Corey Davis Indictment

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Grand Jury B-06-1


Criminal No. 3:07cr11 (JCH)
v. :

COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. : Violations:

“Magnificent” 18 U.S.C. § 371
: (Conspiracy to Transport Minors for
Immoral Purposes)
: 18 U.S.C. § 2423
(Transportation of a Minor for
: Immoral Purposes)
18 U.S.C. § 2421
: (Transportation of an Individual for
Immoral Purposes)
: 18 U.S.C. § 1591
(Sex Trafficking)
: 18 U.S.C. § 1589
(Forced Labor)
: 18 U.S.C. § 1201
: 18 U.S.C. § 1592
(Document Servitude)
: 18 U.S.C. § 1594 (Forfeiture)
18 U.S.C. § 2 (Aiding and Abetting)


The Grand Jury charges:

(The Conspiracy To Transport Minors
and Women for Immoral Purposes)

The Defendant and A Coconspirator

1. COREY DAVIS, a.k.a “Magnificent,” (“DAVIS”) a

defendant herein, is a citizen of the United States and was born

on or about February 13, 1972. At times relevant to this

Superceding Indictment, DAVIS was a pimp who controlled and

managed a group of female prostitutes whom he housed at a two-

family residence (second floor and basement) located at 143-12

184th Street, Springfield Gardens (Queens), New York (“Queens

residence”), and elsewhere.

2. Shamere McKenzie, a.k.a. “Barbie” (“McKenzie”), who

is not a defendant herein, is a citizen of the United States and

was born on or about July 21, 1983. At various times relevant to

this Superceding Indictment, McKenzie resided at the Queens

residence. At various times relevant to this Indictment,

McKenzie was DAVIS’S “bottom,” the pimp’s most trusted

prostitute, who facilitated transportation of the females who

were prostituted to various adult strip clubs, collected cash

proceeds generated from the prostitution, informed them of the

“rules,” and maintained control over the females who were

prostituted when DAVIS was not present.

The Victims

3. One minor victim 1 (“MV#1"), whose true identity

is known to the Grand Jury, is a girl who at the time of the

commission of the offenses was twelve-years-old.

4. A second minor victim (“MV#2"), whose true

identify is known to the Grand Jury, is a female who at the

beginning of the commission of the offenses was seventeen-years-


5. A third minor victim 3 (“MV#3"), whose true

identity is known to the Grand Jury, is a female who at the

beginning of the commission of the offenses was fifteen-years-


6. A fourth victim (“V#4"), whose initials are “AW”

and whose true identity is known to the Grand Jury, is a female

who at the beginning of the commission of the offenses was

approximately eighteen-years-old.

7. A fifth victim (“V#5"), whose initials are “RG”

and whose true identity is known to the Grand Jury, is a female

who at the beginning of the commission of the offenses was

approximately nineteen or twenty-years-old.

8. There were other females, whose true identities

are unknown to the Grand Jury, but who have been identified by

their “stage” names and who were also victims in this case.

Overview of the Conspiracy

9. Commencing from at least early 2005 until July

2007, the exact dates unknown to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and his

coconspirators were involved in a conspiracy, the object of which

was to knowingly and intentionally transport minor girls, in

interstate commerce, who had not attained eighteen years of age,

and to knowingly and intentionally transport women, with the

intent that the minor girls and women engage in prostitution and

other unlawful sexual activity.

10. To carry out this plan, DAVIS and others named and

unnamed in this Superceding Indictment, recruited minor girls and

other females and forced them to work as dancers in strip clubs

and to engage in sexual acts in exchange for money, required them

to turn over to DAVIS and McKenzie all of the money they earned,

beat them, threatened them with serious bodily harm, confined

them at the Queens residence, and transported them across state


The Principal Goals of the Conspiracy

11. The principal goals of the conspiracy were for

DAVIS and his co-conspirators: (a) to force the females to work

for him as dancers and prostitutes so that he could enrich

himself by taking the monies earned by the females; and (b) to

control them through physical and psychological coercion,

including, but not limited to, beatings, rapes, confinement,

threats of serious harm, intimidation, and humiliation.

