Fingerprint Based Biometric Voting Machine Using Arduino PDF

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Fingerprint based biometric voting machine using arduino
Patil Dipak Vishwas
Dhanrale Hemant Bhatu
Bhise prafull prakash
Borse divyam vikasrao

Prof. M.V.Joshi



DHULE (MS) 424002


This is to certify that, the project “Fingerprint Based Voting

VIKASRAO is a bonafide work completed under my supervision and
guidance in partial fulfillment for award of Bachelor of Engineering
(Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) Degree of DBATU, lonere
during the academic year 2020-21.To the best of my knowledge and belief
this work has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any other

Guid Head of department Principal

Prof. M.V.Joshi Prof.(dr.)P.S.Patil



List of Abbreviations

List of Figures

List of Tables





1.1 Objective of the Project

2 1.2 Background of the Project

2 1.3 Problem Definition

2 1.4 Introducing New Direction

3 1.5 Existing System

3 1.6 Propose System


2.1 Electronic Voting in India

2.2 Evaluation of Voting Equipment


3.1 Circuit Connection

3.2 Program Explanation


4.1 Fingerprint Enrolment

4.2 Fingerprint Verification

4.3 Cast the Votes

4.4 Generate Final Report

4.5 Algorithm of Fingerprint Voting system

4.6 LCD Display

4.7 Arduino UNO

4.7.1 Background

4.7.2 Technical Specifications

4.8 Pins

4.8.1 General Pin functions

4.8.2 Special Pin Functions

4.9 Finger Print Sensor Module R307

4.10 Power Supply

4.11 Wire size


5.1 PCB designing and fabrication

5.1.1 Cu Clad

5.1.2 Types of Laminates

5.1.3 Phenol
5.1.4 Epoxy Laminates

5.2 Layout

5.3 Procedure

5.4 Layout Sketch

5.5 Component Holes

5.6 Conductor Holes

5.7 Artwork and Basic Approaches

5.8 Screen Printing

5.9 Pattern transfer onto the screen

5.10 Etching

5.11 Component Mounting

5.12 Soldering

5.13 Iron Soldering

5.14 Functions of bit

5.15 Procedure of Soldering

5.16 PCB designing using computer aided designing


6.1 Fingerprint classifications

6.2 Fingerprint algorithms

6.3 Technical research conclusions

6.4 Cost Estimation


7.1 Advantages & Disadvantages

7.2 Applications


8.1 Future scope

8.2 Conclusion

It has always been an arduous task for the election commission to

conduct free and fair polls in our country, the largest democracy in
theworld. Crores of rupees have been spent on this to make sure that
theelections are riot free. But, now-a-days it has become common for some
forces to indulge in rigging which may eventually lead to a result contrary
to the actual verdict given by the People.

We all are quite familiar with Electronic Voting Machines, where

your vote gets registered electronically and you don’t need to use ballot
paper to vote in election. Today security is a major concern and it also
needs to be ensured that someone can’t vote twice, so this problem can be
solved by introducing Finger Print Based Voting, where a person can be
authorized based on his finger Print. This will also stops fake voting. So we
are building Fingerprint Based Biometric Voting Machine using Arduino.

Elections were a defining feature of democratic government, an

electoral system is the set of rules that determines how elections and
referendums were conducted and how their results were determined.
Governments organized political electoral systems, while non-political
elections may take place in business, non-profit organizations and informal

There were so many electoral systems in world. That was paper

ballots, punch cards and Optical Mark Sense Ballots. Some electoral
systems elect a single winner to a unique position, such as prime minister,
president or governor, while others elect multiple winners, such as
members of parliament or boards of directors. The fingerprint voting
system is an electronic voting machine using human biometric system. It is
reducing the staff and polling time from paper voting system.

In all the country votes were decided the feature for that, we were
introducing the new method of voting system to increase the standard of
living. According to the current system, votes could be counted manually so
that there is more opportunity for occurring error, such as duplicates
counting and completely missed counting Sometimes votes were even
manipulated and motivate by political parties, which lead to inaccurate
vote, and it will distort the results of an election in favor of certain
candidates. This device can be useful for easy to handle, reliability and
accurate. Vote counting is one of the vital activities in the election process.
Failure to complete the count could lead to impact on people attitude
towards the current government so that the election counting should be
transparent, accurate and reliable then only public will feel confidence in
the elections each polling station has a list of all voters assigned to the
station and only those listed may vote in that Polling station.

