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List of Tasks/Activities to be done during Work Immersion

Name of Student Grade and Section Grade 12 Genesis

School Mayuro Senior High Immersion Site Rosario Municipal

School Police Station Rosario,
Strand/Specialization Humanities and Social
Track Academic Sciences (HUMSS)
Duration of Work
School Partnerships Catherine S. Roallos Contact Number 09175192093
Focal Person
Work Immersion Anielyn D. Pabito Contact Number 09084336959


Competencies Tasks/Activities Time Actual Remarks

Allotment Schedule
1.Appreciating The student:
management processes by 1.Reports to the company
observing, identifying & based on agreed time frame
describing the following: 2.Receives orientation from
the company/establishment
a.Nature of the Business on the nature of the business,
b.Description of the description of the
products/services product/services, target
c.Target clientele clientele, organizational 8 hours
d.Organizational Structure structure & rules and
e.Company rules & regulations
regulations 3.Participates in the activities
of the different offices that are
responsible for the areas
4.Prepares a report on the
activities performed
2.Appreciating Business The student:
processes by observing 1.Reports to the company
and participating in based on agreed timeframe
Safety/ Production/ 2.Receives orientation on the
Maintenance/ Quality different processes of the
Control/Quality business establishment such
Assurance/ Customer as: Safety/ Production/
Satisfaction/ Maintenance/ Quality 8 hours
Housekeeping/ Hygiene & Control/Quality Assurance/
others Customer Care/
Housekeeping/ Hygiene / etc.
3.Participates in the activities
of the different offices & line
dept. that are responsible for
the processes mentioned
4.Prepares a report that
documents the activities
Applying Skills learned & The student :
proper values acquired in 1.Performs hands-on activities
school that are related to the skill
acquired in his/her chosen

field of specialization
(management/banking/accou 60 hours
2.Performs other required
tasks based on the agreement
3.Renders reports to the
teacher and the industry
supervisor for immersion
4.Records the daily tasks
Evaluating the work The student:
immersion experience 1. Presents his/her portfolio
2. Discusses his /her work
immersion experience and
relates its importance to
his/her specialization
3. Participates in the exhibit 4 hours
organized by the teacher
4. Writes an updated resume
taking into consideration
his experience while in the
work immersion venue
5. Reflects on their work
immersion experience

Students shall not be given other activities outside of those previously agreed upon, which are
anchored on the stated competencies.

Certified true and correct:

_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Student’s Signature over Printed Name Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

ANIELYN D. PABITO __________________________________________________

Work Immersion Teacher’s Signature over Printed Name Industry Supervisor’s Signature over Printed Name

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