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Guide to Using Right to Information to improve public


Prepared by
Barkha Henry
Cyriac Joseph
Sakshi Trust - Bangalore
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Education is a Human Right. ........................................................................................................................................... 3
About Sakshi ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Context of the Guide .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. How to use the Guide......................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Overview of the Guide ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
5. Problems that Exist. ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
6. Your Right to Information ................................................................................................................................................ 8
7. Filing an RTI Application .................................................................................................................................................. 9
a. Identify the Problem: ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
b. Draft your questions...................................................................................................................................................... 9
c. Submit Your Right to Information Application ....................................................................................................... 9
d. What next on Response ................................................................................................................................................ 9
e. What Next- No Response ..........................................................................................................................................10
8. Ready to use RTI Samples Step by Step .......................................................................................................................11
STEP 1 – Understanding the Department. .................................................................................................................12
For States other than Karnataka ....................................................................................................................................12
Please file an RTI application asking with regard to the entitlement in general ...................................................12
TO .......................................................................................................................................................................................12
The PIO .............................................................................................................................................................................12
I have submitted the initial application fees of Rs.10/- vide ....................................................................................13
STEP 2 – Filing Applications (ready to use samples) requesting information. .....................................................14
A. Uniforms: BEO – Block Education Officer ....................................................................................................14
B. Text Books: BEO- Block Education Office .....................................................................................................15
C. School Bags and Note books: BEO (Block Education Officer) ...................................................................15
D. School Fee Structure: BEO – Block Education Officer ................................................................................16
E. Physically/Mentally Challenged Children: BEO – Block Education Officer .............................................17
F. Annual Scholarship for SC/ST children: BEO – Block Education Officer ...............................................17
G. Attendance Scholarship: BEO – Block Education Officer ...........................................................................18
H. Town Scholarship: BEO – Block Education Officer .....................................................................................19
G. Health: BEO – Block Education Officer, DHO District Health officer ...................................................20
I. SSA- Sarva Shikshana Abhiyan, Block Resource Centre Officer- Block Education Officer. ...................20
STEP 3 – Filing a Complaint in case of unsatisfactory response to your RTI applications. ..............................23
Step 4 – Handling the Complaint in the State Information Commission ..............................................................25
Step 5 – How to Use the Information Given .............................................................................................................26
9. List of Government Departments/ Offices (KARNATAKA / EDUCATION AND ANMINISTRATIVE
CHART) ..................................................................................................................................................................................28
10. List of PIO’s in Karnataka and other States. ..............................................................................................................31
11. Chief Information Commissioners of States ..............................................................................................................32
12. Bibliography .....................................................................................................................................................................34
1. Introduction

Education is a Human Right.

Article of The Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948) recognizes education along with other
necessities such as food, shelter, and water as a fundamental human right.
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by 192 countries in 1989, affirms the right to
all children to free, relevant and quality education.
At the World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000, participants from 164 countries pledged to provide
education for all by 2015.

About Sakshi
Sakshi Trust is an NGO committed towards training citizens on how to use the RTI Act to improve
governance. It is a Trust registered bearing number BNG (U)-BLR(s) 557/2005-06. The Trust was
started in the month of September 2005. The average age of our team is under 30 years and
comprises of two trustees and one employee.
Sakshi aspires to create a thriving environment for participatory governance by training a threshold
number of role model citizens in the application of the Right to Information Act, who with their
success stories would encourage other citizens in emulating them, thereby effecting a more
transparent and accountable government
2. Context of the Guide
Many government primary and secondary schools in Karnataka are not being administered efficiently and the
state mandate to aid students in their education not being observed in the manner required. Teacher
absenteeism, increasing attrition rate of students, unavailability of free text books, infrequent health check ups
etc. have become the status quo. This RTI guide seeks to specifically address the problems of government run
primary and secondary education in Karnataka.
For best use, please refer to the list of officials and the districts under their jurisdiction.
3. How to use the Guide
The Guide book assumes that the reader is already familiar with the RTI Act. However, to those who are new
to the Act and the problems in the primary and secondary education, a concise overview has been provided for
a quick reference.

It includes a step wise guide to drafting RTI applications and provides a useful tool to seek information by any
one concerned, an NGO, or even parents. The context of the applications in this book are made from the
perspective of specific school that the citizen maybe concerned about . The first step therefore is to identify a
neighborhood school in your area of residence / workplace that you feel can be improved on.

Those desirous of knowing more on the subject can visit our link at

The above guide is prepared only to assist citizens in using the Right to Information Act 2005. This should not be
taken as an alternative to the Act. Readers are advised to consult the Right to Information act 2005 before taking
any action based on this guide.
4. Overview of the Guide
Education is one thing that can change the state of our nation. But this is also the department where a lot of
corruption exists. It can only be agreed upon that a close inspection of the structures constituting the sector be
done and questions raised.
This book intends to provide a step wise guide to drafting an RTI application in the context of public
education. However, the book has been especially designed to facilitate NGO’s, parents, students or any
concerned individuals’ participation in the educational sector with reference to the RTI Act. It contains a
detailed background on the educational system (primary and secondary education in Karnataka) and as such
will be useful to any one seeking general information as well ready to use list of applications has been pre
formatted and drafted that one can use to seek information from any educational offices pertaining to a
particular school the user might have in mind. We have included a brief study and put down RTI applications
for your reference that one may seek relevant information in an effort to facilitate a more transparent and a
more accountable system of governance.
5. Problems that Exist.
The PROBE (Public Report on Basic Education) report (conducted by Akshara Foundation) shows appalling
data about the lack of or dysfunctional state of basic amenities in many schools. As many as:

52 per cent lacked playgrounds

89 per cent did not have toilets
59 per cent did not have drinking water.

