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GE PMCS App Note 66 Page 1 of 2

Technical Note #66

Alarm Viewer ActiveX control in the same screen with device wizar

Home subject: Use of Alarm Viewer ActiveX control in the same screen with EMVT-D, EMVT-C, ML239, ML735
Information The CIMPLICITY Alarm Viewer OCX can be inserted in the same screen as the device wizards.
However if the Alarm viewer OCX is included in the same screen with the above-mentioned
Case Studies wizards, one of the procedure in the wizards starts giving an error due to a conflicting variable nam
The solution to this problem is explained below
FAQs 1. Open CimEdit from the configuration cabinet of your project.

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2. Click on the Object Explorer button on the toolbar.
'Virtual' Demo
3. Get to the tree on the left to PMCS WIZARDS\Tabular-Large Faceplate\Trip Units
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4. Select EMVT-C wizard and double click on it.
5. The wizard gets inserted in the CimEdit Screen
6. Double click on the object to open the CimEdit native property pages for the wizard.
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7. Select the ‘Frames’ tab and expand the ‘Tabular data sheet frame’ by clicking the + button.
8. Right click the mouse button and select ‘Properties’ for the ‘Name plate’ group.

9. Go to the ‘Scripts’ tab of the property page.

10. Select ‘Nameplate_ptmap’ script and hit Edit.

11. Change the lines that says

Change from Change to

Dim resource As Dim res as
CimObjectVariable CimObjectVariable

12. Replace in the variable ‘resource’ with ‘res’ throughout the script.

13. Close the editor by selecting Menu ‘File’ option ‘Close’

14. Close all the property pages.

15 .Save the screen and replace it in the symbol explorer 5/27/99
GE PMCS App Note 66 Page 2 of 2

16. Repeat steps 5 to 15 for EMVT-D after double clicking on EMVT-D in Object Explorer.

17 .Get to the tree of the Object Explorer to point to PMCS WIZARDS\Tabular-Large

Faceplate\Relays\General & Feeders and select ML735 Wizard

18. Repeat steps 5 to 15 for ML735 Wizard.

19 .Get to the tree of the Object Explorer to point to PMCS WIZARDS\Tabular-Large

Faceplate\Relays\Motors and select ML239 Wizard

20. Repeat steps 5 to 15 for ML239 Wizard.

Last Revised 5/24/99

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