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Assignment submitted by:

Name: Mustafizur Rahman

Roll: ASH 1809MS134M

1. (a)Define wastewater and industrial wastewater. Which factors influence the evolution of
wastewater treatment technologies?

Wastewater: Wastewater may be defined as the combination of liquid or water carried wastes
removed from residences, institutions, commercial and industrial establishments after they have
been used for various cultural, physiological and Technological purposes.

Industrial wastewater: The water or liquid carried waste from manufacturing & processing units
of various industries like chemical, textile, leather, petroleum, pulp & paper etc.

Factors influence the evolution of waste/wastewater treatment technologies:

 Health and environmental concern.
 Land required for the wastewater and disposal, principally by irrigation and intermittent
filtration (methods used in the early 1990s) was no longer available.
 Thus, it became necessary to develop other methods of treatment that could be used to
accelerate the forces of nature, under controlled conditions in engineered treatment facilities
that required less land.
(b)Sketch the general lay out of waste water treatment plant.

(c)What is the zero waste discharge? How could you correlate zero discharge with “5R”?

Zero Waste or Liquid Discharge:

Zero discharge is a treatment process designed to remove all the liquid waste from a system. The
focus of its to reduce wastewater economically and produce clean water that is suitable for reuse,
thereby saving money and being beneficial to the environment.

Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) is an engineering approach to water treatment where all water is
recovered and contaminants are reduced to solid waste. While many water treatment processes
attempt to maximize recovery of freshwater and minimize waste, ZLD is the most demanding
target since the cost and challenges of recovery increase as the wastewater gets more
concentrated. Salinity, scaling compounds, and organics all increase in concentration, which
adds costs associated with managing these increases. ZLD is achieved by stringing together
water treatment technology that can treat wastewater as the contaminants are concentrated.

Reducing the waste or zero waste discharge and environmental costs of industrial production by
5R`s approach: Zero waste can be achieved through 5R principles (Reduce, Reprocess, Reuse,
Recycle and Recover) of waste management for sustainable development. The various treatment
methods of industrial waste aimed at removing toxic chemicals, pollutants and BOD from
wastewater, albeit at a high economic cost, minimize the risk to human health and the
environment. Several industrial wastes can be reused and recycled to recover and retrieve some
valuable by-products from them while also rendering them harmless. Recycling, though also an
expensive process (but less than treatment) makes more sense than treatment and disposal, as it
adds to the economy of the industries by developing a vision of making APSEZ, a zero waste
company. This vision works for four types of wastes i.e., municipal solid waste, industrial waste,
bio-medical waste and e-waste. Domestic and industrial wastewaters are treated and reuse for
horticulture purpose. Water free urinals are installed as part of water conservation measure.
MSW includes paper, plastic, metal, glass, rubber; scrap etc., is segregated at source, sent for
recycling. Non-recyclable waste is handled through combustion without use of fuel or electricity.
Canteens generate biodegradable waste that is rich in carbon along with nitrogen, phosphorous
and potassium is converted to manure using organic waste converter. Manure is used in-house
for horticulture purpose. E-waste generated after the end of useful life is collected and sold to
authorized recyclers. Other materials such as metals, plastic etc., are also sent to respective
recyclers. Lubricating oil after useful life needs to be changed. Used oil/spent oil is collected and
sold to government approved recycler. Downgrade chemicals are generated due to washing of on
board tanks from ships before liquid cargo loading and sold to registered recyclers. Oily water
received from vessels (slope) is pumped tangentially in the oil water separator. Separated oil is
sold to registered recyclers. Cotton used for various maintenance and cleaning work gets

contaminated with oil, grease, etc., are sent to cement industry for co-processing through cement

1. (a)Define Effluent Treatment Plant(ETP) and Central Effluent Treatment Plant(CETP).

Mention the major wastewater treatment process.

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP):

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is a process for treating the industrial wastewater for its reuse or
safe disposal to the environment.

 Influent: Untreated industrial wastewater.

 Effluent: Treated industrial wastewater.
 Sludge: Solid part separated from wastewater by ETP.

Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP):

The concept of central effluent treatment plant (CETP) has been accepted as a solution for
collecting, conveying, treating and disposing of the effluents from the industrial clusters.

The CETP concept helps small and medium scale industries to disposal of their effluents.
Otherwise it may not be economical for these industries to treat their wastewater or there may be
space constrains.