The Manner and Means of the Conspiracy

DAVIS and Others Control MV#1

12. In furtherance of this conspiracy, in or about

April or early May 2005, the exact dates unknown to the Grand

Jury, DAVIS and others, recruited MV#1 at an adult club in New

York. After speaking with MV#1, DAVIS subsequently directed her

to go to his car and then he drove MV#1 and other females who

were working for him to the Queens residence. Thereafter, DAVIS

drove MV#1 to get hair extensions, a manicure, dancing clothes,

and dance shoes so that she could begin working for him as a

prostitute and dancer at strip clubs. DAVIS, who was aware MV#1

was under eighteen (18) years of age, also obtained a fraudulent

identification card for MV#1 which falsely stated that she was

born in 1984 when in fact she was born in 1992.

13. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing to in or about May 2005, both dates being approximate

and inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

MV#1 was required to make money for DAVIS by dancing and engaging

in sexual acts at strip clubs where he directed her to work, to

engage in sexual acts at private parties where he directed her to

work, and by requiring her to engage in sexual acts at an area

called the “Track” in Queens, New York that is known for

prostitution. DAVIS drove MV#1 from New York to Connecticut for

the purpose of dancing and engaging in sexual acts in exchange

for money. While in Connecticut, MV#1 primarily worked at

Bishop’s Corner Café, located in Bridgeport, Connecticut, where

it was not unusual for her to work approximately 12 hours per day

and where DAVIS often required her to earn approximately $1,000

per day through dancing and/or engaging in unlawful sexual acts

for money. Both DAVIS and McKenzie directed MV#1 to engage in

sexual activity and McKenzie told MV#1 how much to charge for

various sex acts at the various clubs. DAVIS also obtained hotel

rooms for MV#1 and the other females when they stayed in the same

location for more than one day. McKenzie collected money from

MV#1 and the other females if DAVIS was not present. MV#1 was

directed to turn over all the money that she made to DAVIS and/or


14. In order to ensure MV#1's obedience, and to

prevent her from leaving, DAVIS: (a) beat her by punching,

kicking, and slapping her; (b) humiliated and degraded MV#1 and

the other females; (c) threatened MV#1 with serious physical

harm; (d) beat, humiliated, and degraded the other females in

front of MV#1; and (e) threatened the other females with serious

physical harm in front of MV#1. DAVIS retained control of MV#1

by, among other things, at various times confining her to the

Queens residence.

15. In or about May 2005, MV#1 ran away from DAVIS.

DAVIS and Others Control MV#2

16. In or about January 2006, the exact dates unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and an unnamed co-conspirator recruited

MV#2. The unnamed co-conspirator, known to MV#2 as “Trini”

(phonetic spelling), falsely enticed MV#2 by telling her that he

had a friend who had a basement apartment in New York to rent for

a nominal amount of money. MV#2 went to see the Queens residence

that DAVIS controlled, which is where MV#1 was taken and where

the other females were confined, and agreed to rent it. The

unnamed co-conspirator moved MV#2 into the apartment with all of

her belongings and identification documents. Once in the

apartment, DAVIS approached her, took her cellular telephone, and

locked her inside. DAVIS told her that he was a pimp and told

her that his girls work for him in strip clubs and confiscated

her identification documents. On her first day in the house,

DAVIS directed MV#2 to wear dance outfits and high-heel shoes

selected by him. MV#2 protested and asked to leave but was

frightened by DAVIS into staying and working for him.

17. DAVIS then drove MV#2 from New York to

Connecticut. DAVIS had possession over her identification

documents, which indicated that she was 17-years-old, and DAVIS

discussed her age with her. MV#2 was introduced to other females

who worked for DAVIS, including McKenzie, who informed her of the

rules, which required her to dance and engage in prostitution and

approximately how much she should charge for the various sex

acts. McKenzie was also aware of MV#2's age and directed her not

to tell anyone her age. MV#2 was required to turn over all of

the money that she earned to DAVIS and/or McKenzie.

18. MV#2 was directed to work primarily at “Pleasant

Moments” located in Bridgeport, Connecticut. MV#2 was also

required to work at a Connecticut casino. In or about March

2006, after she had turned eighteen-years-old, MV#2 flew to

Dallas, Texas with DAVIS, McKenzie, and the other females where

they danced and engaged in prostitution.