As for teaching aids:

26 per cent did not have blackboards

59 per cent had no access to maps and charts
67 per cent lacked any kind of teaching kits
75 per cent had no toys for the children
77 per cent of the schools, there were no libraries.

There are around 45,000 primary schools. It also reminds us that only one to five per cent of out-of-school
children are actually involved in earning significant wages. Many of the children working up to eight hours a
day were not earning any significant income as they were involved in jobs like looking after their siblings, cattle
grazing etc. and not in wage-earning labor. Another surprising and heartening finding was that 98 per cent of
parents felt that education was necessary for boys, and 89 per cent felt it was necessary for girls.
Hence, a critical overview of the structures and their subsets is required and to cite main poverty as the prime
cause would be insufficient. This immediately raises an alarm and calls in for a more transparent connection
with the structure and the people involved.
The government has a pivotal part to play and there is no assumption about that. A call for a more transparent
and accountable system is what is in need from NGO’s and citizens.
To begin with, provisions in the legislation mandate the government to be a sufficient resource for schools.
“Government schools” broadly fall into three categories

a) Government schools
b) Government-aided schools
c) Government recognized schools.

Government schools are completely government owned, and government recognized schools are private
schools (serving the privileged) and government recognition is necessary before the schools can conduct board
exams and issue certificates (instituted by the government with the goal of quality control). Schools can apply
for government aided status typically after a few years of existence, where they show the worthiness of the
school. However, only government approved curriculum can be used, and also usually the government
specifies the medium of instruction.
It is evident that we partake the government’s role towards meeting out the challenges that lies inherent in its
system and lead it towards a more transparent and a more accountable one.
It is quite typical for citizens and NGO’s to come across corrupt and indifferent officials making use of
government schemes and funds e.g. Handicapped students are to be provided with crutches and are not being
provided. Such instances are abound across various schemes.
6. Your Right to Information
With the introduction of the Act in 2005, a significant door has been opened to the citizens of India to the way
our government runs.
Right to Information Act is a legislation that allows the public to access information regarding government
spending and policy. Article 19(1) (a) of the Indian Constitution guarantees the fundamental rights to free
speech and expressions. Like any other servant who is accountable to their employers the public servant is
accountable to the people
The Indian RTI Act has been acknowledged as one of the most progressive across the world. Some of its key
features are:

(a) Officers who don’t respond within the stipulated 30 days can be fined Rs.250 per day,
further their personal service records can be affected by the same.
(b) Leaving out some 18 government bodies every branch, department, ministry, public sector
enterprise including the armed forces is bound to respond to request for information by
(c) Separate information Commission for enforcement of the law at both state and central level.
(d) Low cost of information and exemption of fees for below the poverty line citizens.
(e) Requires Public authorities to disclose some standard information voluntarily.

RTI upholds the notion of transparency and accountability in democratic governance. With relevance to which
the Act states:

- The right of any citizen of India to request access to information and the corresponding duty of the
government to meet the request, except the exempted information (Sec 18/19)
- The duty of the government to proactively make key available key information to all (Sec 4)
7. Filing an RTI Application

a. Identify the Problem:

The first obvious step would be to identify the problem that the applicant feels strongly about, for e.g. it could
be bad roads in ones locality or a school in this case. Then the department pertaining to the grievance has to be
identified which in this case is the Municipal Corporation of the area our . To locate the PIO (Public
Information Officer), the applicant can check the web or call the ministry for information. If unsuccessful,
he/she can just hand over the application to the reception/receiving clerk/tap pal section to get
acknowledgement or otherwise send the same by registered acknowledgement. At the end of the day,
persistence pays off, as it is imperative that the administrator in question responds within the stipulated time of

b. Draft your questions

The basic information request should have open ended questions that would get into details. The applicant
should make clear in the application the period, location, budget, contract work or departmental work
information that can generate action. More importantly, the four stroke approach can be used to get action of
files and grievances that have been pending for a long time. The four stroke approach in a Right to
Information Application has four questions listed below

Question 1: What is the Daily/Monthly progress on file/process/complaint? (In combination to these forces
the public authority to acknowledge that it is running a bad process)
Question 2: What is the norm in which the department handles such file/ process/ complaint? (In
combination with question 1, this forces the public authority to acknowledge that it is running a bad process as
compared to the norm)
Question 3: Who are the officers responsible? (This question fixes blame for running a bad process)
Question 4: What action has been taken against officers who are delaying? (On fixing the blame the last
question forces the public authority to penalize the concerned officer)
On receiving such questions, the public authority has only two options. Either respond to the citizen’s query
and therefore admit blame and penalize an officer or do the work as per the norm. Invariably the officer will
choose the latter.

c. Submit Your Right to Information Application

After the application is drafted, it can be submitted along with a deposit of Rs.10 to the concerned department
or PIO. According to rules of the Karnataka government, this deposit can be made as an IPO, DD or cash. It
is important to take an acknowledgement from the person who receives the application and also record how
the money was remitted, on the duplicate form. The acknowledgement is required in case you don’t get a reply
and wish to appeal to the Information Commission. In the case of education, being a state subject, the PIO in
cases relating to higher and primary schools would be the under secretary for primary education. One could
however also devise a well drafted set of questions to Planning section of the department which releases central
and state grants for various schemes which could tell you more than if you asked the same questions from the
primary and higher education department.

d. What next on Response

If on response, the applicant finds any discrepancy in what is stated on paper and the actual situation, he/she
escalate the case to senior officers or the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) or the Lok Ayukta or even file a
Public Litigation (PIL) with the court.
If the problem can be solved, the government official is likely to rectify the problem before responding, in
order to cover up any evidence of wrongdoing or having to penalize an officer of his/her department.

e. What Next- No Response

In case the user does not receive a response to the RTI in the case where:
 Unable to submit request
 Non appointment of PIO
 Refusal to accept application
 Refusal to access information
 Refusal to respond within time specified
 Unreasonable fees

In these cases a complaint can be lodged under section 18 to the State or Central Information Commission
who will subsequently issue summons to the concerned PIO/ HOD.
8. Ready to use RTI Samples Step by Step
STEP 1 – Understanding the Department.