Types of Wastewater Treatment Process:

 Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).

 Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).
 Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP).
 Common/ Combine Effluent Treatment Plant.

(b)What are the major challenges of CETP establishment in developing countries?

Major challenges of CETP establishment in the developing countries:

 CETPs that serve heterogeneous industrial units will always have to face fluctuations in
quantity and quality of cocktail of effluent.

 The mixing of highly complex waste streams, some of which may be hot and contain
chemically active compounds, can result in the synthesis of new compounds in a largely
unpredictable manner. One erring industry can make upset the entire biological treatment
system due to shock load.
 More rigorous monitoring of effluent from member industries by CETP is required so
that inlet norms are met and charges can be fixed.
 In some instances, the sharing of financial burden cannot be done accurately and this
leads to many inequalities amongst the financial burden to be shared by member
 All the member units are merely depending on CETP for the treatment of waste generated
from their units, hence any major failure of CETP and effect the member units.
 Disinterest of member industries and non-payment of treatment charges may make
certain CETPs non- functional.

(c)Define grit removal. Briefly describe the types of grit chambers used for grit removal process.

Grit Removal: Grit, consisting of sand, gravel, cinders, or other heavy solid materials that have
subsiding velocities or specific gravities substantially greater than those of the organic
putrescible (degradable) solids in wastewater.

Removal of grit is done in the grit chamber or in the centrifugal separation chamber. It is most
commonly located after the bar screens and before the primary sedimentation tanks. Generally,
the installations of screening facilities ahead of the grit chambers make the operation and
maintenance easier.

There are three general types of grit chambers:

I. Horizontal-flow, of either a rectangular or square configuration: In this type of chamber,

the flow passes through the chamber in a horizontal direction and the straight-line
velocity of flow is controlled by the dimensions of the unit, an influent distribution gate,
and a weir at the effluent end.
II. Aerated: The aerated type consists of a spiral-flow aeration tank where the spiral
velocity is induced and controlled by the tank dimensions and the quantity of air
supplied to the unit.

III. Vortex type: The vortex type consists of a cylindrical tank in which the flow enters
tangentially creating a vortex flow pattern, centrifugal and gravitational forces cause the
grit to separate.

2. (a)Explain coagulation. Write the fundamentals of coagulations.

Coagulation: Coagulation is the process of destabilizing colloidal particles so that particle growth
can occur as a result of particles collisions.

The term ‘chemical coagulation’ includes all of the reactions and mechanisms involved in the
chemical destabilization of particles and in the formation of larger particles through Perikinetic
flocculation (aggregation of particles in the size range from 0.01 to 1µm).

(b)Briefly explain the particle destabilization and removal technique with hydrolyzed metal ions.

To bring particle aggregation through micro-flocculation, steps must be taken to reduce particle
charge or to overcome the effect of this charge. The effect of the charge can be overcome by:
 The addition of potential-determining ions, which will be taken up by or will react with
the colloid surface to lessen the surface charge, and
 The addition of electrolytes, which have the effect of reducing the thickness of the diffuse
electric layer and, thereby, reduce the zeta potential.
Use of Potential-Determining Ions: The addition of potential-determining ions to promote
coagulation can be illustrated by the addition of strong acids or bases to reduce the charge of
metal oxides or hydroxides to near zero so that coagulation can occur. The effect of adding
potential determining ions in a solution containing charged particles is illustrated on figure 3.
The magnitude of the effect will depend on the concentration of potential determining ions

Figure 3: Effects of adding counter-ions and electrolytes to the solution.

Use of Electrolytes: Electrolytes can also be added to coagulate colloidal suspensions. Increased
concentration of given electrolyte will cause a decrease of zeta potential and corresponding
decrease in repulsive forces as illustrated in figure 3. The concentration of an electrolyte that is
needed to destabilize a colloidal suspension is known as the critical-coagulation concentration

(CCC). Increasing the concentration of an indifferent electrolyte will not result in the re-
stabilization of the colloidal particles. As with the addition of potential determining ions, the use
of electrolytes is also not feasible in wastewater treatment. As discussed subsequently, a change
in the particle charge will occur when chemicals are added to adjust the pH of the wastewater to
optimize the performance of hydrolyzed metal ions used as coagulations.

Figure 4: Reversal of particle surface charge due to the addition of counter-ions.

(c)Define Thermal Kinetic Energy (TKE) of particles. Explain the suitability of counter ions with
“TKE” for flocculation.

