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2021 Fantasy Football Elite

Keeper League
Official Rules & Regulations

The following rules and regulations are for the 2021 “Fantasy Football Elite”
Keeper league, which will be further referred to as “league”. The rules
and regulations will remain in effect until the conclusion of the 2021 playoffs, when in
turn a champion has been crowned. These rules and regulations were assembled by
the league commissioner, Jason Poe, for the specific use of creating a fair, and even
playing field for all teams and team owners. The league rules and regulations will be
decided by a league vote from the team owners and whatever the vote majority rules
regulations will be made to reflect that, but the commissioner does hold sole authority to
make decisions that impact the league and “quality competition” without a majority vote
from team owners and holds all authority to override a league vote that effects quality
competition and the league negatively. The commissioner holds sole authority to
determine the definition of quality competition. Any league disputes with rules and
bylaws will be voted on by the league, and the league commissioner will make all final
decisions if need be. All rules herein apply to any and all teams competing in the
league, starting within 48 hours of the end of week 17 of the NFL season.

Quick Notes:
2. The Co-commissioner is not exempt from the rules that govern
this league.
3. The commissioner will provide a league that is fair under the
rules stated and provide every owner of a team the chance for
fair competition.
4. All rules apply to Co-owners of a team.
5. Collusion will simply not be tolerated. No need for a rule section.
If it is suspected you will be excused from the league.
6. Any team owner that threatens to leave the league, at any point,
will be excused at that point.
7. Any team owner that leaves the league voluntarily will not be
permitted back, even if league vote favors return, unless granted
by commissioner.
Section 1: League Setup
Section 2: Payment and Non-payment
Section 3: Draft
Section 4: Rosters
Section 5: Keepers
Section 6: Taxi Squad
Section 7: Trades
Section 8: Playoffs
Section 9: Tank Rule
Section 10: 3 Strike Rule
Section 11: End of Season/Offseason
Section 12: Waiver and Free agency
End: Important Dates

Section 1: League Setup

L-1.1 This fantasy football league will be played under the Sleeper website
and app. Please see their terms and conditions for additional regulations.

L-1.2 This league will be a 10-team league.

a) The option to add any additional teams must be voted on by the current owners
of the league. Majority will rule out of the 9 other owners in a tally of “yay” or
“nay”. The commissioner does not get a vote.

L-1.3 This league will feature 1 division. (see Section 7; Playoffs)

L-1.4 The regular season will be 12 weeks in length, with 4 weeks for the playoffs. See
“Playoffs” for postseason rules.

L-1.5 The league year will begin within 48 hours after week 17 of the nfl season.

Scoring Settings

See sleeper app scoring for all matter related to points.

L-2.1 This league is a point per reception, or PPR, league.

a) 1 point will automatically be given to any player on a team who makes a
reception in their game. (see L-2.3)

L-2.2 Point values and scoring settings are set prior to the start of the season, and will
not be changed until season’s end.
a) Any changes made to the scoring settings must be voted on by the league at the
end of the season, and be unanimous.
L-2.3 Scoring will be determined by the following settings. Any disputes from team
owners can be taken up with the commissioner to be brought to the rest of the league
for voting.

Section 2: Payment and Non-Payment

P-1.1 At the start of each season, all team owners are to pay the amount of
$100 to gain entry into the league, which is collected no later than week 2 of the nfl
season by the Commissioner through Venmo.
a) Payout: $700 will go to 1st, $200 will go to 2nd, 100 will go to 3rd. the champion can
exercise the option of taking the FFE championship ring valued at approximately $300
and $400 cash or $700 in cash. (if the ring is chosen cash payout difference may vary
due to varying price cost of the ring if applicable).
c) the trophy will be a league trophy. The league winner will keep the trophy only for the
year. The trophy holds apporx 19 plaques, these plaques will be engraved appropriately
will that year’s winner with excess league funds. It will be the duty of the champion to
return the trophy to the commissioner within 4 weeks after week 17 of the NFL season.
Any destruction of the trophy while in the care of that particular team, the owner
of that team, will be responsible for a complete reimbursement of the trophy and
engraved plaques, out of his or her own pocket, this will not be paid for by the
league, or you risk forfeiture of your team.

