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Unit-4- Electrical Machines


Starting methods of 3-Φ Induction Motor

The induction motor is fundamentally a transformer in which the stator is the
primary and the rotor is short-circuited secondary. At starting, the voltage induced
in the induction motor rotor is maximum (slip, s = 1). Since the rotor impedance is
low, the rotor current is excessively large. This large rotor current is reflected in the
stator because of transformer action. This results in high starting current (4 to 10
times the full-load current) in the stator at low power factor and consequently the
value of starting torque is low. Because of the short duration, this value of large
current does not harm the motor if the motor accelerates normally. However, this
large starting current will produce large line-voltage drop. This will adversely affect
the operation of other electrical equipment connected to the same lines. Therefore, it
is desirable and necessary to reduce the magnitude of stator current at starting and
several methods are available for this purpose.
1. Starting methods of squirrel cage induction motors:
The various starters which are employed to restrict the initial rush of current in
squirrel cage induction motors are:
1. Direct On Line (D.O.L.) Starter;
2. Primary resistance (or inductance) starter;
3. Star/Delta Starter;
4. Auto-transformer Starter.
a. Direct on Line (D.O.L.) Starter:
It is a starter by which the motor is switched ON direct to the supply mains by
switching conductor. With normal industrial motors this operation results in a heavy
rush of current of the order of five to seven times of the normal full load current.
This high current rapidly decreases as the motor picks up speed but it is at a very
low power factor and thus tends to disturb the voltage of the supply in the
distribution lines. For this reason, the supply authorities limit the size of motor upto
5 H.P. which can be started by this starter. An automatic D.O.L. Starter is shown in
Fig. 10.1. A direct on line starter essentially consists of a contactor having four
normally open (N.O.) contacts and a contactor coil also known as no-volt coil or no
volt release. There are two push buttons ON and OFF which are used to start and
stop the motor. To protect motor against overload, thermal or magnetic over-load
coils are connected in each phase.
To start the motor, the ON push button (green) is pressed which energies the no-volt
coil by connecting it across two phases. The no-volt coil pulls its plunger in such a
direction that all the normally open (NO) contacts are closed and motor is connected
across supply through three contacts.
The fourth contact serves as a hold on contact which keeps the no-volt coil circuit
closed even after the ON push button is released. To stop the motor, OFF push button
(red) is pressed momentarily which de-energizes the no volt coil opening the main
contacts. When the motor is over loaded, the thermal overload relay contact,
connected in the control circuit opens thus disconnecting the No-volt relay from the
supply. Overload protection is achieved by thermal element overload relay.
When motor is connected to the mains by direct on line starter, the starting current
of the motor will be equal to the short-circuit current Isc. Hence, the speed of an
induction motor depends upon three factors i.e., frequency, slip and number of poles
for which the motor is wound. It also depends upon the supply voltage. Thus, the
speed of an induction motor can be controlled by changing or controlling any one of
these quantities.
b. Stator Resistance (or Reactance) Starter:
In this method, external resistances are connected in series with each phase of stator
winding during starting, as shown in Fig. 10.2. This causes voltage drop across the
resistances so that voltage available across motor terminals is reduced and hence
the starting current. The starting resistances are gradually cut out in steps (two or
more steps) from the stator circuit as the motor picks up speed. When the motor
attains rated speed, the resistances are completely cut out and full line voltage is
applied to the rotor.
Let the voltage applied across each phase be reduced to a fraction of x
Voltage applied across each phase at start = xV
Starting current, Ist = x ISC
Hence, the current is reduced to fraction x.
Starting torque = x2  torque developed by direct switching.

(i) Smooth acceleration since the resistance (or inductance) is reduced gradually.
(ii) Simple and less expansive
(iii) Higher pf during starting
(i) Current is reduced by a fraction of x but the torque is reduced to fraction x2,
hence starting torque is poor.
(ii) More energy loss in the resistors, therefore, inductors are preferred. But still loss
is more.
(iii) Starting duration is comparatively more.

c. Star-Delta Starter:
This method is based upon the principle that in star connections, voltage across each
winding is phase voltage i.e., 1/3 times the line voltage, whereas the same winding
when connected in delta will have full line voltage across it. So at start, connections
of the motor are made in star fashion so that reduced voltage is applied across each
winding. After the motor attains speed the same windings through a change-over
switch, as shown in Fig. 10.3 are connected in delta across the same supply. The
starter is provided with overload and under voltage protection devices also.
Moreover, the starter is also provided with a mechanical inter-locking which
prevents the handle to put in run position first. Simplified connections of a star delta
starter are shown in Fig. 10.4.
Since at start stator windings are connected in star connection, so voltage across
each phase winding is reduced to 1/3 of line voltage, therefore, starting
current/phase becomes equal to
Isc/3 = Starting line current
Starting line current by direct switching with stator winding connected in delta = 3 Isc.

