My Portfolio in Proctice Teaching

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Practice Teaching



Jennelyn Tabut Peñas

Bachelor in Business Teachers Education
SY 2010-2011
Republic of the Philippines
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Practice Teaching Portfolio

Jennelyn Tabut Peñas
Bachelor in Business Teachers Education
SY 2010-2011

Assigned at:
Sauyo High School
2nd Laguna St. NIA Village Sauyo, Q.C

Submitted to:
Prof. Marilyn F. Isip
Prof. Sheryl R. Morales

March 2011

Table of Contents
Teachers Prayer


Course Description

Sauyo High School

School Context- Community Profile
Organizational Structure

Final Demonstration Plan

Brief Synopsis of Reading and Research Preferences

Professional Career Plan – 2 Years

Narrative Report

Lesson Plan

Current Issues

A. Photos
B. Lesson Plan
C. Certificate/ Daily Time Record
D. Evidence of Outreach Program
E. Reflection

This manual is dedicated to my family, who taught me that

the best kind of knowledge to have is that which is learned

for its own sake. It is also dedicated to my mentors, who

taught me that even the largest task can be accomplished if

it is done one step at a time.

Without their patience, understanding, support, and most of

all love, the completion of this work would not have been


I am heartily thankful to my Alma Mater, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

for the opportunity of experiencing Student Teaching, to Prof. Marilyn Isip and

Prof. Sherilyn Morales for their supervision, to my Cooperating Teacher, Mrs.

Elizabeth A. Lascoña, whose encouragement , guidance and support from initial to

the final level enabled me to develop an understanding of being a good teacher, to

Sauyo High School who warmly welcomed us in their School, to My Beloved

Students- I- Excellence, I- Commitment, I- Diligence,I-Efficiency, I- Prudence and

I- Charity for love and respect during my stay in their school.

Lastly, I offer my regards and blessings to all of those who supported me in any

respect during the compilation of this manual.

God grant me wisdom, creativity and love.

With wisdom, I may look to the future

and see the effect that my teaching will
have on these children and thus adapt my
methods to fit the needs of each one.

With creativity, I can prepare new and interesting

projects that can challenge my students and expand
their minds to set higher goals and dream loftier

With love, I can praise my students for jobs well

and encourage them to get up and go when they fall.


Student teaching is a college-supervised instructional experience; usually

the culminating course in a university/college undergraduate
education or graduate school program leading to teacher education and
certification. It is required by those earning either a Bachelor of
Education or Master of Education degree.
Student teaching is required for students who are not yet certified to teach.
It is different from a practicum, which is required when a student already holds
certification to teach, yet wants a certificate extension to teach another area of
specialization; they are both college-supervised field-based experiences.
The student teaching experience lasts about the length of a semester; long
enough to fulfill the college’s assigned tasks. It is an unpaid internship. This
experience gives the prospective teaching professional an opportunity to teach
under the supervision of a permanently certified master teacher.
The student teacher is usually placed in a neighboring or
participating school district. The student teacher is monitored by the cooperating
teacher from the district, as well as a supervisor through the college. The
supervisor acts as a liaison between the cooperating teacher and the head of the
college’s student teaching department.
The student teacher essentially shadows the cooperating teacher for about
one week, eventually gaining more responsibility in teaching the class as the
days and weeks progress. Eventually, the student teacher will assume most of
the teaching responsibilities for the class including class management, lesson
planning, assessment, and grading. Thus, the student teacher is able to more
fully experience the role of the teacher as the classroom teacher takes on the
observation role in the class. There is sometimes a "phasing out" week were the
student teacher returns the teaching role back to the regular teacher.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Towards a Total University

10-point Vision Towards a Total University.

1. Foster High Quality Campus Environment

2. Strategize and Institutionalize Income Generating Projects
3. Strengthen Research, Publications and Creative Works
4. Model Quality Management and Fiscal Responsibility
5. Improve Sense of Community Involvement and Linkages
6. Institutionalize the Principles of Academic Freedom and
7. Promote Academic Excellence in Student and Faculty Performance
Nationally and Internationally
8. Nurture and Enrich Our Cultural Heritage
9. Integrate ICT with Instruction, Research, Service and Production
10. Evolve Wholesome Living and Pleasant Working Environment for
Faculty, Employees and Students

The mission of PUP in the 21st Century is to provide the highest
quality of comprehensive and global education and community services
accessible to all students, Filipinos and foreigners alike.
It shall offer high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that are
responsive to the changing needs of the students to enable them to lead
productive and meaningful lives.

PUP commits itself to:

1. Democratize access to educational opportunities;

2. Promote science and technology consciousness and

develop relevant expertise and competence among all
members of the academe, stressing their importance in
building a truly independent and sovereign Philippines;

3. Emphasize the unrestrained and unremitting search for truth

and its defense, as well as the advancement of moral and
spiritual values;

4. Promote awareness of our beneficial and relevant cultural


5. Develop in the students and faculty the values of self-

discipline, love of country and social consciousness and the
need to defend human rights;
6. Provide its students and faculty with a liberal arts-based
education essential to a broader understanding and
appreciation of life and to the total development of the

7. Make the students and faculty aware of technological, social

as well as political and economic problems and encourage
them to contribute to the realization of nationalist
industrialization and economic development of the country;

8. Use and propagate the national language and other

Philippine languages and develop proficiency in English and
other foreign languages required by the students’ fields of

9. Promote intellectual leadership and sustain a humane and

technologically advanced academic community where
people of diverse ideologies work and learn together to
attain academic, research and service excellence in a
continually changing world; and

10. Build a learning community in touch with the main

currents of political, economic and cultural life throughout the
world; a community enriched by the presence of a significant
number of international students; and a community
supported by new technologies that facilitate active
participation in the creation and use of information and
knowledge on a global scale.

Reflective of the great emphasis being given by the country's

leadership aimed at providing appropriate attention to the
alleviation of the plight of the poor, the development of the
citizens, and of the national economy to become globally
competitive, the University shall commit its academic resources
and manpower to achieve its goals through:
1. Provision of undergraduate and graduate education which
meet international standards of quality and excellence;
2. Generation and transmission of knowledge in the broad
range of disciplines relevant and responsive to the
dynamically changing domestic and international
3. Provision of more equitable access to higher education
opportunities to deserving and qualified Filipinos; and
4. Optimization, through efficiency and effectiveness, of social,
institutional, and individual returns and benefits derived from
the utilization of higher education resources.


As a state university, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

believes that:
 Education is an instrument for the development of the
citizenry and for the enhancement of nation building;
Meaningful growth and transformation of the country are best
achieved in an atmosphere of b
rotherhood, peace, freedom, justice and a nationalist-oriented
education imbued with the spirit
Polytechnic University of the Philippines –
Quezon City

Politeknikong Unibersidad ng Pilipinas - Sangay Lungsod Quezon

Motto Tanglaw ng Bayan

Established 1997
Type Public University system
Officer in
Dir. Pascualito Gatan
Academic staff 30
Admin. staff 14
Students est. 1920 as of 2007
Location Quezon City
Imno ng PUP
Colors ██
Affiliations ASAIHL, IAU

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City

formerly called PUP Commonwealth, is an extension of the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines, which caters student-residents of Quezon
City, as well as the nearby cities and towns like Caloocan, Bulacan, and
As a member of the PUP System, the University provides education to
students. As of 2010, the campus offers six undergraduate programs
providing the needs of the business world. Programs offered include:
 Undergraduate Programs
o Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
o Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurial Management
o Bachelor in Business Teacher Education
o Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in
Marketing Management
o Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in
Human Resources Development and Management

 Graduate programs
o Master in Educational Management, MEM (Distance Learning
o Master in Public Administration, MPA
o Master of Science in Information Technology, MSIT (Distance
Learning Mode)

Brief History
The PUP-Commonwealth Campus in Quezon City was established through the

generosity and benevolence of Mr. Walter Rothlehner, a German church leader

and an owner of a certain square building situated at the Sikhay Compound, Don

Fabian Street, Brgy. Commonwealth, 1119 National Government Center, Quezon

City. Mr. Rothlehner donated the said property to the Polytechnic University of

the Philippines.

The 1.9 hectares of land presently occupied by the PUP-Open University,

Commonwealth Campus is donated by the SIKHAY - an association duly

registered with Securities and Exchange Commission represented by its

President, Rev. Fr. Joel T. Tabora, S.J. PUP-Commonwealth is an establishment

campus of Polytechnic University of the Philippines with the National

Government Center in order to bring quality education to the urban poor

communities especially the underprivileged families of Quezon City.

The PUP-Commonwealth started as a two-building campus. These two existing

buildings were donated by its owner to the Polytechnic University of the

Philippines purposively used as classrooms, library and offices for students and

faculty members. Hence, the PUP through its Open University committed to

administer and maintain the described buildings and portion of land in the

interest of its students in the locality and in the nearby the vicinity.

The PUP-Commonwealth is an extension campus of PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila. It

came to exist through its formal launching held at the Misereor Hall, last July 29,

1997. It was attended by the former PUP President, Dr. Zenaida A. Olonan, who

presented the Plaque of Recognition to the donor of the PUP-Commonwealth

Campus, Mr. Walter Rothlehner The said activity was graced by former

Congressman of the 2nd District of Quezon City, Hon. Dante V. Liban and other

special guests from the local government of Quezon City and the PUP


At present, the PUP-Commonwealth Campus has still four (4) existing buildings

namely , the Rothlehner Hall, Miseor Hall, New building through the courtesy of

Cong. Magsaysay , Susano and Villar and the Student Multi-Purpose Hall, library,

two rooms for keyboarding and computer laboratory having more than 20
computers, administration offices and classroom serving almost 1600 students in

the campus. Furthermore, PUP-Commonwealth is now on its 10th year of

promoting quality education and nurturing her constituents toward a rich and

meaningful life by providing them a highly technologically advance education, a

continuing quest for academic excellence, and deep commitment to serve human


Finally, PUP-Commonwealth Campus is under the directorship of Director

Pascualito B. Gatan.


