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Unveiling The Real You

Scars remind us of where we are coming from

and why we must keep pushing till we get
to where we are going to…

Unveiling The Real You

You were created to be GREAT but…
Some things happened along the line…

Andrew Peter Milestone

Author of ‘Why Wait to Blow When You Can Start to Grow’
Unveiling The Real You

This Book is copyrighted to Andrew Peter Milestone but is entirely

FREE for reading and public use. It can be printed and used as pleased
but its content is not to be altered at all.
This book is not to be sold. It can be used as a gift, a bonus to a
package as long as a single word is not removed from it or added to it.
It is not to be copied in parts but can be shared as a whole.
Infringement of these terms is punishable by The Copyright Laws of
Nigeria. This literary content belongs exclusively to Andrew Peter
Milestone and no other person is permitted to assume Authorship of
the book.
©Andrew Peter Milestone 2020

Published By
Apogee Publishing
Yaba, Lagos
[email protected]

Unveiling The Real You

Table of Content

Chapter 1
It Started at the Beginning… The Power of a Name
Chapter 2
Living a wrong dream… A forced vision
Chapter 3
A permutation of distractions
Chapter 4
Potential VS Purpose
Chapter 5
A reason and a season for your purpose
Chapter 6
Rebuilding the Walls
Chapter 7
Rebranding Yourself

Unveiling The Real You

My life has been a journey, an adventure filled with many lessons.
And with all honesty, I consider it would have been a near
impossibility to have gotten to this point without some key persons
who selflessly made sure I kept moving forward.
I am still amazed at the level of progress I’ve made since I met my
sweetheart who is now my wife; Adebisi. You are the real deal.
Thanks for your continuous support, even editing and proofreading
this awesome book.
I met Savior Mitchel through her and it was an encounter with
destiny. Today Mind-Shifters is a fast growing movement, bringing
men to their purpose all around the world.
Pastor Kunle Jenmi has spent so much energy feeding us with the
Word of God… Pastor, the Word works. Pastor Frank Udy, you have
relentless mentored me into some level of maturity. I respect you sir.
Abeki Lawrence, I wish you were closer but despite your many miles
away from me, your support has been unwavering. You made me
understand friendship. And also Ibikunle Bolaji, your help is not
Friends and Family have been supportive. It took me many failures to
understand some of the truths shared in this book. And during this
process, they showed themselves friendly.
Mr. and Mrs. Abiodun Oguntola, thank you for your belief in me.
Whenever I think of you guys, I just keep pushing. A page is
certainly not enough to mention all but my greatest appreciation goes
Unveiling The Real You

to The Holy Spirit. He alone could have taught me all I know because
of His tireless love and patience. Keep teaching me Lord.
Thanks to you too for picking up this book. You will experience
truths that will set you free.

Unveiling The Real You

In the beginning, at your first cry, something GREAT entered the
world. The earth celebrated. Your parents were filled with joy, and
heaven was agog with celebrations because the solution to a very
nagging problem of this generation has been born.
Many years down the line, the narrative seems to have changed. Your
struggle for relevance and greatness keeps eluding you. The
frustration is almost unbearable and you just can’t stomach one more
prophecy of how great you would be… You just want the general good
life. But the real question is what happened to The Real You?
The streets of my country are filled with young and able bodied
people who are slowly giving up on the pursuit of greatness. And
there is perhaps nothing more annoying than seeing potentials lie
fallow while its owners wallow in poverty and obscurity.
People are getting fed up with these DREAM BIG, GREAT
FUTURE philosophies that seem to be taking forever while
producing no results. Now the average man on the street isn’t looking
for a very big life, they just want the ordinary well fed life. And this
is a very big problem because in absolute sincerity, you were indeed
created to be great… But some things went wrong.
Until the accurate source of a problem is known, solution is still a
million miles away.
Your destiny is GREAT but the real problem is you. A permutation
of several factors has changed The Real You. And it is The Real You
that has the capacity to fulfill your purpose here on earth. Until you

Unveiling The Real You

return to whom you really are… whom heaven celebrated his/her

coming to this world, your greatness will keep eluding you.
This book in your hands is perhaps a miracle that you will never
forget in your lifetime because it will help you fix the real problem…
Enough of the motivation! All the motivational books and talks in the
world won’t make a wrong road turn right. It’s time to rediscover
who you truly are and then unveil your true self. Just as there was
The Garden of Eden before Adam was created, your stage and
audience is already waiting for you… The Real You.
Grab a cup of coffee, put your legs in water and let’s ride on this
journey to untangling the webs that hinders you from unveiling the
real you!

Read with an open mind.

Unveiling The Real You

It Started at the Beginning…

It was a very warm evening; the sun had been unbearable all day. The
neighbors came out from their homes that late evening, to receive
some little breeze because of the tremendous heat inside the house.
But inside a one room apartment that is poorly ventilated, a woman
was undergoing labor pangs.
“Will this baby ever come out?” The pregnant woman in labor said
in-between gnashed teeth as she writ in pain. The husband is helpless
as he watches the midwives of the community struggle to get the
baby out. She was losing strength and this may get ugly, if she gets
too weak to push.
“Push!” The most senior woman charged, with some dose of
motherly encouragement in her voice. Indeed, the suffering pregnant
woman was encouraged and she pushed one more time… with so
much effort, as though that would be her last push. And indeed, it
was her last. The shrill cry of the baby fill the room and she heaved a
very great sigh of relief. It was a boy. And as their custom demands,

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the mid wife brought the child to her arms and she pronounced his
name… JABEZ. Because she bore him in sorrow.

The Power of a Name

It is a pity when parents christen their children with names inspired
by awkward experiences. If you ask such parents, what is the purpose
of a name, what do you think they would say? What would your own
parents say?
In the book of Genesis, Adam was given the tremendous privilege of
naming the whole animals which God has created. And it is written
that whatever Adam called the animals was what they were. God did
not interfere. Today Lion is still Lion and Rat is still Rat. However
something amazes me and I hope it amazes you too… it is the
reflection of those names on the animals.
How do you feel when you say ‘Lion’? And then how do you feel
when you say ‘Rat’?
I personally feel the names suit their personality. One may naturally
think that Adam diagnosed the whole features of the animals before
naming each. But that is not the picture painted in scriptures. The
animals showed up and he instantly named them.
Are we sure that the names were not responsible in creating their
destinies? Even a Giraffe looks like its name.

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Names Are Important

Every book has a purpose and it is that purpose that inspires its title.
Even so, every child has a destiny and it is that destiny that should
inspire his/her name.
God who teaches man knowledge, applied this principle when He was
about to bring His Only Begotten Son into the world. He sent Angel
Gabriel (because it was very important) to Mary, and the Angel of
God informed Mary what was to be the name of her child.
See, names are so important in the game of destiny. The wisdom of
God always appears foolish in the eyes of ‘sensible’ men. You may
hiss and say, ‘You mean my life’s problem is simply because of my
Jabez grew up and his features were intact. The Bible records that he
was more honorable than his brothers. He acted and behaved godly
but his life was miserable.
And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but a little way to come
to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labour.
And it came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that the midwife
said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have this son also.
And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that
she called his name Benoni: but his father called him Benjamin.
Genesis 35:16-18
Jacob understood the power of a name. He quickly changed the name
of his son from Benoni (meaning the son of my sorrow) to Benjamin
(meaning the son of my right hand). That quick moment, salvaged a
destiny and a whole tribe in Israel. Benjamin indeed, became great.
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What Surrounds Your Name?

