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 Training is expensive. Without training it is more expensive.


 Training is all about…

‘’ Who we are’’… (Company Knowledge)

“What we do”… (Product Knowledge)

“How you are going to do”… (Job Knowledge)

 Training helps to Bridge the Gap between existing and required Skills,
Attitudes and Knowledge.


 This paper will outline the benefits and impact of employee or management development
& training and will help to understand the basic systematic training cycle and will outline
methods that are used in management development.
 In order to compete efficiency, firm must keep employees well trained.
 By the end of the presentation one should be able to define and differentiate education,
training and development and understand why organization’s train.
 Training and Development increase efficiency, morale of employees, organizational
viability and flexibility and reduces supervision.
 Training helps employees to do their current job while Development helps the
individual to handle future responsibilities.


 Basic aim of this proposal is to identify training and development needs, establish and
formulate clear and summarized objectives to get desired end results. Select best practice
on job and off job T&D methods.
 T&D helps improving efficiency, quality and versatility in operations and employees
stability. It directly benefits the organization, Individual, Personal and Human relations
and internal group relations.
 Purpose of this presentation is to highlight the training needs for jobs and related task that
need to be learned. Competencies and skills that are need to perform the job. Fresh
employees who are need to be trained.


 We are going to study best current approaches to learning at work top organizations use.
How T&D needs are determined, how specific objectives are established, what methods
should be selected and how to implement and evaluate them.
 Training and development in most organizations is directed towards organizational goals
not individual goals therefore there tend to be conflict between collective and individual
 Basic aim of T&D should be related both in terms of organizations demand and that of
individual’s, to identify such needs Organizational, man and task analysis should be
Training Policy

Establishing training programme

Identify training needs Plan training

Evaluate training Carry out training


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