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We design for yo


according to
DIN EN 303-5

Technical Hand Book


Welcome among the log wood heaters

Thank you for choosing a Solarbayer product.

Your Solarbayer-gasifying log wood burner is a proven and innovative heating unit that can be
purchased in different alternatives in benefits Therefore, the log wood burner can be adjusted to
the particular heating situation. The log wood burner is easy to handle and after a few days of
usage you will fully be accustomed with it.
This product information is arranged in such a way that the most important elements are quick
and easy to find and detect. It is necessary that you carefully read this handbook before the first
We hope that you will enjoy your new boiler. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or
helpful suggestions to our products.
Now that you have purchased a log wood boiler you have to know a lot about wood itself there-
fore we would like to introduce you to the secrets of perfect log wood heating.
It is important to use only untreated wood for combustion, no wood with colour, no wood with
transparent coating, no wood with chemical binders - just neither wood-fibre boards nor
compressed fibreboards.
You have to be aware of the fact that only absolutely dry wood can be combusted in an ecolo-
gically compatible and effective way.
The moisture percentage of wood is an essential criterion. A moisture percentage of 20% is the
upper limit. Wood needs time to season. Weather the split logs under a roof and pay attention
to the fact that the wind can circulate through the wood piles.
The Solarbayer log wood boiler can be filled most effectively when your wood is split to a length
of 50-100m (depending on the boiler size) and an edge length of 10 cm.
Birch, beech, pine, fir and spruce wood timber need at least 2 years of seasoning under ideal
conditions (consolidated under a roof).
Oak and robinia instead need at least 3 years of seasoning. Split timbers of oak trees should be
stored outside during the first year of seasoning before consolidating. Oak and robinia are only
to be combusted in combination with coniferous wood.
If the remaining humidity is too high the heat output is clearly diminished and leads to an in-
creasing excess of tar which condenses at the boilers’ walls and leads to the sooting of the chim-
In case of doubt use a moisture meter.
The combustion of beech wood is long-lasting and clean. A stacked cubic metre with a moisture
percentage of less than 20% replaces approximately 190 litres of fuel oil. 1 stacked cubic metre
of coniferous wood, e.g. fir, can replace approx. 135 litres of fuel oil.
If you have chosen your Solarbayer log wood burner according to your energy needs and if you
use it as exclusive heating system you should provide yourself with approx. 2 stacked cubic
metres of wood per calculated kW. (calculated heat output of approx. 10 kW => 20 stacked cubic
metres of wood).

2 Solarbayer GmbH

1 Control
Simple controller for efficient burn Inside the burner
2 Large fuel chamber door
3 Forced draught fan
A variable speed motor supplies
the air needed for the gasification
process in the boiler.
4 Bottom door
Easy access to bottom of the
boiler for cleaning
Upper Fire Box Gasification at the jet in the
5 Fuel chamber
Lower Chamber
For logs sizes from 50 cm up to
100 cm (depending on boiler type)
6 Primary air duct
Pre-heated air is added through the
air channel at the back, to achieve 1
clean combustion.
7 Ceramic nozzle with
secondary air duct
Brings about the right air to
gas mix, which creates the
best possible flame 1 13
8 Combustion chamber
Made of high temperature
resistant fireclay bricks, to 12
complete gasification pro- 15
cess which results in mini- 11
mal amount of ashes 2
9 Ash chamber
10 Exhaust gas heat
exchanger with 10
For best energy transfer to 7
the heating system 3
11 Damper
To be used when lighting up
the burner (Draft Regulation)
12 Safety Heat Exchanger
Will cool down boiler in case
of overheating 4

13 Boiler flow-line
9 14
14 Boiler return-line
15 Chimney flap with exhaust
gas sensor

Solarbayer GmbH 3

1 Sizing your Boiler 6

2 General Information SOLARBAYER boiler

2.1 Technical Description 7
2.2 Construction 7
2.3 Technical Details 8
2.4 Dimensions 9
2.5 Boiler Diagram 9

3 Safety Regulations
3.1 Mounting and Setup 10
3.2 Safety Measures - Fire Protection 10
3.3 Safety Instruction for Operation and Maintenance 11

4 Additional Equipment for SOLARBAYER boiler

4.1 Safety Heat Exchanger 12
4.2 Boiler Circuit Pump, Laddomat 14
4.3 Induced draught fan (optional) 15

5 Main Parts of the SOLARBAYER boiler

5.1 Adjusting the Doors 17
5.2 Door Seal of the Fuel Chamber 18
5.3 Cover plates of the Boiler Body 19
5.4 Installation of the turbulators 20
5.5 Forced draught fan 20
5.6 Secondary Air Adjustment 21
5.7 Fireclay bricks in the Combustion and Ash Chamber 22
5.8 Nozzle and Linig made of Refractory Bricks 23
5.9 Primary and Secondary Air Ducts 23
5.10 Safety Temperature Limiter STB 24
5.11. Boiler Control Unit 24
5.12. Sensor Parameters 26

6 Control Menu
6.1 Directions for Use 27
6.2 Flow Chart of the Control Unit 28
6.3 Presetting and Changing of Parameters 29
6.3.1 Adjusting the Boiler Temperature 30
6.3.2 Adjusting the Switch Off Temperature 31
6.3.3 Setting the Time 32
6.4 Adjustment of the SOLARBAYER-Abgastronic 33
6.4.1 Adjusting the Exhaust Gas Temperature 34
6.4.2 Adjusting the Minimum Fan Speed 35
6.4.3 Selecting the Burner Type 36

4 Solarbayer GmbH

7 Control Unit of the SOLARBAYER boiler

7.1 Factory Settings (standard settings) 37

8 Initial Operation of the SOLARBAYER boiler

8.1 Heating Up the Boiler 38
8.2 Refuelling the Boiler 41
8.4 Shutting off the Boiler 42
8.3 Heat Value Chart / Storing of Firewood 43

9 Boiler Maintenance
9.1 Cleaning the Boiler 44
9.2 How to Measure the Exhaust Gases 47
9.3 Boiler and Exhaust Gas Temperatures during Operation 48

10 Maintenance and Repair of the Boiler 49

11 Trouble Shooting 50

12 Technical Service
12.1 Software Adjustment 56
12.2 Wiring diagram 56

Warranty 58

Declaration of Conformity 59

Solarbayer GmbH 5

1. Sizing the Boiler

Please note that the boiler output specified can only be achieved under full load. To heat up the boiler
will take approx. 30 min until full load is reached. The boiler output is kept for a period of approx. 2 hours,
after that the burn-out phase follows with reduced output for a period of approx. 1.5 hours. The resi-
dual embers in the combustion chamber coasts the temperature for about one more hour, after that the
fuel is completely used up. Hence, the duration of the burn cycle is approx. 4 hours.
The boiler will be heated up in the morning and in the evening, thus a burning time of approx. 8
hours is achieved.
Warning: This is imperative for the rating of the boiler to avoid that the boiler output is rated too

Rough estimate of boiler size by means of living space:

Example: building with 150 m² living space
desired boiler size Solarbayer 25 kW
required heat output per square metre living space*
Old building 0.12 kilowatt per m²
New building 0.08 kilowatt per m²
Low energy house 0.05 kilowatt per m²

Calculation of the daily output of the building

e.g. living space 150 m², e.g. new building => 0.08 kW/h per m²
150 m² x 0,08 kW/m2
= 12 kW
The hourly output for the new building with an outdoor temperature of -16°C results in 12 kW/h
Daily requirements 24 hrs x 12 kW
=288 kWh
The heat output required at -16°C outdoor temperature is 288 kW per day.

Calculation of the boiler output: e.g. SOLARBAYER 25:

Output 25 kW x 4 hrs (full load)
= 100 kWh
The burning-down heat output of a 25 kW solid fuel boiler at approx. 4 hrs full load results in 100 kW.
Daily requirements of the new building 288 kWh : 100 kW h (burning-down heat out-
put) = 2,88 boiler fillings
to achieve the necessary heat output of the building

With this building you must fill the boiler around 3 times per day with an outdoor temperature of -16°C.
An average of 2 fillings per day should be sufficient..
This calculation is for general information only and does not replace professional design!

