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Finding the best candidates can take time and effort. After all, there is likely to
be a range of different aspects that you are looking for in your new employee
and it can be difficult to narrow this down in your search. Thankfully, using
Boolean search strings enables you to achieve a more specific search. By
combining keywords and phrases within the Boolean operators AND, OR,
NOT, “speech marks” and (brackets), you are able to limit, widen or define your
search. This means that you’re presented with only the most relevant
candidates. Below, we’ll talk you through the different types of Boolean search
strings you can use to improve your chances of finding the best talent. The
tediousness of sifting through resumes and websites, trying to find a hidden gem
of a candidate, is a scenario that every recruiter can empathize with. And, in
recent years, recruitment technologies that harness artificial intelligence have
been added to the mix, at times creating an extra layer of unneeded complexity
and time.

If I have your attention, then let’s talk about Boolean search in recruitment.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Yes, Boolean search. That thing your high school librarian taught you when you
were trying to find books for your homework assignment. What you might not
know about Boolean search is that it’s still very much in use today across
virtually all digital search interfaces.
Boolean search is such a pervasive tool that you may not even realize that you
use it on a daily basis. For example, if you put quotes around a search term in
Google, you’re using Boolean search. Google, in fact, wouldn’t even be here
without Boolean search – a large portion of its search functionality relies on
these principles.
Boolean search: Boolean search is a structured search process that allows the
user to insert words or phrases such as AND, OR, NOT to limit, broaden and
define the search results. ... By using Boolean search, employers can narrow
down the pool of candidates they are presented with by specifically looking for
what is required in that role.

How to perform a Boolean search

Boolean searches can be done on any search engine across the Internet using
certain symbols and there is no restriction on how many you use in one search

Five elements of Boolean search:

1. AND: placing AND between search keywords will allow user's results to
include both (or all) of the keywords. The search terms that follow the AND
must appear in the search results.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
2. OR: user writes OR when he/she wants to search for something that has
the possibility of including either set of search terms. All combination
possibilities will come up.

3. NOT: when a user dos not want a specific search term to appear in the
results, he/she writes NOT after the preferred search term. This will prevent the
terms from coming up.

4. Quotation marks “”: when users want to search for an exact phrase, they
use quotation marks around that phrase.

5. Parentheses (): placing parentheses allows separation of the terms and

preference to be given to specified ones.
Boolean Search Strings Basics
Based on some mathematical theory in which all variables are either ‘true’ or
‘false’, Boolean search on Google is one of the best sourcing tools for
recruiters. The definition of Boolean search is that it’s a type of search that
allows users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT and OR
to produce more relevant results.

Here are the basic operators for Boolean search strings for recruiters:

When you want to include two (or more) criteria in your search, the operator
AND narrows down your search. For example, a Boolean search string for

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
recruiting Android developers should include ‘developer AND android’. This
will produce results that include both keywords.

Venn diagram of the Boolean AND operator

A AND B | A ∩ B

The OR operator, on the other hand, allows us to expand our Boolean search
results. People might use different words to say the same thing. OR is
particularly useful for synonyms, like ‘bank OR finance OR financial.’

Venn diagram of the Boolean OR operator

A OR B | A ∪ B

The NOT operator excludes unwanted terms from your Google sourcing search.
Instead of NOT, you could also use the minus symbol followed by your
unwanted term without leaving a space (e.g. ‘NOT recruiter’ or ‘-recruiter.’)

Venn diagram of the Boolean NOT operator

A NOT B | A – B

Brackets ()
You can use brackets to group multiple search strings and set your priorities.
This will come in handy, as most candidate searches are complex and combine
different keywords. For example, ‘(developer OR designer) AND Java’

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
indicates that Java knowledge is a must-have both for developers and designers.
But, in a ‘designer OR (developer AND Java)’ search, Java knowledge is
important only for the developers you’re looking for – not the designers.

Venn diagram of Boolean search examples: Brackets to group multiple search

(A OR B) AND C | (A∪B) ∩ C

Quotation marks “”
If you want Google to consider the phrase you’re searching for as a complete
phrase, you should put it in quotation marks. For example, leaving a blank space
between ‘customer’ and ‘service’ will provide pages that contain both of the
words ‘customer’ and ‘service,’ but not necessarily together. You should type
“customer service” to get more relevant results when sourcing passive
How to find candidate resumes with Boolean search strings?
When sourcing professionals online, social profiles alone may not provide a
well-rounded view of someone’s skills and experience. Sourcing resumes with
Boolean search helps you better evaluate passive candidates. And, if you
already have a candidate in mind, use Boolean search strings to discover their
resume on various platforms.
To begin your search for professionals who have posted their resumes, craft
parts of a generic search string to use in every search. This string should:
Exclude irrelevant results. When looking for passive candidates, you may
often stumble upon pages with job ads, sample resumes or resume services. All
these are irrelevant to your search (false positives) and can be excluded using

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
the NOT (“-”) operator. Add terms based on the irrelevant results you get each

Expand your search

What is Boolean search?
In a nutshell, Boolean search is a structured search process that uses keywords,
or operators, to limit, broaden, or define the desired search results. The goal is
to start with a broad concept (i.e. recruitment) and refine your search query and
the corresponding results to only the information that is relevant to your needs
(i.e. recruitment managers).
Boolean search was invented by English mathematician George Boole in 1847.
He laid out the concept and underlying principles in his seminal work
entitled The Mathematical Analysis of Logic. Since this ground breaking piece,
Boolean has been the tool of choice for virtually all libraries, virtual databases,
and search engines.

How can I use Boolean search in recruitment?

For our purposes, Boolean search in recruitment relates to using these
techniques to search and filter through resumes, search engines, targeted
websites, or ATS systems to find and shortlist candidates that fit your
search parameters.
Boolean search operators can be broken into two levels of complexity: basic
functions and advanced functions. We’ll dig deeper into each shortly. By using
and combining these operators, you can refine or broaden your search results to
your needs.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Why use Boolean search in recruitment?
Using Boolean search in recruitment lets you leverage large databases like
CRMs, LinkedIn, Indeed, Google, or your own ATS, to perform searches that
find relevant candidates quickly. It’s a massive time saver, and it’s a powerful
tool for finding exactly the candidate profiles you’re looking for.
When sourcing candidates, you will always have a list of required skills and
qualifications that constitute an “ideal” candidate. Often, though, these
candidates can be incredibly difficult to find, especially if they’re not actively
looking for new work. Recruiters can use Boolean search to refine search results
in their platform of choice to narrow in on only the candidates who fit their
The benefits of Boolean search for recruiters are numerous:
• Saves time and effort spent manually sifting through stacks of information;
• Optimizes the effectiveness of in-house HR technologies;
• Extends the reach and possibilities of free search platforms and websites;
• Helps find otherwise hidden talent;
• Gives the ability to craft powerful, but customizable, search strings to meet
every job requirement and open position;
• And provides more targeted and relevant search results and candidate pools.
As you probably know, the first step in hiring the perfect fit for a given position
is targeting and sourcing the right candidates. You need to know what your own
requirements are, and what attributes a candidate must have to fill that gap.
Lastly, you need to go out and find candidates who meet those requirements.
Boolean search is a perfect tool for the job, and all you need is the knowledge of
how to use it.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Now that we’ve talked about what the technique is, let’s start building out your
Boolean search string cheat sheet, starting with the operators.
10 Important Boolean search string operators
As mentioned, Boolean operators can be broken into basic and advanced
functionalities. Let’s start with the basics.

Basic Boolean operators

The easiest Boolean search operators to get a handle on are:
1. AND
2. OR
3. NOT

Advanced Boolean operators

The four advanced operators we’ll add to this Boolean search string cheat sheet
7. TILDE ~
10. URL: & SITE:
Let’s take a look at all of the above, and some examples of how you can use
them in recruitment.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
1. AND
The AND operator is used when you want to include two or more search
criteria. It’s generally used to narrow search results by adding an extra variable
that must be present in the search result.
For example, if you’re looking for somebody who works in marketing, who also
has manager-level experience, then you may type the following string into your
search engine or ATS.
marketing AND manager
Naturally, the next step here is the OR operator.

2. OR
Using OR in your search string indicates that you want to see multiple entries
or variables in your results. This operator acts to expand your search results to
include a wider range of information.
OR can be used when different words or job titles say the same thing, and can
be used alongside AND to refine your results.
For example, you can use this string to refine your marketing manager search.
marketing AND manager OR leader
Again, this logic leads to the next operator: NOT.

3. NOT
As you probably guessed, NOT is used when you want to exclude specific
terms or requirements.
For example, if you’re looking for a mid-level manager, you’ll want to exclude
executive titles that might be caught up in the above search strings. You can do
so like this:

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
marketing AND manager OR leader NOT executive
NOT also works if you use a minus symbol, followed by your term with no
space, like this:
marketing AND manager OR leader –executive

If your math brain is going off and asking: “wait a minute: how is the search
engine supposed to know which operator takes priority,” then you’re ready to
hear about BRACKETS. Brackets in Boolean search work in a similar way as
the BODMAS principle in math, which dictates which parts of an equation are
calculated in what order.
BRACKET operators are used to specify which parts of the search
take priority over other elements. They specify which sections you want to
emphasize, compare, or exclude.
So, if you’re looking for someone who is a marketing manager OR leader, but
not an executive, your string would look something like this:
marketing AND (manager OR leader) -executive
As your strings get more complex, brackets will become your best friend that
keeps thing organized and logical.

The next basic Boolean operator – and one you likely use often – is
QUOTATIONS. This operator is used to search for an exact phrase that you’re
looking for. This is a good option if you know exactly what search result you’re
hoping to find, and want to exclude anything that doesn’t include that term.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Adding quotes around a single word, or multiple words will treat that string as
one search term. For example, if you only want to see people who have
Marketing Manager on their resume, and don’t care about any synonyms, then
your string would look like this.
“marketing manager”
The opposite of QUOTATIONS, which keeps your result sharply focussed, is
ASTERISK, which aims to expand your search.

ASTERISK is used to widen your search to include variations on your
keywords or phrases. Think of this operator as a tool for finding a pool of
candidates who use a variety of different words to describe similar tasks or
By placing an ASTERISK next to the root of the word you’re searching for, the
search results will be expanded to include any possible word containing that
For example, the search string:
admin* … would bring up results for administrator, administration,
administer, etc.
ASTERISK is a great operator to add onto a search string to find
complementary skills. For example, a marketing manager with administration
“marketing manager” AND admin*
These 6 basic operators are a powerful introduction to Boolean search in
recruitment and can be used for the majority of your candidate sourcing needs.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
But when dealing with larger and more complex databases or search engines,
you may find that these basic operators don’t quite cut it.
The following advanced operators can be added to your Boolean and Google
search strings to get even more refined results for your candidate sourcing.

7. TILDE ~
The TILDE symbol is useful for expanding or reducing your search results,
depending on how you use it. That’s because it includes synonyms of the
keyword that you’re tagging with the TILDE symbol.
For the advanced Boolean operators, we’ll expand our Marketing Manager
search strings to include specific types of documents you may be looking for on
Google that belong to a candidate.
To find a resume, CV, curriculum vitae, etc. for a Marketing Manager, you
might type the following string:
~CV “marketing manager”
This will include all search results for marketing managers’ resume-type
Because synonyms of CV might include, for example, job descriptions – which,
as a recruiter, you don’t need to see – you can combine TILDE with your NOT
operator as well.
~CV “marketing manager” –job-description
This Google search string will give you results showing only actual CVs (and
their synonyms) for marketing managers. You can keep layering NOT operators
to further reduce unwanted results.

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
NEAR lets you search for specific words or phrases that appear close to each
other in a document, on a web page, or wherever you’re searching.
This is a proximity search operator that will automatically search for results
that include key phrases located 1-10 words apart in the text.
For example, if you want to look for the CV (and synonyms) of Marketing
Managers who have paid advertising credentials, your search string might look
like this:
~CV “marketing manager” AND (paid NEAR ad*)
In this string, I’m indicating that a requirement is that the CV should list paid
advertising in some form within the document.
I also included BRACKETS to isolate the NEAR operator, an AND function to
indicate that this marketing manager must also have these skills, and an
ASTERISK beside ad to ensure that I include all possible variations of the

A great tool for finding elusive CV documents on the web is the FILETYPE
Boolean operator. Often, when you search for candidates on Google or on a
social media platform, you’ll be directed to a web page containing incomplete
information. Being able to quickly find a full CV document on the web – if it
exists – is a great way to quickly see a complete overview of the candidate.
To do this, you can specify the type of file using the FILETYPE operator. For
example, to find PDF documents for marketing managers’ CVs, you could
~CV “marketing manager” Filetype: pdf

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Use this Boolean operator within your ATS to quickly find complete resume
documents that match your requirements.