19. In order to ensure MV#2's obedience, and to

prevent her from leaving, DAVIS: (a) beat MV#2 which included

punching her, kicking her, and slapping her; (b) humiliated and

degraded MV#2 and the other females; (c) threatened MV#2 with

serious physical harm; (d) beat, humiliated, and degraded the

other females in front of MV#2; and (e) threatened the other

females with serious physical harm in front of MV#2. DAVIS

retained control of MV#2 by, among other things, confining her at

the Queens residence and by brandishing a firearm in front of

MV#2. DAVIS hit her with a firearm and on one occasion put the

firearm in her mouth.

DAVIS and Others Control MV#3

20. In or about December 2005, the exact dates unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and an unnamed co-conspirator, known to

MV#3 as “Trini,” recruited MV#3. The unnamed co-conspirator

falsely enticed MV#3 by telling her that MV#3 could stay with his

cousin “Bobbie” and her boyfriend, Magnificent, and that they

would help MV#3 get back on her feet. The unnamed co-conspirator

drove MV#3 to the Queens residence where she subsequently learned

that “Bobbie” was “Barbie” and that Magnificent expected her to

prostitute for him. On her first day in the house, DAVIS

directed MV#3 to take a shower and to wear dance outfits and

high-heel shoes selected by him. MV#3 witnessed DAVIS beat two

other females in the house.

21. Thereafter, DAVIS drove MV#3 to have her hair

done, and to have a manicure so that she could begin working for

him as a prostitute and dancer at strip clubs. DAVIS, who was

aware MV#3 was under eighteen (18) years of age, also obtained a

fraudulent Pennsylvania identification card for MV#3, which card

falsely stated that her name was Jillian Jones and that she was

twenty-three years old.

22. MV#3 was required to make money for DAVIS by

dancing and engaging in sexual acts at strip clubs where he

directed her to work, and to engage in sexual acts at private

parties where he directed her to work. McKenzie drove MV#3 from

New York to Connecticut for the purpose of dancing and engaging

in sexual acts in exchange for money. While in Connecticut, MV#3

primarily worked at “Pleasant Moments,” located in Bridgeport,

Connecticut, where it was not unusual for her to work

approximately 12 hours per day and where she earned on average

$250 per day through dancing and/or other sexual activity. Both

DAVIS and McKenzie directed MV#3 to engage in sexual activity and

both DAVIS and McKenzie told MV#3 how much to charge for various

sex acts at the various clubs. McKenzie also obtained hotel

rooms for MV#3 and the other females when they stayed in the same

location for more than one day. McKenzie collected money from

MV#3 and the other females if DAVIS was not present. MV#3 was

directed to turn over all the money that she made to DAVIS and/or


23. In order to ensure MV#3's obedience, and to

prevent her from leaving, DAVIS: (a) humiliated and degraded MV#3

and the other females; (b) frightened MV#3 to believe that he

would physically harm her; (c) beat, humiliated, and degraded the

other females in front of MV#3; and (d) threatened the other

females with serious physical harm in front of MV#3. DAVIS

retained control of MV#3 by, among other things, at various times

confining her at the Queens residence.

24. In or about late December 2005, MV#3 ran away from


DAVIS and Others Control V#4

25. In or about February 2005, the exact dates unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS recruited V#4 to work for him as a

prostitute. V#4 worked for DAVIS for periods of time from

February 2005 until July 2007. In or about February 2005, DAVIS

drove V#4 from New Jersey to New York where she began working for

DAVIS as a prostitute. V#4 was required to make money for DAVIS

by dancing and engaging in sexual acts at strip clubs where he

directed her to work, and to engage in sexual acts at the Track

in Queens. DAVIS and McKenzie drove V#4 from New York to

Connecticut for the purpose of dancing and engaging in unlawful

sexual acts in exchange for money. While in Connecticut, V#4

worked primarily at “Pleasant Moments” and also at Bishop’s

Corner Café, both located in Bridgeport, Connecticut where it was

not unusual for her to work approximately 12 hours per day and

where she earned on average $500 per day from dancing and other

sexual activity. V#4 understood that she was required to engage

in sexual activity. V#4 was required to turn over all of the

money that she earned to DAVIS and/or McKenzie.

