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Human Resource Management

Lesson 5 – Training and Development; Career Management

and Talent Management
BITS Pilani Chapter 8
Dr. Annapoorna Gopal
Learning Objectives

• The nature, need and types of orientation

• The nature and importance of training and development and identify the
various inputs that should go into any such programme
• Description of the training process
• Identify impediments to effective training and strategies to make it effective
• The nature of MDPs and their techniques
• Identify stakeholders interested in and responsible for career management
• The nature and initiatives for talent management

POMSS ZC441 HRM Human Resource Practices BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Topics often covered in Employee
Orientation Programme

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Choices of Orientation

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Training, Education and Development

Distinction between Training and Education

Inputs for Training and Development

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Training and Development as a source of Competitive
• Views of a chief executive on the outcome of Management Development Programmes (MDPs)
reiterates the significance of training. The reflections of a chief executive are:
– First of all, MDPs provide considerable intellectual stimulation
– Secondly, we acquire a nodding acquaintance with new concepts and new developments in
the area of managerial techniques
– The third benefit one derives from an MDPs is the embellishment of one’s vocabulary—and
this is a good thing if the jargon is used circumspectly, and with tact and understanding

Expenditure on Training and Development

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The Training Process

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Model of Training for Performance Discrepancy

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Training Need Analysis

Benefits of Needs Assessment

• Trainers may be informed about the broader needs of the trainees
• Trainers are able to pitch their course inputs closer to the specific needs of
the trainees
• Assessment makes training department more accountable and more clearly
linked to other human resource activities
• Needs assessment compels managers to set aside time from production
hours to build skills and improve competency

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Training Objectives

• Deriving Instructional Objectives

– The next phase in the training process is to identify instructional
– Instructional objectives provide the input for designing the training
programme as well as for the measures of success (criteria) that would
help assess effectiveness of the training programme
– Below are some sample instructional objectives for a training
programme with sales people:
• After training, the employee will be able to smile at all customers even
when exhausted or ill, unless the customer is irate
• After training, the employee will be able to accurately calculate mark
down on all sales merchandise (e.g., 30 per cent mark down)

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Designing Training and Development Programmes

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Training Methods and Activities

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More on Training Methods and Activities

• On-the-Job Training (OJT)

• Off-the-Job Training
• Lectures
• Audio-Visuals
• Out Bound Learning (OBL)
– Spread over a period of 1-2 days, OBL involves a series of exercises, games and
activities that are built around the theme of training and are carried out in teams

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Principles of Learning

• What Should be the Level of Learning?

– There are three basic levels at which these inputs can be taught
• Learning Principles
– Employee motivation
– Recognition of individual differences
– Practice opportunities
– Reinforcement
– Knowledge of results (feedback)
– Goals
– Schedules of learning
– Meaning of material
– Transfer of learning
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Conducting Trainings

• Conduct of Training
– At the job itself
– On site but not the job — for example, in a training room in the
– Off the site, such as in a university or college classroom, hotel, a
resort, or a conference centre

• Implementation of the Training Programme

– Deciding the location and organising training and other facilities
– Scheduling the training programme
– Conducting the programme
– Monitoring the progress of trainees

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Evaluation of Training Programme

• Evaluation of the Programme

– Need for Evaluation
– Principles of Evaluation
• Evaluation specialist must be clear about the goals and purposes of evaluation
• Evaluation must be continuous
• Evaluation must be specific
• Evaluation must provide the means and focus for trainers to be able to
appraise themselves
• Evaluation must be based on objective methods and standards
• Realistic target dates must be set for each phase of the evaluation process
• Closed-loop System
– The information may become available at several stages in the evaluation process
– In other instances, different conclusions might be supported by comparing data
obtained from the evaluation of training
– Obviously, the development of training programmes needs to be viewed as a
continuously evolving process

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Levels of Evaluation

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Impediments to Effective Training and
Making Training Effective
Impediments to Effective Trainings
• Management Commitment is Lacking and Uneven
• Aggregate Spending on Training is Inadequate
• Educational Institutions Award Degrees but Graduates Lack Skills
• Large-scale Poaching of Trained Workers
• No Help to Workers Displaced because of Downsizing
• Employers and B Schools Must Develop Closer Ties
• Organised Labour can Help

Making Trainings Effective

• Ensure that the management commits itself to allocate major resources and adequate time to
• Ensure that training contributes to competitive strategies of the firm
• Ensure that a comprehensive and systematic approach to training exists, and training and retraining
are done at all levels on a continuous and ongoing basis
• Make learning one of the fundamental values of the company
• Ensure that there is proper linkage among organisational, operational and individual training needs
• Create a system to evaluate the effectiveness of training

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Government Initiatives

• The following high-growth sectors have been identified by National Skill

Development Corporation (NSDC):
– Automobile/auto components
– Electronics hardware
– Textiles and garments
– Leather and leather goods
– Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
– Gem and jewellery
– Building and construction
– Food processing
– Handlooms and handicrafts
– Building hardware and home furnishings
– IT or software
POMSS ZC441 HRM Human Resource Practices BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Management Development Programmes

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Career Development

• Career is progress or general course of action of a person in some profession or in an

• A typical career progresses through five stages:
– Entry to the organisation when the individual can begin the process of self-directed career
– Progress within particular areas of work
– Mid-career
– Later careers
– End of career in organisations
• Career planning is a process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the
means to achieve them
• Career development refers to a formal approach used by the firm to ensure that
people with proper qualifications and experiences are available when needed
• Career management is the process of enabling employees to better understand and
develop their skills and interests and use them for the benefit of the organisation and
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The old and new Careers

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Career development initiatives

• Career Development
– Career Planning
– Career counselling
– Mentoring
– Sabbaticals
– Secondments
– Personal Development
Plans (PDPs)
– Career workbooks

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Challenges of Career Development

• Challenges of Career Development

– Laissez-faire attitude of the management
– The assumption that job rotation or an overseas
assignment is itself a developmental experience
– Making promotions or lateral moves that stretch the
person to the point of breaking
– Moving the high potential individual from one role to
another too quickly
– Some individuals are too ambitious, impatient and greedy

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Career Management Process

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Models of Career Management

• Models of Career Management

– Three models of career management are
• Supported self-development
• Corporate career management
• Career partnership

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