* If the boiler is dimensioned too small you will achieve boiler temperatures of 70 - 80°C, but the desired heating supply line
temperature will not be achieved, e.g. building size 220 m2 old building: boiler output 25 kW (wrong rating!) Correct would be

6 Solarbayer GmbH

2. General Information SOLARBAYER boiler

2.1 Technical Description
Thermal boilers SOLARBAYER15, 25, 40, 50, and 80 are designed for the combustion of dry
wood, starting from sawdust up to logs, length corresponding to the size of the fuel chamber,
max. length 14 cm. Sawdust, chippings and wood splinters need to be burnt along with wood

The interior of the boiler consists of a fuel chamber where the fuel is dried and gasified. The
wood gas developed is led through a fire resistant jet into the combustion chamber where it
starts burning by means the addition of secondary air. Waste gases are intensively cooled
down in the heat exchanger. The unburned waste products shall be swept out of the combu-
stion chamber. For heating up the boiler is equipped with a damper which is operated by a
connecting rod at the front of the boiler.

For smooth operation the boiler is provided with a logically and user-friendly structured control

2.2 Construction
The boilers are made of 4 and 6 mm thick steel panels which are welded together. The inner steel
parts which are in direct contact with the waste gases are 6 mm thick. The heat exchanger con-
sists of welded steel tubes, diameter 57 x 5 mm. The heat exchangers are single-row (boiler
types SOLARBAYER 15, 25, 40) or two-row (boiler types SOLARBAYER 50, 80) depending on
boiler size.
Standard SOLARBAYER® boilers are provided with a safety heat exchanger to prevent overhea-
ting. The thermal safety valve has to be connected to it (cf. chapter 4.1). The safety heat exchan-
ger is made of a copper tube, diameter 18 mm and permanently installed.
The boilers welded at robot production places are welded together by using MAG-technology.
The boiler covers are made of powder-coated steel sheet. The lower combustion chamber is
lined with standard fireclay bricks P4 (40 mm thick). The floor of the fuel chamber is filled with
fireproof mortar. The replaceable heat-resistant jet is made of fireproof material. Boilers of 15 –
40 kW are equipped with a combustion air ventilator; from 50 kW onwards two ventilators are pro-
vided. A glass fibre door seal with a square cross section (25 mm) is used. As insulation of the
heat exchanger cover glass fibre with round cross section (8 mm) is used.
Thermal insulation of the boiler consists of insulation material NOBASIL (20 and 40 mm thick).
Waste gases are removed through an exhaust air duct of steel, diameter 160 mm (SOLAR-
BAYER 15, 25) and diameter 200 mm (SOLARBAYER 40, 50, 80).

Hydraulic connection diagrams

are displayed in our schematics handbook on

Solarbayer GmbH 7

2.3 Technical Details

effective boiler output in kW 14,9 25 40 50 80
nominal boiler output with performance control kW 3 bis 21 5 bis 31 8 bis 42 15 bis 72 25 bis 92
efficiency factor 85 – 91 %
height A mm 1120 1120 1370 1420 1420
height supply line B mm 1045 1045 1310 1400 1400
height return line C mm 115 115 125 215 215
height drain valve D mm 60 60 70 135 135
height exhaust pipe (center) E mm 890 890 1110 1170 1170
width incl. gate valve F mm 645 645 645 785 785
width G mm 590 590 590 760 760
depth H mm 1070 1070 1070 1260 1650
depth supply line I mm 240 240 240 520 520
flue outlet Ø J mm 160 160 200 200 200
distance to boiler edge K mm 305 305 305 880 1210
distance L mm 402 402 402 70 70
recommende chimney diameter Ø mm 140 150 180 180 200
required chimney draft Pa 15-20 15-20 15-21 15-23 15-23
effective min. height chimney m 8 8 8 9 9
max. operating pressure bar 3 3 3 3 3
noise level dB 45,5 45,5 47,7 51,4 54,2
waste gas mass flow at 13% CO2 kg/s 0,019 0,023 0,029 0,035 0,035
waste gas temperature °C 190-260 190-260 190-260 190-260 190-260
boiler connection inch 2“ 2“ 2“ 2“ 2“
boiler water volume Liter 75 75 93 180 205
combustion chamber volume Liter 120 120 185 315 483
chamber door access (w / h) mm 435 / 255 435 / 255 435 / 255 575 / 318 575 / 318
max. log length mm 550 550 550 750 1100
fuel volume beech wood approx. 20% res. moisture kg 47 47 72 122 186
energy content beech wood kWh 170 170 260 450 680
burning time beech wood h 6,3 5,1 5,4 6,3 6,9
heating of water from 45°C to 90°C (δT 45 K) Liter 3270 3270 5030 8520 12990
fuel volume fir wood aprox. 20% res. moisture kg 33 33 52 88 135
energy content fir wood kWh 120 120 190 320 490
burning time fir wood h 4,8 4,5 4,6 4,8 5,1
heating water from 45°C to 90°C (δT 45 K) Liter 2290 2290 3630 6150 9440
weight of boiler kg 430 430 480 780 950
recommended min. buffer storage volume Liter 1000 1500 2200 3000 4400
Technical changes and errors are reserved
Calculation of Buffer Volume:
Per kW nominal boiler output at least 55 litres of buffer water are needed.
A maximum of 100 litres per kW nominal boiler output must not be exceeded.
Buffer storage tanks must be installed with each wood-fired boiler system.

8 Solarbayer GmbH

2.4 Dimensions
Dimensions of the SOLARBAYER-Log Burner

2.5 Boiler Diagram



1 Control 15 Heat exchanger cover

2 Upper door 16 Damper control lid
3 Damper Control Rod 17 Upper cover (rear)
4 Fuel Chamber 18 Flow
5 Primary air duct 19 Thermal safety valve assembly
6 Fan flap 20 Thermometer
7 Fan 21 Upper cover (front)
8 Fan cover 22 Heat exchanger pipes
9 Ceramic nozzle 23 Fireproof cladding
10 Secondary air duct 24 Secondary air duct
11 Door handle 25 Combustion chamber
12 Refractory bricks 26 Direction of exhaust gas stream
13 Bottom door 27 Return water
14 Chimney flap 28 Drain

Solarbayer GmbH 9

3 Safety Regulations
3.1 Mounting and Setup
• The boiler can be only operated within a central heating system with a heat capacity corre-
sponding to the output of the boiler.
• The assembly has to be performed according to the currently asserted DIN norms and
• When using forced circulation the central heating must be designed in such a way that the mi-
nimum heat consumption of 5 kW of the boiler output is guaranteed in case of power failure
(breakdown of shunt valve with pump - Laddomat). The pipelines to the buffer storage tank
should be installed with automatic transition into gravitation flow.
• The boiler must be connected to the chimney in a workmanlike manner and by the shortest
• Do not install any further heating systems to the chimney.
• Only use thermal safety valves that are tested and registered according to DIN 3440.
• The boiler must be placed on a firm, load-bearing floor.
• The minimum temperature of the return line water at the boiler inlet must be 72°C.
• The room where the boiler is installed must be ventilated by means of a permanent opening
with a diameter of at least 250 cm. Openings for air supply and air exhaust shall be around the
same size.
• The boiler must be erected in a normal room

3.2 Safety Measures - Fire protection

The boiler shall be installed in accordance with the applicable fire protection regulations. With re-
gard to installation specified safe distances from combustible and inflammable materials and ob-
jects have to be observed. For thermal boilers with an output up to 50 kW the specified safe
distance from combustible materials of class B, C1 and C2 must be at least 200 mm and of class
C3 at least 400 mm in accordance with standard. The safe distance is reduced to half if a non-
combustible thermal insulation board (asbestos board with a minimum thickness of 5 mm) is in-
stalled 25 mm from protected combustible material. The board shall project at least 150 mm
above the outline of the boiler with smoke exhaust and above the upper surface of the consu-
mer must be at least 300 mm free space.
Material classification:
Class A: non-combustible building materials (asbestos, concrete, mortar, brick, glass, fireclay,
Class B: very hardly combustible materials (gypsum cardboard, etc.)
Class C1: hardly combustible materials (lignite boards, chip boards in acc. with STN 492615, etc.)
Class C2: moderately combustible materials (wood – oak, alder, larch, fir, wood chip boards, etc)
Class C3: easily combustible materials (wood – pine, beech, ash, poplar, wood fibre boards,
cork, foil sheets, polystyrene, polyethylene, bituminous cardboard, pulp, plywood, etc)
In case of any doubt the SOLARBAYER boiler has to be placed on a protective plate (see figure
page 11).If there are any ambiguities please contact the appropriate regulating
authority (i.e. district chimney sweeper).

