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Ndlovu – Hluvi – Tsonga

All the members of Mabulandlela Tsonga of Gwambe na Dzavani from Ndlovu family
are the sons of Mathe ,Mathe son of Ndlovu son of Gacheni they are Hluvi the Altar
carrying members of Langeni family. The sons of Mathe are as follows:Mahasule
,Xitangeni ,Xivangele ,Xikundwini ,Vukosi ,Nyangambi ,Gumbano ,Masinga and
Xinyeketi.The following family tree are from Ndlovu the father of Mathe the father of
Mahasule father of Chunana father of Xikomu father of Gayu father Maxuveni father of
Mahlakule father of Mayimi ,Mayimi father of Nkolele Jameson ,Nkolele Jameson the
father of Ishmail ,July ,George ,John ,Micah and Calvin. The following family tree is for
Freddy son of Zakaria son of Nwansuku son of Ntimane son of Xivangele son of
Ntseseri son of Mbuveni son of Dzahela of Cafa of Dzusi of Xivangele, Xivangele
brother of Mahasule the sons of Mathe of Ndlovu.The following family tree is for Dumasi
son of Chaka son of Maringana son of Gunwana son of Gindimula son of Cunani son of
Mukaxi son of Manyanyu son of Mahlathi son of Gumbano, Gumbano, Mahaxule and
Xivangele are brothers sons of Mathe sons of Ndlovu.

Ndlovu – Hluvi – Tsonga are members of Mabulandlela Tsonga grandsons of Gwambe

Na Dzavani they were the Altar under Langeni family. The Altar was carried by Mremeli
Ndlovu Gacheni; his family is situated at Mavambe the home of the Altar. Another family
tree Ndloti was the brother of Ntimane same generation but different fathers ,Ndloti was
also the brother of Sambo.The following is the family tree of Ndloti the son of
Nwataninga of Nkaxi of Ndzungeni of Dzahela of Cafa of Dzusi of Xivangele. The
following is the family tree of Matafeni son of Komu son of Xikanyula of Govana of
Mavali the blood of Xinyeketi.The, Xinyeketi.The blood of Mathe of Ndlovu.

Mostly the names of Tsonga people used are the well-known nicknames not their birth
names. Sometimes peoples are known by four different names. Some when reciting
their family tree they include even the brothers of their forefather’s names. Some
families they have the same names with others, as someone’s surname is the same
name of someone’s grandfather.

The Above Family is one of the big five families of Mabulandlela / Mhlahlandlela Tsonga
including their big five family Altar representing African big five animals. The big five
families were known as Kingdom before they met with the traditional first born tribe
which is Langeni Kingdom ,the big five families consist of Langeni Kingdom ,Hlave
Kingdom ,Mthethwa Kingdom, Hlengwe Kingdom and Xixangaxile Kingdom. The
Langeni Kingdom is divided into two parts which is the Kingdom leader and the family
leader. The traditional first born tribe of Africa meant to erect the African Altar which was
disturbed by colonisation during the scramble of Africa. The total leadership is equals to
thirteen, one traditional first born leader plus five family Leaders, plus five Altar family
leaders plus two carrying Angelica tree , then all twelve families became the Paramount
Chiefs not Kingdom only one King of Langeni Kingdom, Paramount Chiefs and Family
Chiefs under all Tribal Authorities which has been fallen the year 1914 because of

Mabulandlela also known as Mhlahlandlela Tsonga Kingdom was fallen the year 1914
after land Act of 1913.From 1914 no one were allowed to mention the King or to recite
his family tree because of the witches. Witches were referred to Colonials, for an
example about Dingane Zulu when killing the Colonials at UMgungundlovu during the
naming of Blood River; he said “bulalani boke a ba thakathi” means kill all the witches
that was the African way to call white people. To date families doesn’t know or tells their
family tree because of witches using wrong explanation which is superstation. The big
five families include their Altar families representing African big five animals are as
follows: (Ndlovu family – Elephant animal, Hluvi tribe ,under Langeni Family of Hluvi
tribe, Nghonyama Family – Lion animal ,Nguni tribe of Zulu ka Malandhela under
Langeni Family of Hluvi tribe, Ngomani Family – Tiger animal ,Nguni of Mthethwa
under Mthethwa family of same tribe Nguni of Mthetwa, Lobwi Family – Rhino animal of
Kalanga Nation unknown tribe under Hlengwe Family, Novela Mtileni family – Buffalo
animal ,Hlave family of Hluvi tribe under Hlave family same tribe) some of the Altar
families come from different tribe. The tribe which was carrying African Angelica tree
was Xixangaxile and their carrier by Mhelembe Family.

