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ED 101: The Child and Adolescent Learners and

Learning Principles

Course Description:

This course focuses on child and adolescent development with emphasis on current
research and theories on biological, linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional
dimensions of development. Further, this includes factors that affect the progress
and development of the learners and appropriate pedagogical principles applicable
for each developmental level of the learners. This course also addresses laws,
policies, guidelines and procedures that provide safe and secure learning
environments and the use of positive and non-violent discipline in the management
of learner behavior.
Credits Units: 3
Course Pre-Requisite: None
Course Intended Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers can:

[1] demonstrate content knowledge and its application within/or across curriculum
teaching areas
[2] demonstrate an understanding of the different research-based theories related to
the broad dimensions of child and adolescent development and their application to
each particular developmental level of the learners;
[3] demonstrate understanding of pedagogical principles suited to diverse learners’
needs and experiences at different developmental levels
[4] demonstrate knowledge of laws, policies, guidelines and procedures that
provide safe and secure learning environments; and
[5] demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent management of learner
Course Instructions/Guides
 General Instructions
 Flexible learning modalities

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles




In this unit, you will be acquainted with human development as a process, the
developmental tasks that come along with each developmental stage and relevant
issues that are raised about human development

Unit content standards

At the end of the unit, you should be able to:
[1] demonstrate understanding on the basic concepts and issues on human development as
applied in the 21st century classes.
[2] demonstrate understanding on the developing individual during early childhood and early
adolescence within the context of a changing world and the urban environment.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:
[1] demonstrate content knowledge and its application within/or across curriculum teaching areas
[2] demonstrate an understanding of the different research-based theories related to the broad
dimensions of child and adolescent development and their application to each particular
developmental level of the learners;
[3] demonstrate understanding of pedagogical principles suited to diverse learners’ needs and
experiences at different developmental levels
[4] demonstrate knowledge of laws, policies, guidelines and procedures that provide safe and
secure learning environments; and
[5] demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent management of learner behavior.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:
[1] explain the basic concepts related to child and adolescent development; and
[2] explain how current research and theories on child and adolescent development contribute to
teaching and learning within and across different areas.

Human Development : Meaning,

MODULE 1 Concepts and Approaches

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 Define human development in your own words
 Draw some principles of human development
 Distinguish two approaches to human development

As you read this module and do the activity, you are undergoing the
process of development. What principles govern this development
proven? What do experts say about development? The answers to
these questions will be tackled in this module.


1. When you gave your own description as to the kind of child, adolescent
and adult these two kids may become and describing who they once were,
you were referring to human development. What then is development?
2. Do they have something in common as to their pattern of development?
3. Do they have differences in their development? Explain.
4. Do you believe that these two kids will continue to develop even after
adulthood? Explain.


The center of any educative process in school is the learner. Without the
learner there would be no need for teaching. Since it is the task of the
teacher to guide the learner in the learning processes at a various stage
of his development, the teacher’s success will
The Child and depend
Adolescent greatly
Learners uponPrinciples
and Learning his
insight into the various factors basic to growth and development and his
knowledge of the developmental characteristics of the learner. The
Principles of Child Development and Learning that Inform Practice
1. All the domains of development and learning (physical, social,
emotional and cognitive) are important and closely-related.
2. Many aspects of children’s learning andand
The Child development follow
Adolescent Learners well Principles
and Learning

documented sequences, with later abilities, skills, and knowledge

building on those already acquired.
A. Directions: Answer the following questions concisely.

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

1. Do you agree to this statement “Growth is an evidence of life”? Explain
your answer.
2. Define development in your own words and translate the meaning of
development in Filipino and in your own dialect.
3. If your approach to human development is traditional, are the
characteristics of human development from a life span perspective
acceptable? Explain your answer.

B. Directions: Complete the table by writing the four principles of

human development and their corresponding educational

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Point of Reflection
As a teacher, you are a facilitator of the development of learners. Reflect
on how one great teacher played a role in the fantastic development of a

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

child. Look for the folder “Instructional Materials”, in Module 1 folder open
the video titled “Teddy and Mrs. Thompson”. Watch the full video, take
down notes and do the task as instructed in the end part of the video.


