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Chapter 6: API release – Dissolution and disintegration


Quinine sulfate tablets, being an important medicine in the treatment of malaria, should be of
high quality and safe to use for patients with this life threatening disease. Tablets failing to
disintegrate and release the API could be fatal to patients who need prompt medical treatment.
Disintegration of the solid oral dosage form, together with the dissolution and permeability of the
API, are important factors that determine the oral absorption of the API from a solid oral dosage
form and ultimately determines the product's fate regarding its efficacy (Shargel et al.,

Disintegration tests evaluate if the solid oral dosage form will break into smaller particles and
ensure the increase in effective surface area from which the API can be released. (Shargel et
al., 2005:414). The dissolution rate of a solid oral dosage form is greatly influenced by the
disintegration of the tablet or capsule, and also the solubility of the API (Shargel et al.,

During the research and development phase (R&D) in vitro dissolution protocols are developed
to analyse the medicinal product and used as a predictive tool for in vivo bioavailability (Azarmi
et al., 2007:13).

The general discussion on dissolution methodology presented in Chapter 3 (section 3.3)

indicated that:

 dissolution testing measures the release of the API as a function of time in specified
conditions (Shargel et al., 2005:421);

 a certain amount of API should be released from the solid oral dosage form and dissolved in
the dissolution medium within a specified period for the FPP to comply with the dissolution
specifications (Shargel et al., 2005:424).

The amount of API (expressed as a percentage of the label claim of the FPP) that should be
released and dissolved in the dissolution medium at the final withdrawal time (single point
dissolution) is represented by the Q-value (Vaghela et al., 2011:53). At stage 1 (S 1), six tablets
are tested, all of which must achieve Q + 5% dissolution to comply with S 1. If the criterion is met
at S1 the test complies and no further testing is required. However, if the product does not
comply with S1, dissolution testing will continue (S2 or S3) until the criteria have been met or
when all the subsequent stage/s have been exhausted (Shargel et al., 2005:428). The

aforementioned stages of dissolution testing apply unless specified otherwise by the individual
monograph – which is the case for the dissolution method of quinine sulfate tablets of the
Ph.Int. The different stages of dissolution testing is presented in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1: The dissolution acceptance criteria specified in the general chapters of
the USP, BP and Ph.Int. (USP, 2013; BP, 2013 and Ph.Int., 2013)

Stage Number of Acceptance criteria

tablets tested
S1 6 Each unit shows a % dissolution of not less than Q+5%
S2 6 Average % dissolution of the 12 units (S1 + S2) is equal to or greater than Q,
and the % dissolution of no unit is less than Q - 15%
S3 12 Average % dissolution of 24 units (S1 + S2 + S3) is equal to or greater than
Q, the % dissolution of not more than 2 units are less than Q - 15% and the
% dissolution of no unit is less than Q - 25%

This chapter presents the disintegration and dissolution results obtained using the BP, USP and
Ph.Int. quinine sulfate tablets dissolution methods. It furthers to describe additional
experimental work (i.e. solubility and profile dissolutions) in order to provide insight into the
differences between the results obtained using the different pharmacopoeial methods, ultimately
allowing to propose an alternative dissolution method (and accompanying specifications) for the
revision of current dissolution methods of the pharmacopoeias where deemed necessary.

Single point dissolutions were initially performed as required by each pharmacopoeia. Multiple-
point (also known as profile) dissolutions were thereafter performed to evaluate the API release
profiles from the tablets.

6.1 Dissolution requirements/specifications of the USP, BP and Ph.Int. monographs

for quinine sulfate tablets

The different dissolution conditions, procedures and specifications for each of the quinine
sulfate tablet monographs from the different pharmacopoeias are summarised in Table 6-2.

The quinine sulfate tablet dissolution methods described in the USP, BP and Ph.Int.
monographs differ significantly from one another (as seen in Table 6-2). Furthermore the
specifications of the quinine sulfate tablets dissolution methods of the Ph.Int. monograph
differed from that of the general conditions for dissolution (Table 6-1 vs Table 6-2). The Ph.Int.
monograph for quinine sulfate tablets specifies that after 30 minutes, 80% dissolution must be
achieved (S1). If not, the test may continue to a second and final stage (S2), requiring the
average percentage dissolution of the 12 tablets (S 1 + S2) tested to not be less than 75% and
that no individual tablet show a % dissolution less than 60%. There are no S 3 conditions
specified for the quinine sulfate tablets dissolution method of the Ph.Int. monograph.

Table 6-2: Dissolution conditions, specifications and procedures as required by

the different pharmacopoeia for quinine sulfate tablets (USP, 2013; BP,
2013 and Ph.Int., 2013)

BP USP Ph.Int.
Apparatus: Basket assembly Basket assembly Paddle assembly

Dissolution medium: 0.1 M HCl 0.01 M HCl Phosphate buffer pH 6.8

Medium volume: 900 ml 900 ml 500 ml

Rotation speed: 100 rpm 100 rpm 75 rpm

Q=70% Q=75% S1 = Not less than 80%

Acceptance criterion (normal stages as (normal stages as S2 = Average of 12
specified in Table 6-1) specified in Table 6-1) (S1+S2) > 75% and no
unit less than 60%

Withdrawal time 45 minutes 45 minutes 30 minutes

UV-Vis UV-Vis UV-Vis
spectrophotometry spectrophotometry spectrophotometry
Wavelength of 348 nm 248 nm 330 nm

6.2 Results and discussion for the dissolution and disintegration testing according
to the specified pharmacopoeias

6.2.1 Disintegration

The Ph.Int. quinine sulfate tablets monograph provides the analyst an option of performing
either a dissolution test (test A) or dinsintegration (test B). The Ph.Int. monograph state that
should test B (disintegration) be selected and found to be non-compliant, test A (dissolution)
should be performed. The ICH Q6A guidelines (ICH, 1999:11) state that dissolution testing may
be replaced by disintegration testing if the product is an immediate release product containing a
highly water soluble API which is rapidly released from the dosage form (% dissolution > 80%
after 15 minutes at a pH range 1.2 – 6.8) (ICH, 1999:11). From the three pharmacopoeias (BP,
USP and Ph.Int.) the Ph.Int. monograph is the only one that specifies a disintegration test for
quinine sulfate tablets (as a potential choice).

All three pharmacopoeias do however have general conditions and specifications for
disintegration in their general chapters. The norm for disintegration testing of immediate
release oral solid dosage forms (not modified release etc.) is to use water as medium, at 37 ±
0.5ºC, with a specification of 15 minutes (BP, 2013). The disintegration test for quinine sulfate
tablets by the Ph.Int. method uses the aforementioned conditions, but a limit of 10 minutes is
specified in contrast to 15 minutes.