Your name might not be inspired by labor pangs but parents give
phony names for funny reasons but its impact births numerous prayer
points when the child grows up.
What is your name? Have you asked the origin, meaning and reason
for your name? Is your name militating against your colorful destiny?

It Is Not Too Late To Get a New Name

And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply
thee exceedingly.
And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying,
As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father
of many nations.
Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall
be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
Genesis 17:2-5
Honestly, if names weren’t important and play a vital role in destiny,
why do you think God changed the name of Abram to Abraham?
Why do you think God was proactive with the name of Jesus and not
just leave it to the decision of Joseph? My friend, it is because the
name you bear matter.

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You cannot begin to imagine the suffering and untold hardship that
Benjamin would have gone through in life, if the name Benoni stuck
with him. It might have perhaps been more than that of Jabez.
‘But why did God not change the name of Jabez?’ You may ask. But I
want you to understand that Jabez only cried to God for a relief; an
increase in his estate. It wasn’t a case of destiny. Jabez’s request was
granted of The Lord but that was all we heard about Jabez. Unlike the
case of Abram (Abraham) who became our father of Faith, or Simon
(Peter) who became The Rock upon whom Christ’s Church was built.
Or the case of Saul (Paul) who became The Apostle of Grace… It was
God who changed the name of Jacob to Israel, and the impact is still
being felt today. From his birth he had a great destiny but his name
was playing out in his life. He kept on swindling and being swindled.
He swindled Esau of his birthright but was also swindled by Laban
his uncle over his desire to marry Rebecca.
Your name is having more effect on you than you may want to

My Personal Experience
Growing up, I have always known that the seed of greatness was
inside of me. I discovered my potentials early. At eighteen, I had
already written my first novel of over 200 pages. Then I delved into
film writing and won a competition as the best scriptwriter in Lagos
Zone by the Company’s standard. The future looked so great but after
a decade and a half of only growing my skills but having no
manifestation of greatness, I realized something was wrong.

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See, I’m a Christian and have prayed all manners of prayer. I had
attended more vigils than I could remember and fasted till I was
losing weight and looking sickly but there was no CHANGE.
I read more books; listened more to great men but still every year
appeared somehow the same until the truth dawned on me… The
name my mother had given me meant ‘Destiny cannot be changed
but delayed’. And indeed every year my destiny became clearer but
the delay was frustrating life out of me. I was almost becoming a
shame to those who knew my potentials.
Today I officially go by the name Andrew Peter Milestone. Any
other thing is not my name. I’m sure she had a good intention but it
worked adversely.
What is your own story? How long will you put in more fruitless
efforts before you realize that the problem isn’t the activities but
YOU. You and your name are one. And if your name has a problem,
then it means you have a problem. And until you solve that major
problem, you can take on more courses and learn more skills; your
true destiny will not speak.
If for instance, there is a very powerful book that is highly
recommended by your mentor and you are highly seeking to lay a
hold on it, and you realize the book is in a certain library, if the name
is changed will you ever locate it? Bearing the wrong name has a very
devastating effect on your destiny. I am not talking about mere
success and riches; I am talking about your true greatness in destiny.

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My Name Is Already Perfect…

Happy you could boldly say that. Certainly not everyone reading this
book has this challenge but I know that this chapter is opening a new
chapter in the lives of so many people. So read for knowledge and
read on to identify where your own problem may lie.

Change Requires COURAGE

If you have identified that the name you bear isn’t working for you, it
is time to prayerfully change it. Wait for that inspired moment when
God will give you a new name. That encounter may just be the
turning point of your destiny. So wait on God for it. I don’t know
what that means to you in terms of activities. For some, it means
fasting and praying, for some it means studying the Bible, and for
some it means silence… Whatever it means, I want you to realize that
until Jacob had that name changing encounter with God, his life
never straightened. Consider Abraham and Sarah, Peter and Paul,
and then do the needful. The struggle must be over; destinies are
waiting for your manifestation!
And when you get a new name that fits your destiny, make it official.
Go and swear an affidavit for a change of name in a court of law in
your country and then start spreading the new name. Its effect will
shock you… I hope it does like it did to me.

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Living a wrong dream… A forced vision

It is always amazing to see Gabriela, the 12 year old in this mood. She
is wearing a very happy smile as she paints the image in her beautiful
mind. There are only very few activities that makes Gabriela this
happy, not even eating jollof rice and chicken makes her as happy as
drawing or painting does.
And besides the entertainment it gives her, it also brings some sort of
smiles to the few people she showcases her works to. The facial
expression on the face of Mr. John, their neighbor, whenever she
shows him what she has designed is ‘at this young age?’. She was a
Da Vinci in the making… But her dad doesn’t share that opinion one
As she was lost in her art creation, she was inattentive to the
footsteps at the hallway. All of a sudden, the door was pushed open
and the very strict looking dad, Mr. Bamishaye bursts in on her.
“You are here painting when you should be reading your books!” He
yelled at her and before she could say a word in her defense, she gets a
slap. But that slap wasn’t as heartbreaking as watching her dad tear
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her almost finished art creation in shreds. She cried so much like one
that lost a dear one… her art pieces are dear to her. But how long will
she rebel against a very strong willed dad that has drawn a plan for
her life… a plan that sees her drawing as a waste of time?

Your Lost Vision

At age five to twelve, any attentive parent would have realized the
unique gifting and perhaps purpose of their child but sadly they
almost always have a different agenda in mind.
How joyful and free were you in your childhood days when you did
the thing you were truly passionate about? What was that for you?
For Gabriela it was artistic painting but now she is a frustrated
medical doctor. Every midyear she considers resigning, but when she
thinks about the financial implication it will have to her family (her
husband is out of a job), she repents from the idea and drags on her
feet in the ‘very honorable’ career that her dad forced on her.
The fact that you were intelligent didn’t mean you were created to be
an engineer. It was your parent’s dream and you had no choice, after
all you are their child.
The human mind was created to be free. Perhaps that is why we keep
hearing of clamors and battles for liberty. Freedom is a basic desire in
man. And each time you remember the bliss you experienced when
you were on the path of your purpose in those childhood days of
yours, all you seem to do is smile wishfully because you think those
era are lost with your childhood years.