Electronic Voting Machine is a basic electronic machine that can be

used to store the votes. There were two different forms of voting currently
existing in the world such as Distance voting and Presence voting. In
distance voting voter cast his or her vote from a place other than a polling
booth i.e. via mail or internet voting Therefore, security, confidentiality,
reliability and accurate were the heart of computerized e-voting system
where election data is recorded, stored and processed as digital information
in the modern era. There were different levels of e-voting security. Online
voting process authentication can be done with fingerprint sensing at the
time of voting. As a primary key of the system is in Silence is National
identity which will make the system more secure because of that making
use of the National identity card number which is unique for each person so
that there can’t be no duplicates voting. This entire system can be
implemented using login, which requires the Name of the candidate,
National identity card number and the fingerprint scan. Valid voters will
have their name fingerprint and other details in the government database
server for each state district wise. This will therefore ensure with the help
of unique National identity card number and fingerprint scanner only
legitimate users can cast their vote

1.1 Objective of the Project

The fingerprint-voting project demands the user to submit

Fingerprint at the polling booth. The project uses the Fingerprint
technology and Arduino Systems to design this application. The main
objective of this project is to design a system that asks to user to show
his/her Fingerprint as an identity proof. The system reads the data from
the Fingerprint and verifies the data, which is already stored data in the
database. If the given details match with the database data, the system
allows the person to cast their vote. If the given Fingerprint data does not
match with the stored data, the system immediately activates the display
and the security authorities can come and take the further action.

1.2 Background of the Project

This research was implemented using the Arduino. The system read
the data from the Fingerprint module verify the data with the already
stored data and take the next action. The system is totally designed using
Arduino, Fingerprint module and pushbuttons. The Arduino is control by
program using C/C++ to allow the interface with the Fingerprint Module;
the Arduino controller verifies this data with the already existing data in
the controller’s memory and then implement the commands directed by the
controller section.

1.3 Problem Definition

In 21-century society where electronic technology is growing at an

ever increasing rate, it is difficult to understand why governments were not
converting their paper based election systems to electronic form to
guaranty “One Person One Vote” and to eliminate fraud and corruption.

An example of how a paper based voting system is with disabilities

and vulnerable to corruption can be found in the elections, where the last
election was invalidated due to fraudulent paper ballots used to stuff the
ballot boxes and elect a president illegally. To repair this damage, it has
already cost which could be a recurring cost if the fraud occurred again
and it is difficult to bring charges against the people committing the crime
due to lack of evidence and an audit trail that could be used as a “Chain of
Evidence” by lawyers. Another example is when paper election ballots ran
out at an American election and additional ballots were produced using a
printer and make-shift process for creating the new ballots on white paper
instead of the normal blue ballots. People rushed to obtain the new white
ballots and quickly completed them and stuffed them into the ballot boxes
in a manner that was not traceable and could have been fraudulently
submitted, showing that even first world countries suffer from the use of
paper based ballots.

1.4 Introducing New Direction

To eliminate the problems brought on by the use of paper ballots

and integrate safety policies designed to root out fraud and scandal, while
guarantying “One Person – One Vote”, it is strictly that an electronic
voting system be implemented. This system would provide ballot displays
on a video screen instead of paper. Help screens would be available to the
voter by simply clicking on a button, guaranty that all necessary ballot
fields have been entered correctly – thereby eliminating data entry failures
or votes being lost due to illegible handwriting or mistakes. First, you must
insure that the voter is who they claim to be and not a name found in the
local cemetery or obituary column. Secondly, you must insure that the
voter has not voted previously at another site in this election.

1.5 Existing System

According to the constitution of 1978, first used the past-the-post

(PTP) system. Box That is getting the highest number of votes and
secondly, is not worthy of anyone. In addition to a number of different
districts, there was an action in the electoral districts. In the past, the
first-past-the-post (FPTP) system of INDIA has resulted in greater
influences, the people were so frustrated. INDIA currently utilizes a single
ballot to elect its 225 Parliamentarians 196 seats to 22 multi-member
constituencies and 29 national seats. Each voter is allowed to select up to
three candidates (without a rank ordering) from within their chosen party
as their preferred representatives within their electoral district.

Preference counting is the one of the most difficult counting. This

system referred to internationally as ‘open list’ voting is referred
voting’. This system has become unpopular, in part due to a public
perception that large electoral districts make MPs less accessible to the
public and less concerned about local issues. Other concerns regarding
election violence and campaign financing too have, often erroneously,
become associated with and seen as ills of the current electoral system.

1.6 Propose System

The proposed system offline version electronic based fingerprint

voting system using Arduino. In this system use fingerprint verification and
the interface accepts voter’s national ID card number, provides an
interface to vote and display confirming status or error messages. The
fingerprints for authentication because finger prints processing is faster
and better than other biometric data and internationally very popular in
the immigration system. In here, there could be a dedicated team for this
system in the election departments. Severs were placed at remote location
from the boll booths. They were used to carrying out of the processing
work such as finger print the client and the database generating reports
sending message to voter .
There is a central database contains all the demographic and
biometric data of every citizens of INDIA. In order to reduce load on the
central database there were sub databases in every district election office
that will be located alongside the servers which will contain copies of data
of the citizen that under in district All the sub databases retrieve data from
central database only these people who come under its scope The data is
periodically updated and is stored in volatile form so that it can be erased if
and when necessary sab databases will retrieve only the data that is related
to the voting process and exclude all their irrelevant in formation.


These databases will be used for generating reports and result of

the electoral process. These databases make it possible to allow voting from
anywhere if the voter is within electoral circuits.