The disintegration test results for Products 1 - 4 are presented in Table 6-3. All the samples
disintegrated within ± 5 minutes. The results complied with the general specifications for
disintegration by USP and BP monographs (15 minutes) and the specific limits for quinine
sulfate tablets by Ph.Int. monograph (10 minutes).

Table 6-3: Disintegration testing results for Products 1 - 4 as specified in the Ph.Int.
monograph for quinine sulfate tablets

Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4

Time: Tablet 1 Within 5 minutes Within 4 minutes Within 2 minutes Within 2 minutes
Time: Tablet 2 Within 5 minutes Within 4 minutes Within 2 minutes Within 2 minutes
Time: Tablet 3 Within 5 minutes Within 5 minutes Within 3 minutes Within 3 minutes
Time: Sample 4 Within 5 minutes Within 5 minutes Within 3 minutes Within 3 minutes
Time: Tablet 5 Within 5 minutes Within 6 minutes Within 4 minutes Within 3 minutes
Time: Tablet 6 Within 5 minutes Within 6 minutes Within 4 minutes Within 3 minutes

6.2.2 Dissolution

All four products were tested according to the dissolution test methods as described in
Table 6-2. Results are summarised in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4: Dissolution results of Products 1 - 4 using the dissolution procedures of
the BP, USP and Ph.Int. monographs

% dissolution at final withdrawal as specified in the respective monographs

Tablet BP USP Ph.Int.
1 93 96 50
2 95 96 54
3 92 97 62
4 95 97 56
5 96 96 56
6 95 96 47
Product 1
7 55
8 52
9 55
10 51
11 51
12 53
Average 94 96 54
%RSD 1.8 0.8 9.4
1 94 98 59
2 94 96 59
3 92 96 68
4 94 99 60
5 95 95 59
6 90 94 56
Product 2
7 63
8 52
9 67
10 62
11 55
12 61
Average 92 96 60
%RSD 2.3 1.8 7.7
1 93 96 68
2 94 94 71
3 95 96 73
4 97 100 75
5 91 100 71
6 96 95 70
Product 3
7 73
8 70
9 69
10 71
11 71
12 69
Average 95 97 71
%RSD 2.5 2.8 2.7
1 93 96 49
2 91 96 52
3 95 92 54
4 93 97 56
5 93 95 49
6 92 96 53
Product 4
7 46
8 49
9 47
10 50
11 55
12 53
Average 92 95 51
%RSD 1.9 1.8 6.5

As seen in Table 6-4, all four products were compliant with the S1 specifications of the USP and
BP monographs and did not require any further testing. For the Ph.Int. monograph however,
none of the Products were found to comply with the S1 specifications. For this reason another 6
tablets of each product (referred to as tablets 7 - 12) were tested, serving as S2 for the Ph.Int.
monograph dissolutions. For S2 the average percentage dissolution for Products 1, 2, 3 and 4
(tablets 1 - 12) did not achieve 75% and/or had individual units below 60%, and therefore failed
to comply with the dissolution specifications.

The single point dissolution results indicated that the outcomes (i.e. complies with S1
specifications) for dissolutions were comparable between the USP and BP monographs,
whereas none of the samples managed to comply with the Ph.Int. monograph specifications.

Of concern is that the dissolution and disintegration tests (choice of tests) of the Ph.Int.
monograph did not provide with comparable outcome (i.e. compliance with both dissolution and
disintegration specifications). None of the products could achieve a compliant outcome by
means of dissolution, whereas the results for all products were well within limits of disintegration
testing. It can therefore be concluded that contradictory results were obtained within the same
monograph (Ph.Int. monograph) – dissolution vs. disintegration, and that, only by first choice of
test B (disintegration) the outcomes of all the monographs (Ph.Int. vs BP vs USP) are

6.3 Dissolution profiles (from pharmacopoeial dissolution methods)

It was decided to further investigate quinine sulfate's dissolution behaviour by performing

multiple-point dissolutions (profile dissolutions).

The multiple-point dissolutions were performed using the same dissolution media, apparatus,
medium volume and agitation speed as specified by the different monographs. Samples for
multiple-point dissolutions were withdrawn at 7.5; 15; 22.5; 30; 45 and 60 minutes. The
averages and % RSD for the percentage dissolution obtained are presented in Table 6-5,
Table 6-6 and Table 6-7 and Figure 6-1, Figure 6-2 and Figure 6-3. The same volume of
medium that was withdrawn at each interval was replaced with fresh medium after every
withdrawal. Samples were suitably diluted and analysed using a Cary UV-Vis
spectrophotometer (Shargel et al., 2005:424).

Table 6-5: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the BP
monograph dissolution conditions (n = 12)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 76 97 97 96 94 93
%RSD 22.7 2.5 1.8 2.1 1.8 1.8
Product 2
Average 63 94 93 92 92 91
%RSD 17.8 2.4 2.6 2.3 2.3 2.6
Product 3
Average 99 98 97 96 95 94
%RSD 2.2 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.3
Product 4
Average 97 95 94 93 92 91
%RSD 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.7

Figure 6-1: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 - 4 using the BP monograph

dissolution conditions.

Table 6-6: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the USP
monograph dissolution conditions (n = 12)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 84 94 97 97 96 95
%RSD 2.3 2.3 2.7 0.8 0.8 1.3
Product 2
Average 87 99 98 96 96 95
%RSD 6.3 1.9 1.6 2.1 1.8 1.7
Product 3
Average 98 99 99 100 97 98
%RSD 1.8 2.4 2.3 2.0 2.8 3.5
Product 4
Average 93 94 93 95 95 96
%RSD 1.4 2.0 2.1 1.8 1.8 2.0

Figure 6-2: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 - 4 using the USP monograph
dissolution conditions

Table 6-7: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the Ph.Int.
monograph dissolution conditions (n = 12)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 37 47 51 54 57 59
%RSD 10.7 8.7 9.7 9.4 10.0 10.6
Product 2
Average 41 52 57 60 66 66
%RSD 11.3 9.3 8.0 7.7 7.3 7.7
Product 3
Average 50 63 70 71 75 75
%RSD 7.9 3.9 3.3 2.7 1.9 3.2
Product 4
Average 25 39 46 51 58 62
%RSD 7.9 7.2 8.9 6.5 6.0 5.4

Figure 6-3: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the Ph.Int.
monograph dissolution conditions (n = 12)

All the products when tested according to the dissolution conditions of the BP monograph
(Table 6-5, Figure 6-1) and USP monograph (Table 6-6, Figure 6-2), achieved an average
percentage dissolution ranging between 90% and 100% within the first 15 minutes of testing.
These dissolution profiles (BP and USP monographs) suggested an impaired ability of these
methods to distinguish between the different quinine sulfate tablet formulations. The dissolution
profiles obtained using the Ph.Int. monograph showed an improved discriminatory ability, since
the profiles were clearly separated and showed gradual dissolution over time.
The dissolution profiles obtained using the Ph.Int. monograph further showed that none of the
samples reached a plateau, even after 60 minutes, suggesting that under these conditions, the
dissolution of the samples were incomplete. The disintegration test results indicated that
products disintegrated within 5 minutes. The first withdrawal time was at 7.5 minutes.
Complete disintegration was observed at 7.5 minutes. Therefore, it could be concluded that
disintegration was not the rate limiting factor for dissolution.

