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Personal and Impersonal forms

Verbs have different forms depending on where they appear in the sentence. Spanish verbs have
personal and impersonal forms.

Impersonal forms of the verb

The impersonal forms of Spanish verbs are the infinitive (cantar), the gerund (cantando) and the
participle (cantado). These forms are fixed; they remain the same regardless of the subject of the

 The infinitive of the verb is the base form. In Spanish, all verb infinitives end in -ar, -er or -ir.

cantar, comer, vivir

 The gerund of Spanish verbs is equivalent to the English -ing form. In Spanish the gerund ends in
-ando or -iendo.

cantar → cantando

comer / vivir → comiendo / viviendo

 The participle is equivalent to the English past participle (third form of the verb). In Spanish, the
regular participle form of the verb ends in -do. In some cases the participle form can change to
agree with a noun (-da/-dos/-das).

cantar → cantado (regular participle)

hacer → hecho (irregular participle)

La ópera es interpretada por Monserrat Caballé. (variable participle in a passive sentence)

Nosotros ya tenemos compradas las entradas. ↔ Nosotros ya hemos comprado las entradas.
(variable participle because of the verb tener.

Personal forms of the verb

Personal forms are the conjugated forms of a verb in one of the Spanish tenses (tiempos
verbales). When conjugated, the verb agrees in person and number with the subject of the
sentence, which is why we typically omit subject pronouns in Spanish.

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Nosotros cantamos.

subject: 1st person plural (we), verb: 1st person plural in the present indicative tense

Yo trabajo en un banco. → Trabajo en un banco.

In English the verb is often the same regardless of the subject (I work, we work etc.), but in
Spanish the conjugated form of the verb expresses the subject of the sentence, meaning that we
can omit the subject pronoun yo (I)

Some verbs are regular and others are irregular; some are regular in some tenses and irregular in

Moods in Spanish Grammar

There are three moods in Spanish: the indicative, the subjunctive and the imperative. We can
think of moods like categories, they provide information about the attitude of the speaker.

 The indicative expresses real information that is known or certain. Normal sentences are usually
formed in the indicative mood.

Desayuno café y tostadas todos los días.

 The subjunctive expresses hypothetical, vague or unverified information. It is often used in

subordinate clauses that follow a negative statement.

No creo que hoy desayune café y tostadas.

 The imperative expresses a command or a request. Unlike the indicative and the subjunctive, the
imperative does not exist in different tenses and only has positive and negative forms.

Trae más leche, por favor.

No compres café descafeinado.

Learn how to use the indicative, the subjunctive and the imperative correctly in Spanish

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The verb tense places the action of a verb in the present, past or future. Spanish tenses can be
simple or compound and can exist in the indicative or subjunctive moods.

The simple tenses consist of one verb: the conjugated form of the main verb.


Como a la una. (indicative)

Te llamo cuando salga de trabajar. (subjunctive)

The compound tenses consist of two verbs; the conjugated form of the auxiliary (help verb)
haber together with the main verb in the participle form.


Hoy he comido a la una. (indicative)

Lucía te llamará cuando haya salido de trabajar. (subjunctive)

The three verbs often chosen as model verbs to show regular conjugation are amar, temer and
partir (love, fear, leave).

Go to Lingolia’s overview of Spanish tenses to learn more about the conjugation and use of the
different tenses in the indicative mood.

Main Verbs and Auxiliaries (GLAVNI I POMOĆNI GLAGOLI)

The verb is the heart of the sentence. When there are two or more verbs in a sentence it is
possible to distinguish between the verb that communicates meaning (the main verb) and the
verb that communicates the time of the action (the auxiliary, or help verb).

The main verb expresses the meaning and content of the action. In simple tenses the main verb
appears alone, while in compound tenses it appears together with an auxiliary. When it is alone,
the main verb is conjugated; when it is together with an auxiliary the main verb takes the
participle form.


Como a la una. (simple tense)

Hoy he comido a la una. (compound tense)

The auxiliary acts as a help verb to form the compound tenses. It is always conjugated and
precedes the main verb in the participle form. The most important auxiliary in Spanish is haber.
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Other auxiliaries include ser and estar. Ser and haber are used to form the passive, while the verb
estar is combined with the gerund to form progressive tenses.