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Imagine a Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest runner before retirement,

becoming a lawyer in one of the courtrooms in Jamaica. One thing is
certain; he sure will be running from tough cases.
When I watched an Indian movie; We Are Stars On Earth, I was
moved emotionally and I felt sad because I know that what happened
in that movie is still happening in many parts of the world. People are
being forced into careers that are not their calling, and they have no
grace to fulfill it. And these helpless lads spend the rest of their lives
proving a vain point; that they are not dullards.
We should stop this act! Stop asking a dog to swim and quit
demanding a fish to bark! We are all wired differently, and as parents
our aim should be to guide and not to impose our own vision into
these innocent destined creatures.
Remember my ideology from chapter one, how that names were so
important that God had to ensure His Only Begotten Son bore the
name JESUS? That same principle made God, through His angel,
inform Joseph of the purpose of the soon coming child…
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord
appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear
not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived of her
is of the Holy Ghost.
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
for he shall save his people from their sins. (Emphasis Added)
Matthew 1:20-21

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Just like the Infant Jesus, every child has a purpose and an
assignment to fulfill. But not so many parents have the blue print of
what their child is suppose to become and accomplish. Rather they
have a personal plan inspired by love but empowered by ignorance.
And the result is a forced vision on their kids.
You displayed your gifts early enough and strong enough for your
parents or guardians to have seen and support you in that line but
their own experience in life had thought them that survival is first.
‘Money answereth all things’. They required money to pay bills and
raise you, so they knew first hand, the importance of having lots of
cash. But Gabriela’s talent of painting did not match Daddy’s
financial plan for her future. What Daddy did not know was that
God who gave her the awesome talent has factored a great financial
future in that gift of art. Now Gabriela is just busy paying bills with
her monthly check… Is that your reality too?

A Forced Vision
You didn’t choose the parents to be born to. You didn’t choose the
siblings you had. And you did not choose the primary school you
attended. There are so many things you had no control over as a
child. As a matter of fact, you did not choose the life you are now
Everything may appear like you are on the driver’s seat in the affairs
of your life right now but the sad truth is, much earlier in life, the
very important decisions were already made. You are only carrying
out a predetermined counsel.

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Your dad had a strong idea what your future should be like. And in
that vision he did not take into cognizance, your gifts and talents; just
his ambition. I have heard of fathers who because they failed to be a
doctor, made a vow that one of their children MUST be a doctor.
And they succeeded, until much later; they realized they trampled on
a destiny.
Countless adults walking the streets of our cities and villages are only
living a life planned by someone else. They are not happy with who
they are. There is no fulfillment and worse still, they feel there is
nothing they can do about it. Well they may be right, because you
cannot solve a problem that you don’t even know the cause.

The Reality on You Now

You are always wondering why you are not as passionate in life as
you were in your teenage years. You know it is important to be
passionate at what you do; passionate people get easily noticed for
bigger and better opportunities. You wish to be more driven but it’s as
if someone keeps putting off the fire.
The real problem is that this is not YOU. The Real YOU was kept in
a box and hid somewhere. What you are now is perhaps the dream
and vision of your parents or Guardian who raised you. They did it in
love because they wanted a better life for you than they had, but they
were so ignorant on the path that would lead you to that awesome
Each time you watch the TV, you see what you should have been; a
newscaster but when you were young all your parents could see was
that you talked too much. Even now you wish you could do

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something to get back in line with your true self. And truth is you
Just before we delve into some of the ways you can recapture your
lost purpose, let me further show you the harm your loving parents
did to you when you were in a fluid state.

The Story of My Wife

When I was courting my wife, I found out she was so graced for the
art. It is such a blessing that I married her. She has been so helpful in
my vision and she even edits and proofreads all my works for free
(smiles). But each time she tells me how she got whipped each time
she attempted writing stories, I can still feel the pain underneath her
tone as she relived the memories.
She is also a fine singer and I am so happy she is singing for The
Lord. When she was very young and sold out completely to the
Christian choir and music, her teachers and mentors wanted to help
her get to the apex of gospel music quickly in early age but her
parent’s had a different vision. Daddy cut links to allow her get studio
sessions, sing on Church invitations and stuffs like that. My real
thanks to God is that music is so ingrained into her that it did not
completely die, although she is still working at seeing herself as
someone that should record her own songs.
The shackles of our past still live with us long after we have removed
the ‘chains’ physically. Just like the elephant with a fantastic
memory, we keep remembering the restrictions in our subconscious
mind and that shackle still keeps limiting us from reaching for our
true potentials.

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I love my wife and I love what God has put in her. I am praying for
her and working with God’s wisdom to help her break away from the
voices of yesterday so she can hear the great angelic voices of
tomorrow. And with God’s help she is becoming what God intended.
Don’t get me wrong. If I could I would have paid double her bride
price for the awesome work her father and mother had done in raising
such a God-fearing and intelligent woman but like so many parents,
they loved her so much that they forced her into a ‘bright future’ that
is not her purpose.
Like countless degree holders in the country and the world at large,
she wished she studied something else. Do you feel same way too?
Does waking up on a Monday morning feel like a tug of war? You are
right, something is wrong. But you have been looking at the wrong
direction in your bid to get a solution. It is not a new job you need;
you need a journey down memory lane.

Time to Face Your Past

‘Sometimes the keys to our great future can only be found in our past.’
Stop desiring more motivation to keep pushing forward. There is a
reason automobiles have a reverse gear. It’s time to go backward, so
you can reconnect to the road that leads to your destiny.
You would need to answer these questions in a reflective manner.
Think back and think deep, it’s been many years ago…

 What was the activity or activities you did and forgot to eat

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 What were those activities you longed for so much that it kept
you up at night, waiting for the break of dawn?
 What part of your life attracted the greatest praise?
 What gave you a sense of pride?
 In your teenage years, what was that one thing that your friend
could say you are? A talkative? A fast-runner? Or a liar? Or
maybe a storyteller?
 What pleasurable hobby gave you most trouble with your
parents? I mean what specific activity attracted whips at your
back or at least constant nag when you were growing up?
 In your school academic report card, what did the assessment
say about what you do exceptionally well?
 Lastly, before life happened, what was your fantasy about your
The answers to these questions may not come off the bat instantly
but they hold the potent power of helping to locate a lost treasure:
The Real You. Your parents may not entirely be responsible for the
borrowed vision you live by today. Some other factors could be
responsible too.

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A Permutation of Distractions

It was a multi-faceted assault on your destiny that displaced the Real

You from the track of your destiny. And they were so subtle you
couldn’t notice its operations; just its effect of a not so perfect life.
Maybe I just put that mildly, but it’s actually frustrating to be living a
life short of what your gut feeling describes as your destiny and yet
you just can’t do nada about it. That’s a good definition of pain.
As you grew up and started hearing the enchanting voices of the real
world, even your parents knew it will take more than the ordinary to
tame you and guide you to a better life. All the training and
programming that Daddy and Mummy had given you is about to be
questioned by a new set of influences. It was exciting and
adventurous for the teenage YOU but what you never realized is the
lasting mark this phase would have on your future.
“Where have you been in the last three hours?” A slap accompanied
the question but David has already grown a thick skin for Daddy’s
frequent military slaps.

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“I was hanging out with my friends.” David replied and got a heavier
slap that attracted the pleading of his mother.
“What nonsense! Your younger ones are inside the house watching
TV and you were in God-Knows-Where doing God-knows-what!”
You were exploring the dimensions that weren’t opened to you by
daddy and mummy. They erroneously thought you would be a kid for
a long time. In their interpretation, you were still a kid but in your
own view you were a big boy/big girl. At fourteen you already knew
stuffs that your parents never knew until they were in their twenties.
Your appetite for knowledge was great but you were learning from an
uncensored college… The Street.