The Stages of Development and

MODULE 2 Developmental Tasks

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 Define developmental task in your own words
 Identify developmental stages of learners in different
curriculum year levels
 Describe the developmental tasks in each stage
 State for yourself how these developmental tasks affect
your role as a facilitator of learning.


For every developmental stage, there is an expected developmental

task. What happens when the expected developmental tasks? What
happens when the expected developmental tasks are not achieved at
the corresponding developmental stage? How can you help children
achieve these developmental tasks?


Hello! Today you will be learning another lesson. Kindly click the
link below to watch the video. Take note of the important
information on the video so that you can answer the questions


Directions: Answer the following questions based from the video.

1. How many developmental stages were described? How do these stages
compare to Havighurst’s developmental stages given below?
Havighurst has identified six major age periods:
 infancy and early childhood (0-5 years)
 middle childhood (6-12 years)
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
 adolescence (13-18 years)
 early adulthood ( 19-29 years)
 middle adulthood ( 30-60 years)
 later maturity (61+)
2. What is an outstanding trait or behavior of each stage?
3. What task/s is/are expected of each development stage?
4. Does a developmental task in a higher level require accomplishment of
the lower level developmental tasks?
5. Refer to Havighurst’s developmental task given in the table on the next
page. Match the descriptions given by Santrock.Are Havighurst and
Santrock saying the same things?


Concept of Developmental
In each stage of development, a certain task or tasks are expected of
every individual. Robert Havighurst defines developmental task as one
that “arises at a certain period in our life, the successful achievement of
which leads to happiness and success with later tasks while failure
leads to unhappiness, social disapproval, and difficulty with later tasks”
(Havighurst,1972) The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
John Santrock's research focuses on family processes and children's
socioemotional development. He conducted the first major research study
on comparisons of children in mother and father custody families.
1. Prenatal period (from conception to birth)- it involves tremendous growth
from a single cell to an organism complete with brain and behavioural
2.Infancy(from birth to 18-24 months)- a time of extreme dependence on
adults. Many Psychological activities are just beginning – language ,
symbolic thought , sensorimotor coordination and social learning.
3. 3.Early Childhood (end of infancy to 5-6 years ( grade 1) – these are the
preschool years. Young children learn to become more self- sufficient and
to care for themselves, develop school readiness skills and spend many
hours in play with peers.
4.Middle and late childhood (6-11 years of age, the elementary school
years)- the fundamental skills of reading, writing and arithmetic are
mastered.The Child is formally exposed to the larger world and its culture.
Achievement becomes a more central theme of the child’s world and self-
control increases.
5.Adolescence (10-12 years of age ending up to 18-22 years of age)-
Begins with rapid physical changes-dramatic gains in height and weight,
changes in body contour, and the development of sexual characteristics
such as enlargement of the breasts, development of pubic and facial hair,
and deepening of the voice. Pursuit of independence and identity are
prominent. Thought is more logical, abstract and idealistic. More time is
spent outside of the family.
6.Early adulthood (from late teens or early 20s lasting through the 30’s – it
is a time of establishing personal and economic independence, career
development, selecting a mate, learning to live with someone in an intimate
way, starting a family and rearing children.
7. Middle adulhood (40-60 years of age) – It is a time of expanding
personal and social involvement and responsibility; of assisting the next
generation in becoming competent and mature individuals; and of reaching
and maintaining satisfaction in a career.
8. Late Adulthood (60s and above)- It is time for adjustment to decreasing
strength and health. Life review, retirement, and adjustment to new social


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

A. Answer the question -What are the implications of these developmental
tasks to your role as a facilitator of learning? Let’s focus on the stages that
corresponds to schooling-early childhood, middle and late childhood and
adolescence. Complete the statement in each box by writing your answers.

High school teachers ought to
help their students by

Middle and Late Childhood-

Elementary school teachers ought
to help their pupils by

Early Childhood- What do

preschool teachers supposed to
do with preschoolers?