He sido invitado a una cena.

Estoy comiendo en un restaurante.

What is verbal periphrasis?

Verbal periphrasis (or verbal structures) is the combination of two verbs, the first conjugated
and the second in an impersonal form (infinitive, gerund or participle).


Mañana voy a ir de compras. (periphrasis with the infinitive)

El gato está durmiendo. (periphrasis with the gerund)

Tengo preparada una tortilla en la nevera. (periphrasis with the participle)

Learn more about verbal periphrasis with Lingolia.

Active or passive?

Verbs can be conjugated in the active voice or the passive voice.

The active voice is most common: a subject performs an action that is expressed by the verb.


El camarero del restaurante atendió a los clientes con mucha amabilidad.

The passive voice is used when we want to emphasise the object of the action; in passive
sentences the subject is unknown or unimportant.


Mis padres y yo fuimos atendidos con mucha amabilidad por el camarero del restaurante.

Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs are the verbs we use when the subject and the object of the verb are the same.
These verbs always take a reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject of the sentence.

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Por las mañanas, me lavo los dientes después de desayunar.

ser, estar and paracer

The verbs ser, estar and paracer (be, seem) can be used to connect a subject with an adjective or
a noun. When used in this way, they have no meaning of their own, they are simply there to
introduce the attribute (atributo).


Marta es inteligente.

Marta es ingeniera.

In contrast, full verbs have their own meaning and can express this without help of an attribute.


Marta desayuna temprano.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Transitive verbs need an object in order to make sense.


El panadero vende pan y pasteles.

Intransitive verbs do not require an object.


Voy al trabajo en bicicleta.

Nací en 1988.

Modal Verbs

The Spanish modal verbs are deber, querer, saber, poder y soler. Modal verbs express
obligation, a wish, knowledge, permission, possibility, probability or repetition. The meaning of
these verbs can change depending on whether they are used in the positive or negative form.

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The English verb be has two translations in Spanish grammar: ser and estar.

Ser is used to describe qualities and characteristics, in the passive with ser + participle and in
connection with adverbs of time.

The verb estar describes temporary conditions or states, location, and is used to conjugate the
progressive tense (estar + gerundio).

Conjugation of Spanish Verbs: ser/estar


The verb ser is used to describe the following:

 inherent/identifying characteristics and physical appearance

Félix y Raúl son altos.

Antón es muy simpático.

 identity and permanent qualities (nationality, religion etc.)

Yo soy Santiago.

Este es el Teatro Real.

Susana es de Venezuela.

La familia de Carlos es católica.

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 personal relationships

Tatiana y Sarai son mis hermanas.

Estos son mis amigos.

Elisa es mi exnovia.

 where/when something takes place

El partido de fútbol es en Valencia.

El partido es el miércoles.

 information about day/date/season/time

Hoy es domingo.

Hoy es 1 de abril.

Es primavera.

¿Qué hora es? Son las diez.

 in the passive voice

Las camas son hechas por Claudia.

 in connection with adverbs of time

Aquí ya es de noche.

 with the preposition para, to indicate purpose or finality

Esa máquina es para Gabriel.

Esa máquina es para hacer zumos.

 information about price

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—¿Cuánto es?

—Son 120 euros.

 material, possession/belonging, origin

Ese anillo es de oro.

Ese anillo es de María.

Ese anillo es de Perú.

 for professions (without an indefinite article)

Juana es ingeniera.

Ramón es periodista.


Estoy en paro

*The verb estar is used to describe the following:

 temporary characteristics, including condition of health

Está triste.
Estoy enfermo.

 how someone/something looks, seems or appears

Mi abuela de 70 años está muy joven.
Alfredo está muy moreno.

 marital status

Estoy soltero.
Estoy prometido.
Estoy casado.
Estoy divorciado.

