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Module Code 19MMT501A

Module Name Product and Brand Management
Programme MBA
Department Management
Faculty FMC

Name of the Student Karunakaram Dedeepya

Reg. No 19MCMS047039

Batch 2019

Module Leader Professor Dr. Devkumar

Product and Brand Management


Question: Imagine as an end customer, you have adopted either goods/services, discuss in details the
series of stages as a customer moves through in arriving at consumer adoption process,a new product
of your choice.
Answer : The consumer Adoption process is a strategy to make aware of a product, create interest
among the customers, organize a trial run to check how the product is performing and at the end
allowing the customers to adopt your product.
Consumer Adoption process –
There are five stages in this process
• Awareness
• Interest
• Evaluation
• Trial
• Adoption
Recently I came across a brand WolTop PVC Wallpaper Sticker which is used in kitchen to avoid
oiliness and grease near the stove. So the stages include as follows
Stages 1. Awareness (product awareness) : This is the stage where consumer gets to know
about a product or service but lacks enough information about it.
• I got to know about this product through a friend who is using in her kitchen.
Stage 2. Interest (product interest) : After becoming aware of a new product, a consumer is
likely to be curious about such product. Therefore the interest stage is the stage where a
consumer seeks more information about a new product or service.
• So after knowing the product I started searching for it on the internet. And got to know that its
available in online shopping sites.
Stage 3. Evaluation (product evaluation) : At this stage, a consumer considers whether it’s a
good idea to buy the new product or not based on the acquired information.
• So in this stage, I discussed with my family and told them about the product and showed them
the review and price of it in a shopping website.
Stage 4. Trial (product trial) : After evaluating the product perhaps based on it price and
features, this is the stage the consumer now buys the product on trial. In essence, the
consumer purchases the product in small quantity to have a self / personal experience of it.
• So after discussing and reviewing the product, we finally decided to go for the trial of this
Stage 5. Adoption (product adoption) : Adoption occurs in cases of successful trial. That’s if it
happens that the consumer was satisfied with the performance (qualities) or outcome of the
product the consumer will then purchase it in large quantity. But in cases where there’s trial
was unsuccessful, the consumer won’t buy the product.
• So after 10 days we received the parcel and we started pasting it. The product is quite good
and we are satisfied with the product, it is as described in the product description.

Product and Brand Management

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