionally without conscience; knowledge without character;
depressed. commerce without morality; science without humanity;
c. Mild depression takes a person to the religion without sacrifice; and politics without principle
extreme of behaviour. will lead to sinful acts disturbing peace and happiness”?
d. None of the above. a. MK Gandhi.
74. The topmost common causes and response to b. Martin Luther King.
emotional stress in adolescents was:
c. Abraham Lincoln. a. The ability to understand and manage one’s
d. Nelson Mandela. own moods and emotions.
83. UNDR civil and political right “Everyone has the right b. The ability to understand and manage moods
to life, liberty and security of person.(Art.3)” is covered and emotions of other people.
under the Indian Constitutional Article Number: c. The ability to understand and manage one’s
a. Article 21. own moods and emotions and the moods and
b. Article 14. emotions of other people.
c. Article 15. d. The ability to understand one’s own moods
d. Article 16. and emotions of other people.
84. In 1990, the United Nation’s Economic and Social 92. Dream Education of the Future will rely on the
Council had endorsed a target of ……… per cent women following:
in decision-making positions in the world by 1995: a. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online
a. 30. education, green education and ethics.
b. 25. b. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online
c. 10. education, green education and ethics, moral &
d. 50. humanity, and end of theory or classroom
85. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human learning.
rights (UDHR) came into existence on: c. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online
a. 26 June 1945 education, green education and ethics, morality
b. 26 Nov 1949. & humanity.
c. 10 Dec 1948. d. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online
86. 24 Oct 1945. The Convention of the Rights of the education, green education and ethics & moral
Child entered into force in: education.
a. 1995. 93. Distinction between Value Education and Moral
b. 1990. Education is:
c. 1948. a. Moral education is a constituent of value
d. 1966. education.
87. Panchayats and municipalities in India are required to b. Value education is developmental moral
give.…..percentage reservation for women education is static.
representation: c. Value education is scientifically based.
a. 15%. d. All of above.
b. 50%. 94. Essential qualities for personality development
c. 25%. include:
d. 33%. a. Faith in oneself, positive thoughts, attitude
88. Vishakha & others Vs State of Rajasthan case was towards failures, self-reliance and selfless
important as Supreme Court : service.
a. Made it mandatory to frame sexual b. Positive thoughts, attitude towards failures,
harassment guidelines. self-reliance and selfless service.
b. Punished accused in this case. c. Positive thoughts, attitude towards failures,
c. Asked Govt. of Rajasthan for identifying the self-reliance and community service.
guilty. d. Faith in oneself, pleasant thoughts, attitude
d. None of the above was directed by the towards failures, self-reliance and community
Supreme Court. service.
89. International Bill of Women Rights (CEDAW) has been 95. Secularism implies:
ratified by….number of countries: a. Being non-religious.
a. 176. b. Treating all religions equal and same respect.
b. 193. c. Freedom from traditional rituals.
c. 186. 96. Adhering to time tested rituals. National Knowledge
d. 180. Commission in 2009 to reform India’s education system
90. Geneva Conventions are made of ……clauses: was headed by:
a. Four. a. Prof. Yashpal.
b. Three. b. Mr Nandan Nilekni.
c. Six. c. Mr Sam Pitroda.
d. Five. d. Mr Kapil Sibal.
91. The ability to understand one’s own moods and 97. As per Roketch, definition of value is:
emotions of other people. Emotional intelligence is a. Belief, a specific mode of conduct or existence
defined as: along with self importance.
b. Belief, a specific mode of conduct along with 99. Eternal values are those values which are:
own importance. a. Those values that have respected throughout
c. Enduring belief or end state of existence along modern age.
with importance. b. Those values that used to be respected
d. Enduring beliefs, a specific mode of conduct throughout all ages and places.
or end state of existence along with importance. c. Those values that have been and still are
98. As per Chilana (1987), Indian values are defined as: respected throughout all ages and places.
a. Kind heartedness, self control, universal d. Those values that have been respected
brotherhood, honesty, respect of others’ faiths. throughout all ages and places.