B. Complete the unfinished sentence.

Developmental tasks are

Point of Reflection
C. Discuss the meaning of the quotation below. Relate it to the stages of
human development.

“Who are you? ”, asked the caterpillar. Alice

replied rather shyly, “I-I hardly know Sir, just at
present—at least I know who I was when I got up
this morning, but I must have changed several
times since then.”
- Lewis Carroll
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Issues on Human Development


At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 take an informed stand/position on the three issues on
human development

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Each of us has his/her own informal way of looking at our own and other
people’s development. This paradigms of human development while
obviously lacking in scholastic vigor, provide us with a conceptual
framework for understanding ourselves and others. Scholars have come
up with their own models of human development. Backed up by solid
research, they take stand on issues on human development.

ACTIVITY “Look and Define me”

Look for the definition of the following terms in relation to human

Key Terms Definition

1. Nature

2. Nurture

3. Continuity

4. Discontinuity

5. Stability

6. Change


Based from the research you have done, please answer the following
1. Are you pro-nature? Or pro-nurture? You give additional reasons in favor
of nature/nurture?
2. Are you for continuity? Or discontinuity? You give additional arguments
to defend continuity/discontinuity?
3. Do you agree that stability is more correct than change? Or change is
more correct that stability?

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


Click on the link for more understanding about the topic:

3. Read the published book The Nurture Assumption, by Judith Harris(1998)


At this part of the lesson, you are going to apply what you have learned
from the topic on developmental issues on human development.
A. Complete the sentence.
1. With regard to the nurture-nature, continuity-discontinuity and change-
stability controversies, the wiser stand is?
B. “Info Ad” Create a 3-minute video presentation for parents showing
them their crucial role in the development of their children. Convinced them
of the interactive influence of heredity and environment on the development
of their children. Videos will be submitted thru my email account.
Content 15
Message 15
Over-all impact 10
Total 40

Point of Reflection
Reflect on your own personal development. What has helped you
become the person you are now? Is what you have become a product of
the mere interaction of heredity and environment? Or is what you have
become a product of both heredity and environment interacting and what
you have decided or determined yourself to become? Write your reflection.

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles




This unit dwells on the development of the learners at various stages and focuses on
the physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development of the learners respectively.
Specifically, the topics are centered on the development of preschooler, the primary,
intermediate and high schoolers, the primary clientele of the would-be teachers.

Unit content standards

At the end of the unit, you should be able to:

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

[1] Demonstrate understanding on the developing individual during early childhood and early
adolescence within the context of a changing world and the urban environment.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
[1] demonstrate content knowledge and its application within/or across curriculum teaching areas
[2] demonstrate an understanding of the different research-based theories related to the broad
dimensions of child and adolescent development and their application to each particular
developmental level of the learners;
[3] demonstrate understanding of pedagogical principles suited to diverse learners’ needs and
experiences at different developmental levels
[4] demonstrate knowledge of laws, policies, guidelines and procedures that provide safe and
secure learning environments; and
[5] demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent management of learner behavior.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:
[1] explain the implications of concepts and principles in development of the learners at various
stages in relation to the teaching and learning process and also in relation to childcare and

Pre- Natal Period

MODULE 4 Pre- Natal Development

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 identify the most common hazards to pre-natal
 trace the stages of the pre-natal developmental process

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

 appreciate the gift of life manifested in an anti-abortion


It is better to understand that human development starts at conception

as the life span approach define it. To make the description more
complete this module discusses the beginnings of human development
which is the pre-natal stage. This is the main concern of this module,
pre-natal developmental processes and the common hazards to pre-
natal development.


Fill in the table below about what you know based from the topics we have
discussed in the previous topic and what you want to know in the subject
matter. L (What you learned from the topic) section will be answered after
the unit discussion. Complete the KWL chart by observing the picture
collage below.