The thermal kinetic energy (TKE): The thermal kinetic energy (TKE) of an object or system
consists of the portion of its internal energy that is responsible for the temperature of the system
and is involved in heat transfer.

3. (a)Discuss the method of estimate of slug quantities from chemical precipitation.

Estimation of sludge quantities from chemical precipitation: The handling and disposal of the
sludge resulting from chemical precipitation is one of the greatest difficulties associated with
chemical treatment. Sludge is produced in great volume from most chemical precipitation
operations, often reaching 0.5 percent of the volume of wastewater treated when lime is used.
(b)Mention the role of the microbes in the wastewater treatment.

The quality of wastewater effluents is responsible for the degradation of receiving water bodies,
such as lakes, rivers, streams. The two main processes for the removal of impurities from
wastewater influents are chemical and biological treatment but due to some drawbacks of the
chemical treatment, biological treatment is now employed. Microorganisms are of major
importance in industrial wastewater treatment, agricultural and aquaculture. They reside in the
sediment and other substrates, and in the water of aquaculture facilities.

Microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae may have positive or negative effects on the
outcome of aquaculture operations. Positive microbial activities include elimination of toxic
materials such as ammonia, nitrite, and hydrogen sulfide, degradation of uneaten feed, and
nutrition of aquatic animals such as shrimp, fishes. These and other functions make

microorganisms the key players in the health and sustainability of aquaculture. The role of the
different microbial groups presents in the waste water treatment systems with particular
importance of bacteria and protozoa in the removal process of nitrogen and phosphorus indicate
that the biological treatment system is very effective in the wastewater treatment systems. The
major microbial populations found in wastewater treatment systems are bacteria, protozoa,
viruses, fungi, algae and helminthes.

 In wastewater treatment systems, bacteria are responsible for the stabilization of influent
wastes. The majority of the bacteria are known to form floc particles. These are the most
common microbial pollutants in wastewater. The presence of pathogenic bacteria can be
indicated using the tests for total and faecal coliforms.
 Protozoa perform many beneficial functions in the treatment process, including the
clarification of the secondary effluent through the removal of bacteria, flocculation of
suspended material and as bio indicators of the health of the sludge.
 Under certain environmental conditions in a mixed culture, fungi metabolize organic
compounds and can successfully compete with bacteria. Also, a small number of fungi
are capable of oxidizing ammonia to nitrite, and fewer still to nitrate.
 Algae are significant organisms for biological purification of wastewater because they
can be able to accumulate plant nutrients, heavy metals, and pesticides, organic and
inorganic toxic substances. The use of microalgae in biological wastewater treatment has
gained a lot of importance over the years.

The removal of dissolved and particulate carbonaceous BOD and stabilization of organic matter
found in waste water is accomplished biologically using microbes, principally bacteria. Microbes
are used to oxidize dissolved and particulate carbonaceous organic matter to simple end products
and additional biomass by the following equation:

(Organic materials) + O2 + NH3 + PO4-3

(New cells) + CO2 + H2O

In the above equation oxygen, ammonia, and phosphate are used as nutrients needed for the
conversion of organic matter to simple end products Carbon dioxide and water. The new cells
represent the biomass produced as a result of the oxidation organic matter.

(c)Explain the aerobic and anaerobic degradation process in wastewater treatment.

Aerobic Treatment

Aerobic treatment is often used as a secondary treatment process and follows an anaerobic stage.
This is because anaerobic treatment is preferred when the dissolved organic concentrations of
untreated wastewater are high.

Aerobic treatment consists of activated sludge processes or aerated pond. The size of these can
be reduced and tolerance against fluctuations and toxins can be increased by adding a step with
moving bed bioreactors (MBBR) to the active sludge treatment. Aerobic wastewater treatment is
a process where bacteria utilize oxygen to degrade organic matter (generally quantified as
biochemical oxygen demand or BOD) and other pollutants involved in various production
systems. The two most common types of aerated wastewater systems are activated sludge
systems and aerated stabilization basins (ASBs). ASBs are commonly found as treatment
systems in the pulp and paper industry and are used in some municipalities, as well as other
industries. The degradation of BOD is achieved through aerobic bacteria in a system. The
bacteria utilize oxygen as an electron receptor in order to convert the organic material (BOD or
oxygen demand) to carbon dioxide. Via this process they multiply, which in turn creates more
bugs to break down more BOD. As the water flows through the system, many changes will
occur. As the amount of BOD in the system reduces, the total number of bacteria will also
decrease. The oxygen demand, as measured by oxygen uptake rate (OUR) will decrease and the
environmental will become acceptable for more advanced life forms, such as protozoa or
metazoan. A few of the common higher life forms are: flagellates, free swimming ciliates,
stalked ciliates, and rotifers. The higher life forms will feed on the dispersed bacteria and
flocculated bacteria that have been formed after degradation has occurred. Higher life forms are
an indication that most BOD has been removed from the system.