b. Kind heartedness, brotherhood, truthfulness,
respect of others’ faiths. 100. Aesthetic values define:
c. Kind mind, self control, universal a. Individual taste in arts and literature.
brotherhood, honesty, respect to others. b. Individual interest in worldly affairs.
d. Truthfulness, self control, universal c. Individual understanding of human behavior.
brotherhood, honesty, respect of others’ faith. d. None of the above
Roll No…………….. Total No. of Pages: 06

Time allowed: 03 Hrs Max. Marks: 100

General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory
2. Each questions carry one mark
3. There is no negative marking

1. Kipling had six honest ‘serving men’ who d. Finding out the torque of an axle with
developed the writer in him. These were: maximum weight.
a. What and whose and want and how and e. Equity, liberty, equality and fraternity.
where and whom 8. Nature of India described by our constitution is :
b. What and why and whenever and how a. Sovereign and Socialist,
and where and want b. Secular, Democratic and Republic
c. What and want and whenever and c. All of the above.
wherever and where and Who d. Only b of the above.
d. What and why and when and how and
where and who 9. Four core values enshrined in preamble of our
2. Differences in Focus, foundation and aspirational constitution are:
values depend on: a. Justice, socialism, equality and fraternity.
a. Focus-basic needs, foundation-daily b. Justice, liberty, secularism and fraternity.
needs, and aspirational- goals. c. Justice, liberty, equality and fraternity.
b. Focus-daily needs, foundation-basic d. Justice, socialism, secularism and
needs, and aspirational- past goals. fraternity.
c. Focus-basic needs, foundation-future 10. Emotional intelligence is defined as:
goals, and aspirational-past goals. a. The ability to understand and manage
d. Focus-daily needs, foundation- past one’s own moods and emotions.
needs, and aspirational- goals. b. The ability to understand and manage
3. Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham designed moods and emotions of other people.
Johari Window to: c. The ability to understand and manage
a. To understand psychology of participants. one’s own moods and emotions and the
b. To enable a person understand oneself. moods and emotions of other people.
c. To help people better understand their 11. The ability to understand one’s own moods and
relationship with self and others. emotions of other people.Emotional intelligence is
d. To enable experiment before defined as:
psychotherapy. a. The ability to understand and manage
4. Visible part of our nature and character is: one’s own moods and emotions.
a. Values b. The ability to understand and manage
b. Behaviour moods and emotions of other people.
c. Beliefs c. The ability to understand and manage
d. Thoughts one’s own moods and emotions and the
5. ABC of self denotes: moods and emotions of other people.
a. Alter ego, benchmarking and creativity. d. The ability to understand one’s own
b. Affect, behavior and cognition. moods and emotions of other people.
c. Affection, behavior and clarity. 12. Dream Education of the Future will rely on the
d. Affect, behavior and cognition. following:
6. Self-Concept is: a. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online
a. The sum total of beliefs that people have education, green education and ethics.
about themselves. b. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online
b. Conceptual basis of oneself. education, green education and ethics,
c. Perception of self through others. moral & humanity, and end of theory or
d. Knowledge of others classroom learning.
7. Axelrod experiment was to find a solution to: c. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online
a. Defect behaviour and solution to it. education, green education and ethics,
b. Obtaining insight to games people play. morality & humanity.
c. A motor vehicle accident enquiry.
d. Creativity & thinking as a skill, online c. Those values that have been and still are
education, green education and ethics & respected throughout all ages and places.
moral education. d. Those values that have been respected
13. Distinction between Value Education and Moral throughout all ages and places.
Education is: 20. Aesthetic values define:
a. Moral education is a constituent of value a. Individual taste in arts and literature.
education. b. Individual interest in worldly affairs.
b. Value education is developmental moral c. Individual understanding of human
education is static. behavior.
c. Value education is scientifically based. d. None of the above
d. All of above. 21. Values & beliefs have much commonality between
14. Essential qualities for personality development the two:
include: a. These are the same things with a different
a. Faith in oneself, positive thoughts, name.
attitude towards failures, self-reliance b. Belief is internal feeling, while values are
and selfless service. exhibited through behaviour.
b. Positive thoughts, attitude towards c. Belief is external, while values are
failures, self-reliance and selfless service. internal.