10. URL: & SITE:

The last Boolean search operator we’ll cover is the URL: and SITE:
functionality. These operators let you search for skills and experience within a
specific website or URL. This is an incredibly powerful way to quickly scan
niche websites where your target candidates typically congregate.
The key to success with this operator is to know your candidate intimately. You
should understand which sites they go to, the terminology they use, and the
skills and experience they’re likely to have. Armed with this knowledge, you
can search specifically for people you know will have the requirements you’re
looking for.
Let’s say you’re looking for a software developer on LinkedIn who has
experience in FinTech. Your string could look something like: ~CV “software developer” AND “fintech”
It’s important to note when using Boolean search for recruitment that the more
operators and layers you add to your strings, the narrower your results will

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
become. This can, and likely will, exclude candidates that may be qualified for
your position.
It’s important to regularly tweak and test your Boolean search strings to ensure
that they’re giving you the most useful results possible. Keep a number of
ready-made strings handy to save time, but also be aware that a qualified
candidate may slip through the cracks.

Work Place Boolean Search Strings

Telecom Field Technician / Engineer
technician and (telecom or wireless) and (site or "cell site or gsm or cdma or
LTE") and (Avaya or ERICSSON or sprint or virgin or verizon or at&t or "t-
mobile" or SAC or cox or ATT or "Goodman Networks" or "Glass and Wire" or
"Nortel Networks" or Lightbridge or "Progressive Communications")
Integration/Switch Engineer
(“Field Integrator” or “field engineer” or “switch engineer” or “implementation
engineer “or “integration engineer” or “telecom engineer” or “project
coordinator” or “project co-ordinator” or “project manager”) AND “CELL
SITE” and engineer* and (ERICSSON or sprint or virgin or Verizon or at&t or
"t-mobile" or SAC or cox or ATT or "Goodman Networks" or "Glass and Wire"
or "Nortel Networks" or Lightbridge or "Progressive Communications")
Telecom Construction Manager
construction and manager and civil and (telecom or wireless) building* and
construct* and site and (ERICSSON or sprint or virgin or verizon or at&t or "t-

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
mobile" or SAC or cox or ATT or "Goodman Networks" or "Glass and Wire" or
"Nortel Networks" or Lightbridge or "Progressive Communications")
Telecom Construction engineer
construction and engineer and civil and (telecom or wireless) building* and
construct* and site and (ERICSSON or sprint or virgin or verizon or at&t or "t-
mobile" or SAC or cox or ATT or "Goodman Networks" or "Glass and Wire" or
"Nortel Networks" or Lightbridge or "Progressive Communications")
Telecom clients string
(Avaya or ERICSSON or sprint or virgin or verizon or at&t or "t-mobile" or
SAC or cox or ATT or "Goodman Networks" or "Glass and Wire" or "Nortel
Networks" or Lightbridge or "Progressive Communications" or "cellular" or
"ABS Telecom LLC" or ABS or "Axcent Networks Inc" or "Axcent Networks"
or "Multiple Access Technologies" or Kodiak or "tw telecom" or "brosna
communications" or "ally tech*" or HXP or mitel or "telecom gateway" or
"intele media" or ipro or onecloud or "one cloud" or tekvizion)
site Acquisition/Real Estate Manager
("site Acquisition coordinator" or "site development coordinator" or "site
Acquisition manager" or "site development manager" or "property manager" or
"real esate manager" or "real estate coordinator" or "realesate manager" or
"realestate coordinator") and ("Site Acquisition" or property or "real estate" or
SHIPPING and RECEIVING / Warehouse Specialist
("INVENTORY SPECIALIST" or "Package handler" or "materials handler" or
"warehouse handler" or "Warehouse associate")
(shipping or Shipping/Receiving or Receiving) and warehouse
or "materials handler" or "warehouse handler" or "Warehouse associate")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Desktop/Laptop Technician
"A+" and field and (laptop or desktop) and ("BREAK FIX" OR "BREAK*FIX"
(PC or laptop or desktop or computer) and "A+" AND ("BREAK FIX" OR
(systems or system) and analyst and (COMS or BNA or NAU or mainframe)
and Unisys and DMSII and ALGOL and ("Symmetrix Remote Data Facility" or
SRDF) and ("Master Control Program" or MCP)
Mainframe Analyst
analyst and mainframe and Unisys and (DMSII or "DMS II" or DMS) and
(Cobol or ALGOL) and ("Master Control Program" or MCP)
Mainframe and unisys and (cande or wfl) and (dms or oracle) and (sql or db2)
Mainframe and (MCP or "Master Control Program") and unisys and (dms or
oracle) and (sql or db2)
Mainframe and (MCP or "Master Control Program") and cobol and db2 and
Network Engineer
(Network or networking) and Cisco and routing and switching and (EIGRP or
OSPF) and TCP and UDP and ("JunOS SRX" or SRX) and Infrastructure and

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
E-Commerce Business Analyst
(BA or "Business Analyst" or BSA or "business systems analyst" or "business
system analyst") and Sterling and (OMS or "Order Management") and
(Commerce or ecommerce or e-commerce or "e commerce") and Cloud
OMS Consultant
analyst Sterling and (OMS or "Order Management") and (Commerce or
ecommerce or e-commerce or "e commerce") and Cloud
OAF Consultant
(OAF OR "Oracle Application Framework") and "Oracle Apps" and develop*
and (PIM or "Product Information Management")
(OAF OR "Oracle Application Framework") and "Oracle Apps" and develop*
Active Directory Engineer
("Active Directory" or AD) AND ("Virtual Directory Services" OR VDS) AND
Switching/Routing Enggineer
(design or designing) and "Cisco ACI" and routing and switching and VOIP and
Security and (certified or certifications or certification)
Financial / Banking PM
(PM or "program manager" or "project manager") and (BANK OR BANKING)
and financ*
Break/Fix Technician
and fix
Windows PM
Deployment and ("Project Manager" or manager or PM) AND WINDOWS

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
OR CUCM OR UCM) AND ("Unified Contact Center Express" OR UCCX)
Endpoint Security Analyst
SECRET AND SECURITY AND ("Security+CE" or "Security+ CE") and
McAfee and Symantec and ("Bit locker" or MBAM or Avecto or "Solid Core"
or "McAfee Application Control" or "Symantec Endpoint Protection" or
"Kaspersky Endpoint Security" or "Endpoint Security")
endpoint and security and ("Security+ CE" or Security+CE) and secret and
Symantec and McAfee
MAC OS Consultant
(MACOS or "mac os") and apple and (develop or design)
(csr or "customer service rep" or "customer service representative" or "customer
service") and ("call center" or "call centre")
csr or "customer service rep" or "customer service representative" or "customer
HR Consultant with Service Now
(HR or Human Resource) and ("Service now" or Servicenow) and Workday and
"Success Factors" and HCM
UI Path/RPA Developer
(UiPath OR "UI PATH") AND RPA developer
COST Testing Analyst
CITRIX and COTS and performance and (test or testing) and desktop
Aqua Logic BPM Consultant

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Aqua Logic" or AquaLogic) and (BPM or "Business Process Management")
and ADF and Oracle and (soa or "Service Oriented Architecture") and
Devops Coach
Peoplesoft HR Consultant
IT and HR and "human resource" and manager and jira and agile and ("people
soft" or "people-soft" or peoplesoft)
IT and HR and "human resource" and manager and ("people soft" or "people-
soft" or peoplesoft)
Security Devops Engineer
devops and (devsecops or Codacy or SonarQube or "Sonar Qube" or Acunetix
or "" or GitLab or "git lab" or "Contrast Security" or "Aqua Security" or
XebiaLabs or "Xebia Labs" or WhiteSource or "White Source") and security
Mainframe Specialist, Quality Control (1912213394)
unisys and dms ("Work Flow Language" OR WFL) and (MCP or "Master
Control Program") and (CANDE or "Command AND Edit") and (Cobol or
Mainframe and quality and mcp and cande and cobol and algol and wfl and dms
Office 365 Engineer
(office365 OR O365 OR "office 365") AND (ARCHITECT* or ENGINEER*)
and ("active directory" or AD)
windows and (office365 or O365 or "office 365") and (engineer* or architect*)
and ("active directory" or AD)
Hardware Engineer

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Intel and Windows and PC and ("Active Directory" or AD) and architect or and
networking and hardware and software and vpn and desktop and engineer
Windows and PC and ("Active Directory" or AD) and networking and hardware
and software and desktop and engineer and architect*
Network architect
(Network or networking) and (design or designing) and troubleshoot* and
routing and switching and SDN and Cisco and ACI and architect*
LTE Engineer
Telecom Field Engineer
Functional Quality Assurance Analyst
(sqa or "qulaity assurance analyst" or tester or "test specialist" or "test analyst"
or "test coordinator" or "testing analyst" or "test engineer" or "qa tester" or "qa
specialist" or "qa analyst" or "qa coordinator" or "quality analyst" or "qa


Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Boolean search: Boolean search is a structured search process that allows the
user to insert words or phrases such as AND, OR, NOT to limit, broaden and
define the search results. ... By using Boolean search, employers can narrow
down the pool of candidates they are presented with by specifically looking for
what is required in that role.

How to perform a Boolean search

Boolean searches can be done on any search engine across the Internet using
certain symbols and there is no restriction on how many you use in one search

Five elements of Boolean search:

1. AND: placing AND between search keywords will allow user's results to
include both (or all) of the keywords. The search terms that follow the AND
must appear in the search results.

2. OR: user writes OR when he/she wants to search for something that has
the possibility of including either set of search terms. All combination
possibilities will come up.

3. NOT: when a user dos not want a specific search term to appear in the
results, he/she writes NOT after the preferred search term. This will prevent the
terms from coming up.

4. Quotation marks “”: when users want to search for an exact phrase, they
use quotation marks around that phrase.

5. Parentheses (): placing parentheses allows separation of the terms and

preference to be given to specified ones.

Boolean Search Strings Basics

Based on some mathematical theory in which all variables are either ‘true’ or
‘false’, Boolean search on Google is one of the best sourcing tools for
recruiters. The definition of Boolean search is that it’s a type of search that
allows users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT and OR
to produce more relevant results.

Here are the basic operators for Boolean search strings for recruiters:

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
When you want to include two (or more) criteria in your search, the operator
AND narrows down your search. For example, a Boolean search string for
recruiting Android developers should include ‘developer AND android’. This
will produce results that include both keywords.

Venn diagram of the Boolean AND operator

A AND B | A ∩ B

The OR operator, on the other hand, allows us to expand our Boolean search
results. People might use different words to say the same thing. OR is
particularly useful for synonyms, like ‘bank OR finance OR financial.’

Venn diagram of the Boolean OR operator

A OR B | A ∪ B

The NOT operator excludes unwanted terms from your Google sourcing search.
Instead of NOT, you could also use the minus symbol followed by your
unwanted term without leaving a space (e.g. ‘NOT recruiter’ or ‘-recruiter.’)

Venn diagram of the Boolean NOT operator

A NOT B | A – B

Brackets ()
You can use brackets to group multiple search strings and set your priorities.
This will come in handy, as most candidate searches are complex and combine
different keywords. For example, ‘(developer OR designer) AND Java’
indicates that Java knowledge is a must-have both for developers and designers.
But, in a ‘designer OR (developer AND Java)’ search, Java knowledge is
important only for the developers you’re looking for – not the designers.

Venn diagram of Boolean search examples: Brackets to group multiple search

(A OR B) AND C | (A∪B) ∩ C

Quotation marks “”

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
If you want Google to consider the phrase you’re searching for as a complete
phrase, you should put it in quotation marks. For example, leaving a blank space
between ‘customer’ and ‘service’ will provide pages that contain both of the
words ‘customer’ and ‘service,’ but not necessarily together. You should type
“customer service” to get more relevant results when sourcing passive

Job Title Boolean Search Strings

Below are search string examples sorted by job title. Copy and paste each
one as-is, or edit to fit your search needs.