The model independent approaches and a similarity factor (f2)) were used to assist in the
evaluation of the dissolution profiles. The f2-value is used to measure the agreement between
two dissolution profiles (equation 6.1) (FDA, 1997:8; Shargel et al., 2005:482).

{[ ∑ ] } Equation 6.1


n = the number of withdrawals

Rt = % reference sample dissolved at time t

Tt = the % sample dissolved at time t

For dissolution profiles to be deemed similar, an average difference of 10% is allowed at all
measured time points. A 10% difference at each time point will result in an f2-value of 50, and
any lesser difference will result in a f2-value between 50 and 100, which indicates similarity
between the two dissolution profiles (Shargel et al., 2005:482 ; MCC, 2011:3). A difference of
more than 10% at each time point will result in an f2-value below 50 (dissimilar).

When the % dissolution reaches 85% within 15 minutes, it is not necessary to calculate the f2-
value, as similarity is implicated (MCC, 2011:6).

Dissolution studies performed during the research and development phase require that only
three individual units be tested (Pablo et al., 2009:106,107). However when comparing
dissolution profiles in a QCL with the model independent method, the following requirements
have to be abided to (MCC, 2011:6):

 12 individual units (tablets) need to be tested per product;

 a minimum of three withdrawal time points (excluding point zero) should be used and only
one withdrawal time measurement after 85% dissolution should be included;

 the %RSD should not be greater than 20% at <15 minutes or greater than 10% at time
points > 15 minutes (MCC, 2011).

Dissolution profiles obtained from each product under different dissolution conditions where
compared to evaluate the effect of different dissolution conditions on the dissolution of the
products (Tale 6-8). Inter-product (one product against a different product) comparisons were
not considered since different products may have different formulations, which may result in
dissolution profiles not related to differences in dissolution methods.

Determined by means of two-dimensional matrix analysis, f2-values were calculated to evaluate

differences in the dissolution profiles for the following:

 BP vs USP

 BP vs Ph.Int.

 USP vs Ph.Int.

The f2-values for the different profile comparisons are summarised in Table 6-8.

Table 6-8: Similarity (f2) calculations for the different dissolution profile
comparisons obtained from performing the dissolution methods
obtained in the BP, USP and Ph.Int. monograph

BP vs. USP BP vs. Ph.Int. USP vs. Ph.Int.

Product 1 vs Product 1 (> 85% within 15 19 18
Product 2 vs Product 2 (> 85% within 15 25 21
Product 3 vs Product 3 (> 85% within 15 25 24
Product 4 vs Product 4 (> 85% within 15 15 16

As anticipated, the comparison of the dissolution profiles obtained using the BP and USP
monographs revealed that the dissolution profiles were similar (% dissolution > 85% within 15
minutes). The only difference between the dissolution methods of the USP and BP
monographs is the dissolution medium. Both monographs (USP and BP monographs) specify

hydrochloric acid, but in different concentrations (0.1 M vs 0.01 M). The results revealed that
the dissolution profiles of the samples were not significantly affected by the change from 0.1 M
to 0.01 M HCl dissolution medium.

The Ph.Int. monograph specifies a different dissolution medium and volume, different apparatus
and a different agitation speed when compared to the BP and USP monographs (Table 6-2).
The f2-values (Ph.Int. monograph vs. USP monograph and Ph.Int. monograph vs BP
monograph) indicated that dissolution profiles of the products were different from that seen from
the BP/USP monograph due to the differences in medium, agitation speed and medium volume,
which may be explained using the Noyes-Whitney equation (as presented in section 6.4).

6.4 The Noyes-Whitney equation and dissolution rate

The Noyes-Whitney equation (equation 6.2) defines the process of dissolution which was used
to identify areas of further investigation (Shargel et al., 2005:414):

Equation 6.2


= rate of API dissolution at time t

D = diffusion rate constant

A = surface area of the particle

CS = concentration of the API (equal to the solubility of the API) in the stagnant layer

C = concentration of the API in the bulk solvent

h = thickness of the stagnant layer

From this equation it is clear that the rate of API dissolution is dependent on the D, A, Cs, C and

This equation can be used to explain the differences in the extent of dissolution of quinine
sulfate tablets with the specified dissolution conditions of the respective monographs. Cs and C
define the concentration of the API in both the stagnant layer and the bulk solvent, which is
dependent on the solubility of the API as well as the level of saturation in the medium. Bearing
in mind the differences in the dissolution methods (medium, medium volume, agitation speed) it
may be hypothesised that the solubility of quinine sulfate and the thickness of the stagnant layer
(h) be the causes for the differences in dissolution behaviour observed. The following were

 the solubility of quinine sulfate was determined in the different dissolution media - section

 the extent of dissolution of the samples were evaluated under varying dissolution conditions
(medium, volume, agitation speed) – section 6.6.

6.5 Solubility and the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS)

The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is used as a guideline to classify an API

according to its solubility and permeability. The BCS is used to relate physico-chemical
characteristics of an API to its in vivo behaviour (Shargel et al., 2005:482 - 483). The BCS
classes are summarised in Table 6-9.

Table 6-9: The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (Shargel et al., 2005:483)

Class Solubility Permeability Comments

API dissolves rapidly and is well absorbed.
Class I High High Bioavailability problem is not expected for immediate
release drug products.
API solubility is limited but well absorbed.
Class II Low High Bioavailability is controlled by the dosage form and
rate of release of the drug substance.
The permeability of the API is limited. Bioavailability
Class III High Low may be incomplete if drug is not released and
dissolved within absorption window.
Difficulty in formulating a drug product that will deliver
Class IV Low Low consistent drug bioavailability. An alternate route of
administration may be needed.

An API is considered highly soluble when the highest recommended dose is soluble in 250 ml
or less of aqueous media:

 over the pH range 1.0 – 7.5 according to the US Food and drug administration (FDA)
(Strauch et al., 2012:503);

 over the pH range 1.0 – 6.8 according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) (Strauch et
al., 2012:503);

 over the pH range of 1.2 – 6.8 according to the WHO (Strauch et al., 2012:503).

Any API of which the highest dose is not soluble in 250 ml or less media, is not considered
highly soluble.

