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National University


Project Paper


“ Loan and Advance Analysis of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited ”
Submitted To:

Controller of the Examinations

National University, Bangladesh

Submitted By:

Dewan Fazlul Quader

NU Registration Number: 15501002819

College ID: BBA-552
Program: BBA (Major in Finance)
Session: 2015-2016

Supervised By:

Farzana Haque Boby

Department of Business Administration
Dhaka Commerce College

Date of Submission: 07th January 2021.

Letter of Transmittal

Date: January 07, 2021

Controller of the Examinations
National University
Gazipur, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of the Project Paper

Dear Sir,
This is a great pleasure for me to submit Project Paper on “Loan and advance Analysis of
National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited. as it is the fulfillment of partial requirement of
obtaining BBA professional degree from National University, Bangladesh.

To prepare this Project, I have gathered what I believe to be the most complete information
available of Loan and Advance Analysis. It has been an interesting and very enlightening
experience for me to work in Loan and Advance Analysis. The experience I have gathered
during this period will remain invaluable asset of immense useful in my life.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. It would be great pleasure for me if you find
my report informative and sincerely hope that would live up to your expectations regarding
quality of my work. In this project report I have tried to give my best effort.

Sincerely Yours,
Dewan Fazlul Quader
College ID: BBA -552
NU Reg.No: 15501002819
Major in Finance
Session: 2015-2016
Dhaka Commerce College
Student Declaration

I am Dewan Fazlul Quader hereby declare that the Project report Entitled “Loan and Advance
of National Credit and Commerce Bank limited” is prepared by me. It is my own research work
and pursued under the supervision of Farzana Haque Boby, Lecturer, Department of Business
Administration (DBA), Dhaka Commerce College.

I Confirmed that , the report is only prepared for my academic requirement not for other
purpose. I also assure that this report is not submitted anywhere of Bangladesh before me.


Dewan Fazlul Quader

College ID: BBA-552

NU Reg No: 15501002819

Major: Finance

Session: 2015-2016

Dhaka Commerce College

Certificate of Supervisor

This is to certify that the Project Paper titled on “Loan and Advance Analysis’’ is
prepared by Dewan Fazlul Quader , NU Registration Number: 15501002819, College ID:
BBA -552, Session: 2015-2016, Major: Finance , Dhaka Commerce College under
National University, Bangladesh. He has completed this report under my supervision as
the partial fulfillment for award of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Degree.

He has done his job according to my supervision and guidance. He has tried best to do
this successfully. I think this program will help her in future to build up his career. I wish
his success and prosperity.

He is permitted to submit the report


Farzana Haque Boby

Department of Business Administration (DBA)
Dhaka Commerce College

First I would like to thank almighty Allah for blessing me with the ability to write and submit
this report. A large number of individuals have contributed directly and indirectly in the
preparation of this report. I am thankful to my family member for their support and

I also would like to gratitude to the authority of National Univrsity,Bangladesh and to our
honorable principle Prof. Md. Shafiqul Islam, Dhaka Commerce College and Prof. Dr.Bishnu
Pada Banik, Director , Department of Business Administration (DBA), Dhaka Commerce
College and to my beloved teacher Prof. Dr. Kazi Fayz Ahamed for their continuous guidance,
suggestions, encouragement throughout the process of completion of this report.

Then I am deeply grateful to my supervisor Farzana Haque Boby for her stimulating
inspiration, kind guidance, and valuable suggestion. Her suggestion and guidance have made the
report a good manner.

This project report might never has been completed without the necessary practical knowledge,
assistance of many books, articles, websites, primary and secondary data. My gratitude also goes
to all my friends who helped me in every problem and helped me completing this report
Executive Summary

In order to provide a student with a job exposure and an opportunity of the transition of
theoretical knowledge into real life experience, an internship is a must. A better balance between
theory & practice can be gained through this program. Banking system of Bangladesh has gone
through three phase of development – Nationalization, privatization and Financial Sector
Reform. National Credit and Commerce Bank is one of the largest Private Commercial Bank
from 1993 with new hope and promise to serve the countrymen.

This report has been partitioned into five sections. The principal section is the Introductions;
second part gives a profile of National credit and commerce Bank examining its goal, vision,
highlights and administrative order, third part discourse about the loan & advance background,
what I learnt and a short assessment; The Fourth part is the analysis part of Loan & advance of
NCC Bank and Chapter Five is centered around the discoveries dependent on my perception
amid entry level position period.
Table of contents

SL.NO Topic name Page No.

Letter of Submission i.

Student Declaration ii.

Supervisor’s Certificate iii.

Acknowledgement iv.

Executive Summary v.