Sauyo High School

Pantabangan St., Quezon
Sauyo High School

The school exists to provide quality
education through competent teachers
with supportive community in a
conductive learning environment.
The Sauyo High School envision to
produce quality students who are
at Makabayan

Sauyo High School History

History looking back at the history of Sauyo High School, one could not imagine that it
would metamorphose into a beautiful school as it is now, far from the Pasong Tamo
High School (its former name) which was regarded then as a “deprived, depressed, and
under served” school in the Division of Quezon City.
Sauyo High School formerly Pasong Tamo High School started as an Annex of
Novaliches High School in 1969, with one section of thirty students in the first year level
on a pre-fab building at the back of Pasong Tamo Elementary School. This was in
answer to a felt need in Barangay Pasong Tamo (where it got its name) through
representations by barangay leaders led by Mr. Conrado Panlaque, Sr., to the City
Mayor and City Superintendent of Schools. In 1972 to August 1978, it was made an
Annex of Culiat High School. It became independent on September 1, 1978. Yet it had
to live with a small campus that got muddy during rainy season inadequate classrooms
and school facilities and a number of squatters that dwelt in the vicinity.
After twenty-one years at the back of Pasong Tamo Elementary School, the school
moved to its new campus On October 26, 1989. This is on a 4,747 sq. meters lot
donated by the National Irrigation Administration at the NIA Village, a middle-class
subdivision in Sauyo , Novaliches. At present, the school has two sites. Site 1 situates
the two-storey 12 classroom Gavaldon building built in school year 1988 – 1989 which
was funded by the City Government, the two storey 4-classroom NCR building
constructed in 1989 and rehabilitated last school year, and the two-room DPWH
building. This site houses the Principal’s and Administrative Office, the school clinic, the
Reading Center, a computer room and a mini-library.
Site 2 situates the three-storey 12 room Mathay Building, the two-storey 9 room SEDP
building which houses the Technology & Livelihood building, the school library, the
Registrar’s Office, and two-storey Liban building.
Both sites have guidance offices, airconditioned faculty rooms, and school canteens
operated by the Sauyo High School Multi-Purpose Cooperative.
Classes are held in morning and afternoon shifts. The third year and fourth year
students hold classes in Site 1; the first year and second year students in site 2. The
school caters to students from its catchment areas – Bagbag and Sauyo – as well as
those coming from adjoining subdivisions.Since its establishment, the school had been
headed by the following administrators, namely: Mr. Jose Aguilar (1969 – 1971); Mr.
Ricardo Reyes (1971 – 1972, one month); Mrs. Basilia Jimenez (1972 – one month);
Mrs. Elizabeth Olbina (Oct. 1972 – 1975); Mrs. Virginia Cerrudo (1975 – 1976); Mrs.
Perla Verso (1976 – 1978); Mrs. Purificacion Cruz (1978 – August 14, 1984); Mrs. Elisa
Lorenzana (August 15, 1984 – August 30 1989); Ms. Flor Sandoval (September 1, 1989
– June 18, 1990); Mr. Exequiel Calixtro (June 19, 1990 – January 1993); Mrs. Sheridan
Evangelista (January 1993 – May 1993); Mr. Stevenson Damo (June 1993 – April
1994); Mr. Alfredo Dela Cruz (may 1994 – 1998); and Ms. Ofelia Millete (November
1998 – October 16, 2002); Dr. Josefina M. Pamplina (October 17, 2002 – August 10,
2004); Mrs. Erlinda M. Barreras (August 11, 2004 – October 28, 2005); Mrs. ANGELITA
G. REGIS (November 8, 2005 – December 11, 2006); Dr. MODESTO G. VILLARIN
(December 12, 2006 to 2008) . The present school head is Dr. Corazon Lomibao 9
(2008 – present)
The new principal is much concerned on the improvement of the school buildings and
its facilities to make the school conducive to learning. She also zeroes in on
instructional competence among teachers and academic achievement among students.
She hopes that with the concerted efforts of the school, the teachers and the students.
Sauyo High School will become a better performing school in the Division of Quezon
City. Her vision is to make Sauyo High School become the most improved school in
terms of school achievement mean and special program for the arts, such as creative
writing, choral group, dance troupe, theater arts, visual arts and drums and lyre.




Learning Competences: ENTREPRENEURSHIP Time: 12:30 – 1:20 PM
Sub-Learning Competences: Retailing Section: I- Excellence

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify different kinds of retail stores and merchandising practices
2. Describe the characteristics of different retail stores
3. Differentiate each kind of retail store
4. Appreciate the Importance of Retail Stores

A. Topic: Kinds of Retail Stores
B. Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures of Different Kinds of Retail Stores
C. Reference: Module in Entrepreneurial Retail Operation
by Lorenzo Carriedo pp. 29-36

1. Daily Routine
* Greetings
2. Review of the Past Lesson
1. Show with the class pictures of Different Kinds of Retail Store

General Merchandise Store Grocery Stores Specialty Stores

Department Stores Kadiwa Centers Supermarkets Superstores

Kinds of Retail Stores
1. The General Merchandise Store
2. Grocery Store
3. Single Line or Specialty Store
4. Department Store
5. Supermarkets
6. Kadiwa Centers
7. Superstores

 Group Activity:
Each group will be assigned to make a collage of products that can be seen inside
the retail stores.

Topic: The Importance of Retailing
1. What is the importance of Retailing?

Checked By:
Mrs. Elizabeth Lascoña
Prepared By:
Ms. Jennelyn Tabut Peñas


After two years, I want to be recognized as someone who made a

positive difference in the lives of the people and in organization that I was
associated with. I know I will have to work hard to get this recognition, and
I am willing to put for the necessary effort. I intend to approach everything I
do with a positive attitude, lots of enthusiasm, and a desire to ‘Make the
Difference’. I know my Alma Matera prepared me for these objectives. But I
also realize that to accomplish all that I want to, I will have to continue to
learn new skills as I progress. In the next two years, I’d like to obtain a
secure yet challenging job. By this time, I expect to know more specifics
about the career path I want to take. Hopefully, as a result of a achieving
my short-term goals, I will have an impressive combination of knowledge,
skills, and experience to move ahead. I f my skills and knowledge are not
sufficient to obtain this , I may consider getting my MEM degree at
Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
My Long tern goal would be to get to the top of the ladder. It would be
nice to do this by climbing straight up one ladder, but most likely, I’ll jump
laterally from ladder to ladder to continue my assent. Ideally, I would like to
end my professional career as a Teacher of large, well known school. I
would get enjoyment out of knowing that I make an impact on the day-to-
day lives of my students.
If I can achieve each of my goals to their fullest extent I should be
able to accumulate a good deal of wealth by time I retire. I hope to live a
long and comfortable life, giving back to the community making a lasting
impression on each.


1st Week

Well I’m back for more teaching practice. So far everything’s going smoothly but the
challenge starts next week when I will start to teach. This week I will be doing some
preparation for my teaching . I’m glad that I have here my co- student teacher. I’ve met
a few new colleagues and there are also a couple of familiar faces. For now I only have
one textbook that I would use for teaching. I have met my students and figured out the
classrooms. I would be teaching five classes. I’d be teaching Entrepreneurship, which is
a big relief because I know a lot in this subjects. I still need to do a few more things
including giving my supervisor a copy of my timetable and the classrooms’ locations.
Yep, this time there will be supervisor to well.. supervise my teaching.
 I would like to first express my gratitude and excitement at the opportunity to perform
my student teaching at your school in Mrs. Lascoña’s classroom. I am excited to begin
gaining the experience and lessons of becoming a better teacher for the students
of today by teaching your classes. Much like your school is prepared to offer an
education to all and stress the points of responsibly, goal driven schoolwork, planning
and time management, and positive attitudes; I too offer those same ideals. I feel all
who wish to gain an education are welcome to it and I am honored to have the chance
to be your teacher. n my previous pre-student teaching observations, where I had the
chance to watch experienced teachers conduct their classes and learn firsthand
teaching strategies, I feel I have seen a small taste of the education world. I find myself
excited and eager to be in front of the classroom where I have always wanted to be.
While I have seen various forms of teaching I am feeling ready to begin my own. In my
personal forms of teaching I value the student’s opinion and values on the topic of
instruction. If a student is engaged in a lesson they are learning, and from this I formed
various philosophies on the education process. While I am eager to teach many lessons
and provide an education, I am also prepared and excited for lessons I will learn from
the students, the school, and my cooperating teacher.

Literacy rate in the Philippines has improved a lot over the last few years-
from 72 percent in 1960 to 94 percent in 1990. This is attributed to the
increase in both the number of schools built and the level of enrollment in
these schools.
The number of schools grew rapidly in all three levels - elementary,
secondary, and tertiary. From the mid-1960s up to the early 1990, there
was an increase of 58 percent in the elementary schools and 362 percent
in the tertiary schools. For the same period, enrollment in all three levels
also rose by 120 percent. More than 90 percent of the elementary schools
and 60 percent of the secondary schools are publicly owned. However,
only 28 percent of the tertiary schools are publicly owned.

A big percentage of tertiary-level students enroll in and finish commerce

and business management courses. Table 1 shows the distribution of
courses taken, based on School Year 1990-1991. Note that the difference
between the number of enrollees in the commerce and business courses
and in the engineering and technology courses may be small - 29.2 percent
for commerce and business and 20.3 percent for engineering and
technology. However, the gap widens in terms of the number of graduates
for the said courses.