c. Positive thoughts, attitude towards d. Both are opposite to each other.
failures, self-reliance and community 22. Four aspects of the mind are:
service. a. Mind, brain, feeling and self pride.
d. Faith in oneself, pleasant thoughts, b. Manas, buddhi, feelings and self
attitude towards failures, self-reliance knowldge
and community service. c. Manas, intellect, feeelingsand ahamkar
15. Secularism implies: d. Manas, buddhi, chittand ahamkar
a. Being non-religious.
b. Treating all religions equal and same 23. Being both physically and intellectually challenged
respect. means:
c. Freedom from traditional rituals. a. Inability to guess correct words.
16. Adhering to time tested rituals.National b. Learning disability.
Knowledge Commission in 2009 to reform India’s c. Lesser physical mobility or restriction and
education system was headed by: being mentally challenged.
a. Prof. Yashpal. d. Lesser physical and mental mobility.
b. MrNandanNilekni. 24. The divine core of our personality is covered with
c. Mr Sam Pitroda. following five dimensions:
d. MrKapilSibal. a. Physical, energy, mental, blissful and
17. As per Roketch, definition of value is: intellectual dimensions.
a. Belief, a specific mode of conduct or b. Energy, mind, blissful and intellectual
existence along with self importance. dimensions.
b. Belief, a specific mode of conduct along c. Energy, mental, peaceful and intellectual
with own importance. dimensions.
c. Enduring belief or end state of existence d. Physical, energy, mental, blissful and
along with importance. growth dimensions.
d. Enduring beliefs, a specific mode of 25. Magical words “The remedy for weakness is not
conduct or end state of existence along brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength
with importance. that is already within them” were spoken by:
18. As per Chilana (1987), Indian values are defined as: a. Gandhiji.
a. Kind heartedness, self control, universal b. Swami Vivekanand
brotherhood, honesty, respect of others’ c. Dr. William Osler
faiths. 26. Dr Thomas Carlyle. Magical words “The remedy for
b. Kind heartedness, brotherhood, weakness is not brooding over weakness, but
truthfulness, respect of others’ faiths. thinking of strength that is already within them”
c. Kind mind, self control, universal were spoken by:
brotherhood, honesty, respect to others. a. MK Gandhi.
d. Truthfulness, self control, universal b. Swami Vivekanand
brotherhood, honesty, respect of others’ c. Dr. William Osler
faith. d. Dr Thomas Carlyle.
19. Eternal values are those values which are: 27. Three words describing laws of Attraction as given
a. Those values that have respected in the movie “The Secret” were:
throughout modern age. a. Thoughts become things.
b. Those values that used to be respected b. Thoughts can attract thoughts.
throughout all ages and places. c. Like thoughts attract opposing thoughts.
d. Things become action.
28. Dr. Gawande (1994) had given the following types 38. “Life without limit” is a book written by:
of human values: a. CK Prahalad.
a. Human value and human behavior. b. Nick Vujocic.
b. National or constitutional value and c. ChetanBhagat.
constitutional rules. d. Philip Kotler.
c. Social value rules about society.
d. All of above. 39. If a person was insecurely attached in infancy, in
29. Steve jobs founded two companies after he was adolescence he/she is likely to become:
removed from Apple. These were: a. Independent and careful.
a. Mac and iPad. b. Independent and diligent.
b. Pixar and Cartoon network. c. Dependent and careful.
c. NeXT and Applet. d. Dependent and jealous.
d. NeXT and Pixar. 40. The mood swings in adolescents are caused mainly
30. How many years DashrathManjhi took to build the due to:
road through the mountain: a. Growth in height.
a. 10 b. Parental disapproval.
b. 22 c. Harmonal changes.
c. 26 41. Social stigma.Adolescent age looks for:
d. 30 a. Personal identity.
31. How many years DashrathManjhi took to build the b. Peer groups.
road through the mountain: c. Parental support.
a. 10 d. Family support.
b. 22 42. What element of stress is more harmful:
c. 26 a. Stress giving person or element.
d. 30 b. Our reaction to it.