Send an application for the suo moto declaration of the Education Board in your district. The purpose of this
step is to understand the organizational duties/ powers of the several officers and locate the Public
Information officer with whom your requests for information are to be filed. It might also give you insights
into the overall budgets and working rules of the department.


Education Board of Karnataka
[Name of district] District
[Name of state] State

Application for requesting the voluntary declaration under sec 4(1)(b) of the Right to Information Act

Kindly provide me the voluntary declaration of your department as specified under the Right to Information
Act 2007.


This letter can be sent by registered post (RPAD) from any Post office or physically delivered to the Education
Office. Please remember to keep an acknowledged copy/ Acknowledgement card of RPAD delivery card along
with copy of letter with you for future escalation. Please do not submit your letter if application is not
acknowledged when delivering physically.
In case of any issues e.g. not getting a response, being refused submission/acknowledgement or inadequately
compiled information in the declaration please use the complaint form given in STEP 3 and submit it to the
relevant State Information Commission. On receipt of a satisfactory response proceed to STEP 2

For States other than Karnataka

Please file an RTI application asking with regard to the entitlements in general and use the same in step 2

State Education Department

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005

Under section 6(1)
Name of applicant
Address of applicant
Information Required:
1. Please provide a list of entitlement for school bags, text books, workbooks, Waiver of fees, various
2. Please provide the eligibility criteria for each of these schemes
3. What are grants made available under centrally sponsored Sarva Shiksha abhiyaan for each school.
4. Copy of notification issued to schools with regard to the above mentioned schemes and grants.


I have submitted the initial application fees of Rs.10/- vide

STEP 2 – Filing Applications (ready to use samples) requesting information.
Note: Following RTI applications have been carefully framed for almost every aspect of governance in the
primary and secondary education in Karnataka and can be used for other states as well except the government
benefits may vary. Each of these application have to be submitted to a Public Information Officer(PIO). The
address and designation of PIO will be available from the suo moto declaration that the user will receive in step
1. Alternatively you can call your education department and ask who the concerned PIO for your query is. We
however strongly recommend that you ask for the Suo Moto declaration as mentioned in Step 1 to better
understand the workings of the department and frame more incisive questions.
In your application fill in the name of school that you are asking questions about. Please use the official name
of the school to enable the PIO to identify the school properly and provide the information required.

A. Uniforms: BEO – Block Education Officer

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka
Classes 1-7: One set of clothes (top and bottom) for all children
Classes 8- 10: One set of clothes (top and bottom) for all girls irrespective of caste.
Check with the students /parents of the school if these benefits are reaching them. If not use the application
form to find out more

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

A. Full Name of applicant:

b. Address of applicant:
c. Information Required
With regard to _______ School, and the distribution of free uniforms to the students, I would like to seek
information for the following questions:

1. Who is the government officer who approved the number of uniforms/cash in lieu of uniforms for
students of XXXX school? Please provide the documents/proposals on the basis of which the
numbers were decided for the above mentioned school for the period of academic year of 2005 &
2. What is the procedure for issue of uniform to students of XXXXX school?
3. How many uniform sets have been issued to each class of the school?
4. Who is the officer who inspects the distribution of uniforms/cash in lieu of uniforms? Please provide
a copy of such a report?
5. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the uniforms/cash in lieu of uniforms have been
dispatched and received for the last two academic years (2005-2006).
6. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the list of the names of the students between
classes 1-7 who have received their uniforms for the last two years (2005 & 2006).
7. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the list of the names of the girls between classes 8-
10 who have received their uniforms for the last two academic years (2005&2006)
8. Please provide the annual report for the past two years on the provisions made to the students with
regards to the uniforms received.

d. Place, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO no:

B. Text Books: BEO- Block Education Office

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

Classes 1-7: All children should get workbooks semester-wise.
Classes 8-10: Girls belonging to SC/ST should get textbooks.

Check with the students /parents of the school if these benefits are reaching them. If not use the application
form to find out more.

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

a. Full Name of applicant:

b. Address of applicant:
c. Information Required
With regard to _________School the government has not provided students with the set of workbooks that
they are entitled to. As per the government norms, students between classes 1-7 are entitled to get workbook
semester wise and girls between classes 8-10 (belonging to SC/ST) are entitled to get textbooks. I would like to
seek information for the following:

1. Who is the government officer who approved the number of text books for students of XXXX
school? Please provide the documents/proposals on the basis of which the numbers were decided for
the above mentioned school for the period of academic year of 2005 & 2006.
2. What is the procedure for issue of workbooks/textbooks to students of XXXXX school?
3. How many textbooks/workbooks have been issued to each class of the school?
4. Who is the officer who inspects the distribution of text books/workbooks? Please provide a copy of
such a report for such distribution conducted in 2006-2007?
5. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the textbooks/workbooks have been dispatched
and received for the last two academic years (2005 and 2006).
6. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the list of the names of the students between
classes 1-7 who have received their text books for the last two academic years (2005 & 2006).
7. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the list of the names of the girls between classes 8-
10 who have received their textbooks/workbooks for the last two academic years (2005&2006)
8. Please provide a copy of the official record that shows the number of students between classes 1-7
and also provide a copy that indicates the number of girls between classes 8-10 in the above
mentioned school.

Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO no:

C. School Bags and Note books: BEO (Block Education Officer)

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

Classes 5-7: Children belonging to SC/ST should get school bags and not books.

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

Full Name:
With regard to the distribution of school bags to the SC/ST children belonging to the ________ School I
would like to ask you the following questions:
1. Who is the government officer who approved the number of school bags for SC/ST students of
XXXX school? Please provide the documents/proposals on the basis of which the numbers were
decided for the above mentioned school for the period of academic year of 2005 & 2006.
2. What is the procedure for issue of school bags for SC/ST students of XXXXX school?
3. How many school bags have been issued to each class of the school?
4. Who is the officer(s) who inspects and supervises the distribution of school bags? Please provide a
copy of such a report for such distribution conducted in 2006-2007?
5. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the school bags have been dispatched and received
for the last two academic years (2005 and 2006).
6. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the list of the names of the students between
classes 1-7 who have received their school bags for the last two academic years (2005 & 2006).
7. Please provide a copy of the document that shows the total list of SC/ST students in the above
school for the last two academic years (2005&2006)

d. Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO no:

D. School Fee Structure: BEO – Block Education Officer

Ensure that you get a receipt for the fees paid, teachers are not supposed to charge anything extra which they
usually write for behind the receipt and demand the children pay that extra amount.

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

Classes 1 – 4 : No fees
Classes 5 – 7 : No fees for SC/ST children
Classes 8 – 10: Children belonging to SC/ST should pay only Rs. 70.
Classes 8 – 10: Children of other castes should pay only Rs. 145.

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

a. Full Name:
b. Address:
c. Information Required
With regard to the payment and the collection of fees for _______School, I seek the following information:
1. Who is the authority in the school responsible for the collection of the fees from the student?
2. Please provide a copy of the receipt of fees made by the students for the academic year 2005 and
3. Please provide an official record of the number of SC/ST students between classes 8-10.
4. Please provide an official record of the total number of students in classes 8-10.
5. What is the mandate/ rules for the students in their payment of fees?(classes 8-10)
6. Please provide a detailed description of the tuition fees in practice for the period 2005-2006.
7. To which department is the fees accounted towards?
8. Please provide an official copy on payments received from this school on the account of fees from
the government department responsible for the upkeep of the school accounts.

d. Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO no:

E. Physically/Mentally Challenged Children: BEO – Block Education Officer

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

1. Affected children should get a Medical certificate from the doctor in Government hospital.
2. Ask your head master to have an application to the BEO either for crutches or Tricycle
depending on each case. Attach the Medical certificate.
3. Affected children should get monthly pension of Rs. ***.

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

Full Name:
With regard to physically and mentally challenged students in _________ School and upkeep of the
government provisions made toward such children, I seek the following Information:
1. Please provide an official document of the numbers of children who are mentally and physically
challenged in the school along with their medical certificates.
2. Who is the authority from the school responsible for filling application to the BEO for seeking aid for
such children?
3. Please provide all applications submitted for such aid in 2005-2006.
4. Who is the authority responsible for the disbursal of the aid requested for?
5. Provide a copy of the document showing the required aid dispatched towards the school in the year
6. What are the different aids that the government is mandate to provide in response to the applications
requesting for such aid?
7. Please provide a copy of the monthly pension that the physically and mentally challenged children are
entitled for a year; also provide a receipt of the same signed by the students/parents.

Name, Date and Signature

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 IPO vide no:

F. Annual Scholarship for SC/ST children: BEO – Block Education Officer

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka
Apply through the Head master of the school to the Social Welfare Department for Annual Student
Scholarship. (Please attach Caste Certificate to the application)

Classes 1 – 4 : Rs. 75.

Classes 5 – 7 : Rs. 75. (Children of BCM can also avail this scholarship).
Classes 8 – 10: Rs. 600.
Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

a. Full Name:
b. Address:
c. Information Required
With regard to the Annual Student Scholarship of ___________school I would like to seeke information for
the following questions:

1. Who is the authority in the school responsible for the distribution of the annual student scholarship to the
2. Who is the government officer who authorizes this Annual Scholarship to the students?
3. Please provide a copy of the names of the students and the amount they have received as their annual
scholarship between classes 1-4 for the academic year 2006.
3. Please provide a copy of the names of the students and the amount they have received as their annual
scholarship between classes 5-7 for the academic year 2006.
4. Please provide a copy of the names of the students and the amount they have received as their annual
scholarship between classes 8-10 for the academic year 2006.
5. Please provide an official record of the number of
SC/ST students in classes 8-10.
6. Please details the step by step process showing how the scholarship amount is transferred from the
concerned department to the school?
7.Please provide an official copy on disbursement made to this school on the account of annual student
scholarship from the government department responsible for the upkeep of the school accounts.

d. Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO no:

G. Attendance Scholarship: BEO – Block Education Officer

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

Classes 5 – 10 : All girls who have secured 80% and above attendance in their respective classes can claim
Rs.600 pa to ask Attendance scholarship from their Head Masters.
Junior College: Rs.900 pa.

