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Module Code 19MMT501A

Module Name Product and brand management

Programme MBA
Faculty FMC

Name of the Student Kaushik V M

Reg. No 19MCMS047040
Batch FULL TIME 2019
Module Leader Dr. G Devkumar
Strategies of brand awareness
Being a general manager of a cheese and milk products company , while
introducing a new product line I would make some new strategies and
advertisement plans to create a awareness among consumers.

1. Awareness stage
The consumers won’t know much about my product, so my aim is to
create some awareness about my new product to be launched which is a
new variety of cheese. Here I will provide some information about
cheese and its health benefits.
2. Interest stage
In this stage the consumer develops some interests after seeing my ads
in digital media about its health benefits.
3. Desire stage
Whenever the consumer come across the cheese he will remember my
brand of cheese, the customer has the need to buy in this stage.
4. Action stage
In this stage the consumer thinks to buy the product. When he come
across the cheese product in any super market he will buy this brand of

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