Keyword search Strings

Below are common search strings organized by keyword. Copy and paste each
one as a stand-alone, or use them in conjunction with other skills/requirements.

(admin OR administrator OR administration)

(app OR apps OR application)
("ba" OR "business analyst" OR "business analysis")
("bi" OR "business intelligence")
("business analyst" OR "business analysis" OR "bus analyst" OR ba OR ccba
OR cbap OR bi OR "business intelligence" OR bo OR "business objects" OR
bsa OR "business systems analyst")
("developer" OR engineer OR architect OR programmer OR programming)
(ecommerce OR "e commerce" OR "online retail" OR sem OR "search engine
(LAMP OR (linux AND apache AND mysql AND (perl OR php OR python)))
(linux OR unxi OR centos OR redhat OR ubuntu)
(mobile OR Android OR droid OR iphone OR ios OR blackberry)
(network OR system OR os OR nos OR "operating systems")
(network OR networking OR system OR systems OR "operating systems" OR
"information systems")
("oo" OR "object oriented" OR object-oriented OR "OOP")
(test OR qa OR qc OR quality OR troubleshooting OR debug OR tuning OR
solving OR solutions)
("project manager" OR "project management" OR PMP)
("ui" OR user-interface OR "user interface")
("ux" OR user-experience OR "user experience")
(warehouse OR warehousing OR san OR nas OR storage)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(web OR internet OR portal OR portlet OR microsite OR website OR "web site"
OR url)

Boolean Strings by Job Title

Below are search string examples sorted by job title. Copy and paste each
one as-is, or edit to fit your search needs.

System Admin
("Systems Administrator" OR "systems Admin" OR "system Administrator" OR
"system admin" or "unix admin" or "unix administrator" or "linux admin" or
"linux administrator" or "system engineer" or "systems engineer") AND
(install* or upgrad* or "sofwtare package" or "software packages") AND
(UNIX or Linux)

.Net Developer
.Net AND (VS OR "Visual Studio") AND (VB OR "Visual Basic" OR

Android Developer
Android AND SDK AND Java AND SQLite AND (SVN OR subversion)

Automation Tester
("qa" OR "quality assurance" OR "quality analyst" OR "automation tester")
AND "sql" AND agile AND scrum AND rest AND soap AND "java" AND
(cucumber OR "jet brains" OR gherkin OR "cmm" OR "cmmi" OR "cast" OR
"cste" OR "cmst" OR certified OR certification OR Certi*)

Business Analyst with Business Objects Experience

("ba" OR "business analyst" OR "project manager" OR "project analyst") AND
"etl" AND "business objects" AND informatica AND "sql" AND ("data
warehouse" OR financial OR analysis OR analytics OR mappings OR "product

CTO - Chief Technical Officer

(cto OR "chief technical officer" OR "cio" OR "chief information officer" OR
vp OR "vice president" OR svp OR "senior vice president")

Database Administrator

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("database administration" OR "database administrator" OR "DB Admin" OR
DBA) AND (SQL OR "SQL Server")

Drupal Expert / Webmaster

("web developer" OR developer OR programmer OR engineer OR "web
master" OR webmaster) AND drupal AND "google analytics" AND ("seo" OR
websites OR microsites OR "landing pages" OR "cms" OR "crm" OR
"relational database" OR "api" OR "ui" OR "ux" OR "social media" OR paradot
OR requirements)

Email/Messaging System Administrator

("systems administrator" OR "systems administration" OR "email systems
administrator") AND ("email delivery systems" OR powermta OR port25 OR
"message systems" OR strongmail OR qmail OR sendmail OR ironport OR
postfix) AND ("mta" OR "dns" OR "ptr" OR "mx records" OR "smtp protocols"
OR "dkim" OR "spf" OR "dmarc" OR "fbl" OR "feedback loop")
Help Desk Support (helpdesk OR support OR technician OR "help desk" OR
"service desk") AND (OSX OR JDE OR iSeries OR virtual OR virtualization
OR vmware) AND ("AD" OR "Active Directory") AND DHCP AND DNS
AND (network OR networking) AND (switches OR switching OR routers OR
routing) AND (firewalls OR security)

Information Security Manager

"Information Security" AND ("Project Manager" OR "Project Management"
OR Leadership OR Manager OR PMP) AND (forensic* OR Security+ OR
CISSP OR "security Standards" OR "Certified Information Systems Security
Professional" OR "Advanced Persistent Threats" OR "asset protection")

Java Developer
Java AND SQL AND ("object oriented" OR object-oriented OR "OO" OR
"OOP" OR "OOAD" OR EJB OR J2EE OR Linux OR Hibernate OR Jidesoft
OR MySQL OR Subversion OR SVN)

Linux Sys Admin / DBA

("dba" OR "database administrator" OR "database administration" OR "system
administrator" OR "system administration" OR "sysadmin") AND linux AND
(mysql OR "my sql" OR "my-sql") AND ("ksh" OR bash OR perl OR python)
AND (nosql OR "no sql" OR "no-sql" OR mongo OR "disaster recovery" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"meta data analysis" OR "data modeling" OR troubleshooting OR reporting OR

Linux Systems Administrator

(Unix OR Linux) AND (RedHat OR "Red Hat" OR Centos OR Debian) AND
SNMP) AND ("Systems Administrator" OR "System Administrator" OR
"Systems Administration" OR "System Administration")

Microstrategy Consultant
(MicroStrategy OR "Business Objects" OR OBIEE OR Cognos) AND
(Informatica OR "Ab Initio" OR SSIS OR Websphere OR "SQL Server
Integration Services") AND (RDBMS OR oracle OR "SQL Server" OR
Teradata OR Netezza OR DB2) AND SQL AND (BI OR "business
intelligence" OR "data warehousing" OR DW)

Mobile Applications Architect

(ios OR iphone OR ipad OR Android) AND (SDK OR SDKs) AND (Java OR
objective-c OR "objective c" OR C++) AND (optimization OR "web services"
OR UX OR user-experience OR "user experience" OR "Mobile Applications"
OR "Mobile Developer")
Network Administrator
Server* AND (AD OR "Active Directory") AND Exchange AND DNS AND
(Linux OR Unix OR Centos OR RedHat) AND (Lan OR WAN) AND (VOIP
OR SIP) AND ("power shell" OR scripts OR scripting) AND (routers OR
routing OR switches OR switching OR bridges OR "Network Administrator")
OBIEE Architect
(OBIEE OR "oracle Business Intelligence") AND ("DW" OR "data warehouse"
OR "data warehousing") AND (IBOTS OR DAC OR RPD OR SME OR

PHP Developer
PHP AND SQL AND (PostgreSQL OR "Pervasive SQL" OR Intranet OR
Linux OR Apache OR Javascript OR HTML OR CSS)

Project Manager
(pm OR "project manager" OR "project management" OR PMP)

Python Developer

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(programmer OR developer OR engineer) AND python AND (mysql OR "my
sql" OR "my-sql" OR postgresql) AND (django OR flask OR pyramid OR

Quality Assurance Analyst

("Quality Assurance" OR QA OR SQA) AND test* AND software AND ("test
cases" OR Automated OR scripting) AND agile AND (ruby OR java OR
javascript OR sql OR plsql OR pl-sql OR pl/sql OR selenium)

Senior Manager, IT Programs

("program manager" OR "project manager" OR "it manager" OR "information
technology manager") AND ("ms certified" OR "ms certification" OR
"microsoft certified" OR "microsoft certification") AND "ms project" AND
"c#" AND "sql server" AND "" AND "java" AND ("mvc" OR "big data"
OR scope OR deliverables OR timelines OR budget OR "use case" OR design
OR deploy OR supervise OR manage)

Senior PHP Developer

(programmer OR developer OR engineer) AND "php" AND "sql" AND lamp
AND linux AND apache AND "javascript" AND (jquery OR memcache OR
"apc cache" OR nosql OR "no sql" OR "no-sql" OR analytical OR analysis)
Senior Software Architect "c#" AND "" AND "sql server" AND (java
OR j2ee OR "jsp" OR servlet OR "ejb" OR "jms") AND html AND xml AND
"css" AND Oracle AND (unix OR linux) AND ("app development" OR "arch"
OR design OR develop OR hadoop OR python OR rails OR "php" OR
websphere OR tomcat OR "big data" OR spring OR hibernate OR eclipse OR
log4j OR "ant" OR maven OR "ooad" OR "uml" OR mvc OR "jsf" OR velocity
OR struts)

SharePoint Developer
("SharePoint Designer" OR "SharePoint Developer") AND (html OR css OR
xsl OR xslt OR javascript OR jquery OR ajax) AND .net AND ( OR C#
OR AND (Silverlight OR "SQL Server" OR SSRS OR SSAS OR
"reporting services" OR "analysis services")

Servive Now Consultant

("ServiceNow Integration Specialist" OR "ServiceNow*" OR "ServiceNow
Developer" OR "ServiceNow Architect" OR "serviceNow Administrator" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"ServiceNow Engineer" OR "ServiceNow Lead" OR "ServiveNow Application

Infrastructure Project Manager

("Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "IT Infrastructure
Manager" OR "Infrastructure Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "IT Project
Manager" OR "Desktop Project Management" OR "IT Project" ) AND
Infrastructure* AND "Information Technology"

SQL Data Analyst

("dba" OR "data analyst" OR "database administrator") AND "sql server" AND
("transact-sql" OR "t-sql" OR "tsql") AND ("stored procedures" OR "ssis" OR
"ssas" OR "ssrs" OR analy OR "data conversion" OR query OR queries OR
"data mining" OR excel OR pivot OR vlookup OR "v-lookup" OR chart OR
graph OR "ms office" OR audit)

SQL Data & Quality Assurance Analyst

("dba" OR "data analyst" OR "database administrator" OR "qa" OR "quality
assurance" OR "quality analyst") AND "sql server" AND ("transactsql" OR "t-
sql" OR "tsql") AND ("stored procedures" OR "ssis" OR "ssas" OR "ssrs" OR
test OR analy OR "data conversion" OR queries OR query OR "data mining"
OR excel OR pivot OR vlookup OR "v-lookup" OR chart OR graph OR "ms
office" OR audit)

Sr. Data Warehouse Architect & Developer

(architect OR develop* OR program* OR engineer) AND "sql server" AND
"data warehousing" AND perl AND (microstrategy OR profiler OR "data
hygiene" OR "etl" OR computations OR aggregations OR analy* OR quer* OR
index OR design OR deploy OR test)

Sr. Linux Administrator

("dba" OR "database administrator" OR "linux administrator") AND linux AND
apache AND (redhat OR fedora OR centos) AND vmware AND (tomcat OR
mysql OR "my sql" OR "my-sql" OR postgre OR zimbra OR "ssh" OR "nfs"
OR "bind" OR djbdns OR qmail OR openldap OR openssl OR "lvs" OR perl
OR python OR ruby OR bash OR firewall)

Sr. Programmer – C++, Linux

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(programmer OR engineer OR developer) AND (linux OR unix) AND (redhat
OR centos OR fedora) AND ("c" OR "c++") AND sql AND (perl OR "php" OR
shell) AND (postgre OR analy OR test OR design OR deploy OR execute)

Systems Engineer
Windows AND Exchange AND Cisco AND switch* AND rout* AND IIS
OR CNNA OR "Systems Engineer") AND TCP/IP AND "Active Directory"
Technical Account Manager
("account manager" OR "project manager" OR "program manager") AND
software AND develop* AND "sql server" AND "data warehousing" AND
technical AND marketing

Telecommunications Specialist
(Telecommunications OR Telecom) AND (network OR networking) AND IP
AND telephony AND PBX AND (voicemail OR voice-mail OR "voice mail")
AND Cisco AND Avaya

User Experience Designer

("User Experience" OR User-Experience OR UX OR "Human-Computer
Interaction" OR "Human Computer Interaction" OR HCI) AND CSS AND
HTML AND JavaScript AND (jQuery OR user-centered OR "graphic design"
OR "visual design")

Web Designer
html AND javascript AND css AND (photoshop OR illustrator OR adobe)
AND (flash OR actionscript OR macromedia) AND ("Java Server Pages" OR
JSP OR Java OR "Active Server Pages" OR ASP OR "Google Web Toolkit"

