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College of Education and

Liberal Arts


1. This test questionnaire is a property of College of Education; no part of this questionnaire can be
reproduced by any means.
2. Write your name, the subject title and field of specialization on your answer sheet.
3. Shade your correct Zip grade ID in the given space.
4. Avoid erasure.

1. "Nothing happens in this world by chance: it is all a part of a grand design." The author speaks of one's _____
a. ambition
b. luck
c. destiny
d. dream

2. THE VISITORS arrived from Manila last Monday. Change the CAPITAL WORDS noun into personal pronoun.
a. Them
b. They
c. It
d. Me

3. Cynthia wanted to see that show on television. Identify the pronoun "that" in the sentence.
a. relative
b. demonstrative
c. interrogative

4. The lady ________ they spoke to is my mom.

a. whose
b. who
c. whom
d. Who's

5. Be sure to fill ______ the forms correctly.

a. on
b. out
c. in
d. over

6. Ladies, please prepare ____________ for the next segment.

a. you
b. yours
c. yourself
d. yourselves

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

7. Who carried the heaviest load among all of us? The word "who" may be identified as _____.
a. interrogative
b. demonstrative
c. relative

8. My 65-year-old grandmother is as blind as a bat. "as blind as a bat" means ________.

a. having a slightly poor vision
B. having a very poor vision
C. having total blindness
D. having one blind eye

9. People who are too _____ are liable to be deceived by unscrupulous individuals.
a. demanding
b. credulous
c. cynical
d. wary

10. You are summarizing when you write incoherent and irrelevant ideas.
a. True, I am already clipping words and shortening the statements
b. True, I am using different words to supply the statements.
c. False, it is unnecessary to write irrelevant ideas in summarizing statements
d. False, it is not summarizing if it is totally different from its original text. Paraphrasing would be the term.

11. A strong foundation of reading, math, speaking skills enables you to…
a. do many job tasks
b. build your own house
c. make you co-workers look bad
d. Build a vacation

12. Coursework plus training on the job can be:

a. a waste of time
b. boring for good students
c. a great way to get started
d. better for older people rather than younger people

13. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for improving reading comprehension?
a. Critiquing and evaluating the writing from a critical standpoint
b. Try to guess where the author is going with the piece of writing
c. Practice thinking about how you would explain the piece of writing to someone else
d. Practicing your writing based on activities in your daily life

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

14. What type of connection is established through the use of sensory writing?
a. Literary connection
b. Emotional connection
c. Writing connection
d. There are no connections made. Sensory writing is used to give the reader a first person point of view
experience that is driven by description.

15. Teacher: “Your group was hands down the fastest to solve the problem!”, Student: “But our hands were not
down; they were up.” mentioned statement is referring to statements below, EXCEPT:
a. The student is interpreting the meaning of an English idiom literally.
b. The student has an incomplete understanding of English sentence structure.
c. The student has not yet developed cognitive academic language proficiency in English.
d. The student is transferring word meanings from the primary language to English.

16. An ESP teacher is working on a public speaking skills with intermediate and advanced level English
language learners. The teacher wants to promote the students’ ability to assess their own strengths and
weaknesses in regard to formal communication. Which of the following speaking tasks would be most effective
for this purpose?
A. Give a presentation in class and use a scoring rubric as a guide for revising the presentation
B. Attend a public lecture and participate in Q&A session
C. Prepare a presentation and deliver it on the school
D. Viewing of videotape of a famous speech

17. Needs analysis is the basis of any:

a. EGP course
b. ESP course
c. ELT course
d. EMT course

18. read, _____, read. What is the past tense?

a. red
b. read
c. ride
d. none of the above

19. What is the name of the monster in Beowulf?

a. Grendel
b. Frankenstein
c. Barkis
d. Edelir

20. Which National Artist used the pen name Doveglion?

a. F. Sionil Jose
b. Jose Garcia Villa
c. Edilberto Tiempo
d. Francisco Arcellana
College of Education and
Liberal Arts

