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Technology and
Module 6
What I Know
Activity 1 - Match Me!
A. Directions: Match column A to column B. Write only the letter of your answer
in your TLE activity notebook.

1. a. cut

2. b. death

3. c. virus

4. d. slip

5. e stress
6. f. poison

7. g lung cancer

8. h. fall

9. i. burn

10 . j. rabbis

B. Directions: Give the complete word meaning of the following acronyms.

1. HERP –
2. HERO –
4. PPE --

Lesson Identifying Hazard and Risk

What’s In

Now that you already know the common troubles of sewing machine and its
remedies, try to answer the activity below.

Activity 2 - Fill Me Version 1




Activity 3 - Fill Me Version 2

Date Things to Do

What’s New
Now, let’s have a story about some wonderful ideas for safe storage along
with guidelines on how to use common tools and items found in your sewing and
craft room.

Let’s Read This!

When my mother first started teaching me to sew, she told me about one
of her earliest sewing mishaps. She was about five years old, and was playing
with her mother's treadle machine (even though she knew she wasn't allowed to).
Sure enough, she turned the flywheel while her finger was under the needle. But
she knew if she cried out, she would be punished for playing with the machine,
so she had to back the needle out and bandage the wound herself. Her mother
never found out about the accident, and my mother never had another machine
mishap again.

Mom's story made a big impression on me. Since then, I have always
been a cautious sewer. So far (knock wood!), I have avoided any serious sewing
injury; however, thousands of other sewing enthusiasts every year are not as

Sewing involves lots of opportunities for injury. Some of these are obvious,
but some are less so. Sewers can injure their bodies in almost imperceptible

The most obvious injuries are those caused by sharp implements such as
needles and cutting tools. In addition to puncture wounds, sewers are at risk for
slicing wounds (from scissors and rotary cutters) and burns (from irons). Taking
basic precautions will reduce the risk of injury in the sewing.

What is It
Types of Hazard
1. A chemical hazard is any substance that can cause harm primarily to

2. An electrical hazard can be defined as a dangerous condition where a

worker could make electrical contact with energized equipment or a
conductor, and from which the person may sustain an injury from shock;
and/or, there is potential for the worker to receive an arc flash burn,
thermal burn, or blast injury.

3. Ergonomic hazards include:

 improper adjusted workstations and chairs;
 frequent lifting;
 poor posture;
 awkward movements;
 using too much force;
 vibration.

4. Psychological hazard relates to mental health and behavioral disorders.

5. Radiation Hazard (RADHAZ) describes the hazards of electromagnetic
radiation to fuels, electronic hardware, ordinance, and personnel. In the
military these hazards are segregated as follows:
a) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel (HERP)
b) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO)
c) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel (HERF)

6. A biological hazard or biohazard is anything coming from living organisms

6. Physical hazards are those substances which threaten your physical

What’s More

Activity 4 - Identification

Directions: Name and identify the following symbols of hazard and risk in
dressmaking. Write your answer in your TLE activity notebook.

1. __________

2 _________________

3. _______________

4. ________________

5. _____________
What I Have Learned

Activity 5 - Essay
Direction: Give the best answer and write it in your in your TLE activity

A. What is the difference between a hazard and a risk?

Give examples.

B. What is the importance of hazard identification?


Content The content was well-thought and 4
guide questions were thoroughly
Organization The paper was well-written with ideas 3
easily conveyed to readers.
Development Points are thoroughly developed. 3
Total 10

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Module 9.

What I Can Do

Activity 6 – Hazard Identification

Directions: List down all your experiences about hazard and risk you have
encountered at home.

Hazards Risks


Post Test
A. Directions: Chose your answer from the picture given in column A
and write the letter only in your TLE activity notebook.


1. a. virus

2. b. slip

3. c. stress

4. d. fall

5. f. rabbis


7. g. poison
8. h. lung cancer

9 j. cut

10. k. death

B. Directions: Give the complete word meaning of the following acronyms.

Write your answer in your TLE activity notebook.

1. HERP –

2. HERO –


4. PPE --

Answer Key

Pre-Test What I Can Do Assessment

A. 1. Voltage 1.G 6.E
1. A 6. E 2. Chemicals 2. H 7.C
2. D 7.A 3. Radiation 3.K 8.J
3. F 8.H 4.Biological Risk 4. D 9.J
4. G 9.J 5.Oxidant material 5.F 10.B
5. B 10.I B.
B. 1. Hazards of
1. Hazards of Radiation to
Electromagneti Personnel
c Radiation to
Personnel 2. Hazards of
2. Hazards of Radiation to
Electromagneti Ordinance
c Radiation to
Ordinance 3. Hazards of
3. Hazards of Radiation to Fuel
c Radiation to 4.Personal
Fuel Protective
Protective 5. Radiation
Equipment Hazards
5. Radiation

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