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1.What is leading? Why is it important to the engineer manager?

Leading is that management function which involves influencing others to engage in the work
behaviors necessary to reach organizational goals. The definition indicates that a person or group of
persons tasked with managing a group must assume the role performed by leaders. Because successful
firm regard the leadership skill requirement as high priority concerns.

2.How do leaders influence others?

Engineer manager are expected to maintain effective work forces. To be able to do so, they are
required to perform leadership roles. Leaders are said to be able to influence others because of the
power they possess.

3.What is meant by referent power? Give an example of a person with referent power.

Referent power is when a person can get compliance from other because the latter would want to be
identified with the former, that person is said to have referent power. An example of a person with
referent power are Nationalism, patriotism, celebrities, mass leaders and widely respected people.

4.Why is it important for a leader to have the desire to lead? What happens if the said desire is not

The desire to lead there are some persons who have all the qualifications for leadership, yet they
could not become leaders because they lack one special requirement: the desire to lead

Even they are force to act aa leaders, they will not be effective because their efforts will be half
hearted. Leaders with a desire to lead will always have a reservoirs of extra efforts which can be used
whenever needed.

5.What is meant by charisma? Is it necessary ingredient for leadership?

Charisma when a person has sufficient personnel magnetism that leads people to follow his directives,
this person is said to have charisma.

When used properly, charisma will help the leader in achieving his goals. With some adjustments,
subordinates may be expected to do their tasks willingly.

6.What is meant by human skills? How may these skills help the leader?

These skills refer to the ability of a leader to deal with people, both inside and outside the
organization. Good leaders must know how to get along with people, motivate them and inspire them.

Apart from motivating, human skills include coaching, communicating, morale building, training and
development, help and supportiveness, and delegating.

7.How is positive leadership different from negative leadership?

When the leadership approach emphasizes rewards, the style used is positive leadership. The reward
may be economic, like an increase in monthly salary, or it may be noneconomic like membership in an
advisory committee.

When punishment is emphasized by the leader, the style is said to be negative leadership. The
punishment may take the form of reprimand, suspension, or dismissal.

8.What are free-rein leaders? When is free-rein leadership appropriate?

Leaders who set objectives and allow employees or subordinates relative freedom to do what ever it
takes to accomplish these objectives, are called free – rein leaders. They are also referred to as laissez-
faire leaders. This leadership style is most applicable to certain organizations manned by professionals
like doctors and engineers.

9.When the situation does not fit the leader, what options do management have?

The situational characteristics vary from organization to organization. To be effective, the situation
must fit the leader. If this is not so, the following may be tried.

- Change the leaders trait or behaviors

-Select leaders who have traits or behavior fitting the situation.

-More leaders around in the organization until they are in positions that fit them.

-Change the situation

10.What leadership styles may be used by path-goal proponents?

The leadership styles which may be uses by path goal proponents are as follows: Directive leadership,
Supportive Leaderships, Participative leadership and Achievement-oriented leadership.

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