Thus, it concludes that when a 3-phase motor is started by a star/delta starter, the
current drawn by it is limited to 1/3rd of the value that it would draw without
Starting torque = 1/3  torque developed by direct switching.
The starting torque developed by the motor when started by star-delta starter is also
reduced to one-third of the starting torque developed by direct on line switching.
It is a simple, cheap, effective and most efficient method of starting of squirrel cage
induction motors.
It is the most suitable method of starting for high inertia and long acceleration loads.
1. All the six terminals of the stator winding are to be brought out to starter through
six leads and the motor has to be operated in delta.
2. The starting current can only be limited to 1/3rd of the short circuit current.
3. Starting torque developed by the motor is reduced to 1/3rd which is very low to
pick the load.
Accordingly, such starters are employed with the squirrel cage induction moto rs
having capacity 4 kW to 20 kW

d. Auto-transformer Starter:
In this method, the voltage applied across the motor and hence current can be
reduced to a very low value at the time of start. At the time of start, the motor is
connected to supply through auto-transformer by a 6 pole double throw switch.
When the motor is accelerated to about full speed, the operating handle is moved to
run position. By this, motor is directly connected to the line as shown in Fig. 10.5.

Overload protection and under voltage protection is provided as explained in the

first method.
Although this type of starter is expensive but is most suitable for both the star -
connected and delta-connected induction motors. It is most suitable for starting of
large motor.
Large size motors draw huge amount of current from the mains if they are connected
to mains without starter. However, if they are connected to the mains through
star/delta starter, the current is limited to 1/3rd value which is still, so large that it
would disturb the other loads connected to the same lines. Hence, to limit the initial
rush of current to low values auto-transformer starters are employed. With the help
of auto-transformer starters, we can limit the starting current to any predetermined
value as explained below:
Let the motor be started by an auto transformer having transformation ratio K.
If Isc is the starting current when normal voltage is applied.
Applied voltage to stator at start = KV
Then motor input current Ist = KIsc
Supply current = Primary current of Auto transformer
= K . Secondary current of Auto-transformer
= K.KIsc = K2Isc
If 20% (i.e., one-fifth) voltage is applied to the motor through auto-transformer
starter, the current drawn from the mains is reduced to (1/5)2 i.e., 1/25th times.
Starting torque = K2 torque developed by direct switching

2. Starting of Slip-Ring Motors

Slip-ring motors are invariably started by rotor resistance starting. In this method, a
variable star-connected rheostat is connected in the rotor circuit through slip rings
and full voltage is applied to the stator winding as shown in Fig.10.6.

(i) At starting, the handle of rheostat is set in the OFF position so that maximum
resistance is placed in each phase of the rotor circuit. This reduces the starting
current and at the same time starting torque is increased.
(ii) As the motor picks up speed, the handle of rheostat is gradually moved in
clockwise direction and cuts out the external resistance in each phase of the rotor
circuit. When the motor attains normal speed, the change-over switch is in the ON
position and the whole external resistance is cut out from the rotor circuit.
(i) High starting torque with low starting current.
(ii) Smooth acceleration under heavy loads.
(iii) No abnormal heating during starting.
(iv) Good running characteristics after external rotor resistances are cut out.
(v) Adjustable speed.
(i) The initial and maintenance costs are greater than those of squirrel cage motors.
(ii) The speed regulation is poor when run with resistance in the rotor circuit

Speed Control of Induction Motors

The speed of an induction motor is given by the relation
N = Ns (1 – S) or N = (1 − 𝑠)

Hence, the speed of an induction motor depends upon three factors i.e., frequency,
slip and number of poles for which the motor is wound. It also depends upon the
supply voltage. Thus, the speed of an induction motor can be controlled by changing
or controlling any one of these quantities.
Methods of speed control
a. By changing the supply voltage
b. By changing the applied frequency
c. By changing the number of stator poles
d. By variation of rotor resistance
a. By changing the applied voltage:
𝑠𝐸22 𝑅2
Running torque of induction motor is 𝑇 𝑅22 + 𝑠 2 𝑋22

Rotor induced emf at standstill; E2 depends on the supply voltage V

∴ E2 α V
For low slip region, (sX2)2 << R2, hence
𝑠𝑉 2 𝑅2
𝑇  𝑠𝑉 2 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑅2