26. DAVIS directed V#4 to engage in sexual acts for

money in Connecticut, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Florida.

DAVIS transported or arranged for V#4's transport to the various

states. DAVIS purchased clothes and shoes for V#4 for her to

wear while she was being prostituted. DAVIS and/or McKenzie

would also obtain hotel rooms when DAVIS required the females to

stay overnight at various locations.

27. In order to ensure V#4's obedience, and to prevent

her from leaving, DAVIS: (a) beat V#4 which included punching

her, kicking her, slapping her, and in one instance cutting her;

(b) humiliated and degraded V#4 and the other females; (c)

threatened V#4 with serious physical harm; (d) beat, humiliated,

and degraded the other females in front of V#4; (e) provided her

with marijuana; and (f) threatened the other females with serious

physical harm in front of V#4. DAVIS retained control of V#4 by,

among other things, confining her in the Queens residence. From

in or about December 2006 to in or about July 2007, both dates

being approximate and inclusive, an unnamed coconspirator, who

V#4 knows as “Deuce,” also retained control over V#4 for DAVIS

by, among other things, arranging for her housing in Florida,

providing her with a cellular phone so that he could monitor her,

instructing her on how to answer questions to federal authorities

and while testifying before the grand jury, conveying messages

from DAVIS to her, and collecting money from V#4 for DAVIS.

DAVIS and Others Control V#5

28. In or about Spring 2005, the exact dates unknown

to the Grand Jury, McKenzie recruited V#5 at “Pleasant Moments”

in Bridgeport, Connecticut, to work for DAVIS. McKenzie drove V#5

to New York to meet DAVIS and V#5 subsequently began working for

DAVIS as a prostitute. V#5 was driven to the Queens residence

controlled by DAVIS where she was provided with clothes and shoes

for V#5 to wear when she was being prostituted by DAVIS.

29. V#5 was required to make money for DAVIS by

dancing and engaging in sexual acts at a strip club in

Connecticut and working as a prostitute at the Track in Queens.

McKenzie drove V#5 from New York to Connecticut for the purpose

of dancing and engaging in sexual acts in exchange for money.

While in Connecticut, V#5 primarily worked at “Pleasant Moments,”

located in Bridgeport, Connecticut where it was not unusual for

her to work approximately 12 hours per day and where she earned

on average $300 to $400 on a weekday and $600 to $700 per day on

the weekend from dancing and other sexual activity. V#5

understood that she was required to engage in sexual activity.

V#5 was directed to turn over all the money that she made to

DAVIS and/or McKenzie.

30. In order to ensure V#5's obedience, and to prevent

her from leaving, DAVIS: (a) frightened V#5 to believe that he

would physically harm her; and (b) threatened and yelled at V#5.

31. Approximately two weeks after meeting DAVIS, V#5

ran away from DAVIS.

The Conspiracy

32. Beginning in or about early 2005 and continuing

through in or about July 2007, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

COREY DAVIS, a/k/a "Magnificent," the defendant herein, Shamere

McKenzie, who is not a defendant herein, and others known and

unknown, unlawfully and knowingly did combine, conspire,

confederate, and agree together and with each other to commit

offenses against the United States, that is, to violate Title 18,

United States Code, Sections 2421 and 2423.

Objects of the Conspiracy

33. It was a part and an object of the conspiracy that

DAVIS, McKenzie, and others, did knowingly and intentionally

transport in interstate commerce individuals who had not attained

the age of 18 years, with intent that such individuals engage in

prostitution and other unlawful sexual activity in violation of

Title 18, United States Code, Section 2423.

34. It was further a part and an object of the

conspiracy that DAVIS, McKenzie, and others, did knowingly and

intentionally transport in interstate commerce individuals with

intent that such individuals engage in prostitution and other

unlawful sexual activity in violation of Title 18, United States

Code, Section 2421.