What you KNOW about What you WANT to What you LEARNED
the topic know about the topic from the topic

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Answer the following questions for further discussion:
1. Do you agree that which is developing in the mother’s womb is mere
“blob of tissue” or “uterine contents” as abortionists claim? Expound your
2. Do pregnant mothers allowed to smoke, drink alcoholic drinks, take any
medication without doctor’s prescription? Explain your answer.
3. Research on the countries that allowed or legalized abortion and take
down notes of the reasons in legalizing such act. As a Filipino, are you in
favor in legalizing abortion in our country? Explain your stand on issues
about the legalization of abortion.

Let us explore various resources to have clear understanding of this
lesson. Let us unpack some concepts and terms related to pre-natal
development. Read and understand the information on the website.
You may look for additional resources for you
to understand some terms and concepts.

A. Fill in the table with the stages of pre-natal development and its
corresponding definition.

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

B. Give some common hazards of pre-natal development. Show it by using
graphic organizer.

Point of Reflection

You pretend that you are 4 months old in your mother’s womb. Your mother
is concentrating on doing abortion. Write her a letter convincing her that
you are a human being developing contrary to what she and other
abortionists are thinking. Reflect what you learned on pre-natal
development in this module.

Infancy and Toddlerhood

MODULE 5 Development of Infant and Toddlers

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 trace the physical, cognitive and socio-emotional
development that you have gone through as infants and
 draw implications of these principles and processes to
parenting and caregiving


Infancy is the stage that follows after pre-natal stage, whose age is from
birth up to when he reaches 2 years old. In this module you shall
continue to trace the developmental process of an infants and toddlers
and learn the principles and processes to parenting and caregiving.
Infancy and toddlerhood span the first two years of life.

Answer the following questions based on you prior knowledge. Tick the box
of your choice and give explanation.
Trivia Questions Yes No Explanation

1. Can newborns see?

2. Can newborns hear?

3. Can newborns differentiate


4. Can newborns feel pain?

Do they respond to touch?

5. Can newborns distinguish

the different tastes?
6. Do infants relate
through several senses?

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Guide Questions:
1. Recall your prior knowledge on the physical development of an infant
birth up to 2 years. What did you notice about the size of the head in
tion to the other parts of the body as a person grows older?
2. Does physical development begin from the top or below? From the side
to the center? Explain your answer.
3. Do you remember anything about yourself when you were two years
4. At what age where your first memories? What are those memories?
5. In your own opinion, which plays a very important role in the socio-
emotional development of children?
6. What kind of home environment do children who are well adjusted most
probably come? What about maladjusted children?


To understand the topic, look for the folder “Instructional Materials” and in
the ED 101 folder open the PPT “Infancy and Toddlerhood”. Read and
understand the presentation and jot down the important details.

A. Come up with a graphic presentation of the milestones of the various
aspects of physical development, cognitive development and socio-
emotional development during infancy and toddlerhood.
B. Observe the interaction of an adult caregiver (parent, grandparent, day
care worker with an infant and a toddler. Don’t let them know that you are
observing them. In other words, observe them unobtrusively. Record what
the adult says or does and what the infant and the toddler do in return.
Make sure that the ones you observe do not know that you are observing
them. For your observation notes, follow this format.
My Observations
Baby and Adult Caregiver

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Toddler and Adult Caregiver

My Interpretation

Point of Reflection

Based on stories you heard from your parents and grandparents about your
first three years in the world, reflect on the kind of home environment you
have had as an infant and as a child? How has it affected you?


Early Childhood
MODULE 6 The Preschooler


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
 describe preschool children’s physical, cognitive and
socio-emotional growth
 draw implications of these concepts on physical, cognitive
and socio-emotional development on teaching


The preschooler years is commonly known as “the years before formal

schooling begins.” It roughly covers 3 -5 years of age. Although it is
known as the years before formal school, it is by no way less important
than the grade school years. The preschool years is very important as it
lays foundation to later development. At this stage, preschoolers achieve
many developmental milestones. As such, pre-service teachers who
might be interested to teach and care for preschoolers need to teach and
care for preschoolers need to be knowledgeable about them to be truly
an intentional and effective teacher.

ACTIVITY “What’s in your mind?”