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but: Soy viudo.

 where something is located

El estadio está en Valencia.
Los jugadores están en el hotel.

 day/date/season (but not time) in the 1st person plural with the prepositions a/en

Estamos a domingo.
Estamos a 1 de abril.
Estamos en primavera.
¿A qué día estamos hoy?

 in connection with modal adverbs

Está bien irse de vacaciones una vez al año.

 with preposition de + noun, to express moods or situations

Marco siempre está de buen humor.
Marisa está ahora de camarera en Ibiza.
Mi hermana está de parto.
Carla y Marina están de guardia este fin de semana.

 information about price with the preposition a

—¿A cuánto están las manzanas?
—Están a 2 euros el kilo.

 to describe the way something has been produced

fabricado + en/con + material: estar fabricado en oro
hecho + de/con + material: estar hecho de papel
bañado + en + material: estar bañado en plata

 in the present progressive tense with estar + gerundio


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Estamos cenando en el jardín.

Adjectives with ser/estar

On the following pages, we’ve listed some important adjectives that are used with either ser or

 Adjectives with ser

 Adjectives with estar
 Adjectives with ser/estar

Adjectives with ser

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Adjectives with estar

Ser/Estar + adjective

The following list includes important adjectives whose meaning changes depending on whether they are
used with ser or estar. As a rule of thumb, we can remember that ser is used when something is
fundamentally a certain way; estar is only used for temporary conditions

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Ser/Estar + participle

On this list you will find participles whose meaning changes depending on whether they are used
with ser or with estar.

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2. Haber/Tener
The Spanish verbs haber and tener can be translated in most cases with have. We use the haber in
impersonal sentences and as an auxiliary verb. In all other cases, we use the verb tener.

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3. Infinitive of Spanish Verbs

The infinitive is the basic form of the verb and it can have three possible endings: -ar (cantar), -er
(comer) or -ir (vivir). In Spanish grammar, the infinitive can function as a verb or a noun. It is used after
certain verbs, adjectives and some expressions presented below.

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3.1. USAGE


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The infinitive is also used after certain verbs with the prepositions a, con, de, en, para and por.
These verbs have to be learned along with their prepositions.

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Tengo intención de aprender a jugar al tenis.
verb + a + infinitive

Empezaré a jugar al tenis, aunque no estoy acostumbrado a hacer mucho deporte.

verb/expression + en + infinitive

Tengo interés/Estoy interesado en apuntar también a mi hijo a las clases.

Eres el primero en llegar a la clase

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verb + de + infinitive

Él nunca ha dejado de entrenar diariamente

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verb + adjective/noun/… + de + infinitive


Él tiene la costumbre de entrenar diariamente./Estoy deseoso de empezar con las clases

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verb + con + infinitive


Sueño con ser un jugador profesional.

Shortened Dependent Clauses

The following prepositions and prepositional phrases + infinitive can be used to help shorten
dependent clauses when the subject in the main clause and the dependent clause is the same.

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-temporal preposition + infinitive

Certain relative clauses can be shortened by using a temporal preposition + infinitive. However,
in this case we also have to change the introductory section of the relative clause.


Hablaré con el profesor antes de que empiece el entrenamiento.

→ Hablaré con el profesor antes de entrenar.

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The participle is non-finite verb forms in Spanish grammar. As a general rule, the participle is formed by
adding -ado or -ido to the root of the verb (e.g. amado, temido, partido). Participles can also be used as
adjectives, prepositions and nouns.

-Past Participle (Participio Pasado)


The past participle (also known as participio pasado or participio pasivo) is used:

 in the compound tenses with the verb have, such as: perfect, past perfect, preterite perfect,
future perfect and conditional perfect in indicative and perfect and past perfect in the

… solo habríamos conseguido perder.

 as an adjective which agrees in in gender and number with the noun it modifies:

El sábado pasado jugamos la última jornada de la liga de fútbol.

Los asistentes al partido estaban emocionados.

 as a preposition or conjunction: dado (que), visto que, debido a...