10 Solarbayer GmbH

3.3 Safety Regulations for Operation and Maintenance

The staff operating the boiler must observe the rules and regulations and standards in
connection with operation:
1. During operation of the boiler, electrical equipment and cables of the boiler must not be inter-
vened with, for example:
• removal of covers of electrical systems such as boiler electronics, ventilator, thermostat
• exchange fuses
• repair of damaged cable insulations, etc..
2. Maintenance or repair work that requires removal of covers of electrical parts of the boiler
must only be performed by the person entitles in accordance with publication No. 74/1996 of
the compendium of laws.
3. Prior to removal of the covers of the boiler or an electrical device connected to the boiler it is
necessary to switch off any mains supply.
4. If defects at the electrical installation or defects at the installation of the boiler are detected it
is necessary to observe the following rules:
• do not touch boiler parts
• immediately disconnect the boiler from power supply; call the responsible service engineer
to solve the problem
5. Heat-resistant cable placing according to VDE standard.

Solarbayer GmbH 11

4 Additional equipment for SOLARBAYER boilers

4.1 Safety heat exchanger
A thermal safety valve is laid down by DIN 4751-2 for solid fuel heating system.

Use of the safety heat exchange:

In case of power failure the thermal safety valve (thermostatic valve Watts STN 20)serves as
boiler protection mean to prevent overheating.

Assembly of the safety heat exchanger:

The boilers are already equipped with the safety heat exchangers. The thermal safety valve
(thermostatic valve Watts STN 20) will be delivered separately.

Mounting of the Safety Valve STN 20:

It is important, to fit the thermal safety valve in such a way, that, under operating conditions, the
safety heat exchanger is depressurised and is not connected to the pressurised part of the hea-
ting system. The thermal safety valve has to be connected to the pressurised mains water line,
without any means of shutting of the water sup-
ply (Stopcocks, valves, etc.). The drain side has
to be run unobstructed into a gully or drain.
Copper Pipe sealing for the Thermal
Note: The thermal safety valve has to be fitted discharge safety valve
before the system is filled or put into operation.
Observe local guide lines.

Function of the Safety Vale :

The pressure independent valve opens when
the flow temperature of aprox. 95 °C is reached.
By opening the valve, it will cause a constant
drain of water which inhibits the temperature to
rise above 110 °C.
NOTE: The galvanised nipple of the safety heat
exchanger is attached with a washer seal to the
copper pipes by screwing, if a water leak shall
occur between the different fittings, tighten the
galvanised nipple or replace the washer seal.

1 Outer boiler wall

2 Weld Seam
3 Weld neck socket
4 EPDM seal
5 Threaded nipple
6 Copper pipe heat exchanger 18mm

12 Solarbayer GmbH


Solarbayer 25 kW and 40 kW


Solarbayer 50 kW and 80 kW

 thermal discharge safety valve (discharge valve Watts STN 20 ¾“), cold water
 sensor pocket with dual temperature monitor
 cold water output
Please test the thermal safety valve at first use for operation by heating up the boiler to
opening temperature.

Thermal discharge safety valve

According to DIN 4751-2 pt 10 you are asked to have an
inspection carried out by a suitable qualified person at
least once a year.

Solarbayer GmbH 13

4.2 Boiler Circuit Pump, Laddomat

Note: To run the boiler efficiently and to guarantee a long service live, it is important to operate
the burner with a boiler return control that ensures a return temperature of 72 °C to the burner.
We recommend the Laddomat 21.

Electrical Connection:
Connect the boiler circuit pump to the connection rail on the control panel (see chapter 12.2 for
Maximum load 200 W.

Function of the boiler circuit pump:

Once the SOLARBAYER-log burner is switched on, the pump is activated to ensure a constant
rising of the boiler temperature.
When the boiler is switched off, the pump stops. In the event that the boiler temperature exceeds
the set temperature (90 °C) the pump switches on to prevent overheating.
The operation status of the pump is shown by the LED diode on the display.

In case of a malefunction or fault of the temperature sensor, the pump switches on!

Laddomat 21
Warning: Running the boiler without a thermal re- with temperature set at 72 °C
turn control will result in the building up of conden-
sation, which will lead to rapid corrosion of the
boiler walls.
For a clean and efficient combustion a boiler tem-
perature between 75 and 90 °C is necessary. This piston
can only be achieved with the Laddomat. cover

safety assembly spring thermostatic

to buffer tank

Solarbayer Boiler
14,9 kW to 80 kW
Laddomat plate for
check valve

from buffer tank

vessel for the
cover check valve
boiler spring

14 Solarbayer GmbH

4.3 Induced draught fan (optional)

The standard SOLARBAYER boiler is equipped with a for-
ced draught fan. The electronic control
enables the additional application of an indu-
ced draught fan (ID fan).

The ID fan provides for the optimum

removal of flue gases out of the fuel
chamber during loading of fuel. Thus, no
flue gas escapes out of the fuel chamber du-
ring loading.

The ID fan is not included in the standard equipment of the boiler. It is available in sizes
160 mm and 200 mm as optional accessory.
The ID fan for direct attachment to the flue pipe is suitable for all boilers.

Correctly Installed
ID fan
(motor horizontal)

Do not install motor vertically!

Degasing the fuel chamber with the induced draught fan

+▲ After pressing key “+” at the control unit, the Id fan is put
Exhaust Fan 90s into operation for 90 seconds. After pressing the key
boiler temp °C again further 90 s are added, maximum running time of
theventilator is 300 s. Fuel can be refilled during the
operation of the ID fan.

Solarbayer GmbH 15

Technical Data: Technical Data Induced Draught Fan

The motherboard of the control unit holds a Max. Temperature (°C) 600
joint for the connection of the exhaust fan Motor Speed (1/min) 2780
(see chapter 13.2 for wiring diagram) Output (Watt) 48
Mains Supply (V/Hz) 230/50
Protection IP 20
Weight (kg) 13
Max. Temp. Motor (°C) 80
Overall length A 385 mm
Width 235 mm
Height with Motor C 247/280 mm
Exhaust Inlet/Outlet D 70 mm
Outlet/ Inlet Diameter 160/200 mm

If the exhaust gas formation is too high while refuelling the boiler and therfore leads to
unpleasant odours, we recommend the installation of an induced draught fan. The
retrofitting is easy to handle. An electrical connection is pre-installed.

Note for correct sizing of expansion vessel:

Dimensioning of the expansion vessel (10% of heating water volume)
e.g. 2000 litre heating water = 200 litre expansion vessel.
Warning: The expansion vessels are factory-preset to 1.5 bar diaphragm pressure. It is neces-
sary that the vessels are adjusted to the height of your installation. Measure the installation height
of your house, from the basement to the topmost radiator.
Example: installation height 7 metres + 2 metres extra = 9 metres.
9 metres correspond to 0.9 bar diaphragm pressure at the expansion vessel.
The vessels need to be checked every 2 years by relieving the heating pressure and measuring
of the diaphragm pressure. Afterwards the cold heating installation must be filled to 1.2 bar. Du-
ring heating up the heating pressure will increase a little and drop again during cooling down.

16 Solarbayer GmbH

5. Main Parts of the SOLARBAYER Boiler

5.1 Adjusting the doors
The boiler doors are fastened at three points: at two turning pins and the closure. If the doors are
not tight enough they can be adjusted at the hinged side. If the nuts are loosened, the hinge
screw can be turned and the door pushed into the direction wanted. afterwards, retighten the nuts

Parts of the Door Hinge


Nut with

Hinge hole Bracket

Split Pin

Parts of the Closing Handle




The threads of hinge and handle must be greased on occassion.

Solarbayer GmbH 17

Adjustable hinge at the right side of the boiler Fastening plate welded on to the boiler body

5.2 Door Seal on the Fuel Chamber

Replacement of thermal insulation
1. Open door completely
2. Find the joint of the insulation at hinged
side of the door using a screw driver.
3. Remove the hardened insulation
gradually using a screw driver
4. Match the ends of the old or new sealing
cord and press them in the groove bet-
ween the hinged joints starting in the
middle. Distribute the remainder of the Location of sealing cord joint
insulation evenly to the sides and press it
together in the middle.
5. If there are leakages put some heat- The doors, like the boiler, consist of the insu-
resistant silicone into the groove at the lations and a sheet-metal covering
6. Always start in the middle in direction of the
corners when inserting the door insulation
Take care, that the insulation is not
turned round and that the corners are
filled well.