In order to authenticate a person, require them to have a valid

National Identity Card No. The number will be checked in local database
first it is found then it will search the central database. If person’s number
is not found in the central database, then person will be devoid of faking
part in the voting process on the other hand if the number is present in the
central database then the data of that person will be cached to the sub
database. This record is extracted from the local database and sent to au
then fixating servers for far their process for verification the person’s
finger print will be scanned at the client side and matched one to one at the
servers with the data infracted from the local database. Figure 1 shows the
block diagram of the proposed system.


Electronic Voting in India The Election Commission of India

developed the country's EVMs in partnership with two government-owned
companies, the Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL) and Bharat
Electronics Limited (BEL).Though these companies are owned by the
Indian government, they are not under the administrative control of the
Election Commission.

They are profit-globally. The-generation EVMs were based on Hitachi

6305 microcontrollers and used firmware stored in external UVerasable
PROMs along with 64kb EEPROMs for storing votes. Second-generation
models were introduced in 2000 by both ECIL and BEL. These machines
moved the firmware into the CPU and upgraded other components. They
were gradually deployed in greater numbers and used nationwide
beginning in 2004.

In 2006, the manufacturers adopted a third-generation design

incorporating additional changes suggested by the Election Commission.
According to Election Commission statistics, there were 1,378,352 EVMs in
use in July 2009. Of these, 448,000 were third-generation machines
manufactured from 2006 to 2009, with 253,400 from BEL and 194,600 from
ECIL. The remaining 930,352 were the second-generation models
manufactured from 2000 to 2005, with 440,146 from BEL and 490,206 from
ECIL. (The first generation machines are deemed too risky to use in
national elections because their 15-year service life has expired, though
they are apparently still used in certain state and local contests.) In the
2009 parliamentary election, there were 417,156,494 votes cast, for an
average of 302 votes per machine.

2.2 Evaluation of Voting Equipment

In the recent years, voting equipment which were widely adopted

may be divided into five types
i) Paper based voting: The voter gets a blank ballot and use a pen or a
marker to indicate he want to vote for which candidate. Hand counted
ballots is a time and labor consuming process, but it is easy to manufacture
paper ballots and the ballots can be retained for verifying, this type is still
the most common way to vote.

ii) Lever voting machine: Lever machine is peculiar equipment, and each
lever is assigned for a corresponding candidate. The voter pulls the lever to
poll for his favorite


This kind of voting machine can count up the ballots automatically.

Because its interface is not user-friendly enough, giving some training to
voters is necessary.

iii) Direct recording electronic voting machine: This type, which is

abbreviated to DRE, integrates with keyboard, touchscreen, or buttons for
the voter press to poll. Some of them lay in voting records and counting the
votes is very quickly. However, the other DRE without keep voting records
are doubted about its accuracy.

iv) Punch card: The voter uses metallic hole-punch to punch a hole on the
blank ballot. It can count votes automatically, but if the voter’s perforation
is incomplete, the result is probably determined wrongfully.

v) Optical voting machine: After each voter fills, a circle correspond to his
or her favorite candidate on the blank ballot, this machine selects the
darkest mark on each ballot for the vote then computes the total result.
This kind of machine counts ballots rapidly. However, if the voter fills over
the circle, it will lead to the error result of optical scan. Voting process is
known as a process for a group by means of a meeting or democratic vote
in orders to take a free decision. This manner consider as the best normally
found in republic and democratic governments (IDEA international, 2012)
Common elections systems are already exist since hundred years ago. All
those earlier election systems, however they had been considered being
acceptable in past days, they started to reveal its disadvantages, day after
day. These disadvantages, lead to a huge development in the design and
style of electronic voting machine. Previously back to 1960, the election
systems used were all run manually. This involves, the election system that
use paper, were the voters' votes casted and counted by hands. During
1961, the design of voting systems developed from manual base to
electronic base where the first electronic voting system was the electronic
punch card system (Giovanni, 2008).


An old voting machine Currently Info and communication

technologies (ICT) have grown and became an important in every aspect of
human been lives. The Information and communication technologies have
wide range of applications starting from the entertainment, to applications
in the areas of business, transportation, communications etc. Even in
medicine or nuclear manufactures' controlling, are now converted to
automated systems. The supporters of the technology may believe that
computer systems are effective, trusted and much more accurate, than
humans, while the others believe that getting the humans guidance out of
the scenario will increase the possibility big errors may occur unnoticed. It
is very important to stand over what the previous researchers have already
done before to be able to defeat the flaws of their e-voting machines and
minimizing the problems may perhaps occur during the election process
(Anthony Lundergan, 2007). Electronic voting machines consist of three
actors: people who will make the votes, registration authorities and tallying
authorities. All the Voters have the right for voting; have to be register
before the Election Day in order to be eligible voters. These authorities
make sure of only authorized people give their vote and they must vote only
one time during the election and then all the votes will be casted and show
the results of the voting (Cetin kaya, 2007).


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