Examine the pictures below. Think about the characteristics of
preschoolers. Put a caption and a hashtag for every picture.


2. ______________

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles



7. _________________________

Based from the captions you wrote for the pictures, what characteristics of
preschoolers came out? Write and classify them on the table below.


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles



To understand the topic, look for the folder “Instructional Materials” and in
the ED 101 folder open the PPT “3-Preschooler Early Childhood and
Preschooler Middle Childhood”. Read and understand the presentation and
jot down the important details.


A. Make your own photo essay about the physical development, cognitive
development and socioemotional development of preschoolers. Observe
preschoolers in action and take their pictures. Describe the physical,
cognitive and socio-emotional skills that you saw them do. Expand it
through internet searches and downloads. Prepare a pamphlet intended for
use of parents of preschoolers.
Content/Relevance -15
Message -15
Over-all impact -10
Total Score 40

B. As a future educator/teacher- a facilitator of learning what is the

educational implication of the concept being discussed. In the first column,
you are going to write down a specific skill in every aspect of development
of preschoolers. In the second column, write down the implication to the
teaching and learning process.


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Physical Development
(specific skill)

Cognitive Development
(specific skill)

Socio-emotional Development
(specific skill)

Point of Reflection

From the module on preschoolers I learned that……………………………….

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
The Primary Schooler

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Primary Pupil


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Identify the different characteristics of primary school
aged children in this stage of development
 draw implications of these concepts on physical, cognitive
and socio-emotional development on teaching primary


Middle Childhood is the stage when children undergo so many different

changes-physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively. This is the
stage between 6 – 12 years old. Children in this stage receive less
attention than children in the infancy or early childhood. The support of
the family and friends of the child is very important during this phase of


Observe at least three primary school children (Grades 1 -3). In the first
column describe the physical characteristics of these children and write
them down. In the second column, write down words which come to your
mind when cognitive development is mentioned. In the third column,
observe primary schoolers and take note of the characteristics shown and
write down your observations in the third column.


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Height Behavior during play

Weight Communication with


Balance Facial expressions,

gestures and body

Speed Interaction with


Coordination Of (Other observations)



The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

1. Based on the observations you have made, what can you conclude
about the physical, cognitive and socio-emotional characteristics of children
in their primary school years?
2. What are the necessary skills that will help them to be physically,
cognitively and socio-emotionally ready for primary schooling?
3. During the observation, were there difficulties that the children
encountered while they were at play?

This section will be discussed through a power point presentation. Look for
the folder “Instructional Materials”, in ED 101 and open the file named
“Preschooler Early Childhood and Preschooler Middle Childhood”. Take
down notes on the important information about the topic.
For additional information, surf and navigate the web, provide definition of
the following topics:
Key Terms:
Physical Development
1. Factors Affecting Physical Development
2. Basic Motor Skills
II. Cognitive Development
1. Logic
2. Reversibility
3. Cognitive milestones
4. Information Processing skills
III. Socio-emotional Development
1. Understanding the self
2. Anti-Social Behavior
3. Self-Control


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

A. Make your own pamphlet about the physical development, cognitive
development and socioemotional development of primary schoolers.
Observe primary schoolers in action and take their pictures. Describe the
physical, cognitive and socio-emotional skills that you saw them do.
Expand it through internet searches and downloads.
Content/Relevance -15
Message -15
Over-all impact -10
Total Score 40

B. As a future educator/teacher- a facilitator of learning what is the

educational implication of the concept being discussed. In the first column,
you are going to write down a specific skill in every aspect of development
of primary schoolers. In the second column, write down the implication to
the teaching and learning process.


Physical Development
(specific skill)

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Cognitive Development
(specific skill)

Socio-emotional Development
(specific skill)

Point of Reflection
Study the situation given below. If you were the teacher, how will you help
these learners cope with their socio-emotional difficulties?

Dear Teacher,
I am really heart-broken. My 8-year-old daughter is feeling lonely, isolated and
friendless. It seems that she has felt this way for quite a while. She says that she mostly
spends time alone-that she has no friends because no one wants to play with her. She
tags along, but is usually left out eventually. She can become angry if things don’t
always go her way and also teary. I don’t know where to turn to help her-the thought
that she finds school painful is heartbreaking.


