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2017 2nd International Conference on Computer, Network Security and Communication Engineering (CNSCE 2017)

ISBN: 978-1-60595-439-4

Modeling and Simulation of Proteus Electrical Simulation Model CT1628

Da-ming PEI
Guangzhou Civil Aviation College Guangzhou Guangdong China

Keywords: Proteus, Electrical simulation model, CT1628; DLL.

Abstract. A Proteus electrical simulation model for CT1628 is implemented based on the study of
Proteus C++ programming interface—DLL. The test results show that the CT1628 simulation
model can identify the key and can control the LED digital tube, providing a more convenient and
intuitive platform for the functional test of the chip, which is beneficial to the software and
hardware co-design of the chip development.

With the rapid development of computer technology, as a new kind of simulation system, Proteus
has been applied to the electronic system design process, not only provides a complete virtual
laboratory for single-chip microcomputer teaching and research, and completely change the
traditional design scheme: first the test, then improvement and then validation, shorten the research
and development process of electronic systems products, save the development cost, promote the
improvement of the electronic system design.
However, in the process of Proteus simulation, there will be a problem: practical device and
Proteus simulation model mismatch and even some components without the simulation model, there
are two ways to solve the problem: one is to use the development board and the emulator, to
complete the project development by means of adding hardware circuit; The other is to design
corresponding simulation model according to the properties of the device. This paper, by using the
second method to create a CT1628 Proteus electrical simulation model based on dynamic link

Proteus VSM Simulation Model and CT1628 Profile

In the process of SCM system simulation using Proteus, often can not find the required components,
which requires to write your own. A major feature of Proteus VSM is its extensibility through the
use of DLL based component models. These models are divided into two categories: Electrical
Model and Graphical Model. Electrical model to achieve the electrical characteristics of
components, according to the time sequence of the received data and output data; Graphical model
to achieve simulation and user interaction, such as LCD display. These models can be purely
electrical, or can combine electrical and graphical behavior to allow user interaction with the
The VSM API [1]draws heavily on the concepts underlying COM architecture but does not
implement it fully. Specifically, all the major VSM interfaces are implemented as C++ abstract
classes. Users create components need to implement the corresponding abstract class in DLL. The
Figure 1 provides an overview of how a VSM model communicates with the rest of the Proteus
System. The arrows indicate the direction in which function calls are made. electrical part of a
model communicates with the PROSPICE simulator kernel, while the graphical part of a model
communicates with ISIS[2,3].
The Graphical Model Interface consists of two interface classes.
Class ICOMPONENT represents an Active Component object within ISIS and provides services
which allow a VSM model to draw on the schematic and interact with the user.
Class IACTIVEMODEL provides a base class from which to derive your VSM graphical models.
Users to achieve the VSM graphical model need to inherit this class, and to achieve the
corresponding graphics and keyboard mouse event processing.
Figure 1. Proteus system communication diagram.
The Electrical Model API consists of the following interface classes.
Class IINSTANCE represents a simulator primitive with PROSPICE and provides services which
allow a VSM model to access its properties, analogue nodes and digital pins. It also allows a model
to report warnings and errors through the simulation log.
Class ISPICECKT represents the analogue parts of the circuit as held by SPICE. It provides
services for accessing, creating and deleting nodes, and for allocating space within the sparse
matrices. It also allows a model to force simulation time points to occur at specified times, and to
suspend the simulation.
Class IDSIMCKT represents the digital parts of the circuit as held by DSIM. It provides access to
DSIM system variables. It also allows a model to create callback events and to suspend the
Class IDSIMPIN represents a digital component pin as held by DSIM. It provides services for
examining the current and previous states of the pin, and for creating new output transition events.
Class ISPICEMODEL provides a base class from which to derive models which exhibit analogue
behavior. You are required to implement functions for loading admittance and current values into
the sparse matrices, accepting or rejecting a proposed time step, and processing data from
completed time points.
Class IDSIMMODEL provides a base class from which to derive models which exhibit digital
behavior. You are required to implement functions for determining the effect state changes on the
model's pins and for processing callback events.
Class IMIXEDMODEL is a multiple inheritance of ISPICEMODEL and IDSIMMODEL and
provides a base class for components which exhibit both analogue and digital behavior.
In order to allow Proteus to access the member functions of a user model, must create an instance
of user model. This cannot be achieved through the class interface, can only be derived from the
DLL several C functions to achieve, in the user model must be implemented in these C functions, to
achieve the results of the construction and analysis of the user model.
(1) Constructor and deconstructor for Graphical Model instance
IACTIVEMODEL *createactivemodel (CHAR *device, ILICENCESERVER *ils)
void deleteactivemodel (IACTIVEMODEL *model)
(2) Constructor and deconstructor for analogue electrical model instance
ISPICEMODEL *createspicemodel (CHAR *device, ILICENCESERVER *ils)
void deletespicemodel (ISPICEMODEL *model)
(3) Constructor and deconstructor for Digital electrical model instance
IDSIMMODEL *createdsimmodel (CHAR *device, ILICENCESERVER *ils)
void deletedsimmodel (IDSIMMODEL *model)
(4) Constructor and deconstructor for mixed model instance
IMIXEDMODEL *createmixedmodel (CHAR *device, ILICENCESERVER *ils)
void deletemixedmodel (IDSIMMODEL *model)
CT1628 is a kind of LED (light emitting diode display) driver control circuit with keyboard
scanning interface, which is integrated with MCU digital interface, data latch, LED high voltage
driver, keyboard scanning circuit and so on. Using SOP28 package form. Mainly used in DVD,
induction cooker, set-top boxes, air conditioners, refrigerators and home theater products such as
digital display driver.

