Ba132: International Business and Trade (Final Requirements)

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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-Guang, Brgy. Dahican, City of Mati
Institutes of Business and Public Affairs


(Final Requirements)

Prepared by:

Marjon A. Limot (BA-3B)


Submitted to:
Mr. Philip A. Salimaco
IBT Instructor
MAL Beverages & Wines Company
Philippines Sweet Coco Wine
100% Pure Lambanog
Our Product
MAL Beverages&Wines Company: Philippines Sweet Coco Wine was founded by
Marjon A. Limot. globally and to place the Philippines on the map of the wine industry.
Philippines Sweet Coco Wine is crafted using the fresh sap from the flower of the
coconut tree, an organic and naturally delicious nectar. Selected local farmers use the
educational guidelines of responsible farming developed by the Philippine Coconut
Authority (PCA) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) to harvest the
coconut sap. Strict controls on how raw material is received are implemented to ensure
the freshest quality from the start of the process to completion.
The Philippines Sweet Coco Wine was first established November year 2020 in Mati
City, With national acceptance, this could become the Philippine’s National Drink.
The wine is came up with 100% pure lambanog which our country is abundant with
coconut plantation.. Through entries with Local and International Trade Shows
sponsored by the Department of Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
and the company tireless efforts to bring samples to various markets, Philippines Sweet
Coco Wine is anticipating export distribution in the coming year.
Our Vision
MAL Beverages & Wines Company needs to create the most excellent and most exciting wines from our locale and internationally, which reflect
the arrive as our most valuable asset.

Our Mission
At MAL Beverages & Wines Company, is to provide our customers with delicious, high quality wines that are all hand-crafted locally. We
provide with something to satisfy every palate, from 100% pure lambanog wines to traditional!,Our goal is for our guests to regard Philippines
Sweet Coco Wine as the most memorable wine they have experienced and welcome our brand into their lifestyle.

Situational Analysis
MAL Beverages & Wines Company, selling a delicious, high quality wines and came from 100% pure lambanog wine that all hand-crafted
locally.Sweet Coco Wine, is an alcoholic beverage produced in Mati City, Philippines. It is a very popular alcoholic drink among men and
women in the rural areas of Davao Oriental province, where it is widely produced. It is widely enjoyed by the locals and festive occasions are
almost incomplete without it. It is free from artificial chemicals because it is made 100% purely from coconut sap. Sweet Coco Wine processing
starts with the pruning of the coconut flowers to let the sap drip from the blossoms. The sap is then collected and cooked using the fermentation
process, producing coconut “tuba”. The tuba is distilled, cooled, and filtered to produce the coconut wine.
Our Objectives:
To satisfy our customers through serving best quality and purely 100% lambanog wine products.
Attain its organizational vision and mission.
To target specific market segment.
To trade my product internationally.

Our Competitors
MAL Beverages and Wines Company, make a research and development of possible competitors of top wine companies around the world.

Novellino Wines
The wine is designed with your taste in mind. If you like fruity, refreshing, and sweet, then our wine will certainly provide you with a
delightful experience. Some wines are usually bitter and dry, definitely not approachable and drinkable as our wine is.This wine is a top
wine in the Philippines selling in markets.

Infanta, Philippine Lambanog

This brand is in it's 9th year of growth, entering new territories and is the leader in its category seeking to further expand into new world
markets with partner importers / distributors / sales teams who can navigate the growth of a specialty category in niche target markets.
Infanta is the first and only Filipino Lambanog to enter the United States and United Arab Emirates Markets.

