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S6 & Elite Instructions

IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions before using your gun.

• Only use dry breathing air. All Brocock airguns are made to the highest standards at our factory in
• Any physical damage to air cylinders or filling tanks or their Redditch. Before leaving the factory all guns are tested to verify velocity
fittings and valves must require the return of the item(s) to the and pellet grouping. UK law states that air rifles should not be capable
manufacturer or their appointed agent for inspection. of producing muzzle energy above 12 ft-lb, or in the case of air pistols,
above 6 ft-lbs all Brocock guns conform to this requirement. Export
• Any modification or service to the product must only be carried
models are supplied to conform to the laws in the destination country.
out by the manufacturer or their appointed agent. On no account
should owners attempt to work on or modify guns.
• Do not exceed the manufacturers maximum fill pressure for the USING COMPRESSED AIR
All Brocock airguns can be filled from an air tank or using a hand pump.
• Because of the high pressures involved the air reservoir should be
Whichever is used, a pressure gauge and supply hose bleed device must
checked periodically by the factory or an appointed agent of the
be included, and the manufacturers’ instructions must always
company. Brocock recommend air reservoirs be visually inspection
be followed.
every 3 years and pressure tested every 10 years.
• When storing the rifle avoid excessive heat, cold or humidity.
• Never try to fill your gun with air when the rifle is in a partially FILLING YOUR AIR RIFLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR
assembled state.
Note: Do not use any other gas than clean, dry compressed AIR.
• Rotate the knurled collar at the end of the cylinder to access the filling
valve and insert the male filling probe into the inlet valve and push it all
GUN SAFETY the way in.
• Check that the bleed screw on the charging unit is closed and slowly
• Make sure you know the laws relating to airguns, and abide by them.
open the feed valve on the air bottle. Compressed air will now fill the
• When you pick up any gun always check that it is not loaded. reservoir.
• Never point a gun at anyone or anything that is not a legitimate target. • Fill to the charging pressure marked on the breech block, typically
• Never leave your rifle unattended, even if it’s unloaded. 200 bar maximum. Close the feed valve. Allow a few minutes for the
• Gun safety is a state of mind; always remember what guns are for. pressure to ‘settle’ and then top up if required.

• When you have finished shooting, store your gun and pellets separately. • Ensure that the valve on the charging cylinder is closed, then sharply
Make sure the gun is not loaded and lock it away out of reach of open the bleed valve on the charging unit and bleed off the air from the
children. filler hose.

• Never shoot if you are not sure it is safe to do so, be sure of the target • Remove the filling probe and rotate the knurled collar to close the filling
before you take the shot. valve aperture.

• Always ensure there is a safe backstop behind your target to stop the Maximum fill pressure
pellet if you miss. Brocock Elite air guns have a maximum fill pressure of 200 bar but
• Pellets can ricochet off water or other smooth surfaces, do not shoot at because of manufacturing tolerance variations, the optimum fill pressure
these as they may deflect your pellet in an unintended direction. may differ slightly from the recommended fill pressure stated. If you
exceeded the maximum fill pressure you will reduce the power of the
• Always unload your gun when climbing or crossing obstacles.
gun and may cause damage to the valve. Damage so caused is
• Never get into a car or go indoors with a loaded gun. classed as miss-use and is not covered by the warrantee and is a
• Always make sure the muzzle of your gun is pointed in a safe direction chargeable repair.
in case you stumble. Regularly check the condition of the filling probe “O” rings and apply
• Always get the permission of the land owner before shooting. a little Molycote 111 grease. Only use this grease on the “O” rings as
automotive mineral oils and grease can cause an explosion if used with
high-pressure air.
S6 & Elite Instructions
IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions before using your gun.


• Lift the bolt handle and pull back as far as it will go and lock it When you have finished shooting always check that the rifle is unloaded
downwards, the magazine can now be removed. and wipe the metal and woodwork with a lightly oiled cloth. Pay
particular attention to metal finishes as these are not fully rustproof and
• The magazine has been designed so that it will only fit into the gun if
can be damaged by damp, perspiration or blood. If the rife is damp,
it is the right way round. It has a small spring loaded ball in the center make sure it is totally dry before putting it away.
of the front face and a larger fixed ball in the center of the rear face.
Never use lubricants containing silicone as they can cause damage to
Fill the magazine with pellets ensuring they are facing the correct way metal surfaces. Application of oil and grease except as directed by the
and that they are securely seated and that the skirts are flush to the manufacturer can often do more harm than good.
magazine body.
The rifle has been designed and manufactured for optimum
• Insert the magazine into the breach block making sure it is firmly seated. performance. Tampering with the components, or unauthorized
• Lift the bolt handle, slide it forward and push it down into the front slot. modifications and alterations may make the rifle unsafe to use and will
The rifle is now loaded and ready to fire. invalidate the warranty. All air rifles require periodic maintenance and
inspection, so even if everything seems to be in good working order, it
• NOTE: there is no safety catch on the gun. checked periodically by a competent gunsmith. Always have the power
• When the rifle has been fired, the magazine will automatically index to re-checked following any maintenance or repair work as any repairs or
the next chamber when the rifle is re-cocked. Close the bolt and the adjustments could affect the power.
rifle is ready for the next shot. It is your legal responsibility to make sure the air rifle remains below
the legal limit, which in the UK is 12 ft-lb.
• When the sixth and final pellet has been fired, the magazine is ready to All new Brocock air guns manufactured after 1st May 2014 are
be refilled. guaranteed against faulty parts and labour for a period of 2 years from
date of purchase (proof of purchase required). After this period it is
• Only use soft metal pellets.
recommended that the rifle be returned to Brocock or its authorized
agent for a scheduled service and subsequently every 3 years. Servicing
is charged at current rates. The warranty applies to the first purchase of
TRIGGER ADJUSTMENT a new rifle and is not transferable to subsequent owners.

Before adjusting the trigger always ensure that the rifle is not cocked
or loaded. In the interests of safety, take care not to over-lighten the EXCLUDED FROM WARRANTY
trigger weight.
The trigger is set at the factory, but some aspects can be adjusted to Failure due to misuse or abuse, the fitting of non-standard parts, springs,
seals, damage to stocks and fair wear and tear. Brocock Ltd or their
suit individual preferences.
approved agent must carry out all maintenance and warranty work.
1. First stage travel is adjusted at the front of the trigger housing using a The rifle must be maintained and used as outlined in this Instruction
1.5mm Allen key, screw in to reduce travel. Manual. Should a rifle be returned or collected under warranty, Brocock
2. Weight is adjusted at the rear of the trigger housing. Screw in to or its approved agent reserve the right to charge for postage
lighten pull-weight. & inspection costs.
Caution should always be used when adjusting any trigger. Adjusting the
trigger to a point where it becomes too sensitive could result in the rifle
firing accidentally. If in doubt consult a qualified Gunsmith.


Remove the magazine from the gun, close the bolt and aim the rifle at a
safe target and fire. It is good practice to follow this procedure when you
have finished shooting, whether you know the magazine to be empty
or otherwise.

While every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in these instructions Brocock Ltd or their agents cannot be held responsible for
errors or omissions. Products are continually updated and specification may change without notice. Visit our website for the latest information. E&OE.

Brocock Ltd, Unit 32 Heming Road, Washford Industrial Estate, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 0DH, England
Brocock Ltd, reserve the right to alter the designs or any constructional details of any product at any time without prior notice.

© Brocock Ltd. Unauthorize sale, distribution, copying or reproduction of part or all of this material is not permitted without prior arrangement.

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