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

a. Full Name:
b. Address:
c. With regard to the Attendance Scholarship of ___________school I would like to seek the following

1. Who is the authority in the school responsible for the distribution of the Attendance scholarship to the
2. Who is the government officer who authorizes the disbursal of Attendance Scholarship to the students?
3. Please provide a copy of the names of the girl students, attendance report and the amount they have received
as their attendance scholarship between classes 5-10 for the year 2006.
3. Who is the person responsible for the upkeep of the Attendance Scholarship report (attendance register)?
4. Please explain the step by step process showing how the fund for this scholarship transferred to the school
and the subsequent distribution of the same to the eligible students.
5. Please provide a copy of the names of the students and the amount they have received as their annual
attendance scholarship for the Junior College?
6. How is the inspection of the disbursal of scholarship done and who does it. Please show a document
showing the proof of disbursal of scholarship to students for this school.

d. Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO no:

H. Town Scholarship: BEO – Block Education Officer

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

SC/ST Children residing within town limits (includes Taluk Headquarters) can claim Rs.500 as Student
Scholarship from the Municipal Office. (Please attach Caste Certificates, Study Certificates, Fees Receipt and
Ration Card to the application from the Head Master).

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

a. Full Name:
b. Address:
c. Information Required
With regard to the SC/ST children in ________ School, residing within town limits and their student
scholarship I would like to ask seek the following questions:

1. Who is the government officer who authorizes the student scholarship for the SC/ST children residing
within town limits?
2. Who is the government officer who is responsible for the distribution of the scholarship amount to these
3. Please provide a copy of the names of the students’ who have received the town scholarship for the school
for the academic year 2005 and 2006.
4. Please show the document showing the proof that the scholarship has been disbursed to the above
mentioned students for this school for the year 2005 and 2006.
5. Who is the officer who inspects the disbursal of the scholarship. When was the inspection for this school
done. Please provide a copy of such inspection conducted for the academic year 2005 and 2006.

d. Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO no:

G. Health: BEO – Block Education Officer, DHO District Health officer

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

Government Doctors should visit government schools once every three months. They have to give each child a
general health check-up. They also have to distribute iron supplement tablets, D-worming medication and
Vitamin supplements.

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

a. Full Name:
b. Address:
c. With regard to the Medical check up and distribution of the medicines in ___________school I would like
to seek information for the following questions:

1. Who is the Government doctor assigned for visiting the school every three months for the medical
check up of the students for the academic year 2005 and 2006?
2. Who is the person responsible for the distribution of the medicines to students for the year 2005 and
3. Please provide a copy of the doctors visit to the school for the last two years.(2005-06)
4. Please provide a copy of the medicines distributed to the children of the school.
5. Please provide medical check-up papers/records for the children between the years 2005-06.
6. Please provide a copy of the official record that indicates the total number of children in the school.
7. Please provide a copy that details the types of the medicines distributed with the names and expiry

d. Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO

I. SSA- Sarva Shikshana Abhiyan, Block Resource Centre Officer- Block Education Officer.

Benefits- Currently in practice in Karnataka

Every Government school should have the below. If not, they will be provided for and the budget for each is
given below.

- Toilet - Rs. 25,000

- Drinking Water Tanks/ Cisterns - Rs. 10,000
- Extra Class Room - Rs. 2, 30,000
- Ramp for Physically challenged Children - Rs. 6,000
- School Grants for small up-gradation - Rs. 2000
- Chats and Maps (Teaching Aids) - Rs. 500
- Compound Wall - Rs. 50,000
- Electricity - Rs. 5,000

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005
Under section 6(1)

Full Name:
With regard to the allocation received under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan towards XXXXX government school, I
would like to seek the following questions:

1. What is procedure for applying and for disbursal of grant under SSA for the above mentioned school.
2. Has the head master of the school received any notification with regard to availability of grant under
SSA. If yes please provide a copy of such notification / letter dispatched to the head master of this
3. Has the any proposal received under SSA from this school. If yes please provide a copy of all such
proposal received.
4. Of the proposal received how many such proposal have been approved and executed. Please show a
copy of document indicating the disbursal of funds under these proposals.
5. Please explain the step by step proposal for disbursal and execution of proposal under SSA.

1. What is the amount that is given to ______ School for the construction and maintenance of the
2. How many toilets were officially supposed to be constructed in this school?
3. How many toilets are there for girls (separately) and for boys.
4. Who is the person who goes for inspection of the toilets to ensure it is clean and that the children can
use the toilet in proper hygienic conditions?
5. Please provide an official copy that shows the name of the contractor and the number of toilets that
was constructed.
6. Please provide a copy that shows that the fund has been given and acknowledged by the school

Drinking Water.
1. What is the amount that was sanctioned for the construction of Drinking water tanks/ Cisterns and
for how many numbers?
2. How many drinking water tanks/cisterns are constructed in this school?
3. Who is the person that is supposed to go at regular intervals to ensure that the drinking water is safe
for the children to consume?
4. Please provide a copy which shows the number of drinking water tanks/cisterns constructed in the
5. Please provide a copy which shows that the water is examined and checked for drinking at regular
intervals with the name of the person responsible.
6. Please provide a copy that shows that the fund has been given and acknowledged by the school

Extra Class Room

1. What is the amount that is sanctioned for the construction of the extra class room in this school and
for how many?
2. How many extra classrooms are constructed in this school?
3. For what purpose is these classrooms used eg. Studying, library, computer room etc.?
4. Please provide an official copy that shows the number of extra classrooms that have been constructed
in this school.
5. Please provide a copy that shows that the fund has been given and acknowledged by the school