Anaerobic Treatment

Anaerobic treatment is a slow process and can take up to 3 months, which may be due to septic
decomposition. Unpleasant odors may occur in this wastewater treatment process. Anaerobic
treatment is a process where wastewater or material is broken down by microorganisms without
the aid of dissolved oxygen. However, anaerobic bacteria can and will use oxygen that is found
in the oxides introduced into the system or they can obtain it from organic material within the
wastewater. Anaerobic systems are used in many industrial systems including food production
and municipal sewage treatment systems. Anaerobic digestion is commonly used to treat
sludge’s in the first areas of a wastewater treatment plant. This process is popular because it is
able to stabilize the water with little biomass production. Anaerobic treatment occurs in many
different stages. The key microorganisms are methane formers and acid formers. The acid
formers are microorganisms that create various acids from the sludge. Methane formers convert
the acids into methane.

The two main anaerobic systems are batch systems and continuous systems. In a batch system,
the biomass is added into a reactor that is sealed for the rest of the digestion process. This is the
simplest form of anaerobic treatment but can have odor issues associated with it. As the simplest,
it is also one of the least expensive ways to achieve treatment. A continuous system has organic
matter constantly added to the treatment system. Since it is continuously being fed, there is a
need for the byproduct to continuously be removed. The byproduct can result in a constant
source of biogas, which can be used as an alternative source for energy.

4. (a)Define flow equalization. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flow

Flow equalization: Flow equalization simply is the damping of flow rate variations to achieve a
constant or nearly constant flow rate and can be applied in a number of different situations
depending on the characteristics of the collection system.

Advantages of flow equalization:

1. Biological treatment is enhanced, because shock loadings are eliminated or can be

minimized, inhibiting substances can be diluted, and pH can be stabilized.

2. The effluent quality and thickening performance of secondary sedimentation tanks
following biological treatment is improved through improved consistency in solids

3. Effluent filtration surface area requirements are reduced, filter performance is improved,
and more uniform filter-backwash cycles are possible by lower hydraulic loading.

4. In chemical treatment, damping of mass loading improves chemical feed control and
process reliability.

5. Apart from improving the performance of most treatment options and process, flow
equalization is an attractive option for upgrading the performance of overloaded
treatment plants.

Disadvantages of flow equalization:

1. Relatively large areas or sites are needed.

2. Equalization facilities may have to be covered for odor control near residential areas.
3. Additional operation and maintenance is required, and
4. Capital cost is increased.

b)Write down the principal applications of flow equalization techniques.

The principal applications of flow equalization are as follows:

1. Dry-weather flows to reduce peak flows and loads.

2. Wet-weather flows in sanitary collection systems experiencing inflow and


3. Combined storm water and sanitary system flows

(c)How can you calculate the volume requirement for the equalization basin of an ETP by inflow
cumulative volume design?

The primary objective of the flow equalization basin has been to dampen the variations in the
flow to achievement nearly constant flow rates through the downstream treated process.

volume requirement for the equalization basin:

● The volume required for flow rate equalization is determined by using an inflow
cumulative volume diagram in which cumulative inflow volume is plotted versus the time
of the day.

● The average daily flow rate, also plotted on the same diagram, is the straight line drawn
from the origin to the end point of the diagram. Diagram for two typical flow patterns are
shown in the following figure.

● To determine the required volume, a line parallel to the coordination axis, defined by the
average daily flow rate, is drawn tangent to the mass inflow curve. The required volume
is then equal to the vertical distance from the point of tangency to the straight line
representing the average flow rate (Figure a).

● If the inflow mass curve goes above the line representing the average flow rate (Figure
b), the inflow mass diagram must be bounded with two lines that are parallel to the
average flow rate line and tangent to the extremities of the inflow mass diagram. The
required volume is then equal to the vertical distance between the two lines.