On gender distribution, female students have very high representation in all

three levels. At the elementary level, male and female students are almost
equally represented. But female enrollment exceeds that of the male at the
secondary and tertiary levels . Also, boys have higher rates of failures,
dropouts, and repetition in both elementary and secondary levels.

Aside from the numbers presented above, which are impressive, there is
also a need to look closely and resolve the following important issues: 1)
quality of education 2) affordability of education 3) goverment budget for
education; and 4) education mismatch.
1. Quality - There was a decline in the quality of the Philippine education,
especially at the elementary and secondary levels. For example, the results
of standard tests conducted among elementary and high school students,
as well as in the National College of Entrance Examination for college
students, were way below the target mean score.

2. Affordability - There is also a big disparity in educational achievements

across social groups. For example, the socioeconomically disadvantaged
students have higher dropout rates, especially in the elementary level. And
most of the freshmen students at the tertiary level come from relatively
well-off families.

3. Budget - The Philippine Constitution has mandated the goverment to

allocate the highest proportion of its budget to education. However, the
Philippines still has one of the lowest budget allocations to education
among the ASEAN countries.

4. Mismatch - There is a large proportion of "mismatch" between training

and actual jobs. This is the major problem at the tertiary level and it is also
the cause of the existence of a large group of educated unemployed or

The following are some of the reforms proposed:

1. Upgrade the teachers' salary scale. Teachers have been underpaid; thus
there is very little incentive for most of them to take up advanced trainings.
2. Amend the current system of budgeting for education across regions,
which is based on participation rates and units costs. This clearly favors the
more developed regions. There is a need to provide more allocation to
lagging regions to narrow the disparity across regions.

3. Stop the current practice of subsidizing state universities and colleges to

enhance access. This may not be the best way to promote equity. An
expanded scholarship program, giving more focus and priority to the poor,
maybe more equitable.

4. Get all the leaders in business and industry to become actively involved
in higher education; this is aimed at addressing the mismatch problem. In
addition, carry out a selective admission policy, i.e., installing mechanisms
to reduce enrollment in oversubscribed courses and promoting enrollment
in undersubscribed ones.
5. Develop a rationalized apprenticeship program with heavy inputs from
the private sector. Furthermore, transfer the control of technical training to
industry groups which are more attuned to the needs of business and
Woes of a FIlipino Teacher 
Imagine yourself a Filipino teacher. Imagine yourself a teacher in a public
school. Imagine yourself handling a class of 60 to 70 students. Imagine
yourself handling two shifts of classes with 60 to 70 students.

Yes, it is a nightmare. And yes it happens in real life within the public
school system. It is a manifestation of the two most prevalent problems in
the educational system: lack of classrooms and lack of teachers.

In fairness, most private school teachers, especially those in small private

schools, will admit that public school mentors earn more than they do. But
even with the relatively higher wages, it does not seem to compensate for
the daily travails of public school teachers.

The ideal ratio of teacher to student is 1:25. The less number of children
handled by one mentor, the more attention can be given to each individual,
especially if their learning competencies are not equal. With 25 students in
a class, the teacher is likely to know each of her students, not only by face
but by name and how they are actually performing in class.

But with 60 children in a classroom, it is a miracle how teachers are able to

stay sane every single day. They hardly know their pupils, save for the
excellent ones or unfortunately, the notorious. She does not even bother to
remember them. How can she? Classrooms are cramped, if there are any
at all. Many classes are held in makeshift rooms meaning a multi-purpose
covered court with partitions where 4 or 5 classes are merely separated by
thin plywood walls. With 60 kids north, east, south and west, it's a wonder
teachers can hear themselves over the din.

And how do you tailor lessons with so many competencies to consider?

Often, the result is children are left to cope on their own. If they get the
lesson, well and good. Otherwise, they are lucky to pass at the end of the
Yes, students are still divided into sections and they are grouped into the
level of their academic skills. Which leaves those who are academically
challenged lumped together and their teacher to stretch her skills, patience,
resources and dedication to addressing the need of her students.

Resources are another matter. Many public school classrooms are

equipped with the most basic of equipment: a blackboard, chalk and
eraser. Some are fortunate to have visual aids, either donated or
purchased by the school. But many times, a teacher will not only have to be
creative, but will dig into her own pocket to produce the kind of materials
she needs and wants to teach class.

It used to be that rolls of Manila paper were adequate to write down the
lesson for the day. But this can get to be very expensive, especially if the
lessons are long. And with a class so huge, children are barely able to see
small handwriting from the back, so you need to write bigger, and use more
paper. Children always welcome additional and unique visual aids, and
woe to the teacher who has to create them if she wants her subject or
lesson to be more interesting.

Which brings us to the budget for visual aids. It is non-existent, except if

you choose to shell out on your own. Teachers still have to make ends
meet. And often, their pay is simply not enough to cover their needs, as
well as their families.

The Department of Education just announced that so many millions of

pesos have been released for the construction and repair of classrooms
around the country. I believe this will only cover those included in a priority
list. But there are many more schools which lack classrooms, and more
communities that lack schools.

When additional classrooms are built, will there be additional teachers? If

new teachers will be hired, will there be a budget to support their wages?

It's a never-ending cycle, because the government has yet to come up with
a plan that will finally address these problems.

In the meantime, Ma'm or Sir will have to suffer through their public school

Blast from the Past 

My paternal grandparents were teachers. My father's sister was also a
teacher, and in fact, worked her way up the ranks to later become a public
school principal. Since my grandparents have both passed on, my aunt and
dad never fail to regale us with stories of how it was in public schools
during their time.
If I remember correctly, everything was simplified. The curriculum was the
basics or the 3 Rs -- Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. By the time children
completed each year level, they would at least know how to read, write and
do simple math, and progress a bit more after every grade level.

I say great! To my mind, armed with these skills, you can fend for yourself
even at a young age because you'd understand simple written instructions,
you can jot down important things, and you'd be a little savvy about simple

Back then, they had simple books -- ones that really honed a student's skill
by familiarizing him with the alphabet, phonetics and simple definitions.
Unless you've mastered the addition table, you were nowhere near
progressing to multiplication. And even if teachers ended up "terrorizing"
their students or resorting to punishment, the bottomline was to inculcate in
them the necessary skills to make them competent individuals in the future.

Sure they had books and notebooks but not enough to break a child's back
or dislocate the shoulders. They were the essentials. A pencil, some writing
paper and a notebook or two were all they needed to come to class.

Boys were not exempt from home economics classes, which included
learning to cook, sew, and keep house. Neither were girls excluded from
practical arts classes which had them gardening, doing basic carpentry or
even learning handyman skills.

It's been quite some time since I, too, was in school. But I do recall that
things weren't as complicated as they are now -- especially in the public
school system here in the Philippines. Yet, the graduates that were
produced could go toe-to-toe with children who were products of private
schools. In fact, public school educated children were often better than their
private school counterparts. The only difference is their economic status
and the opportunities available to them.

So what went wrong? When had things become different? Why did they
suddenly change a system that was working?

The 3 Rs
How come the 3 Rs (Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic) were good enough
in the old days to ensure that kids learned in school?

An Insider's View 
The problems according to a public school teacher
The problems besetting the Philippine educational system are not lost
among those who are in the system themselves. Mr. Gilbert M. Forbes is a
Head Teacher in elementary based in the Pitogo District Division of
Quezon province. I don't know the man, but I think he is truly an educator
because he is willing to face the problems, and even better, help find ways
to address them.

Based from his experience, he lists the most pressing concerns in the
public school system that must be addressed if people are serious about
putting things in order:

1)Development of Instructional Materials particularly in core subjects.

Teachers not only need training in the preparation and development of
instructional materials, but they must also be given financial support to
produce these. Instructional Materials include modules, standardized
validated rating, achievement and diagnostic tests viz qualitative one's.

I'm not a school teacher, but I do know the difficulties faced by mentors just
to prepare lesson plans, visual aids and examinations for their students.
More often than not, they are forced to use their own resources (money
and otherwise) just to have these available to better teach their classes.
How can we actually expect them to come up with instructional materials
that will truly be of help to students if they are not properly equipped to
develop them, and worse, not have the necessary resources to create

The backlog in books has been reduced tremendously but textbooks still
don't contain enough exercises and testing materials that teachers can use
for their daily instruction. As a result, most of the time, the teacher is
required to write all the exercises on the board that eat up class hours.
Otherwise, they opt not to give exercises at all.
If the teacher isn't going to provide exercises, how can students practice
what is taught them? The education department continues to receive an
increase in the yearly allocation. Unfortunately, the ratio of books to
students remains insufficient to this day. Many pupils have to share books,
how can they be expected to do exercises and hone their skills?

2) The system of promotion within the ranks needs to be overhauled. To

date, what is prevalent is the "Palakasan System, Utang na Loob and
Pakikisama System."

Generally, this refers to a system where what matters are the people you
know, especially the powers-that-be, the people who owe you favors, and
the clique you belong to. If you meet any one of these criteria, you are
almost assured of getting a promotion, never mind if you are not qualified
for it.
In Mr. Forbes' opinion, it is high time that the teachers' ranks be
professionalized from top-to-bottom akin to the corporate world. Promotions
should be solely based on merit. Because with the present system, many of
those who rise in rank "don't necessarily have the guts to become an
educational leader."

Many are just after the salary increase and most of all of the prestige that
goes with being a school manager! The worst is, these mentors are not
really concerned and dedicated enough to initiate reforms to improve the

While it is true that a teacher's salary is not commensurate to the workload,

a real educator will still lead by example and exert 101% effort in everything
he or she does.

It has been said time and again that teaching is a noble profession, and it
certainly is. But this nobility is lost if there is no commitment and dedication
to go with the job. There is great responsibility in being a teacher because
in their hands lie the future of young people.

3) Teacher Training and Development. In spite the number of people

pursuing a degree in education, very few are actually equipped with the
necessary competence in specific learning areas that they are supposed to
excel in. According to Mr. Forbes, observations are that except for
education graduates from CHED designated centers of excellence, many
would be teachers are deficient in subject matters.