Chapter -01: Introduction 1 to 5

1.1 Introduction 02

1.2 Background of the study 03

1.3 Objectives of the study 03

1.4 Methodology of the study 04

1.5 Scope of the report 04

1.6 Limitation of the report 05

Chapter -02 Overview of the National Credit & 06 to 12

Commerce Bank Limited
2.1 Organization Profile 07

2.2 Mission and Vision 07

2.3 Goal of the Bank 08

2.4 Organogram of NCCBL 08

2.5 Corporate Information 10

2.6 Corporate Strategy 10

2.7 Management of the NCC Bank 10

2.8 Product and Service 11

2.8.1 Loan Products 11

2.8.2 Services 11

2.8.3 Cards 11

2.8.4 Local Remittance 12

Chapter -03 Theoretical Background of Loan & 13 to 30

Advance Product of NCCBL
3.1 Loan And Advance 14

3.2 Loan Policy of NCCBL 14

3.3 Function of Credit Division 15

3.4 Different Advance Offered by NCCBL 16

3.5 Process of handling Loan 17

3.6 Types of Loan Product 18

3.7 Overdraft 19

3.7.1 Demand Loan 20

3.7.2 Term Loan 20

3.7.3 Loan general 20

3.7.4 Housing Loan 20

3.7.5 Project Loan 22

3.7.6 Transport Loan 24

3.7.7 Other special Scheme 25

3.7.8 Non- Performing Loan 26

3.8 Rate of different Loan and Advance 26

3.9 Criteria for Loan and Advance 28

Chapter -04 Performance Analysis of Loan & 31 to 52

Advance of NCCBL
4.1 Loan & Advance 32
4.2 Provision for Loan & Advances 33

4.3 Non-Performing Assets 34

4.4 Product – wise Loan Disbursement 35

4.4.1 Agriculture Loan 35

4.4.2 House Building Loan 37

4.4.3 SME Loan 38

4.4.4 Transport Loan 39

4.4.5 Demand Loan 41

4.4.6 Term Loan 42

4.4.7 Lease Finance / Izard 44

4.4.8 Education Loan Scheme 45

4.5 Sector / Industry Wise Loan disbursement 47

4.6 Ratio Analysis 47

4.6.1 Loans to Total Deposit 47

4.6.2 Loans to Total Asset 48

4.6.3 Equity to Net Loans 49

4.6.4 Net Interest Margin 50

4.6.5 Interest Income to Expense 51

Chapter -05 Finding , Recommendations & conclusions 53 to 55

5.1 Findings 54

5.2 Recommendations 55

5.3 Conclusions 55

  Reference 56
Chapter -01

1.1: Introduction

A bank collects cash from the comprehensive network through some noteworthy kinds of things
and all the gathered cash places resources into the different parts at higher financing costs.
Managing a record practices are persuading the occasion to be dynamic and testing occupation to
do the business in the budgetary market. The eagerness for the unmatched managing a record
working environments offers one-stop joined money related associations for the clients. The
restriction of banks to offer customers admittance to a few business areas for various classes of
budgetary instruments have changed into a huge strong edge. The working of the client's psyche
is an inquiry which is hard to explain and understanding the subtleties of what client
accomplishments a testing task. This activity concerning the managing a record industry will
give us an appreciation into the boundaries of client devotion and their assessment. This key data
will assist us with structure fulfillment among the clients and client enduring quality over the
long haul which is a pivotal piece of any business.

The client's prerequisites should be made an explanation of and evaluated into quantifiable
targets. This gives a fundamental procedure to screen redesigns and picking the credits that
should be revolved around with the genuine goal to improve purchaser reliability. We can see
where we need to take off moves up to make upgrades and pick whether these changes, after
finished, have prompted expanded purchaser dependability. In the event that we can't quantify
the part of purchaser constancy in putting aside additional money divisions we can't set up to
redesign the managing a record advantage with a definitive target to keep client fulfill.

1.2: Background of the study

As an understudy of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) everyone needs to coordinate a

practical presentation in any relationship for fulfilling the necessities of the 15 days of Project
Program. The essential purpose behind the program is to open the understudies to this present
reality condition .This report is done as a mostly essential of the brief position program for the
BBA understudies. This report is set up for the brief position program containing a critical all
around examination of the total keeping cash business of National Credit and Commerce Bank
Ltd. Helpful data is basic for the use of speculative understanding. Recollecting this and section
level position program was being consolidated into the BBA instructive projects. The goal of this
examination is to reveal the understudy in the definitive work condition and besides to allow to
applying study hall learning before long. There are some complexity among speculations and

1.3: Objectives of the study

⮚ To learn about theoretical background of loan & advance of National Credit &
Commerce Bank Limited.
⮚ To analyze the loan & advance performance of National Credit & Commerce Bank
⮚ To find some problems of loan & advance performance of National Credit & Commerce
Bank Limited
⮚ To make some recommendations to improve loan & advance performance of National
Credit & Commerce Bank Limited.

1.4: Methodology of the study

Information and data of the investigation have been gathered from Secondary Sources.
The details of sources of data collection are given below.

 Primary Data Sources

✔ Discussion with the authorities of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited.
✔ Informal meeting and individual discussion with workers.
✔ Face to confront discussion with the customers.
✔ Personal perception on the strategy of banking exercises.

 Secondary Data Sources

✔ Annual report of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited [2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
✔ Brochures, Manual and distributions of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited.
✔ Online information from the site of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited.
✔ Relevant Journals and research papers.

1.5: Scope of the Report

The scope of this paper is limited to the organizational structure, background, objective,
functions and loan & advance of National Credit & Commerce Bank Limited as a whole. This
part has covered the different divisions of National bank, the products offered by National bank
limited and the major financial functional area of the bank.

1.6: Limitation of the Study

To give ongoing data and to make this report read commendable, support from different sources
is fundamental. Disregarding having my wholehearted exertion, I couldn't gather some data
required at the season of the investigation. Hence, this examination isn't free frame constraints. A
few constraints and issues have experienced which are as per the following:
 The significant constraint of the examination was shorter timeframe. For a logical
reason, adequate time is required.
 The fundamental oblige of the investigation was deficiency data, which is
required for the examination.
 The speculators are uncommonly busy with their movement which lead brief
period to advising.
 In various cases, forefront information was not conveyed.
Chapter -02

Overview Of The Project

2.1:Organization Profile

National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. bears a unique history of its own. The organization
started its journey in the financial sector of the country as an investment company back in 1985.
The aim of the company was to mobilize resources from within and invest them in such way so
as to develop country's Industrial and Trade Sector and playing a catalyst role in the formation of
capital market as well. Its membership with the browse helped the company to a great extent in
these regard. The company operated up to 1992 with 16 branches and thereafter with the
permission of the Central Bank converted into a full-fledged private commercial Bank in 1993
with paid up capital of Tk. 39.00 core to serve the nation from a broader platform. Since its
inception NCC Bank Ltd. has acquired commendable reputation by providing sincere
personalized service to its customers in a technology based environment. The Bank has set up a
new standard in financing in the Industrial, Trade and Foreign exchange business. Its various
deposit & credit products have also attracted the clients-both corporate and individuals who feel
comfort in doing business with the Bank.