Ramp for physically/mentally challenged children

1. What if any amount has been sanctioned for this school for a ramp for physically challenged children
and for how many?
2. How many ramps are to be officially constructed by the government for each school and how many
have been constructed in this particular school?
3. Who is the person responsible for the upkeep and the maintenance of this ramp?
4. Please provide a copy which shows the contruction of the ramp for the physically and mentally
challenged children of this school.
5. Please provide a copy that shows that the fund has been given and acknowledged by the school

School Grants for small up-gradation

1. What is the amount that the government has sanctioned for the school grants for small up-gradation?
2. What is the amount for the above utilized for?
3. Who is the School authority who handles the School grants?
4. Please provide a copy that School Grants have been given and acknowledged by the school.
5. Please provide a copy that shows that the fund has been given and acknowledged by the school

Chats and Maps (Teaching Aids)

1. What is the amount that is sanctioned for the Chats and Maps for this School?
2. Who is the School authority who receives the fund for the above?
3. Please provide a copy that shows that the fund has been given and acknowledged by the school.

Compound Wall
1. Who is officer who authorizes the funds for the Compound Wall for ________School?
2. What is the amount that was sanctioned?
3. Who is the person responsible for the construction of this wall?
4. Please prove a document showing the height and width of the wall and the material used for
5. Please provide a copy which shows the starting and finishing date of the contruction of the compound
wall of this school.
6. Please provide a copy that shows that the fund has been given and acknowledged by the school

1. What is the amount that is sanctioned for the electricity charges?
2. Who is the person responsible who makes sure that electricity is available for the School?
3. Please provide a document which shows the funds have been given and acknowledged by the school.
4. Please provide a copy which shows the bill which has been paid by the School authority for the
electricity charges for this school.

Name, Date and Signature.

I have paid the application fees of Rs.10 vide IPO

STEP 3 – Filing a Complaint in case of unsatisfactory response to your RTI

In case you do not receive a response to your request for the suo moto declaration or you do not get a
response to your request for information in STEP 2 in 30 days please use the format given below to file you
complaint under the RTI Act 2005 with your State Information Commission.


To the
__________ Information Commisioner
(for address see list of state information commissioners)

Sub: Complaint under section 18 of the right to information Act

I [your name] have (Please choose one)

Requested for the voluntary declaration under sec 4(1)(b) for the [name of department] under the
Right to information Act 2005 vide letter dated (copy of letter attached) but the PIO/department has (please

Refused to accept the application

Refused to provide the information
Other (please specify)

Please proceed against the department/ PIO under section 18 of the right to information Act 2005 and provide
me redress

I [your name] have applied under the right to Information Act 2005 section 6(1) as per the copy attached
date [dd-mm-yyyy] however the PIO/department

Has refused to provide me the above information even XX days after submission of the
Has refused to accept the application
Has refused to identify /appoint a PIO
PIO is missing
Has misguided the applicant by (Specify ________________________)
Is asking unreasonable fees of Rs.___ for ____ no. of pages/CDs/Samples
Others (Please Specify)

Please issue summons to HOD/PIO and provide me redress

You’re sincerely


[Your name]

Note: Remember to keep an acknowledged copy of you complaint with you for further follow up if
required. You can send your complaint through RPAD to the concerned State Information
Step 4 – Handling the Complaint in the State Information Commission

On filing you complaint you will receive date of hearing of your complaint or the State information Commision
will issue specific instruction to the PIO for giving the requested information. Ideally you could personally
attend the hearing and appeal for maximum penalty under the Act against the PIO or alternatively follow up on
your case on the IC’s website.

After the IC’s hearing you should receive information as per the instruction of the IC if the same still does not
happen then intimate the IC using complaint letter format given in Step 3.
On receipt of information proceed to Step 5.
Step 5 – How to Use the Information Given

On receipt of information you can do the following

1. Request for information on Annual confident ional report filed by superior office on incompetent officers
and scrutinize the comments made with regard to the functioning of any incompetent officers. Bring issue to
the notice of the home ministry regarding the lack of action being taken on these cases. Follow up with a RTI
application asking for the Action Taken Report (ATR) on your complaint.
2. Provide the received information to the press
3. File a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in court asking the court to take cognizance for the gross negligence of
the education department and the concerned officers on this issue
4. File a complaint (physically or by Registered post) with the Under Secretary for State Primary and Higher
education department stating clearly the details of the discrepancy detected please attach copies of the
documents that you have received from the filing of your RTI application and stating the reality that exists in
the school.

The under secretary
Primary and Secondary Education Department

This is to inform you that we have filed an RTI application with regard to (mention the scheme) for the (name
of School).

We have found that the scheme has been misused __________________________________________

(Mention clearly what discrepancy you have noticed)

You are requested to investigate the same and take appropriate action against the officers who have misused
the funds for the same.


In case there is no discernable change after this complaint wait after month/fifteen days please file an RTI
application given below

Under Secretary

Form A for requesting information under Right to Information Act 2005

Under section 6(1)

Information Required:
With reference to the complaint submitted to the under secretary of the education department please provide
the following information.
1. Please show the daily progress on the complaint I have submitted (copy of the complaint attached)
2. What is norm with regard to investigation of complaints. As per the department rules by what time should
such an investigation be completed?
3. Who is officer/officers responsible for conducting this investigation
4. Please provide a copy of action taken report on the above complaint
5. If the investigation has not been conducted satisfactorily as per the department norms, what action should
be taken against such officers. Please provide me a copy of the action taken report against this officer.

Name, Place, date

I have submitted the initial application fees of Rs.10/- vide IPO no.