A Slightly Perverted Knowledge

A lie isn’t as harmful as an incomplete or slightly perverted truth. It
is true that money makes the world go round. It is also true that who
pays the piper decides the tune. But no one told you that though
money is power, power is nothing without control. Daddy and
Mummy during the ‘boring’ morning devotions, tried to teach you
that “The love of money is the root of all evil”, but you felt that
because they didn’t own a Mercedez Benz, they had no right to teach
you about money.
When I was much younger, in my early twenties, my crave for
money was very visible and dangerous. My eldest brother remarked
on it, as I can still remember but I was adamant at that youthful age.
It led me to the wrong friends, and all we talked about was how
wealthy some pop stars and fraudulent personalities are. We adored
the wrong mentors and soon our clique has ventured into Cyber
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crime (Yahoo Yahoo). Soon, some started making quick money. But
with money comes power and with that comes a sudden realization
that you can do whatever you like. And they did whatever they like:
girls, hotels, drugs and parties. And going forward, a few bought cars.
I dabbled into it, but I couldn’t proceed when I saw there was a
diabolical dimension to the whole thing. From an early age I knew
there was something that has to do with God in my life, so the fear of
God kept me from going full throttle.
I don’t know how your own growing up years was but I am sure you
can relate. We developed passions that deviated us from our purpose.
We wanted money, we wanted illicit sex and fantasy love, and we
also wanted power… And all the knowledge we got about these
powerful aspects of life were perverted knowledge; knowledge that
came from an unauthorized source.

The Boomerang Effects

Just like a small stone thrown into a calm lake creates ripple effects,
this perverted knowledge has more effect on your current life than
you could possibly imagine.
After realizing the harmful effect of some of these things on my life,
I prayerfully started the journey of unlearning what I had learnt. God
has so helped in detoxifying me in my crave for money. Now I see
money as a power tool to accomplish more, so I do not spend all day
fantasizing about big money, rather I spend time building visions that
will change the world and impact the Kingdom of God. Because
money is a tool, I trust God to provide it whenever I need it. And He
has been faithful.

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Some ladies today suffer from the perverted knowledge they have
about love. What they have defined as love is so impractical and
unrealistic, and yet they spend all their life searching for it. The quest
for unrealistic love has made many young ladies in our society
become desperate as they now look for husbands.
The effect of this misinformation we got growing up is so strong that
we need The Word of God to alter its effect on our lives. The Bible
says: “How can a young man amend his ways, by taking heed to thy
word”. We need to be ‘brainwashed’, if our true self will ever emerge.
It is the unhealthy desire for money from early years that makes an
entrepreneur cut corner in his tax remittance and attract the wrath of
the law. It is still this same unwholesome crave to get rich quick that
keep making our young men run after internet schemes and ponzi
schemes that promises lazy riches.
Just look back and see the effects your growing up years has had on
you. Be true to yourself. I don’t know ‘what’ you are today but if you
can reconnect with who you are, you can change what you are.
Society may have labeled you a misfit but who God created is still
locked within you. My strong desire is that at the end of this book,
The Real You, capable of finishing well in life will emerge.

How do you see life?

Your ideology was formed earlier than now. And how you see life
informs your approach to living. It greatly determines your mindset.
And you can never be bigger than your thoughts.
The big success we now look up to for mentorship had a very healthy
Ideology. And this informed their success. People like Pastor E.A.
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Adeboye, Ben Carson, Mark Zuckerberg, Usain Bolt, Will Smith and
so on, have strong ideologies that are pillars to their success. They
believed in hard work but what we learnt growing up were short cuts.
These things are your real problem. They can’t be easily seen, so you
haven’t really dealt with them but thank God salvation is dawning.
Every motivation you have gotten through seminars and books is just
more driving force in the wrong direction. What you truly need is
inspiration; something deeper. You need an encounter with the truth
that will shake your foundations. The Bible says “If the foundation be
destroyed, what can the righteous do?”. The change you need is
fundamental. And it starts with looking back at these things.
“Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he grows, he
shall not depart from it”
Proverbs 22:6
The scripture didn’t mention the particular training; it only showed
us a principle: The power of programming a child. Your parents
programmed you but society also programmed you. And because you
cannot change the interface of a website without going to the
dashboard, we are dealing with these blasts from the past.
You were created for a great life. The Word of God declares that.
I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of
peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11
And prior to that God has also declared about you.

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Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest
forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet
unto the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5
God wasn’t experimenting with you; He has already predestined you
for a great life. You have a colorful destiny but something went
wrong in the morning of your life. Now you are in the noon of your
life and you are surprised at the outcome thus far. Don’t wail, there is
a way out. And that way is having an encounter with your growing
up years.

Where Did I Get It Wrong?

I read a book One Minute Millionaire, and it delivered a mentality to
me: ‘when you asked how to afford a suit, you got it. Even so when
you ask how to get a million dollars hard enough, you will become
Even by this principle, if you stay long enough on this question
‘Where did I get this wrong?’, you are very likely to get a life
changing answer. Are you set for the memory lane? Relax, God gat
How did you look at twelve, fourteen, and eighteen or in your early
twenties? Cute and very attractive? Where did you grow up? Can you
now picture that community you hate talking about? Picture your
parents and siblings in that age. Who were your friends? Can you
picture at least five prominent friends you had within your teenage
years? Now picture them even more clearly as you go through these
nuggets and questions:

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 When did you earn your first money, and what inspired the
move? Did you work to get it or you played lottery?
Research has shown that those who made money through
lottery grow to have unhealthy financial lifestyles.
 What inspired your desire to earn your first money? Was it peer
pressure after a long discussion of youthful pleasure or was it a
necessity or a principled decision?
As I write this, my mind just casted back to my teen, or very
early twenties; when I wanted to write GCE. My parents were
broke then and my mother had taken the form on credit from
the Teacher and I have said I would repay it. I worked hard,
doing overtime in a salt factory and I repaid that debt and wrote
the examinations. That may not be my first money I earned but
I could still feel the excitement of being responsible. Can you
now remember what prompted your first earnings?
 Who was your role model at your teen years? Musically, who
did you listen to? What movie star struck your fancy?
I listened to 50 Cent a lot in my twenties and later I listened so
much to Don Moen (as I drew closer to God). How about you?
Can you remember whom you wished you sounded like, acted
like or be like?
 What was your first book or books you read besides academic
books? Do you remember the title? Why did you love it so
much? Was it a crime based novel, a romantic novel or a book
on power and success? Those early inspirations are still loitering
in your mind and having a strong impact on your reality.
 When did you have your first girlfriend/boyfriend? How about
your first kiss? What informed your need to be loved erotically?
Was it a movie you watched, a novel you read or the escapades

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of your other peers that kept nagging you with their stories of
love? What principles guided your first relationship? Did your
parents know about it?
 What prompted your choice of a university or vocational
training? Was it a social decision inspired by peer pressure or a
destiny decision?

You may be wondering, why all these questions. It is because the

answers to these questions will help you understand the boomerang
effect you are currently facing.
Could it be that because you were inspired through early sexual
desires to get a girlfriend/boyfriend, which is what brought about
your inability to stick with one relationship? Look at these questions,
once again with this understanding and you would realize the assault
on your great destiny was multi-faceted and they have set you
running on a wrong lane.