2.2: Mission & Vision

Their mission is delivering excellent financial service to their communities based on strong
customer relationship, providing long lasting solutions that combining their cutting edge
technology, experience and financial strength to our clients and stakeholders, creating a cohesive
and friendly environment where customers and their people can excel. Their vision is to become
one of the most adorable commercial bank in serving the nation as a progressive and socially
responsible financial institution by bringing credit and commerce together for increased
shareholders value and sustainable growth.

2.3: Goal of the Bank

To share a significant portion of the banking sector’s by utilizing available manpower and also
state of the art technology for maximizing the shareholders wealth.

 Long Term Goal: To maximize the wealth of the shareholders.

 Short Term Goal: To earn satisfactory rate of return on investment by providing
wide range of banking service.

2.4: Organogram of NCCBL

The organogram of NCCBL is professional and experienced. Top management and the policy
formulation of the Bank are vested on the Board of Directors. The board of directors consists of
26 members headed by chairman. Most of the directors are owners of large business groups
having high net worth. The executives and officers of the bank execute the policies and programs
formulated by the board.


2.5: Corporate Information
Chairman of the Board of Directors Alhaj Md. NurunNewaj

Vice Chairman of the board of Directors Mrs. Sohela Hossain

Chairman of the Executive Committee of Mr. S.M. Abu Mohsin

the Board

Chairman of the Risk Management Mr. Yakub Ali

Committee of the Board

Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Mr. Md. Aminul Islam


Managing Director & CEO Mr. Mosleh Uddin Ahmed

Chief Financial Officer Mr. Mohammad Mizaur Rahman

2.6: Corporate Strategy

During the year under review, our strategy was concentrated on sustainable long-term growth of
business, better deposit mix, improving the quality of assets, rationalizing operating cost,
improving operational efficiency and productivity of resources, better and faster customer
services and strengthening the overall risk management and Corporate governance system

2.7: Management of NCC Bank

For any financial and non-financial organization, Management is the most valuable and
important resources of any kind of organization. And, a well-organize management provides the
organization to reach its ultimate goal. Management means planning, organizing, staffing,
directing and controlling of all financial and non-financial resources of an organization. Different
aspects of management practice in NCC BANK planning, organizing, staffing, directing &
controlling, human resources practices and recruitment finally.

2.8: Product and Service

 2.8.1: Loan Products

Bank has its own principle about the credit sanctioned or loan to the customers, but lending
product of a bank or of a branch is equal important to verify the outstanding at the end of any
fiscal year. Every bank pays special attention about their lending products, because these
products are handed over on a regular basis.

- Personal Loan
- Education Loan
- Car Loan Scheme
- House Building Finance
- House Repairing & Renovation Loan
- House Improvement Loan
- Consumer Finance Scheme
- Loan For Maize Farmers

 2.8.2: Services
- NCC Bank Smart Pay
- NCC Bank Securities & Financial Service
- Treasury Service
- Remittance Service
- Locker Service
- Off Shore Banking Unit
- Schedule of Charges
- Enlisted Surveyors

 2.8.3: Cards
- Debit Card
- Credit Card

 2.8.4: Local Remittance

Carrying cash money is troublesome and risky. That’s why money can be transferred from one
place to another through banking channel. This is called remittance. Remittances of funds are
one of the most important aspects of the Commercial Banks in rendering services to its

 Types of remittance:
- Between banks and non-banks customer.
- Between banks in the same country.
- Between banks in the different centers.
- Between banks and central bank in the same country.
- Between central bank of different customers.
Chapter -03

Theoretical Background of Loan & Advance of National

Credit and Commerce Bank Limited

3.1: Loan and Advance

Credit and Advances have an essential situation in current putting aside additional money. A
bank is a business endeavor of the nation. It is a favorable position looking for pressure as some
extraordinary business and mechanical association. A bank can't be profited just by taking
stores from open with finding true roads for setting them in advantageous endeavor. Since it
needs to pay interest hopeful on important piece of its stores. Other than it needs to get
together the regulatory and different expenses of the establishment. So it is basic to contribute
them. So unmistakably profitability of a bank dependably relies on the pleasant direct and the
roads wherein its favorable circumstances are utilized to get the best compensation. An overall
business concern will investigate the different propensities by which it can get its advantages,
similar to extra capital, floatation of debentures, bank borrowings, Credit on buy.

3.2: Loan Policy of NCCBL

Loaning being the most critical limit of business bank, each bank should have guarantee credit
methodology. The credit system of National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited has been
figured of the course of action of "Each NEW Loan TO BE GOODS LOANS" the plan was
confined dependent on the going with goals:

✔ To help the advantage of the bank by making faultless crediting.

✔ To pass using a loan to appropriate acquiring at a reasonable cost.
✔ To give pleasing rate of productivity.
✔ To help the social and financial headway of the country.
✔ To pass on general money related organizations to individuals by and large and credit to
handy borrowers at a reasonable cost.

In any case, in NCCBL most of the advancing officers are not instructed with their made
credit methodology or advancing guidelines. They have recently some oral direction from the
senior organization or in charge of credit. In case all the advancing officers of NCCBL totally
know and grasp their credit approach it will be very valuable for them to complete their duty
even more effectively and profitably.

3.3: Function of Credit Division

Money advancing is one of the essential components of a business bank. In the crediting
methodology, assurance of borrower is the most imperative and crucial work for an agent. Before
a customer acknowledges credit workplaces it is critical that the competitor should meet all
prerequisites for five Cs. The five Cs are:

⮚ Character -Goal to pay back the development.

⮚ Limit - Borrower's ability to the extent utilizing the store gainfully and make pay.
⮚ Capital - Financial solidarity to Lending spread the danger.
⮚ Conditions - General business condition between two social affairs.
⮚ Guarantee - Implies additional securities.

