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Module Code 19MMT501A

Module Name Product and brand management
Programme MBA
Faculty FMC

Name of the Student G chaitra

Reg. No 19MCMS047024
Batch FULL TIME 2019
Module Leader Dr. G Devkumar

Creating brand awareness is a key step in promoting a new product or reviving an older
brand. Ideally, awareness of the brand may include the qualities that distinguish the product
from its competition

Product chosen: coca-cola

Awareness stage: Before anyone can become a customer they have to know you exist.
That’s where the funnel begins: people becoming aware of your company. This is usually
accomplished through marketing campaigns; however, sometimes consumers will find you
through their own research

Example: Coca-Cola company which will be launching new product to its product line
which will be diet friendly now to create awareness about the product to the customers
by promoting the products through advertisements, bill boards and social media
awareness is created

Interest: After leads have been gathered, they begin to do research and grow their
interest in what you have to offer. In this stage of the sales funnel, brands should be
developing relationships and building trust.
Example: In this stage to create interest in the customer minds by promoting the
product through fitness and diet coaches. Conducting campaigns in the social
gatherings and tie-up with food related companies

Next in this stage the consumer tries the product to compare with a competitive brands and
their specifications within the same range and the services provided by the competitor This
is when a lead has almost made up their mind. They have expressed interest, and may have
even placed an item into their shopping cart. Now it is your job not to let them get away.

Example: customer would compare Coca-Cola with other diet friendly drinks
and check how they different from each other and does the services to have a
better idea about why to buy .

Action stage :
The consumer in this stage of the purchase funnel, customers are just about ready to
commit, but they are doing one last comparison between you and your competition. This is
when nurturing your customer is vital. lead has finally converted into a customer

Example: customer will consider to buy the product as they have the
awareness and how they are different from other company diet products.

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