If supply voltage is reduced below rated value, as per above equation, torque
produced also decreases. But to supply the same load it is necessary to develop same
torque hence value of slip increases so that torque produced remains same.
Slip increases means motor reacts by running at lower speed, to decrease in supply
voltage. So motor produces the required load torque at a lower speed.
This method, though the cheapest and the easiest, is rarely used because
(i) A large change in voltage is required for a relatively small change in speed
(ii) Due to reduction in voltage, current drawn by the motor increases. Due to
increased current, the motor may get overheated.
(iii) This large change in voltage will result in a large change in the flux density
thereby seriously disturbing the magnetic conditions of the motor.
b. By changing the applied frequency:
Synchronous speed of rotatin magnetic field of an induction motor is given by,
120 𝑓
𝑁𝑠 = 𝑟𝑝𝑚
where, f = frequency of the supply and P = number of stator poles.
Hence, the synchronous speed changes with change in supply frequency. Actual
speed of an induction motor is given as N = Ns (1 - s). However, this method is not
widely used. It may be used where, the induction motor is supplied by a dedicated
generator (so that frequency can be easily varied by changing the speed of prime
mover). Also, at lower frequency, the motor current may become too high due to
decreased reactance. And if the frequency is increased beyond the rated value, the
maximum torque developed falls while the speed rises.

c. By changing the number of stator poles:

From the above equation of synchronous speed, it can be seen that synchronous
speed (and hence, running speed) can be changed by changing the number of stator
poles. This method is generally used for squirrel cage induction motors, as squirrel
cage rotor adapts itself for any number of stator poles. Change in stator poles is
achieved by two or more independent stator windings wound for different number
of poles in same slots.
For example; a stator is wound with two 3-phase windings, one for 4 poles and other
for 6 poles. Then for supply frequency of 50 Hz
i) Synchronous speed when 4 pole winding is connected, N s = 120*50/4 = 1500 RPM
ii) Synchronous speed when 6 pole winding is connected, N s = 120*50/6 = 1000 RPM

d. By variation of rotor resistance:

𝑠𝐸22 𝑅2
Running torque of induction motor is 𝑇 𝑅22 + 𝑠 2 𝑋22

For low slip region, (sX2)2 << R2, and can be neglected & for constant supply voltage
E2 is also constant
𝑠 𝑅2 𝑠
𝑇 
𝑅22 𝑅2

Thus if the rotor resistance is increased, the torque produced decreases. But when
the load on the motor is same, motor has to supply same torque as load demands. So
motor reacts by increasing its slip to compensate decrease in T due to R2 and
maintains the load torque constant. So due to additional rotor resistance R2, motor
slip increases i.e. the speed of the motor decreases.
a. By increasing the rotor resistance R 2 speeds below normal value can be achieved
b. The starting torque of the motor increases proportional to rotor resistance. 
a. The large speed changes are not possible.
b. The method cannot be used for the squirrel cage induction motors.
c. The speeds above the normal values cannot be obtained.
d. Large power losses occur due to large 1 2R loss.
e. Due to large power losses, efficiency is low.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1. What is the need of a starter to start an induction motor?
Ans. Starter is required to limit the starting current to predetermined value and to
provide necessary protection to the motor.
Q.2. Which starter has the minimum cost?
Ans. Direct on line starter.
Q.3. How much starting current is reduced if the motor is started with star-
delta starter?
Ans. it is reduced to 1/3rd.
Q.4. What protections are provided in 3-phase induction motor starters?
Ans. Over-load protection and no-volt protection.
Q.5. Which method is adopted to start a slip-ring induction motor?
Ans. Rotor resistance method is used to start slip-ring induction motors?
Q.6. What are the factors on which speed of an induction motor depends?
Ans. Speed of an induction motor depends upon supply voltage, supply frequency,
slip and number of poles of the stator.
Q.7. If the speed of an induction motor is decreased by increasing the number
of poles, how does it affect the pf of the motor?
Ans. The pf of the motor will reduce.
Single phase Induction Motor
A single-phase induction motor is very similar to a 3-phase squirrel cage induction
motor in construction. The pictorial disassembled view of a single phase induction
motor is shown in Fig. 11.1. It consists of two main parts namely stator and rotor.

1. Stator: It is the stationary part of the motor. It has three main parts, namely. (i)
Outer frame,
(ii) Stator core and (iii) Stator winding.
(i) Outer frame: It is the outer body of the motor. Its function is to support the
stator core and to protect the inner parts of the machine. Usually, it is made of cost
iron. To place the motor on the foundation, feet are provided in the outer frame as
shown in Fig. 11.2(a).