For more information download the African Genealogy (Mhlahlandlela Kingdom)

document below. The document shows the leaders of the families and the names of the
Altar leaders, information about where they are coming from. From Mozambique from
KZN Langeni Kingdom from Central Africa Hluvi Kingdom ,from Central Africa Kongo
Kingdom from Northern Africa Tuareng Kingdom ,from Northern Africa Berber Kingdom,
from Northern Africa Semitic Kingdom from Israel the house of Simeone the second
born son of Jacob (Simeone was cursed and Judah was blessed) Judah was the great
grandfather of Jesus Christ.

The sub names with their praises have been collected with the assistance of the grants
from the Research Grand Board given by the respective Chiefs during 1938, 1958,
1971, 1982 and 1992 also written by AA Jacques at Swivongo Swa Vatsonga.

To ensure that people were not allowed to mention the Tsonga King, at the AA Jacques
book there is no Bila Mlangeni, Magoda Manganyi as Mavambe was the Home of
African Altar and Mavunda Hlave recitation, as Mavunda was the first born of Hlave.
Hlave also was a Head Chief under King Mhlahlandlela Langeni. The full information
downloads the 97 pages document. The document doesn’t have stories only have the
fact as there is no Nation without the King and History. Tsonga of Mabulandlela is the
core of Africa and Mavambe the home of African Altar.