And this results in overworking some mentors who are well-trained and
educated because they are forced to take up the shortcomings of their


Issues in Philippine Education: In Retrospect

By Engr. Herman M. Lagon

They say that education is the best social leveler. They say that it is the very answer to
poverty, corruption, hate, and ignorance. If it really is like many people believe it is, then
the study of the key educational, ergo curricular, issues in the Philippines is a significant
endeavor that needs serious pair of eyes, ears and hands.
According to the IBON Facts and Figures, the literacy rate in the Philippines has
regressed a lot over the last ten years. This is attributed to the dwindling quality,
relevance and accessibility of education—the very basic rights of the Filipino youth as
etched vividly in the Constitution.
Despite the good things that Department of Education has reported such as the
increased number of classrooms and students, the fact remains that the crowding 1:70
classroom ratio,  the decreasing aptitude of students and the decadence of the values
of the young, among hundreds others, hamper the progress of the state of education of
the country.
From, education in the Philippines may
be summarized into the following four issues: 1. Quality of education, 2. Affordability of
Education, 3. Government budget for education, and 4. Education mismatch.
1. Quality–There was a decline in the quality of the Philippine education, especially
at the elementary and secondary levels. For example, the results of standard
tests conducted among elementary and high school students, as well as in the
NCAE and Board Exams for college students, were way below the target mean
2. Affordability–There is also a big disparity in educational achievements across
social groups. For example, the socioeconomically disadvantaged students have
higher dropout rates, especially in the elementary level. And most of the
freshmen students at the tertiary level come from relatively well-off families.

3. Budget–The Philippine Constitution has mandated the government to allocate the

highest proportion of its budget to education. However, the Philippines still has
one of the lowest budget allocations among the ASEAN countries. This, not to
mention the corruption component in the same institution that must abhor such
4. Mismatch–There is a large proportion of “mismatch” between training and actual
jobs. This is the major problem at the tertiary level and it is also the cause of the
existence of a large group of educated unemployed or underemployed. Here,
also to consider is the degenerating educational mindset of working abroad or of
working for employment no matter what it takes, with no regard to other more
valuable intentions like social work, inventiveness and entrepreneurship leading
to public service and better self-actualization.
The following are some of the reforms proposed:
1. Upgrade the teachers’ salary scale. Teachers have been underpaid; thus there is
very little incentive for most of them to take up advanced trainings.
2. Amend the current system of budgeting for education across regions, which is
based on participation rates and units costs. This clearly favors the more
developed regions. There is a need to provide more allocation to lagging regions
to narrow the disparity across regions.
3. Stop the current practice of subsidizing state universities and colleges to
enhance access. This may not be the best way to promote equity. An expanded
scholarship program, giving more focus and priority to the poor but deserving,
maybe more equitable.
4. Get all the leaders in business and industry to become actively involved in higher
education; this is aimed at addressing the mismatch problem. In addition, carry
out a selective admission policy, i.e., installing mechanisms to reduce enrollment
in oversubscribed courses and promoting enrollment in undersubscribed ones.
5. Develop a rationalized apprenticeship program with heavy inputs from the private
sector. Furthermore, transfer the control of technical training to industry groups
which are more attuned to the needs of business and industry.
The macro-level educational issues and concerns above can be better understood
when the micro-level concerns—mainly curriculum issues—are put into the equation.
This way, people can understand the state of education more and eventually face and
nip the problems in the bud.
Curriculum managers and educational experts are always looking for better ways to
achieve better learning through teaching. However, since curriculum innovations
seemed to be difficult for many, issues and concerns have been raised about curricular
innovations. The newness of the idea to the users raises issues which need to be
addressed. Certain aspects need to be clarified in order to overcome the attitude and
feelings that create some concerns.
Perter Oliva’s Developing the Curriculum (Seventh Edition) reveals 12 curriculum
issues. These are 1. Academic Area Initiatives, 2. Alternative Schools, 3.
Bilingual/Bicultural Education, 4. Censorship, 5. Gender, 6. Health Education, 7.
Diversity, 8. Privatization, 9. Provision for Exceptionalities, 10. Religion in Public
Education, 11. Scheduling Arrangements, and 12. Standards and Assessment
Clearly, there is no discrete separation in these twelve categories. On one sense, they
are all interrelated and bear close relationship with each other. Some items
enumerated, however may not be fit for the Filipino audience.
In the Curriculum Development book of Purita Bilbao et al., it enumerates a number of
fitter and more relevant Curricular Issues and Concerns.
1. Poor Academic Performance of Learners. How does he performance of learners
relate to the curriculum? Our basic education curriculum was prepared by
experts in the field of curriculum making and the subject specialization. The
written or intended curriculum is well crafted and all elements of the curriculum
are considered. But why are Filipino learners lagging behind from their
counterparts the southeast in the TIMMS? Why can’t our schools significantly
raise the level of performance of the learners’ vis-à-vis national standards?
Issues on the varied implementation of the curriculum among schools and
teachers seem to be one of the reasons for the prevailing low performance of
schools all over the country. There is perennial complaint about books and other
instructional materials. Overcrowded classrooms do not provide a good learning
environment. In addition, the teacher has been identified as one of the
influencing factors in the varied implementation of the curriculum. Issues like ill
prepared teachers, poor attitude towards change and low morale have been
thrown to teachers. Leadership support to an effective implementation of the
curriculum. Perhaps if these are not addressed, then the outcome of the
curriculum which is academic performance if schools will be low.
2. No Sense of Ownership. Most of the curricular innovations are handed down
from the top management. Those who are going to implement simply tow the line
or follow blindly. Sometimes the implementers lack full understanding of the
change or modifications that they are doing. The goal is unclear, thus there are a
lot of questions in the implementation as well as evaluation from the concerned
persons. Because of this concern, there is little support that comes from the
stakeholders. They just leave the school to do it on their own, thus giving the
classroom teacher a burden.
3. Curricular Bandwagons Only.  In the desire of some schools to be part of the
global educational scenario, changes and innovations are drastically
implemented even if the school is not ready. Some schools for example
implement a curriculum that is technology-dependent when there is not enough
computers in the classroom. There are no internet connections either. How can
correct and apt scientific experimentations happen if there are no laboratory
tools, equipment or chemicals in the first place? But they have to show that they
are also keeping abreast of the development even if their equipment are

DepEd to schools: Keep graduation rites austere, politics-free

Thu, Feb 25, 2010

Manila (23 February) — The Department of Education (DepEd), in Order No. 13,
ordered all public and private schools to keep graduation rites for Batch 2010 politics-
It also ordered the schools to keep their graduation rites solemn yet simple and austere
especially due to difficulties brought about by recent natural calamities.

DepEd Secretary Jesli Lapus said in the order that the graduating rites should be
conducted in an appropriate solemn ceremony befitting the graduating students and
their parents and shall not in any way be used as a venue for political forum.
Lapus reiterated the department’s policy on the conduct and collection of fees for
graduation rites, where public schools are not allowed to collect graduation fees or any
contribution for graduation rites.
While the Parents Teachers Association (PTA), however, may solicit minimal voluntary
contributions from members for graduation ceremonies and celebration, teachers and
principals should not be involved in it.
On the other hand, Lapus said there should be no extravagance in graduation rites,
adding holding the graduation in school premises is encouraged.
Also, Lapus said there should be no special attire for the ceremonies. While wearing
togas are allowed, only the actual cost of rental of togas (will be shouldered) by the
graduating class.
Lapus also stressed contributions for the annual yearbook will be on a voluntary basis

Source: Philippine Information Agency

DepEd, DPWH team up to fast-track titling of public schools

Mon, Dec 21, 2009

MANILA, Dec. 20 (PNA) — The Department of Education has entered into an

agreement with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to hasten the
titling of school sites continuously occupied by public elementary and secondary
schools nationwide but have yet to be registered and titled to DepEd.
Education Secretary Jesli Lapus and DPWH Secretary Victor Domingo signed recently
an agreement to facilitate the prompt issuance of clearances required for the titling
process. “We need to address this issue on school titling urgently to ensure that school
operations are not disrupted and our children will not be displaced,” Lapus said on
The titling of public schools will protect public schools from encroachment, segregation,
illegal occupation, and adverse claims of ownership by other individuals or parties.
“It will contribute to further improvement of the public school system,” Lapus added.
In 2007, DepEd signed an agreement with the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) on the titling of
school sites.
The agreement stipulated that DENR shall be responsible for the technical output which
includes the survey of public and privately owned lands covered by Deeds and
Donation, field validation, and preparation of draft proclamations for approval by the
DAR, for its part, shall facilitate the issuance of the Deeds of Transfer of school sites
that are located in Resettlement Areas and Landed Estates, which it administers.
DPWH endorsement/clearance is among the prerequisites to DENR’s preparation of
presidential proclamations reserving lands for public purposes.
DepEd will provide DPWH the profiles of 5,000 school sites that will require DPWH
clearances. Selected regions in Luzon have been prioritized for this initial phase, with
other regions soon to follow.
Lapus noted that cooperation from other government agencies is crucial in order to
resolve this perennial problem.
DPWH, along with other government agencies, has given DepEd its assurance of full
support in the local, regional and central office levels to speed up the issuance of
suitability clearances.
DepEd earlier identified some 8,000 sites that have been continuously occupied by
public elementary and secondary schools, which were donated by private individuals as
well as government entities, but have not been transferred, registered or titled under
Lapus said that the DPWH earlier had allocated another P2 billion for the construction of
new classrooms and repairs of existing ones.