32. Personality is a brand image made of three c. Our non reaction to it.
aspects: d. None of the above.
a. Attitude, values and aspirations. 43. Dysthymia is:
b. Values, behavior and habits. a. Chronic mild depression and occurs when
c. Character, behaviour and attitude. a person feels a little down most of the
d. Attitude, character and communication. time for a year or more.
33. Personality determinants are: b. Depression when a person is occasionally
a. Heredity, situation and environment. depressed.
b. Environment, surroundings and c. Mild depression takes a person to the
nationality. extreme of behaviour.
c. Culture, situation and heredity. d. None of the above.
d. Heredity, environment and grooming. 44. The topmost common causes and response to
34. Three most important facets of personality emotional stress in adolescents was:
checked by corporate these days are: a. Break up with boy/girl-friend.
a. Team work, determination and b. Increased arguments with parents.
communication skills. c. Trouble with brother or sister.
b. Creative problem solving, dress sense and d. Increased arguments between parents.
communication skills. 45. Repression as a defence mechanism of
c. Team work, creative problem solving and adolescent’smethods of reducing anxiety is:
communication skills. a. Increases such thoughts.
d. Team work, creative problem solving and b. Repress others’ feelings.
dress sense. c. Banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts and
35. Personality develops through following essentials: feelings.
a. Seek positives only 46. Transfer own blame on others. Warning signs of
b. Willing for change substance abuse are:
c. Continuous learning a. Frequent absenteeism
d. All of above. b. Unusual behaviors
36. Energy dimension of personality is reflected in: c. Slurred speech
a. Digestion of food, circulation of blood, d. All of above.
b. Thinking, feeling and emotions. 47. Ethics involves learning:
c. Discrimination and will power. a. What is right, and then doing the right
d. Body and senses. thing :
37. Management of stress involves: b. What is right, and then avoiding doing the
a. Management of time. wrong thing :
b. Management of intellectual work. c. What is right or wrong, and then doing
c. Management of body metabolism. the right thing :
d. Management of prevailing situation.
d. What is wrong, and then doing the right d. Adjusted human behaviour which is
thing : conductive to the development of
48. As per Stephen Covey, first three habits for moving himself, society, and nation.
from dependence to independence stage are: 57. Moral education is a:
a. Be proactive, first thing first and end in a. Part of ethical grooming.
mind. b. Constituent of education.
b. Think win-win, understand and synergize. c. Part of overall literacy.
c. Both a and b . d. Constituent of value education.
d. None of these two. 58. “The prosperity of a country depends not on the
49. As per Stephen Covey the 8 habit to be cultivated abundance of its revenues, not on the strength of
is: its fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public
a. Physical, intellectual, emotional and buildings; but on its cultivated citizens, in its men
spiritual habits as the core of 8 habit. of education, enlightenment and character.” Who
b. Physical, intellectual, emotional and said it?
spiritual intelligences as prime habits. a. MK Gandhi.
c. Use four intelligences - physical, b. Martin Luther King.
intellectual, emotional and spiritual to c. Abraham Lincoln.
inspire others. d. Nelson Mandela.
d. Not to abuse four intelligences - physical, 59. Human values are formed with:
intellectual, emotional and spiritual.. a. Truthfulness, constructivity, sacrifice,
50. The bird in the video clip of respect your parents sincerity and self-control.
was: b. Truthfulness, sacrifice, sincerity and self-
a. Sparrow. control.
b. Parrot. c. Truthfulness, constructivity, sincerity and
c. Hummingbird. self-control.
51. Crow. The moral lessons of story of Turkey and bull d. Truthfulness, sincerity and self-control.
was: 60. Aesthetic values consist of:
a. Bullshit can take you to the top. a. Understanding of fine arts, and literature.
b. Bullshit might get you to the top, but it b. Understanding of literature and sciences.
won't keep you there. c. Understanding of sciences and fine arts.
c. Bullshit can take you to the top, but you d. Understanding of literature and sciences
have to work hard. 61. . Axelrod experiment was to find a solution to:
d. Bullshit is not needed to reach the top. a. Defect behavior & solution to it.