Twenty Points of Corrections

 The leader of Mabulandlela Tsonga of Gwambe Na Dzavani King was

Mhlahlandlela 8 Makutsule of Xidyela Hehla of Mlangeni of Ndwandwe of
Manukunuku of Bileni of Mashiye of Juwah of Lala of Hluvi of Kongo.
 The King of Gaza people of Nghunghunyani sons of Mzila and Mawewe King
were Nghunghunyani of Mzila of Manukosi Soshangana of Zikode of Gaza of
Nxumalo of Juwah of Lala of Hluvi of Kongo it means, Mashiye and Nxumalo
were brothers, meaning Mashiye and Nxumalo were brothers.
 King of Langeni at KZN was Ndwandwe of Manukunuku of Bileni of Juwah of
Lala of Hluvi of Kongo.
 Head Chief of Langeni at KZN was Zwide of Langa of Xaba of Nxumalo of Juwah
of Lala of Hluvi of Kongo.
 Nandi the mother of Shaka Zulu was the daughter of Mbhembhe of Xaba of
Nxumalo of Juwah of Lala of Hluvi of Kongo, meaning Xaba and Gaza was
Nxumalo brothers, meaning Mbhembhe and Langa was Xaba brothers of
Nxumalo whereby Nxumalo and Mashiye were son of Juwah.
 The Langeni brothers were not Nguni was Hluvi but speaking Nguni. Ndwandwe
Gwambe Langeni the husband of Nyakwave Nwa-Bangwani Dzavani Chauke
Hlengwe, at Mozambique had nine Children whereby his traditional first born was
the number four in overall the Children were as follows: Mazivila, Dzimbeni, and
Makuwane, Machimbha Mlangeni Mhandla also known as Ximanga Tatani,
Ghombane, Zukula, Nwampaku, Incaia, and Machenganyane as brothers. The
traditional first born was Ndwadwe’s number four but Dzavani’s first born
Mlangeni. All nine brothers they have villages named after them at Bileni.
Mhlahlandlela swept the way to Mabulandlela as the grandchild of the traditional
first born went to the other piece of land given by the Hlengwe was known as
Mabulandlela in 1890 whereby Nyavani Mavunda went to Mabulandlela first in
1835 for observation ,he ended at now Mulenzhe where the Chauke Hlengwe
foot print are situated.
 Hlave was the son of Bileni of Mashiye of Juwah of Lala of Hluvi of Kongo
meaning , they were close brothers to Ndwandwe of Manukunuku of Bileni of
Mashiye it shows that Manukunuku and Hlave were brothers whereby
Manukunuku was the father of Ndwandwe and Ngoveni / Mlambya.
 From KZN at the Langeni Kingdom King was Ndwandwe and Head Chief was
Zwide to Mozambique Ndwandwe was no longer a King he was a leader ,the
Head Chief was Manukosi Soshangana and to Mabulandlela Tsonga the leader
was the grandsons of Gwambe Na Dzavani Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Bila
Langeni ,the Head Chief was Nyavani Mavunda as Mavunda was the first born of
Hlave ,Nyavani the father of Xihoko ,Dzumeri ,Ngove Mavunda , Rhangani /
Charlie Rangani and others. At Mozambique Ndwandwe of Manukunuku called
himself Bila of Mashiye and Manukosi called himself Gaza of Nxumalo to
disguise from colonisers instead at Mozambique Ndwandwe was known by the
name Gwambe the husband of Nyakwave Dzavani Nwa-Bangwani Chauke and
Manukosi known by the name Soshangana (Young Soldier) – Nghani (child /
Young) – Sosha (Soldier). Gwambe was Tsonga word meaning a dog sickness
so he used to call people that they have dog sickness.
 The Gwambe Na Dzavani Kingdom known as the relatives (Swihluke) of
Nghunghunyani was the traditional first born tribe of Africa ,they came to
Mabulandlela at Chauke Hlengwe Land whereby they speak their mother
Language which is the Hlengwe Language, they came to gather with other tribes
carrying African Altars such as (Hlengwe / Lobvi and Xixangaxile / Mhelembe).
 The Mhlahlandlela Langeni from KZN they came with their brother Nxumalo
Langeni family, their other brother Hlave family and their nephews the Mthethwa
brothers, whereby the largest family of them all was Hlave that means the
Mabulandlela former Gazankulu is the home of Hlave. The Mhlahlandlela
Langeni family left their brother Nxumalo Langeni family at Mozambique.
 The road to Mabulandlela they were three families (Hlengwe from now
Mapungubwe Zimbabwe known as their uncles of Mabulandlela because of
Nyakwave Nwa-Bangwani Dzavani Chauke, their brother Hlave family and their
nephews Mthethwa family).
 Bila Mlangeni Langeni family they marry at Chauke Hlengwe family, the Mavunda
Hlave they marry at Baloyi Lobwi family and Mthetwa family they marry at Bila
Langeni family, meaning they marry their uncles’ daughters everything ended the
year 1914.
 Every family that is having a Tribal Authority under Mabulandlela, they belong to
Gwambe na Dzavani Kingdom same applies to our other families that we left at
Mozambique they belong to Mzila na Mawewe Gaza Kingdom, for an example at
Bileni there is the graves of Ndwandwe, Mavunda and others as Bileni was the
home of Mabulandlela all surnames of Mabulandlela are represented.
 Chauke Hlengwe son of Mavasa also known as Mabaso ,Mabaso son of
Mzilikazi ,Mzilikazi son of Mashobane Khumalo Mtungwa Mbulaso Ndebele
Nguni son of Kongo (Reference: Chauke Hlengwe family originated from now
Zimbabwe former South of Matebele Land before it was Rhodesia ,Matebele
Land East of Mashona Land before it was combined to be Zimbabwe) Meaning
Chauke Hlengwe they are Nguni of Ndebele under Mzilikazi ka
Mashobane).Another Clarification Simango or Simagwa, Myambu, Sthole and
others those call themselves Ndau at Mabulandlela, they are not Ndau, only their
Mothers were Ndau is just that they have Ndau Messengers, they are Hluvi.
 Mabulandlela is the home of Hluvi in majority, Nguni of Mthethwa (Magoda and
Zinjhiva / Ngomani) and Nguni of Zulu ka Malandhela are (Nghonyama) For the