Overt Acts

35. In furtherance of the conspiracy, and to effect

its illegal objectives, DAVIS, McKenzie, and other co-

conspirators committed and caused to be committed the following

overt acts, among others, in the District of Connecticut and


a. In or about April or early May 2005, the exact

date unknown to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and unnamed others

recruited MV#1 to work as a dancer in strip clubs in Connecticut

and elsewhere;

b. In or about January 2006, the exact date unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and unnamed others recruited MV#2 to

work as a dancer in strip clubs in Connecticut and elsewhere;

c. In or about December 2005, the exact date unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and unnamed others recruited MV#3 to

work as a dancer in strip clubs in Connecticut and elsewhere;

d. In or about February 2005, the exact date unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS recruited V#4 to work as a dancer in

strip clubs in Connecticut and elsewhere;

e. In or about the Spring 2005, the exact date

unknown to the Grand Jury, McKenzie recruited V#5 for DAVIS to

work as a dancer in strip clubs in Connecticut and elsewhere;

f. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS required MV#1 to service

numerous men by engaging in unlawful sex acts in Connecticut and


g. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS required MV#2 to service numerous men by

engaging in unlawful sex acts in Connecticut and elsewhere;

h. In or about December 2005, the exact dates unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS required MV#3 to service numerous men by

dancing at an adult strip club and engaging in unlawful sex acts

in Connecticut and elsewhere;

i. For periods of time between February 2005 and

February 2007, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS

required V#4 to service numerous men by engaging in unlawful sex

acts in Connecticut and elsewhere;

j. In or about Spring 2005, the exact dates being

unknown to the Grand Jury, DAVIS required V#5 to service numerous

men by engaging in unlawful sex acts in Connecticut and


k. Beginning early 2005 until in or about December

2006, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS required

other females to service numerous men by engaging in unlawful sex

acts in Connecticut and elsewhere;

l. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS controlled MV#1 through physical

violence and psychological coercion;

m. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS controlled MV#2 through physical violence and

psychological coercion;

n. In or about December 2005, the exact dates unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS controlled MV#3 through physical

violence towards others and psychological coercion;

o. For periods of time between February 2005 until in

or about July 2007, both dates being approximate and inclusive,

DAVIS controlled V#4 through physical violence, physical violence

towards others, and psychological coercion;

p. In or about Spring 2005, for a period of two

weeks, the dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS

controlled V#5 through physical violence towards others and

psychological coercion;

q. Beginning early 2005 until in or about December

2006, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS recruited

and controlled other females through physical violence and

psychological coercion;

r. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS harbored and confined MV#1 in

the Queens residence;

s. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS harbored and confined MV#2 in the Queens


t. In or about December 2005, the exact dates unknown

to the Grand Jury, DAVIS harbored and confined MV#3 in the Queens


u. For periods of time between February 2005 and

continuing through in or about December 2006, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS harbored and confined V#4 in the

Queens residence;

v. In or about Spring 2005, for a period of

approximately two weeks, the dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS harbored and confined V#5 in the Queens


w. Beginning in or about early 2005 until December

2006, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS harbored

and confined other females in the Queens residence;

x. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS transported MV#1 from New York

to Connecticut for the purpose of dancing and engaging in

unlawful sexual activity at strip clubs;

y. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS and McKenzie transported MV#2 from New York to

Connecticut for the purpose of dancing and engaging in unlawful

sexual activity at strip clubs;

z. In or about December 2005, the exact date being

unknown to the Grand Jury, McKenzie transported MV#3 to

Connecticut for the purpose of dancing and engaging in unlawful

sexual activity at strip clubs;

aa. For periods of time between February 2005 until

December 2006, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS

and McKenzie transported V#4 to Connecticut for the purpose of

dancing and engaging in unlawful sexual activity at strip clubs;

bb. In or about Spring 2005, the exact date being

unknown to the Grand Jury, McKenzie transported V#5 to

Connecticut for the purpose of dancing and engaging in unlawful

sexual activity at strip clubs;

cc. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005

until December 2006, both dates being approximate and inclusive,

DAVIS and McKenzie transported other females from New York to

Connecticut for the purpose of dancing and engaging in unlawful

sexual activity in strip clubs;

dd. In or about March 2006, the exact date being

unknown to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and McKenzie facilitated the

transportation of MV#2 and other females to Dallas, Texas where

they were required to work as dancers and engage in unlawful

sexual acts;

ee. In or about March 2006, the exact date being

unknown to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and McKenzie facilitated the

transportation of V#4 and other females to Dallas, Texas where

they were required to work as dancers and engage in unlawful

sexual acts;

ff. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS required MV#1 to provide him and

