FTIR 7800: Spectrophotometer

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analytical instruments for science

The FTIR 7800 spectrophotometer simultaneously collects

FTIR 7800
high resolution optical data with a wide spectral range of
7800cm¯¹ - 350cm¯¹
The spectrophotometer has a small footprint with intelegent
multi-sealed moisture and dust proof Cube Corner Michelson interferometer

Spectrophotometer optical system. Multiple comunication with the FTIR 7800 is available
including Ethernet and WIFI.
A powerful CFR 21 part 11 software workstation offers a modular platform
design with multiple specialised Libraries and real time instrument status
analytical instruments for science analytical instruments for science

FTIR 7800 PG Instruments – a leader in the development of first class scientific instruments – is
pleased to introduce its FTIR 7800.
The FTIR 7800 spectrophotometer offers a wide spectral range and fast collection of

Spectrophotometer quantitative and qualitative data.

Main Industries

The inovative design and modular construction of

the FTIR 7800 allows the instrument to used in a large
variety of industries. ?????????? Features

w Pharmacuetical w Oil and Greese w Gas w Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
w Plastics w Petroleum w Agricultural adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh

w Polymer w Forensic w Environmental w Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud

Pharmacuetical exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit
w Rubber w Research w Eduacation
w Lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo
w Food w Chemical
w Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in
vulputate velit
w Esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore
Oil and gas
w Feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan
et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent
w Luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te
feugait nulla facilisi.

Variation of Analysis Software

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Comparison Scan adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod
w Development of new products tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat
w Product manufacture and trouble shooting volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis
w Contamination and impurity investigation nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis
w Quality control and Quality assurance of raw materials nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
w Identify multiple compounds in a product Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit
in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
w Packing and package analysis
illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros
w IR analysis of synhesized materials
et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
w Analysis of semiconductors praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore
w Iso-Metric material analysis te feugait nulla facilisi.

Transmittance Scan
Sample compartment

2 3
analytical instruments for science analytical instruments for science

Main Features

w HIgh Sensitivity Optical System

Cube -Corner Michelson Interferometer combined
with patented mirror fixing alignment ensures long term
stability. Reflecting mirrors are gold coated to
provide maximum light throughput and optimum
detection sensitivity
w Intelligent Multi-Sealed optical design
Multiple sealed Interferometer with high capacity,

FTIR 7800
easy replacable, desiccant cartridge complete
pg Instruments – a leader in the development of first class scientific instruments – is with visible window. Real time monitoring of
pleased to introduce its FTIR 7800. temperature and humidity reduces the influences
from chemical corrosion in the Interferometer.
The FTIR 7800 spectrophotometer offers a wide spectral range and fast collection of
Spectrophotometer quantitative and qualitative data. w High intensity IR scource
High intensity long life IR source module which adopts a Reflex
Sphere design to obtain even and stable IR radiation. The
isolated IR source module has a large heat disipation chamber to
provide better thermal stability and stable optical interference
Main Features
w Integrated Detector
The high sensitivity integrated DLATGS detector
w High sensitivity and stability
module ensures high quality real-time data collection and
w Intelligent real-time monitoring of high speed transmission
instrument status
w Precision Electronic system
w Multiple communication options The new stable electronic system is designed
w Flexible and convenient testing to meet the CE certification and electromagnetic
compatability as required in todays design and
w Powerful software workstation developments. With its dynamic gain amplification,
w Software can be operated with ANY version digital filtration and high precision 24 bit A/D data
of Windows conversion, the instrument excels in producing
precision, stable and high speed analytical data
w CFR 21 compliant software
w 19 libraries with approximately 11,000 w Multiple communication Options
Sample Compartment
spectrums is included in the software The instrument has an Ethernet interface connection as
standard for high speed data transfer but can be upgraded to
WIFI wireless communicationas an option. This adapts to
internet + detection for setting up interconnection tests,
remote operation, maintenance and data cloud computing

w Real-Time Instrument Status

When connected with the software, the instrument offers
real-time diagnosis of its working status, performance and
communication. The diagnosis includes:

w Laser w Source w Interferometer w Electronic w Detector

Instrument Status
w Universal Sample Compartment
The universal sample compartment base plate includes
mounting holes for a wide variety of PGI and OEM
accessories which include Difused/Specular Reflection,
ATR, Liquid Cell, Gas Cell and IR Microscope

FTIR 7800

ATR Accessory Fitted

2 3
analytical instruments for science analytical instruments for science

The modular FT-Win software is supplied with the FTIR7800 instrument as standard.
The versatile software can be used with all versions of Window OS and has multiple
communication options which include WIFI and Ethernet. With specialised built in IR
libraries and user input options, analysis of most samples can be analysed with ease
and confidence.


