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By Bonnie Worth – Illustrated by Aristides Ruiz
From the giant gum tree
to this very small weed,
every flowering plant
started out as a seed.

Plants are so useful

to me and to you.
Can you think of the ways?
I will name you a few.

I’m the Cat in the Hat,

and I think that you need
to come and take a look at
this thing called a seed.
The paper from books and The grains and the fruits
the cloth for your pants and the veggies, you eat –
came from trees and from cotton – why, they come from plants, too.
that’s two kinds of plants. And here’s something neat…
Yes, plants serve us well
and fill so many needs,
and flowering plants
In deserts and woods
all started as seeds.
and rain forests thick
grow plants that can make
you feel well when you’re sick.
Just what is a seed,
you’re wondering maybe?
Well, you might say a seed
is a tiny plant baby!

Like all seeds a bean

comes in three basic parts.
Thing One and Thing Two,
please bring on the charts.

The best way for you

to see just what I mean
is to take a close look
at a seed called a bean.
Part one is the first that It’s called cot-y-le-don.
I think you should know: Say, isn’t that fun?
it’s the part that’s the baby. This bean seed has two,
It’s called em-bry-o! but some others have one.

To sprout, it needs food, Last comes the third part

like you and I do, that you need to know.
which brings us to It’s the coat, which protects
seed part numero two. our cute bean embryo.
In seven or so days
To sprout a bean seed,
comes the part that I love:
keep it moist, but not wet.

Keep it covered with dirt

and then see what you get. a root spreads below
and a stem shoots above.
Now in order to show a
grown bean plant to you,
we’ve traveled in time
for some months. Maybe two.

Thing Two calls the part

above ground the shoot system

Thing one calls the part

underground the root system.
To get a good look at the And roots keep the soil
roots underground, from just washing away.
it is better to look like That’s pretty important,
a mole, I have found. now wouldn’t you say?

Roots are not pretty.

They are twisty and hairy.
And some roots look even
a little bit scary!

Roots anchor a plant

and help it stand true.
Roots suck up the water
and minerals, too.
It shoots through the plant,
and next (as you’ll see)
the leaves each turn into
a good factory!
We’ve talked about roots.
We’ve learned about them.
Now it is time
we moved to the stem.

The stem is a pipe

through which water shoots. Just like the rhino’s
It’s absorbed from the soil protected with horns,
and passed up through the roots. the stem of the rose
is protected with thorns.
Leaves come in all shapes But the thing that all leaves
and all sizes, I’ve found – have in common is this:
some small and some spiky, they make their own food
some big and some round. by pho-to-syn-the-sis.

I’ll say this quite loudly –

I don’t mean to be rude – but…
PLANTS ARE THE ONLY For your information –
LIVING THINGS ON EARTH and also for fun –
THAT MAKE THEIR OWN FOOD! hop in my Shrink-Upper
and let’s see how it’s done.
To do this, plants need
water, minerals – and sun.
And that’s why the daytime’s
when food-making’s done.
The leaves take the CO2 I see by my clock
through a stoma, or pore. that now is the hour
It works like a mouth, to drop in and say a
and that’s what it’s for. hello to the flower!

Then the air gets mixed in

Plants breathe out a gas
with the water and sun.
that we breathe in.
And that’s how the
The name of that gas
food-making factory is run.
Thing Two has a chart - An unfertilized ovule
he will share it with you – will not ever grow,
that shows what the parts and pollen’s the stuff
of a flower all do. that will fix that, you know.

(A flower’s own pollen

In a pistil are ovules – or another’s okay.)
they’re unfertilized seeds. That’s where the bees,
The stamen holds pollen, play a role, by the way.
which an ovule need.
To make honey, bees need
to get nectar from flowers.
They fly and they gather
this sweet stuff for hours.

The pollen sticks into

their bodies and legs.
It falls off and, sometimes,
it reaches the eggs!
An ovule that’s fertilized And apples and oranges
becomes a seed. and pineapples, too –
Around it grows fruit, all kinds of plant foods
upon which we feed. that are healthy for you.

When we say the word “fruit,”

do you know what it means?
It means olives, nuts, grains,
plantains, tangerines!

Some fruits are juicy

and messy to munch on.
Dry ones, like nuts
are nice just to crunch on.
Not all plants with seeds Some seeds come in pods
give us edible fruit. that explode like a sneeze.
Some plants have seeds Other seeds may have wings
that look weird or look cute. and can fly on a breeze.

Bur seeds are hitchhikers

that ride on your clothes
And dandelion seeds
sometimes fly up your nose.
But whether they stick
or they blow or they fly,
seeds bring us life,
and now you know why.

I see the sun setting and

I hope you have learned
here comes the moon.
from my little seed talk.
Your mother is calling.
And how I will climb up…
Your dinner is soon.
…this giant beanstalk!

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