McKenzie all of the proceeds she received from dancing and


gg. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS required MV#2 to provide him and McKenzie all of

the proceeds she received from dancing and prostitution;

hh. In or about December 2005, the exact dates being

unknown to the Grand Jury, DAVIS required MV#3 to provide him and

McKenzie all of the proceeds she received from dancing and


ii. For periods of time between February 2005 until

February 2007, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS

required V#4 to provide him and McKenzie all of the proceeds she

received from dancing and prostitution;

jj. In or about Spring 2005, for a period of

approximately two-weeks, the dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS required V#5 to provide him and McKenzie all of

the proceeds she received from dancing and prostitution;

kk. Beginning in or about early 2005 until December

2006, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS required

other females to provide him and McKenzie all of the proceeds

they received from dancing and prostitution;

ll. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, McKenzie would often collect all of

the day’s proceeds for DAVIS from MV#1;

mm. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, McKenzie would often collect all of the day’s proceeds

for DAVIS from MV#2;

nn. In or about December 2005, the exact dates being

unknown to the Grand Jury, McKenzie would often collect all of

the day’s proceeds for DAVIS from MV#3;

oo. In or about February 2005 until December 2006,

both dates being approximate and inclusive, McKenzie would often

collect all of the day’s proceeds for DAVIS from V#4;

pp. In or about Spring 2005, for a period of

approximately two-weeks, the dates being approximate and

inclusive, McKenzie would often collect all of the day’s proceeds

for DAVIS from V#5;

qq. At various times, McKenzie would often collect all

of the day’s proceeds for DAVIS from other females working for


rr. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS and McKenzie would obtain hotel

rooms for MV#1 to stay when there were working more than one day

at the same location;

ss. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS and McKenzie would obtain hotel rooms for MV#2

to stay when she was working more than one day at the same


tt. In or about December 2005, the exact dates being

unknown to the Grand Jury, DAVIS and McKenzie would obtain hotel

rooms for MV#3 to stay when she was working more than one day at

the same location;

uu. For period of time between February 2005 and

December 2006, both dates being approximate and inclusive, DAVIS

and McKenzie would obtain hotel rooms for V#4 to stay when she

was working more than one day at the same location;

vv. DAVIS and McKenzie would obtain hotel rooms for

the other females to stay when they were working more than one

day at the same location;

ww. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, McKenzie maintained control of MV#1

by, among other things, informing her about the “rules” and

taking actions to ensure that she would not run away;

xx. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, McKenzie maintained control of MV#2 by, among other

things, informing them about the “rules” and taking actions to

ensure that she would not run away;

yy. In or about December 2005, the dates being

approximate and inclusive, McKenzie maintained control of MV#3

by, among other things, informing them about the “rules” and

taking actions to ensure that she would not run away;

zz. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, DAVIS controlled almost all aspects of

MV#1's daily life, including regulating her food intake;

aaa. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS controlled almost all aspects of MV#2's daily

life, including regulating her food intake; and

bbb. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, DAVIS and McKenzie exercised control over MV#2's

identification documents in an effort to further control MV#2's


All in violation of Title 18, United States Code,

Section 371.

Mann Act Violation - Transportation
of a Minor for Immoral Purposes - MV#1)

36. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

37. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and

elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant

herein, did knowingly and intentionally transport in interstate

commerce, a person, that is, MV #1, who had not attained eighteen

years of age, with intent that such person engage in prostitution

and other unlawful sexual activity.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

2423 and 2.

(Mann Act Violation - Transportation
of a Minor for Immoral Purposes - MV#2)

38. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

39. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

COREY DAVIS a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant herein, did

knowingly and intentionally transport in interstate commerce a

person, that is, MV #2, who had not attained eighteen years of

age, with intent that such person engage in prostitution and

other unlawful sexual activity.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

2423 and 2.