FT-Win Software Features Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod
w Communication Options tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat
Multiple communication option are available including
volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis
Ethernet interface and WIFI which can offer remote
operation, maintenance and date cloud storage. nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis
nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
w Compatability
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit
The FTIR Win software is compatable with all versions
of Windows opoerating systems including Windows XP, in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 ( 32bit and illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros
64bit ) et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
w Modular Platform Collect Parameters praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore
The software has a number of modular platforms te feugait nulla facilisi.
including data collection, signal processing and report
print out function. w Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh
w Language Options
w Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
Different languages are available within the software
which can be easily switched over during installation. exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit
Spectrum Scan
w Lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo
w Touch Control
w Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in
Touch control is available when using Windows 10 Quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
operating system. This allows the software to be installed vulputate velit
onto portableTablet computer for space saving. w Esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore
w Feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan
w CFR 21 Part 11
et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent
The CFR21 Part 11 software has full FDA compliance which includes
Access control functions, authority assignment, audit trail and digital w Luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te
signatures. It also meets the requirements of GLP/GMP and CFDA. feugait nulla facilisi.

w Software Updates
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
Automatic software updates are available on line for keeping the
adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod
software version up to date
tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat
w Instrument Status volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis
Real-time diagnostics of instrument status are a standard feature of nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis
the FT-Win software. The diagnostics offer instrument working status,
nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
performance and communication.
Transmittance Scan Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit
w Library in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel
The comprehensive library is built in to the FT-Win software and w IQ/OQ/PQ illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros
consists of different standard headings. Each library consists QK-FTIR kit is available as an optional extra. It includes et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit
of a number of specific items. New libraries can be added to standards, full instructions and reporting hardware which praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore
customise the software to the requirements of the user. complies with GLP/GMP.
te feugait nulla facilisi.

Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

4 5
analytical instruments for science analytical instruments for science

Spectrum and Peak picking

w Collect Spectrum
The Spectrum can be collected in a number of
different ways including background spectrum,
transmittance spectrum, absorbance spectrum,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh reflectance spectrum and interferogram spectrum
euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim
w Convert Spectrum
veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea
commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse All spectrum can be converted within the versatile
software to another format if required. this includes
molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et.
spectrum to absorbance or transmittance, Kubelka
Munk, wavenumbers to microns, interferogram to Spectrum Scan
Libraries available in FT-Win spectrum, ASF to SC and JCAMP to DX format
Software Suite
w Peak Pick
w Polymer library Peak picking can be used to identify the peaks
w Polymer Chemical library within the spectrum. Manual and auto peak picking
w Art Media library as well as a comprehensive peak list are available.

w Fibre library
w Organic Reagent library
w Organic Reagent solid library Spectrum Library
w Inorganic Reagent library Cocaine Scan

w Surfactant library The comprehensive spectrum library consists of 19

w Mineral library seperate libraries that have a number of standard
spectra available to overlay against sample
w Georgia State Crime Laboratory drug library
spectrum. Some of the libraries included are:
w Vapour Phase library
w Art Mediaia w Grating EPA Infrareda w Solid Reagenta

w Catalyst w Inorganic Reagent w Surfactant

w Chemical Reagent w Minerals w Veterinary Drugs

w Drug w Oil and Additives w Volitile organic

w Vapour Phase w Polymer Chemicals w Medicine

w Fiber w Polymer w Organic Reagent

w Gems

Seperate Scan

Overlay Scan

4 5
analytical instruments for science analytical instruments for science

The FTIR 7800 spectrophotometer is available with a comprehensive range
of starter kits based around core accessories. Each starter kit is the result of Liquid Pack Basic Solid Pack Gas Pack
combining modular application packs to form a kit that meets the specific
needs of the user and is configured to include a wide range of essential
• Mini-Pellet Press (2T) • KBr Windows (Pair)
accessories, offering everything a spectoscopist will need to analyse sample • 7mm Pellet Die with Pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Cell Mount
types. • 7mm spare pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
• Pestle and Mortar (Body Only)
• KBr Powder 50g • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
• 7mm Disc Holder with
rectangular mount

• Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)

ATR Accessory Fitted to instrument Liquid Pack Advanced Solid Pack Gas Pack

• Luer Syringe 2ml • 15T manual Hydraulic Press • KBr Windows (Pair)
• Omni® Cell assembly • Pestle and Mortar • Storm 10cm Cell Mount
The FTIR 7800 spectrophotometer is available • KBr windows (pair) for liquids • Kbr Powder (50g) • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
with a comprehensive range of starter kits based (Body Only)
• CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids • 13mm Disc Holder with
around core accessories. Each starter kit is the rectangular mount • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
• KBr windows (pair) for Mulls
result of combining modular application packs to
• 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell Spacers • 13mm Evacuable Pellet Die
form a kit that meets the specifc needs of the user
and is confgured to include a wide range of • 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell Spacers
essential accessories, offering everything a • Bottle of Nujoi (25ml)
spectoscopist will need to analyse sample types. • Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)

Simply choose the pack you’re interested in and

select which starter kit best suits your needs. Gas Research
packs can be added to any starter kit.
Liquid Pack Basic Solid Pack Gas Pack ATR 7800-500
Starter Kit Type Basic Analyst Research Advanced • Luer Syringe 2ml • Mini-Pellet Press (2T) • KBr Windows (Pair) • ATR Single Reflection ATR with
• Omni® Cell assembly • 7mm Pellet Die with Pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Cell Mount ZnSe Flat Crystal Top Plate
Starter Kit Liquid Pack
Part Number 7800-100 7800-200 7800-300 7800-400
• KBr windows (pair) for liquids • 7mm spare pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
• CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids • Pestle and Mortar (Body Only)
Liquid Pack
3 3 3 3 • KBr windows (pair) for Mulls • KBr Powder 50g • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
Basic Solid Pack
3 3 • 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell Spacers
• 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell Spacers
• 7mm Disc Holder with
rectangular mount
Advanced Solid Pack
3 3 • Bottle of Nujoi (25ml)

ATR 7800-500 • Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)

3 3
With Added Gas Pack 7800-150 7800-250 7800-350 7800-450
Liquid Pack Advanced Solid Pack Gas Pack ATR 7800-500

• Luer Syringe 2ml • 15T manual Hydraulic Press • KBr Windows (Pair) • ATR Single Reflection ATR with
• Omni® Cell assembly • Pestle and Mortar • Storm 10cm Cell Mount ZnSe Flat Crystal Top Plate
• KBr windows (pair) for liquids • Kbr Powder (50g) • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
• CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids • 13mm Disc Holder with (Body Only)
• KBr windows (pair) for Mulls rectangular mount • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
• 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell Spacers • 13mm Evacuable Pellet Die
• 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell Spacers
• Bottle of Nujoi (25ml)
• Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)

Basic Solid Pack Gas Pack ATR 7800-500

6 7
analytical instruments for science analytical instruments for science

Liquid Pack Basic Solid Pack Gas Pack

• Luer Syringe 2ml • Mini-Pellet Press (2T) • KBr Windows (Pair)