Attention: As the inside of the door is made of heat resistant concrete care must be taken that
the upper door is not used to press the fuel into the boiler because this leads to damage of the
Damaged lining should be removed and replaced. Adequate mortar is available at
SOLARBAYER. Prepare the mortar mixture not before starting the repair work. If prepared use
immediately. The setting time of 24 hours has to be respected.

18 Solarbayer GmbH

5.3 Cover plates of boiler body

The cover plates of the boiler body are made of powder-coated steel sheet and treated with fired
colour to protect the plates from corrosion. Three colours are used: grey, silver and SOLAR-
BAYER-orange. Grey is used for the cover plates of the upper and lower doors, the ventilator
casing is varnished with SOLARBAYER-orange and silver is used for the remaining jacket of the
The upper front plate needs to be dismantled for the entry of the thermostatic sensor. To
dismantle this plate, the two self-cutting screws at the front must be loosened first. Then you
remove the cover caps located at the corners of the upper front plate with a slot-head screw
driver. Below the cover caps are self-cutting screws which shall only be loosened. At first, you
push the upper front plate 2 cm to the front and then you tilt it carefully from the front to the back.

Prior to removal of the boiler jacket or one of the electrical devices connected to the boiler, all
cables must be disconnected from the mains supply.

The side cover plates shall be dismantled as follows: At first, the upper front plate must be
removed as described above. Then the upper plate at the back needs to be dismantled. The
upper and lower boiler door must be tightly locked. To dismantle the cover plate on the hinged
side the nuts pressing on the galvanized shims shall be loosened. When dismantling the plate
on the closure side the two screws located under the closure of the door shall be removed. Then
the ventilator casing shall be removed. At the back side all self-cutting screws shall be removed
and then the two side cover plates can be dismantled.

The door cover plates shall be dismantled as follows: at first, the entire doors shall be dismant-
led in such a way that the pin can be pulled out of the hinge. The closure of the door shall be
dismantled. The doors shall be laid down in such a way that the interior side lies on the floor. The
cover plate of the long sides shall be pulled out and laid down. The cover plate is only put on to
the doors.

Solarbayer GmbH 19

5.4 Installation of turbulators

The turbulators which are delivered along with
the gasifying wood log boiler can be installed in
the exhaust gas heat exchanger ducts (see
picture) when needed.
Recommendation: The turbulators should be
installed when heating with dry, untreted wood
with little resin .
When heating with either very resinous wood
and/or residual wood the turbulators should not
be isntalled.
To clean the exhaust gas ducts the turbulators
have to removed, afterwards they can be instal-
led again.

Number of turbulators required:

HVS 14,9 to 40 6 turbulators
HVS 50 and 80 16 turbulators

5.5 Forced draught fan

SOLARBAYER boilers are constructed as overpressure boilers, i.e. the air volume required for
combustion is supplied by forced draught fans. Boilers, type 15 – 40, are equipped with one
forced draught fan, in boiler types 50, 80 two fans are installed. The fan consists of 4 basic
1. Fan casing made of aluminium alloy
2. Motor
3. Capacitor
4. Fan wheel

Note: A dust free and clean environment is the basic condition for the reliable operation of the
ventilator. Therefore, it is necessary that the fan is regularly checked and serviced. If the noise
level becomes more intensive, dust from the blades of the propeller should be removed. Dust on
the blades results in noisy operation and leads to decline in the technical parameters and thus
to lower boiler output and worse emission values.
Prior to replacement or dismantling of the fan all power cables must be disconnected from power
supply. Then the cover plate shall be dismantled. With boiler types SOLARBAYER 40, 50, 80,
100, access to the screws is easy and it is possible to remove the plate below the ventilator in
order to reach the screws.
The fans installed in boilers SOLARBAYER 15 and 25 are provided with an intake guard plate
to reduce the air volume required for combustion. This guard plate can be only found in ventila-
tors with metal sheet propellers. The guard plate is not necessary for plastic propellers

20 Solarbayer GmbH

5.6 Sheet metal base for forced draught fan, ventilator damper,
adjustment of secondary air
The sheet metal base for the ventilator is a plate onto which the forced draught fan is mounted.
A part of this plate is provided with screws for the regulation of the secondary air volume and the
ventilator damper. The plate is fastened to the boiler body with self-cutting screws which are
located all around the plate.
Behind the ventilator is a safety damper which protects the forced draught fan from back
pressure and prevents self-ignition of the fuel in case of high chimney draught.
Note: In case of insufficient air pressure in the fuel chamber the function of the ventilator
damper needs to be checked.
In order to guarantee optimum combustion in the boiler correct, adjustment of the secondary air
is very important. The procedure is as follows: at first, the fastening nuts at the screws must be
loosened and then the screws need to be turned clockwise by means of a slot-head screw
driver all the way to the stop. Afterwards, the screws shall be turned anticlockwise in 2 – 3 turns.
Adjustment of the secondary air shall be carried out every time the sheet metal plate is placed
Ventilator she
below the ventilator or when the insulation beneath the plate is replaced. Small air draught can
lead to incomplete combustion, high air draught to a so-called “cracking/popping inside the
The adjustment of the secondary flow has to be carried out before first commission and,
if necessary, adjusted according to the particular chimney draught conditions.

SOLARBAYER 15 ,25, 40 ( Model 50 and 80 are equipped with two fans)

Ventilator sheet metal plate

Air Flow

Adjustment Srews for secondary air flow

The fans used in the SOLARBAYER-boiler 15 and 25, are fitted with an intake protection plate
which is used to regulate the air flow, to adjust the power output.

Solarbayer GmbH 21

5.7 Fireclay Bricks in the Combustion and Ash Chamber

Combustion chamber bricks: The refractory bricks are only loosely adjusted in the
combustion chamber, as you can see beneath
Attention: the refractory bricks have to overlap the edge of the combustion chamber.
If the refractory bricks are adjusted incorrectly, the fire hits the edge of the combustion
chamber unopposed and might damage the steel tank prematurely.
A deformation or a melting loss of the steel tub does not affect the performance of the
boiler and therefore it is not a defect.

Ash chamber bricks: To protect the boiler’s ash chamber against high heat influence and
possible damages, the Solarbayer boiler are equipped with 2 fireclay bricks (boiler type 40, 50
and 80) which have to be placed underneath the combustion chamber.
While cleaning the ash chamber, the fireclay bricks have to be removed and afterwards
positioned correctly again.

Mind the
The ash chamber bricks as well as fireclays
the combustion chamber bricks are (approx.
wearing parts and have to be ex- Position of the 10 mm)
changed when needed. combustion chamber bricks
Suitable bricks are available at in the steel tub
SOLARBAYER. (example: HVS 25)

22 Solarbayer GmbH

5.8 Nozzle and Lining made of Refractory Concrete

The nozzle is a formed part of fire-resistant concrete and provides for the mixing of flue gases
with secondary air which results in absolute combustion. The nozzle is located on a grate coo-
led with water. The seat of the nozzle is lined with refractory mortar up to the height of the no-
zzle edge. The service life of the nozzle is dependent on mechanical damage during putting on
fuel and raking of fuel. For this reason, the nozzle is considered as consumable part and can
be replaced. The nozzle should be replaced only in case of a complete breakdown. Cracks in
the nozzle are no reason for its replacement.

The pyramid shape makes replacement relatively easy. If the

nozzle is damaged, the remaining parts of the old one need
to be removed. Afterwards, a new nozzle shall be installed
into the opening. Please, check if the new nozzle fits well
into the designed opening. If it does not fit exactly, the ope-
ning shall be adapted and not the nozzle. After installation
of the nozzle the permeability of the individual holes shall
be checked. co ir
Se A

5.9 Primary and Secondary Air Ducts

By primary air ducts the supply of the necessary air volume from the ventilator into the com-
bustion chamber is guaranteed. It is provided as the so-called rear air duct. The advantage is
better heating of primary air.
When the plate below the ventilator is removed the primary and secondary air lines are ac-
cessible. The ducts at the edge lead the primary air, the inner ducts the lead the secondary air
into the nozzle. Primary air volume is not regulated but dependant on the ventilator type.


primary air channel

Rear Air Ducts

secondary air channel

Solarbayer GmbH 23

5.10 Safety Temperature Limiter STB

A safety temperature limiter is connected to the control board.
In case of overheating, boiler temperature higher than 95°C, the forced draught fan is switched
off from the connection (230V/50Hz).