(Mann Act Violation - Transportation
of a Minor for Immoral Purposes - MV#3)

40. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

41. In or about December 2005, within the District of

Connecticut and elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the

defendant herein, did knowingly and intentionally transport in

interstate commerce a person, that is, MV #3, who had not

attained eighteen years of age, with intent that such person

engage in prostitution and other unlawful sexual activity.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

2423 and 2.

(Mann Act Violation -
Transportation for Immoral Purposes - V#4)

42. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

43. Beginning in or about December 2005 and continuing

through in or about December 2006, both dates being approximate

and inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant herein, did

knowingly and intentionally transport in interstate commerce, a

person, that is, V#4, with intent that such person engage in

prostitution and other unlawful sexual activity.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

2421 and 2.

(Sex Trafficking - MV#1)

44. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

45. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and

elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant

herein, did knowingly, in and affecting interstate commerce,

recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide and obtain a person,

that is, MV#1, and did knowingly benefit financially and receive

a thing of value from MV#1's participation in a venture which

engaged in these acts, knowing that MV#1 had not attained

eighteen (18) years of age and knowing that force, fraud, and

coercion would be used to cause MV#1 to engage in a commercial

sex act.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1591(a)(1), 1591(a)(2), 1591(b)(1), and 2.

(Sex Trafficking - MV#2)

46. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

47. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant herein, did

knowingly, in and affecting interstate commerce, recruit, entice,

harbor, transport, provide, and obtain a person, that is, MV#2,

and did knowingly benefit financially and receive a thing of

value from MV#2's participation in a venture which engaged in

these acts, knowing that MV#2 had not attained eighteen (18)

years of age and knowing that force, fraud, and coercion would be

used to cause MV#2 to engage in a commercial sex act.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1591(a)(1), 1591(a)(2), and 2.

(Sex Trafficking - MV#3)

48. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

49. In or about December 2005, within the District of

Connecticut and elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the

defendant herein, did knowingly, in and affecting interstate

commerce, recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, and obtain

a person, that is, MV#3, and did knowingly benefit financially

and receive a thing of value from MV#3's participation in a

venture which engaged in these acts, knowing that MV#3 had not

attained eighteen (18) years of age and knowing that force,

fraud, and coercion would be used to cause MV#3 to engage in a

commercial sex act.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1591(a)(1), 1591(a)(2), and 2.

(Sex Trafficking - V#4)

50. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

51. Beginning in or about February 2005 and continuing

through in or about July 2007, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant herein, did

knowingly, in and affecting interstate commerce, recruit, entice,

harbor, transport, provide, and obtain a person, that is, V#4,

and did knowingly benefit financially and receive a thing of

value from V#4's participation in a venture which engaged in

these acts, knowing that force, fraud, and coercion would be used

to cause V#4 to engage in a commercial sex act.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1591(a)(1), 1591(a)(2), and 2.

(Forced Labor - MV#1)

52. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

53. Beginning in or about April or early May 2005 and

continuing through in or about May 2005, both dates being

approximate and inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and

elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant

herein, did knowingly and intentionally obtain the labor and

services of a person, that is, MV#1, by means of threats of

serious harm to and physical restraint against such person, and

by means of a scheme, plan, and pattern intended to cause such

person to believe that if she did not perform such labor or

services, she or other persons would suffer serious harm and

physical restraint.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1589(1), 1589(2), and 2.

(Forced Labor - MV#2)

54. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

55. Beginning in or about January 2006 and continuing

through in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant herein, did

knowingly and intentionally obtain the labor and services of a

person, that is, MV#2, whose true identity is known to the Grand

Jury, by means of threats of serious harm to and physical

restraint against such person, and by means of a scheme, plan,

and pattern intended to cause such person to believe that if she

did not perform such labor or services, she or other persons

would suffer serious harm and physical restraint.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1589(1), 1589(2), and 2.

(Forced Labor - MV#3)

56. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

57. In or about December 2005, the dates being

approximate and inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and

elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant

herein, did knowingly and intentionally obtain the labor and

services of a person, that is, MV#3, whose true identity is known

to the Grand Jury, by means of threats of serious harm to and

physical restraint against such person, and by means of a scheme,

plan, and pattern intended to cause such person to believe that

if she did not perform such labor or services, she or other

persons would suffer serious harm and physical restraint.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1589(1), 1589(2), and 2.