Debido a la abundante lluvia... (zbog jake kiše)

 as a participle construction to shorten relative clauses in which the participle refers to a noun in
the main clause:

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No me gustaría estar en un equipo entrenado por él. (ne žili igrati u ekipi, koju trenira on)

 as a participle construction to shorten relative clauses in which the participle refers to the noun
in the relative clause:

Terminado el partido, nos fuimos corriendo al vestuario.

 in the passive voice in which it agrees in number and gender with the subject of the passive

Los partidos fueron suspendidos. (utakmice su stopirane)

 in certain verbal periphrasis:

El partido quedó suspendido.

El partido se dió por terminado.

Conjugation of Spanish Past Participles

To conjugate the past participle we remove the infinitve ending and add the corresponding
participle ending: -ado for -ar verbs and -ido for -er/-ir verbs.


hablar → hablado

aprender → aprendido

vivir → vivido

Irregular past participles

 If there is a vowel before the ending -ido, we place an accent on the -i of the ending. This shows
us that each vowel is pronounced separately.

leer → leído

traer → traído

 Some verbs have an irregular participle form. These can be found in the following list:

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Modification of the participle

When the past participle functions as an adjective, it agrees in number and gender with the
subject. The table below shows past participle endings for masculine and feminine in singular and


Los jugadores estaban emocionados.

La jugadora estaba emocionada.

Present Participle (Participio Presente)


The present participle (participio presente/participio activo) is only rarely used as a true
participle. However, in many cases this participle has become an adjective, a noun, or a
preposition. Nowadays the present participle serves as:

 an adjective


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Debido a la abundante lluvia...

 a noun

Los asistentes al partido estaban emocionados.

 a preposition: durante, mediante, no obstante...

Luchando enérgicamente durante el segundo tiempo…

 to shorten a relative clause

Los asistentes procedentes de diferentes lugares…

Conjugation of Spanish Present Participle

The conjugation of the present participle is quite irregular. However, we can recognise it by its
ending: -ante, -ente or -iente. Since this participle form is only used in certain verbs, you can
generally find its forms in the dictionary.


hablar → hablante

oír → oyente

vivir → viviente

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Similar to the infinitive and the participle, the gerund (el gerundio) is an impersonal verb form in Spanish.
It is comparable to the English -ing form. You can recognise the gerund in Spanish by its ending -ndo.
The gerund is formed by adding -ando to the root of verbs that end in -ar and by adding -iendo to the
root of verbs that end in -er and -ir. Like the infinitive, the gerund does not agree in number or gender


 in verbal periphrasis with estar to express actions that are in progress

Estoy comiendo un helado.

 to express various types of clauses in a shorter way:

o temporal clause: When?

Saliendo del estadio, nos encontramos con una multitud de seguidores.

o causal clause (Why?)

Estando lesionados dos jugadores importantes, comenzamos el partido con desventaja.

o modal clause (How?)

Conseguimos ganar luchando enérgicamente.

o conditional clause (On what condition?)

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Lamentándonos sólo habríamos conseguido perder.

o concessive clause (Despite what condition?)

Aún sabiendo que sería difícil, lamentándonos sólo habríamos conseguido perder.

o consecutive clause (What consequences?)

Luchamos enérgicamente, ganando así el partido.

 we can shorten relative clauses using con + gerund

Comenzamos el partido con la portería mirando hacia el sur.
(instead of: Comenzamos el partido con la portería que miraba hacia el sur.)

 in certain verbal periphrasis

Nos fuimos corriendo al vestuario para celebrarlo.

How to form the gerund in Spanish

The gerund is formed with -ando for -ar verbs and with -iendo for -er/-ir verbs.


hablar → hablando

aprender → aprendiendo

vivir → viviendo


 -ir verbs that change their root vowel in the present (-e > -ie/-i) also change in the gerund form:
-e becomes -i.

preferir > tú prefieres > prefiriendo

sentir > tú sientes > sintiendo

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venir > tú vienes > viniendo

mentir > tú mientes > mintiendo

reír > tú ríes > riendo

servir > tú sirves > sirviendo

decir > tú dices > diciendo

seguir > tú sigues > siguiendo

 -er and -ir verbs that change their root vowel in the present (-o > -ue) also change in the gerund
form: -o becomes -u.

poder > puedo > pudiendo

dormir > duermo > durmiendo

moror > muero > muriendo

 When the root of the verb ends in a vowel, the -i becomes a -y.