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Purpose VS Potential

It was Dr. Myles Munroe who said “When the purpose of a thing is
not known, abuse is inevitable.” Knowledge truly is power and
ignorance is the greatest enemy of progress.
When you were born, the fulfillment to an assignment was born and
in order to help you accomplish that assignment, some unique
potential were wired into you. By default there are things you can do
exceptionally well and very easily; these things are your potentials.
Just like Gabriela could draw and paint so well, just like I wrote my
first 200 pages novel manuscript at age eighteen, you too have
something remarkable you can do by default.
I can’t really point out where I learned writing from, yet from a
tender age I could write all day. Who taught you how to poo poo?
Who taught the fish to swim? The dog didn’t require a ‘dog barking
seminar’ to know how to bark, neither does the bird need flying
seminars. There are stuffs you can do so well, all you need is fine-
tuning but you have unknowingly abused these potentials.

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Your philosophy in life is built through knowledge and experience.

What you believe is largely a product of information, and like we
have been learning, some wrong elements have informed your
My crave for money caused me to employ my creative writing
potentials for the wrong reasons. Thank God for His swift
Some ladies are so beautiful but because they are ignorant of the
purpose for their beauty, they end up in prostitution and some in
showbiz for the wrong reasons. Purpose is the original intent a thing
was made. Until your purpose employs your potential, your destined
greatness will keep being an illusion.

Employed By PURPOSE
Because your parents and guardians did not support your gifts and
talents, they could not guide you into your purpose. And society and
friends quickly gave you a wrong reason for living. Potentials are
what can you do but purpose is what you should be doing based on
what you can do.
You can sing for instance, but what should you be singing about? I
can write, what should I be writing about? That is the basic difference
between purpose and potentials. But the sad thing is that many, who
discovered their potentials without discovering their purpose, try so
hard to fulfill their potentials and die never reaching their purpose.
Excitement may come when you use your potentials but fulfillment
only comes when you are in line with your purpose.

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When you are in your purpose you attract heaven’s support. A certain
sense of importance accompanies what you do, and the desire to feel
important is a basic need in man. You may have discovered your
potentials early enough but until you start using that potential to
accomplish the assignment you were sent here on earth for, your
colorful destiny will not start manifesting. Stop chasing after money,
chase after purpose. All the greatness you’d ever want in life is locked
inside your purpose.
It is so obvious that you are not as happy as you know you can be.
And you know your frustration in life is beyond your financial needs.
More money will not make you happy; the increase in your salary
proved it. What you need is real encounter with purpose!
We may have no power over our actions of yesterday but if we
handle today with the right knowledge; we can influence our
tomorrow in such a great way. And that right knowledge is the
discovery of your purpose. Yesterday is gone, and that is a fact but
tomorrow is coming and that is a fact too. And if you don’t alter the
trajectory, your tomorrow and your yesterdays will have many
painful similarities.
Your name may have been the perfect name for your destiny and the
negative influences of societies may not have had a strong impact on
you but if somehow you have not discovered your purpose, you may
be wondering why life doesn’t really make complete sense.

Jesus Didn’t Fulfill His Potential

‘Are you kidding me?’ That may be your response but truth is he
didn’t fulfill his potential. At the cross when Jesus was dying, he had
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potentials to be and do all kinds of stuff. He could even be a Roman

Guard. Jesus could have spent many more years healing the sick
around Jerusalem and raising the dead. He could do many more
miracles but his aim was not to fulfill all his potential, but rather to
accomplish his assignment which was to save men from their sins.
When purpose called it mattered most to him than the display of his
potentials, and that is why you and I have a hope of eternity in
heaven when we leave this world.
Do you know the excitement it must have brought when Jesus healed
the sick and did miracles every day? Picture yourself in it. The people
are clamoring to make you King over them because of your potentials.
Your wisdom gave you an edge over all people, and you could do
things that leave them agape as they wonder where you got your
powers from… Yet, when the time came and purpose came calling,
you abandoned that success and fame and reach for the service of
mankind, at the loss of your own exciting life. That is what Jesus did
and I love Him so much for going all the way for me and for you.
Your talents are not for your mere pleasure. There is a great life
designed for you but the only platform to access that life is
discovering and living your purpose. Some people, discovering their
potentials, have decided to apply it where they can earn the most
money. Their professional career was inspired by an unhealthy need
for more money and yet they wonder why they lack fulfillment in
life. Just because I can sing for instance, doesn’t mean I was created to
sing all kinds of song. If I was designed to sing countryside music and
because the most popular and thriving genre in the music industry is
R ‘n’ B, I chose to do R ‘n’ B, I would never know the true fulfillment

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of purpose. Yes, I am singing (Potential) but not the right songs

The concept of destiny captured in the Book of Jeremiah 1:5 shows
that God has declared what you are to be and do in your life before
you even showed up here on earth. Shifting away from that means
you are becoming someone else. And that will never allow you enjoy
the total package God has in store for you. His great plans for your
life will not find real expression until you get back to being your real
self; living in your God ordained purpose.
And just like our Lord Jesus, your purpose has tremendous
implications to a whole lot of people. If Jesus failed in his destiny, I
would have no hope in fulfilling mine. In fact my destiny is an
extension of his purpose. Even so, if you fail to fulfill your purpose
many will be affected. The next level of civilization may just be lying
squarely on your shoulders. Someone made the computer,
Smartphone and the internet; what inventions were you created to
Some very beautiful ladies only knew that men fell for their looks so
easily but nobody told them the purpose of their beauty. It was the
beauty of Esther that saved the whole nation of Israel from total
extermination. There is more to being beautiful than just playing
with men because you have them at your beckons call.
When a potential meets its purpose a greater meaning is discovered.
Our society is plagued by genius who employed their potentials for
the wrong reasons. Some are hackers, doing havoc to our internet
space, some are lawyers, upholding criminality through their
ingenuity and some are filmmakers disturbing our young people with
senseless pornographic movies.

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The love of money can also employ your potentials, and the results
are some of the things I just mentioned above. When you grow up
with a mindset that money is the key that opens every door, you may
want to do anything to get it. Wake up! Money isn’t everything! If it
was, the rich will never commit suicide.

A Classic Example of Vanity

Mr. George Hernandez grew in poverty and the only thing he could
take from his background is a dangerous desire to be rich by any
means. And by all means, he became one of the richest people in the
island. He did almost everything you could call crime; drugs, human
trafficking, illegal merchandizing and so on.
He is rich and much respected by those who worship money because
of their extreme lack of it. He bought luxuries as much as his
imagination can demand; Limousines, mansions and even boats but
just like King Solomon, as he grew older he realized all were vanities.
I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore
enjoy pleasure: and behold, this also is vanity.
I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards:
I made me gardens and orchards; I planted trees in them of all kind of
I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth
forth trees:

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I got me servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also
I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in
Jerusalem before me:
I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings
and of the provinces: I gat me men singers and women singers, and the
delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all
Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the
labour that I had labored to do; and, behold, all was vanity and
vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.
Proverbs 2:1, 3-8, 11
Like King Solomon, Mr. George also thought by getting all the
money he could get, using his remarkable gift of mind, he would find
happiness. But at the end of his life, at age 65, he could no longer
stomach the frustration of the vanity, he took his own life. The
ambitious George Hernandez got it all but realized all meant nothing
without purpose and he felt no need to be alive. He left it all just like
the Bible declares that “The wealth of the gentiles is gathered for the
You may wonder if it is possible to have all that money and still
commit suicide. Just as food tastes so bland to a man on sick bed,
wealth has no value without fulfillment. And fulfillment only comes
with a life of purpose.
Your life is not eternal on this plane called earth, so I wouldn’t advise
you to adopt the trial and error approach to knowledge. Learn from
Mr. George Hernandez and save yourself the pain of a frustrated old

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Have you discovered the purpose for your business? Why are you in
your career? Are you solely doing what you do for the money? Could
that be the reason your passion for life keeps sapping out? Have you
discovered what you could do enjoyably and for free if money was
not something to earn?
The Real You was created for an assignment. All you have is a gift to
enable you fulfill that assignment, and all your dreams and desire for
a great life is imbedded in your purpose. If only you would realize
this and go after your purpose, The Real You will emerge. It will be
an awesome experience for the rest of your life.
As you must have realized in this book so far, not all chapters relate
to you so specifically. Perhaps your case is that you realized your
purpose like Moses in Scriptures but went ahead of time to attempt
your purpose and you were frustrated out of it. The next chapter deals
aptly with this.