Interference signal ! flashes. ERROR

M A X . T E M P .

Pressing the key  I displays

Pump LED flashes (is operating)

After cooling down to less than 90°C the STB can be unlocked again by pressing  I
Another possibility is to unlock the STB manually at the display casing. Release the black cover
and press the green safety button. The boiler is ready for operation again.
Possible reasons for overheating are: - a broken boiler circuit pump
- a closed valve
- air in the system
- maximum boiler temperature is achieved
The problems have to be solved immediately.

STB-safety temperature limiter Possibilities to unlock the STB

5.11 Boiler Control Unit

SOLARBAYER boilers are always provided with Abgastronic
The control unit’s basic principle consists in temperature regulation of the heating water being
released by the boiler and of the exhaust gas temperature. The desired temperature is reached
by air volume control which is carried out by continuous control of the fan capacity.
The control unit consists of three electronic modules:
- the control unit with LC display, LED display and 4 keys
- the motherboard, named AK 2005 S, controls the electronic parts such as the forced draught
fan, circulating pump, etc.
- SOLARBAYER Abgastronic module AK 2000 MMKT
The control unit is solidly installed in the boiler cover plate. The control board and the exhaust
module are installed onto a 35mm DIN rail. Mains voltage exists only in module AK 2005 S, the
control unit with its LC display is electronically isolated from the mains voltage and supplied with
safe 9 V DC power.
24 Solarbayer GmbH

All electric parts of the SOLARBAYER boilers are installed at the strip terminal of the
control board.
For terminal layout see chapter 12.2 (wiring diagram)

exhaust module
exhaust sensor

control unit (rear side)

burner sensor

Control unit with display (rear and front view)

Solarbayer GmbH 25

5.12 Sensor parameters

To monitor the temperature in the burner a KTY 2000 type sensor is used. The sensor is connec-
ted straight to the display (small plug).The performance of the sensor is shown in the graph
below. (i.e. 25 °C - 2000 Ohm)

boiler sensor KTY2000

A Solarbayer-PT 1000/600 type sensor is used to detect the exhaust gas temperature, which is
connected to the AK 2000 MMKT controller. The performance of the sensor is shown in the graph
below. (i.e. 25 °C 1000 Ohm)

exhaust gas sensor

Solarbayer PT1000/600

26 Solarbayer GmbH

6 Control Menu
6.1 Directions for use

Boiler Pump
Error Indicator

On the control panel are four pressure keys:

Menu key; to enter into the setup menu and submenu.
 F To confirm entered values.

To switch burner on or off.

 I To escape the submenu to the next level menu.

In the main menu and its submenus:

+▲ Parameter selection and increase or decrease the adjustable values


In the “basic menu”:

+▲ To activate the induced draught fan „Optional“;
(see chapter 8.1)
To vent the fuel chamber without the exhaust fan
-▼ (see chapter 8.1)
Factory setting is “basic menu”, after 100 secs idle it will return to “basic menu” as well.

To leave the main menu and its submenus, press key  I repeatedly until “ basic menu” is

The parameter in the menu can be called upon with key or key +▲

Values which are flashing can be adjusted; with key -▼ or key +▲

After altering a value confirm new value with key  F

Solarbayer GmbH 27

6.2 Flow Chart of the SOLARBAYER-Abgastronic control unit

Boiler off „Basic Menu“

 I F

Parameter: ”Heating”,”Program”,”
Basic menu
Setting temp. F

and “Decrease” can be selected
Select with key +▲ or -▼

Parameter “Language English”, “

Basic menu
Configuration F

“Combustion wood”, “Shut down” and “Ser-
vice” can be selected
Select with key +▲ or -▼

Basic menu Select parameter “Day” and “time”

Time setting F

Select with key +▲ or -▼


28 Solarbayer GmbH

6.3 Presetting and Changing of Parameters

The burner is pre-wired, only the Laddomat-Pump of the return flow increase and the ID fan
motor have to be wired on site.
All settings are factory preset, the burner is ready for use.

Short overview of the SOLARBAYER factory settings:

Preset Values
Parameter Factory Setting Changeable from Up to Recommended Your setting

Boiler Temperatue 85°C 65°C 90°C 90°C

Program S 1 10 (=S) S
Reducing Value 30% 20% 40% 30%
Switch off Temperature
50°C 35°C 150°C
(Exhaust gas temperature) 80°C
Service Settings
Exhaust Gas Temperatuer 150°C 150°C 250°C 180°C
Fan Speed 42% 3% 69% 42%
Type of Burner 0 0 1 0
Program 16 1 17 16
The Thevalues
Parameter valuesare
highlighted in explained
listed and yellow areonpre-set for systems
the following with buffer storage tanks.
Do not alter!

Service data changes are carried out under Code (see chapter 6.4)

Solarbayer GmbH 29

6.3.1 Adjusting the Boiler Temperature

The boiler temperature is the temperature that shall be reached and maintained in the boiler in
relation to the set exhaust gas temperature.

Basic menu  F Press key

Setting temp.

boiler temp.  F Press key

Heating 90°C

boiler temp.  F Confirm with key, display starts flashing

Heating 90°C

+▲ Press keys to adjust temperature between 65 - 90 °C

Preset = 90 °C
-▼ We recommend 90 °C

 F Confirm with ”F” key, display stops flashing

The boiler temperature is set.

In a cold boiler the permitted exhaust gas values cannot be maintained, therefore the boiler
temperature has to be set between 80 and 90° C. Only with this setting an optimal combustion
is possible.

30 Solarbayer GmbH

6.3.2 Adjusting the Switch Off Temperature

The switch off temperature defines the temperature value in the exhaust gases. The boiler will
be switched off if it falls below that value.

Basic menu  F Press button

Setting temp.

In the main menu press keys +▲ or -▼ until

Basic menu is displayed


Configuration  F Press button.

Language English

Press +▲ or -▼ until

is displayed
Shut down °C

Configuration  F Confirm with button

Shut down °C Value starts flashing.

+▲ With the keys, up or down, select temperature

from 35 - 150 °C
Preset = 80 °C
We recommend 80 °C

 F Confirm with button. Value stops flashing.

Switch Off Temperature is set.

Solarbayer GmbH 31

6.3.3 Setting the Time

The date and the time can be set in the „Time Setting“ menu. Once the burner is switched on for
the first time and after a power failure the clock has to be set.
After mains supply, key ! flashes. After pressing F

the display shows error
massage :


Date and time have to be adjusted

Basic menu  F Press key

Setting temp.

In the main menu press +▲ or -▼ until

Basic menu is displayed

Time setting

Time setting  F Press key to confirm


Week day starts flashing; adjust with +▲ or -▼

confirm with F

Hour setting starts flashing. Adjust hours the same way as the day and
repeatfor minutes.

Confirm each setting with  F

To go back in to the “ Basic Menu” press  I

32 Solarbayer GmbH

6.4 Adjustment of the SOLARBAYER-Abgastronic

To change the parameters exhaust gas temperature, minimum fan speed, boiler type and the
program of the SOLARBAYER-Abgastronic, go to the “password mode”. To enter it, please fol-
low the steps shown below.

Basic menu F
Setting temp

In the main menu press keys +▲ or -▼ until

Basic menu F is displayed


Configuration F press key

Language English

press both keys simultaneously, until dislpay shows

Configuration press key +▲ until code “Password 111“ is dislpayed

Password: 0

Password setting F press key

Boiler type 0 now you entered the “Service Level”

with key +▲ and -▼ select parameters.

Solarbayer GmbH 33

6.4.1 Adjusting the Exhaust Gas Temperature

The exhaust gas temperature defines the desired value, which has to be reached and maintai-
ned. An average exhaust gas temperature is picked up by the sensor in the flue opening. Be-
cause of the position of the sensor, the temperature can read about 20 to 50 degrees higher for
short period of time. This fact is given by the changing flow of the core of the exhaust gases
which does not allow measuring the core temperature correctly. (see picture).


To change the exhaust gas temperature go into the “password mode”.( see previous page)

Press +▲ or -▼ until

Password setting is dislpayed (Spaliny is the exhaust gas temperature)

Max spaliny 180°C

Password setting  F Press key

Max spaliny 180°C

+▲ Use keys to adjust "Max spaliny ___°C" from 150 - 250 °C

Factory setting = 180 °C
-▼ We recommend 180 °C

 F Press to confirm

The exhaust gas temperature is now set.