construir → construyendo

leer → leyendo

traer → trayendo

oír → oyendo

ir → yendo

 After ñ and ll, the -i is removed.

gruñir → gruñendo

bullir → bullendo

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6. Reflexive Verbs
they are formed with se in the infinitive e.g bañarse (to bathe oneself/take a bath). We use reflexive
verbs in Spanish when the subject and object of a verb are the same. In general, reflexive verbs are more
common in Spanish grammar than they are in English grammar and it’s important to remember that a
Spanish reflexive verb may not always be translated reflexively in English

Conjugation of Reflexive Verbs in Spanish Grammar

We conjugate the verb normally and use the appropriate reflexive pronoun (pronombre


Reflexive verbs indicate that someone is performing an action on or for themselves. Therefore,
the reflexive pronoun always agrees with the subject.


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La abuela de Lucía se tiñe el pelo en casa una vez al mes.

Cada semana se corta las puntas.

A diario se peina como una verdadera profesional.

Siempre se mira en el espejo mientras utiliza el secador.

Pronominal Verbs

Some verbs can only be reflexive. Some of the most frequent are acurrucarse, adentrarse,
adormilarse, adueñarse, amodorrarse, antojarse, arremolinarse, arrepentirse, desinteresarse,
dignarse, suicidarse.


El gato se acurruca al sol en el balcón.

Las hojas secas se arremolinan en las aceras.

Reflexive/Non-Reflexive Verbs

When verbs are used without reflexive pronouns, it means the action is being performed on or for
someone else. In this case, we have to use a direct or indirect personal pronoun before the verb.


La abuela se tiñe el pelo. (reflexive)

La abuela le tiñe el pelo a Lucía. (not reflexive)

Reciprocal Verbs

In addition to reflexive verbs, there are also reciprocal verbs (verbos reflexivos recíprocos).
These are used to communicate the idea of “each other”, which means they only appear in the

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***Some verbs can be used either in their reflexive or their non-reflexive forms. By adding the reflexive
pronoun, the verb receives a more particular meaning or even a completely different meaning from the
non-reflexive verb

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7. Modal Verbs
There are five key modal verbs (verbos modales) in Spanish: deber, querer, saber, poder and

These verbs are always followed by an infinitive.

In contrast to auxiliary verbs, modal verbs carry their own meaning; they express the speaker’s
attitude towards an action.

Podsećanje koji su španski auxiliary glagoli

Pomoćni glagoli u

(podsećanja radi)

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In Spanish the five most important modal verbs are: deber, poder, querer, saber and soler.

These verbs demonstrate the attitude of the speaker towards the action expressed by the main
verb. The main verb that follows a modal is always in the infinitive form.


Debes llevar siempre el casco cuando montas en bici.

There are other structures that also modify the main verb in a similar way to the modal verbs.
These fall under the category of verbal periphrasis. These are: deber de, tener que and haber que.


Hay que llevar siempre el casco cuando se monta en bici.

How to use Spanish modal verbs

The meaning of the modal verbs can change depending on whether they are used in the
affirmative or negative forms.

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Negating the verb deber

The modal verb deber can be translated as the English modal verbs must, have to and should
depending on the context. It is important to remember that the meaning of deber changes
depending on whether it is used in the affirmative or negative form:

 In an affirmative sentence, deber indicates that something is obligatory.

 However, in a negative sentence it is not as strong; it expresses that something is ill-advised or
not recommendable.

If we want to express the obligation to not do something, i.e. the idea of something forbidden or
not allowed, we use the negative form of the verb poder, which we can translate with the English


Debes llegar al trabajo antes de las 10. → obligation

You have to arrive at work before 10.

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No debes llegar al trabajo después de las 10. → recommendation

You shouldn’t arrive at work after 10.

No puedes llegar al trabajo después de las 10. → not allowed

You can’t arrive at work after 10.

The difference between haber que and tener que

The phrases haber que + infinitive and tener que + infinitive express obligation or necessity.
Their meaning is very similar to deber and the English modal verb have to.