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A Reason and a Season for Your Purpose

Tunde is the son of the very loved and respected King of Osogbo. The
kingdom under King Adepetu really thrived; there was economic
progress and there was justice. Everyone abided by the law through
the firmness of the King’s rule. He wasn’t necessarily a tyrant but his
firm rule was obvious to all. And peace reigned in the entire realm.
The Palace is agog with celebrations; live music from talented
musicians from the kingdom and dancers made the place very fun. It
was King Adepetu’s 70th birthday. He was surrounded by his big and
lovely family; his four wives and many children. All seem happy,
except Tunde who couldn’t hide his dissatisfaction.
At night, when the whole celebrations was over, King Adepetu called
Tunde into his chamber and requested to know what saddens his
heart in a day like this.
“I am tired of waiting for my inheritance. You are 7o years old and
with the way you look and with the prayers from your subjects, you

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may live another 70. When will I get my inheritance and live my
own life?” Tunde demanded arrogantly but the wise King smiled.
“Is that all that troubles my beloved son?” King Adepetu asked
“Yes, your highness.” He replied with a confused look.
“Before the break of dawn, I would have met with my Chief Adviser
and calculated what is due to you as my second son and will hand
them to you. But you will go to a different land to sojourn, for there
can’t be two kings in one kingdom. Is that okay?”
“Very okay, father.” Tunde agreed happily.
As promised, King Adepetu kept to his word and Tunde was soon in
the city of Ibadan. His inheritance has already translated his status
into ‘The Biggest Boy in Town’. And as characterized by his
immaturity, he lived lavishly.
5 years later, he returns beggarly to Osogbo to beg his father but sadly
enough, his father had died and his very strict elder brother Segun has
rightfully ascended the throne. Segun ensured that Tunde has no
more portions from the royal family. The only mercy he could show
him was to make him one of the royal servants who were well taken
care of.

The Danger of Haste

Another story that looked quite similar to this can be found in
scriptures, in the book of Matthew. We all know it as the Parable of

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The Prodigal Son. And each time I reflect on that parable, I learn
some more, the importance of waiting for your time.
Patience is such a very unattractive virtue but her fruits are
undeniably sweet. Youthfulness seldom allows us to exercise this
virtue, yet without it more harm is incurred than good. If Tunde had
waited just three more years, he would have maintained his place as
Prince in the kingdom of Osogbo.
You may not have physically requested your inheritance from your
parents but you might have requested yours from your potential. You
might have seen your potential in terms of your high IQ, and instead
of waiting to discover your purpose and waiting for your season, you
have used your potential to achieve what now means nothing but
misery. Believe me, there is more to your potentials than your
personal delight.
Your potentials have a purpose and your purpose has a reason and a
season. You were given potentials for an assignment and that
assignment has a season. If you do not wait for it, you run ahead of
yourself and just like Moses in Scriptures, you may take a wrong
And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he
went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied
an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren.
And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was
no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.
And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews
strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, wherefore
smites thou thy fellow?

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And he said, who made thee a prince and a judge over us? Intendest
thou to kill me, as thou killest the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and
said, Surely this thing is known.
Now when Pharoah heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But
Moses fled from the face of Pharoah, and dwelt in the land of Midian:
and he sat down by a well.
Exodus 2:11-15

Moses had discovered his calling as deliverer of his people but he

went ahead of the season and it led to his exile from Egypt. One of
the most profound things to know about God is that He is a God of
order. Just mere looking at creation and you would realize how
orderly this Great God is. Nothing is done haphazardly by Him;
certainly not your purpose.
Whatever must have inspired haste in your life, the results are always
similar; pain, regrets and fear.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck
up that which is planted;
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
You were born to be great. You know it intuitively but if you do not
go with the pace of God, you may truncate His plan. He got this all
planned, and there is a reason He needs you to wait for your season…

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The Power of Process

We live in a generation that wants to eat pounded yam and egusi
soup but wants it prepared as quickly as noodles. We call it the Jet
Age and we have foolishly considered Patience a time waster. We
now crave for speed in everything. But the last time I checked, it still
takes nine months to deliver a baby (I hope there is no plan to alter
this). Even Our Lord Jesus needed nine months in the womb to
mature before birth. Your visions require a gestation period and even
so YOU. You need time and a process to become the YOU capable of
fulfilling destiny. Life is training you but if you graduate yourself too
early, you may lose the opportunity to manifest glory.
Every greatness requires a process. Mention any great man in the
world today, and you can be so rest assured that there is a story
behind the glory. There is always a process that takes us from
ordinary men to extraordinary people. Trying to choose the glory
without accepting the rugged process will always amount to
frustration. When it comes to true greatness, stop considering the
quick fixes. Legends go through the fire that makes them golden.
Those who want roses should prepare for the thorns.
During the making process of your life, no one knows you. When
Pastor E.A Adeboye was in Mushin and living in a one room
apartment, it was in obscurity but today the whole world knows him.
God has something great in mind but you have to trust the process. It
might feel tough and unnecessary but trust His wisdom; you need
these preparations to truly handle your soon coming greatness in the
right manner.
It is a great illusion to think that because you can picture the dream so
clearly, you can make it happen right away, even without any real
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effort. Most times the process we go through is not aimed at changing

our dreams, but rather it is aimed at changing us. When you become
the person you see in your dreams, accomplishing it will become
Are you that CEO yet? Are you that Husband/Wife yet? Are you
prepared for Fatherhood/Motherhood yet?
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they
were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb
of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain
upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
Genesis 2:4-5
You can clearly see the reason God held the fruitfulness of the earth
was because there was no man yet to manage it. Until we can manage
the great destiny God has planned for us, we are not yet ready to
enter its season of manifestation.
So all the stuffs you have been going through is partly a process to
transform you into that manager that can manage your great destiny.
The Real You is undergoing a very tough and unpleasant process that
will make you capable of handling what’s coming. Your destiny is so
great, it requires preparation.
When all your focus is your potentials and your strong desire to get
what you want, you may not see the need for this process. But when
you begin to see the great purpose for your potentials, you won’t
swim in self-pity over your errors in life and business, rather you’ll
see them as opportunities to learn and prepare for greater
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responsibilities. The rain is coming. God won’t hold it forever, but it

will be a smart move for you to allow God prepare you now. He
won’t come down, and you may never even notice Him but if you
realize how He quietly works, you will see Him in the circumstances
surrounding you right now. He is teaching you and making you; be