The highest recommended dose of quinine sulfate is described as follows:

 available in the USA, is Qualaquin® tablets which contain 324 mg quinine sulfate per tablet
with a recommended dosage of one to two tablets/dose (dose of 628 mg quinine sulfate);

 according to the EMA the recommended dosage of quinine sulfate is one to two 300 mg
tablets/dose (dose of 600 mg quinine sulfate);

 listed in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, is 300 mg/tablet and the recommended
dosage is 1 tablet/dose (dose of 300 mg quinine sulfate) (Strauch et al., 2012:503).

The calculation of the dose/solubility (D/S) ratio assists in the clarification of an active
ingredient's solubility profile (Shargel et al., 2005:483). A dose/solubility (D/S) ratio is
determined by dividing the dose (mg) by the solubility (mg/ml) to yield a value with units in ml.
A D/S ratio of less than 250 ml over the pH range is indicative of a highly soluble API (Shargel
et al., 2005:483).

The solubility results of quinine sulfate presented by Strauch et al. (2012:501) are summarised
in Table 6-10 (standard shake-flask method at 37.0 °C). From these data it can be concluded
that quinine sulfate could be classified as a poorly soluble API at a pH range of 1.0 to 7.5.

Table 6-10: Solubility of quinine sulfate as reported by Strauch et al. (2011:501) with
the appropriate calculated D/S ratios

Solubility D (300 mg)/S D (600 mg)/S D (648 mg)/S

Medium pH
(mg/ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
Simulated gastric fluid 1.0 10.5 28.7 57.1 62.0
Simulated gastric fluid 1.2 12.0 25.2 50.0 54.4
Acetate buffer 4.5 5.4 55.5 111.1 119.8
Simulated intestinal fluid 6.8 1.3 230.8 461.5 498.5
Simulated intestinal fluid 7.5 0.3 1010.2 2000.0 2182.0

The results of Strauch et al. (2012:501) are contradictory with that reported by Lindenberg et al.
(2004:270), which classified quinine sulfate as either a BCS Class I or III (highly soluble,
differing in permeability).

Due to the contradictory classifications (with reference to the solubility of quinine sulfate) in the
available literature it was decided to perform equilibrium solubility studies on quinine sulfate
API. The solubility of quinine sulfate API was measured in the following four physiological
media: 0.1 M HCl (pH 1.2), 0.01 M HCI (pH 2.0), acetate buffer (pH 4.5) and phosphate buffer
(pH 6.8). The four media that were selected are representative of the WHO guidelines which
requires a pH-solubility profile of the API at 37 ± 1°C in aqueous media in the pH range 1.2 –
6.8 (WHO, 2006:379). The procedure that was followed for solubility testing has been
described in Chapter 3, section 3.7.1. The results obtained are summarised in Table 6-11.

Table 6-11: Solubility of quinine sulfate in different media over the pH range of 1.2 -
6.8 at 37 ± 0.5°C with the calculated appropriate D/S ratios

D (300 D (600mg)/S D (648

Medium pH Solubility (mg/ml)
mg)/S (ml) (ml) mg)/S (ml)
0.1 M HCl 1.2 7.3 14.6 15.8
Average 41.07
%RSD 0.37
0.01 M HCl 2.0 5.91 50.3 100.5 108.5
Average 5.97
%RSD 0.001
Acetate buffer 4.5 4.02 75.0 150.0 162.0
Average 4.00
%RSD 0.41
Phosphate buffer 6.8 0.74 405.4 810.8 875.7
Average 0.74
%RSD 0.94

Figure 6-4: The pH-solubility profiles of quinine sulfate API as determined in this
study and that reported by Strauch et al. (2012:501).

From the solubility results obtained (Table 6-11 and Figure 6-4) it can be concluded that the
dissolution behaviour of quinine sulfate is pH dependent. Quinine sulfate was found to be
soluble at a pH of 1.2 (0.1 M hydrochloric acid) and pH 2.0 (0.01 M hydrochloric acid),
explaining the greater extent of dissolution in these media (refer to Table 6-5 and Table 6-6).
The solubility of quinine sulfate API was found to be 0.74 mg/ml in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8).
The dissolution conditions of the Ph.Int. monograph specify the use of 500 ml phosphate buffer
as dissolution medium (Table 6-2). With the solubility of quinine sulfate in phosphate buffer now
known, it is feasible that under these conditions, the dissolution of a 300 mg tablet be impaired
since the medium was close to saturation. It is common to use a volume of medium larger than
what is required to completely dissolve a certain amount of API as to prevent saturation of the
medium in which case no further dissolution will take place (Shargel et al., 2005:424). This is
referred to as sink conditions and allows the solid oral dosage form to continuously dissolve
during the dissolution testing. The USP monograph defines sink conditions as "the quantity of
medium used should be not less than 3 times that required to form saturated solution of the
drug substance" (USP, 2013). When sink conditions are considered for the dissolution of
quinine sulfate in phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 the medium volume should be close to 1200 ml.
This medium volume however is not practical since conventional dissolution vessels used do
not exceed a 1000 ml. It is not uncommon (when justified) to use a dissolution medium volume
less than the theoretical volume necessary for sink conditions (USP, 2013).

From the solubility results (Table 6-11) it is evident that quinine sulfate does not conform to the
criteria to be classified as a highly soluble API (D/S ratio < 250ml, BCS Class I or III). It is
therefore possible that any decisions based on this classification, be erroneous. Approximately
90% of quinine sulfate is absorbed after oral administration (Strauch et al., 2012:502), thus the
permeability of the API is not a problem. It can therefore be concluded that quinine sulfate may
be classified as a BCS Class II API.

It is current practice of the Ph.Int. monograph to use the following dissolution conditions for all
solid oral dosage forms containing BCS Class I or III API's (Paleshnuik, 2009):

 500 ml phosphate buffer pH 6.8 as medium,

 the paddle apparatus,

 an agitation speed of 75 rpm, and

 a specification of not less than 80% in 30 minutes.

The wrongful BCS classification of quinine sulfate (Lindenberg et al., 2004:270) may explain
why these conditions were selected by the Ph.Int. monograph for the dissolution of quinine
sulfate tablets (Table 6-2).

This study was furthered by evaluating the extent of dissolution of quinine sulfate tablets under
varying different dissolution conditions – section 6.6.

6.6 Dissolution of quinine sulfate under varying conditions

The objective for this part of the study was to undertake developmental dissolution studies to
ultimately propose a dissolution method (and accompanying specifications) that is rugged,
reproducible, and able to discriminate between different quinine sulfate formulations.

Referring to the Noyes-Whitney equation (equation 6.3), one way to control the rate of
dissolution is by controlling the thickness of the stagnant layer (h). This can be done by
adjustment of the agitation speed (rpm) or choice of medium (Shargel et al., 2005:415).