Additionally, objectives of the credit office are regulating credit introduction of the bank,
keeping up credit possibility, consistence of Central Bank Ltd, recovering or assembling duty of
retail advances or advances. At present credit division performs following activities:

❖ Overseeing Corporate and Retail Credit.

❖ Performing Credit Collection and Monitoring Activity.
❖ Supporting Recovery and Risk Management.

Other than this, the activities of this division joins managing the cash related books of the bank,
checking all segments of the book are as shown by benchmarks, preparing each day reports for
Bangladesh Bank, pay task and estimations, setting the inward esteeming rates, etc.

3.4: Different Advances Offered by NCCBL

Loan & Advance

Funded Credit Non-Funded

Facility Credit Facility

Overdraft Cash Credit Term Loan Letter of Letter of

(OD) (CC) Credit Guarantee

Pledge Hypothecation

House Building Transport Loan Project Staff Loan Personal

Loan Loan General Loan against Loan

3.5: Process of handling loans

Getting loan proposal Collecting Information Evaluating Project
From the client and proposal

About Client About Project

Legal Assessment Evaluating


Sanctioning and Branch Level

Documentation of Evaluation
Supervision of Disbursing Loan Decision
the loan

Recovery of the

Head Office Level Branch Level

Usual Legal

Recovery Recovery

3.6: Type of Loan

Making advances is the essential capacity of a bank. A noteworthy part of its assets is utilized for
this reason and this is likewise the significant wellsprings of bank's salary.

Advances are the privilege to get installment or a commitment to make installment on interest or
at some future time by virtue of the quick exchange of merchandise (securities).

Advances are the biggest resource thing, which for the most part represent half to right around
seventy five percent of the complete estimation of all banks resources. A ledger's ordinarily is
separated into a few gatherings of comparative sort advances. The credit and advances made by
the NCCBL can comprehensively be arranged by following classes:-

✔ Continuous Loan.
✔ Demand Loan.
✔ Term Loan.
✔ Other Special Scheme.

❖ Continuous Loan
These are those advances which don't have any set calendar for illustration or dispensing yet for the most
part have a deadline of full change or reimbursement. Precedent: Cash credit (CC), Over Draft (OD).

● Cash Credit
A Cash Credit (CC) is an arrangement by which the customer is allowed to borrow money up to
a limit. This is a permanent arrangement and the customer need not draw the sanctioned amount
at once, but draw the amount as and when required. They can put back any surplus amount,
which they may find with them. Thus Cash Credit (CC) is an active and running account, which
deposits and with drawls may be affected frequently. Interest is charged only for the amount
withdrawn and not for the whole amount charged. If the customer does not use the Cash Credit
(CC) limit to the full extent, a commitment charge is made by the bank. This charge is imposed
on the unutilized portion of Cash Credit (CC) only.

Money Credit (CC) gives a versatile type of getting since the farthest point varies as indicated by
the necessities of the business. Money Credit (CC) is the most loved method of getting by
enormous business and mechanical worries in our nation.

Money Credit (CC) courses of action are typically made against the security of items
hypothecated or promised with the bank.

a) Cash Credit (Hypothecation):

This sort of credit is permitted to the brokers and mechanical borrowers for advancing
exchange and trade and enterprises. In the event of hypothecation the ownership of
merchandise isn't given to the bank. The products stay at the transfer and in the go downs of
the borrower. This is offered access to merchandise at whatever point it so wants. The
borrower outfits periodical return of stock with the bank.

b) Cash Credit (Pledge):

Took into account advancing exchange, business and ventures of the nation against promise
of stock in exchange under Bank's control. In the event of the promise, the merchandise are
put in authority of the manage an account with its name in a hurry down where they are put
away. The borrower has no option to manage them.

3.7: Overdraft

Overdraft (OD) is a Course of action between a financial specialist and its customer by which the
latter is allowed to pull back over his credit balance in the current record up to an agreed farthest
point. This is only a temporary accommodation by and large surrendered against protections. The
borrower is permitted to draw and repay quite a few times, gave the total overdrawn doesn't
outperform beyond what many would consider possible. The interest is charged particularly for
the aggregate drawn and not for the whole total approved.

 There are two kinds of Overdraft:

1. Secured Overdraft
2. Unsecured Overdraft

1) Secured Overdraft:

Verified overdrafts are credits which have insurance appended to them as a lien. A lien is a
financial case against a property to be satisfied before rehash proprietorship can happen.
Verified overdrafts partitioned into two structures. There are-(I) Secured overdrafts money
related commitment (SOD-FO) (ii) Secured overdrafts general (SOD General).

● SOD (FO): Allowed against money related commitment (Like-FDR, SSS and so
forth.) for advancement of monetary and business exercises.
● SOD (General): Generally permitted to the merchants for business advancement
and monetary exercises. If there should be an occurrence of SOD (General), bank
keeps the land as insurance.
2) Unsecured Overdraft:
Banks, some of the time allow unbound overdraft for limited quantity to clients
having current record with them. Such clients might be government representatives
with fixed salary or merchants. Unbound overdrafts are allowed just where solid
wellsprings of assets are accessible to a borrower for reimbursement.

 3.7.1: Demand Loan

The credit which become payable in the wake of serving request see by the bank concerned are
named as Demand Loan.
Example: LIM, LTR, PAD, Loan against Packing Credit, Loan against Investment and so on.

 3.7.2: Term Loan

These are credits which have a particular term for reimbursement as determined in the
advance understanding. Precedent: Loan (General), Transport Loan, Project Loan, Lease
Financing, private venture Loan, Personal Loan, House Building Loan and Other Loan
and so on

 3.7.3: Loan General

If there should arise an occurrence of advance general, the investor progresses a singular
amount for a specific period at a concurred rate of premium. The whole sum is paid on an
event either in real money or by credit in his/her present record which he/she can draw
whenever. The premium is charged for everything authorized whether he/she pulls back
the cash from his/her record or not. The credit might be reimbursed in regularly scheduled
payments or at the expiry of a specific period.