The Perfect Season for Your Lifting

Sadly, when our season of lifting comes, we’ve most time become too
accustomed to losing that we even don’t want to step into our destiny.
Like the elephant with remarkable memory, we keep remembering
how we failed when we tried it out on our own. And so we fear and
come up with numerous excuses why we are not qualified for such a
great life.
Moses felt the same way at The Burning Bush. He gave God one
excuse after another but God was tired of hearing them and reassured
him of His backing.
When we have gone through the process that makes us ready for our
purpose, God gives us His backing. Sometimes, it is His backing that
makes all the difference.
Are you in that place where because you went ahead of time to try out
your assignment, now you feel you aren’t called for that? Perhaps
God gave you a talent in singing and instead of singing godly songs,
you did worldly songs. Now you are born again and serving God but
you keep giving excuses why you can’t hit the studio again. Don’t
throw the baby away with the bath water. Now your potentials have

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discovered its real purpose, stop giving excuses and enter your
With God there is plenteous redemption. I don’t know how much
time it may be that you have lost, but God restores. He uses even our
errors to conform us to His will. Once we come to the place of our
divine purpose, He has a very unique way of restoring our lost time.
He is a God that knows how to mend the broken. Are you broken in
relationships, business, academics or spirituality? Is your home in a
shambles because you think you made an irreversible mistake?
Jehovah God can and will remold you again. He is the potter, and if
you will be yielding clay, you would be so amazed how He would
mold you into the masterpiece He had intended from the very
beginning. And I have a strong feeling He would use the next chapter
of this book to accomplish that… it is also my prayer.

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Rebuilding the Broken Walls

What hope is there for a broken egg? Can yolk be gathered again, or
can the shattered shell be mended again? Yet there is a possibility if
you believe in the mighty power of God and in the pages of
Scriptures. The Holy Bible is filled with many impossible situations
that God made possible so we can have the courage to believe for the
impossible today.
And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, Behold now, the place
where we dwell with thee is too strait for us.
Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a
beam, and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell. And he
answered, Go ye.
And one said, Be content, I pray thee, and go with thy servants. And he
answered, I will go.
So he went with them. And when they came to Jordan, they cut down

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But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water; and he
cried, and said, Alas, master! For it was borrowed.
And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed the place. And
he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.
Therefore said he, Take it up to thee. And he put out his hand, and took
2 Kings 6:1-7
How on earth can it be, that a heavy iron axe head will float and
swim on the surface of the water? But like Jesus said in Scriptures
‘With God all things shall be possible”.
That is the order of miracle you need now to rebuild the broken walls
of your life. And like the prophet Elisha, God is compassionate about
your loss because like those young men your life is a borrowed gift of
which you will give account some day.
How can a prostitute regain her chastity or a swindler, his
contentment? How can a gambler regain the mentality of saving to be
rich? And how can a porn addict regain the right perspective to
viewing a woman? There is some redemption that can only be done
by God, in your spirit. The spirit is the core essence of the human life
and the deepest transformation can only begin from there.

Encountering the Potter

When a product is truly bad, the best option is to take it back to the
manufacturer. He knows the product more than any technician,
because He made it. He even has spare parts to make it work again, if

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the case requires it. That is why I strongly redirect you to your
I do not intend to be overly religious and preachy, but in a dire
situation like restoring you to God’s original idea, I absolutely know
nothing else to do than to point you to your Creator. You need more
than polished English and fine prose now; you need the truth that
will set you free.
Jeremiah 1:5 made it clear that before you were born God had
predestined who and what you are to be on earth. You have taken
several wrong turns in your journey of life and it appears like you
have messed up His master plan and become someone you are not
meant to be. But if you can go back to God and seek from Him what
you purpose is, then the journey of restoration has truly begun.
“But how can I get that information from God?” I could hear you ask
silently. You may not be very close to God right now but He is so
close to you, perhaps closer than your clothes are to your skin. And
He is willing to answer one very important prayer if you are yet to be
His child; the prayer of salvation. If you will, pray this prayer:
“My Creator and God, I come to the end of myself and
recognize how much I need Your salvation through the finished work
of Your Son Jesus. I believe with my heart that He died for my sins
and today I confess with my mouth that He is my Lord and personal
Savior. I come into the family of God. Today, I am become a child of
God in Jesus name. Amen.”
If you just prayed that prayer with a genuine mind, you are now a
child of God. And you now have a greater access to Him now. So go
to Him and ask Him why He created you; what is your purpose.

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Unveiling The Real You

The Pattern to Discover Your Purpose

There is an approach to follow to discover your purpose. The
blueprint for your greatness may not be so clear to you at this stage
but there are noticeable indications that can lead you to it. One of
such indications is your potentials.
What are your talents and natural skill sets? What things can you do
with very less stress and much excitement? It may not be something
very financially rewarding at the moment but your journey to
purpose fulfillment starts with realizing these gifts. It could be as
little as tying shoe laces or as great as public speaking but the most
important thing here is to identify it.
When you come into agreement with those things that come to you
naturally, the next thing is to identify your Burden. Life is both a
journey and an assignment… A TRUST that you will one day give an
account of. So what are you naturally burdened about in life… That is
the pointer to your assignment.
When I was younger, I walked with an elder colleague and friend in
our bid for breakthrough in the entertainment industry. On one
fateful day, as we walked, I recognized his serious burden and
constant complaining about the dirtiness and disorderliness of the
environment. He is genuinely pained by the environmental pollution
and its hazardous effects to the community.
Remember, I mentioned we were pursuing breakthrough in the
entertainment industry, so he already knew his talents and skill sets.
So I talked him into taking up the matter of environmental pollution

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Unveiling The Real You

more seriously; not to only complain about it but to do something to

bring a change. That was partly his purpose.
Weeks later we were submitting proposals to the State Government
and later on he shot some short videos to sensitize communities on
ways to achieve a clean environment and hygiene. That is purpose
The common mistake people make and perhaps you have made is that
you pursued exclusively the exploitation of your potentials for
financial gain alone. You may know how to sing but it is your burden
that will direct you into purposeful singing. You can sing (Potential)
but what will you be singing (Purpose)? That is your purpose.
However to get 100% accuracy about your purpose here on earth,
consult God your Creator in the place of prayer. You are now His
child and nothing delights Him more than hearing your voice in the
place of prayer.

Rearranging the Cards

Now you have to put the cart after the horse. No more haphazard
approach to living. Agreed, money is very important but if you will
be patient and follow the principle of Purpose you will see that your
financial prosperity has also been factored into your purpose.
Every door will no longer be the door to your breakthrough. Follow
your calling. That is where your greatness is assured. This new
knowledge and encounter will affect even your relationships. You
can’t be friends with any person that comes your way, you are
rebuilding your life right now and care is needed. You are detoxifying
your life from the toxic information that has changed your divine
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programming. So give it some time and follow the process. That

unhealthy crave for money must go and a new attitude of being a
blessing must be developed. You must now begin to see yourself as a
solution to a nagging problem. It is when you solve those set of
problems that your financial greatness will emerge. Stop pursuing
everything and follow your own path, running your own race.