In practice the volume of the tank is kept 10 to 20% greater than the theatrical volume. This
additional volume is provided for the following reason:

1. Not to allow complete drawdown to operate continuous mixing or aeration (e.g.

Floating aeration)
2. Some volume must be provided to accommodate concentrated stream to get diluted
3. Safety for unforeseen changes in flow.

6. (a)Classify the technologies which are used in advanced wastewater treatment.

Over the past 20 years, a wide variety of treatment technologies have been studied, developed,
and applied for the removal of the residual constituents found in treated effluent.

Advanced wastewater treatment systems may be classified by the principal residual constituent
removal function performed or by the type of unit operations or processes that can be used to
perform this function. They are classified as

• Depth filtration

• Surface filtration

• Micro and ultra-filtration

• Reverse osmosis (RO)

• Electro-dialysis

• Adsorption

• Air stripping

• Ion exchange

• Advanced oxidation process

• Distillation

• Chemical precipitation

• Chemical oxidation

(b)Discuss the principal types of membrane modules used for wastewater treatment.

(c)Write down the characteristics of an ideal disinfectant.

The characteristics of an ideal disinfectant are showed in the table:

Characteristics Properties/ Responses

1.Availability Should be available in large quantities and reasonably
2.Deodorizing Should deodorizing while disinfecting.

3.Homogeneity Solution must be uniform in composition.

4.Interactions with extraneous Should not be absorbed by organic matter other than
materials bacterial cells.
5.Nontoxic to higher forms of Should be toxic to microbes and nontoxic to human and
life other animals.
6.Penetration Should have the capacity to penetrated through surfaces.
7.Safety Should be safe to transport, store, handle and use.
8.Solubility Must be soluble in water or cell tissue.

7. (a)List the regulatory requirement for wastewater disinfection.

• From the early 1900 to early 1970s, treatment objectives were concerned preliminary

I. The removal of colloidal, suspended, and floatable material,

II. The treatment of biodegradable organics, and

III. The elimination of pathogenic organisms, but generally with

unspecified treatment goals.

• Passage of the federal water pollution control Act amendments of 1972 as amended in
1977 and 1978, stimulated substantial changes in the wastewater treatment to achieve the
principal objectives of this Act.

• The principal objectives were to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and
biological integrity of the nation’s waters.

• According to US EPA in 1973 the secondary treatment is required and it was defined in
terms of BOD, TSS, pH, and Fecal coliform (FC).

• Because of the regulations for disinfection are site specific and under continual review,
the governing regulatory authority must be consulted to determine current requirements.

(b)Mention the objectives of biological treatment.

The objectives of biological treatment of domestic waste water are to:

 Transform (i.e., oxidize) dissolved and particulate biodegradable constituents into

acceptable end products.

 Capture and incorporate suspended and non-settle able colloidal solids into a biological
floc or biofilm.

 Transform or remove nutrients, such as N, P, K and

 In some cases, remove specific trace organic constituents and compounds.

 In case of industrial waste water, the objective is to remove or reduce the concentration of
organic and inorganic compounds

 This is because some of the industrial waste water contains constituents and compounds
that are toxic to microorganisms.

 Sometimes pretreatment may be required before the industrial WW can be discharged to

a municipal collection system.

 In case of agricultural return waste water, the objective is to remove nutrients, that are
capable of stimulating the growth of aquatic plants.

(c)what are the factors influencing the actions of disinfectants in applying the disinfection

In applying the disinfection agents, the following factors must be considered:

 Contact time: Perhaps the most important variables in the disinfection process is contact
time. For a given concentration of disinfectant, the longer the contact time, the greater the

 Concentration of the disinfectant

 Intensity and nature of physical agents: It has been found that the effectiveness of a
physical agent is a function of its intensity.

 Temperature: The effect of temperature on rate of kill with chemical disinfectants can be
represented by a form of Hoff-Arrhenius relationship. Increasing the temperature results
in a more rapid kill.

 Types of organisms: The effectiveness of various disinfectants will be influenced by the

type, nature, and condition of the organisms. For example, viable growing bacteria cells
are often killed more easily than the older cells that developed a slime coating.

 Nature of suspending liquid: In practice the nature of suspending liquid must be

evaluated carefully. For example, extraneous organic material will react with most
oxidizing disinfectants and reduce their effectiveness.


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