P-1.2 If payment in full is not collected by the start of week 2 of the regular season, the
Offending team owner will forfeit every week until payment in full is made to the league
Commissioner, the commissioner reserves the right to replace the owner if need be.
a) These weeks will count as losses on your record, and cannot be reversed.
b) If the offending owner of a team finishes last in the league, and they are allowed to
return the following season, said owner and team will be moved to last in that year’s
draft, all other teams will be moved up appropriately. If said owner does not return and
another owner takes over said team, then standard draft positioning will apply.
c) If multiple teams fail to comply, the draft rule stated above will be applied and the
non-offending teams will conduct a league vote as to the order of where the offending
teams will draft.


P-2.1 In the event payment in full is not made by the start of week 2 of the regular
season, the offending team owner will have his or her team suspended until payment in
full is made, or the owner will replaced at the discretion of the commissioner.

P-2.2 No team owner may acquire players of a suspended team.

a) It is the responsibility of the commissioner to make the league and its owners
aware of the offending team and it’s players, by any avenue available, upon decision of
suspension. (Ex. Facebook group, text message, group chat, etc.)

P-2.3 Any acquisition of a player from a suspended team, intentional or otherwise, will
result in a loss of the 2 highest available draft picks for that team, which will be used as
compensatory picks for the next year’s draft for the bottom 2 teams, not including the
offending team.

Section 3: Draft

D-1.1 The league draft will take place on the second Sunday in August every year, at a
time, and venue agreed upon by all team owners in the league at the start of each
regular season. This day is set and will not be changed.

D-1.2 All team owners must either be present at the draft for their picks to count, or be
present via the sleeper app or website if they’re are not able to be physically present.
a) If you are not present physically or virtually for the draft, the team owners will
collectively look at your team, and its needs, and vote to place a pick for you.
b) Only the commissioner can place picks for you via text message.
c) If you are placing a co-owner on your team, the co-owner may be
present for the draft.
d) The commissioner reserves the right to bypass any team in the draft if that owner is
not present. At this point that owner will have to field players from the waiver wire with
NO SPECIAL CONSIDERATION to create said team.

D-1.3 The 2019 draft will consist of 31 rounds snake style. All subsequent years draft
will be 16 rounds linear style.

Draft Picks

D-2.1 Draft order will be determined by the previous season’s final standings for all
playoff teams.
D-2.2 Draft picks will be available to trade for players and/or other draft picks after week
17 of the NFL season. (see L-1.5)

D-2.3 Teams will have up to the next year draft picks to trade (Note: Teams are strongly
encouraged to not trade future draft picks away until the completion of that
season’s draft.)

D-2.4 Any draft pick traded in a future draft will become a conditional draft pick.
Conditions are; however the team who traded the pick away finishes at the end of the
season, will determine the strength of the pick.
a) Trading future picks will require a round to be named. Even though we won’t
know the overall pick until the completion of the season, you will still need to
state the pick’s round(s) in which you are trading.

Section 4: Rosters

R-1.1 Each team will have a total of thirty-one (31) roster positions. Rosters will
comprise of nine (9) offensive players, one (1) team defense/special teams, seven (7)
Independent Defensive Players (IDP’s), two (2) IR, five (5) Taxi squad players and
fourteen (14) bench spots. The breakdown of roster positions that
will be available is as such:
1 Quarterback
2 Running Backs
2 Wide Receivers
1 Tight End
2 flex (W/R/T)
1 Kicker
1 Team Defense/special teams
2 Defensive lineman
2 Linebackers
2 Defensive backs
1 Flex IDP
14 Bench Positions
5 Taxi
2 Injured Reserve

R-1.2 Maximum roster positions are thirty-one (31) players. As per normal fantasy
football regulations; teams will not be permitted at any time after the start of the regular
season to carry more than thirty-one (31) on a roster at one time. Taxi and IR spots do
not count against roster.