34 Solarbayer GmbH

6.4.2 Adjusting the Minimum Fan Speed

The minimum fan speed is to be changes in the “password mode”.
To get into the “password mode” see chapter 6.4.
The minimum fan speed defines the power of the fan at its lowest setting. The setting can be
adjusted in between 3% to 69% .
Factory setting is 42%.

In service mode press +▲ or -▼ until

Password setting appears on the display .

Min.speedfan 42%

Password setting  F press to confirm.

Min.speedfan 42% original value starts to flash.

+▲ with + and - buttons set the new value

"Min.speedfan __%" between 3% - 69% .
-▼ SOLARBAYER - Setting = 42%

 F press F to store.

The new minimum fan speed is now set

Solarbayer GmbH 35

6.4.3 Selecting the Boiler Type

Go to the “password mode” to change the boiler type. (see chapter 6.4 )

The SOLARBAYER control contains two different boiler types

Type „0“ – standard boiler SOLARBAYER
Type „1“ – pellet boiler SOLARBAYER

The SOLARBAYER-Controller is preset to Type „0“.

Press key +▲ or -▼ in the “password mode” until

password setting is displayed

Boiler type 0

password setting F to confirm press key

Boiler type 0 Display starts flashing

+▲ use keys to select type “0” or “1”

Solarbayer-Setting “0”

F To confirm press key

The boiler type is now set

36 Solarbayer GmbH

7. Control Unit of the SOLARBAYER boiler

The electronic control unit AK 2000 enables changing and adjustment of the control of SOLAR-
BAYER boilers and the hydraulic integration into central heating installations. Changes in the
control software are made by using a password.

7.1 Factory settings (standard settings)

Program 16 with SOLARBAYER Abgastronic

1 SOLARBAYER boiler 6 Exhaust fan

The programme is designed
2 Safety valve 7 Buffer tank for the control of boilers in
3 Expansion vessel boiler 8 Exhaust sensor combination with stratification
4 Expansion vessel buffer tank 9 Heating circuit systems. After the selection of
5 Laddomat 10 Domestic Water the programme the boiler is
not switched off by the tempe-
rature of the outgoing water
but by the temperature of the
waste gas in the chimney.
It is possible to select the shut-
down temperature in the
configuration program: from
50°C to 150°C (recommen-
ded: 80°C). The desired boiler
temperature can be selected in
the menu for temperature set-
tings: from 65°C to 90°C (re-
commended 90°C). This is
standard with SOLARBAYER
Description of Operation:
The boiler switches from heating-up to heating operation if the exhaust gas temperature is
higher than the desired boiler temperature of +30°C. But only on condition, that the boiler has
been switched on more than 30 minutes ago. The boiler controls the exhaust gas temperature
when heating; if the temperature falls below the value set in the “switch off menu” the boiler turns
off. The period of 5 minutes provides for bridging a possible temperature decrease during the shift
from the damper to the heating system by the heat exchanger. A temporary increase of the
exhaust gas temperature might occur due to a cold heat exchanger.

Circulation Pump - On:

The circulation pump immediately starts when the boiler is turned on for a constant heating up
of the boiler.

Circulation Pump - Off:

The pump is switched off when the boiler is switched off. The exhaust gas temperature
(switch off) switches off the boiler and the pump. However, if the boiler temperature exceeds the
desired temperature (e.g. 90°C) the pump switches on to prevent overheating.
For electrical wiring diagram see attachment 13.2.

Solarbayer GmbH 37

8. Initial Operation of the SOLARBAYER-boiler

8.1 Heating Up the Boiler
Prior to heating it is necessary:
• to get familiar with the electronic control unit
• to check the water pressure of the central heating
• to check the connection of the boiler to the mains supply
• to check the operability of the boiler circuit pump
• to check the correct position of the refractory bricks in the combustion chamber
• to check the settings of the secondary air (see chapter 5.5)

Heating up the burner :

1 Push the rod of the damper into position


2 Remove the ash content in the fuel

chamber and free the nozzle of all
debris using the poker.

3 Put a handful of firewood (splinters) and

remains of the burned wood of the day
before onto the nozzle. Put some small
logs, rumpled newsprint and a
fire-lighter on top and light the fire.

• Now close top chamber door
• Keep bottom chamber door slightly
open at this stage

38 Solarbayer GmbH

(only when an ID fan is connected)

+▲ Press key
Exhaust fan 90s
The exhaust fan runs for 90 sec. The fume outlet can be
boiler temp. °C
extended up to 300 sec by further pressing of the key. The
induced draught fan should be running until the boiler is
switched on.

4 Let the fire burn for about 5 to 10 minutes

until proper embers can be seen. Now
you can fill the fuel chamber with logs.

5 Once the flame can be heard (slightly

hissing, blazing) you can close the boiler
doors and push the rod into position

• Attention:
5 ALL DOORS have to be CLOSED.

6 Press key  I to start heating up. The ventilator operates and the combustion
process begins .

• The boiler is now heated up, at a temperature of 72°C the return flow increase opens
and the heat is transferred to the buffer tank by the boiler circuit pump.

During combustion, the fuel in the boiler moves towards the firebed. The ash falls through the
nozzle and deposits in the combustion chamber. The output of the boiler is automatically
controlled by the pre-set temperatures.

The burner shall not be left unattended during the process of heating up.

Solarbayer GmbH 39

SOLARBAYER recommendation:

The electronic control unit is delivered with factory settings and pre-wired. It is only the boiler
circuit pump of the return flow increase (e.g. the Laddomat 21) and the optional ID fan that have
to be wired at the designated strip terminal.
We recommend to leave the boiler temperature set at 90°; this achieves an optimal gasifying
effect and the best efficiency. The exhaust gas tract remains cleaner and ash formation is rather
low (for settings see chapter 6.3.1)
We recommend leaving the exhaust gas temperature at 80°C, to maintain the firebed over a
longer period of time (for settings see chapter 6.3.2.)
The most common reason for malfunctions is air in the heating system constraining circulation.
With easy piping, like displayed by the diagrams in the appendix, the air can exhaust on its own.
Please use our piping diagrams and our storage systems, as well as our Laddomat for best
return flow increase. Well adjusted systems guarantee functional boiler technics.
These are only tips for heating, please keep in mind that you are heating with a natural
product. The wood has to be stored air-seasoned for at least two years. Dry heating material is
the basic requirement for an almost smokeless combustion.

40 Solarbayer GmbH

8.2 Refuelling the Boiler

Boiler off The boiler is not operating and the fuel control light
boiler temp °C flashes. The boiler has to be refuelled if more heat is

It is also possible to refuel the boiler during the burning cycle. Care has to be taken when
opening the fuel chamber door, to avoid smoke exit from the boiler. With chimneys below 8 meter
we recommend to install the optional available induced draught fan. But you can also refuel the
boiler without an ID fan.

Attention: Make sure that the damper is open (in position “Anheizen/Auf”) to insure proper
The timber logs have to be placed in the fuel chamber in such a way that the fuel
chamber door can still be closed. A forcibly closing might damage the door lining.
We recommend that the boiler should only be operated by persons over 18 years
of age.

Refuelling without induced draught fan

boiler off  I Press button => boiler switches off

boiler temp. °C

Ventilation 15s -▼ press once => fan runs for 15 sec.

boiler temp. °C Each time the button is pressed again, another 15 sec is
added to the running time off the fan.

To avoid smoke rising out off the burner, open door slightly and wait for a few seconds, before
fully opening the fuel chamber door.
Ensure doors are closed correctly after refuelling.

Burn-up TURBO  I Press button to start boiler again

boiler temp. °C

Before refuelling the boiler open the damper (set to Anheizen/Auf position)
After closing the fuel chamber door close damper (set to Heizen/Zu position)

Solarbayer GmbH 41

Refuelling the boiler with induced draught fan „optional“

The SOLARBAYER Log Burner comes with a forced draught fan as standard. The electronic
control enables the additional connection of an induced draught fan.
The ID fan supports the optimal withdrawal of the fumes out of the fuel chamber when
refuelling the boiler. Fumes do therefore not escape through the open door when refuelling.
The ID fan comes as optional equipment and is available in two sizes, 160 mm and 200 mm
(depending on boiler size).

