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International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-1, Jan.


Graduate School Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Thailand

Email: [email protected]

Abstract: This paper explored the historical background of 4 floating markets in the provinces of the Lower Central
Thailand, studied the management of the markets and initiated a model for sustainable management for the markets. The
study employed mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative approaches. In-depth interviews and questionnaires were used
for collecting the data. The samples included 24 key informants from the tourism industry, public sector, and communities
around the floating markets, and 306 entrepreneurs at the floating markets. The historical background of these floating
markets indicated the strong relationship between the local communities and the river culture, which had later been affected
by land transport development. The study also found that the floating markets were managed by use of the dynamic of
community committee, with the involvement of local government and private sector. A sustainable management model for
the floating markets was also suggested in this study.

Keywords: Floating Market, Model, Sustainable Tourism.


Tourism promotion has been crucial for the economic 2.1. Global Tourism Situation
development of Thailand due to its revenue Over the decades tourism has experiencedcontinued
generation of several hundred thousand millions Baht growth and it has been expanding diversification to
each year. Several infrastructure and capacity become one of the fastest growing economic sectors
development projects have been carried out since in the world. The meetings of Global Assessment of
1960 in order to accelerate the tourism activities and Tourism Policy and Economic Intelligence Unit
to meet needs of the industry, as well as in response forecasted that the international tourist arrivals would
to the vision of Thailand as the Tourism Capital of rapidly increase, whereas the tourism markets would
Asia [1]. Fast economic boosterism path of tourism become diverse with different ranges of tourist
planning and development during the past decades groups in all social classes, genders, ages and
have also brought about abrupt alterations to living of economic levels [2].
people in economic, social, cultural and
environmental dimensions. Social fabrics, local 2.2. Sustainable Tourism Management
cultural identity and environmental conditions have Modern tourism development applies the global
been threatened at high degree. The management of principles of sustainable development [3]. The ten
tourism has recently inclined to place more principles of sustainable tourism development include
importance upon protection and safeguard of social the following: (1) use of resources at a rate balancing
and environmental dimensions along with sustaining their carrying capacity; (2) reducing over
the economic values. Community- based tourism has consumption and wastes; (3) maintaining natural,
become a core of management that encourages local social and cultural diversity; (4) integrating
community people to get involved in managing their sustainable tourism with local, regional and national
resources in a manner that sustainably maximizes plans; (5) promoting equity in localincome
natural, social and cultural resources and maintains distribution and economic base; (6) incorporating
integrity. local community involvement; (7) consulting
Floating markets have been proliferated as tourist stakeholders and the public; (8) training staff; (9) use
attraction that blends Thainess and local identity of of information as guideline for marketing, making
people living along theriver basins Central Thailand. decision and monitoring; and (10) undertaking
Tourism activities at floating markets are appealing research.
resulting growing of domestic and foreign tourism
demand and economic impact, such as income 2.3. Sustainable Community- Based Tourism
circulation within communities. Management
This paper aimed to study the background of Sustainable community- based tourism development
community floating markets in the provinces in lower is an action of developing tourism in such a way that
Central Thailand, the management of the markets for causes least negative impacts to community’s
tourism, and to develop a management model for environmental and social conditions, while also
community floating market towards sustainability. considering quality of experience and satisfaction of

Modeling Sustainable Management For Community- Based Tourism: A Case Study of Floating Markets in the Lower Central Thailand