However, although haber que and tener que seem and sound very similar, they are used in
different contexts.

haber que + infinitive

 Is only used in impersonal sentences in the third person singular: hay que
 Indicates a recommended, obligatory or necessary action for a general public (everyone)

Hay que reciclar para proteger el medio ambiente.

Everyone has to recycle

tener que + infinitive

 Is used in personal sentences in the first, second or third person in singular or plural
 Indicates an action that is recommended, obligatory or necessary for someone in particular

Tienes que comer más fruta y menos chucherías. = Debes comer más fruta y menos chucherías.

Other verbs that are used as modals

In Spanish there are other verbs that modify an infinitive in the same way as the modal verbs.
They also express the intention, desire or attitude of the speaker towards the action expressed by
the main verb.

The most common examples of such verbs are: intentar, desear, pensar, procurar, and esperar.


Intentaré llegar lo más pronto posible.

Deseo encontrar un buen trabajo.

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Pienso visitar Japón el año que viene.

Siempre procuro llevar dinero suelto para el autobús.

Espero llegar a tiempo a la reunión.

8. Passive

The passive voice (pasiva) emphasises an action or a condition.

Who or what caused the action or condition is unimportant, unknown, or assumed to be general

Spanish has two ways of expressing passive sentences: the passive voice and the passive “se”
(pasiva refleja) both of which are translated using the passive voice in English grammar.

Active vs. Passive

The active voice is used to emphasise who/what is carrying out the action.


La ambulancia conduce al herido al hospital.

The passive voice is used to emphasise the action itself. Who/what is carrying out the action is
often left out in passive sentences.


El herido es conducido (por la ambulancia) al hospital.

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In Spanish, the passive voice is reserved for certain contexts, for instance in journalism or very
formal written language. In order to sound natural in everyday communication, use the active
voice or the passive “se” (pasiva refleja).

Some important features of the passive voice are:

 it emphasises an action and who/what has been affected by it;

Un hombre ha sido atropellado.

 the passive agent (i.e. the subject of the active sentence) is either not mentioned at all, or comes
at the end of the passive sentence and is introduced by the preposition por.

El herido es conducido al hospital por la ambulancia.

 we can use the passive voice in any Spanish tense, however, it is frequently used in the past and
future tense.

Un hombre ha sido atropellado.

La familia del herido será informada.

Construction of Passive Voice

Sentences in the passive voice are formed in the following way:

 The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.

La ambulancia conduce al herido al hospital. (object – active voice)

El herido es conducido al hospital por la ambulancia. (subject – passive voice)

 We use the auxiliary verb ser and the participle of the main verb in the active sentence. The verb
ser can be conjugated in any tense. The participle agrees with the passive subject in gender and

El herido es conducido al hospital. (tercera persona en masculino singular)

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Los testimonios son recogidos. (tercera persona en masculino plural)

 The subject of the active sentence become the passive agent. It comes at the end of the
sentence and is introduced by the preposition por. The passive agent can be omitted.

La policía recoge los testimonios. (sujeto – pasiva)

Los testimonios son recogidos por la policía. (complemento agente – pasiva)

The following table provides an overview of the sentence structure in the active and passive

Passive “se” in Spanish grammar


Spanish speakers usually avoid the passive voice in spoken language. Instead, they use the
passive “se” (pasiva refleja) which has the same communicative effect but a much simpler
structure. Both the passive “se” and the passive voice are translated using the passive voice in


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Los testimonios han sido recogidos.

passive voice → reserved for journalism and formal written texts

→ Se han recogido los testimonios.

passive “se” → preferred in everyday spoken Spanish


The keys points for the correct formation of the passive “se” are listed below:

 The subject of the passive construction cannot be a person.

 The pronoun se is followed by the verb in 3rd person singular or plural, depending on the subject.
 The passive “se” can be used in all tenses in indicative and subjunctive.
 In compound tenses, the participle is invariable which means it never changes to agree with the
 The agent of the passive “se” is never mentioned.