Boiler off  I Press key, burner is off

boiler temp. °C

+▲ Press key.
Exhaust fan 90s
boiler temp. °C Exhaust fan switches on for 90s. Each time the key is
pressed, the time will extend by 90 seconds up to a
maximum of 300 seconds.

Open the bottom door slightly and wait before open the door fully, to prevent the exit of smoke
into the room.
Close all doors fully and tight after the boiler has been refuelled.

Burn-up TURBO  I Press key

boiler temp. °C Boiler starts the heating up phase

It is possible to refuel the boiler during the heating process.

When the ID fan is operated the forced draught fan is switched off automatically.

8.3 Shutting off the boiler

Boiler off Automatic shut off:

boiler temp. °C The boiler is shut off when the exhaust gas temperature is
lower than the preset switch off temperature. The yellow
LED diode is lighting, the display shows “boiler off”.

Boiler off  I Manual shut off:

boiler temp. °C Press key.
If heat requirement does no longer exist and the boiler
has to be refuelled no more the boiler can be shut off.

NOTE: If the boiler is shut off manually and restarted the boiler program “Burn-up TURBO” is
activated. If the boiler is not refuelled and the exhaust gas temperature is already below 120°C
the boiler cannot be shut off automatically.
The boiler has to be shut off manually after the combustion.

42 Solarbayer GmbH

8.4 Heat Value Chart / Storing of Firewood Storing of split timber

Freshly cut timber contains bet-
moisture content in % 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 % 30 % ween 45 to 60% water. With log
wood boilers, however, you can
Type / Density 1) Unit Heat Value in kWh only use timber with a maximum
moisture content of 20%.
spruce kg 4,61 4,32 4,02 3,73 3,44 Therefore, it is necessary to dry
(season) the timber before use.
379 kg TM/fm fm 1942 1925 1906 1885 1860
We recommend the following for
rm 1360 1348 1334 1319 1302 an optimal storing of split timber:
Pine kg 4,61 4,32 4,02 3,73 3,44 ► store stack of woods protec-
ted from rain
431 kg TM/fm fm 2209 2189 2168 2144 2116
► split into logs before storing
rm 1546 1533 1518 1500 1481
► create dry ground for storing
Birch kg 4,43 4,15 3,86 3,58 3,30 and keep of the ground to
558 kg TM/fm fm 2748 2723 2695 2664 2627 ensure air circulation (e.g.
pile on long timbers, etc.)
rm 1923 1906 1887 1864 1839
► store in wind exposed places
Oak kg 4,43 4,15 3,86 3,58 3,30 if possible (e.g. at the edge
of the forest not inside it)
571 kg TM/fm fm 2812 2786 2758 2726 2689
► when stored closed to buil-
rm 1968 1951 1931 1908 1882
dings ensure gap is left bet-
Poplar kg 4,43 4,15 3,86 3,58 3,30 ween buildings and logs,
353 kg TM/fm fm 1738 1723 1705 1685 1662 ► try to store logs south facing,

rm 1217 1206 1193 1179 1163 ► put daily requirement of logs

in heated rooms (e.g. boiler
1) values in kg dry residue (TM) per solid cubic metre (fm) room to preheat the fuel!)
► when stored in buildings
without special fire protection
equipment you have to regard
the maximum allowable amo-
unt of fuel

Solarbayer GmbH 43

9. Boiler Maintenance
9.1 Cleaning the boiler
If dry wood is used and the minimum temperature of the return water is kept at 72°C the conta-
mination in the fuel chamber, the combustion space and the heat exchanger will be kept at a mi-

Cleaning of the fuel chamber (gasification chamber)

The formation of tar in the fuel chamber (gasification chamber) is a usual effect. We recommend
to burn the tar under controlled conditions with slightly opened upper boiler door and heating-
up damper. Since the interior walls of the boiler are provided with an aluminium paint coat tar
should not be scraped off (applies to SOLARBAYER 25, 40).

Primary Air Ducts

New fuel chamber The fuel chamber after a few days of service.
The formation of tar is absolutely normal and
is going to be burned off with the regular fuel.

You have to clean the primary air ducts if they are blocked.
An excessive quantity of ash in the fuel chamber which does not fall through the nozzle into the
combustion chamber has to be removed.
Ash and dust in the combustion chamber are removed with the scraper. If necessary, the ash in
the combustion chamber is to be removed once a week.

delivered along with the

Cleaning of the fuel chamber (the picture Poker
shows the cleaning of the nozzle) Round scraper

44 Solarbayer GmbH

Cleaning the heat exchanger

The pipes of the heat exchanger need to be cleaned once a month. The cleaning period extends
itself when the ideal (dry) fuel is used. For the cleaning of the heat exchanger it is necessary to
remove the cover to provide access to the pipes of the heat exchanger.
NOTE: Make sure that the boiler room is adequately vented during the cleaning process (dust

Remove the cover of the heat exchanger

(don’t use any tools)

Loosen the cover of the heat exchanger

(13mm flat spanner)

Clean heat exchanger with the round

Remove turbulators (if installed) before

Solarbayer GmbH 45

Cleaning of primary and secondary air ducts

Air permeability of the boiler is the fundamental requirement for proper combustion. If you use
wood chips as fuel it is necessary to clean the air ducts at least once a season. The removal of
the ventilator casing and its sheet metal plate gives space to the primary and secondary air ducts
which have to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Afterwards, their air permeability has to be

Loosen the two screws of the ventilator casing Disconnect the cables
and remove cover Disconnect power before disconnecting
the cables

Loosen screws of the sheet metal plate and Suck debris from air ducts as shown
remove ventilator together with the plate.
When mounting them again make sure that
the sealing is tight-fitting.

Before removing ventilator cover disconnect mains

46 Solarbayer GmbH

9.2 How to Measure the Exhaust Gases

Please regard the following aspects for exhaust gas measurements:
1. Clean boiler thoroughly about 3 days before measurement
2. The exhaust gas temperature has to be set on 250°C (only while measuring)
3. The buffer tank has to have enough heat capacity (cold buffer tank)
4. Use dry timber with about 10-20% moisture capacity, adjust timber length to length of fuel
chamber, edge length about 10-15cm
5. Heat up the boiler approx. 2 hours prior to measurement
6. Pound embers
7. Place wood on the embers, completely fill the fuel chamber
8. Wait for approx. 10 min
9. start exhaust gas measuring

The measurement has to take place when the boiler is fully loaded.
The ventilator capacity of the boiler should be in full service (100%)




max. zul. ppm-Wert

für die Abgasmessung



Zeit in
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 in min
1 Std. 2 Std. 3 Std. 4 Std. min
Anheizen up Combustion
Abbrandphase Burnout
ca. 40 min40 min
approx. ca. 3 Std. ca. 1 Std.
approx. 1 hour
approx. 3 hours

The diagram shows that the carbon monoxide output is highest during the heating up process
Therefore, the exhaust gas measurement has to take place during combustion (in the
middle of the burn cycle)

Solarbayer GmbH 47

9.3 Boiler and Exhaust Gas Temperatures during Operation

Boiler temperatures during heating process

maximum boiler
temperature 95°C
90° Kesseltemperatur 95°
(emergency stop)

80° forced starting of bei

the pump at 85°C
Verlauf boiler tempe-
60° rature 90°C
Kesseltemperatur 90°




Heating Firing stage
Brennphase Burnout

Exhaust gas temperature at 160°C +/- 10°C

Heating up and firing stage

Pump and boiler on at 80°C e.g.
Exhaust gas temperature

Boiler off at an
exhaust gas
temperature of

Heating up Firing stage Burnout

48 Solarbayer GmbH

10. Maintenance & Repair of the Boiler

The operator is responsible for regular checks and maintenance of the boiler. During operation
of the boiler it is necessary to check the pressure, the seal of the boiler doors and tightness of
all boiler components and the proper operation of the ventilator.

Tightness of boiler doors:

The boiler doors are fixed at three points: at two pintles and the closing catch. If the door does
not fit tightly, it is possible to close the door and to adjust the hinge. By loosening and readjusting
the counter nut, the screw of the hinge can be turned and the door can be adjusted.

Tightness of damper:
When cleaning the heat exchanger, check for a clean surface of the damper. A damper that does
not close tightly may lead to reduction in the boiler output.

Operation of ventilator:
The most important requirement for a reliable operation of the ventilator is a clean, dust free
environment. This has to be particularly regarded.