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-1, Jan.-2017
visitors that will lead to economic, environmental and management within the destination within the balance
social sustainability[4]. and self- reliance framework under the Philosophy of
Sufficiency Economy.
2.4. Modeling the Management of Tourism
Modeling refers to creating models for physical, 2.7. Local Participation
mathematical, or otherwise logical representation of a The principles of local participation cover 2
system, entity, phenomenon, or process as a basis for approaches [6].The first approach represents freedom
simulations. Modeling support engineers in of people by motivating them to understand causes of
developing data as a basis for managerial or technical problems, acknowledging them for leveraging their
decision making. There are many types of models, for comprehension on related systematic factors, creating
instance models in psychology, mathematics, graphic a space that facilitates development of local
models and3D modeling. Modeling for policy participation in the process of seeking for alternative
implementation consists of 2 types: management solutions, and developing and educating them for
modeling and processmodeling. The first one focuses vision abounding harmony in living with nature.
more on organization capacity than policy and control These principles provoke local people to have sense
planning goal of organization. The latter one in this of value and pride of their place and to evaluate and
context refers to process modeling for bureaucratic decide by themselves whether tourism development
system, which is devised through complicated and activities to be projected are appropriate for their
process, formal relationship pattern and merit system context and responding to their needs. The second
[5]. approach regards legal framework and regulations,
particularly those concerning the spatial environment
2.5. Sustainable Tourism Development Planning in relation with the livelihood of the locals. The
Planning is a process designed for plans that aim for approach focuses on fair and transparent
anticipating and ordering changes in the future. The implementation within the reinforcement of related
process of formulating tourism development plan is laws.
defined by its goals, objectives and guidelines or
strategies. Sustainableapproach for tourism 2.8. Related Studies
development planning should integrate all aspects of A study of tourism policy formulation and
social, cultural, environmental and economic development promotion used the case of long stay
dimensions so that the tourism development can meet tourism, conducted with international tourists of over
successful growth. Therefore it is essential that a 50 years old[7]. The samples were international
tourism development plan incorporates the following tourists from 3 regions and 1 country including
six supporting plans: sustainable natural resources Europe, Scandinavia, North America and Japan. The
development plan; (2) sustainable built environment objectives were to examine long stay tourism demand
development plan; (3) sustainable tourism business and supply, opportunities and limitations with respect
development plan; (4) sustainable tourism marketing to the promotion and development; to study
development plan; (5) sustainable local participation supporting legal issues and marketing of the public
development plan; and (6) sustainable integrated and private sectors; and to determine conceptual
development process to apply in different sites. framework for activities and facilities development
for long stay tourism in Thailand. The findings
2.6. Chaipattananurak Conservation Project revealed that the Japanese tourists concerned safety
Chaipattananurak Conservation Project is serving as and security, perceived risks in disasters, crimes and
the reminiscence of the past of the communities of wars. Moreover, their expectations involved comfort
Ampawa District. The project aims at conserving art, and convenience of staying and daily activities,
traditional way of living and tangible and intangible facilitation, healthcare service, availability of
cultural assets of the Ampawa residents, by international standard hospitals, and Japanese
encouraging their involvement through community language ability of service providers. Additionally,
activities and promoting local producers and traders. the study found that the Japanese were interested in
Some of the project’s initiatives include the learning history and local culture, and in immersing
following: (1) the capacity development of local the local activities during their stay.
place as the eco- tourism attraction named the Another study investigated integrated, area- based
Agricultural Demonstration Farm, an orchard that natural and environmental resources management
demonstrate integrated fruit farming based on local planning, using the case of Phuket, Krabi and the
wisdom, in linkage with other tourist attractions in areas around the Songkhla Lake Basin[8]. The study
Samutsongkram Province for instanceKing Rama II reported the management planning of the provincial
Memorial Park; (2) community shops, the space level had its capability to improve for more effective
where local traders sell their locally- produced results. It was noted that there were some weak points
produces and offer local eco- tourism services; and in the areas around the Songkhla Lake Basin, those of
(3) promotion of integrated tourism development that which could be improved within the same and new
calls for all stakeholders’ involvement into the structures and in the legal limitations. The study of

Modeling Sustainable Management For Community- Based Tourism: A Case Study of Floating Markets in the Lower Central Thailand