5. Take it to the press submit the copies/ photographs of these documents to establish your claim..
9. List of Government Departments/ Offices (KARNATAKA /

Details for Right to Information Act, Establishment of Joint Secretary to Government-I

Education Department (Primary and Secondary)

Names Designation Residential Address, Phone Number

Dr.P.R.Bapat Joint Secretary No.13/A,8th Main,4th Cross,Sapthagiri Layout,
B.E.Uma Maheswari Personal Assistant (Stenographer) No.346,Varadaraja Road,2nd Cross,Bhuvaneshwari
Nagar,R.T.Nagar Post, Bangalore-560032
Keshav Naik Junior Assistant No.129,3rd Cross, Kavika Layout, Mysore Road,
R.Ramakrishniah Jamedar Maachohalli,Bapagrama Post, Bangalore- 560091

Sections coming under the control of the Special Officer cum Ex-Officio Joint Secretary

Section Officer-Planning A Section Officer Planning B

1. Senior Assistant 1. Senior Assistant

2. Assistant Statistical Officer 2. Assistant
3. Assistant (1) 3.Junior Assistant
4. Assistant (2) 4.Typist
5. Junior Assistant 5. Dalayat.

Subject Allotted to Planning – A Section

1. Section Officer: Planning (A)
Junior Assistant Assistant Statistical Assistant (1) Assistant (2)
1) Plan Programmes 1) Matters relating to 1) Midday Meals Scheme – 1) Matters relating to
a) Annual Plan 11th Finance Akshara Dasoha Ramakrishna Ashrama.
2) On going Schemes under 2)KDP/KTC-2 Schemes 2) Distribution of Uniforms, 2) Yoga Shikshana
Plan relating to Government Text Books, School bags.
of India
3) Sanction of New 3)HUDCO Scheme 3) Centrally sponsored Scheme 3)Environment Education
Component Plan regarding Integrated
4) Purchase of Vehicles 4)Schemes relating to 4)Regarding scholar ships 4)Building Construction to
Machinery and implements NABARD granted by Govt. of India DDPI and BEO’s Offices
to Department coming
under Education
5)Matters relating to Morarji 5) Matters relating to 5) Matters Up of a transferred 5) Conducting of MMR
Residential Shools statistics. in Education Department. meeting release of grants
under Centrally Sponsored
6)Matters relating to Other 6)Construction repairs of 6) Matters relating to 12th 6) Grants relating to RIE
Residential Schools School/College Buildings Finance Commission. Society.
7)Staff salaries in Education 7)Schemes relating to 12th 7) Programme relating to
Department Finance commission Women and Child welfare.
8)Bidar package 8)Bellary Package 8)Aids-Prevention Issues
9)Matters relating to Anglo 9)Edusat Scheme 9) Grants to buildings
India Community regarding Jayacharna-
Rajendra Sanskrit College.
10)Gulbarga Package 10) Settings up of District 10)Bala Karmika Yojane
Education and Training
11) Matters relating to 11)Kodagu Package
budgets speech.
Information regarding
Governor’s Speech
13)Offering of Govt.grants
to Institutions,
Corporations etc.
14) Prep of Performance
15)Starting of Kuvempu
Model Schools

SL.N Name Designation Address Telephone No.

1 K.Srikanteshwara Joint Secretary No.25/A,10th Main Road,Gururaja 26790040
Layout, 4th Cross,7th Block, B.S.K.
2 V.Susheela Stenography No.126,1st Block 55364493
3 M.S.Shivaram Section Officer No.50, 3rdCross, Basaveshwara Layout, 28604719
Bemel, 3rd Stage, Rajarajeshwarinagara.
4 Adiraj Senior
5 Smt.Jayamani Assistant-1 No.C- 23652239
xtension,R.T.Nagara Post,Bangalore-32
6 Smt.Lillykanakamba Assistant-2 No.172,5th Madel Hose Strit,Nagasandra 26771127
7 Smt.K.Manjula Joiner Assistant No.30,Jyothinagara,Varamavu(Agar),Var 57715219
amavu Post,Bangalore-43

4(1) (b) (ix) a directory of its officers and employees;

4(1) (b) (xvi) the names, designation and other particulars of the Public Information officers;

2) Section Officer: Planning-B

Senior Assistant Assistant

1) Release of salary grants to primary and high School 1) Release of grants under Centrally Sponsored
Teachers under SSA scheme Scheme.Modernizationa of Madrassa Scheme.
2) Creation of Teachers under SSA scheme. 2)Release of grants under Centrally Sponsored Scheme Area
Intensive Programme
3) Financial and to Pandits in indigenous Circumstance 3) Release of grants to girls Hostels in NGO’s institutions.
under Sanskrit education development schemes.
4)Financial aid to Voluntary Organizations (NGO’s 4)Release of grants from Government of India under:
institutions) to conduct conferences workshop) a) Culture and Values in education
b) Environmental Education improvement scheme.