Web Developer
(html OR html5) AND (css3 OR css) AND javascript AND ("Web Developer"
OR "Web Design" OR xml OR jquery OR ajax)

QA Tester / QA Lead / QA Manager

(Tester* OR "QA Tester" OR "QA Analyst" OR "QA Manager" OR "QA Lead"
OR "QA Engineer" OR "soa test" OR "SQA Analyst" OR "Web analyst") AND
SoapUI AND SOA AND "web service"

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Integration Engineer
(“Field Integrator” or “field engineer” or “switch engineer” or “implementation
engineer” or “integration engineer” or “project engineer” or “telecom engineer”
or “project coordinator” or “project co-ordinator” or “project manager”) AND
“CELL SITE” and engineer*

Telecom Clients
(ERICSSON or sprint or virgin or verizon or at&t or "t-mobile" or SAC or cox
or ATT or "Goodman Networks" or "Glass and Wire" or "Nortel Networks" or
Lightbridge or "Progressive Communications")

Telecom Clients
(Avaya or ERICSSON or sprint or virgin or verizon or at&t or "t-mobile" or
SAC or cox or ATT or "Goodman Networks" or "Glass and Wire" or "Nortel
Networks" or Lightbridge or "Progressive Communications" or "cellular" or
"ABS Telecom LLC" or ABS or "Axcent Networks Inc" or "Axcent Networks"
or "Multiple Access Technologies" or Kodiak or "tw telecom" or "brosna
communications" or "ally tech*" or HXP or mitel or "telecom gateway" or
"intele media" or ipro or onecloud or "one cloud" or tekvizion)

Telecom Field technician

technician and (telecom or wireless) and site and (ERICSSON or sprint or
virgin or verizon or at&t or "t-mobile" or SAC or cox or ATT or "Goodman
Networks" or "Glass and Wire" or "Nortel Networks" or Lightbridge or
"Progressive Communications")


("field technician" or "field service engineer" or "field service tech" or "field
engineer") and (telecommunications or telecom or telecommunication or


("site acquisition manager" or "real estate assessment center" or "real estate
manager" or "site acquisition specialist" or "real estate specialist") and ("site
acquisition" or "real estate" or realestate) and (verizon or ericsson or "at & t" or
sprint or t-mobile or avaya or alcatel or nokia or communications or cox) and
(telecom or wireless or "small cell" or 4g or 3g)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
telecom and wireless and ("telecom manager" or implementation or "telecom
project manager") and (bts or umts) and (3g or 4g or 5g or lte or volte or cdma
or wcdma)


("construction manager" or "construction engineer" or "civil engineer" or "civil
manager" or "construction project manager" or "site manager") and (telecom or
wireless or sprint or verizon or at&t or ericsson or t-mobile)

RF Consultant
("Rf Engineer" Or "Rf Lead" Or "Rf Manager" Or "Rf Technician") And ("Rf
Design") And ("Rf Optimization") And Umts And (3g or 4g or 5g or lte or volte
or cdma or wcdma)

Identity And Access Management

IAM and ("identity management" or "identity manager" or "identity and access
management") and ("active directory" or "active directory exchange" or "active
directory server") and (fim or mim or aadc)

Work Place and Collected IT/NON –IT Boolean Search String

Hepdesk PM
(Microsoft or "Microsoft desktop" or "Microsoft server") AND "project
(Microsoft* or desktop or "Microsoft server") AND ("project manager" or "IT
Manager" OR "Technical Manager") and ("desktop support" or helpdesk or
"help desk" or "help-desk" OR "system support" or "desktop engineer" or
"desktop engineering")
(Microsoft* or "Microsoft server" ) AND ("project manager" or "IT Manager"
or "Technical manager") AND ("active directory" or "database" or "desktop
support" or "desktop application" or "desktop engineer" or "desktop
engineering" )

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Systems Administrator" OR "systems Admin" OR "system Administrator" OR
"system admin" or "unix admin" or "unix administrator" or "Linux admin" or
"Linux administrator" or "system engineer" or "systems engineer") AND
(install* or upgrad* or "software package" or "software packages") AND
(UNIX or Linux)
(manager* or "project manager" or "insurance manager") AND "life insurance"
AND (schedule* or budget*) AND management*
(manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or "program
manager") AND (schedule* or budget*) AND "life insurance" AND "annuity"
AND management* AND ("policy" or "workflow")
(manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator") AND ("life
insurance" or "vantage") AND (schedule* or budget*) AND management*
AND ("policy" or "workflow") AND conversion testing
(manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or "program
manager") AND "life insurance" AND (schedule* or budget* or planning*)
AND management*
(Manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or "IT project
manager" or "program manager") AND ("IT" or "information technology")
AND (schedule* or budget*) AND (plan* or track* or management*)
6999:(analyst* or "business analyst" or "business analysis" or "system analyst"
or "business system analyst" or "business lead") AND ("technical" or "non-
technical" or "non technical") AND business language AND communication
("QA" or tester* or "qa tester" or "qa analyst" or "qa analysis) AND
"information security" AND "financial" AND ("glba" or "hipaa") AND Ms
office NOT (CIA or CISA or CISSP or CRISC or CISM or CIPP)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(analyst *or "system support" or "application support" or "GE centricity" or
"GE centricity analyst" "GE Centricity business") AND "application support"
AND ("bar" or "sched" or "tes" or "pcs" or "eci" or "dbms" or "aes" or "claim"
or "E-commerce" or"siu" "front desk")
(analyst* or ) AND "GE Centricity"
("system support" or "IT support" or "application support" or "IT business")
AND ("GE Centricity" or "GE Centricity analyst" or "GE Centricity business")
AND "Health care" ("bar" or "sched" or "tes" or "pcs" or "eci" or "dbms" or
"aes" or "claim" or "E-commerce" or"siu" "front desk")
(manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or "application project
manager") AND ("guardian life insurance" or "life insurance") AND (schedule*
or budget*) AND management*
("project manager" and "application project manager") and ("guardian life
insurance" or "life insurance")
(tester* or "qa" or "qa tester" or analys* or "QA Engineer") AND "information
security" AND financial AND (glba or hipaa)
("ba" or business analyst or analys*) AND ("life insurnace" or "annuity" or
"vantage" or "cyberlife") AND test* AND code*
(Manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or "pm") AND "life
insurance"AND (schedule* or budget*) AND (plan* or track* or management*)
(Programmer* or "programmer analyst" or analyst* OR "Cyberlife
Programmer") AND Cyberlife AND (cobol or mainframe) AND testing
(7095)People soft Esettlement :
(analys* or financial* or business* or "peoplesoft consultant" or "peoplesoft" or
"people soft" or technical* or "peoplesoft functional" or "peoplesoft lead")
AND (Esettlements or Esettlement or "E-settlement") AND (Pay* or design* or
document* or model*)
(7093)IT Infrastructure project manager:

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(Manager* or "project manager" or"IT project manager" or "Infrastructure
manager") AND ("IT infrastructure" or information or technology) AND (server
or hardware or LAN or WAN or system* or network*) AND (schedule* or
budget*) AND management*
(7111) System Analyst scrum master:
(Manager* or Analys* or architect* or "System analyst" or program*) AND
("scrum master" or "scrum developer") AND ("" or C# or MVC or ".Net
Framework" or "entity framework" or "unit testing framework") AND Test*
AND Code* AND application* AND technical*
(7112)Data Architect:
(Arcitect* or "Data architect" or DBA or "System architect" or "Data base
architect" or "data warehouse") AND (Lifeproces or "life proces") AND
(cyberlife or "cyber life" or vantage or annuity) AND (XML or "file format" or
"flat file") AND calculat* AND "life insurance"AND test*
(Arcitect* or "Data architect" or DBA or "System architect" or "Data base
architect" or "data warehouse" or "data base admin") AND (XML or "XML
schema") AND (cyberlife or "cyber life" or vantage or annuity) AND calculate*
AND "life insurance" AND test*
(manager* or architect* or dba or "data architect" or "database administrator" or
"database architect" or "data warehouse") AND (XML or "file format" or "flat
file") AND "Life insurance"
(architect* or analys* or dba or "data architect" or "database administrator" or
"database architect" or "data warehouse" or "data analyst") AND (xml or "xml
schemas") AND ("system database table" or "record segment"or storage*) AND
(life or annuity or insurance* or financial*) AND calculate*
7120 EMR project manager:
(manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or pm) AND (EMR or
"Electronic Medical Records") AND ("Information Technology" or application*
or software*) AND (schedule* or budget* or track*) AND Management* AND
"health care"

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or pm) AND (EMR or
"Electronic Medical Records" OR EHR OR "Electronic Health Records") AND
management* AND technology* AND "health care"
("project manager" or "project coordinator" or pm) AND (EMR or "Electronic
Medical Records" OR EHR OR "Electronic Health Records") AND
management* AND technology* AND "health care"
7123: project manager infrastructure/app:
(manager* or "project manager" or "project coordinator" or "IT manager" or
"Infrastructure manager" or "application manager") AND ("EB account" or
application* or account* or software*) AND (schedule* or budget* or track*)
AND management*
7129 QA Tester IV:
(Tester* or analys* or "QA Tester" or "QA analyst" or "QA assurance" or 'QA
Engineer") AND ("HL7 data format" or database* or queries* or automation*
or software* or "hl7" or technical* or security*) AND (plan* or quality* or
maintain* or problem*) AND stakeholder AND framework*
6511 program manager (cyberlife):
(program OR "program analyst" OR analyst) AND Cyberlife AND (UL OR ISL
OR IUL) AND "Life insurance"
(Program* OR "programmer analyst" OR analyst) AND (UL OR ISL OR IUL)
AND (insurance AND Cyberlife)
(7157) cyberlife business analyst:
(ba OR "business analyst" OR "business system analyst" OR "business
consultant" OR "Business Coordinator" OR "Cyber Life Business Analyst" OR
"Business Consultant") AND (Cyberlife OR "Cyber Life" OR Vantage OR
wmA) AND (Testing AND Technical* AND analyst* AND Guidance*) AND
"Life insurance"
(7144) .Net lead:
(Lead* OR ".Net Lead" OR ".Net developer" OR ".Net programmer") AND
(".Net" OR "VB .Net" OR SOAP OR IIS OR SQL OR Server*) AND

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(7145) Application architect:
(architect OR application* OR "application architect" OR "application
developer" OR "software architect" OR "application designer" OR "software
developer") AND (Oracle OR "PL/SQL" OR "os-script" OR Cobol OR
Mainframe OR RDBMS OR "Data warehouse" OR software* OR desktop* OR
Linux OR Unix OR "LDAP server" UML) AND management*
(7167) Vantage Programmer:
(programmer* OR "Vantage Programmer" OR "Vantage Developer" OR
"Vantage Analyst" OR "wmA Programmer") AND Cobol AND CICS AND
DB2 AND JCL AND VSAM AND Annuity AND (wmA OR vantage)
(ba OR "business analyst" OR "business system analyst" OR "business
consultant") AND Cyberlife AND "Vantage One" AND wmA AND Test* AND
"Life insurance" AND Financial*
(manager* OR "project manager" OR "project coordinator" OR "EMR Project
manager" OR pm) AND (EMR OR "Electronic Medical Record" OR
"Electronic Health Record" OR EHR) AND "Information Technology" AND
"IT Department" AND Management* AND "health care"
(tester* OR "qa" OR "qa tester" OR "qa analyst" OR "QA Engineer") AND
"information security" AND "Information Technology" AND financial* AND
(glba AND hipaa)
(QA OR Tester OR "QA Tester" OR "QA analyst" OR 'QA Engineer" OR
"Software Tester") AND "database queries" AND automation AND HL7 AND
("business analyst" OR "business system analyst" OR "business consultant")
AND (Cyberlife OR "Cyber life") AND Vantage AND wmA AND Test* AND
"Life insurance" AND Financial*
("application architect" OR "application developer" OR "software architect" OR
"application designer" OR "software developer") AND Oracle AND "PL/SQL"
UML AND management*
7180(Infrastructure project manager):