 3.7.4: Housing Loan

A lot of cash expected to develop a house or buy a condo. It is preposterous to surprisingly to
develop a house by just possess salary sources. Particularly this issue to a great extent faces by
center dimension and fixed pay individuals. To tackle this issue, NCCBL's offer Housing Loan
with simple reimbursement condition and less financing cost

 Detail information of Housing Loan

✔ Purpose of loan

a) To help administration holders, independently employed people, business

people, experts and furthermore the individuals who have the capacity to
compensate advance for buy of pads/house/develop structures and
accordingly improve their personal satisfaction.

b) To add to the decrease of intense lodging issues of the nation

c) To help the imminent customers get lodging advances on simple terms

and with no hardies.

d) To contribute towards progress of financial state of the general public.

e) To strength NCCBL.

✔ Housing Loan Product Of NCC Bank Limited

a) Flat Purchase.
b) Own Construction.
c) House Extension.
d) Readymade house Purchase.

✔ Target Group

Individuals of all areas of the general public who are covetous of acquiring
pads/house/developing structures/pads ashore claimed through enrolled buy/rent
from the administration/some other government endorsed specialist and who have
the ability to reimburse the credits inside the legitimacy time of the advance out
of the salary created by the pads/house and furthermore their different wellsprings
of pay, might be the perfect clients

✔ Designated Branch

a) Gulshan Branch
b) Mirpur Road Branch
c) Uttara Branch
d) Dhanmondi Branch

✔ Maximum Size of Loan:

Loan for amount exceeding Tk.5.00 lac to the maximum of Tk.75.00 lac may be considered
under the Housing Loan Scheme.

 Necessary of Document for Housing Loan

The following papers are to be submitted while applying for loan
For employed:

i. Employment declaration/contract paper.

ii. Pay slip for most recent 3 months (demonstrating all derivation).
iii. Bio-Data (salary worker).
iv. Bank articulation throughout the previous a year.
v. If candidate has some other salary, evidence of that might be given (for example
Rental understanding).
vi. TIN Certificate.
vii. Letter of Consent from the underwriter (whenever required).

✔ For Self-employed:

i. Statements of business, detail, for example, item/customers and so forth.

ii. Income Tax evaluation orders/returns for a long time.
iii. Audited Profit and misfortune Account and Balance Sheet for most recent
3 years.
iv. Self-surveyed Profit and misfortune Account for most recent 3 years (for
Proprietorship Firm).
v. Bank Statement of self and business for most recent 1 year.
vi. Bio – Data
vii. If candidate has some other salary, evidence of that might be given (for
example Rental understanding). TIN Certificate.

 3.7.5: Project Loan

NCC Bank Ltd has their undertaking advance plan. Despite the fact that they don't put
resources into undertaking advance broadly however at this point they are anticipating task
credit. Since task advance is tremendous venture and it totally relies upon accomplishment
of the undertaking therefore bank dependably keeps eye some main consideration before
contribute on venture credit. Before contribute on undertaking advance bank dependably
who is the general population includes in the venture security standard of the borrower. At
that point bank searches for the attainability report of the undertaking. Borrower needs to
totally demonstrate the plausibility report to the Head Office. In the possibility report
borrower needs to demonstrate to them what the mission of the undertaking, who are the
objective client, similar investigation of the venture with
Other same task, how the undertaking fulfills the need of the objective client, for which
reason the credit is requesting, detail data of the task activity, detail value rundown of the
gear, rough reimbursement arranging by the borrower. Branches don't have any expert to
authorize any measure of advance for venture advance. Branch can just survey the venture
achievability, assess the customer check the vital papers and gather it from the customer.
In the wake of getting the whole vital papers branch makes a proposition for the advance
and send it to the head office. Head Office then rethinks the proposition with fundamental
papers. At that point head office maturing assesses the venture.

 Detail information for Project Loan

✔ Name and address of the costumer.

✔ Particulars of the chiefs (Directors level of the offer in the undertaking).
✔ Detail of the affirmed office.
✔ Nature of the office term advance.
✔ Amount of authorized advance.
✔ Purpose of the advance for which explicit reason customer needs the advance for
buying hardware.
✔ Rate of interest-19% p.a. at quarterly rest, subject to change from time to time.
✔ Grace Period-after payment portion won't tally from the next month. Subsequent
to finishing the venture portion period will be include from that month where
month the undertaking is finished and begin its activity.
✔ Validity of the advance methods to what extent it will take to reimburse the

 Necessary Documents for the Project Loan

✔ Tax Identification Number (TIN) Certificate.
✔ CIB (Customer Information (Beauro) response form.
✔ Party’s application
✔ Credit proposal and approval form
✔ List of collateral securities
✔ Feasibility report
✔ Trade license
✔ Memorandum & articles of the association
✔ Resolution
✔ Net worth calculation of business & individual
✔ Legal opinion
✔ Valuation assessment
✔ Quotation
✔ Deed of lease agreement
✔ CIB inquiry form 1, 2 and 3

 3.7.6: Transport loan

NCC bank Ltd was a speculation organization before the transformation in a bank. So they
have smart thought about rent financing. Transport credit is fallen under rent financing,
however it is called transport advance yet it is really fallen under renting term and condition.
NCC Bank Ltd does not have any vehicle advance plan for individual customers, they had this
plan yet the plan is totally halted until further notice.

 Detail information for Transport loan

✔ Name and address of the borrower & company.