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Late Childhood
MODULE 8 The Intermediate Schooler


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Identify the different characteristics of primary school
aged children in this stage of development
 draw implications of these concepts on physical, cognitive
and socio-emotional development on teaching


In this stage, children are now learning to master the fundamental skills
of reading, writing and arithmetic. Children are formally exposed to the
larger world and its culture. Achievement becomes a more central theme
of the children’s world as self-control increases. This module dwells on
the physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development of the
intermediate schooler.

Make a collage of your picture when you were in Grade 4, 5 or 6. Write a
very brief story about the picture by discussing the common characteristics
that you have during those years. Recall the significant event that
happened to you in the pictures.


1. What initial characteristics you can recall when you were still 9 to 12
years old as shown in the picture?
2. What are the activities you commonly done which helped you developed
3. What was this event in the picture?

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

4. How do you think this event has affected you physically, cognitively and


This section will be discussed through a power point presentation. Look for
the folder “Instructional Materials”, in ED 101 and open the file named “Late
Childhood/Intermediate Schooler”. Take down notes on the important
information about the topic.

A. Make a power point presentation about the physical development,
cognitive development and socioemotional development of intermediate
schoolers. Observe intermediate schoolers in action and take their pictures.
Describe the physical, cognitive and socio-emotional skills that you saw
them do. Expand it through internet searches and
Content/Relevance -15
Message -15
Over-all impact -10
Total Score 40

B. As a future educator/teacher- a facilitator of learning what is the

educational implication of the concept being discussed. In the first column,
you are going to write down a specific skill in every aspect of development
of intermediate schoolers. In the second column, write down the implication
to the teaching and learning process.
Physical Development
(specific skill)

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Cognitive Development
(specific skill)

Socio-emotional Development
(specific skill)

Point of Reflection
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Interview a parent or a teacher of an intermediate schooler. Use the
questions below as your guide. Write your conclusions and insights.
Name of Parent (optional):
Age and Grade level of the child:
Gender of the child:
a. What were some marked changes in your child as he/she reached
intermediate level? (Grades 4 – 6)
b. How can you describe his/her interactions with parents, siblings-if any,
teachers and peers?
c. What can you say about your child’s self-confidence and self-esteem?
d. What activities in the home do you do to help your child interact with
people around him/her?

My Insights:

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

MODULE 8 The High School Learner


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 Identify the different characteristics of high school aged
children in this stage of development
 draw implications of these concepts on physical, cognitive
and socio-emotional development on teaching high


In this stage, rapid physical changes- dramatic gains in height and

weight, changes in body contour and the development of sexual
characteristics such as enlargement of the breasts, development of pubic
and facial hair, and deepening of the voices. Pursuit of independence
and identity are prominent. Thought is more logical, abstract and
idealistic. More time is spent outside of the family.

Recall your real life experiences when you were in high school along with
the following aspects and share it to a partner.
1. Individual perceptions whether your growth was slow or fast, smooth or
by spurts, etc. Any sense of curiosity or concern (specially as to such
incidences as menstruation for girls and wet dreams for boys).
2. How your self-image was affected by your physical growth.
3. Parental relationship these years as you may have sought more
independence, privacy, etc.
4. Your grades and how these affected you.
5. Special group projects that gave you opportunities for higher thinking
and work collaboratively with peers and what cognitive processes were
demanded you? What socio-emotional processes demanded you when it
comes to working with group mates especially in decision making.

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Answer the following questions:
1. Was there anything in common in the experiences shared?
2. Was there anything unique?
3. In the activities you shared, what changes are included in cognitive
4. Did you suddenly blossom into the thinker, the planner, the organizer,
the researcher, the analyst that you are? What processes come along with
these forms of cognitive development? Did these come along with physical
development of the brain?