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
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(Manager* OR "Project manager" OR "Infrastructure project manager" OR "IT
Manager" OR "Infrastructure Manager") AND ("IT Infrastructure" OR
"Information technology" OR Technology) AND desktop* AND networks
AND Installation AND (schedule* OR budget*) AND Management*
7170 (App & Infrastructure Project Manager):
(Manager* OR "Project manager" OR "application manager" OR "Infrastructure
project Manager" OR "IT project Manager" OR "IT Manager") AND
Application* AND Infrastructure AND technical* AND "Information
technology" AND desktop* AND Installation AND Software* AND
7172(Mail Processor):
(Office* OR Administrative* OR "administrative assistant" OR "mail
processor" OR "office assistant" OR receptionist OR secretary OR "Office
coordinator" OR "Office clerks") AND Documentation AND scanning AND
print* AND Mail* AND Insurance*
("Mail Clerk" OR "Mail Processor" OR "Mail room Clerk" OR "Mail Room
Assistant" OR "Office Clerk" OR "Office Assistant")AND ("Mail Totes" OR
"Mails Manage*" OR "Tracking Mails")
7175(Business analyst):
(analyst* OR "Business analyst" OR "Business system analyst" OR "Business
consultant") AND techniques AND security AND "ad hoc" AND design* AND
"Information technology" AND healthcare AND insurance*
7191(Associate Building service):
(Manager* OR "Building service manager" OR "service manager" OR
"Building supervisor" OR supervisor OR "Building Facilities Coordinator")
AND "building operations" AND maintain* AND Transport AND inspection
AND security* AND Technical* AND "Break-Fix" AND "Data compression"
AND software* AND "MS-Office" AND desktop* AND "Microsoft Projects"
7196(Application Transition Manager):
(Manager* OR "Transition Manager" OR "Application Transition Manager"
OR "service transition manager" OR "Transition Programmer manager" AND

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
schedule* AND budget* AND Track* AND application* AND insurance AND
Transition* AND "Guardian Life Insurance"
7194(Policy Owner Service Manager):
(Manager* OR "Policy Owner Service Manager" OR "Policy Manager" OR
"Policy administrator" OR "Policy coordinator" OR "account manager" OR
"Policy insurance manager") AND (Life AND Annuity AND Insurance* AND
Account AND Policy*) AND (schedule* AND budget* AND Meetings AND
audit AND reports)
7191(Associate Building service):
(Manager* OR supervisor OR "Building service manager" OR "Building
supervisor" OR "Building Facilities Coordinator" OR "Building Facilities
manager" OR "Building Facilities supervisor") AND ("building operations"
AND maintain* AND Transport AND inspection AND security*) AND
("Information technology" AND technical AND "MS-Office" AND software*)
(7231) QA Tester IV:75201
(Tester* OR Analyst* OR "QA Tester" OR "QA Analyst" OR "QA Analysis"
OR "QA Manager") AND (SOX AND "Security Testing" AND "Audit Testing"
AND Design*) AND Financial
(Tester* OR "QA Tester" OR "QA Analyst" OR "QA Analysis" OR "QA
Manager" OR "Quality Assurance" OR "QA Lead" OR "Test Coordinator" OR
"QA Manager") AND ("SOX Testing" AND Security* AND Audit AND
Design*) AND Financial*
(7227) Business Analyst:
(BA OR Analyst OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business System Analyst" OR
"Business Consultant") AND ("Life insurance" AND Annuity AND Test* AND
Code*) AND (wmA OR Vantage OR Cyberlife OR "Cyber life") AND
(7222) Trainer Simulated Clinic:
(Trainer OR "People Trainer" OR "People Coordinator" OR "Front Desk
Manager" OR "Office manager" OR "People Executive" OR "clinic

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
administrative") AND (Training AND registration AND Schedule* AND
Records* AND Management) AND "health care"
(7245) Project manager insurance Expert:
(Manager* OR "Project manager" OR "Project coordinator" OR "Operation
manager" OR "Program Manager" OR "Insurance Manager") AND
(Underwriting AND "Term Life" AND "Whole Life" AND Life*) AND ("Life
insurance" OR "Insurance Expert")
(7243) Project manager Insurance Expert:
("Project manager" OR "Project coordinator" OR PM OR "Insurance manager"
OR "Operation manger") AND (Plan* AND Schedule* AND Budget* AND
management AND meeting AND reviews AND Analyze AND Policies) AND
("Life insurance" OR "Insurance Expert")
(7244) Business Analyst:
("Business Analyst" OR "Business System Analyst" OR "Business Coordinator"
OR "Business consultant") AND ("Information System" AND Troubleshooting
AND Risk* AND Analyst* AND Programmer AND Technology*)
(7246) Service Delivery Coordinator:
("Service delivery Coordinator" OR "Delivery Coordinator" OR "Delivery
Manager" OR "Service Delivery Manager" OR "Delivery Manager" OR SDM)
AND ("Business development" AND Account* AND Technology AND Plan
AND monitoring AND application AND Review*) AND Management* AND
(7265) QA Tester IV
(Tester* OR "QA Tester" OR "QA Analyst" OR "QA Manager" OR "QA Lead"
OR "QA Engineer" OR "soa test" OR "SQA Analyst" OR "Web analyst" ) AND
(parasoft AND SoapUI AND SOA) AND "web service"
(7256) Output Management Project Manager:
(Manager* OR "Project manager" OR "Project coordinator" OR "IT Project
manager" OR "Project consultant" OR "Project lead" OR "Program manager"
OR PMP OR PMO OR CAPM) AND ("Information Technology" AND SDLC
AND output* AND print* AND application*) AND Healthcare

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(7255) Imprivada Implementation Project manager:
(Manager* OR "Project manager" OR "Project coordinator" OR "IT Project
manager" OR "Project consultant" OR "Project lead" OR "Implementation
Project manager" OR "Program manager" OR PMP OR PMO OR CAPM) AND
("Information Technology" AND SDLC AND "Clinical application") AND
(Epic OR "GE Centricity" OR HMED)
(7284) Global Pricing Project Manager:
("Global Pricing analyst" OR "Pricing analyst" OR "Pricing Manager" OR
"Pricing Coordinator" OR Manager*) AND (Schedule* AND Budget* AND
Plan AND Reviews AND analyze AND Pricing AND Delivery*) AND
(7280) Program Control Officer:
("Program Control office" OR "Program Control manager" OR "Project control
Office" OR "Control Manager" OR "Program control Manger") AND
(Schedule* AND Budget* AND Plan AND Reviews AND Analyze) AND
(7285) Workforce Analyst:
("Workforce Manager" OR "Workforce Analyst" OR "Workforce Management
Analyst" OR "Workforce specialist" OR "Workforce Coordinator" OR
"Workforce Supervisor" OR WFM) AND (schedule* AND Track* AND
Reports AND Reviews AND Guidance* AND "Workforce Management" AND
Organize AND Presentation)
("Workforce Manager" OR "Workforce Analyst" OR "Workforce Management
Analyst" OR "Workforce specialist" OR "Workforce Coordinator" OR
"Workforce Supervisor" OR "WFM) AND (schedule* AND Report* AND
Reviews AND Guidance* AND "Workforce Management" AND Presentation
AND Document* AND Track* AND "Call Center")
(7304) Assembly Worker:
("Assemble Manager" OR "Assemble Worker" OR "Operation Manager" OR
"Work Assembler" OR "Work manager" OR "Production Supervisor" OR
"Maintenance Officer" OR "Material control Specialist" OR "Product

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Assembler") AND (Assemble* AND Tape AND Packing AND Verification
AND Print* AND "Quality Check" AND "Set-Up")
(Assembler* OR "Assembly Manager" OR "Assembly Worker" OR "Technical
Assembler" OR "Production Supervisor" OR "Product Supervisor" OR
"Assembly Officer" OR "Product assembler" OR "Assembly Line Worker")
AND (Assembly* OR Packaging AND Verification AND Quality* AND "Set-
Up" AND Clean* AND Maintenance* AND Technical* AND pallets AND
"Hand truck" AND Lifting AND Print* AND weighing)
(7360) Infrastructure Project Manager (Raytheon):
("Project Manager" OR "IT Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure Project
Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "Infrastructure Manager" OR "IT
Infrastructure Manager") AND ("Information Technology" AND Infrastructure*
AND LAN AND WAN AND Application*) AND (Schedule AND Budget
AND Plan* AND Quality) AND Management*
("Project manager" OR "Infrastructure project manager" OR "IT Manager" OR
"Infrastructure Manager" OR "IT Infrastructure Manger" OR "IT Project
Manager" OR "IT Project Coordinator") AND (Infrastructure* OR "IT
Infrastructure" OR "Information technology" OR Technology) AND (desktop*
AND LAN AND WAN AND Installation AND Technical*) AND (schedule*
AND budget* AND Plan AND Quality) AND Management*
(7357) Service Integration Specialist:
("Integration Specialist" OR "Service Integration Specialist" OR "Service
Representative" OR "Integration Representative" OR "System Integration
Specialist") AND (Java AND API AND Tool* AND Test* AND Application*
AND administration*)
("ServiceNow Integration Specialist" OR "ServiceNow*" OR "ServiceNow
Developer" OR "ServiceNow Architect" OR "serviceNow Administrator" OR
"ServiceNow Engineer" OR "ServiceNow Lead" OR "ServiveNow Application
Developer") AND (ServiceNow* AND API AND JAVA AND Configure*
AND Testing AND Administration*) AND "Life insurance"
(7356) QA Tester IV:

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(Tester* OR "QA Tester" OR "QA Analyst" OR "QA Engineer" OR "QA
Analysis" OR "Software Quality Testing" OR "Software Testing" OR "QA
Assurance" OR "QA Lead") AND (Windows AND Linux AND Java AND
Application* AND Tool* AND SQL AND Techniques AND Analyze) AND
("Shell Script" OR "Java script" OR "Perl script" OR "Python Programming")
(7350) Application Project Manger:
("Project Manger" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project Coordinator" OR
"Application Project Manager" OR "Application Manager" OR "IT Application
Manager" OR "Application Coordinator" OR "Application Project Lead" OR
"Product Application Manager") AND ("Information Technology" AND
Application* AND Software AND Schedule* AND Budget* AND Policies)
AND Insurance*
(7372) Business Analyst (Insurance Expert):
("Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business Consultant"
OR "Business Coordinator" OR "Business Process Analyst") AND ("Life
Insurance" AND Annuity) AND (coding AND Research) AND (wmA OR
Vantage OR Cyberlife OR "Cyber Life") AND Insurance*
(7343) Business Analyst (Insurance):
(Analyst* OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR
"Business Consultant" OR "Business Coordinator" OR "Business Process
Analyst" OR BA) AND (Workflow AND life AND Annuity AND Policy*)
AND ("Cyber Life" OR Cyberlife OR wmA) AND Insurance*
(7389) Project Manager Master Scheduler:
(Manager* OR "Project Manager" OR "Project Master Scheduler" OR "Project
Coordinator" OR "Master Schedule Lead" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project
Schedule Manager" OR "Project Scheduler" OR "Program Manager" OR
"Project Controller") AND ("Master Scheduler" AND schedule* AND Plan
AND Budget AND Track AND Quality)
(7374) Project Manager:
(Manager* OR "Project Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project Coordinator"
OR "Project Consultant" OR "Technical Project Manager" OR "Programmer
Manager" OR "IT Project Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "Software Project

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Manager" OR "Project Controller") AND (".Net Framework" AND SQL AND
"Visual Studio" AND Framework* AND "Object Oriented Design" AND
Analysis AND Programming AND WPF and WCF AND "Data Warehouse")
AND (Schedule* AND Budget AND Plan*) AND ("Women Infant and
Children" OR WIC OR "Public health Program")
("Project Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project Coordinator" OR "Project
Consultant" OR "Technical Project Manager" OR "Programmer Manager" OR
"IT Project Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "Software Project Manager" OR
"Project Controller") AND (".Net Framework" AND SQL AND "Visual Studio"
AND Framework* AND "Object Oriented Design" AND Analysis AND
Programming AND WPF) AND ("Women Infant and Children" OR WIC OR
"Public health Program")
(7344) Project Manager:
("Project Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project Coordinator" OR "Project
Consultant" OR "Project Controller" OR "IT Manager" OR "Transfer Project
Manager") AND (Application* AND technical AND Schedule AND Budget
AND Plan* AND Analyze)
(7394,89,90,93) Project Master Scheduler:
("Project Manager" OR "Project Master Scheduler" OR "Project Master
Coordinator" OR "Master Scheduler Lead" OR "Project schedule Master" OR
"Project Scheduler" OR "Master Scheduler Specialist" OR "Master Scheduler
Coordinator") AND ("Master Scheduler" AND Budget* AND Planning AND
Schedule) AND Management
(7396) Infrastructure Project Manager:
("Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "IT Infrastructure
Manager" OR "Infrastructure Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "IT Project
Manager" OR "Desktop Project Management" OR "IT Project" ) AND
(Infrastructure* AND "Information Technology" AND Technical AND LAN
AND WAN AND Desktop* AND Application AND Systems*) AND
(Schedule* AND Budget AND Plan AND Quality) AND ("Spanish Language"
OR Spanish)
(6684) CyberLife Programmer:

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(Programmer* OR "Program Analyst" OR "CyberLife Programmer" OR "Cyber
Life Programmer" OR "Cyberlife Developer" OR "Cyber Life Architect") AND
("Cyberlife" OR "Cyber Life") AND (Cobol AND Mainframe) AND (Codes*
AND Testing AND Debugs AND Analyze AND Design AND Program*)
(Programmer* or "programmer analyst" or analyst* OR "Cyberlife
Programmer") AND Cyberlife AND (cobol or mainframe) AND testing
(developer* OR "Cyberlife Developer" OR Programmer* OR "Cyberlife
Programmer") AND (Cyberlife OR "Cyber life") AND "Life Insurance*" AND
(7451) , (7456) Cyberlife Business Analyst:
("Business Consultant" OR "Business Analyst" OR "Cyber Life Business
Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business Analysis" OR
"Business Coordinator" OR "Business Analysis" OR "Business Admin" OR
BA) AND (Life AND Annuity AND Testing) AND (CyberLife OR "Cyber
Life") AND Insurance*
(7449) LifeComm Policy Admin Business Analyst:
("Business Coordinator" OR "Business Consultant" OR "Business Admin" OR
"LifeComm Business Analyst" OR "LifeComm Business Analyst" OR
"Business Systems Analyst" OR "LifeComm Policy Admin Business Analyst"
OR "Policy Admin" OR "Business Analyst") AND ("Life Comm" OR
LifeComm OR "Life-Comm") AND (Policy AND Testing AND Life AND
Annuity) AND Insurance*
(7444) Business Analyst wmA/Vantage:
("Business Consultant" OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst"
OR "Vantage Business Analyst" OR "Business Coordinator" OR "Business
Analysis" OR "Business Coordinator" OR "wmA Business Analyst" OR BA)
AND (wmA OR Vantage) AND (Annuities OR Annuity) AND (Life AND
Testing AND Coding) AND Insurance*
(7433) Jr. Business Analyst:
(Analyst* OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business System Analyst" OR
"Business Analysis" OR "Business Coordinator" OR "Business Developer" OR
"Infrastructure Business Analyst" OR BA) AND ("Business Processes" AND

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Information System" AND "Information Technology" AND Infrastructure*
AND "Programming" AND Analyzing AND Plan* AND Design AND
Technical) AND (Management AND Meetings AND Delivery)
(7527) Claims Examiner:
("Account manager" OR "Account Assistant" OR "Claims Accountant" OR
"Claims Analyst" OR "Claims Service Specialist" OR "Customer Service
Representative" OR "Life Claims Examiner" OR "Claims Examiner" OR
"Claims Representative" OR "Claims Rep" OR "Claims Associate Coordinator"
OR "Claims Coordinator" OR "Collection Representative" OR "Claim Agent"
OR "Account Specialist") AND (Claims* AND "Death Claims") AND (Word
OR Excel) AND Insurance*
(7516) Professional Underwriter:
("Professional Underwriter" OR "Underwriter Expert" OR Underwriter OR
"Underwriting Technician") AND (Underwriter* AND Management* AND
Analysis AND Policies* AND "Life Insurance" AND "Term life" AND "Whole
Life" AND "Universal Life")

(Underwriter* OR "Professional Underwriter" OR "Underwriter Expert" OR

"Underwriting Technician" OR "Underwriting Operator" OR "Underwriting
Analyst" OR "Underwriter specialist") AND ("Term life" AND "Whole Life"
AND "Universal Life")AND Management AND Insurance*

(7520,21) Programmer Analyst Hogan DDA:

("Hogan Program Analyst" OR "Program Analyst" OR Programmer* OR
"Programming Analyst" OR "Programmer analyst" OR "Program Developer"
OR "Programmer analysis") AND ("Hogan Demand Deposit Account" OR
"Demand Deposit Account" OR Hogan) AND (Cobol AND Technical* AND
SDLC AND Testing AND coding AND Design AND "Banking Application")
("Hogan Programmer" OR "Hogan Program Analyst" OR "Program Analyst"
OR Programmer* OR "Programming Analyst" OR "Programmer analyst" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Program Developer" OR "Programmer analysis" OR "Hogan Developer")
AND ("Hogan Demand Deposit Account" OR "Demand Deposit Account" OR
Hogan) AND (DDA AND Coding AND Testing AND Cobol AND Financial*
AND Banking AND Application*)
(7524,23,22) Programmer Analyst Hogan CIS:
(Programmer* OR "Programmer Analyst" OR "Programming Analyst" OR
"Program Developer" OR "Programmer Analysis" OR "Hogan Programmer
Analyst") AND ("Hogan Customer Information System" OR Hogan OR
"Customer Information Service") AND (CIS AND Coding AND Testing AND
Cobol AND Technical* AND SDLC AND Application*) AND (Financial*
AND Marketing AND "Banking Application")
("Hogan Programmer" OR Programmer* OR "Programmer Analyst" OR
"Programming Analyst" OR "Program Developer" OR "Programmer Analysis"
OR "Hogan Programmer Analyst" OR "Hogan Developer") AND ("Hogan
Customer Information System" OR Hogan OR "Customer Information
Service") AND (CIS AND Coding AND Testing AND Application* AND
Banking AND Cobol AND Financial*)
(7526) Infrastructure Project Manager-(Storage):
("Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure
Storage Manager" OR "IT Storage Services Project Manager" OR
"Infrastructure Project Coordinator") AND (Storage* AND Infrastructure*
AND schedule AND Budget AND Technical AND "Information Technology"
AND Desktop)
(7511) Risk Manager:
("Clinical Manager" OR "Clinical Project manager" OR "Clinical Coordinator"
OR "Risk Manager Clinical" OR "Risk Analysis" OR "Risk Analyst" OR
"Project Risk Controller" OR "Project Risks" OR "Project Risks Manager" OR
"Project Manager" OR "Risks Controller") AND ("Information Technology"
OR Technical OR Software OR Application*) AND (Analysis AND Testing
AND Risk*) AND Clinical AND Healthcare
("Clinical Manager" OR "Clinical Risk Manager" OR "Clinical Risk Analyst"
OR "Clinical Coordinator" OR "Clinical Project Manager" OR "Project Risks"
OR "Risk Analyst" OR "Clinical Project Manager" AND "Project Manager" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Project Analyst" OR "Project Risk Analyst") AND ("Information Technology"
OR Technical) AND (Testing AND Risk* AND Application) AND Clinical
AND Healthcare
(7541) Project Control Analyst:
("Program Controls Manager" OR "Program Controls Analyst" OR "Project
Controls Manager" OR "Project Controls Analyst" OR "Project Controls
Analysis" OR "Project Controls Specialist" OR "Project controls Coordinator"
OR "Project Controller" OR "Project Controls" OR "Project Controls
Engineer") AND (Technology OR Technical OR "Information Technology")
AND (Schedule AND Budgets AND management*)
(7578) QA Tester I:
(QA OR QC OR "QA Tester" OR "QA Engineer" "QA Analyst" OR "QA
Analysis" OR "QA Lead" OR "Quality Controller" OR "Quality Controller
Inspector" OR "Quality Assurance Inspector" OR "Testing Engineer") AND
(Testing AND Clinical AND Connectivity AND Medical* AND HealthCare
("QA Tester" OR "QA Engineer" OR "QA Analyst" OR "QA Analysis" OR
"QA Lead" OR "Quality Controller" OR "Quality Controller Inspector" OR
"Quality Assurance Inspector" OR "Testing Engineer" OR "QA Assurance" OR
"Quality Assurance" OR QA OR QC) AND (Testing AND Clinical AND
Medical) AND ("Medical Equipment" OR "Medical Device" OR "Medical
(7580) Actuary specialist:
("Actuary specialist" OR "Insurance Actuary" OR "Actuary Analyst" OR
"Project manager" OR "Project Management") AND (Actuary* AND Plan
AND Schedule AND Budgets AND management) AND ("Life insurance" AND
Life AND Policy)
(Actuary* OR "Actuary Admin" OR "Actuarial Analyst" OR "Actuarial
specialist" OR "Actuary specialist" OR "Insurance Actuary" OR "Actuary
Analyst" OR "Project manager" OR "Project Management" OR "Project lead"
OR "Project Analyst") AND (Life AND Policy* AND Annuity) AND
(Schedule AND Budget AND Plan) AND "Life insurance"

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Actuary Analyst" OR "project insurance analyst" OR "project manager" OR
"Actuary Specialist" OR "Insurance Actuary" OR "Actuarial Analyst" OR
"Project Coordinator" OR "Project lead") AND (Life AND Annuity AND
insurance) AND (Schedule AND Budget AND Plan) AND "Life insurance"
("Project manager" OR "Project Analyst" OR "Project Consultant" OR "Actuary
Analyst" OR "Actuarial Analyst" OR "Actuary Specialist" OR "Actuary
Business Analyst") AND (Business* AND Life* AND Annuity AND Policy)
AND "Life insurance"
(Actuarial OR Actuary OR "Actuary Analyst" OR "Actuarial Analyst" OR
"Actuary Specialist" OR "Actuarial Specialist" OR "Actuary Business Analyst"
OR "Business Analyst" OR "Insurance Analyst" OR "Policy Analyst" OR
"Insurance Admin" OR "Policy Admin" OR "Insurance Adviser") AND ("Life
Policies" OR Insurance* OR "Insurance Policies" OR Policy* OR Actuary OR
Actuarial) AND Annuity AND "Life Insurance"
(Actuarial OR Actuary OR "Actuary Analyst" OR "Actuarial Analyst" OR
"Actuary Specialist" OR "Actuarial Specialist" OR "Actuary Business Analyst"
OR "Insurance Admin" OR "Insurance Adviser" OR "Financial Actuarial" OR
"Financial Actuary") AND ("Life Policies" OR Insurance* OR "Insurance
Policies" OR Actuary OR Actuarial) AND Annuity* AND "Life Insurance"
(7602) VM ware Solution Architect:
("Infrastructure Virtualization Architect" OR "Virtualization Architect " OR
"VM Ware Engineer" OR "VM Ware Architect" OR "VM Ware System
Administrator" OR "VM Ware System Engineer" OR "VM Ware" OR
"Windows System Administrator" OR "Windows Administrator" OR "Windows
System Engineer" OR "Virtual System Architect" OR "Virtual System
Engineer") AND (VMWare AND Networking AND vSphere) AND (Cloud OR
"Hyper V" OR ViPR OR "vBlock 540" OR IBM OR EHC OR Avamar)
("Infrastructure Virtualization Architect" OR "Virtualization Architect " OR
"VM Ware Engineer" OR "VM Ware Architect" OR "VM Ware System
Administrator" OR "VM Ware System Engineer" OR "VM Ware Admin" OR
"VM Ware" OR "System Architect" OR "VM Ware System Architect" OR
"Virtual Architect" OR "Virtual System Architect" OR "Virtual Infrastructure
Architect") AND (VMWare AND Networking AND Domain AND vSphere)
AND ("Hyper V" OR ViPR OR "vBlock540" OR IBM OR EHC OR Avamar)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Infrastructure Virtualization Architect" OR "Virtualization Architect" OR
"VM Ware Engineer" OR "VM Ware Architect" OR "VMWare System
Administration" OR "VM Ware Admin") AND (VMWare AND Networking
AND Domain AND vSphere) AND (Cloud OR "Hyper V" OR ViPR OR
"vBlock540" OR IBM OR EHC OR Avamar)
("Hogan Programmer" OR "Hogan Program Analyst" OR "Program Analyst"
OR Programmer* OR "Programming Analyst" OR "Programmer analyst" OR
"Program Developer" OR "Programmer analysis" OR "Hogan Developer")
AND ("Hogan Demand Deposit Account" OR "Demand Deposit Account" OR
Hogan) AND (DDA AND Coding AND Testing AND Cobol AND Financial*
AND Banking AND Application*)
(7418) Project manager:
("Project Manager" OR "Project Coordinator" OR "Project Consultant" OR
"Project Asset Manager" OR "Asset Manager" OR "Project Controller") AND
(Asset AND Schedule AND Budget AND Plan AND meeting AND Analyze
AND Management*)

