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REG.NO. 19MCMS047050
The consumer adoption process is constant. Marketing tools may change, the way
consumers discover products may change, and consumer behaviors may change,
but the 5 stages that make up the consumer adoption process will always remain
the same.

The 5 stages are: product awareness, product interest, product evaluation,

product trial, and product adoption. Companies work hard to create a product,
but in order to sustain and succeed in the market, organizations also need to
create a process that successfully walks their consumers through the stages of the
consumer adoption process.
5 Stages to the Consumer Adoption Process
1. Product Awareness

The consumer becomes aware of the new product but lacks information about it.
Initially, the consumer must become aware of the new product. Awareness leads
to interest, and the customer seeks information about the new product.

Example: - I have recently switched on to Dove soap bar just for a try from Z
magnetism deodorant soap for men. Initially I wasn’t having any information
about DOVE Company. Day by Day using the product was good when compared
to my previous choice. So, I made an interest to buy the product in the later days.

2. Product Interest

The consumer seeks information about the new product. Once the information
has been gathered, the consumer enters the evaluation stage and considers
buying the new product.

Example: - before buying the soap for later use, I made a research by asking the
users how the product, google search, ratings, is advertisements in social media,
online shopping and television.

3. Product Evaluation
Next, in the trial stage, the consumer tries the product on a small scale to improve
their estimate of its value. The consumer considers whether trying the new
product makes sense.

Example: - After seeking the information about the product, I decided to make a
further use of it and made a comparison the product with my old selection by
seeing the market potential, popularity, rates, uses, objective ,my needs & many

4. Product Trial

The consumer tries the new product on a small scale to improve their estimate of
its value. If the consumer is satisfied with the product, they enter the adoption
stage, deciding to use the new product thoroughly and regularly.

Example: - after comparison of the product I finally made my decision to use

DOVE SOAP BARS which satisfied all my needs, rates etc. Regularly I started to use
the product and suggest many of them to use the same soap bars.

5. Product Adoption

The consumer decides to make full and regular use of the new product. The new
product is a good, service, or idea perceived by some potential customers as new.

Example: - As I thought other than dove brand no other brand can fulfill all my
needs, objectives with reasonable price and my suggestion to try once with the
product & see the results. I am also impressed with the packages with thick
cardboard with helps in reduction of damages.

Consumer Adoption Process is for all!

Whether you have a new business or an existing business, a product built for the
enterprise or a product built for a consumer; the consumer adoption process is
the same. It is important to create a strategy and the necessary tools to
successfully take your consumers through these 5 stages. If you can nail this, than
you are in business. Last piece of advice; Marketing your product is as important,
if not more important, than creating your product.

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