Source: Philippines News Agency


Ten education issues the new government should address

After 30 years of fiddling with the education system, whoever gets into power should
now focus on the big issues
Assessment should be restored to its vital role in teaching and learning, and league
tables outlawed. Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
The general election is dominating our news. From nurseries to lifelong learning, the
three main parties' education policies have been thoroughly scrutinised and commented
Each manifesto has a few progressive ideas: Labour's trial of free school lunches for all
primary children; the Conservatives' support for the provision of free nursery care for
preschool children – although Michael Gove's equivocation about top-up fees is
worrying; and the Liberal Democrats' plans to phase out university tuition fees.
The three manifestos also have some silly ideas. Labour wants to teach Mandarin in
primary schools even though we have patently failed to teach any foreign language to
more than a minority. Is anyone in the Department for Children, Schools and Families
aware of the negative findings of the 1975 National Foundation for Educational
Research's study, French in the Primary School?
The Conservatives will encourage new schools to be opened and run by parents – at
least until their children leave. The overprovision that will be created is bound to deplete
the resources of existing schools, and the potential for the sharp-elbowed to benefit at
the cost of everyone else will add to the fragmentation of the system.
The Liberal Democrats have promised priority funding for small classes, despite
research showing that schools need flexibility in how they make the most of teachers
and that small groups benefit the youngest but not necessarily other older pupils.
After 30 years of endless fiddling with our education system, oh that a new government
– whether a single party or a coalition – would turn its attention to regulating big
business and the banks, providing an up-to-date infrastructure and protecting the
liberties and welfare of its citizens.
It would be excellent if whoever grasps power after Thursday's election drops all
gimmicks and focuses on the big issues that only government can change. Here are the
top 10 points from my personal wishlist.
1 Accept that the country needs a high-quality education "system" rather than a pecking
order of schools and colleges. Local authorities have a vital role. Links and transitions
between the phases are crucially important. Competition works for sports and some
cultural events, but learners are often better served by collaboration.
2 Realise that, if the desire to reduce the achievement gap between the advantaged
and the disadvantaged is genuine, those who currently gain the least from education
need to receive the most resources and have the best teachers.
3 Learn from Sure Start and from the excellent longitudinal research on preschooling
that universal, high-quality, free nursery provision makes sound educational, social and
economic sense.
4 Grasp that teachers are the solution not the problem. This means the profession
attracting, and keeping, the most talented and the best-motivated people (Teach First
has gone some way towards this). It also means the government allowing teachers
reasonable autonomy in how they teach.
5 Limit the national curriculum to core subjects and those topics deemed essential to
preserving our heritage, maintaining our national culture, and extending our
international understanding.
6 Restore assessment to its vital role in teaching and learning, and outlaw the
disastrous and divisive league tables.
7 Restrict inspection to ensuring that failing institutions are identified and improved
rather than attempting the impossible task of sorting all schools and colleges into finely
graded categories.
8 Extend pedagogical expertise by encouraging well-planned pilot experiments in
teaching and learning, monitoring and professionally evaluating their outcomes, and
disseminating emerging innovatory good practice.
9 Ensure that further education emerges from its Cinderella role and that part-time
university students are given the support they deserve.
10 Establish a democratically elected standing commission – accessible to all citizens
online – to consider and recommend future changes to the education system, thereby
easing the strangulation of educational thinking by party politics.
Such changes will not be easy to make, as successive governments have created
groups with vested interests in controlling schools, making money from servicing them
or enjoying privileged access to the best provision. These 10 points cannot, by
themselves, ensure a high-quality system in a fairer, less greedy society – that would
require lots more pressure from us citizens – but they should make such an outcome
more likely.
Peter Mortimore is former director of the Institute of Education

Staffordshire University teaches degree course in prison

Dovegate prison in Staffordshire runs first workplace foundation degree in offender

HMP Dovegate deputy director Trish Mitchell, right, with staff and students on the
offender management foundation degree. Photograph: John Snowdon
In a lecture theatre in Staffordshire, 15 students are at an induction session for a new
foundation degree. They talk about their upcoming modules, which include law, crime
and criminal psychology, while nearby all the usual campus facilities – library, medical
centre, gym, football pitches – are filled with people. But this is a far cry from the UK's
other seats of higher education: the residents at this site include murderers, rapists and
thieves. This is Dovegate prison in Staffordshire, and the undergraduates are prison
officers embarking on Britain's first workplace foundation degree in offender
management, run by Staffordshire University and Stafford College.
The group includes prison custody officers and an assistant director. Some are bosses,
others junior members of staff, but all are having to switch from barking orders all day to
listening to instructions in the classroom.
"It's going to be a bit of a challenge," admits Gillian Curtis, 29, a custodial officer at
Dovegate. "Switching from organising prisoners, being in charge and running their lives,
to going back to school will be difficult. I'm going to be the one who has to listen and
produce the work demanded of me, plus ask for support and advice, rather than giving it
out to prisoners all day, as I'm used to."
Yet Curtis is filled with excitement at the prospect of starting the degree. "I left school at
16 and worked as an administrator at a car finance firm, but always regretted missing
out on university," she says. "I've done NVQs in custodial management while working at
the prison, but it's something completely different to get a degree. I'm a bit scared but
mostly can't wait to start studying."
The officers attend lectures at the prison's learning suite during working hours. And with
all their course fees and textbooks paid for by Serco, the private company that runs
Dovegate on the government's behalf, the students hope they can use the degree to
ultimately boost their own earnings. Damian Holdcroft, 34, a unit manager at the prison,
explains: "I hope [the degree] will give me a better understanding of how we and
external agencies like the probation service might work together. The government is
very keen on performance-related pay – and if we can work together to better
rehabilitate offenders, then everyone benefits."
The new tuition-fee regime for undergraduates to be introduced next year means
universities are increasingly focused on developing workplace degrees in conjunction
with businesses, according to Michelle Hammond, a law lecturer at Staffordshire
University, who wrote a module on the offender's journey through the criminal justice
system for the Dovegate degree. "This is definitely a developing area for our sector,"
she says. "Working with employers and organisations to develop courses also widens
access to education for people who would not automatically consider going into higher
education, and helps students who haven't been involved in education for a long time."
Alex Benton, 35, one of the Dovegate undergraduates, joined the prison in September
after being made redundant from his job in sales. "I come from a normal working-class
family, and going on to college when I was 16 just wasn't an option," he says. "I needed
to bring in money for the house. I started working in sales aged 16, and worked my way
up for the next 18 years. But my world crashed around my feet during the recession
when I was made redundant. I've got two children and a mortgage. I was desperate."
Benton got a job as a security officer at Dovegate and worked his way up to prison
custody officer. He now looks after up to 96 prisoners, unlocking their cells in the
morning, organising their meals, work and exercise, and locking them up at night. But
he hopes for more career progression with the help of his degree.
"As soon as I arrived at Dovegate I was presented with training opportunities and
NVQs," says Benton. "It was great – I never dreamed of a job where people would
actually be willing to work with you and help you improve yourself. This degree is a
huge deal for me. I always wanted to go on to higher education but never had the
opportunity before. Now, I'm going to work so hard on this degree. As much as the
lecturers are willing to give me, I'm willing to give back. I'm putting all my hopes in it to
better my prospects."


On Being a Student Teacher

The aim of the book is to help you make the student-teaching experience a rich and
successful one. When deciding what to include from the vast literature on education,
teaching, and learning, we examined studies in which student teachers reported
their concerns. We also reviewed journal entries of our own student teachers, and
we drew on our own experiences as student teachers, teachers, cooperating teachers,
and university supervisors.


Student teachers say they know they are taking on a responsible job. They feel the
pressure of having to teach 20 to 30 students in elementary school, 100+ students
in middle and high school, to do it well, and especially to do it in the presence of
the cooperating teacher and the college/university supervisor. They have to contend
with the pressure.
Our experience suggests that the student teacher's comfort on the job is one of
the keys to success. By "comfort" we mean that the individual is able to manage
the inevitable worries and stresses and to enjoy the challenges of preparing for and

Preparing For Student Teaching

• Expectations about your class
• Self-expectations
• Preparing for your assignment
• Becoming part of the school community
• Common concerns of student teachers
• The CONTROL-C method of problem solving
• Four stages to student-teaching success
Stage 1: The early days
Stage 2: Becoming a member of the teaching team
Stage 3: Soloing as a teacher
Stage 4: Feeling like a teacher
• Critical issues

"When I think about teaching my own classes, I'm excited, anxious, and a little scared.
Especially I wonder if I can be a real teacher to them, someone they will accept as the
equal of their own teacher. I also wonder if the teachers at the school will respect me."
Those were James' feelings a few days before beginning his student teaching.
His feelings were normal. It is normal to feel some anxiety in anticipation of a
new experience, especially when you are going to be observed and evaluated and
when your career hinges on success. Do you remember other first experiences--the
first date, the first time you drove a car, or, earlier yet, the first time you gave an
oral report in class? Chances are you showed the normal human reaction of anxiety
of one kind or another: "butterflies" in the stomach, a bit of sleeplessness, a lowered
appetite or its opposite, overeating and some digestive problems, or a combination
of these. And chances are, moments after the new experience got under way, your
anxiety level dropped considerably.
That is what you can expect about the "firsts" that are coming up: when you first
report as a student teacher, when you first lunch in the teachers' room, when you
first take over the class for a lesson, when you first teach a whole day.

Building a Good Relationship

With Your Cooperating Teacher
• The first meeting
• The first day
• Stages in your relationship with your cooperating teacher
Stage 1: The early days
Stage 2: Becoming a member of the teaching team
Stage 3: Soloing as a teacher
Stage 4: Feeling like a teacher
• How you and your cooperating teacher may differ in assessing your performance

• Relating to substitute teachers

• Your student-teaching assignment and the realities of school life
• Critical issues

Success in student teaching begins with a good relationship with your cooperating
teacher. With that, you will put yourself in a strong position to learn and to become
an effective teacher. It will also lay the groundwork for a supportive letter of
reference that will aid you in securing your first position.
We start with a step-by-step discussion on building an effective bond, followed by
discussion of how to avoid potential relationship problems and how to deal with such
problems when they arise. The last section in the chapter deals briefly with substitute
teachers, whom you may encounter during your student-teaching assignment.