(3239) Medical Biller:

("Medical Biller" OR "Medical Billing" OR "Medical Clerk" OR "Medical
Assistant" OR "Medical Accountant") AND (Billing OR Biller) AND
("Unix System Administrator" OR "Unix Admin" OR "Unix System Engineer"
OR "Unix Administrator" OR "System Administrator" OR "System Engineer")
AND ("Light Directory Access Protocol" OR LDAP) AND (TDS OR "Tivoli
Directory Server") AND (TDI OR "Tivoli Directory Integrator") AND (ISAM
OR "IBM Security Access Manager") AND (DB2 AND WebSphere AND
Weblogic) in All locations
("Tivoli Security" OR "Tivoli security Analysis" OR "Tivoli security specialist"
OR "IAM Security Architect" OR "Tivoli Security Analyst" OR "Tivoli
Security Architect" OR "IAM Security Analyst" OR "IBM Security Analyst"
OR "Security Analyst" OR "Unix Administrator" OR "Linux Administrator"
OR "System Architect" OR "Unix System Administrator" OR "Linux System
Administrator" OR "System Engineer")

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
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("Tivoli Security" OR "Tivoli security Analysis" OR "Tivoli security specialist"
OR "IAM Security Architect" OR "Tivoli Security Analyst" OR "Tivoli
Security Architect" OR "IAM Security Analyst" OR "IBM Security Analyst"
OR "Security Analyst" OR "Unix Administrator" OR "Linux Administrator"
OR "System Architect" OR "Unix System Administrator" OR "Linux System
Administrator" OR "System Engineer") AND (TDS OR TDI)
("Tivoli Security" OR "Tivoli security" OR "Tivoli security specialist" OR
"IAM Security Architect" OR "Tivoli Security Analyst" OR "Tivoli Security
Architect" OR "IAM Security Analyst" OR "IBM Security Analyst" OR
"Security Analyst" OR "Unix Administrator" OR "Linux Administrator" OR
"System Architect") AND tivoli*
(QA OR "QA Analysis" OR "QA Tester" OR "QA Analyst" OR "QA Manager"
OR "QA Engineer" OR "QA Assurance" OR "QA Lead" OR "QA Controller"
OR "Testing Engineer" OR "Quality Validation" OR "QA Validation") AND
("IT Infrastructure" OR Infrastructure) AND (Validation* AND Plan AND
Report*) AND ("computer System" OR "Software Validation") AND
(Trackwise OR ERP OR LIMS OR ArisG OR Documentum OR ERP)
(7663) Senior Project Manager:
(Manager* OR "Project Manager" OR "Project Coordinator" OR "IT
Infrastructure Project manager" OR "Infrastructure Manager" OR "IT Manager"
OR "Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "Virtual Project manager" OR
"Virtualization Project Manger" OR "IT Project Manager" OR "IT Manager"
OR "Virtual Infrastructure Project manager" OR "Virtual Infrastructure
Manager" OR "VM ware Project Manager") AND (VMware AND Cloud) AND
("IT Infrastructure" OR Infrastructure) AND (Iaas OR Dbaas OR PaaS) AND
(Schedule AND Budget)
(Manage* OR "Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure Project Manager" OR
"Infrastructure Manager") AND ("IT Infrastructure" OR "Infrastructure
Management") AND (VMware AND cloud) AND (Iaas OR DbaaS OR PaaS)
AND (Schedul* AND Plan* Management)
("Project Manager" OR "Project Coordinator" OR "Infrastructure Project
Manager" OR "IT Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "IT
Project Manager" OR "Virtual Project Manager" OR "Virtualization Project

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
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Manager" OR "Virtual Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "VMware Project
("Virtual Project Manager" OR "Virtualization Project Manager" OR "Virtual
Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "VMware Project Manger" OR
"Infrastructure Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "IT Project manager" OR
"VMware Project Coordinator")
(7627) Storage Administrator:
("Storage System Engineer" OR "storage Administrator" OR "Storage System
Administrator" OR "NAS storage Administrator" OR "NAS Storage Admin"
OR "System Administrator" OR "Backup Engineer" OR "Backup System
Administrator" OR "Netback up System Administrator") AND (NAS OR
"Network Attached Storage" OR "NAS Storage") AND (Storage AND EMC
AND NetApp) AND ("EMC Celerra" OR Clariion)

(7677) Project Manager (Scrum Master):

("Project manager" OR "Project Manager Scrum Master" OR "Project
Coordinator" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project Consultant" OR "Project Scrum
Master") AND ("Scrum Master" AND "Project Management" AND JIRA AND
Documenting) AND ("Service Integration Management" OR SIAM OR
"ServiceNow" OR Scrum* OR "Agile Scrum" OR "Agile Scrum Master") AND
(Schedule AND Plan AND Budget AND Meeting)
(7694) Lotus Notes SME:
("Lotus Note Architect" OR "Lotus Note Architecture" OR "Lotus Note System
Architect" OR "Lotus Note" OR "IT Specialist" OR "Share Point Support" OR
"Share Point Administrator" OR "IT Manager" OR "Infrastructure Project
Manager" OR "Infrastructure Manager") AND ("Site Collection
Administration" OR "Site Administrator") AND (Intranet OR Extranet) AND (
("Lotus Notes Architect" OR "Lotus Notes Architecture" OR "Lotus Notes
System Architect" OR "Lotus Notes SME" OR "Lotus Notes" OR "IT
Specialist" OR "SharePoint Support" OR "SharePoint Administrator" OR
"Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure Manager") AND (SME OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Systems Migration" OR "System Deployment") AND ("LotusScript" OR
LEI OR DECS OR SharePoint OR LDAP) AND (Intranet OR Extranet) AND
(Programmer* OR "Software Programmer" OR "Program Manager" OR
"Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "Lotus Notes SME" OR "Lotus Notes
Architect" OR "Lotus Notes" OR "SharePoint Support" OR "SharePoint
Architect") AND (SME OR "Systems Migration" OR "System Deployment")
AND ("LotusScript" OR "Lotus Notes" OR "JAVA script" OR SQL OR
Sharepoint OR LDAP) AND (Intranet OR Extranet) AND Lotus*
(7693) Lotus Domino Administrator:
(Programmer* OR "Lotus Domino Administrator" OR "Lotus Domino
Developer" OR "Lotus Domino Architect" OR "Sharepoint Support" OR
"Sharepoint Architect" OR "Domino Administrator" OR "Domino Developer")
AND (Domino OR "LotusScript" OR "Lotus Notes" OR HTML OR CSS OR
JAVAScript OR SQL OR Sharepoint OR Mail) AND (Intranet OR Extranet)
(7692) System Administrator:
("System Administrator" OR "System Engineer" OR "Desktop Support
Engineer" OR "Desktop Administrator" OR "Wintel Server Administrator" OR
"Server Administrator" OR "Wintel System Administrator" OR "Wintel System
Engineer") AND (VMware AND Database AND Installation AND Software*
AND Wintel*) AND (CAG OR "Citrix Access Gateway")
("Wintel Administrator" OR "Wintel System Administrator" OR "Wintel
System Engineer" OR "Wintel Server Administrator" OR "System
Administrator" OR "System Engineer" OR "Server Administrator") AND
(Wintel OR VMware) AND (CAG OR Citrix) AND (Database AND
Installation AND Software*)
(7687) Infrastructure PM:
("Project Manager" OR "Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "IT Infrastructure
Manager" OR "IT Project Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "IT Project Lead"
OR "Infrastructure Lead" OR "Infrastructure Project Coordinator" OR PMP)
AND (Infrastructure OR "IT Infrastructure") AND (Application AND LAN

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
AND WAN AND Management AND Installation) AND (Schedule AND
Budget AND Meeting) AND (Chevron OR CPDEP)
(Manage* OR "Infrastructure Project Manager" OR "infrastructure Manager"
OR "IT Project manager" OR PMP) AND (Infrastructure OR "Infrastructure
management") AND (Plan* AND Monitoring) AND (Chevron OR CPDEP)
(7727) PPLUS Mainframe Technician:
("PLUS Mainframe Technician" OR "Mainframe Technician" OR "Mainframe
Analyst" OR "Mainframe Developer" OR "PLUS Mainframe" OR "Vision Plus
Mainframe Technician" OR "Mainframe Programmer Analyst" OR "Mainframe
Developer" OR "Mainframe Programmer" OR "Mainframe Analyst") AND
(SDLC AND Design AND Testing AND Mainframe*) AND (Life AND
Insurance*) AND (Annuity OR Annuities)
("Mainframe Technician" OR "Mainframe Systems Analyst" OR "Mainframe
Developer" OR "Mainframe Analyst" OR "Mainframe Programmer" OR
"Vision Plus Mainframe" OR "PLUS Mainframe") AND (Design AND Testing
AND Mainframe*) AND (Annuity OR Annuities) AND "Life Insurance"

(7724) Business Analyst (Policylink):

("Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business Consultant"
OR "Life Insurance Business Analyst" OR "Insurance Analyst" OR "Policylink
Analyst") AND (Testing AND Assurance AND Quality* AND Management)
AND (PolicyLink OR "Policy Link" OR Policy* OR "Life policies") AND
(Annuity OR Annuities OR Life) AND "Life Insurance"
(7634) DocuMaker:
(Documaker* OR "Documaker Specialist" OR "Documaker developer" OR
Documerge* OR "Documaker Analyst" OR "Documentation Analyst" OR
"Documentation Specialist" OR "Documaker Application Architect" OR
"Documaker Application Developer" OR "Document Management Specialist")
OR VSAM OR Xped OR Endvr) AND Insurance

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
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(Documaker OR "Documaker Specialist" OR "Documaker developer" OR
Documerge OR "Documaker Analyst" OR "Documentation Analyst" OR
"Documentation Specialist" OR "Documaker Application Architect" OR
"Documaker Application Developer" OR "Document Management Specialist")
OR VSAM OR Xped OR Endvr) AND Insurance
(Documak* OR Documenta*) AND (Mainframe OR JAVA) AND (Cobol AND
(7710) Business Analyst (Life insurance):
("Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business Consultant"
OR "Life Insurance Business Analyst" OR "Insurance Analyst" OR "Business
Coordinator" OR BA) AND (Design OR "Application Design" OR "Application
Developer" OR Interface) AND ("Information Technology" OR Technology)
AND "Guardian Life Insurance"
(7753) Peoplesoft Administraotor:
("peoplesoft System Administrator" OR "Peoplesoft Admin" OR "Peoplesoft
infrastructure Manager" OR "Peoplesoft Architect" OR "Peoplesoft Developer"
OR "PS Admins" OR "Lead Peoplesoft system administrator" OR "Lead
peoplesoft") AND ("Peoplesoft Internet Architecture" OR PIA) AND (DBA
AND Oracle AND Infrastructure) AND (Unix OR Linux OR Windows) AND
(Upgrading AND Installing)
("peoplesoft System Administrator" OR "Peoplesoft Admin" OR "Peoplesoft
infrastructure Manager" OR "Peoplesoft Architect" OR "Peoplesoft Developer"
OR "PS Admins" OR "Lead Peoplesoft system administrator" OR "Lead
peoplesoft" OR "Peoplesoft Manager") AND ("Peoplesoft Internet
Architecture" OR PIA) AND (DBA AND Oracle AND PIA) AND (Unix OR
Linux OR Windows) AND (Upgrading AND Installing)
("peoplesoft System Administrator" OR "Peoplesoft Admin*" OR "Peoplesoft
infrastructure Manager" OR "Peoplesoft Architect" OR "Peoplesoft Developer"
OR "PS Admins" OR "Lead Peoplesoft system administrator" OR "Lead
peoplesoft" OR "Peoplesoft Manager") AND (DBA AND Oracle AND PIA)
AND (Unix OR Linux OR Windows) AND (Upgrading AND Installing)

