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The following guidelines are for completing corrective action responses to audit Nonconformity
Reports (NCRs). However, these guidelines can also be applied to corrective action responses
from other sources (complaints, internal defects, etc.)
STEP 1: Curative / Containment Action:
 The first step is to address the symptom. These are the actions necessary to cure or contain
the actual non-conformance that was identified.
 What immediate actions were taken to ensure that the process is now being executed in
conformance with procedural requirements?
 What immediate actions were taken to contain and verify any products that may have been
produced under the nonconforming conditions?
 Examples of supporting evidence might include: updated procedures, work instructions,
control plans, etc. to show any changes were defined. Additionally, evidence of effective
implementation of the changes is also required such as SPC data, inspection records,
training records, audit records, etc.
STEP 2: Determining the Root Cause:
 Finding the actual root cause is critical to ensure that the nonconformance is prevented from
 All defects are created by errors. The key is to identify the ERRORS that caused or allowed
the nonconformance to occur.
 What controls of the management system were ineffective in preventing the ERRORS that
allowed the nonconformance to occur?
 Evidence of the use of disciplined problem solving tools is expected to show how the
root cause was determined and can be relied upon. Examples might include:
 5-Why root cause analysis
 Process Analysis (value stream mapping, internal audits, use of process definitions, etc.)
 Cause and Effect Diagrams
 Fault Tree Analysis
 Statistical studies identifying the causes of variation (MSA, SPC, DOE, etc.)
 Brainstorming process results
 Examples of unacceptable root cause statements:
 Restating / rewording the nonconformance
 Failure to follow procedures (Why did the management system allow this?)
 Operator error (Why did the process allow the operator to make an error?)
 Management oversight (Why did the management system allow this?)
 If there is more than one finding listed in the nonconformance statement then there must be
a root cause analysis performed and described for each finding where applicable.

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STEP 3 - Determining the Corrective Action plan necessary to address the root cause:
 A corrective action plan must be developed for each non-conformance.
 Corrective action requires CHANGE. If we continue to do the same things we will continue
to get the same results.
 These actions must describe the formal CHANGES that were implemented to address each
root cause statement.
 A statement in a corrective action response is not evidence of formally changing the
management system. Changes resulting from corrective actions must be defined in formal
management system documentation and evidence provided.
 Examples of supporting evidence might include: updated procedures, work instructions,
control plans, etc. to show any changes were defined.
 Additionally, evidence of effective implementation of the changes is also required such as
SPC data, inspection records, training records, audit records, etc.
 For each statement of change in the corrective action please also state the specific
document names, document numbers, revision levels, pages, etc. that show where the
change was defined in the management system.
 Wherever possible the expectation is that formal management system controls were
added or improved to prevent or detect the ERRORS that caused the
nonconformance. This is called fail-safing, fool-proofing, error-proofing or Poka-
yoke. The preferred approach is to prevent errors before they occur rather than
detect them after they have occurred. Examples might include:
 Automated controls added to processes to prevent errors
 Additional manual verification points added to processes to detect the errors
 Additional internal audit requirements to verify conformance to process requirements
 Examples of unacceptable corrective action statements:
 Reinforced the importance of following procedures (What improved controls were
implemented to make sure people follow procedures?)
 Retrained operators (Why did the training not work the first time? Maybe even the best
training will never be enough because the process needs to be error-proofed?)
 Records were found after the audit (Why were they not available during the audit?)
 If there is more than one finding listed in the nonconformance statement then there must be
a corrective action described for each finding where applicable.

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STEP 4 - Global Application of Corrective Actions

 Auditing is a sampling process. In many cases the nonconformance was only found in one
process or product but could also occur in similar processes or products that were not
 Therefore, the corrective action must also describe an assessment of similar processes and
products and where applicable the actions taken to apply the curative and corrective actions
to these.

STEP 5 - Verifying the Effectiveness of Corrective Actions:

 In many cases the root cause analysis does not lead to the actual root cause and/or the
corrective actions taken do not effectively prevent the nonconformance from recurring.
 Therefore, the corrective actions taken must be verified to ensure that they were effective in
eliminating the root cause and preventing the nonconformance from recurring.
 There are many methods that may be used. The method(s) to be used must be described
and will be checked at the next audit.
 Examples of verification methods include:
 Additional process monitoring until it is demonstrated that the process is stable and
capable of consistently meeting requirements (recording and analysis of process
parameters and/or product characteristics, SPC, etc.)
 Additional internal audits to specifically verify the effectiveness of the corrective actions
 Associated metrics showing significant improvement resulting from the corrective actions.

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STEP 6 – Identifying and Submitting the Objective Evidence

 You must provide full supporting evidence to demonstrate how root causes were determined
and that all described containment and corrective actions have been fully and effectively
 A statement in a corrective action response is not evidence of formally changing the
management system. Changes resulting from corrective actions must be defined in formal
management system documentation and evidence provided.
 Examples of supporting evidence might include: updated procedures, work instructions,
control plans, forms, schedules, etc. to show any changes were defined.
 For each statement of change in the corrective action please also state the specific
document names, document numbers, revision levels, pages, etc. that show where the
change was defined in the management system.
 Additionally, evidence of effective implementation of all corrective actions is also
required. For every statement of “we did”, “was done”, “was performed”, “was
implemented”, etc. evidence is required.
 Examples of supporting evidence might include: SPC data, inspection records, training
records, audit records, analysis reports, etc. NOTE: for any changes to procedures, work
instructions or other process documentation, evidence that the affected employees were
trained on these changes is also required to demonstrate implementation. For new or
revised forms, evidence of implementation is required (i.e. a sufficient number of completed
 Must be electronic copies. MS Office and Adobe PDF files are acceptable. When scanning
documents the preferred file format is Adobe PDF.
 Please zip all attachments. Any files larger than 10 megabytes must be sent in separate
 Please highlight, underline or clearly mark the specific evidence relevant to the corrective
action. Please do not send a multiple page file without specifically identifying what pages,
sections, lines, etc. contain the evidence.
 Please name files appropriately so that it is clear which files relate to which nonconformance
 Please specifically reference each file name in the corrective action response of the
Nonconformity Report.

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