That first meeting with your cooperating teacher is important. You can do much in
advance to make it a successful one. Here are some suggestions:
Building a Good Relationship
With Students
•Learning about the students in your class
•Recognizing the diversity in your class
•Dealing with troubling and troubled students
•Preventing problems
•How students and student teachers feel about each other
bull;How friendly should you be?
bull;Analyzing your classroom work
•Critical issues

The first day. Ms. V. introduced me to the class. I looked them over . . . like a sea of
faces. I smiled and they did too. I just hoped I'd be able to be a good teacher and that

I would have some beneficial impact on their lives.

These were the thoughts of one of us authors during the first day of student teaching.
In fact, by the end of the term this student teacher did have "some beneficial impact
on their lives." As a student teacher you, too, can have a positive impact on your
students and make significant contributions to their development.
Students are the central characters in the classroom. Your objective is to give
them the best possible opportunities for learning. As we have said, because you are
a guest in your cooperating teacher's classroom, you must work within limits set
by her or him. Nevertheless, you are still free to do meaningful things. Most
importantly, you are free to develop a relationship of trust with the students. You
can do this with the class as a whole by acquiring a reputation for fairness, and with
individual youngsters by helping them learn.
You are free to strengthen these relationships by establishing the practice of
making comments to individual students that give them recognition and a feeling.

Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education in the Philippines

By Fabian C. Pontiveros, Jr. (Philippine Normal University)