5) Grant of Salaries to Hindi teachers under C.S.S. of 5) MOU with Ministry of Environment Government of
Improvement of languages Educations. India regarding Environment Education programmes.
6)Implementations of ICT scheme (Mahiti Sindhu) revised 6)Starting of shifting of continuance of Vocational courses
class project etc. in P.U. colleges NGO’s institutions etc.
7) Evolution of Mahiti Sindhu Yojane 7)Sanctions of grants to starting of continuance of short
term medium term Vocational courses on self Financial
basis (Particularly in connection with recruitment to Army
8)IBM Smarts kid programme 8) Running of and continuance of continuing education
centers, saksharata programme under the aegis of
Directorate of Mass Education)
9)MOU with Intel and allied Matters 9) Programmes relating to “Ba Marali shale”, “Bidiyindia
Shale”, Kooliyinda Shale”, Babale Shale” under the Mass
Education Department.
10) Microsoft sponsored Project Shiksha Scheme 10) Starting and continuance of Alternative vocational
courses approved by Mass education Executive committee
11)Audit Paras relating to centrally Sponsored 11)Constitution of state level district level, Taluk level,
“improvement of science education Scheme” Saksharatha Samithi,(Official and non-official) framing of
12)W.Ps/WA’s/Original Suites supply of science 12)Education through learning of children scheme in lieu of
equipment, kits etc by selected agencies to Government visit of honorable President of India
Schools under Mahiti Sindhu Yojane.
13)Sanction of grants to construction of Toilets etc. under 13)Dr.Ramegowda committee report
S.S.A scheme in government Schools
14)Sanction of grants for construction of computer class- 14)Dr.Dhananjaya report regarding vocationalisation of
rooms Education
15) Programmes relating to state resource center My sore.
16)Starting of Jana Shikshan Samsthe
17)Programmes relating to Mahila Samakhya

SL.No. Name Designation Address Telephone

1. N.Suresh Section officer No.274,12th Main Road,Banashankari, 1st 26500973
2. Anandraj Senior Assistant No.8/C, Chaluvadhimunigalen,Dr.TCM 22710859
Raman Road,Bangalore-53
3. T.Kenchappa Assistant No.53/1,1st
4. K.E.Shivalingeshwara Joiner Assistant No.U-45,21st
5. K.L.Mahadevayya Dalayat No.575, 6th Main Road, 4th Cross,
T.Dasarahalli, Muneshwara Block, Pipeline
Road, Bangalore.

4 (1) (b) (ix) a directory of its officers and employees;

4 (1) (b) the names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officer, in the
10. List of PIO’s in Karnataka and other States.
11. Chief Information Commissioners of States
State Name Address Phone Email/website
Andhra Shri. C D AP Secretariat Off: +91-40 -
Pradesh Arha Hyderabad - 500022 23452620
Chattisgarh Shri. A K Nirmal Chhaya Bhavan Office: [email protected]
Vijayavargiya Meera Datar Road 0771-4024406
Shankar Nagar 0771-
Raipur - 492 001 4024140(Fax)
Goa Shri. A Shrama Shakthi Bhavan, Ground Office : [email protected]
Venkatratna Floor, Patto Panaji, GOA. 0832-2413774
m Pin 403 401 Mobile :
Gujarat Dr. P.K. Das 1st Floor, Bureau of Economics Office: 079- [email protected]
& Statistics Building, Sector-18, 23252701
Gandhinagar-382018, Gujarat Secretary: 079-
Resi: 079-
Haryana Shri. G Chief Information Commissioner Office: 0172- [email protected]
Madhavan State Information Commission 2726568
SCO No. 70-71 (Tele-Fax)
Sector 8C, Resi: 0172-
Madhya Marg, 2793628
Himachal Shri P.S. Room No.222,Armsdale Building Office: 0177-
Pradesh Rana HP Secretariat 2621904
Shimla-171 002 2880726
Resi : 0177-
Karnataka Shri. K K 3rd floor, 3rd Stage, Multistoried Off :+91-80 - [email protected]
Misra Buildings 22371191
Dr.Ambedkar Road, Fax:+91-80 -
Bangalore- 560 001. 22371192
Kerala Shri. Palatt The Secretary Phone : 0471 -
Mohandas Kerala State Information 2320920
Commission Fax : 0471 –
Punnen Road 2330920
Thiruvananthapuram - 695039
Kerala, India
Off: +91-471 -
Madhya Shri. T N Nirwachan Bhawan, Second Off: +91-755 -
Pradesh Shrivastava Floor, 58, Arera Hills 2761367
Bhopal - 462 011 Mobile:
Maharashtra Shri. Suresh 15th Floor, Res: +91- 22 -
Vinayakrao New Administrative Building, 22022859
Joshi Madame Cama Road, Off: +91-22 -
Opposite Mantralaya, 22856078
Mumbai – 400 0032 Mobile:
+91-98215 25427
Meghalaya Shri. G P Meghalaya Secretariat, Off: +91-64 - [email protected]
Wahlang Shillong - 1 2226102
Mizoram Shri. Robert Off: 2334833
Hrangdawla Res:2316001
Orissa Shri. Orissa Soochna Commission, Off: 91-674 - [email protected]
Dhirendra (Secretary), State Guest House 2534300
Nath Padhi Annexe, Room No. 44, Unit 5,
Bhubaneshwar 751001
Punjab Shri. Rajan 131 Sector-10 Off: +91-172-
Kashyap Chandigarh - 160011 2740543
Off Fax: +91-172-
Res Fax: +91-172-
Tamil Nadu Shri. S No.89,Dr Alagappa Road,
Ramakrishna Purasaiwalkam Chennai 600084
Tripura Shri. B K Civil Secretariat, Agartala Off: +91-381 - [email protected]
Chakraborty West Tripura - 799001 2218021
Mobile : +91-
Uttaranchal Shri. R S 4 Subhash Road, 4th Floor Off: +91-135-
Tolia Dehradun - 248001 2712100


Fax 2666779
Uttar Pradesh Justice Shri. 6th Floor, Indira Bhawan, Ashok Off : 0522-
Mohd Asgar Marg Lucknow - 226001 2288598, 0522-
Khan 2235798, Telefax :
West Bengal Mr.Arun Writers Building, Off: +91-33 -
Bhattacharya Kolkata - 700001 22215858
12. Bibliography

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