52. The value based curriculum was prepared by: b. Obtaining insight to games people play
a. National Education Policy of 1989. c. A motor vehicle accident enquiry.
b. National Education Policy of 1986. d. Finding out the torque of an axle with
c. National Education Policy of 2006. maximum weight.
d. National Education Policy of 2012. 62. Fundamental rights are included under
53. Personal values that most of us find important in Chapter….of Indian constitution:
our day-to-day life lay the foundations of: a. III.
a. Traditions and norms. b. IV.
b. Laws to be followed. c. II.
c. Social customs and tradition. d. IVa.
d. Law, custom and tradition. 63. “An eye for eye will make the world blind” was
54. Holistic education aims to: said by:
a. Call forth from people an intrinsic a. Martin Luther King.
reverence for life. b. Abraham Lincoln.
b. Passionate love of learning. c. MK Gandhi.
c. Both of above. d. Nelson Mandela.
d. None of above. 64. The roots for the protection of the rights of man
may be traced as far back as in the:
55. Main aim of education is to acquire: a. New Testament period.
a. Knowledge, skills and attitude. b. Shingo community.
b. Knowledge, jobs and entrepreneurship. c. Indus valley.
c. Jobs and entrepreneurship. d. Babylonian laws.
d. Skills and entrepreneurship. 65. The United Nations Charter was signed by 51
56. Value is defined by Roketchas: nations on:
a. Conception of desirable and not a. 26 June 1945
something desired. b. 26 Nov 1949.
b. standards and principles for judging c. 10 Dec 1948.
worth d. 24 Oct 1945.
c. Enduring beliefs, mode of conduct or end 66. The four freedoms declared in the speech of
state of existence along with importance. Roosevelt were:
a. Freedom from hate, speech, racism and d. Article 16.
fear 74. In 1990, the United Nation’s Economic and Social
b. Freedom from want, race, religion and Council had endorsed a target of ……… per cent
fear women in decision-making positions in the world
c. Freedom from want, speech, religion and by 1995:
fear. a. 30.
d. Freedom from hunger, speech, religion b. 25.
and fear c. 10.
67. Important parts of International Bill of human d. 50.
rights are: 75. The United Nations Universal Declaration of
a. Universal declaration, Covenant of civil & Human rights (UDHR) came into existence on:
political rights and Covenant on a. 26 June 1945
economic, social & cultural rights. b. 26 Nov 1949.
b. Universal declaration, Geneva c. 10 Dec 1948.
conventions and covenant on economic, 76. 24 Oct 1945. The Convention of the Rights of the
social and cultural rights. Child entered into force in:
c. Universal declaration, Hague Conventions a. 1995.
and covenant on economic, social and b. 1990.
cultural rights. c. 1948.
d. Universal declaration, Hague conventions d. 1966.
and Geneva Conventions. 77. Panchayats and municipalities in India are required
68. The United Nations came into existence after to give.…..percentage reservation for women
ratification by permanent five on: representation:
a. 26 June 1945 a. 15%.
b. 26 Nov 1949. b. 50%.
c. 10 Dec 1948. c. 25%.
d. 24 Oct 1945. d. 33%.
69. Most of the Civil and Political rights as per the 78. Vishakha& others Vs State of Rajasthan case was
universal Declaration of Human Rights are a part of important as Supreme Court :
Indian constitution under: a. Made it mandatory to frame sexual
a. Fundamental rights. harassment guidelines.
b. Directive principles. b. Punished accused in this case.
c. Constitutional rights. c. Asked Govt. of Rajasthan for identifying
d. Fundamental duties. the guilty.
70. Visible part of our nature & character is: d. None of the above was directed by the
a. Values. Supreme Court.
b. Behaviour. 79. International Bill of Women Rights (CEDAW) has
c. Beliefs. been ratified by….number of countries:
d. Thoughts. a. 176.
71. Most of the Civil and Political rights as per the b. 193.
universal Declaration of Human Rights are a part of c. 186.
Indian constitution under: d. 180.
a. Fundamental rights. 80. Geneva Conventions are made of ……clauses:
b. Directive principles. a. Four.
c. Constitutional rights. b. Three.
d. Fundamental duties. c. Six.