Wearing Parts are:

- the refractory nozzle
- the seal of the boiler doors
- seal of the heat exchanger casing
- combustion chamber (cf. chapter 5.7)
- turbulators
- all flame-swept parts

Service notes:
Hinges and moving parts have to greased regularly.
Fan and air ducts have to be cleaned annually.
Pressure nipples for the thermal safety valve have to be checked annually.
Safety devices have to be checked regularly
Regular boiler cleaning, as often as necessary

Solarbayer GmbH 49

11. Troubleshooting
Problem Possible reason Solution

Power drop. Boiler is highly contaminated Clean the boiler

Nozzle is broken Check nozzle, exchange if
The moisture content of the
fuel used is too high, wrong Use dry timber, adjust timber
timber length length

After closing the damper the Secondary air adjustment is Check secondary air
boiler burns for a little while incorrect adjustment
and then only smokes
The moisture content of the Check if the fan flap (blowback
fuel used is too high, wrong flap) of the forced draught fan
timber length opens
Adjust timber length

After closing the door smoke Hinge adjusted incorrectly Adjust door (cf. chapter 5.3)
escapes through the door
Seal is broken turn around or remove sealing
cord of the door

The damper does not open The damper is covered with Adjust the boiler, exhaust gas
tar and switch off temperature to
the Solarbayer settings.
The moisture content of the
fuel used is too high, wrong Adjust timber length
timber length

Smoke comes into the boiler Low chimney draught The chimney has to match the
room after opening the dam- technical requirements (cf.
per and the fuel chamber door chapter 2.3)
Retrofit an ID fan

Cracks in lining No defect

Deformation of the steel tank No defect

Forced draught fan does not Starting capacitor is broken Replace capacitor
STB has released Unlock STB

Boiler switches off after Wrong temperature for boiler See chapter 6.3.2
heating up switch off selected

No display No tension Check fuse and remove when

Fuse broken necessary
Motherboard defect
Replace motherboard

50 Solarbayer GmbH

Problem Possible reason Solution

After mains connection Time and date have not been Set time and date in menu
set before first operation or
after mains failure

flashes !
Error message:
“mains failure- check time”

Overheating of the boiler Unlock STB (see chapter 5.9

! flashes above 95°C Safety Temperature Limiter -
Error message: Cable broken
“breakdown therm” If the error message does not
STB broken
stop after unlocking, check the
cables of the STB and those
of the fan
Replace the STB

Fuse defect Check the power consumption

! flashes of the pump

Error message: Don’t use fuses higher than

“Fuse P02 defect” 1A. This may completely
destroy the electronics

Temperature sensor broken Replace temperature sensor

! flashes
Error message:
“Thermometer defect”

Malfunction in communication Check communication cable, if

! flashes between display and mother- necessary replace
Error message: Replace display or
“SLEEP” Communication cable motherboard
Display or motherboard defect

! flashes
Wrong boiler type selected Set boiler type “0”(see chap-
ter 6.4.3 Selecting the boiler
Error message type)
“open door”
Display broken
Replace display

Boiler does not switch off Necessary heating See chapter 8.3 (Shutting off
temperature not achieved the boiler)

Solarbayer GmbH 51

12. Technical Service (Qualified persons only)

12.1 Software adjustment
For changes concerning the firmware please contact SOLARBAYER

12.2 Wiring Diagram (Qualified persons only)

Electrical connection of exhaust gas thermometer

ID fan (optional) STB ventilator boiler sensor

Pump power supply

max. 200 W room thermostat 230V, 50Hz exhaust gas sensor

Always disconnect mains power supply before opening electrical covers to avoid electric shock.
All wiring should be carried out by qualified personnel only!
Components to connect at installation by qualified electrician:
Boiler circuit pump (Laddomat)
Cable 3x 1,5□
ID fan (optional)
Cable 3x 1,5□

52 Solarbayer GmbH


Solarbayer GmbH 53

Letter of guarantee
Certificate of Quality and Completeness


Product number:

This letter of guarantee replaces the Certificate of Quality and Completeness for the product.

The manufacturer/producer confirms that the boiler complies with the requirements of the stan-
dards and DIN 4702-1, STN 07 0240, STN 07 0245, STN 92 0300, STN EN 305-5, STN EN
61010-1+A2:2000, STN EN 50081-1:1995. STN EN 50082-1:2002, STN EN 6100-3-3:2000,
STN EN 6100-3-2:2000+A1+A2:2000.

Checked by: On:

Selling date: Date of initial operation:

Notes for customers and conditions of guarantee

- Claims regarding missing items upon delivery must be made to the supplier in accordance with the
regulations of the Code of Commercial Law and the Civil Code.
- Claims with regard to damage and defects due to transport must be made to the carrier by the customer at
delivery of goods.
- Period of guarantee is 24 months from selling date.
- Guarantee applies only if the boiler was put into operation by a qualified service engineer. Otherwise the
Guarantee Law of the EU applies.
- Guarantee applies only if all electrical installations connected to the controller are connected by a qualified
service engineer and if there are specified in the records about the connection of the equipment.
- Guarantee applies to construction, material used and realisation of the product.
- The transport costs of the service engineer are not included in the scope of repair work during guarantee
period (transport costs shall be paid fully by the customer).

Guarantee does not include:

- Wearing parts: seals for boiler doors, seals for cover of heat exchanger, seals for ventilator, refractory
nozzle, refractory lining and fireclay bricks
- Defects caused by the customer himself
- Defects caused due to not following assembly instructions, improper handling and maintenance or defects
caused by handling adverse to the purpose specified or if the product was used for a purpose other than
specified; defects caused by bad or improper handling
- otherwise, the regulations of the Civil Code apply to the guarantee.

SOLARBAYER reserves the right of changes made to the product within the scope of product innovation.

54 Solarbayer GmbH

Decla r a t ion of c o n f o rmi t y TÜV-tested

Declaration of confomrity of the manufacturer according to in accordance with
the EC-machinery directive 98/32
issued in accordance with § 12 Abs. 3 Buchst. a) of the law
DIN EN 303-5
Nr. 264/1999 of the corpus juris and 97/23 EC // 98/32

Am Dörrenhof 22
D-85131 Pollenfeld
declares on their own responsibility that the products specified hereafter correspond to the re-
quirements of the technical regulations, that the products are safe under the conditions stipula-
ted for their use, and that all steps were taken to ensure the compliance of the following
products with technical documentation and the requirements by the corresponding regulations
by the Government.

Product: Thermal boilers SOLARBAYER 14.9 to 80

Type: Solarbayer 14.9, Solarbayer 25, Solarbayer 40, Solarbayer 50,
Solarbayer 80
Importer: SolarbayerGmbH

The products listed are in accordance with the following standards:

Thermal boilers for solid fuel in accordance with EN 303-5 and DIN 4702-1,
STN 07 0240, STN 07 0245, STN 07 7401, STN 73 4210, STN 06 1610, STN 03 8240, STN 69
0010, STN 44 352, STN 06 1008, STN EN 303-5, STN EN 287-1, STN EN 287-2, STN EN
50081-1:1995, STN EN 50082-1:2002, STN EN 61000-3-2:2000+A1:2001+A2:2001, STN EN

TÜV Süd, Munich, dated 04/10/2007, report H-C1 1223-00/07
TÜV Süd, Munich, dated 04/10/2007, report H-C2 1223-00/07
Swiss Fire Regulations dated 20/09/2006, No Z 16498
Fire Regulation Certificate of the Union of Swiss Cantonal Fire Insurance dated 20/09/2006,
No N 16498 (according to VKF)

Declaration of conformity by manufacturer

in accordance with EC-machinery directive DIN 4702-1, -EN 303-5, EMR 98/37
EMV guideline 89/336 Low voltage Guideline 72/23

Place of issue: Pollenfeld Name: Kraus Martin

Date of issue: 16.10.2007 Title: Managing Director


Solarbayer GmbH 55

ur futu re
We design fo r yo

Am Dörrenhof 22
85131 Pollenfeld / Preith
Telefon: +49 (0) 84 21 / 9 35 98-0
Fax: +49 (0) 84 21 / 9 35 98-29
E-Mail: [email protected]
This manual and the pictures and drawings within
are protected by the copyright of SOLARBAYER GmbH

Technical changes and errors are reserved

Effective is the current version on our homepage in each case


56 Solarbayer GmbH

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