• Omni® Cell assembly • 7mm Pellet Die with Pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Cell Mount
• KBr windows (pair) for liquids • 7mm spare pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
• CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids • Pestle and Mortar (Body Only)
• KBr windows (pair) for Mulls • KBr Powder 50g • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
• 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell Spacers • 7mm Disc Holder with
The FTIR 7800 spectrophotometer is available with a • 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell Spacers rectangular mount
comprehensive range of starter kits based around core • Bottle of Nujoi (25ml)
accessories. Each starter kit is the result of combining modular
• Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)
application packs to form a kit that meets the specific needs of
the user and is configured to include a wide range of essential
accessories, offering everything a spectoscopist will need to
analyse sample types. Analyst
Liquid Pack Advanced Solid Pack Gas Pack
The FTIR 7800 spectrophotometer is available • Luer Syringe 2ml • 15T manual Hydraulic Press • KBr Windows (Pair)
with a comprehensive range of starter kits based • Omni® Cell assembly • Pestle and Mortar • Storm 10cm Cell Mount
around core accessories. Each starter kit is the • KBr windows (pair) for liquids • Kbr Powder (50g) • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
result of combining modular application packs • CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids • 13mm Disc Holder with (Body Only)
to form a kit that meets the specific needs of the • KBr windows (pair) for Mulls rectangular mount • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
user and is configured to include a wide range • 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell Spacers • 13mm Evacuable Pellet Die
of essential accessories, offering everything a • 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell Spacers
spectoscopist will need to analyse sample types. • Bottle of Nujoi (25ml)
• Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)
Simply choose the pack you’re interested in
and select which starter kit best suits your needs.
Gas packs can be added to any starter kit. Research
Liquid Pack Basic Solid Pack Gas Pack ATR 7800-500
Starter Kit Type Basic Analyst Research Advanced • Luer Syringe 2ml • Mini-Pellet Press (2T) • KBr Windows (Pair) • ATR Single Reflection ATR with
• Omni® Cell assembly • 7mm Pellet Die with Pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Cell Mount ZnSe Flat Crystal Top Plate
Starter Kit Liquid Pack
Part Number 7800-100 7800-200 7800-300 7800-400
• KBr windows (pair) for liquids • 7mm spare pellet Ring Holder • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
• CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids • Pestle and Mortar (Body Only)
Liquid Pack
3 3 3 3 • KBr windows (pair) for Mulls • KBr Powder 50g • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
Basic Solid Pack
3 3 • 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell Spacers
• 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell Spacers
• 7mm Disc Holder with
rectangular mount
Advanced Solid Pack
3 3 • Bottle of Nujoi (25ml)

ATR 7800-500 • Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)

3 3
With Added Gas Pack 7800-150 7800-250 7800-350 7800-450
Liquid Pack Advanced Solid Pack Gas Pack ATR 7800-500

• Luer Syringe 2ml • 15T manual Hydraulic Press • KBr Windows (Pair) • ATR Single Reflection ATR with
• Omni® Cell assembly • Pestle and Mortar • Storm 10cm Cell Mount ZnSe Flat Crystal Top Plate
• KBr windows (pair) for liquids • Kbr Powder (50g) • Storm 10cm Pyrex Cell gas Cell
• CaF2 windows (pair) for liquids • 13mm Disc Holder with (Body Only)
• KBr windows (pair) for Mulls rectangular mount • Storm 10cm Complete Seal Kit
• 10 off assorted PTFE Liquid Cell Spacers • 13mm Evacuable Pellet Die
• 5 off PTFE 0.1mm Mull Cell Spacers
• Bottle of Nujoi (25ml)
• Bottle of Fluorolube (25ml)

Basic Solid Pack Gas Pack ATR 7800-500

6 7
analytical instruments for science

Technical Specifications
Component Specification
Interferometer Cube-corner Michelson interferometer
Beam splitter Multilayer Ge coated KBr
Detector Room temperature DLATGS module (standard)
IR Source High intensity, long lifetime, air-cooled IR source
Wavenumber Range 7800cm-1 -350cm-1

Resolution 0.85 cm¯¹

Signal to noise ratio Better than 20,000:1 (RMS value, at 2100cm-1 ~ 2000cm-1 or
2100cm¯¹ ~ 2200cm -1, resolution: 4cm-1, detector: DLATGS, 1 minute
data collection)
Wavenumber Accuracy ±0.01 cm-1
Scanning Speed Microprocessor control, different scanning, speed selectable
Software Main FT-Win software suite workstation, compatible to all version
Windows OS (including Windows 10 touch screen)

Communication Ethernet interface (standard) WiFi wireless communication (optional)

Data Output Standard data format, report generation and output

Status Diagnosis Power on self-check, real-time temperature, humidity and reminders

Certification FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, IQ/OQ/PQ

(available as an accessary)
Environment Conditions Temperature: 10°C-30°C Humidity: Less than 70%
Power Supply 220V±22V, 50Hz±1Hz 110v 50Hz±1Hz (optional)
Accessories Transmition sample holder (standard)

Dimensions 52 x 43.5 x 25.5cm

Weight 24kg

PG Instruments Ltd.,
Alma Park, Wibtoft,
Leicestershire LE17 5BH England
t: 0044 (0) 1455 220131
e: [email protected] The highly qualified and long experienced team at PG Instruments Ltd are recognised experts in
www.pginstruments.com electrochemistry and relevant technology. They have been developing and manufacturing analytical
instruments for science for over a decade and have a worldwide recognised reputation for excellence in
their field.

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