The preliminary dissolution methods (developmental studies) that were considered are
summarised in Table 6-12 and discussed thereafter. Justifications for the selected dissolution
conditions (presented in Table 6-12) will be discussed in the sections to follow.

Table 6-12: Summary of the dissolution conditions considered for the developmental

Dissolution Dissolution Agitation

medium volume (rpm)
Acetate buffer,
Developmental study 1 900 ml 75 rpm Paddle
pH 4.5
Acetate buffer,
Developmental study 2 500 ml 75 rpm Paddle
pH 4.5
Acetate buffer,
Developmental study 3 500 ml 50 rpm Paddle
pH 4.5
Phosphate buffer,
Developmental study 4 900 ml 75 rpm Paddle
pH 6.8
Phosphate buffer,
Developmental study 5 1000 ml 75 rpm Paddle
pH 6.8
Phosphate buffer,
Developmental study 6 900 ml 100 rpm Paddle
pH 6.8

6.6.1 Developmental study 1

The solubility results indicated that the solubility of quinine sulfate increased with a decrease in
the solvent pH. In acidic media, quinine sulfate was found to be soluble, but the dissolutions in
these acidic dissolution media were not discriminatory (all products obtained a percentage
dissolution > 85% in 15 minutes or less).

At a higher pH, the solubility of quinine sulfate decreased (Table 6-11), which resulted in more
discriminatory dissolution conditions. Quinine is a diprotic weak base with pKa values of 8.5
and 4.1 at 20°C (Strauch et al., 2012:501). For this reason it was decided to study the
dissolution of quinine sulfate tablets in acetate buffer (pH 4.5), since it was anticipated that the
quinine sulfate tablets might achieve greater dissolution than in phosphate buffer, hopefully not
at cost to the discriminatory ability.

Dissolution testing in acetate buffer was performed following the conditions of the
Developmental study 1, 2 and 3 as specified in Table 6-12. The results of Developmental study
1 are summarised in Table 6-13 and illustrated in Figure 6-5.

Table 6-13: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the
Developmental study 1 dissolution conditions (acetate buffer pH 4.5, 900
ml, 75 rpm, paddle) (n = 6)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 64 93 94 94 93 93
%RSD 10.9 1.5 1.2 1.7 2.6 1.2
Product 2
Average 74 93 94 94 94 93
%RSD 10.1 1.3 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.4
Product 3
Average 92 97 95 94 93 91
%RSD 2.2 3.9 3.0 2.9 3.1 3.2
Product 4
Average 86 93 94 93 92 91
%RSD 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.7

Figure 6-5: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 - 4 using the Developmental study 1
dissolution conditions (acetate buffer pH 4.5, 900 ml, 75 rpm, paddle).

From Table 6-13 and Figure 6-5 it can be seen that all the samples achieved percentage
dissolution > 85% within 15 minutes. This behaviour is similar to that achieved using the BP
and USP monograph dissolution methods and are not desirable. The conditions of

Developmental study 1 were therefore considered not suitable as an alternative dissolution

6.6.2 Developmental study 2

To further the investigation, it was decided to evaluate the influence on the dissolution of
quinine sulfate when changes were made to the dissolution medium volume (acetate buffer, pH
4.5). It is postulated that an increase in dissolution medium volume will result in even better
dissolution (in comparison with that achieved in Developmental study 1), therefore in an attempt
to improve the discriminatory ability of acetate buffer, pH 4.5, by altering the dissolution medium
volume, a decrease in the volume was investigated. Developmental study 2 was conducted to
investigate the influence of a decrease in the acetate buffer (pH 4.5) volume on the dissolution
properties of quinine sulfate tablets (Table 6-14 and Figure 6-6).

Table 6-14: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the

Developmental study 2 dissolution conditions (acetate buffer pH 4.5, 500
ml, 75 rpm, paddle) (n = 6)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 51 65 73 78 80 82
%RSD 7.0 4.4 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.4
Product 2
Average 61 76 82 80 86 87
%RSD 14.1 4.0 2.6 7.0 1.4 1.7
Product 3
Average 87 95 94 92 91 89
%RSD 0.9 1.6 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0
Product 4
Average 86 93 93 92 90 88
%RSD 2.3 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.9

Figure 6-6: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 - 4 using the Developmental study 2
dissolution conditions (acetate buffer pH 4.5, 500 ml, 75 rpm, paddle).

The results of Developmental study 2 showed more promise than that of Developmental
study 1, since a greater degree of discrimination was achieved between the profiles. Products 3
and 4 achieved > 85% dissolution within 15 minutes, and the dissolution profiles may therefore
be regarded as similar. Product 1 and 2 showed a gradual increase in dissolution, with clear
gradual ascending dissolution curves and plateau phases, which are desirable. Developmental
study 2 was not considered as the most ideal dissolution conditions, as the discriminatory ability
of the dissolution method was not completely satisfactory for Products 3 and 4 (half of the
sample population).

6.6.3 Developmental study 3

The next step in the investigation was to decrease the agitation speed (rpm) – Developmental
study 3 (Table 6-15 and Figure 6-7).

Table 6-15: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 2 using the

Developmental study 3 dissolution conditions (acetate buffer pH 4.5, 500
ml, 50 rpm, paddle) (n = 6)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 41 48 54 55 59 61
%RSD 9.4 10.0 6.2 5.5 5.9 4.7
Product 2
Average 41 49 56 60 63 64
%RSD 14.1 11.4 9.6 9.1 6.8 5.4

Figure 6-7: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 and 2 tested using the Developmental
study 3 dissolution conditions (acetate buffer pH 4.5, 500 ml, 50 rpm).

Developmental study 3 was aborted after two dissolution tests as Product 1 and Product 2
presented with coning (Figure 6-8). Only a limited amount of tablets were available for this
study. Since the fate of Developmental study 3 could be decided at this stage, it was decided

not to subject Product 3 and Product 4 to Developmental study 3 (the tablets could be saved for
more promising studies). Coning results in incomplete dissolution due to the entrapment of
particles within the cone, causing large variance in results (USP, 2012). As seen in Table 6-15,
the % RSD was greater than 10% at 15 minutes. A % RSD greater than 10% at time points >
10 minutes is considered as highly variable (USP, 2012) and will result in the method not being
repeatable. Developmental study 3 was therefore not considered a suitable candidate as an
alternative dissolution method.

Figure 6-8: Examples of the coning that occurred during the Developmental study 3
for (a) Product 1 and (b) Product 2.

From the results of Developmental studies 1 - 3 it was concluded that acetate buffer, pH 4.5
may not be a suitable choice as dissolution medium.