✔ Nature of limit- loan (Transport)
✔ Amount of the limit - the loan amount.
✔ Purpose of the loan - To procure vehicle for industrial or local transport.
✔ Margin-40% cash against each vehicle.
✔ Nature of business of the borrower- Transport business.
✔ Debt-Equity proportion 50:50 (Bank money half and Party money half).
✔ Validity-No of months (Calculated by the bank how long it will take to reimburse the
advance against every vehicle) from the date of payment against every vehicle.
✔ Rate of interest 16% p.a. at quarterly rest, subject to change as per showcase
✔ Mode of payment the advance to be ideally dispensed in the wake of getting of
vehicle. On the off chance that advance installment is considered as sine-qua-non the
installment to be made direct to particular dealer through installment request in the
wake of understanding gathering's full value with guidance to convey the vehicle to
the bank's agent. Every single other cost protection premium, course grant and so on to
be borne by the borrower. Deal receipt to be issued for the sake of financial balance

 Necessary Documents for Transport Loan:

✔ CIB (Customer Information Bauru) response form.

✔ Party’s application
✔ CIB inquiry form 1, 2 and 3.
✔ D.P. Note
✔ Letter of arrangement
✔ Letter of disbursement
✔ Letter of authority
✔ Letter of hypothecation
✔ Letter of lien

 3.7.7: Other special scheme

 Consumer scheme

The Scheme goes for improving the way of life of the fixed pay gathering. Under the plan the
customers may verify advance offices at simple portions to secure family unit courtesies.

 Lease finance

A business person, under this plan, may profit of the rent offices to acquire mechanical
apparatus (without obtaining it by initial installment) with simple reimbursement plan. The
customers likewise get extraordinary refund in their personal duty installment under the plan.

Rent financing is a standout amongst the most helpful long haul wellsprings of procuring
capital apparatus and hardware. It is an exceptionally famous plan whereby a customer is
allowed the chance to have a select appropriate to utilize an advantage, for the most part for a
concurred timeframe, against installment of lease. Recently, the rent fund has turned out to be
exceptionally prevalent in practically every one of the nations of the world. An undeniable bit
of leeway of the rent is to utilize a benefit without getting it. The resident is committed to
make rent installments until the termination of the rent understanding which compares to the
helpful existence of the advantages. In a capital rare economy like our own. Rent financing is
reasonable for firms to procure capital, Machinery, Equipment’s, restorative Instruments and
Automobiles and so forth. Also, along these lines utilize their own assets all the more
profitably in some different speculations. Rent financing likewise encourages a firm to receive
noteworthy monetary reward through duty sparing and by decreasing the danger of the types
of gear getting to be out of date because of the mechanical progression.

 3.7.8: Non-Performing Loan

Credits are assigned as none performing when they are set on nonaccrual status or when
the terms are generously adjusted in a rebuilding. Nonaccrual implies that banks deduct all
enthusiasm on the advances that was recorded however not really gathered. Banks have
customarily quit securing premium when obligation installments were over 90 days past
due before the finish of the revealing time frame. This allowed borrowers to make late
halfway installments and the banks to report all enthusiasm as gathered, even it was not
gathered. Now and again, banks would loan the borrower the assets that were utilized to
make the late installment.

3.8: Rate of Different Loan & Advance

SL. Particulars Rate


A. Continuous Loan

01. Cash Credit

a. CC (Pledge) 13%

b. CC (Hypothecation) 13%

02. Overdraft (OD)

a. SOD (FO)

i. SOD (FO) against FDR

SOD (FO) against NCCBL’s FDR FDR Rate+6%

SOD (FO) against other Bank’s FDR 14%

ii. SOD (FO) against SDS 13%

iii. SOD (FO) against SSS 16%

b. SOD (G) 13%

B. Term Loan

01. Small Loan

a) Small Business Loan 14.5%

b) Personal Loan 13%

c) House Renovation Loan 12%

02. Consumer Finance Scheme 12%

03. Loan (G) against (P.F) 16%

04. House Building Loan 16%

05. Transport Loan 13%

06. Project Loan 14%

3.9: Criteria for Loan & Advance

Reason for advance grouping: All advances and advances are characterized based on two

● Objective criteria
● Qualitative judgment criteria

 Objective Criteria
Status Type of loans Definition

1.Unclassified All Current loans with required! adequate

eligible securities

2. Sub- standard Continuous Overdue is more than 3 months but less than 6

Demand Overdue is more than 3 months but less than 6

months from the date of serving notice!
creation of forced loans

Term (less than If the defaulted amount of installment is equal

5 to installment! installments payable in 6
years) months

Term (More If the defaulted amount of installment is equal

than to installment! installments payable in 12
5 years) months

Short term Overdue is more than 12 months but less than

agriculture! 36 months

Doubtful Continuous Overdue is more than 6 months but less than

12 months

Doubtful Demand Overdue is more than 6 months but less than

12 months from the date of serving notice!
creation of forced loans

Term (Up to 5 If the defaulted amount of installment is equal

years) to installment! installments payable in 12

Term (More If the defaulted amount of installment is equal

than to installment/ installments payable in 18
5 years) months

Short term Overdue is more than 36 months but less than

/micro 60 months

Bad/ loss Continuous Overdue is more than 12 months

Demand Overdue is more than 12 months from the date
of serving notice! creation of forced loans

Demand Overdue is more than 12 months from the date

of serving notice! creation of forced loans

Term (Up to 5 If the defaulted amount of installment is equal

to installment! installments payable in 18

Term (More If the defaulted amount of installment payable

than in 24 months
5 years)

Short term/ Overdue is more than 60 months


 Qualitative Criteria

Status Type of loans Definition

Sub- All A loan is considered “Sub-standard” when the

standard degree of risk of non-payable is so high and
there is reasonable prospect that the loans
condition can be improved

Doubtful Chance of recovery is uncertain

Bad/ loss All No security held. Borrower not traceable. Time

barred loan cases. No hope of recovery.
Chapter -04

Performance Analysis of Loan & Advance Of

National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited
4.1: Loan And Advance

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Loan & Advance 173,866.79 146,633.84 126,003.48 104,854.73 90,920.77 70,120.56


Growth 19% 16% 20% 15% 30%

Loan & Advance



2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Loan and Advance Growth


19% 20%
16% 15%

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: The bank's advances and advances in the year 2013 was 70,120.56 million
and expanding to remain at 2018 credit was 173,866.79 million. Separately the development rate
of 2014 was 30% and develop consistently multiyear at high rate. In any case, 2017 development
rate 16% in abatement and 2018 was 19%. with the goal that this pass on show positive audit of
this credit and advance division.