R-1.3 If a team receives a draft pick in a trade acquisition, that team will have an open
roster position. It is not necessary for that team to acquire a player to fill the empty

R-1.4 You must carry a minimum of 17 players, or 1 player per roster spot, on your
active roster at all times during season play.

Section 5: Keepers

K-1.1 At the end of the season, owners will be allowed to keep up to 15 players from
their roster. The rest of the roster will go into the free agent/rookie draft the following
a) A team’s 15 keepers does not include qualifying IR spots and Taxi squad.

K-1.2 Keepers are due 1 week prior to the league’s draft, when in turn they will lock.
a) If team(s) do not have their keepers set by 12 a.m. of the specified date the
commissioner reserves the right to remove players from the delinquent team(s) roster,
starting with highest ranking player, moving down in sequential order until the roster
need is satisfied.

K-1.3 After keepers lock, we will enter a 1-week dead period. This dead period will start
when keepers lock, and will be lifted at the start of the league’s draft. Only keepers will
be eligible to trade for other keepers or draft picks (see Section 6; Trades).

K-1.4 There is no minimum requirement of players to keep per roster. As in, it is not
mandatory that you keep 15 players.
a) Teams will not get additional draft picks to compensate lack of roster spots.
b) Teams will be required to fill their remaining roster spots via free agents after
the league’s draft is complete and all drafted players are placed on their
respective teams.

K-1.5 In the event a team’s keeper retires, that team will receive a compensatory pick
equal to that player’s average draft position in PPR leagues over the last 3 years.

Section 6: Taxi Squad

TS-1.1 Each team can have 5 players on their taxi squad. Said player(s) do not have to
be of any designation. No team is obligated to carry taxi players, but teams cannot carry
more than the allotted 5.

TS-1.2 Taxi progression is bench to taxi; or taxi to bench, then bench to active roster.
Free agents (FA) cannot be taken straight to taxi, they must be placed from the FA to
bench then to taxi. Players can be traded from a taxi slot to another player’s bench, the
taxi player being received must go to bench and kept there or they can be placed on the
receiving team’s taxi slot from their bench. The trading team does not have to place the
taxi player on the bench before trading.

TS-1.3 Taxi slot Lock. Teams have up until the end of the nfl preseason to place players
in their taxi slot, these players can be moved in and out the taxi slots with no restrictions
during this period. After the end of the nfl preseason these slots become locked. Teams
may trade (see TS-1.2) and remove players during fantasy ffb weeks 1-17 season from
these slots, but cannot add another player back into the taxi slots until the beginning of
the next Fantasy Football Elite league year.

TS-1.4 Taxi players will not count against the 15 player keeper maximum. Taxi players
must be activated from the taxi squad (TS) once they have more than 2 years of NFL

Section 7: Trades

T-1.1 All trades will be processed by the commissioner. If collusion or detriment to the
league, team or team owner is suspected the commissioner reserves the right to deny a

Section 8: Playoffs

PL-1.1 playoffs will feature a total of 6 teams.

a) The Teams placing 1st and 2nd will get a 1st round bye.
b) The 4 remaining teams will play. The highest ranked seed in the quarter finals will
play the lowest ranked seed, so on and so forth.
c) The winners of the quarter finals round will then be seeded appropriately against the
seeds 1 and 2.
d) The winners of the semifinals will move on to the finals and play in the league

PL-1.2 In the event of a tie, or in the event 2 or more teams finish with the same record
the tiebreaker will be as follows:
1) Points for – highest points for wins the tie breaker.
2) Points Against – highest points against wins the tie breaker.
3) Head-to-head

PL-1.3 The playoffs will be weeks 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the regular season, and will
feature a 2 week championship match with the winner being the most points f1r, of the
championship teams playing in weeks 15 and 16.
a) Rules and scoring from the regular fantasy season will be implemented during
the playoffs.

