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Six Sigma

BITS Pilani Rama Mohan KV

Faculty Department
Pilani Campus

Session 2 16th August’2020

BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

< MM ZG539/QM ZG539, Six Sigma>

Lecture No. 2
Implementing Six Sigma

• Time Table and Infrastructure

• Integrating Six Sigma
• Supply chain Management (SCM) and deployment of six
sigma to SCM
• Communications and Awareness

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Typical Six Sigma Maturity Timeline (A sample)
Each organization
needs to evaluate
and design the
Initial Planning Phase 2A development Phase 3 Implementation program based
on their need,
• Identify 6 leader • Tailor BB training • Certify BB vision, culture,
• Six Sigma plan drafted and • BB retention plan • Issue Six Sigma practice maturity, people,
approved • ID Black Belt candidates • Train green belts appetite. etc
• Identify core team members • Train Black Belts • ID future projects
• Review management • Train the trainers
Not prescriptive.
process documentation • Issue Mgmt process doc.
This is just an
• Train leadership • Recognition/reward
illustration based
on an

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 – Q8

Phase 1 alignment Phase 2B development Phase 4 Implementation

• Establish exec. council • Establish project validation • Prepare detailed road

• Hire consultant criteria • map of next steps
• Identify 6 leader • Continuing BB training • Train employees
• Detailed planning • ID master BBs • Train 2nd wave Black Belts
• ID management process • Begin to establish Six Sigma • Train additional Green Belts
• Knowledge discovery practice • ID additional projects
• Conduct readiness survey

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Resource Requirement

Each organization
needs to evaluate
and design the
program based
on their need,
vision, culture,
Master maturity, people,
1 appetite. etc
Black Belts:
Black Belts: 10 Not prescriptive.
This is just an
Projects: 50 to 70 (5 to 7 per Black Belt) illustration based
on an
Estimated $9 million to $14.6 million (i.e., $14,580 savings organization’s
saving: per employee) experience.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Various Roles and Responsibilities

Executive Six Sigma Council Director, Six Sigma Six Sigma Core Team

• Strategic leadership • Manages Six Sigma infrastructure and • Cross-functional Six Sigma team Part-
• Ensures Six Sigma goals are linked to resources time change agent
enterprise goals • Six Sigma champion • Provides input into policies and
• Develops new policies as required • Develops Enterprise Six Sigma procedures for successful
• Aligns process excellence efforts deployment implementation of Six Sigma across
across the organization • Owns the Six Sigma project selection organization
• Suggests high-impact projects and prioritization process for
• Approves project selection strategy • Ensures Six Sigma strategies and
projects are linked through quality
function deployment

Master Black Belt Black Belt Black Belt

• Enterprise Six Sigma expert • Six Sigma technical expert • Demonstrated mastery of Black
Permanent full-time change agent Temporary, full-time change agent Belt body of knowledge
Certified Black (will return to other duties after • Demonstrated proficiency at
• Highly proficient in using Six Sigma completing a two to three year tour achieving results through the
methodology to achieve tangible of duty as a Black Belt) application of the Six Sigma
business results • Leads business process improvement approach
• Technical expert beyond Black Belt projects where Six Sigma approach is • Internal Process Improvement
level on one or more aspects of indicated Consultant for functional areas
process improvement • Successfully completes high-impact • Coach/Mentor Green Belts
projects that result in tangible • Recommends Green Belts for
benefits to the enterprise Certification

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Various Roles and Responsibilities

Black Belt Green Belt

Black Belt - Belt with additional • Participates on Six Sigma Certification • Six Sigma project originator
specialized skills or experience especially Board to certify Black Belts and Green Six Sigma project leader
useful in deployment of Six Sigma across Belts • Demonstrated mastery of Green Belt
the enterprise administration, teaching, • Facilitates Six Sigma activities such as body of knowledge
project coaching) training, special recognition events, • Demonstrated proficiency at
Black Belt testing, etc. achieving results through the
• Identifies high-leverage opportunities • (e.g., advanced statistical analysis, application of the Six Sigma approach
for applying the Six Sigma approach project management, • Recommends Six Sigma projects
across the enterprise communications, program • Participates on Six Sigma project
• Basic Black Belt training , Green Belt teams
training ,Coach/Mentor Black Belt

Green Belt Leaders and Managers Other Roles

• Leads Six Sigma teams in local • Champions for Six Sigma • Part-time Six Sigma change agent.
improvement projects • Ensures flow-down and follow- Continues to perform normal
• Works closely with other through on goals and strategies duties while participating on Six
continuous improvement leaders within their organizations Sigma project teams
to apply formal data analysis • Plans improvement projects • Six Sigma champion in local area
• Charters or champions chartering • Teaches local teams, shares
process knowledge of Six Sigma
• Identifies teams or individuals • Successful completion of at least
required to facilitate Six Sigma one Six Sigma project every 12
deployment months to maintain their