Technology has played an important role in education. If wisely use, it

reducesoperational cost while increasing access to quality education. In the Philippines
various agencies or institutions employed technology in planning, implementing,
andevaluating educational programs. The use of technology ranges from
simpletraditional approach to the more sophisticated one-way teleteaching and the
moreinnovative-interactive two-way approaches like teletutorial, online Teaching, and
telematics.The object of this paper is to present the system and mechanism of pre-
service andin-service teacher education in the Philippine - with emphasis on the
technologyemployed by the various education institutions.Education Institutions in
the Philippines. To be able to understand the present system and mechanism
of teacher education inthe Philippines, it is desirable that the reader be acquainted with
the differenteducation institutions - their roles and contributions -in promoting teacher
educationin the Philippines.These education institutions, which are considered the
pillars of teacher education, areworking singly and collaboratively to upgrade the
standard of teacher education in the Philippines.The Philippine Normal University
(PNU) . A state university that is dedicated to teacher education, PNU was founded in
1901 during the American occupation in the Philippines. Its mission is "to provide
professional, technical, and special instructionfor special purposes; and progressive
leadership in education." Considered as thepremier teacher education institution in the
Philippines, PNU is active in bothpre-service and in-
service teacher education.University of the Philippines. National Institute of Science
and MathematicsEducation (UPNISMED). One of the institutes of the University of
the Philippines,UPNISMED is dedicated to science and mathematics education.
UPNISMED, likePNU, is also active in both pre-service and in-service training of
teachers but its scopeis limited only to science and mathematics educations.
University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). Formerly called the School
ofDistance Education (SDE) of the University of the Philippines, UPOU is the pioneerof
distance education and online teaching in the Philippines. UPOU is active inpost-
baccalaureate or life long learning. With the installation of the Integrated VirtualLearning
Environment (IVLE, under licensed from National University of Singapore),interactive
online teaching has become more "real" and practical way of reachinglearners in
distant places.Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS). DECS is an
agency that is taskby the Government of the Philippines (GOP) to provide basic
education to Filipinos.It employs about a million elementary and high school teachers
throughout thecountry. Although its primary role is "to provide basic education", it is
however, veryactive in in-service training of its teachers.Commission on Higher
Education (CHED). Formerly called the Bureau of HigherEducation, CHED is task by
the government to set up policy and standards forBaccalaureate and post-
Baccalaureate degrees. It evaluates curricular programs of allhigher education
institutions and issue Permit to Operate to private schools thatsatisfies the standard.
CHED has also the power to cancel permits and effect closureof private schools that
violate policy, rules, and guidelines for quality education. Incontrast with the DECS that
is active in in-service training of teachers, the CHED isactive in pre-service teacher
education by way of setting up expectations, conductingconferences, consultations, and
encouraging linkages or consortium among highereducation institutions.Department of
Science & Technology (DOST). This agency is mandated by thegovernment to "provide
central direction, leadership and coordination of scientificand technological efforts and
ensure that the results are geared and utilized in areas ofmaximum economic and social
benefits for the people." As education is one of theareas of concern of the DOST, this
agency created a unit called Science EducationInstitutes (SEI), which is popularly
referred to as SEI-DOST . This unit is in charge ofpromoting increase awareness in
science and technology education. To achieve thistask, SEI-DOST maintains 14
regional centers (one center per region) throughout thecountry. The leading teacher
education college or university in the region, whetherprivate or public, is usually chosen
as the Learning Center of the SEI-DOST. Theselearning centers, officially called
the Regional Science Teaching Center ( RSTC ), is incharge of conducting In-service
training to science and math teachers in both theelementary and secondary levels. In-
service trainings conducted by RSTCsthroughout the country are done during summer
vacations (April to May) to enablethe teacher to attend a continuous training session.
Funding from SEI-DOST that isintended for teacher training is channeled to these
learning centers. Books and otherinstructional materials form part of the training
package given by the RSTCs. Inaddition, SEI-DOST supports elementary and high
schools all over the country byway of constructing science laboratories, and donating
books and science equipment.
Private Colleges and Universities. Private teacher education colleges and
universities,like the Ateneo system ( Ateneo De Manila , Ateneo de Davao , Ateneo de
Zamboanga,Xavier University of Cagayan de Oro City), De la Salle University
(DLSU), CentroEscolar University (CEU), Silliman University (SU) of Dumaguete
City, St. PaulUniversity, University of San Carlos (USC) of Cebu City also conduct pre-
service andin-service training of teachers. In-service training of teachers done by these
privateinstitutions are usually funded by the government through its agencies like
CHED,DECS, and DOST.Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) . Private foundations
and companies, like theFoundation for the Upgrading of Standard in Education
(FUSE) , the ABS-CBNFoundation , IBM Corporation , Educ Quest , People's
Television Network (PTV ) andsome other NGOs are active in helping promote quality
education. Their involvementranges from passive (cash or equipment donation) to the
more active present roles ofcollaborating with government institutions in producing
quality learning materials.One case in point is the Continuing Science Education for
Teachers via Television( CONSTEL ) project, which is a joint project of the PTV, FUSE,
SEI-DOST, DECS,UPNISMED, and PNU. Another example is the Educational
Television (ETV) projectof the ABS-CBN Foundation and the DECS. ETV, which is
owned and operated bythe ABS-CBN Corporation, regularly broadcast educational TV
programs inelementary science (SINE'SKWELA), elementary mathematics (MATH-
TINIK),elementary history (BAYANI), values education (HIRAYAMANAWARI) ,
andelementary English (EPOL/APPLE). Schedules for airing these educational
programsfor the elementary grades coincided with school hours. Thus, school principals
orhead teachers can prepare class schedules that match the airing schedules of
ETVprogram.Television monitor has now become a commonplace in many elementary
schoolsthroughout the country because of the ETV program of the ABS-CBN and the
DECS.Local government units help the school in procuring TV sets. In Mandaluyong
City,for example, the city government provided each classroom of the
MandaluyongElementary School with a TV set. Teacher Training Programs
Conducted and their Mechanismsa. PNU Programs.In the pre-service component,
PNU recently revised its teacher education curriculumand added two more courses: IT 1
and IT 2. IT 1 focuses on basic computeroperations (DOS, WINDOWS, MSOffice
programs) while IT 2 focuses oncomputer-assisted instructions (CAI). Also included in
IT 2 is introduction toeducational software programming (Visual Basic, Netscape
Composer). CAI was usedas an alternative mode in teaching some courses like Math,
Science, Language, Arts,and History. Computer Assisted Science Experiments (CASE)
was also employed inselected biology, physics and chemistry topics.
In the in-service component, PNU conducted seminars, workshops, short term andlong-
term trainings (leading to a master or doctoral degree). Being one of the RSTCidentified
by the SEI-DOST, PNU is regularly conducting summer training in Scienceand
Mathematics (Project RISE) -in addition to its regular in-service trainings
onTeaching Reading, Literature, and Special Education. Regional trainors in
science,math, language, early childhood education, nonformal education, and other
areas inbasic education are trained at PNU. Educational training projects that are
funded byCHED, DECS, SEI-DOST are usually channeled to PNU.In implementing in-
service trainings, various modes were used. The traditionalface-to-face classroom
interaction, the modular type (distance education), telemovie,and the Computer-
Assisted Instruction (in CD-ROM format, not Online) are usedeither singly or in
combinations.b. UPNISMED Programs.Like PNU, UPNISMED also uses alternative
delivery modes in pre-service andin-service training programs. An example is the
CONSTEL project. CONSTEL is anacronym for Continuing Science Education for
Teachers via Television . It is a jointproject of DECS, DOST, UPNISMED, PNU, FUSE,
and Channel 13(People'sTelevision Channel). This program is aired through television
(Channel 13) everySaturdays and Sundays.DOST and DECS Regional trainors in the
area of secondary science (Biology,Chemistry, and Physics) are also trained at
UPISMED.c. UPOU Programs.At present UPOU offers 17 post baccalaureate programs
and 6 non-formal courses. In teacher education, the following programs are
offered:oDiploma in Science TeachingoDiploma in
Mathematics TeachingoDiploma/Master in Social Studies EducationoDiploma/Master in
Language Studies EducationoDoctor of Philosophy in Science EducationFour delivery
modes were used. These are (1) Online, (2) Teletutorial, (3) Online withFace to Face,
and (4) Face to Face.In Online mode- student and faculty meet in a virtual classroom
and discuss themodules via e-mails, discussion board or chat rooms.In Teletutorial
mode - students go to a learning center with a facility that allows manypeople to use a
telephone line at the same time. Discussions are done through thisaudio link
between students and tutor.
In Online with face-to-face mode - student and faculty meet in a virtual classroom
andthe student meet an assigned tutor once a month on a Saturday.In face-to-face
mode- students meet a tutor once a month on a Saturday to discusscourse modules in
a UPOU learning center.In enrolling at the program, the following mechanisms were
used:1. Applicant obtains an Application form from any of the Six Learning Centers
(LC)or the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). Application form can be
downloadedfrom UPOU web site.2. Fill out the form and mail or submit to the OUR or
any LC, together with requirements listedin the application form.  If qualified, applicant
will receive admission notice.3. Once admitted, applicant registers in the assigned
Learning Center (instructionsare given together with the admission
notice)a). Student can register online following this procedure;i. Open the Course Web
and choose a course. (Thereare 71 courses available for online learning).ii. Choose a
course by clicking on the button (circle)beside the listed course.iii. Choose a tutorial
arrangement (i.e. Online,teletutorial, Online with Face-to-Face, andFace-to-
Face.iv.Choose how the materials will be sent. There aretwo available options.Option 1
Pick up the materials at the nearestUPOU Learning Centers. These are (1) UP
OpenUniversity Headquarter, Los Banos, Laguna, (2)Colegio de Sta. Isabel, Naga City,
(3) UPCollege Baguio, Baguio City, (4) UP CebuCollege, Lahug, Cebu City, (5) UP
Mindanao,Tereza Milesa Bldg., Inigo, Davao City.Option 2- Send materials through post
or courier(shipping cost will be paid by the student)v. Student fill up basic information
and submit to theOUR or any nearest LC.
a. DECS Programs.To update its teachers in the recent trends of teaching and
learning, the DECSinitiated several in-service training activities. The Third Elementary
EducationProject (TEEP) is a mass training for elementary school teachers nationwide.
It isintended to enrich elementary teachers knowledge in both the content and
strategies.The Secondary Education Development Improvement Program (SEDIP) is a
masstraining for high schools teachers in Science, Math, Technology and
HomeEconomics (THE), English, Filipino, Physical Education (PE), and Values
Education(VE). SEDIP is the successor of the Secondary Education Development
Program(SEDP) , which was launched in 1990 and ended in 1995. This SEDIP project,
whichwas launched in 1999, is the high school version of the TEEP.In updating the
teachers on the latest trends of teaching using computers and othertelecommunication
devices, the DECS launched the Modernization Program. Thisprogram consists of two
phases. The first phase is the acquisition and distribution ofhardware component
(computers, TV sets, VHS players) and software (EducationalCD and Tapes) and the
second phase is the training of teachers. This program ishandled by the Center for
Education Technology of the DECS.Another project, the Project in Basic Education
(PROBE) is aimed at improving thelearning proficiency in science, mathematics, and
English of pupils in Grades 5 and 6in the elementary level, and first year & second year
in the high school level. ThisAUSAID funded project is considered the most successful
in the Philippines as newand innovative training approaches were used. The PROBE
program consists of fourcomponents: (1) Pre-service, (2) In-service, (3) Material
development, and (4)Evaluation. In the pre-service component, 70 college instructors or
professors from 14 eacher Education Institutions (TEI) were identified and sent to
QueenslandUniversity of Technology (QUT) in Australia for a six-month training on the
latesttrend in teaching Science, Math, and English. This core group of college
professors isexpected to influence their colleagues and thereby change the traditional
lecturemethod with alternative strategies that are consistent with the Constructivist
view ofknowledge.The second component (the In-service component) consists of
selected elementaryand high school teachers in science, math, and English. Like the
first component, thisgroup of teachers was also sent to Australia to learn alternative
strategies in teaching.The third component is geared on producing curriculum support
materials (CSM) andin-service training package (INSET). Instead of buying foreign
books for distributionto other schools, PROBE fellows (i.e. professors in the First
Component) andIn-Service Facilitators (ISFs, i.e. teachers who belong to the second
component)produce the learning materials in a form that is easily understood and
practicallyapplicable in the local setting. Regional Learning Material Resource Center
(RLMC)mass produce these CSMs and INSETs and distribute them to PROBE satellite
schools during in-service trainings conducted either by the PROBE fellows or
theISFs.The fourth component is about the evaluation of the entire project. Australian
expertson evaluating training programs came to the Philippines to evaluate the
entireprogram. DECS officials, teachers, and students were interviewed. Written
evaluation(checklist) was also used. The result showed that the project is successful.
Because ofthis positive result, the project received additional funding from the AUSAID
and atwo and a half year extension was granted.The PROBE project does not heavily
employ high tech equipment, like computersand Internet, in training teachers. It is the
innovative approach of "empowering" theteacher by asking them to develop their own
resources and in localizing the materialthat made the project successful. As an output of
the project, teachers now think ofthemselves not merely as classroom teachers, who
used textbooks prescribed by theDECS as their bible, but as curriculum planners,
agents of change, and facilitators oflearning.b. DOST Program.As already mentioned,
DOST collaborated with government institutions (PNU,UPNISMED, UPOU, DECS,
CHED) and non-government institutions (PTV,ABS-CBN, FUSE, IBM) in facilitating in-
service trainings of teachers. TheCONSTEL project, mentioned earlier is a DOST
funded project.The yearly summer trainings in math and science via the RSTC in each
of the 14regions of the country is an initiative of the SEI-DOST. This yearly summer
trainingsmade a great impact on the effectiveness of basic education teachers.The
Project Rescue Initiative in Science Education (Project RISE) - a project thataims to
equip non-science major Science teachers (teachers who are forced to teachscience
but not prepared to teach the subject) in teaching science is an initiative of theSEI-
DOST. This project, which was managed by the RSTCs in their respective
region,started in 1998 and ended in 2000.A relatively new project of the SEI-DOST,
which was first piloted in Region 13(Caraga Region), is the Mobile Information
Technology Classroom (MITC) . MITC isactually an air-conditioned bus that is equipped
with laptop computers, LCD projector,audio devices, and TV-VHS set. The MITC project
aims to bring InformationTechnology to teachers and pupils in the far-flung rural
areas. Teacher-trainor aboardthe MITC bus teaches both the elementary teachers and
pupils the basic computeroperations . Sets of Educational software package were
introduced to both the teachersand pupils (in separate sessions). This project also aims
to allay teacher's fear aboutcomputers and to encourage her to consider it as an
alternative teaching device.
Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) officials were encouraged to initiate
theprocurement of computers through voluntary contributions.On Innovative Aspect of
the Teaching/Learning Package.Technology-wise,  innovation in teacher training
comes with the introduction of IVLE.IVLE is an enterprise wide e-learning management
system specifically design toempower lecturers, teachers, and trainers to manage and
support teaching and learningover the web. The rich set of easy to use tools brings
teachers and students even closerwith constructive communication in a virtual world,
IVLE, designed and developedby the National University of Singapore (NUS), was
shared to UPOU and DLSU inthe Philippines. It is an innovative program as it provides
a wide variety of tools andresources that can be added to a course in addition to its
ability to facilitate theorganization of course materials on the web. It provides tools for
discussion forum,online chat, automated quizzes, class distribution lists, electronic mail,
lesson plans,automatic index generation, staff homepages, course calendar,
subscription services,assignment repositories, templates, and much more (see
IVLE).Strategy-wise, innovations in the in-service training of teachers in
the Philippinescome with the use of constructivist approach in training. This strategy
may be outlineas follows:Step 1. Needs Assessment. Staff members (College
Professors) from the TeacherEducation Institution (TEI) conduct consultation with the
target clientele (e.g.teachers from DECS) on their training needs. Clienteles are
encouraged to suggestpossible training program they think answers their need.Step 2.
Participation of the Target Clientele in Preparing Training Design. With theassistance of
the staff members from the teacher Education Institution (TEI),clienteles are
encouraged to draft a training program that they believed would answertheir need. (This
strategy is based on the philosophy that target clientele knows whatthey need. They just
don't know how to address their need. This strategy is a way ofteaching them how to
"solve their own problem". This strategy is anchored on theprinciple of life long learning
which can be summarized by the maxim: "If you gave aman a kilo of rice, you feed him
for one day. If you teach him how to plant rice, youfeed him for the rest of his life."
Learning how to address ones own problem is lifelong learning.)Step 3. Designing the
In-service Training (INSET) Package. Curriculum experts fromTEI review the proposed
training program prepared by the target clientele and, after aseries of brainstorming
activities, comes up with a customized INSET package . Thenature of the clientele, their
prior knowledge and experience, school resources, andthe primacy of the need are
given due consideration in planning customized trainingprogram.Step 4. Validating the
Proposed Customized INSET Package. Another group ofcurriculum experts review the
proposed customized INSET package for validation.
Length (in number of days or hours) and proposed training dates are included in
thereview. Clienteles' preferred training dates is given due consideration. This
secondgroup of curriculum experts may propose amendments to the original plan.Step
5. Implementation of the INSET Package. In-service training program is
thenimplemented on dates and venue convenient to both the trainors and the
trainees.During the entire training course, face-to-face interactive is the usual delivery
mode.Traditional Lecture method is avoided. Instead, trainees are encouraged to
engage incollaborative work and act as a team in solving problems or in preparing
outputs. ForIn-service training where the trainees are expected to become trainors in
theirrespective region, division or school, INSET materials prepared by the
trainorsusually contains the following features: (1) Facilitator's Guide, (2) Presentation
Planfor Facilitators, and (3) Master Set of Resources.Facilitator's Guide
contains Description , Rationale, Target Audience, Duration,Objectives, Preparation,
Evaluation, Resource List, and Materials and EquipmentNeeded as key
features.Presentation Plan contains (in matrix form) the sequence of activities, the
timeallotment for each activity, and author's guide for the facilitators.Master Set of
Resources contains all the learning materials or inputs that will serve asthe bases for
participants' construction of new knowledge.ConclusionAlthough a few universities, like
UPOU and DLSU, are at the forefront of educationaltechnology with the implementation
of online teaching with IVLE, a greater number(95%) of eacher Education Institutions
(TEIs) in the Philippines are still using theface-to-face interactive mode of delivering
INSET programs. Aside from financialconstraints experienced by these TEIs, one main
reason for negative or hesitantbehavior of some college professors is their lack of
adequate knowledge ininformation technology. A greater number of college instructors,
especially the olderones, can barely use a word processor. Many administrators and
college deans are notaware of the tremendous potential of online teaching in bringing
quality education toremote areas. Thus, there is a need for a country-wide campaign on
ONLINE  TEACHING as alternative to face-to-face interactive mode in bringing
qualityeducation to the less fortunate learners in the less accessible areas.