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-1, Jan.-2017
KlongKlon Sub- district, Muang District, IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Samutsongkram Province about the managementof
eco-tourism in the place found that it focused on The historical background of the community floating
harmonious living between people and the mangrove markets located in the provinces in the lower central
forest as their last land of natural resource. However, part of Thailand explained that these communities
some obstacles concerned the financial problem, had long a long history of housing settlement along
lower carrying capacity of the place and problems in the river. The living pattern and the cultural
the process of local participation, in particular with landscape reflect close relationship between the local
their lack of understanding of eco-tourism. The people and the river. There has been the development
findings thereafter suggested the community started of housing, transportation and trading in association
the management for nature- based tourism and then with the river. The development of automobile- based
developed the eco-tourism, in order that the local transportation has moved the centralization of local
people would receive less negative impacts yet community activities including trading from the river
maximized benefits from the tourism in the area, to the areas closer to the land. This has affected the
while learning how to adapt and build up self- communities living along the river and the original
reliance [9]. floating markets. By this, the local communities have
sought for alternatives for solving the problem.There
Hass [10] chose Niue Island in South Pacific Islands has therefore been a permutation of original floating
as the case study for examining the sustainability of markets in serving to the tourism industry. The study
eco-tourism activities in small areas. The study found found that most of the floating markets in the
that the tourism of the island was considered communities have the central committees responsible
sustainable only in the aspects of environment and for the management of the markets, whereas the local
socio- culture. The economic sustainability was people were involving in different forms of activities
uncertain as a result of the island’s limitation in led by the community leader and local administration
accessibility due to its remote location, which caused offices. The markets have also been supported in
les frequent flight schedules and higher travel budget and trainings by the central government
expense. The study recommended the island receive through the local governmental agencies, local
higher- spending and high- income tourists, and tourism authorities, and local commercial and other
consider its carrying capacity for the tourism private organizations. The survey of services and
development and the balance between the facilities of the markets revealed that the markets
environmental, social, cultural and economic aspects. offered a variety of goods and tourism activities,
travel information and security. One of the
The study of Sindiga [11]looked at the alternative advantages of the floating markets is their location in
tourism and sustainable development in Kenya. The close proximity to Bangkok and main tourist
finding reported the reciprocal benefits between the attractions en route. The findings recommended that
conservation of bio- diversity and tourism. Whereas the market should maintain their incorporation of
the conservation supports the tourism in the area, the local people in the management, which would lead to
induced income is also spent in conservation projects the strength of the communities. Service standards for
and community development. floating market tourism and long- term planning that
The findings proved that ecological and alternative recognize, truly understand and apply the local social
tourism could be applied not only in small areas but and cultural context and needs, and future situations,
also in larger areas. Moreover, alternative tourism must be taken part. Involvement of public and private
development can contribute to local community sectors still is crucial in planning and supports.
participation both in the conservation and tourism Importantly, it is essential that the floating markets
businesses. themselves remain their cultural identity and public
relation still is required.
III. DETAILS EXPERIMENTAL The quantitative findings revealed that the
floating market with the highest score of sustainable
3.1. Materials and Procedures management practice was Ampawa Floating Market
The study used both qualitative and quantitative (Mean = 3.31), followed by Sampha Nam Floating
approaches. The qualitative data was gathered by in- Market (Mean = 3.18), Donwai Floating Market
depth interview with 24 key informants from the (Mean = 3.07) and Thanam Kamphob Floating
tourism industry, public sector, and communities Market (Mean = 2.98).
around the floating markets. The quantitative data It could be concluded from the findings of the
was collected by use of questionnaires with a total of study that the factors of sustainable management in
306 samples who were the entrepreneurs at the the context of revived floating markets for tourism
floating markets named as follows: Donwai Floating included the following: (1) the communities
Market, Ampawa Floating Market, Thanam themselves, in that the markets were developed from
Kamphob Floating Market andSamphan Nam the original floating market by a merit of the location
Floating Market. on the river bank and significance of traditional arts,

Modeling Sustainable Management For Community- Based Tourism: A Case Study of Floating Markets in the Lower Central Thailand

International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926 Volume-3, Issue-1, Jan.-2017
culture and history; (2) participation of local people, Thailand are similar in the physical and
public and private organizations, where local people cultural characters, therefore the
played their role in caring the environment and communities should also brainstorm for
preserving the cultural resources; the public sector other attractions of uniqueness within their
gave supports in terms of public relation, budget, original wisdoms and way of living, which
trainingsand law- related activities in reinforcement help lead to the community competitiveness
of the ecological conservation; the private sector took and stronger characters in tourism.
part in supports of finance and human resources
trainings in sustainable management; and the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
cooperation of local government, central government
and private sector in the management for balance and The author would like to thank the Research and
shared benefits; and (3) the management and Development Institute, SuanSunandhaRajabhat
administration of the floating market committees, in University, Bangkok, Thailand for financial support.
that the representatives from different groups of Also, the researcher would like to thank Mr. Kevin
stakeholders performed effective management of Wongleedee, Director of Institute of Lifelong
resources, had planning of high quality, transparent Learning Promotion and Creativity for proof reading
and efficient planning practices and systems. The this research paper.
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Modeling Sustainable Management For Community- Based Tourism: A Case Study of Floating Markets in the Lower Central Thailand


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