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Dr. Decibel F. Eslava
School of Environmental Science and Management
UP Los Banos


Good day!

PICHE-JCB The Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers – Junior Chapter Batangas (PIChE-
Executive Body JCB) is a well-known organization of promoting excellence and holistic development of
2019-2020 Chemical Engineering students of the 21st century. With the pursuit of academic
excellence, the organization has been committed in implementing events that would
Sheena Mae P. Manarin improve and nurture the students’ ability in the field of research and engineering, analysis
President and generation of sustainable solutions to modern issues, and have partnerships with
other participating institutions.
Alzen G. Enage
This year, PIChE-JCB will be holding the 5th CHEMPOSIUM with the theme “GTech:
Internal Vice President
Conserve. Preserve. Innovate. Hurdling Millennial Adversities through Greener
Technology”. The symposium raises awareness about timely environmental concerns
Margie A. Pitel
and the green technology available today that can be utilized in securing a generation’s
External Vice President
future. It will revolve on topics on Green Technology also known as Clean Technology
which includes the production of sustainable energy in a more traditional way and
Mike Joshua D. Lejano
innovations that are environmental friendly as a response to contemporary issues of lack
of energy supply throughout the country and environment related problems. It will also
serve as a call for action to go greener while dealing with modernized technologies.
Virgi Vladi B. Caringal
Assistant Secretary In fulfilment of the aforementioned event, we would like to request Dr. Marisa J.
Sobremisana of your faculty as our resource speaker for this event. With her exemplary
Grace Mary Louise C. Butuan knowledge on waste management processes, we believe that she would be of great
Treasurer contribution in the success of this event. With Chemical Engineering students as its
participants, the said event will be held on September 21, 2019 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00
Leonel C. Tingson p.m. at the Amphitheatre, 4th Floor CEAFA Building, Pablo Borbon Main II, Alangilan,
Assistant Treasurer Batangas City.

Ralph John Erwin R. Ornales If you have any clarification, feel free to contact us either by replying through this email or
Auditor texting this mobile number, 09156006530. Thank you for considering our request. We are
hoping for your positive response.
Richelle B. Hermosura
P.R.O. Respectfully,

Grazielle Anne C. De Torres

Business Manager
Officer-In-Charge, PIChE-JCB

Noted by:
You may e-mail us at:
[email protected]


Adviser, PIChE-JCB

Approved by:


Department Chair, ChE-FE

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