4.2: Provision for Loan & Advance

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Provision for Loan & 2,754.70 1,834.25 973.81 1,663.55 1,246.32 10,324.87

Advance (Million)

Provision for Loan & Advance




2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interpretation: For making arrangement against ordered and unclassified advances

according to updated orders of Bangladesh bank by December 2018, the bank made
arrangement for tk1327.79 million during the year under report. The absolute arrangement
kept up for advances and propels and cockeyed sheet Exposures remained at taka 2,754.70
million when contrasted with earlier year for 1,834.25 million.

4.3: Non-Performing Assets

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Non-Performing 10,091.88 8,490.07 7,274.01 7,409.95 6,735.52 6,567.90

Assets (Million)

Nonperforming assets


7,274.01 7,409.95

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interpretation: The capacity of the treasury division is getting and loaning store from,
currency advertises. Acquiring from different banks, monetary establishments, and operator
including medium-term getting remained at taka 10,091.88 million toward the finish of 2018
contrasted with taka 8,490.07 million of 2017.
4.4: Product-Wise Loan Disbursement

 4.4.1: Agriculture Loan

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Agriculture Loan 2190.45 2145.39 1937.366 1919.66 1392.32 1657.39


Growth 2% 11% 1% 38% 16%

Agriculture Loan

2190.45 2145.39
1937.36 1919.66

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Agriculture Loan



2% 1%
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: Agriculture product division is one of the improving parts of NCCBL. In the
money related year 2017-18, farming part got just 2% grouping of its all-out credit extraordinary
develop adding up to a sum of a Tk. 2,190,645,293 which is more than other 2017 and 2016

 4.4.2: House Building Loans

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

House Building 288.38 244.28 2,38.82 180.97 139.75 141.75

Loans (Million)

Growth 18% 2% 32% 29% 1%

House Building loans


244.28 238.82


139.75 141.75

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

House Building loans




2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: As we see the table House Building credit of 2014 was 139.75 million and
development rate was in this way just 1.00%. After 2015 the credit sum should increment
however in 2017 and development rate stay diminishing and 2018 development again
expanding. It's useful for the NCCBL.
 4.4.3: SME Loan

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

SME Loan (Million) 6027.6 6236.5 6663.6 7388.4 7864.5 7877.2

SME Loan

7864.5 7877.2
6027.6 6236.5

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: As we see the table SME loan credit of 2014 was 7864.5 million and
decreasing year by year to stand at 2018 loan was 6027.6 million. so it is not a good position
from those sector NCCBL Bank.
 4.4.4: Transport Loans

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Transport 413.24 401.54 390. 63 339.61 319.36 366.70


Growth 3% 3% 15% 6% 6%

Transport Loans

413.24 401.54 390.63


2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Transport Loans


6% 6%

3% 3%

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: As we see the table transport Loan of 2014 was 319.36 million and
expanding step by step at 2018 the advance sumstands413.24 million and development
rate was s along these lines 3% at 2018 however consistently fluctuating the development
rate which isn't appropriate for NCCBL.

 4.4.5: Demand Loan

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Demand Loan 495.67 432.87 319.02 301.02 193.75 191.64


Growth 15% 36% 6% 55% 1%

Demand Loan


319.02 301.02

193.75 191.64

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Demand Loan




2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Interpretation: From Unclassified advances perspective, this segment passes on some
negative sign. We see the table interest advance of 2014 was 193.75 million and development
rate was expanding remain the time of 2015.Next year vacillation the development rate which
isn't appropriate.

 4.4.6: Term Loan

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Term Loan 3164.58 2956.83 2889.03 2226.07 1835.61 1647.13


Growth 7% 2% 6% 55% 1%

Term Loan

2956.83 2889.03



2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Term Loan Growth






2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: The study demonstrates that Positive survey on this division. Since we see the
credit measure of 2013 was 1647.13 million to 3164.58 million at 2018. The development rate
was ups and as the year progressed. So it is a not a decent position from the NCCBL

 4.4.7: Lease Finance

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Lease Finance 186.74 156.74 176.87 121.46 133.28 125.91


Growth 19% -11% 46% -9% 6%

Lease Finance


121.46 125.91

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

lease Financing Growth




2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: The study demonstrates that negative audit on this area. Since we see the
credit measure of 2013 was 125.91 million to 186.74 million at 2018. be that as it may, issue
occur on 2015 and 2017 where this segment neglecting to endorse advance sum more than earlier
year and development rate should tumbling down show negative outcome.

 4.4.8: Education Loan Scheme

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Education Loan 19.89 12.37 66.24 13.77 19.13 5.27

Scheme (Million)

Growth 61% -81% 381% -28% 263%

Education loan scheme


19.89 19.13
12.37 13.77
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Education Loan scheme Growth




2018 2017 2016 -28%

2015 2014 2013

Interpretation: This sector provided flectional view for the bank because we see in 2013 the
loan was 5.27 million and 2018 it stands 19.89 million but surprise in 2016 was more than
increasing total 6 years. Another side the growth negative show in 2015 & 2017. So it is not a
stable form the NCCBL

4.5: Sector Wise Distribution of Loan and Advances

Real Estate
10% Industry



Interpretation: The chart indicates NCCBL Investment in the various areas during the time
of 2017. We can see that 26.27% speculation on Real Estate that was a most extreme venture;
different divisions were: industry 20.40%, Business 16.38%, Exports 12.70%, Agriculture
10.20% and others 14.05%. In this diagram we can see that the most minimal speculation was
10.20% on farming area. The Bank ought to consider to build its interest in farming segment; it
additionally can expand its interest in Export Sector.