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Various Roles and Responsibilities

Leaders and Managers Leaders and Managers Sponsors

• Integrates Six Sigma with • Identifies and removes • Charters and supports Six Sigma
performance appraisal process by organizational and cultural barriers project teams
identifying measurable Six Sigma to Six Sigma success • Sponsor is ultimately responsible
goals/objectives/results • Rewards and recognizes team and for the success of sponsored
• Identifies, sponsors and directs Six individual accomplishments projects
Sigma projects (formally and informally) • Actively participates in projects
• Holds regular project reviews in • Communicates leadership vision • Ensures adequate resources are
accordance with project charters • Monitors and reports Six Sigma provided for project
• Includes Six Sigma requirements progress • Personal review of progress
in expense and capital budgets • Nominates highly qualified Black
• Validates Six Sigma project results Belt and/or Green Belt candidates

Matrixed Project Manager Matrixed Project Manager Team Member

• Manages Six Sigma resources • Conducts periodic reviews of • Learns and applies Six Sigma
dedicated to a particular area (e.g., projects tools to projects
teams of Black Belts on special • Provides input on Black Belt • Actively participates in team tasks
assignment) Champions Six performance appraisals • Communicates well with other
Sigma Black Belt team team members
• Provides day-to-day direction for • Demonstrates basic improvement
Six Sigma project Black Belt and tool knowledge
team activities • Accepts and executes
• Provides local administrative assignments as determined by
support, facilities, and materials team

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Various Roles and Responsibilities

Team Member Six Sigma Certification Board

• Six Sigma Roles and • Certifies Black Belts Board representatives include Master Black Belts
Responsibilities (Continued) and key Six Sigma leaders
• Identifies and overcomes barriers • Works with local units to customize Black Belt and Green Belt
and issues • Evaluates and requirements to fit business needs
accepts deliverable • Ensures progress
• Makes/implements decisions • Provides resources
based on recommendations of Six • Tracks and controls progress toward goals
Sigma Black Belts • Reviews improvement teams’ results (BB, GB, Lean, Supply Chain,
• Reviews effectiveness of Six Sigma deployment: systems, processes,
infrastructure, etc.
• Cultural transformation
• Communicates vision
• Removes formal and informal barriers
Each organization • Commissions modification of compensation, incentive, reward and
needs to evaluate recognition systems to business plans
and design the • Achieves defect reduction and cost take-out targets through Six Sigma
program based
• Member of Executive Six Sigma Council
on their need,
• Leads and evaluates the performance of Black Belts and Master Black
Not prescriptive. vision, culture, Belts
This is just an maturity, people, • Communicates Six Sigma progress with customers, suppliers and the
illustration based appetite. etc enterprise • Champions Six Sigma reward and recognition, as
on an appropriate
organization’s • Develops and implements systems for certifying Black Belts and Green
experience. Belts
• Certifies Black Belts

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Shift in Approach

From To

Customer—for information, evidence, Supplier—of information, expertise, and

and reports from others other services

Control—by imposition of policies and Support—by gearing efforts to the needs

procedures, and by audit and inspection of others Self-control by client

Departmental—achievement of Collective achievement of the

departmental objectives organization’s objectives

Style of working with others Competitive, adversarial Integrating, collaborative

Some aspects of outcomes; for example,

The relationship between the entire
product quality, financial results
Focus of attention underlying process and the achievement
Some pieces of the process; for example,
of all the desired outcomes
adherence to policy and procedure

Image Regulator, inspector, policeman Educator, helper, guide

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Supply Chain Involvement

• Policies on supplier Six Sigma

• Goals and deliverables of the supplier Six Sigma program
• Supplier communication plan
• Timetable for deployment, including phases (e.g., accelerated deployment to most critical
• Procedures defining supplier contact protocols, supplier project charter, sup- plier project
reporting and tracking, etc.
• Training requirements and timeline
• Methods of assessing supplier Six Sigma effectiveness
• Integration of the supplier Six Sigma program and in-house activities

Illustrative. Each organization need to devise mechanisms to get the Supply Chain involved for effectiveness and
sustainable benefits through Six Sigma

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Sample Communication strategy for illustration

Group Method Frequency Accountability

Senior Leadership

• Senior staff
Program strategy, goals • CEO
meetings • At least monthly
and high-level program • Six Sigma Director
• Senior leadership • Start of program
plan • Training department
Requirement training
performance to • Senior staff meetings • At least monthly • Six Sigma Director
program plan

Middle Management

• At least
monthly for staff • Senior Leadership
• Regular flow down meetings; for staff meeting
of upper level staff newsletter piece flow down
Program strategy, goals and management-level meeting notes/flow every 2 weeks • Internal
program plan down; newsletter during program communications
• Management rollout, as needed via core team for
training thereafter company newsletter
• Prior to 1st wave of • Training department
Six Sigma projects

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus


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