correction when Shaka Zulu became a King of Zulu he has stolen the Altar’s
secret from her mother’s family of Langeni which was under Ndlovu Altar, using a
family member of Ngomani it was mix but without Ingwe Ya Mavala vala Altar
,that was the reason he was called “Wena we Ndlovu” Ndhabezitha, his Head
Chief was Ngomani, to prove the point as he believe he was born a King as his
mother was from a powerful Langeni Kingdom and his father was the King of
owners of the Land, Zulu Kingdom. That is the reason he became so powerful he
was running Zulu Kingdom using Ndlovu Altar under the leadership of Mthethwa
which was member of Ngomani family. Shaka Zulu Kingdom fails as the
Nghonyama Altar of Zulu, Ngomani Altar of Mthethwa and Ndlovu Altar under
Hluvi Langeni, was long gone with King Ndwandwe ka Manukunuku
accompanied by then Head Chief Manukosi Soshangana before he (Shaka)
became a King, the reference is Shaka Zulu story of SABC (that was a family
politics) not African Politics because Africa was not fighting before Colonisation.
 The clarification about the Mhelembe family as they are the son of Xisaka xa
Mipfi Hlengwe whereby Xisaka Xa Mipfi family tree is as follows: Tsandza
Chavani the father of Chauke Humba, Chauke Humba father of Xinyori, Xinyori
father of Nyoxi ya Malwandla the father of Xisaka xa Mipfi, Xisaka Xa Mipfi father
of two well-known brothers (Kangetela Ribyeni Chauke and Xihlumula Mfumu
Xirhangandlela Mhelembe).The Mhelembe they are close with Xixangaxile and
Mhelembe marries Xixangaxile ladies , meaning they marries their uncles
daughters that was the African traditional way ended the year 1914.
 Information used from AA Jacques at Swivongo Swa Vatsonga book is the family
trees by the former or late Chief or Leaders of the families, not stories as most
stories are different from each other stories, the reason they wanted to protect
African Altar or Altar King, for more information download the pdf document at
the Link below.
 The Gaza people of Nghunghunyani sons of Muzila and Mawewe the relatives or
swihluke of Gwambe na Dzavani they don’t own any land at Mabulandlela they
came as refugees in 1906 but officially with their Head Chief Khosa family
(Funwe House) and the Bhambatha family of Zitha, Zitha and Ndlovu are the only
Ndhabezitha families, no one is supposed to be called Ndhabezitha instead of
Ndlovu and Zitha. For correction Lobwi are not Gwambe and Xixangaxile are not
Dzavani. The true family tree was recited by the former Chiefs your grandfathers
and fathers.
 African Altar is balanced by praying God in African way ,which is God Father
,Son ,Holy Spirit ,Messengers ,Kings and Family light (first born son).Following
the African traditional structural life which is God head of Jesus ,Jesus head of
Men ,Men head of Women ,Women head of first born Son ,First born Son head
of all siblings. Africa is a Latin word meaning Sunny Land in Nguni, Africa means
Langeni, in Ethiopian means Zion. The God that we are praying is God of Israel,
God of Africa, and God of Zion. Israelites says “God bless Africa or Nkosi
Sikelel’i Africa”, African says “Mayibuye I Africa”, The Zionist says “Kgotso Africa
or Peace in Africa”. The Israelites were Simeone and Semitic who was asking
forgiveness after he was cursed Genesis 49, African was Kongo, Kangaba and
Aksum and the Zionist was Daniel Nkonyane, Engnas Lekganyane, Isaiah
Shembe and Ras Tafari Mokonnen also known as Haile Selassie were the first
African Christian praying God in African way, God of our Messengers. Meaning
all Mabulandlela Tribal Authority had Family Chiefs which is the Chief of Family
Altar they were known as the traditional healers of the family both ended 1914
only applies to Gwambe Na Dzavani family members not Mzila Na Mawewe
members. African Altar is the Altar of forgiveness and unity as we are divided.
 There will not be a Mabulandlela King Mhlahlandlela without Family Chiefs, Five
Family Leaders, and Six Family Altar Leaders, without head Chief from Hlave the
house of Nyavani from existing Tribal Authority, King National Aunty chosen by
King of the Altar and eleven Aunty Chosen by eleven Paramount Chiefs. Stealing
of another family messengers is curse to the entire family and witchcraft or
colonialism as they have stolen our Altars, information below) .All members
under Langeni are Called Mhlahlandlela ,under Hlave are Hlave of Hluvi ,under
Mthethwa are Mthethwa Ingwe ya Mavala or Nephews of the King ,under
Hlengwe are called Hlengwe the owners of the Land and Language or Uncles of
the King ,under Xixangaxile are Xixangaxile ,under Kalanga are called Lobwi
Changameri Dombo ,under Nghonyama are called Nghonyama of Zulu ka
Malandhela ,under Ndlovu are called Ndhabezitha ,under Mhelembe are called
by their leader Ngwenya Kelenge Xi Vutla ni Midzeko then you call their actual
surname recitation.
message not reading the colonial language. Author: Morris Chali Bila.

All Information is researched by Media Action Plan Organisation (MAPO) is a Non-

Governmental -Organisation registered as NPO-083-378/PBO 930036051,SARS
9009/706/23/6 and a member of CharitySA 2011.MAPO was founded in the year 2002,
and registered in the year 2010. This organisation hails from the far North of Limpopo
Province in Malamulele area under Vhembe District South Africa Mavambe Village /
Phuphula Section stand 347 Sivulayi Makutsuli Resident at Collins Chabane Local
Municipality. For more information download here: African-Genealogy-Tsonga-Kingdom

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