(ii) Stator core: The stator core is to carry the alternating magnetic field which
produces hysteresis and eddy current losses. To minimize these losses high grade
silicon steel stampings are used to build core. The stampings are assembled under
hydraulic pressure and are keyed to the outer frame. The stampings are insulated
from each other by a thin varnish layer. The thickness of the stamping usually varies
from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. Slots are punched on the inner periphery of the stampings to
accommodate stator winding.
(iii) Stator winding: The stator core carries a single phase winding which is usually
supplied from a single phase AC supply system. The terminals of the winding are
connected in the terminal box of the machine. The stator of the motor is wound for
definite number of poles, as per the need of speed.
2. Rotor: It is the rotating part of the motor. A squirrel cage rotor is used in single
phase induction motors.
It consists of a laminated cylindrical core of some high quality magnetic material.
Semi-closed circular slots are punched at the outer periphery. Aluminium bar
conductors are placed in these slots and short circuited at each end by aluminium
rings, called short circuiting rings, as shown in Fig. 11.2(b). Thus, the rotor winding
is permanently short circuited.
The rotor slots are usually not parallel to the shaft but are skewed. Skewing of rotor
has the following advantages:
(a) It reduces humming thus ensuring quiet running of a motor,
(b) It results in a smoother torque curves for different positions of the rotor,
(c) It reduces the magnetic locking of the stator and rotor,
(d) It increases the rotor resistance due to the increased length of the rotor bar
The other miscellaneous parts of a 1-phase induction motor are shaft, bearings, end-
rings, fan, nut-bolts, etc.

Field produced in single phase induction motors

The field produced in a single-phase induction motor can be explained by double
revolving field theory.
This theory is based on the “Ferraris Principle” that pulsating field produced in
single phase motor can be resolved into two components of half the magnitude and
rotating in opposite direction at the same synchronous speed.
Thus the alternating flux which passes across the air gap of single phase induction
motor at stand still consists of combination of two fields of same strength which are
revolving with same speed, one in clockwise direction and the other in anticlockwise
direction. The strength of each one of these fields will be equal to one half of the
maximum field strength of the actual alternating field as shown in Fig. 11.3 (a).
Let m be the pulsating field which has two components each of magnitude m/2.
Both are rotating at the same angular speed ωs rad/sec but in opposite direction as
shown in Fig. 11.3 (a). The resultant of the two fields is m cosθ. This shows that
resultant field varies according to cosine of the angle θ. The wave shape of the
resultant field is shown in Fig. 11.3 (b).

Torque produced by single-phase induction motor

The two revolving fields will produce torques in opposite directions. Let the two
revolving fields be field-1 and field-2 revolving in clockwise and anticlockwise
direction. The clockwise field produces torque in clockwise direction, whereas, the
anticlockwise field produces torque in anticlockwise direction. The clockwise torque
is plotted as positive and anticlockwise as negative as shown in Fig. 11.4. At stand
still, slip for both fields is one. At synchronous speed, for clockwise direction, the
field-1 will give condition of zero slip but it will give slip = 2 for field-2. Similarly, at
synchronous speed in a counter clockwise direction, will give condition of zero slip
for field -2 but slip = 2 for field-1. The resultant torque developed in the rotor is
shown by the curve passing through zero position as shown in Fig. 11.4.

Now, it is observed that the starting torque (torque at slip = 1) is zero. And except at
starting there is always some magnitude of resultant torque, (see at position 1-1’, the
torque developed by field-1 is dominating, therefore, motor will pick-up the speed in
clockwise direction, similarly, at position 2-2’, the torque developed by field-2 is
dominating, therefore, motor will pick-up the speed in anti-clockwise direction).
This shows that if this type of motor is once started (rotated) in either direction it
will develop torque in that direction and rotor will pick-up the required speed.
The above analysis shows that single phase induction motor with single winding
develops no starting torque but if the rotor is rotated in any direction by some
auxiliary means in will develop torque in the same direction and will start rotating in
that direction.
Starting methods and types of single phase induction motor
As discussed, a single-phase induction motor inherently is not self-starting. To make
it self-starting, some method is required to be evolved to produce a revolving
magnetic field in the stator core. This may be obtained by converting a single-phase
supply into two-phase supply which can be achieved by using an additional winding
(this additional winding may be or may not be disconnected once the motor starts
and picks-up the speed) or by creating another field (by induction) using a short
circuiting band or ring. Accordingly, depending upon the method used to make a
single-phase induction motor self-starting; single-phase induction motors can be
classified as:
1. Split-phase motors: These motors are started by employing two-phase motor
action through the use of an auxiliary winding called starting winding.
2. Capacitor motors: These motors are started by employing two-phase motor
action through the use of an auxiliary winding with capacitor. The capacitor in the
starting winding may be connected permanently or temporarily. Accordingly,
capacitor motors may be
1. Capacitor start motors. 2. Capacitor run motors. 3. Capacitor start and capacitor
run motors.
3. Shaded-pole motors: These motors are started by the interaction of the field
produced by a shading band or short circuiting ring placed around a portion of the
pole structure.

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