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Human Resource Management

Lesson 1 - Introduction to HRM and the context of HRM

Chapter 1 and 2
BITS Pilani Dr. Annapoorna Gopal
Pilani Campus
Introduction – Dr. Annapoorna Gopal B.Sc,M.C.A,Ph.D

1. Associate Professor – Management Department (Off campus, BITS-Pilani, Bangalore

2. Worked with Wipro Ltd., in multiple leadership roles for 15.5 years
3. Was sr. faculty in the Computer Science department of Christ College, Bangalore for
3.5 years
4. Areas of interest are L and D Consulting, Business Operations, Organizational
Behavior, Human Resource Management, Business Ethics and MIS
5. Hobbies include reading books, writing and cooking

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

HRM Course - Learning Outcome

CO1 Understand basic HRM principles – how an organization acquires, rewards,
motivates, leverages, and manages its talent effectively
CO2 Review, analysis and discussion of various compensation systems including pay
for performance and merit based systems.
CO3 Overview of key human resource related laws and legal considerations.

CO4 Introduction to the history of and basic rationale for labor unions.

CO5 Review of some of the current health and safety problems facing employees and
employers and discussion of the strategic choices available to managers.

Text Book Aswathappa K., Human Resource Management- Text and Cases, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2nd Edition, 2013.

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Learning Techniques

1. Class discussions with case studies

2. Quiz / Assignment

3. Experiential Learning Component

4. Class Interactions

5. Mid Sem Closed Book Exam

6. End Sem Open Book Exam

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Evaluation Components

Category Grading

Quiz / Assignment /Class Participation


Experiential learning components


Mid Semester Test


Comprehensive Exam

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


1. Willingness to learn

2. Reading pre-reading material

3. Committed class participation

4. Listening to recorded lectures

5. Active participation in group learning activities outside and during class

6. Immediate tasks at hand

1. Formation of groups
2. Identify project

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Learning Objectives

1. Understanding the nature, scope and context of HRM

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
People lend competitive advantage

1. Human resource management (HRM) is the most happening function as of

2. How do people lend competitive advantage? There are several ways.
1. First, people offer skills, capabilities, systems, practices, speed, language,
bonding and behaviours, which help execute firm’s strategies successfully
2. Secondly, by aligning human resources (HR) plans to business plans, HR
managers are becoming strategic partners
3. Third, innovation is the key to competitive advantage
4. Fourth, HR function seeks to convert an adverse situation into an
5. Fifth, organisational designs do not remain static over a period of time
6. Sixth, HR executive is becoming an effective change agent

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
‘Best fit’ approach to HRM

3 strategies that help an organization gain competitive advantage are

1. Innovation Being an unique producer

2. Quality Delivering high quality goods and services

3. Cost leadership Leveraging on all possible means to save

on cost

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Nature of HRM

1. HRM consists of people-related functions as hiring, training and

development, performance review, compensation, safety and health,
welfare, industrial relations and the like
2. HRM necessitates alignment of HR policies and practices with the
organisation’s strategies
3. HRM involves the application of management principles and functions
4. HRM assumes that it is the people who make the difference
5. HR activities, both doables and deliverables, are not the sole
responsibility of the HR specialists
6. HR functions are not confined to business establishments only

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HRM Functions

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HRM – Functions and Objectives

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HRM - Organization

HRM in a Small-scale Unit

HRM in a Large-scale Unit Factors influencing HR team structure

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HRM – Composition of Team

Composition of HR Department
Can the HR function be outsourced?

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HRM Paradoxes

1. Supporters of HRM claim that the field has grown from IR to PM to HRM
to HCM, claiming that HR manager now plays a strategic role in a firm
unlike in the past when it was purely an administrative function
2. Supporters of HRM claim that the HR manager is a change agent and a
transformational leader, and his or her function is panacea for all
organisational ills and societal evils
3. An Arthur Andersen survey showed that Human Resources (HR)
executives were missing two things that could improve their
effectiveness—support from top management and sufficient financial
4. HRM is not much sought after course in academics. At top IIMs, less than
2 per cent of the students opt for HR subject

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Personnel Policies

It is a statement of intention committing the management to a general course of action
without spelling out the detailed procedure by which it has to be implemented. Example are :
– Policy of hiring people with due respect to factors like reservation, sex, marital status, and the
– Policy with regard to medical assistance
There are five principal sources for determining the content and meaning of policies:
– past practice in the organization
– prevailing practice in rival companies
– attitudes and philosophy of founders of the company as also its directors and the top
– attitudes and philosophy of middle and lower management
– the knowledge and experience gained from handling countless personnel problems on a day-to-
day basis
– Policies must be stable. Stability creates a climate of security and removes uncertainty from the
minds of employees
POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Personnel Principles

– If policy is a guide for managerial decisions and actions, principle is the
fundamental truth established by research, investigation and analysis
– Some of the personnel principles are:
• Principle of individual development
• Principle of scientific selection
• Principle of free flow of communication
• Principle of participation
• Principle of fair remuneration
• Principle of incentive
• Principle of dignity of labour
• Principle of labour management co-operation
• Principle of team spirit
• Principle of contribution to national prosperity

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HR Competency Model

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management

Source: Adapted from Human Resource Management by

Christopher Mabey, et. al., Blackwell Business, p. 31
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Line and Staff Managers

• Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of

others, and to give orders. Managers usually distinguish
between line authority and staff authority
• Line authority gives you the right to issue orders
• Staff authority gives you the right to advise others in the

HR Duties of Line Manager HR Duties of Staff Manager

Line function inside of HR
Job placement
Orientation & Training Coordination
Performance Assist and Advice
Labor costs
POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HRM Models – An analytical framework for
studying HRM
1. Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna Model
2. The Harvard Model
3. The Guest Model
4. The Warwick Model
5. The Ulrich Model

For our study

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Evolution of HRM

Period Outlook Emphasis Status
Pragmatism of
1920s–1930s Beginning welfare, Clerical
Struggling for Technical, Introduction of
1940s–1960s Administrative
recognition legalistic techniques
Professional, conforming,
1970s–1980s legalistic, imposition of Managerial
impersonal standards on
other functions
Human values,
1990s Promising Philosophical productivity Executive
through people

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
From PM to HRM to HCM

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Imperatives for HCM

• Not all organisations are ripe to implement HCM. It works best where:
– The organisation is a people-oriented relatively large business
– The environment is not simple and stable
– The bsuiness has investors or stakeholders who are interested in the medium to
longer term
– The organisation is focused on growth through differentiation rather than cost
– The organisation is managed strategically
– Planning is bottom-up as well as top-down
– The organisation acknowledges complexity and is based on networks and
relationships rather than structures and hierarchies
– Managers take responsibility for people management
– The culture is relatively sophisticated
– The organisation uses technology effectively

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Context of HRM

External Forces Internal Forces

• Political-Legal
– Legislature • Strategy, Task and Leadership
– Executive
– Judiciary • Unions
• Economic
– Suppliers • Organisational Culture and
– Competitors
– Customers Conflict
– Economic Growth
– Industrial Labour
• Professional Bodies
– Diversity
– Globalisation
• Technological
• Cultural

Discussion : Do you think any factor been left out? Any one (out of
those included) is non-contextual?
POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
HR and Technology

POMCL ZC441Human Resource Management BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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