6.6.4 Developmental study 4

It has already been established (from the Ph.Int. monograph dissolution results, Table 6-7,
Figure 6-3) that phosphate buffer was a discriminatory dissolution medium. However none of
the products met the dissolution specifications of the Ph.Int. monograph. For this reason the
idea to use phosphate buffer as dissolution medium was revisited for Developmental
studies 4 - 6. It was decided to create a more favourable environment for quinine sulfate in
phosphate buffer by increasing the medium volume and the agitation speed (Ph.Int. monograph
prescribes 500 ml, 75 rpm), thereby anticipating improved extent of dissolution without a loss in
discriminatory ability. The results of Developmental study 4 are summarised in Table 6-16 and
illustrated in Figure 6-9.

Table 6-16: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the

Developmental study 4 dissolution conditions (phosphate buffer pH 6.8,
900 ml, 75 rpm) (n = 12)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 48 62 69 72 77 80
%RSD 4.2 3.0 2.9 2.6 2.1 1.7
Product 2
Average 55 69 75 79 82 86
%RSD 7.6 4.6 3.8 3.0 2.0 2.6
Product 3
Average 52 63 71 75 80 84
%RSD 12.2 2.3 1.8 1.8 3.5 1.6
Product 4
Average 32 48 59 61 70 72
%RSD 11.5 10.8 6.5 14.7 9.7 9.2

Figure 6-9: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 - 4 using the Developmental study 4
dissolution conditions (phosphate buffer pH 6.8, 900 ml, 75 rpm).

The results from Developmental study 4 showed improved extent of dissolution in comparison
with that obtained using the prescribed conditions of the Ph.Int. monograph (500 ml, 75 rpm).
The f2-values presented in Table 6-17 showed that the extent of dissolution in Developmental
study 4 was significantly different (f2 < 50) from that obtained from the original Ph.Int. method for
Products 1, 2 and 4. The extent of dissolution of Product 3 from Developmental study 4 was
found to be similar to that obtained under original Ph.Int. monograph conditions.

Table 6-17: The f2-values calculated for the Developmental study 4 with reference to
the original Ph.Int. method dissolution results

Scenario f2-value Similar

Product 1 (Developmental study 4) vs. Product 1 (original Ph.Int.) 38 No
Product 2 (Developmental study 4) vs. Product 2 (original Ph.Int.) 38 No
Product 3 (Developmental study 4) vs. Product 3 (original Ph.Int.) 75 Yes
Product 4 (Developmental study 4) vs. Product 4 (original Ph.Int.) 49 No

Should the original specifications of the Ph.Int. (S1 = 80% within 30 minutes, S2 = average of 12
= 75% with no unit less than 60%) be used in the evaluation of the results of Developmental
study 4 one can conclude the following – Table 6-18.

Table 6-18: Comparison of the outcomes of Developmental study 4 and original

Ph.Int. monograph conditions between the four products

Original Ph.Int. monograph

Developmental study 4
54% dissolution 72% dissolution
Product 1
% dissolution after

Do not comply with specifications Do not comply with specifications

60% dissolution 79% dissolution
Product 2
Do not comply with specifications Complies with S2 specifications
30 minutes

71% dissolution 75% dissolution

Product 3
Do not comply with specifications Complies with S2 specifications
51% dissolution 61% dissolution
Product 4
Do not comply with specifications Do not comply with S2 specifications

From the results it is clear that the conditions of Developmental study 4 were an improvement to
the original conditions prescribed by the Ph.Int. monograph. The conditions of Developmental
study 4 allowed the samples a fairer chance for improved dissolution, without loss of the
discriminatory ability (Products 1 and 4 was non-compliant under original Ph.Int. monograph
conditions and still non-compliant under Developmental study 4 conditions).

Although Developmental study 4 showed great promise of being a suitable alternative method,
two concerns were observed:

 Product 4 presented with a high degree of variance (% RSD of ± 10% at 15 minutes), and

 none of the profiles showed a plateau phase (Figure 6-9), indicating that dissolution was still

6.6.5 Developmental study 5

It would be ideal if the products presented the potential to achieve complete dissolution within a
reasonable time and that none of the samples presented with high variance (as in
Developmental study 4). High variance impairs the ability to identify trend, true batch variations
and effects of formulation changes (Vaghela, et al., 2011). In an attempt to improve the
dissolution conditions further, it was decided to evaluate what a further increase in dissolution
medium volume would achieve. For Developmental study 5, all the conditions were the same

as for Developmental study 4, except for an increase in dissolution medium volume (1000 ml).
The results of Developmental study 5 are presented in Table 6-19 and Figure 6-10.

Table 6-19: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 2 using the

Developmental study 5 dissolution conditions (phosphate buffer pH 6.8,
1000 ml, 75 rpm) (n = 6)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 51 65 71 76 79 82
%RSD 3.4 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.0 2.1
Product 2
Average 50 65 73 78 80 83
%RSD 7.1 3.2 2.6 1.8 1.3 1.1

Figure 6-10: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 - 4 using the Developmental study 5
dissolution conditions (phosphate buffer pH 6.8, 1000 ml, 75 rpm).

As with Developmental study 3 the conditions of Developmental study 5 was investigated using
the minimal amount of sample (to minimise wastage should the study not produce a positive
outcome). Product 1 and Product 2 showed no significant improvement in the extent of
dissolution in comparison with that obtained using the conditions of the Developmental study 4

(900 ml, 75 rpm) – Table 6-20. The f2-values calculated (Table 6-20) showed that
Developmental study 4 and Developmental study 5 did not differ significantly.

Table 6-20: The f2-values calculated for the Developmental study 4 with reference to
the Developmental study 5 of Products 1 and 2

Scenario f2 value
Product 1 (Developmental study 4) vs Product 1 (Developmental study 5) 75
Product 2 (Developmental study 4) vs Product 2 (Developmental study 5) 76

6.6.6 Developmental study 6

Developmental study 6 differed from the original Ph.Int. quinine sulfate tablet monograph by
increasing the agitation rate (100 rpm) and the medium volume (900 ml). The results of
Developmental study 6 are presented in Table 6-11 and Table 6-21. The results of
Developmental study 6 showed that it allowed the best dissolution conditions for the products
while maintaining the ability to discriminate – Table 6-21.

Table 6-21: Multiple-point dissolution results for Products 1 - 4 using the

Developmental study 6 dissolution conditions (phosphate buffer pH 6.8,
900 ml, 100 rpm) (n = 12)

Time 7.5 min 15 min 22.5 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Product 1
Average 56 70 75 78 83 85
%RSD 3.7 2.2 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.8
Product 2
Average 60 73 78 82 85 88
%RSD 5.0 2.3 1.9 2.0 3.1 3.5
Product 3
Average 55 66 74 77 82 85
%RSD 1.9 5.9 2.6 3.3 2.0 2.4
Product 4
Average 41 58 68 73 79 84
%RSD 3.3 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.1 2.3

Figure 6-11: Dissolution profiles for Products 1 - 4 using the Developmental study 6
dissolution conditions (phosphate buffer pH 6.8, 900 ml, 100 rpm).