La policía ha recogido los testimonios. (active)

Los testimonios han sido recogidos por la policía. (passive)

Se ha recogido el testimonio. (pasiva refleja)

Se han recogido los testimonios. (pasiva refleja)

Normally the subject of the passive“se” goes after the verb, but it can also go before the verb.


Se han recogido los testimonios.

Los testimonios se han recogido.

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The Imperative (imperativo), also imperative commands, express demands, orders and requests
addressed to one or more people directly. There are different conjugations for the tú, usted,
ustedes, nosotros and vosotros forms.

How to conjugate the Imperative in Spanish Grammar

The imperative form in Spanish exists for the first person plural (nosotros/-as), the second person
singular and plural (tú, vosotros/-as) and the polite form usted in singular and plural (usted/-es).
The imperative is always conjugated without a personal pronoun and in the present tense, in
either the indicative or the subjunctive mood.

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2nd person singular (tú)

To conjugate the imperative in the 2nd person singular (tú) we use the 3rd person singular form of
the present indicative. However, to form a negative imperative, we use the 2nd person singular
form of the present subjunctive. The personal pronoun is not used.

The imperative form of the verb irse has caused controversy among experts of Spanish grammar.
The rule states that when conjugating the imperative, the second person plural of the verb
(vosotros) loses the final -d when we add the pronoun os. However, the verb irse is an exception

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to this rule because it is such a short word. In contemporary Spanish, the conjugation
recommended by the Real Academia Española (RAE) is «idos»:

id + os = idos

However, in everyday spoken Spanish you will hear the form «iros», which the RAE has deemed
valid due to its widespread use

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If a reflexive verb in the imperative appears together with a direct object pronoun, this is placed
after the reflexive pronoun in a positive sentence. In a negative sentence the direct object pronoun
appears after the reflexive pronoun and before the verb.Example:

Abróchate el cinturón. → Abróchatelo.

No te abroches el cinturón. → No te lo abroches.

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Alternative Forms

The form a + infinitive can replace the imperative in the 2nd person singular and plural:


¡A callar!

¡A correr!

10. Verbs of becoming (glagoli koji pokazuju promenu stanja

(ponerse,quedarse), promenu u kvalitetu (hacerse; volverse;
convertirse; llegar a ser) I ostali glagoli


Spanish has several verbs of becoming, or verbs of transformation (verbos de cambio) that express a
transformation from one state or quality to another. In Spanish, the verbs of becoming are: convertirse,
hacerse, llegar a ser, ponerse, quedarse and volverse. The transformations that these verbs express can
be: temporary or permanent, sudden or gradual, deliberate or involuntary, as well as positive or
negative. Some focus on the result of the change and others on the process. In English, these verbs are
typically translated with verbs like become, get, end up, go and turn into depending on the context.

Verbs that express a change of state

The verbs ponerse and quedarse express a change of state. We use them to talk about a situation
that changes when certain elements are added or removed. These verbs are similar in meaning to
the verb estar.


→ emphasises the temporary nature of the change

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→ get, become, be

The verb ponerse expresses a sudden change from one state to another. When used with people, it
expresses a change in appearance, colour, emotion, health or circumstances. It can also be
followed by an adjective.


Me he puesto roja de la vergüenza.

Se han puesto muy tristes con la noticia.

Ponerse can also be followed by a preposition + noun.


Este verano me he puesto en forma en el gimnasio.

Las chaquetas vaqueras se han puesto de moda otra vez.

When ponerse is followed by the preposition a + infinitive, it can also be translated into English
at start to. Ponerse a is a type of verbal periphrasis.


Ayer, mientras paseábamos, se puso a llover de repente.


→ emphasises the result of the change

→ become, end up, get, go, be

The verb quedarse signals that a person, thing or situation has changed from one state to another
and stayed like that. This change can be temporary or permanent but the focus is on the end
result, the idea of ending up in this new state or situation. Quedarse can be followed by an
adjective, or by a preposition + noun.


Mi padre se quedó calvo a los veinticinco años.

Mi prima mayor se ha quedado embarazada de mellizos.

Con tanto estrés te has quedado en los huesos.