21. The money used during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in WWII was called what?
a. Yamashita bills
b. Puppet Money
c. Mickey Mouse Money
d. Japanese Dollars

22. hide, _____, hidden. What is the past tense?

a. hiden
b. hide
c. hid
d. none of the above

23. feed, fed, _________. What is the past participle?

a. feded
b. feeds
c. fed
d. none of the above

24. shake, _________, shaken. What is the past tense?

a. shook
b. shakened
c. either
d. none of the above

25. __________, forsook, forsaken. What is the base form?

a. forsee
b. forsake
c. forshook
d. none of the above

26. Non-verbal communication is:

a. Single channeled
b. Linguistic in nature
c. Continuous
c. Less ambiguous than verbal communication

27. What term is often used interchangeably with the term standard?
a. Benchmark
b. Fluency
c. Diagnosis
d. All of the above

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

28. Concepts and vocabulary acquired by a student are known as ____.

a. Fluency
b. Prior knowledge
c. Decoding
d. None of the above

29. What does phonemic awareness means?

a. Knowledge that words are composed of sounds
b. Using syntax and semantics
c. Sequences of phonics
d. None of the above

30. Readers possess knowledge about how language works - grammatical relationships within sentence
a. Semantic System
b. Bottom-up models
c. Graphophonemic System
d. Syntactic system
31. Choose the sentence that expresses clear thought and has no error in structure and/or spelling.
a. The farmer has plowed, planted and harvested his corn in record time.
b. The farmer plowed, has planted and has harvested his corn in record time.
c. The farmer plowed, planted and harvested his corn in record time.
d. The farmer did plow, plant and harvest his corn in record time.

32. Provides readers with a major source of information; speech sounds.

a. Semantic System
b. Syntactic system
c. Graphophonic Cues
d. Bottom-up models

33. Evaluative listening is successful when we:

a. understand the intended meaning of a message.
b. accurately distinguish stimuli in a message.
c. make critical assessments of the accuracy of the facts in a message.
d. all of the above.

34. It is the immediate form in which the message send/take. It could be in a form of letter, an email,
newspaper, etc.
a. Message
b. Media
c. Content
d. Feedback

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

35. The job of this element is to 'conceptualize' the message before it is sent.
a. Sender
b. Channel
c. Receiver
d. Feedback

36. The linear model of communication assumes a lack of immediate _____.

a. Delivery
b. Purchasing
c. Understanding
d. Feedback

37. What type of speaking activity is this? Student A: “You are boarding a bus. Ask the driver if it will take you to
your hotel.” Student B: “You stop to pick up a business traveler. Help the traveler find the right route.”
a. Cloze
b. Jigsaw
c. Roleplay
d. Pair-Share

38. You write a business letter to a company telling them about your latest projects. What kind of writing is it?
a. description
b. narrative
c. argumentation
d. exposition

39. Creating relationships between the name and the physical characteristics of the person to remember the
person's name.
a. Association technique
b. rhyme-keys
c. Chaining
d. Keywords

40. Visualizing words literally attached to familiar object.

a. Peg method
b. Linking Method
c. Method of Loci
d. Place Method

41. Under 'Productive Skills' there are the following:

a. Listening and Speaking
b. Listening and Reading
c. Reading and Writing
d. Speaking and Writing

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

42. It is the process of using symbols to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form.
a. Synthesizing
b. Interpretation
c. Speaking
d. Writing

43. What word describes a word that sounds like the noise it makes?
a. Allegory
b. Onomatopoeia
c. Metaphor
d. Hyperbole

44. Carl _______ his teeth before breakfast every morning.

a. cleans
b. clean
c. will cleaned
d. is cleaning

45. Regional varieties within a language are called:

a. Slang
b. Jargons
c. Sociolects
d. Dialects

46. Varieties of Language typical for an occupation is called:

a. Dialect
b. Sociolect
c. Slang
d. Jargon

47. In learning styles, it is about "shortening" or reducing parts. Example is Ad for Advertisment.
a. Blending
b. short-key
c. clipping
d. all of the above