4.6: Ratio Analysis

 4.6.1: Loans to Total Deposit

Loans to Total Deposit= Loans/ Total Deposits

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Loans to 90% 91% 94% 93% 86%

Loans to Deposit




2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interpretation: From the above graph we can see that, comparing to 2015 the rate more than
higher in 2014. But, in 2016 increase & 2017 decreased. Then again in 2017 & 2018 it gradually
Decrease. If the ratio is excessively high, it implies that the bank might not have enough liquidity
to cover any unanticipated store prerequisites. On the other hand, if the proportion is excessively
low, the bank may not be procuring as much as it could be. So this ratio need a balancing

 4.6.2: Loans to Total Asset

Loans to Total Asset= Loans/ Total Assets

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Loans to Total Asset 54% 57% 58% 58% 53%

Loans to Total Asset

58% 58%



2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interpretation: From the above diagram we can see that, contrasting with 2015 the rate all
the more then higher in 2014. In any case, in 2016 and 2017 both are same. On the other hand
in 2017 and 2018 it progressively Decrease. This implies contrasting with earlier years, in 2018
the National Credit Commerce Bank Position great.

 4.6.3: Equity to Net Loans

Equity to Net Loans= Total Equity/ Net Loan

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Equity to 10% 11% 13% 14% 15%

Net Loans

Equity to net loans



2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interpretation: From the above graph we can say that from 2014 to 2018 the Equity to net
Loans was decreasing. This means comparing to previous years, in 2018 the National Credit &
Commerce Bank Position Not So Well.

 4.6.4: Net interest Margin

Net Interest Margin= (Interest Income- Interest Expense) / Total Assets

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Net interest Margin 2.97% 2.85% 2.80% 2.48% 2.56%

Net interest Margin




2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interpretation: From the above graph we can see that, comparing to 2015 the rate is little bit
lower in 2014. But, in 2016, 2017 & 2018 gradually increase. Which means comparing to
previous years, in 2018 the National Credit & Commerce Bank was Profitable.

 4.6.5: Interest Income to Expense

(Interest Income- Interest Expense)/ Total Loans and Advances

Year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interest Income to 68% 63% 64% 62% 54%


Interest Income to Expense

63% 64% 62%

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

Interpretation: From the above graph we can say that from 2014 to 2016 the Interest Income
to Expense Gradually Increasing. Unfortunately, in 2017 fall down this ratio. Then next year in
2018 are more increasing. This means comparing to previous years, in 2018 the National Credit
& Commerce Bank Position Well.
Chapter -05

Finding, Recommendations & Conclusions

5.1: Finding

 Positive:

● NCCBL’s overall loan and advance of the bank has been increasing since 2013 and
growth also in increasing trend.
● NCCBL’s House building loan growth rate has been increasing from 2013 to 2018.
This Means the bank are creating a big risk from this loan.
● The banks demand loan amount also increasing since 2017 and also reducing
growth rate at the year of 2017 to 2018.
● The banks term loan amount of 2016 increasing higher margin compare to 2015
and also reducing growth rate at the year 2016 to 2017.
● The banks Education Loan amount also increasing since 2016 and also reducing
growth rate at the year of 2016 to 2017.

 Negative:

● Provision for loan & advances has been increasing which is not good for the bank.
● Non-performing asset has been fluctuating since 2013 but form 2017 to 2018; it was
extremely high which huge problem for the bank.
● The banks SME loan has decreased from 2013 to 2018 and which showed negative
impact on overall loan disbursement.
● Transportation loan growth rate also be last two year decreasing from 2017 to 2018.
5.2: Recommendation

● NCCBL need to more focus on provision loan. They can to reduce this provision
loan by reducing bad loans & customer defaults.
● For resolving the problem of nonperforming asset. They should reconstruct their
● NCCBL are facing SME loan problem. They can increase their SME loan by
improving credit assessment.
● NCCBL should increase growth rate of transportation loan by organizing this loan

5.3: Conclusion

The advantage pummeling intra industry competition in the dealing with a record industry makes
a bank's errand trying to smash out any sporadic advantage. In such condition, with a huge cash
related characteristics and brand picture, NCCBL is serving the area people of Bangladesh by
offering widened dealing with a record organization. Doing noteworthy execution and being the
mind-boggling among the business in this horrendous forceful situation relies upon the inside
characteristics just as outwardly conditions. Considering this powerful advantageous and revived
corporate technique makes a leave arrangement for a relationship to accomplish the desired
position. NCCBL is such a bank which could build up its size in keeping cash industry of
Bangladesh through unsurprising execution. Notwithstanding the way that NCCBL has set up
picture as remarkable contrasted with other master community for its potential customers; yet
NCCBL isn't the market pioneer. The relentless execution of the bank over the span of the latest
couple of years is the verification of the characteristics of the bank, profitability of supervisory
team, and troublesome errand of specialists. Despite the nearness of insufficiencies in a couple of
zones, the general execution of NCCBL was unprecedented among the dealing with a record
industry in Bangladesh. The bank needs to overcome the lacks soon and offer new imaginative
organizations with the ultimate objective to hold its circumstance as a pioneer among banks an
apparently interminable measure of time.
 Reference

 NCC Bank Limited, Annual Report 2013. Retrieved from

 NCC Bank Limited, Annual Report 2014. Retrieved from

 Annual Report of NCC Bank, 2015. Retrieved from

 Annual Report of NCC Bank, 2016. Retrieved from

 NCC Bank Limited, Annual Report 2017. Retrieved from

 Annual Report of NCC Bank, 2018. Retrieved from

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