The f2-values in Table 6-22 showed that the dissolution profiles of Developmental study 6 were
different from the dissolution profiles obtained using the BP or USP monographs.
Developmental study 6 was not similar to the less discriminatory dissolution methods according
to the f2-value calculations.

The f2-values for the comparison of Developmental study 4 vs 6 showed that the dissolution
profiles for Products 1, 2 and 3 remained similar, whereas the dissolution profile for Product 4
was different using the different dissolution conditions. This implied that the dissolution
conditions of Developmental study 6 were more favourable for Product 4 than that of
Developmental study 4 (the only difference being the agitation speed). Although the dissolution
profiles for Products 1, 2 and 3 were deemed similar by the f2 – calculations, an improvement
was seen in the extent of dissolution (% dissolution) - so much so that it impacted on the
outcome of if the products complied and at what stage the products complied.

The f2-values for comparison of the original Ph.Int. monograph dissolution profiles and that of
Developmental study 6 (Table 6-22) indicated that Products 1, 2 and 4 were different. The
conditions of Developmental study 6 were more favourable for all the products than that of
original Ph.Int. monograph (the differences being the agitation speed and dissolution medium

volume). Although the dissolution profiles of Product 3 were deemed similar by the f2-
calculations an improvement was seen in the extent of dissolution.

Table 6-22: The f2-values calculated for the different Developmental dissolution
results with reference to the USP, BP and Ph.Int. monographs
dissolution results

Scenario f2 value Similar

Product 1 (Developmental study 4) vs Product 1 (Developmental study 6) 59 Yes
Product 2 (Developmental study 4) vs Product 2 (Developmental study 6) 72 Yes
Product 3 (Developmental study 4) vs Product 3 (Developmental study 6) 79 Yes
Product 4 (Developmental study 4) vs Product 4 (Developmental study 6) 49 No
Product 1 (original Ph.Int.) vs Product 1 (Developmental study 6) 31 No
Product 2 (original Ph.Int.) vs Product 2 (Developmental study 6) 34 No
Product 3 (original Ph.Int.) vs Product 3 (Developmental study 6) 60 Yes
Product 4 (original Ph.Int.) vs Product 4 (Developmental study 6) 34 No
Product 1 (USP) vs Product 1 (Developmental study 6) 35 No
Product 2 (USP) vs Product 2 (Developmental study 6) 36 No
Product 3 (USP) vs Product 3 (Developmental study 6) 28 No
Product 4 (USP) vs Product 4 (Developmental study 6) 26 No
Product 1 (BP) vs Product 1 (Developmental study 6) 37 No
Product 2 (BP) vs Product 2 (Developmental study 6) 46 No
Product 3 (BP) vs Product 3 (Developmental study 6) 29 No
Product 4 (BP) vs Product 4 (Developmental study 6) 25 No

The profiles of Products 1 - 4 using the USP, BP, original Ph.Int., Developmental study 4 and
Developmental study 6 were plotted (shown in Figure 6-12, Figure 6-13, Figure 6-14 and Figure
6-15) to illustrate the comparison between al these methods.

Figure 6-12: Dissolution profiles for Product 1 (from the dissolution method of the
USP monograph, BP monograph, Ph.Int. monograph, Developmental
study 4, and Developmental study 6).

Figure 6-13: Dissolution profiles for Product 2 (from the dissolution method of the
USP monograph, BP monograph, Ph.Int. monograph, Developmental
study 4, and Developmental study 6).

Figure 6-14: Dissolution profiles for Product 3 (from the dissolution method of the
USP monograph, BP monograph, Ph.Int. monograph, Developmental
study 4, and Developmental study 6).

Figure 6-15: Dissolution profiles for Product 4 (from the dissolution method of the
USP monograph, BP monograph, Ph.Int. monograph, Developmental
study 4, and Developmental study 6).

Although the f2-values indicated that the dissolution profiles obtained for Developmental study 4
and 6 were similar for Product 1, it is clear that Product 1's extent of dissolution was improved
comparing Developmental study 4 and 6. Similarly, it can be seen that Product 2 (Figure 6-13)
and Product 3 (Figure 6-14) also achieved a higher extent of dissolution in Developmental study
6 than in Developmental study 4. The difference in the extent of dissolution of Product 4 when
comparing Developmental study 4 and 6 is evident in Figure 6-15.

All products showed a higher extent of dissolution with the dissolution conditions of
Developmental study 6. Dissolution profiles of Developmental study 6 also showed the
ascending and plateau phases of the dissolution curve, which is ideal (Figure 6-11.)

6.7 Acceptance criteria

Considering that quinine sulfate is soluble in acidic media (pKa of 8.1 and 4.5), dissolution
acceptance criteria that specify a Q-value of 70% within 45 minutes might be too lenient in
acidic media, as is the case for the BP monograph and USP monograph.

Even if the acceptance criteria is adjusted to a Q-value of 80% within 30 minutes in acidic
media, all samples would still comply even with this more stringent specification considering the
dissolution results in 0.01 M and 0.1 M HCl (Table 6-4). Although acidic media may not be the
most discriminatory dissolution medium for quinine sulfate, one may propose that should acidic
media be used, that the specification be made more stringent, thereby instilling improved
discriminatory ability to such methods.

Quinine sulfate is less soluble in phosphate buffer compared to in diluted hydrochloric acid
(section 6.5). Therefore, when phosphate buffer is considered as dissolution medium for
quinine sulfate tablets it is important to bear in mind the level of saturation of quinine sulfate in
this medium. The more saturated the medium becomes; the more the dissolution of quinine
sulfate will be impaired, which will ultimately result in the outcomes not to be a true
representation of the dissolution potential of the product.

The original Ph.Int. monograph acceptance criteria (S1 = 80% within 30 minutes, S2 = average
of 12 = 75% with no unit less than 60%) was without a doubt too stringent under the original
conditions (no product complied). Considering the results from Developmental study 6, it is
recommended that the acceptance criteria be set to the following:

 S1 = 80% within 45 minutes (same percentage as original method, but a longer time is

 S2 = average of 12 = 75% with no unit less than 60% (same as original method).
Using the abovementioned acceptance criteria in conjunction with the conditions of
Developmental study 6, Products 1 - 3 would comply to S1 criteria whereas Product 4 would
comply to S2 criteria.

6.8 Additional considerations

A comparison between the original Ph.Int. monograph‟s dissolution method for quinine sulfate
tablets and the proposed dissolution method (herein known as Developmental study 6) have
been summarised in Table 6-23. The differences between the methods are printed in bold.