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Unveiling The Real You

Rebranding Yourself

You are not who society has termed you. You are not your habit and
failures. You are God’s image, created for God’s glory. Anything
short of this is a lie aimed at making you accept a low life.
So much has influenced your life to this point. The outcome is
unpalatable but now you can change it. It starts with changing your
self-perception. How you see yourself is everything. In Scriptures,
Gideon thought himself a common farmer and ordinary person until
God took him to the camp of the enemy to eavesdrop on what they
said of him. They termed him; Gideon the mighty man of valor.
Don’t accept the temptation of agreeing with your past to define who
you are. I don’t care what mistakes you have done and the wrong path
you once took or are still on. Now as a child of God who has known
his or her purpose, the slate is clear and your new reality should be
your identity.

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Unveiling The Real You

It Starts With a Change of Mind

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Change starts with recreating
your self-image. Press pause, then delete the old self-image and insert
a new one. Changing your self-image is not an easy job and it requires
consistency and persistency. Abandon the old by faith and accept the
When you wake up in the morning, right there in your bed, do a self
talk. Feed your mind with the new reality of your identity. Affirm
stuffs like this to yourself daily and soon it will take root,
transforming entirely, how you see yourself:

 I am created for a great purpose

 My life has a great meaning
 I have worth because the Son of God died in my stead
 I carry sufficient potential to be great and I am working out that
greatness today and always
 I am a blessing to God and humanity
 I am highly sought after because I am a person of tremendous
 I attract all I need to express who I am
 I am wealthy because I am what the world needs
 I am a new creature in Christ, old things are passed away
 Because I am forgiven, I abandon my past and accept my brand
new future.
Saying stuffs like this will certainly change your mindset. And when
your mindset is changed and aligned to your purpose, great things
begin to happen. I can testify of the miracle imbedded in this
principle and power of positive confession.

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Unveiling The Real You

Many years ago, I was friend to a young man (name withheld) who
had an ambition for academics but was finding it difficult with
English Language. And if you don’t understand and use English
Language properly, how would you make progress academically in an
English speaking society?
I offered to teach him English Language from the very scratch which
is Alphabets and he would pay a fee so he can take it seriously. He
agreed to my terms and we started. In the course of teaching him, I
introduced a daily assignment that its impact is still unforgettable. I
told him to say ‘I love English Language and English Language loves
me.’ He did it faithfully and in a short time his love for the subject
exploded and learning increased. Very quickly, testimonies started
pouring in on how his writings on social media are now making
sense. The power of positive confession is so great. Its impact may be
slow but it surely delivers lasting results.
Replace the image you have of yourself and soon your realities will
express that image. It’s a law!

Manifest the Real You

As we come to the end of this journey, I want you to gain the benefit
of this life transforming journey by being courageous. When Abram
was named Abraham by God, it must have been challenging to keep
calling himself Abraham (Father of many nations) when he was old
and without a single child. That is where courage comes in.
Do not allow friends, family and society reenacts your past.
Courageously insist on your new reality. I keep emphasizing my new
name. Politely but firmly I keeping making people realize I am now

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Unveiling The Real You

Andrew Peter Milestone not any other thing. It’s working and I am
loving it!
Truly your life is about to change. The truths inherent in this book
are aimed at bringing a certain transformation to your life and I
believe by God’s grace it will as you practice the steps.

58 | P a g e
Unveiling The Real You


Surely it takes more than a single book to fully transform your life. It
is with great joy and a sense of purpose that I have offered this
timeless book for free to the world. However there is book I wrote
that gathered so much positive reviews, I want you to read. It will
build on what you already know from this book. It is called WHY
what people are saying about the book:

“Andrew Peter M. has written a primer for everybody who desires

good success. Why Wait To Blow When You Can Start To Grow is
the much needed healing response for this fragile and failing generation
with the cancerous mindset of “To blow is the main thing”.
In a profound way, with utmost clarity and lucidity, using applicable
and relatable illustrations and experiences, all confusions around the
teaching of prosperity are cleared by this wholesome package. As a film
maker, if I were to make an adaptation of this book, I will title it
Nollywood Actor/Film maker

 This book exposes you to the realities of life.

59 | P a g e
Unveiling The Real You

 This is a very good book that challenges you to stand up tall

(“Shoulders high”) confront and subdue every opposition on your
way to the top.
 I call this book “a push and encouragement to start against all
Andrew Aisagbonhi
CEO The 6th Touch Media/
Educationist with Lagos State Ministry of Education

It’s the perfect book for a fast paced world. You can finish this book
in one sitting but will spend the rest of your life using the life
changing wisdom imbedded in it. A quick read that will quickly
change your life.

Some More Reviews for the Book

“Why Wait To Blow When You Can Start To Grow transcends its
time and will be relevant for many generations. I read it at a point
when I was trying to find myself and put actions to my dream.
It easily spelt out what is to be done and the writer has strategically
highlighted in clear details what it truly means to grow in life.
This book will change your thinking and general perception about what
it truly means to have a life full of bliss.”
Agbebi Sunday aka iambabonisu
CEO Phynell Kitchen

60 | P a g e
Unveiling The Real You

“This masterpiece is a mine of information and inspiration for those

concerned about success and particularly the issue of ‘How do I know
what my purpose is’, because there has been little in-depth information
disseminated and so much misunderstanding plaguing our youth today.”

Blessing Uwadineke
Principal Partner
Magnus Alexis

“This book is not just a manual to living one’s dream, but a propeller to
prospective entrepreneurs and an antidote to unemployment in the
country like Nigeria.
Unlike other motivational speakers that say what is most times
impracticable, Peter’s approach to this challenge is a doer’s approach
that will work for anyone.
I therefore recommend this book as a souvenir to corps member in the
National Youth Service Scheme.”

Oluodo Adedayo
Journalist/Part-time teacher
Department of Mass Communication, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic,

With every humility I can muster and absolute sincerity, I offer you
a book that is worth more than its price. For only #1,000 you will have
in your hands a book that will put you on the right pedestal to
success. If you want to get it, send an email to
[email protected]. Notify your interest in purchasing the

61 | P a g e
Unveiling The Real You

book and you will be directed on how to get it. It will be your best use
of #1,000.
Change your life, it’s possible through knowledge!
Thanks for reading. I care about your success. Follow us on You would be glad you did.
If Unveiling The Real You has blessed your life, can you please share
this link to your friends and family they
too can be blessed with this material?
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Hi, I just finished reading an amazing book that has impacted
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Get it here: . You will be glad you did.
Thanks for sharing.

To Your Success

Andrew Peter Milestone

Writer, Filmmaker and Inspirational Speaker

62 | P a g e
Unveiling The Real You

About The Author

Andrew Peter M. is a writer, film maker and Inspirational speaker.
As a screenwriter, he has written and sold more movie scripts than he
could remember. He is also a copywriter, trained by American
Writers and Artists Incorporated (AWAI).
As a film maker, he has just recently written, produced and directed
his first short film: The Legacy. As Inspirational Speaker he speaks in
conferences and seminars in cities around the world.
He is the Visionary Leader and Convener of Mind Shifters, a very
impactful and fast growing movement, saddled with the burden of
making young people around the world find their purpose and fulfill
He is newly married to his sweetheart and best friend Adebisi
Milestone. They currently reside in Lagos, Nigeria.

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