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Verbs that express a change in quality

The verbs volverse, hacerse, convertirse and llegar a ser express a change in quality; that is, a
change in the innate or acquired characteristics of something or someone. These verbs are very
similar in meaning to the verb ser.


→ emphasises willingness or participation in a gradual change

→ become, get

Hacerse indicates a gradual change. It can be followed by adjectives or nouns. Hacerse is used to
refer to changes in profession, religion and ideology and implies a voluntary change in which the
subject actively participates.


Como su padre y su madre, Jacinto también se ha hecho profesor.

El vecino de abajo ha dejado el catolicismo y se ha hecho judío.

Mi hermana se ha hecho rica con su nueva patente.

It can also be followed by a preposition + noun in set phrases or to express natural changes.


El inventor del automóvil se hizo de oro.

En verano, se hace de día a las seis de la mañana.

En invierno, se hace de noche a la seis.

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→ emphasises the passive nature of the change

→ become, get, go

The verb volverse indicates a change in the character or condition of a person that is the result of
circumstances beyond their control. It can be followed by an adjective or by a subject with the
indefinite article.


Mi mejor amiga se ha vuelto bastante antipática.

La preocupación por la contaminación se ha vuelto muy importante.

Con la edad, mi hermana se ha vuelto una persona muy desconfiada.


→ emphasises the radical nature of the change

→ become, turn into

The verb convertirse indicates a quick and radical change. The nature of the change is usually
drastic or even magical. It is synonymous with the verb transformarse when referring to scientific
materials. It is followed by the preposition en and a noun.


Entrenando diariamente sus sueños se convertirán en realidad.

Después de algunos días en un capullo, el gusano se convierte en mariposa.

A 100ºC el agua se convierte en vapor.

Spanish also has the expression convertirse a. This is always used to talk about a religious or
ideological conversion.


Tras su viaje a Laos, Marina se ha convertido al budismo.

llegar a ser

→ emphasises the result of a long process

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→ eventually become, manage to become

The verbal periphrasis llegar a ser indicates a gradual and positive change; that is, it expresses a
transformation for the better and focuses on this result.

It can be followed by adjectives or nouns.


Marisa quiere llegar a ser deportista de élite.

Marisa quiere llegar a ser rica.

List of Verbs of Becoming (quedarse,hacerse, volverse, convertirse, llegar

a ser)

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Expressions with the verbs of becoming

The table below summarises the different figurative expressions in Spanish that contain one of
the verbs of becoming.

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Other verbs that express change
In Spanish there are many normal verbs that indicate a change of state when they are reflexive. Like with
ponerse and quedarse, the final state of this change can be expressed with the verb estar +
corresponding adjective.

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11. Verbal Periphrasis

A verbal periphrasis (las perífrasis verbales), also known as a verbal structure, is a

grammatical structure that consists of two or more verbs that take on a new meaning when used

Generally, these constructions are composed of an auxiliary verb in a conjugated form, a

preposition connected to this verb and a main verb in an impersonal form, either the infinitive,
participle or gerund. A verbal periphrasis can express the beginning, duration or end of an action
as well as the intention behind it. One of the most common verbal structures in Spanish is ir a +
infinitive, which is equivalent to the English structure be going to + infinitive.

How to form verbal periphrasis in Spanish

In Spanish, verbal structures are composed of an auxiliary (help verb) that is conjugated to
indicate the time and mood of the action. This can be followed by a preposition or a conjunction
that comes before the main verb. The main verb then appears in an impersonal form (the
infinitive, the participle or gerund).


Esta tarde vamos a ir al cine con los primos.

Suelo acudir dos veces por semana a la academia.

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Temporal structures place the action in time and indicate habit and repetition. As shown in the table
below, we can organise these structures according to when the action occurs.

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Structures with the gerund

Verbal structures with the gerund are formed with auxiliary + gerund. These structures give
information about an action that is in progress. In these structures there is no connecting word
(like a preposition) between the auxiliary and the gerund.

Structures with the participle

Verbal structures with the participle are formed with auxiliary + participle. The participle always
agrees in gender and number with the subject (with the verbs estar, quedar and andar) or with
the direct object (with the verbs dejar, tener, dar por and llevar).


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