Table 6-23: Comparison between the dissolution methods and specifications of

Developmental study 6 and the original Ph.Int. method for quinine sulfate

Parameter Ph.Int. Developmental study 6

Dissolution medium Phosphate buffer pH 6.8 Phosphate buffer pH 6.8
Medium Volume 500 ml 900 ml
Agitation speed 75 rpm 100 rpm
Apparatus Paddles Paddles
S1 = Not less than 80% in 30 S1 = Not less than 80% in 45
minutes minutes
Specification S2 = Average of 12 (S1+S2) > S2 = Average of 12 (S1+S2) >
75% and no unit less than 60% 75% and no unit less than 60%
in 30 minutes in 60 minutes
Method of quantitation UV UV
Wavelength 330 nm 330 nm
Blank Dissolution medium Dissolution medium

As seen in Table 6-23, besides the specification and final withdrawal time (which does not
impact on the method validation/verification characteristics Chapter 4, section 4.3.1), there are 3
differences between the original and proposed methods, namely medium volume, agitation
speed and specifications.

As previously mentioned, dissolution testing may be replaced by disintegration testing if the

product is an immediate release product containing a highly water soluble API and the API is
rapidly released from the dosage form (% dissolution > 80% after 15 minute at a pH range 1.2 –
6.8) (ICH, 1999). From the dissolution results presented in this chapter it is clear that quinine
sulfate did not achieve > 80% after 15 minute at all conditions over the pH range 1.2 – 6.8. This
was supported by the solubility studies which found that quinine sulfate cannot be classified as
a BCS I or III API, but rather a class II. It is therefore justified that the choice of disintegration

be removed from the monograph, since disintegration was not the rate limiting step and
therefore not of value for quality and bioavailability testing.

The proposed changes for consideration for the replacement of the current dissolution method
for quinine sulfate tablets of the Ph.Int. monograph as well as the proposed text is summarised
in Table 6-24.

Table 6-24: The proposed changes for consideration for the replacement of the
current dissolution method for quinine sulfate tablets of the Ph.Int
monograph as well as wording proposed for the replacement of the
current Ph.Int. monograph dissolution test

Current wording for Ph.Int. monograph Proposed wording for

dissolution test dissolution test
Carry out the test as described under 5.5 Carry out the test as described under 5.5
Dissolution test for solid oral dosage forms, using Dissolution test for solid oral dosage forms, using
as the dissolution medium, 500 ml of dissolution as the dissolution medium, 900 ml of dissolution
buffer, pH 6.8, TS and rotating the paddle at 75 buffer, pH 6.8, TS and rotating the paddle at 100
revolutions per minute. At 30 minutes withdraw revolutions per minute. At 45 minutes withdraw
a sample of 10 ml of the medium through an in- a sample of 10 ml of the medium through an in-
line filter. Measure the absorbance (1.6) of a 1- line filter. Measure the absorbance (1.6) of a 1-
cm layer of the filtered sample, suitably diluted if cm layer of the filtered sample, suitably diluted if
necessary, at the maximum at about 330 nm. At necessary, at the maximum at about 330 nm. At
the same time measure the absorbance at the the same time measure the absorbance at the
maximum at about 330 nm of a suitable solution maximum at about 330 nm of a suitable solution
of quinine sulfate RS in dissolution buffer, pH 6.8, of quinine sulfate RS in dissolution buffer, pH 6.8,
TS, using the same buffer as a blank. TS, using the same buffer as a blank.
B. Disintegration. Comply with 5.3 B. Disintegration. Comply with 5.3
Disintegration test for tablets and capsules, Disintegration test for tablets and capsules,
operating the apparatus for 10 minutes. If the operating the apparatus for 10 minutes. If the
tablets do not comply, carry out test A above. tablets do not comply, carry out test A above.


The quinine sulfate tablets dissolution methods of the different pharmacopoeias were evaluated.
All the products complied with the USP and BP monographs dissolution specifications (S 1) and
rendered similar outcomes. None of the products complied with the dissolution specifications of
the Ph.Int. monograph.
The Ph.Int. monograph offers a choice between two different tests, Test A and Test B. Test A is
a dissolution method and Test B is a disintegration method. It was found that none of the
products complied with the dissolution specifications of the Ph.Int. monograph, but all of the
products complied with the disintegration specifications. The results were thus found to be
contradictory within the same monograph (Test A and B of the Ph.Int. monograph) and between
the different pharmacopoeias (Ph.Int. monograph vs. USP/BP monograph).

An investigation into the dissolution behaviour was furthered by means of multiple-point

dissolutions. The dissolution profiles obtained from the BP and USP monograph dissolution
methods indicated that more than 85% dissolution occurred within 15 minutes. The dissolution
profiles obtained from the Ph.Int. monograph showed a gradual ascending phase but also
indicated incomplete dissolution even after 60 minutes (refer to Figure 6-3). Results from
solubility experiments supported the dissolution results, as it showed that the solubility of
quinine sulfate is indirectly proportional to the pH of the dissolution medium. The solubility
results indicated that the dissolution medium volume specified by the Ph.Int. monograph for
quinine sulfate dissolution testing may be the reason why the dissolution potential of the
samples where impaired, causing the outcomes between the monographs to be different.

Using the Noyes-Whitney equation and the solubility results as a foundation, varying
dissolution conditions (Developmental studies) were identified for consideration.

Acetate buffer (pH 4.5) as dissolution medium was considered for Developmental studies 1-3.
The dissolution profiles from Developmental studies 1 - 3 were not desirable and therefore
these studies were not considered for proposal as alternative dissolution conditions.

The investigation was advanced to Developmental study 4. The dissolution conditions of

Developmental study 4 were similar to those of the original Ph.Int. monograph dissolution
method, except for the difference in dissolution medium volume (900 ml instead of 500 ml). The
extent of dissolution improved and f2-values indicated a significant difference between the
dissolution profiles obtained of Developmental study 4 and that of the original Ph.Int.
monograph dissolution method. Developmental study 4 seemed to have the potential as a
suitable candidate for consideration, however it did present with some concerns: Product 4 did
not comply with the original Ph.Int monograph or Developmental study 4 dissolution
specifications (assuming the same specification) and products presented with very high
variance (%RSD values of more than 10%) at < 15 minutes.

Developmental study 5 evaluated the possible influence of using an increase in the dissolution
medium volume (1000 ml). The f2–values (comparing Developmental study 4 and 5) of two

samples indicated that the extra 100 ml of dissolution medium did not make a significant
difference, and for this reason the study was aborted.

Developmental study 6 differed from the original Ph.Int. monograph dissolution conditions by
using 900 ml phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) as medium (compared to 500 ml) and an agitation
speed of 100 rpm (compared to 75 rpm). The dissolution conditions of Developmental study 6
seemed to be the most favourable as it was a good indication of the dissolution potential of all
the products and maintained the ability to discriminate between different formulations.


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