(Forced Labor - V#4)

58. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

59. Beginning in or about February 2005 until July

2007, the dates being approximate and inclusive, within the

District of Connecticut and elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a.

“Magnificent,” the defendant herein, did knowingly and

intentionally obtain the labor and services of a person, that is,

V#4, whose true identity is known to the Grand Jury, by means of

threats of serious harm to and physical restraint against such

person, and by means of a scheme, plan, and pattern intended to

cause such person to believe that if she did not perform such

labor or services, she or other persons would suffer serious harm

and physical restraint.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1589(1), 1589(2), and 2.


60. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 of Count One are re-alleged and incorporated

as if fully set forth herein.

61. In or about January 2006, the exact date unknown

to the Grand Jury, within the District of Connecticut and

elsewhere, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant

herein, did willfully and unlawfully kidnap, abduct, and carry

away MV#2 in interstate commerce from New York to Connecticut,

and did hold her for ransom, reward, and otherwise.

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections

1201(g) and 2.

(Document Servitude)

62. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through

31 and 33 through 35 are re-alleged and incorporated as if fully

set forth herein.

63. Beginning in January 2006 and continuing through

in or about March 2006, both dates being approximate and

inclusive, within the District of Connecticut and elsewhere,

COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant herein,

knowingly concealed, removed, confiscated, and possessed

government identification documents of MV#2, in the course of a

violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1589 and


All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section

1592(a) and 2.


64. The allegations of Counts One through Fourteen of

this Superceding Indictment are hereby re-alleged and

incorporated by reference for the purpose of alleging forfeitures

pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 1594(b).

65. Upon conviction of one or more of the offenses

alleged in Counts One Through Fourteen of this Superceding

Indictment, COREY DAVIS, a.k.a. “Magnificent,” the defendant

herein, shall forfeit to the United States pursuant to Title 18,

United States Code, Section 1594(b), all property, real and

personal, that was used or intended to be used to commit or to

facilitate the commission of such offenses, and all property,

real and personal, constituting or derived from proceeds

obtained, directly or indirectly, as a result of such offenses.

The property to be forfeited includes, but is not limited to, the



(a) Approximately $29,255.28 in United States currency,

seized as follows: (1) Approximately $4,225.28 on DAVIS’S person

at the time of his arrest; and (2) Approximately $25,030 located

within a Mercedes Benz, white-colored (2-door) bearing vehicle

identification number WDBPJ75J4YA005311.


(a) a Mercedes Benz, white (2-door) bearing vehicle

identification number WDBPJ75J4YA005311;and

(b) a Mercedes Benz, silver-colored bearing vehicle

identification number WDBPJ75J01A015792.


Five pieces of jewelry found on DAVIS’S person at the time

of his arrest estimated to be worth $110,000 which include:

(a) a Jacob & Co. watch (silver colored with diamond stones)

with an estimated replacement value of $91,000;

(b) a ring (silver-colored with diamond stones) with an

estimated replacement values of $4,000

(c) a ring (silver-colored with diamond stones) with an

estimated replacement value of $10,000;

(d) one necklace with pendant (silver-colored with diamond

type stones) with an estimated replacement value of $4,500; and

(e) one earring (silver colored with a diamond stones) with

an estimated replacement value of $500.


(a) A two-family residence (right-side residence) located

at 143-12 184th Street, Springfield Gardens (Queens), New York,


66. If any of the property described in paragraph 65

hereof as being forfeitable pursuant to Title 18, United States

Code, Section 1594(b), as a result of any act or omission of the

defendant(s) --

a. cannot be located upon the exercise of due


b. has been transferred to, sold to, or deposited

with a third party;

c. has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of this


d. has been substantially diminished in value; or

e. has been commingled with other property which

cannot be divided without difficulty;

It is the intention of the United States, pursuant to Title

21, United States Code, Section 853(p), incorporated through

Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c), to seek forfeiture

of all other property of the defendant(s) up to the value of the

property described in subparagraphs a through e of this


All pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section










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