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Unit 1
A. Brief questions
1. What is brand? What are the importance of branding to consumer?
2. What is branding? What are the importance of branding to firm?
3. What is brand management explain with two examples?
4. Write difference between brand vs product?
5. Elaborate scope of branding in details?
6. Explain in detail branding challenges and opportunities?
7. Elaborate in detail strategic brand management process?
8. Explain what is customer based brand equity model (Kellers brand equity model) with example?
9. Write down the different sources of brand equity?
10. Elaborate the steps of brand building including brand building blocks?
11. What is brand positioning? Explain with examples?
12. What are the basis of brand positioning? Explain?
13. What are the importance of brand positioning?
B. Objectives
1. Positioning
2. Brand management
3. Brand building blocks
4. Branding
5. brand

Unit 2
A. Brief questions
1. What is mean by brand elements? Elaborate criteria for choosing brand element?
2. Write types of brand element?
3. How one can integrate marketing programs and activities?
4. Elaborate experiential marketing with example and one to one marketing?
5. Elaborate permission marketing with example and relationship marketing?
6. What core elements are required in product strategy?
7. What do you understand by perceived quality with example?
8. How exactly prices are set up to build brand equity?
9. What are the different forms of direct channel?
10. What are the different forms of indirect channel?
11. How exactly integrated marketing communication programs are developed?
12. What are the different criteria for integrated marketing communication?
13. What are the brand associations that are related to source factor to build brand equity?
14. What are the brand associations that are related people, place, and things to build brand
B. Objectives
1. Distribution network
2. Country of origin
3. Character in branding
4. Everyday low pricing
5. Discounted pricing

Unit 3
A. Brief questions
1. Elaborate the brand value chain?
2. What qualitative research techniques are used to measure sources of brand equity?
3. What quantitative research techniques are used to measure sources of brand equity?
4. Elaborate young and Rubicams brand asset valuator?
5. By using comparative methods how outcomes of brand equity are measured?
6. By using holistic methods how outcomes of brand equity are measured?
7. What is Interbrand brand valuation methodology?
B. Objectives
1. Multiplier
2. Brand performance
3. Brand awareness
4. Brand equity
5. relationship among marketing pillars
Unit 4
A. Brief questions
1. What is brand architecture? Explain with examples?
2. Elaborate the brand product matrix?
3. What is brand hierarchy? Give examples?
4. How the brand equity is built at different hierarchy level?
5. What is cause marketing? What are the advantages of cause marketing?
6. What is green marketing? What are the advantages and challenges of green marketing?
7. What is brand extension? Elaborate line and category extension with example?
8. Explain in details advantages of brand extension?
9. What are the disadvantages of brand extension?
10. What is the relationship between brand extension and brand equity?
11. What marketing programs are used to reinforce the brand?
12. Why the brands needs to be revitalized? What are the ways to revitalize the brand?
13. How exactly the global customer based brand equity is build?

B. Objectives
1. Cause marketing
2. Recognition
3. Recall
4. The big five
5. Residual approach

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