Guidelines on the deployment of student teachers

Role of the Teacher Education Institutions (TEI)

The role of the TEI shall determine the readiness and   ability of the student teacher to
go on off-campus.  It shall also request the Division Office to designate cooperating
schools in the province/ city.
Role of the Schools Division Superintendent

The SDS, in collaboration with the TEI and school principals, shall review and 
approve  requests for cooperating schools; and. conduct orientation on  student -
teaching with the TEIs inclusive of the Dean, College Student Teaching Supervisors,
and the school principals / head teachers.
Selection  of Cooperating Schools 

Cooperating schools provide the real-life setting for the student teacher to
develop his/ her professional competence that is necessary to assume the role of an
effective teacher.

Selection of Mentor/Cooperating Teachers

To ensure that the student teachers will derive maximum benefits from student
teaching experience, only the most capable teachers, preferably master teachers,
should be chosen as mentors/ cooperating teachers. Cooperating  teachers are 
selected by the cooperating school principal in collaboration with the University/College
Student Teaching Supervisor/ Director

Duties and Responsibilities of the School Principal

The role of the Cooperating School Principal is to collaborate with the

University/College Student Teaching Supervisor/Director as a resource and facilitator of
placements of student teachers and provides the social and professional aspects of
administering practice teaching.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Mentor/Cooperating Teachers

Cooperating teachers, because of their experience, have the skills and the
perspective necessary to help students study the art and science of teaching in a
classroom setting. The mentor teachers serve as role models and advocates and
stimulate the mentees to develop an individual teaching style and personal talents in
regard to educational training.

Duties and Responsibilities of Students Teachers  

As the final phase of teacher-pre-service, internship provides the teaching intern

the necessary experiences to gradually assume the role of a teacher under the
guidance of a cooperating teacher. The student teacher shall be trained to develop the
habit of reflecting on, and process one’s experience and learn from it. 

Duties and Responsibilities of the University /College

Supervisor/ Director of Student Teaching/ Teaching Internship

The primary role of the University / College Supervisor / Director of Student

Teaching is to provide support for the teaching interns and the cooperating teachers,
clarify requirements and assist teaching interns in  organization, planning, reviewing
teaching and non-teaching plans and scheduling class / non-class observations.
Top 10 Tips for Student Teachers
By Melissa Kelly, Guide

Student teachers are often placed into an awkward and stressful situation, not
really sure of their authority and sometimes not even placed with veteran teachers who
are much help. These tips can aid student teachers as they begin their first teaching
assignments. Please note: these are not suggestions for how to approach the students
but instead for how to most effectively succeed in your new teaching environment.
1. Be On Time
Punctuality is very important in the 'real world'. If you are late, you will definitely NOT
start out on the right foot with your cooperating teacher. Even worse, if you arrive after a
class has begun which you are supposed to be teaching, you are placing that teacher
and yourself in an awkward situation.
2. Dress Appropriately
As a teacher, you are a professional and you are supposed to dress accordingly. There
is nothing wrong with over dressing during your student teaching assignments. The
clothes do help lend you an air of authority, especially if you look awfully young. Further,
your dress lets the coordinating teacher know of your professionalism and dedication to
your assignment.
3. Be Flexible
Remember that the coordinating teacher has pressures placed upon them just as you
have your own pressures to deal with. If you normally teach only 3 classes and the
coordinating teacher asks that you take on extra classes one day because he has an
important meeting to attend, look at this as your chance to get even further experience
while impressing your dedication to your coordinating teacher.
Flexibility is the one the top six keys to being a successful teacher.
4. Follow the School Rules
This might seem obvious to some but it is important that you do not break school rules.
For example, if it is against the rules to chew gum in class, then do not chew it yourself.
If the campus is 'smoke-free', do not light up during your lunch period. This is
definitelynot professional and would be a mark against you when it comes time for your
coordinating teacher and school to report on your abilities and actions.
In addition, follow your own classroom rules.
5. Plan Ahead
If you know you will need copies for a lesson, do not wait until the morning of the lesson
to get them completed. Many schools have procedures that MUST be followed for
copying to occur. If you fail to follow these procedures you will be stuck without copies
and will probably look unprofessional at the same time.

6. Befriend the Office Staff

This is especially important if you believe that you will be staying in the area and
possibly trying for a job at the school where you are teaching. These people's opinions
of you will have an impact on whether or not you are hired. They can also make your
time during student teaching much easier to handle. Don't underestimate their worth.
 Coworkers and Teaching
7. Maintain Confidentiality
Remember that if you are taking notes about students or classroom experiences to turn
in for grades, you should either not use their names or change them to protect their
identities. You never know who you are teaching or what their relationship might be to
your instructors and coordinators.
8. Don't Gossip
It might be tempting to hang out in the teacher lounge and indulge in gossip about fellow
teachers. However, as a student teacher this would be a very risky choice. You might
say something you could regret later. You might find out information that is untrue and
clouds your judgement. You might even offend someone without realizing it.
Remember, these are teachers you could be working with again some day in the future.
9. Be Professional With Fellow Teachers
Do not interrupt other teachers' classes without an absolutely good reason. When you
are speaking with your coordinating teacher or other teachers on campus, treat them
with respect. You can learn a lot from these teachers, and they will be much more likely
to share with you if they feel that you are genuinely interested in them and their
10. Don't Wait to the Last Minute to Call in Sick
You will probably get sick at some point during your student teaching and will need stay
home for the day. You must remember that the regular teacher will have to take over
the class during your absence. If you wait until the last minute to call in, this could leave
them in an awkward bind making them look bad to the students. Call as soon as you
believe you will not be able to make it to class.
How to Be a Good Student Teacher

Updated: February 04, 2011

Your student teaching year can be physically and emotionally exhausting. A good
student teacher will still manage to be responsible, independent, committed to
education, and keep a good sense of humor.

Things you'll need:

 Electronic Personal Organizers
 Calendars
 Personal Organizers
1 .Consult at length with your master teacher at the start of the term. Be
sure you know what his or her philosophy of teaching and classroom
objectives are before you make large plans for classroom activities.
2 .Make arrangements with your master teacher to take a few minutes
each day to discuss classroom events, possible future activities, and
3 .Inform yourself about any particular school regulations that you and
your students must abide by. Know the rules by heart so you can give
definite answers to your students, who will be testing your authority.
4 Familiarize yourself with relevant legal issues, such as those concerning
child abuse, substance abuse and sexual harassment among students.
5 .Show genuine interest in your students' schoolwork and progress, and
leave personal relationships with students to the school counselors.
6 .Show initiative and independence by assuming responsibility for the
preparation of individual lessons or entire learning units.
7 .Show resourcefulness by gathering materials and introducing
educational methods you are learning in your graduate studies.
Sauyo High School
Sauyo High School
Organizational Chart

My Cooperating Teacher

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lascoña

My Students

1- Diligence
Evidence of
Community Outreach
Rabosna Daycare Center
184 Chestnut St. Fairview, Quezon City
Contact No. 09266711141
[email protected]


•A future teacher pursuing Bachelor in Business Teacher in Education

major in Technology and Livelihood Education

•Good communication skills

•Proficient in MS Office application and Internet Research
•Basic Stenography and Machine Shorthand


Jollibee SM Fairview 1
Counter Crew
December 2009- June 2010

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Office of the Secretary (Head Executive Assistance)
November 2008- February 2009
•Data Encoder
•Filing and Sorting records
•Messenger work 
•Running errands

Observation, Participation and Community Immersion (OB)

Sauyo High School
2nd Laguna St. NIA Village Sauyo, Quezon City

Student Teaching (Practicum 2)

Sauyo High School
2nd Laguna St. NIA Village Sauyo, Quezon City

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City Campus
Don Fabian St., Brgy. Commonwealth, Quezon City
Bachelor in Business Teacher Education2007-present

Sta. Lucia High School
J.P Rizal S. Brgy. Sta. Lucia Novaliches, Quezon City

Fairview Elementary School
Fairlane St. Fairview, Quezon City


21 years old
90 lbs
Christian (Methodist)
October 20, 1989
Quezon City

Keyboarding Skills
Basic HTML
Leadership Skills

“Enhancing Teaching Skills toward Professionalism”
October 20, 2010

“Building Leaders: Developing Future Leaders in the Workplace”

September 03, 2010

“Empowering the Youth towards a Sustainable Environment”

February 26, 2006

“Functional Literacy: To Live and Love Well in a Healthy Philippines”

December 11, 2007

Source: 09/2001

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