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Dilla University

Collage of Engineering and Technology

School of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Course Title: Energy Conversion and Rural Electrification Module Number: 24

Course Code: ECEg4242 Course Instructor: Ollata Kalano

Degree Program: B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering ECTS: 5

Module Name: Energy Conversion and Distribution Electrical Power: IV Year

Prerequisites: MEng2308: Engineering Thermodynamic Year/Semester: IV/II

Course Description: This course includes the overview of thermodynamics, Thermal power plants,
overview of Hydropower plants, Nuclear power plants, Solar energy, Biomass energy, Wind energy,
Geothermal energy, Ocean and Wave energy and Rural electrification
Course Objectives:
 To introduce technologies of conventional and non-conventional power plants.
 To provide an overview of renewable energy resources and technologies.
 To give an insight into planning and design of small scale and off-grid electrical power
 To introduce techniques and methods of planning and designing rural electrification
1. Overview of Thermodynamics: First and second laws of thermodynamics and Carnot cycle
2. Thermal power plants: Steam cycle; Fuels and combustion; Gas turbines, combined cycles
and operating practices
3. Hydropower: Basic concepts; Site selection; Types of turbines; Small- scale hydropower
design; Flow rate measurement
4. Nuclear power plants: Nuclear Fuel, Fission, Fusion; Radioactive decay; power plans
5. Solar energy: Introduction; Solar radiation; Solar Collectors; Solar cells and PV systems;
Applications of Solar Energy.
6. Biomass energy: Introduction Biomass energy; Biomass conversion and Direct combustion
7. Wind energy: Basic theory of wind energy; Types of turbines; Wind resource Analysis and
8. Geothermal energy: Introduction; Geothermal resource types applications or heating;
Electricity generation.
9. Ocean and Wave energy: Potential assessment, characteristics and technologies
10. Rural electrification in Ethiopia
Teaching Methodology: Lectures supported by tutorials and Laboratory exercises
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment……………..50%
Final Exam………………………….50%
Course Policies:
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students throughout this course.
 Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
 Students are required to submit and present the assignments provided according to the time
table indicated.
 80% of class attendance is mandatory! Please try to be on time for class. Students will not
allow entering if late more than five minutes.
 Active participation in class is essential
 Cell phones MUST be turned off before entering the class.
[1] Culp: Principles of Energy Conversion
[2].Keider: Solar Heating and Cooling
[3] Fritz: Small and Mini Hydropower System
[4] Renewable Energy, Power for Sustainable future by Godfrey. Boyel
Approved By:
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Name (Course instructor) Signature Signature Date

________ __________

Name (Module Coordinator) Signature Signature Date

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