Lakan Extra Premium Lambanog

A true world-class product from the Philippines, it’s been honored by Monde Selection with a Gold Award during the 53rd World
Selection of Spirits & Liqueurs Category in 2015. Last year, it received a Silver Award from the 54th World Selection of Spirits &
Liqueurs, a Bronze Medal at the 16th San Francisco Wines and Spirits Competition 2016, and a Silver Medal at the New York World
Wine and Spirits Competition 2016.
SWOT Analysis


 Philippines Sweet Coco Wine is naturally made in Philippines having high quality of wine in terms of alcohol content, long and solid
experience in lambanog wine processing, skilled labor in terms of tuba collection and distillation process, a low bargaining power of
suppliers in terms of coconut farm which also contributes to the low production costs.
 It is not seasonal
 Affordable compared to other drinking beverages
 Good market situation.
 Philippines Sweet Coco Wine will suit your preference and is guaranteed to be one of the best wine products having best value and taste.


 Since MAL Beverages and Wines Company is just starting develop their product, they might having low income at first. But as they
improve their products, the demand might rise.
 Since we are just starting in our industries we expected strong competitors. We expect that some consumers won’t be able to favour it at
first but as we expand our business, we are sure that we can cope up with that circumstance.


 Increasing of our network distributions, A lot of investors made a contract with our company as a recipient of supplies of our
product. By months, the demand for this kind of distribution increases that’s why the company sales improve, including the
income and sales. This network yields to an opportunity for MAL Beverages and Wines Company.

 As mentioned, few of the competitors were named out of the best famous wine companies around the world. This becomes a
threat to our company since there’s a low chance of making our business known in short span of time. Opening business is risky,
but the company continues and gambles for the stake until it improves and attain our objectives despite the threats of competitors.

Target Market
The main target markets of MAL Beverages and Wines Company are those alcoholic-drinkers around the world, who would like to
experience high quality and purely 100% lambanog wine that they never tasted before.

This are the asian countries that i want to expand my business and also my target markets.
Based on our Research and Development the following countries are people drink a lot of alcoholic wines.

South Korea
People in South Korea were the most prolific drinkers in Asia, according to the WHO. On average, South Koreans, over the age of 15, drink
10.9 liters of alcohol a year.South Koreans drink copious amounts of alcohol so much so that no other country came close to their per capita

Second to South Korea in alcohol consumption. The country was said to have seen a rising level of alcohol drinking.

was at third place in Asia.

Meanwhile, Mongolia and China were at close fourth and fifth position in Asia, respectively. In China, the increasing alcohol consumption
was attributed to their culture, as “drinking with colleagues is seen as vital to career advancement.”

Japan, which has been the so-called drinkers’ paradise, has seen a decline in alcohol consumption as it shared sixth place with Laos. Both
countries have been found to have equal per capita consumption of alcohol.

Price Strategy
MAL Beverages and Wines Company is using a Competition-Based Pricing Strategy, since we are new in business industry our price come
up in the competition of price in the market. So that we can assure that our price is affordable to the consumers.

MAL Beverages and Wines Company selling their Philippines Sweet Coco Wine in the market with the price of Php. 495.00 or $10.28 per
bottle. And also comes with package, buying of 5 bottles or 1 case is only for Php. 2,450.00 or $50.90.
Distribution Strategy

MAL Beverages and Wines Company is preferred to use the Direct and Intensive distribution strategy, since we are newly in this industry
we need first to encourage our costumers and also the consumers to patronize our products. Direct distribution is one of our first strategy
where we directly sell and send our products to consumers. Our company is using also an e-commerce website where users can make a
purchase online. This is an effective option of our company with a client base that’s moderately knowledgeable about technology that was
a social media is highly existing which is one of the distribution channel on our products. Intensive distribution is our second preferred
channel of our distributions, We are placing our products into many retail locations as possible with the intensive distribution. Such as,
Supermalls, Convenience stores or any as many retail location as possible as our target market.

Promotion Strategy
Different types of promotion strategies were used by MAL Beverages and Wines Company to promote our products in order to make our
product known and gain popularity such as;

 Social Media
 Television Commercials
 Radio Marketing
 Built up Online Website
 Newspaper Advertisements
 Trade shows
Thank You and God Bless us All!!

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