CT1628 Electrical Simulation Model Development

The development of Proteus VSM simulation model, first drawing element graphics, pins and
related symbols, and making elements, setting element attributes, then write components with C++,
and realizes the electrical drawing model, the compiler generates DLL, the end is to build the circuit
simulation test. The following is an example of CT1628 components to explain in detail the
development process. Drawing component graphics, pins and related symbols, set the component
attributes can refer to references 4[4]. A CT1628 symbol is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. CT1628 component symbol. Figure 3. CT1628 simulation running diagram.

Among them, GND, VDD electrical type select PP-Power Pin, DIO electrical type select
IO-Bidirectional, CLK, STB electrical type select IP-Input, SG1~SG14, GR1~GR7 electrical type
select OP-Output, NC, GND, VCC need to hide, so ‘Draw body’ do not choose. After the
configuration is complete, select the components, and then make the components, the components
are linked to the CT1628.DLL.
The realization of the electric model, can be implemented by the mean of writing device driver in
a high-level language, compiled DLL, complete data exchange by the call of Proteus when
simulation. The dynamic link library developed by VC++ platform, from the Proteus installation
directory INCLUDE folder copy the virtual system model interface header files VSM.HPP to the
current project directory, and then write CT1628 component code.
CT1628 components have only digital electrical characteristics, no the Graphical characteristics,
so only to inherit the IDSIMMODEL. Create a class CT1628, public inheritance IDSIMMODEL
and implement the member function:
The electrical model member function:
int isdigital (CHAR *pinname);// Digital circuits always return TRUE
void setup (IINSTANCE *inst, IDSIMCKT *dsim);// When creating a model instance is called,
do initialization

void runctrl (RUNMODES mode);// The simulation operation mode control, at the beginning
of each frame in the interactive simulation is invoked
void actuate (REALTIME time, ACTIVESTATE newstate);// Interactive simulation when the
user changes the buttons and other state is invoked
bool indicate (REALTIME time, ACTIVEDATA *data);
// Interactive simulation at the end of each frame is called, passing ACTIVEDATA
communication data and drawing model, thus invoking the animate () for drawing
void simulate (ABSTIME time, DSIMMODES mode);// called when pin state changes, mainly
used for processing the data input and output
void callback (ABSTIME time, EVENTID eventid);// Through setcallback () sets the callback
function called at any given time
Because the CT1628 has only electrical characteristics, it does not have to interact with the user,
so the member function, runctrl(RUNMODES mode), actuate (REALTIME time, ACTIVESTATE
newstate), indicate (REALTIME time, ACTIVEDATA *data) three bodies are empty; function
isdigital (CHAR *pinname), return 1; In setup (IINSTANCE *inst, IDSIMCKT *dsim) function,
associate the digital pin with the member variables and set the pin status; function simulate
(ABSTIME time, DSIMMODES mode) mainly used for data input and output; function callback
(ABSTIME time, EVENTID eventid) to implement repeating events such as clock generators.
The dynamic link library file is called in the process of Proteus simulation, driver CT1628 work
according to the read and write timing of system. In order to correct the electrical model and
mapping model verification components, need to build a circuit simulation test.

Building Simulation Test Circuit

In Proteus using AT89C51 as the main control chip to build a display circuit, new a project in the
Keil platform[5], write test code, load HEX files to the AT89C51, run the simulation program, the
results are shown in Figure 3, digital display is the state of second and fifth keys pressed, CT1628
simulation model can identify key and can control the digital display correctly.

Based on the commonly used MCU and its peripheral circuit simulation application in proteus, aim
at the problem of the existing simulation models in practical application and the actual device does
not match, this paper proposed a design scheme of Proteus VSM simulation model based on
high-level languages. By writing the driver, the data of Graphical model completes the simulation
of the real time exchange, code written by Keil C software, build a testing system, verify the
availability of VSM model. The actual application results show that the method developed by VSM
module practicality is strong, good generality, VSM model design is ideal, and largely reduce the
development period for hardware dependent.

[1] Lab Center Electronics Company. Proteus VSM Development Kit 5.1[K]. 2003.
[2] Yang Hong, Zhou Xiao-fang, Yang Qing-qin. C++ Modeling and Simulation of Processor
Based on Proteus, J. Computer Engineering. 37(2011) 279-281.
[3] Huai Wen-jun, Ren She-yi, Xue Yan-xia. Design and Implementation of a DLL-based Proteus
VSM Simulation Model, J. Journal of Suzhou Vocational University. 20(2009) 22-25.
[4] Information on
[5] Ding Ming-liang, Tang Qian-hui. 51 MCU application design and simulation based on Keil C
and PROTEUS, first ed., Beihang University press, Beijing, 2009.

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