48. An advantage of oral communication is that:

a. It is more flexible than written communication
b. It is more personal and less formal than written communication
c. It is very effective to address conflicts and problems
d. All of the above

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

49. The following are the theories in reading, EXCEPT:

a. skimming
b. top-down approach
c. bottom-up approach
d. all of the above

50. Which of the following behaviors are part of active listening?

a. maintain eye contact
b.nodding and making eye contact.
c. asking for clarification
d. all of the above

51. The following are the Elements of Communication, EXCEPT:

a. Noise and Feedback
b. Sender and Receiver
c. Messages and Channel
d. Context and Environment

52. It is said to be the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.
a. Researching
b. Listening
c. Synthesizing
d. Speaking

53. "Wait time" refers to the amount of time ____.

a. student should wait before asking a 2nd question
b. between giving a presentation and getting a mark
c. students waiting for his/her teacher to end the question
d. teacher remains silent after asking a question
54. This type of writing tries to persuade the reader to think about something in a new way or to take a certain
a. narrative
b. argumentation
c. description
d. exposition

55. It uses the first letter from a group of words to form a new word.
a. Reading
b. Skimming
c. Chunking
d. Acronym

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

56. The four Macro Skills that are referred to in English Language are the following, EXCEPT:

57. Don't make so much noise. Nath _______ to study for her ESL test! trying

58. Varieties typical for social groups are called:


59. A diagnostic language test would be most appropriate to administer to English language learners for the
purpose of:
a. Measuring their general capacity for learning a second language
b. Identifying their level of proficiency in a particular aspect of English
c. Determining their overall level of English language proficiency
d. Assessing their mastery of material covered in a language lesson

60. It is limited in its syntax and lexis, but meant to be used as an international medium.
a. Basic English
b. Pidgin
c. Contact Language
d. Restricted Language

61. BRB, LOL, ASAP, TNX, and BTW are examples of:
a. Slang
b. Jargon
c. Internet slang
d. None of the above

62. Airhead, idiot box, gig and swag are examples of:
a. Internet slang
b. Jargon
c. Slang
d. All of the above

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

63. It is a colloquial variety of language that is used highly informal situations.

a. Airspeak
b. Jargon
c. Slang
d. Pidgin

64. It is a hybrid ‘makeshift language’ used by and among traders. A term used in both a general and a
technical sense for a Contact Language which draws on elements from two or more languages.
a. Pidgin
b. Jargon
c. Airspeak
d. Contact Language

65. This language is designed to facilitate communication between aircraft pilots and air traffic controllers.
a. Seaspeak
b. Restricted Code
c. Artificial Language
d. Airspeak

66. A controlled natural language (CNL) based on English, designed to facilitate communication between ships
whose captains' native tongues differ.
a. Airspeak
b. Restricted Code
c. Artificial Language
d. Seaspeak

67. All of the following class activities are recommended for an Academic English course, EXCEPT:
a. Writing business reports
b. Conducting a feasibility study
c. Writing reaction paper
d. Presenting a research study

68. Sneakers, sweaters, and vest are example English terminologies from:
a. British
b. American
c. neither
d. either

69. Chips, crisps, and biscuits are example English terminologies from:
a. British
b. American
c. either
d. neither

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

70. Size, prize, advise and surprise are examples of English words from:
a. American
b. British
c. either
d. neither

71. Enrol, instil, skilful, and willful are examples of English words from:
a. British
b. American
c. either
d. neither

72. As an exemption to the rule; Acre, Massacre, Mediocre, and Ogre are example words of:
a. American and British
b. British Only
c. American only
d. Neither

