Enganging Stakeholders - UX Research

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UX Research Sharing

Who are UX
Stakeholders and how
to engage with them?
Ananda Nadya | 2020
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Stakeholders can be those from UX, Product,

Business, Analytics teams, and many more.
Requests for UX Research can come from various
division. Here are the most common requestors:

● UX team: UX Designer, UX Copywriter

● Business team: Divisi Marketing, Business
development, Customer Insight
● Product team: Product Owner, Associate Product
● Analytics team: Data analyst, Business Intelligent,
Data Scientist
● Higher-ups: VP, Head, CEO Office

Ananda Nadya | 2020

Credits: Smashing magazine (2018)
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You can engage effectively with stakeholders

using FAST UX Research approach.

According to Smashing Magazine

(2018), FAST is a simple but powerful
framework that can be used to speed
up UX research process.

The acronym FAST (Focus, Attend,

Summarise, Translate) wraps up a
number of techniques and ideas that
make the UX process more
transparent, fun, and collaborative.

Credits: Smashing magazine (2018)

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Step 1. Focus on objectives (Defining a

common goal)
In general, this phase is expressed within the research goals, objectives, research
questions and/or hypotheses. Here are the things that can be done to make the
kick-off session more effective:

● Identify as a group the current challenges and problems.

● Identify the potential objectives and questions for a research study.
● Prioritize the objectives and questions.
● Reword and rephrase the prioritized questions and objectives to clarify things.
● Have an agreement regarding things to focus on.

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Step 2. Attend (Immerse the team deeply in

the research process)
It is important to get the team to observe user research. The following activities
allow the team to immerse themselves in the research session. UX researchers can
ask stakeholders to:

● Ask questions during the session

● Take notes
● Summarize observations (see next stage).

When there are multiple stakeholders and they can’t physically attend a field visit, UX
researchers could record the session using voice recorder so that they can see it
afterwards -- or if possible, stream the session live to an observation room.

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Step 3. Summarize (Analysis for

After the fieldwork begins, collaborative analysis should be carried. Typically, this
can be done in 3 ways:

1. Summary at the end of each session → done after every session is completed
2. Summary at the end of the day → done while of data collection is still running
3. Summary at the end of the study → done after data collection is completed

UX researcher’s role is to be the moderator in the session. While in the session, listen to:
● What stakeholders paid attention to:
● What is important for them;
● Their interpretation of what happened during data collection event.

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Step 4. Translate (Make stakeholders active

champions of the solution)
After holding collaborative session, UX researchers have to ask stakeholders to
identify the “Now what?”. Here are things that should be asked:

● What?
What happened? What did you notice? What facts or observations stood out?
● So What?
Why is that important? What patterns, conclusions or hypotheses are emerging?
● Now What?
What actions make sense?

Together with stakeholders , UX researchers should identify how the insights will lead to
actionable recommendations that serve as the solution to the initial problem.
Ananda Nadya | 2020
UX Research Sharing

So, who are your stakeholders & how do

you engage with them?
If you have any difference on the kind of stakeholders and
the way in dealing with them, feel free to discuss!

Ananda Nadya | 2020

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