This section will be discussed through a power point presentation. Look for
the folder “Instructional Materials”, in ED 101 and open the file named
“Adolescence”. Take down notes on the important information about the
For other sources, surf the internet and look for the definition of the
following key terms:
1.Pubertal changes
2. Sexual maturity
3. Secular trend
4. Adolescence sleeping habit
5. Exploration
6. The ideal masculine and feminine physique
7. Adolescents and nutrition
8. The ideal Body
1. Piaget’s Formal Operational Thinker
2. Seigler’s Information Processing Skills
3. Metacognition
4. Overachievers
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
6. Parental Involvement
7. Possible Adolescent behavior during cognitive growth
8. Developing Occupational skills
9. Extracurricular activities

1.Self understanding
2. Stereotype in gender differences
3. Developing self esteem
4. Friendship and intimacy
5. Phases of Identity Status
6. Promoting a Sense of Identity
7. Stereotypical Gender Roles
8. Moral Development
9. Development of Guilt
10. Influences in moral behavior

A. Make a short movie about the physical development, cognitive
development and socioemotional development of high school learners.
Observe high school learners in action and take them videos. Describe the
physical, cognitive and socio-emotional skills that you saw them do.
Expand it through internet searches and downloads. a movie (movie
maker) intended for use of parents of high school
Content/Relevance -15
Message -15
Over-all impact -10
Total Score 40

B. Cite at least 5 big ideas from this module. Give a concrete application of
each in your personal life.
Concept Learned An Application in the Teaching
-Learning Process

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles





Point of Reflection

Reflect on the practices of your past teachers. Which ones encouraged

your cognitive development as an adolescent and which ones did not. As a
future teacher, what lessons have you learned from your past teachers
regarding ways of enhancing adolescents’ cognitive development?

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles



The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

UNIT 3 Developmental Theories and Other Relevant Theories

In this unit, you will be acquainted with selected developmental theories namely:
Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial theory, Piaget’s Cognitive
theory, Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development, Vygotsky’s Socio-cultural theory
and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological theory and you will learn the implication of these
Unit content standardstheories to the teaching and learning process.
At the end of the unit, you should be able to:
[1] demonstrate understanding on the various theories of human development and its implication
to education
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
[1] demonstrate content knowledge and its application within/or across curriculum teaching areas
[2] demonstrate an understanding of the different research-based theories related to the broad
dimensions of child and adolescent development and their application to each particular
developmental level of the learners;
[3] demonstrate understanding of pedagogical principles suited to diverse learners’ needs and
experiences at different developmental levels
[4] demonstrate knowledge of laws, policies, guidelines and procedures that provide safe and
secure learning environments; and
[5] demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent management of learner behavior.

Unit Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you should be able to:
[1] explain the various theories of human development; and
[2] draw implications of various theories to education

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 identify and explain the important concepts of Freud’s
theory on personality development and Psychosexual
 draw implications of Freud’s theory to education


Freud’s Psychoanalytic theory is one of the most influential in

psychology. His theory sparked the ideas in the brilliant minds of other
theorists and thus became the starting point of many other theories.
Freud presents a very interesting theory about personality, its
components and development. As you learn this topic, hopefully this will
lead you to understand more of your own personality.

Surf and navigate the web provide information about the biography of
Sigmund Freud. Please include the link of the source. Write the information
in the box.


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Recall a significant incident in your life when you had to make a tough
decision. Narrate the incident below and indicate the decision was about,
and the factors that were involved and how you arrived at your decision.


What factors influenced you in making such decision? Which of the

following did you consider most in making your decision: what will make
you feel satisfied, what is most beneficial or what you believed was the
most moral thing to do? Elaborate your answer.

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles


This section will be discussed through a power point presentation. Look for
the folder “Instructional Materials”, in ED 101 and open the file name
“Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory”. Take down notes on the important
information about the topic.


A. Create a graphic organizer on Freuds Psychosexual Development

B. Explain the graphic organizer of Freud’s Personality Component and its
implication to education.


The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Point of Reflection

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
MODULE 10 Development


At the end of this module, you should be able to:

 explain Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
 draw implications of Piaget’s theory to education

The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles

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