73. In the beginning of the 5th century, Britain was invaded by the three tribes from the Northern Europe:
a. Jutes, Carveti and Saxons
b. Angles, Salgovae, and Damnonii
c. Angles, Saxons and Jutes
d. Caledones, Saxons and Silures

74. We have two varieties of English in the world, namely:

a. American & British English
b. American & Australian English
c.Canadian & British English
d.Canadian & American English

75. 21st century teaching and learning process promotes fairness and positive learning environment. The
following possible situation follows this guide, EXCEPT:
a. Alex and Vince push their friend Chukoy to answer on number 2 question.
b. Chukoy asks Alex to give the answer for the activity number 4.
c. On the first day, Mrs. Keriko Pah posted rules and guidelines at the left corner of the boarD.
d. Mrs. Keriko Pah lets her students do any actions inside the classroom, due to his philosophy in life that every
student must be given a chance to show to everybody what they've got.

76. Mrs. Aidah also wanted her students to be energized before they go through; she provided 1-2 minutes for
this activity. She is performing ____.
a. Motivation
b. Generalization
c. Drill
d. Review

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

77. A two-way conversation in which the interviewer learns about you and you learn about the job.
a. education
b. interview
c. experience
d. application letter

78. An experienced employee who serves as counselor to a person with less experience.
a. mentor
b. interviewer
c. costumers
d. references

79. I am no longer as tall as ____

a. he
b. his
c. him
d. none of the above

80. The cheerdancers waited for _______ costumes.

a. them
b. they
c. theirs
d. their

81. Which of the following kinds of communication do students spend most time engaged in:
a. listening
b. speaking
c. reading
d. writing

82. The editor found the news so entertaining. He found it full of:
a. noun
b. pronoun
c. adjective
d. adverbs

83. Venus is an exemplication of feminine pulchritude. Pulchritude means:

a. plain
b. beauty
c. ugliness
d. Homeliness

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

84. Watching TV is controlled by parents; children below 18 are discouraged to view this type of film.
a. discovery in Science
b. Historical battles
c. Violence and Sex
d. Adolescent Stories

85. These gadgets belong to him. These are _____.


86. Jane ask ___ about the report.

a. he
b. him
c. they
d. none of the above

87. I promised Alex a new car which is my gift for his graduation. The word "which" is?
a. relative
b. demonstrative
c. interrogative

88. I _____ the election next year.

a. win
b. won
c. will win

89. The presentors ________ their topics in the seminar last month.
a. teach
b. will teach
c. taught
d. will taught

90. My parents and I ___ a new property two years ago.

a. acquire
b. acquiring
c. will acquire
d. acquired

91. When did English language starts where dialects brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers?
a.3rd Century
b.8th century
c.2nd century
d.None of the above

College of Education and
Liberal Arts

92. What is considered as the oldest language in the world?

a. Tamil Language
b. Modern Frisian
c. Greek
d. French
93. Verbal communication is communication that:
a. uses words
b. uses facial expressions
c. uses hand motions
d. emphasizes good posture

94. Wisdom cries aloud in the street.

a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. allusion

95. My grandmother has a lucid moments before she died. This means that:
a. confused
b. ambiguous
c. sad
d. clear thinking

96. Stop shilly-shallying and make up your mind. This serves as warning not to:
a. go ahead
b. decide
c. continue
d. hesitate

97. The speech was full of gobbledygook. What does this mean?
a. jargon
b. ideas
c. facts
d. meaningless

98. “Don't act like a Romeo in front of her.” The name “Romeo” is?
a. Hyperbole
b. Allusion
c. oxymoron
d. paradox

99. It is also considered as "antinomy".

a. Allusion
b. paradox
c. oxymoron
d. none of the above
College of Education and
Liberal Arts

100. "deafening silence", "faith unfaithful", and "the same difference" are examples of:
a. Simile
b. paradox
c. oxymoron
d. onomatopoeia


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