PL-1.4 Wildcard – The 6th playoff spot will be reserved for the person who has the
highest points for in the regular season, outside of the 5 playoff teams set by sleeper;
regardless of W-L record, head-to-head etc.

PL-1.5 The winner of the playoffs will be the league champion and place 1st overall, with
the runner up placing 2nd. Winning the league Championship results in the winning of
the championship trophy, a ring (if chosen) or a portion of the prize pool. The
breakdown of the payout goes as such:
1st Place: $ 700 or
a) $400 and the FFE championship ring ($300 value. Prices and payouts subject to
change if applicable to yearly changes in ring cost)
2nd Place: $ 200
3rd Place: $ 100

Section 9: Lineup Etiquette/Tank Rule

LE-1.1 All teams are required to set a lineup that promotes quality competition, the
commissioner reserves the right to determine “quality competition”. If an offending team
commits this violation, said team will have all the draft picks moved to the last spot of
each round of the following draft.
a) Sacrifice Rule: Teams can make a special request called a “sacrifice” to the
commissioner or co-commissioner if they intend to deliberately place a player on
the active roster that is either injured, on a bye week or any other reason. This
request must be made to the commissioner or co-commissioner in the form of a
poll with the options being “allow” or “deny” with no consequence, before the start
of the week in question
b) Multiple violations in a league year will result in forfeiture of said team.

Section 10: 3-Strike Rule

3S-1.1 The league is meant for fun and violence against one another will not be
tolerated. Talking shit is one thing, threatening to assault any team owner with malicious
intent is another and will not be tolerated. Exhibiting conduct detrimental to the league
will not be tolerated. An owner with 3 violations will be excused from the league.
a) If the commissioner feels an owner is an immediate threat to the safety of
another owner, or disrupts other owners from enjoying the league, said owner
can be removed without the need of 3 violations.
b) The commissioner reserves all rights to determine the definition of conduct
detrimental to the league.

Section 11: End of Season/Offseason

E-1.1 After a champion has been crowned, we enter the offseason. It is at this point,
teams should choose their keepers, and Pin them on the group chat. Keepers can be
edited up until the lock date. (See Section 5: Important

E-1.2 Once the season has completed, the league year is over. No teams may make a
transaction of any kind after NFL week 17 has concluded, until the commissioner flips
the board into the following season. At this point the new league year begins.

E-1.3 In the event Sleeper does not save the rosters with keepers, the commissioner
will keep an external copy of all rosters and keepers from each team.

E-1.4 For offseason purposes only, the commissioner will be responsible for keeping
track of all offseason trades. Including, but not limited to, players for draft picks, and
draft picks for draft picks.

E-1.5 In the offseason, regular season trade rules apply. (See Section 6; Trades)

Section 12: Waiver and Free agency

FA-1.1 Free agency (FA) begins when the draft ends. At this point all players not
drafted go directly to FA and are open for pick up at this time by any team regardless of
waiver priority.
a) The commissioner reserves the right to create a dead period after the draft
before FAs are open for pick up.

W-1.1 Waiver players available for pick up are as follows:

a) After a player has been rostered then dropped by a team.
b) After week 1 of the NFL season when all normal waiver claims are placed, and
processed by the standard rules of this league.
End: Important Dates

Within 48 hours after week 17 of the NFL year: League year begins
April 29th: NFL draft
Aug 1st: Keepers lock deadline and taxi players posted in group chat.
July 25th: Dead period begins
2nd Sunday in August (august 8th 2021): Fantasy Football Elite League free agent/rookie
Taxi squad locks: after 4th preseason game.
NFL week 9: Fantasy Football Elite League Trade deadline
NFL week 13: Fantasy Football Elite League Quarterfinals
NFL week 14: Fantasy Football Elite League Semifinals
NFL week 15 and 16: Fantasy Football Elite League Championship
End of NFL week 17: beginning of new league year.
Trophy is due back to commissioner within 4 weeks after week 17 of NFL season.

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