72. Who said that “Wealth without work; pleasure d. Five.
without conscience; knowledge without character; 81. Chairman of National Human Rights Commission is
commerce without morality; science without supposed to be:
humanity; religion without sacrifice; and politics a. Former Justice of Supreme Court.
without principle will lead to sinful acts disturbing b. Former Chief Justice of Supreme Court.
peace and happiness”? c. Retired Chief Justice of High Court.
a. MK Gandhi. d. Any senior advocate.
b. Martin Luther King. 82. The laws laying down that incidental loss of civilian
c. Abraham Lincoln. life or damage to civilian objects must not be
d. Nelson Mandela. excessive compared to the concrete and direct
73. UNDR civil and political right “Everyone has the military advantage anticipated, is called:
right to life, liberty and security of person.(Art.3)” a. Principle of arbitration.
is covered under the Indian Constitutional Article b. Principle of equality.
Number: c. Principle of proportionality.
a. Article 21. d. Principle of non derogation.
b. Article 14. 83. The International Criminal Court is based in:
c. Article 15. a. Hague.
b. Geneva. 93. National Human Rights Commission has the
c. New York. following members besides the Chiarman:
d. Paris. a. 8.
84. The convention on the rights of the child came into b. 10.
force on: c. 12.
a. Sep 12, 1991. d. 5.
b. Mar 25, 1990. 94. In 1997 the Declaration on the Responsibilities of
c. Sep 20, 1996. the Present Generation Towards the Future
d. Sep 2, 1990. Generation was adopted by:
85. The Appointment Committee for the Chief of a. UN Security Council.
national Human rights Commission is headed by: b. UNDP.
a. Chief Justice of India. c. UNESCO.
b. Prime Minister. d. UNOCHR.
c. President. 95. Present United Nations Commissioner for Human
86. Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition.The Rights is:
rights that all people have by virtue of being a. MsNaviPillai.
human beings are called: b. Mr. ZeidRa’ad Al Hussein
a. Natural laws. c. Mr Ban ki Moon.
b. Human rights. 96. MrZafrullah Khan. Civil and political rights covered
c. Natural rights. under Universal Declaration fall under Articles:
d. People rights. a. 2 to 21.
87. The Indian constitution under Art. 24 provides that b. 22 to 56.
no child below the age of ……. years shall be c. 2 to 56.
employed in any factory or mine: d. 22 to 76.
a. 21 97. Many rights such as right to ‘life’ or right against
b. 12. ‘torture’ can never be suspended and thus are
c. 16. called:
d. 14. a. Non-derogable rights.
88. The Sikh Guru who codified and recognized that all b. Non-negotiable rights.
the human races are one was: c. Basic rights.
a. Guru Nanak Dev. d. Basic natural rights.
b. Guru Arjan Dev. 98. Acts committed with the intent to destroy, in
c. Guru TegBahadar. whole or in part, anational, ethnic, racial, or
d. Guru Gobind Singh. religious group:
89. The first recorded human rights go back to a. Terrorism.
Babylonian period and were given by…….who set b. Wanton homicide.
his prisoners free: c. Racial discrimination.
a. King Cyrus. d. Genocide.
b. King Darius. 99. Basic constitution of the UNO is contained in:
c. King Alexander. a. UN Security council.
d. King Nero. b. The UN Assembly charter.
90. “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains” c. The UN charter.
was proclaimed by: d. The UN constitution.
a. Chinese philosopher Hsun-tzu. 100. The International Humanitarian laws are made of:
b. German philosopher Maxwell. a. Human rights and Geneva conventions.
c. French philosopher Jean-Jacques b. Geneva conventions and Hague
Rousseau. conventions.
91. Indian philosopher Chankya. After the World War c. Hague conventions and human rights.
II and birth of the UN, the world was divided into d. All of above.
three major groups, which were:
a. Developed, developing and emerging
b. First, second and third worlds.
c. Both of these.
d. None of these.

92. The chairperson and the members of the National

Human Rights Commission are appointed by the
President and hold office for a period of:
a. Five years.
b. Three years.
c. Ten years.
d. Four years.

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