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
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(7749)Sr.Cyberlife Programmer:
analys* AND (Cyberlife OR "Cyber Life") AND (Cobol OR Mainframe)
(QA OR "QA Tester" OR "Quality Tester" OR "Quality Controller") AND
("Medical device" OR "Medical device Testing" OR "Device Testing")
(7855) Sr. System Administrator:
("System Administrator" OR "System Engineer" OR "System Architect" OR
"System Architecture" OR "System Admin" OR "Desktop Engineer" OR
"Desktop Administrator" OR "Desktop Admin") AND (Amazon OR AWS OR
OpenStack OR Cloudstack OR EC2 OR S3) AND (DevOps OR Jenkins OR Git
OR Puppet OR Docker OR Artifactory OR Mesos OR Marathon OR Consul)
AND (Linux OR CentOS) AND (Tomcat OR Memcached OR Redis OR
Hadoop) AND (Nagios OR Cloudwatch OR Splunk OR "New Relic") AND
(Network AND DNS) AND (Backup OR Recovery)
("System Administrator" OR "System Engineer" OR "System Architect" OR
"System Architecture" OR "System Admin" OR "Desktop Engineer" OR
"Desktop Administrator" OR "Desktop Admin") AND (Amazon OR AWS OR
OpenStack OR Cloudstack OR EC2 OR S3) AND (DevOps OR Jenkins OR Git
OR Puppet OR Docker OR Artifactory OR Mesos OR Marathon OR Consul OR
Python OR Ruby) AND ("Cloud Formation Templates" OR "Cloud Formation

(7918) Bench Scientist:

("Bench Scientist" OR Scientist OR "Research Scientist" OR "Associate
Scientist" OR "Research Associate" OR "Jr Scientist" OR "Junior Scientist" OR
"Assistant Scientist") AND ("Protein Analytical" OR "Protein Analysis" OR
Colomteric) AND (HPLC OR CE OR Spectroscopy) AND (Chemistry OR
Biochemistry OR "Macromolecule Analytics" OR Macromolecule OR
"Macromolecule Analysis")
("Bench Scientist" OR "Junior Scientist" OR "Assistant Scientist" OR
"Associate Scientist" OR "Research Scientist") AND ("Protein Analytical" OR
"Protein Analysis" OR Colomteric) AND (HPLC OR CE OR Spectroscopy)

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
AND (Chemistry OR Biochemistry OR "Macromolecule Analytics" OR
Macromolecule OR "Macromolecule Analysis")
("Bench Scientist" OR "Associate Scientist" OR "Jr. Scientist" OR "Junior
Scientist" OR "Biologist Bench Scientist" OR "Research Associate") AND
("Mammalian Cell" OR "Cell Culture" OR DNA OR gDNA OR RNA OR
cDNA OR "DNA Preparation" OR Genomic OR Cloning OR "Northern
Analyses" OR "Southern Analyses") AND (Bio* OR Pharma*)
("Business Systems Process Manager" OR "Business Systems Manager" OR
"Business Support Manager" OR "Business Process Coordinator" OR "Business
Process Lead" OR "SAP Business Manager" OR "SAP Business Lead") AND
OR Modeling OR "Query Development") AND Management
("Business Systems Process Manager" OR "Business Process Manager" OR
"Business Systems Manager" OR "Business Support Manager" OR "Business
Process Coordinator" OR "Business Process Lead" OR "Business Systems
Analyst" OR "Business Process Systems Analyst" OR "Business Analyst" OR
"Business Manager" OR "Business Lead" OR PMP) AND (ASAP OR SAP OR
SD OR FI OR SDLE OR FICO OR "Scale Distribution" OR "Financial
("Business Process Manager" OR "Business Systems Manager" OR "Business
systems Analyst" OR "Business Process Lead" OR "Business Object Lead" OR
"Business Object Manager" OR "IT Business" OR "Business systems Process
("SAP BA" OR "SAP Business analyst" OR "SAP Business Developer" OR
"Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business Process Manager") AND (SAP OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
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("Clinical Research Manager" OR "Clinical Project Manager" OR "Clinical
Project Lead" OR "Clinical Research Lead" OR "Clinical Project Coordinator"
OR "Clinical Project Administrator" OR "Clinical Program Manager") AND
(CRO OR "Clinical Research Organization") AND ("Clinical Research
Associate" OR CRA) AND (Monitor* OR Supervis* OR Management)
AND (CRO OR CRA) AND (Monitor* OR Supervis* OR Management)
(CRO OR "Clinical research Organisation") AND (CRA OR "Clinical Research
Associate") AND Manage* AND ("project team lead" OR "Clinical manager"
OR "Clinical project manager" OR "Clinical Project Administraotr")
("Analytical Development Lead" OR "Analytical Development Associates" OR
"Analytical developer" OR "Analytical Chemistry Research" OR "Analytical
Lead" OR Analytica* OR "Analytical Associate") AND (HPLC OR UPLC OR
GC OR "UV-vis" OR FTIR OR "Laser Diffraction" OR KF) AND ("Analytical
method Development" OR "Analytical Method Transfer" OR "Analytical
Method Validation") AND ("cGMP Investigation" OR cGMP OR GMP) AND
(Chromatography OR ChemStation) AND "Analytical Chemistry"
("Quality Control Analyst" OR "Quality Analyst" OR "QA Controller" OR
"Quality Controller" OR "QC Testing" OR "Quality Testing") AND (HPLC OR
UPLC OR GC OR "UV-vis" OR FTIR OR "Laser Diffraction" OR KF) AND
(Laboratory OR "Quality Invertigation") AND (OOTs OR OOSs OR cGMP OR
GMP) AND (Empower OR ChemStation) AND (Physical OR Chemistry)
("Quality Control Analyst" OR "QC Analyst" OR "Quality Controller" OR
"Quality Tester" OR Test*) AND (HPLC OR SDS OR PAGE) AND (GMP OR
cGMP OR "Capillary Electrophoresis" OR Potency OR Bioassays) AND
(Validation OR Development OR "Lab Operation" OR Manufacturing OR
("Project Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project Administrator") AND
(LMS OR "Learning Management Systems" OR "Learning Management")
AND (Risk OR Reviews OR Management) AND (Biotech OR Pharmaceutical)
("Business Analyst" OR "CTMS Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems
Analyst" OR "Clinical Business analyst" OR "Clinical Business" OR "Business
Intelligence") AND (CTMS OR "Clinical Trials Management Systems" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Clinical Trial Management" OR "Clinical Trial*") AND (OBI OR "Oracle
Business Intelligence")
(CTMS OR "Clinical Trials Management Systems" OR "Clinical Trial
Management" OR "Clinical Trial Associate") AND ("Business Analyst" OR
"Business Systems Analyst" OR "Clinical Business Analyst" OR "Clinical
Business") AND (Oracle OR "Oracle clinical" OR OBI OR "Oracle Business")
("CTMS Business Analyst" OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems
Analyst" OR "Clinical Business Analyst" OR "Clinical Business") AND
("Oracle Clinical" OR Oracle OR OBI OR "Oracle Business") AND (CTMS
OR "Clinical Trials Management Systems" OR "Clinical Trial Management")
("CTMS Business*" OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business program manager"
OR "Clinical business*" OR "Business Systems Analyst") AND (CTMS OR
"Clinical trial management System" OR "Clinical trial Management" OR
"Clinical Trial Systems*") AND (Oracle OR OBI OR "Oracle clinical")
("Business Analyst" OR "Business system Analyst") AND (CTMS OR
"Clinical trial management System" OR "Clinical trial Management" OR
"Clinical Trial System") AND Oracle
("Clinical Business Manager" OR "Clinical Business Analyst" OR "Clinical
Business Process Analys*" OR "CTMS Business Analys*" OR "Clinical Trial
Business" OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business Process Analyst" OR
"Business Systems Analys*") AND (CTMS OR "Clinical Trials management
system" OR "Clinical Trials management" OR "Clinical Trials") AND (oracle
OR OBI OR "Oracle Business Intelle*")
("SAP Administrator" OR "SAP Admin" OR "SAP programmer" OR "SAP
("Database" OR CTS OR TMS)
Internal compliance lead
(gmp or gdp or gxp) and ("inspection man*" or "regulatory inspec*" or
regulatory near inspect*)

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
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("Compliance Lead" OR "Compliance Manager" OR "Compliance Specialists"
OR "Quality Compliance") AND (GMP OR GDP OR GXP) AND ("Inspection
Man*" OR "Regulatory Inspec*")
("Compliance Specialist" OR "Compliance Lead" OR "Quality Compliance
Specialist" OR "Internal compliance") AND (GMP OR GDP OR GXP OR
"Good Manufacture practice" OR "Good Develop*") AND ("Inspection
Mang*" OR "Investiga*")
Publishing Service Assistant:
(proofread* or filemaker or incopy) and ("editorial assistant" or "editorial asst")
AND ("Publishing Service Assistant" OR "Publishing Service")
("Publishing Service Assistant" OR "Publishing Service" OR "editorial
assistant" OR "editorial asst") AND (proofread* or filemaker or incopy)
Data Entry Associate:
("Data Entry operator" OR "Data Entry Associate" OR "Data Entry Admin*"
OR "Data Entry Specialist" OR "Office Admin*") AND (Clerical OR
"Customer service") AND ("Microsoft Excel" OR "MS-Excel" OR "MS-Office"
OR "Microsoft word" OR Outlook) AND (call OR Email)
("Data Entry Operator" OR "Data Entry Associate" OR "Data Entry Admin*"
OR "Data entry Clerk") AND (Print OR "Electronic files" OR Spreadsheet OR
word OR Excel OR Database OR Docume* OR Format*)
Manufacturing Technician:
("Manufacturing Technician" OR "Manufacturing Operator" OR
"Manufacturing Engine*") AND (Sterilizat* OR manufactur* OR "Cell Cultu*"
OR Automat*) AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacture Practice" OR
SOPs OR "Standard Operating Procedure") AND (Upstream OR downstream
OR Fermenta* OR Filtra* OR Validat* OR Purifica*) AND (Pharma* OR
Bio*) AND NOT Shire
("Manufacturing Technician" OR "Manufacturing Operator" OR
"Manufacturing Engine*") AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacture
Practice" OR SOPs OR "Standard Operating Procedure") AND (Upstream OR
downstream OR Fermenta* OR Filtra* OR Validat* OR Purifica*) AND
(Pharma* OR Bio*) AND NOT Shire AND NOT Senior AND NOT Supervisor

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("manufacturing tech*" or "manufacturing operator" or "manufacturing
engineer" or "manufacturing associate" ) and ("cell culture" or sterilizat* or
automat*) and (cGMP or GMP or "Good Manufacture practice" OR SOPs) and
(manufactur*or Purifica* or validatio*) and (pharm* or biotec*) and NOT Shire
("manufacturing tech*" or "manufacturing operator" or "manufacturing
engineer" or "manufacturing associate") and (Manufact* or "clean room" or
Growing or CIP or "Cleaning in place" or Autoclaving or Ducumenta*) and
(cGMP or GMP or "Good Manufacture practice") and (Pharma* or Biotec*) and
NOT Senior and NOT Shire
"manufacturing tech*" and ("cell culture" or upstream or downstram or pharm*)
and (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacture Practice" or SOPs or "Standard
Operating Procedure" ) and (Sterilizat*or manufactur*or Purifica*) and NOT
("Manufacturing Tech*" OR "Manufacturing Operator*" OR "Manufacturing
Associate" OR "Manufacturing Engineer") AND ("Cell Culture" OR Filtration
OR Upstream OR Calibrat* OR Clean* OR "Bio Manufacturing" OR
Mammalian) AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacturing" OR SOPs)
("manufacturing tech*"or "manufacturing operator" or "manufacturing
engineer" or "manufacturing associate") and ("cell culture" or upstream or
mammalian or pharm*) and (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacture
Practice") and NOT Senior and NOT Shire and NOT supervisor
("customer service representative" or "help desk" or helpdesk or "phone
support") and ("human resources" or "hr admin*" or "hr assist*")
8103 HR Contact Center Representative:
("HR Assistant" OR "HR Admin*" OR "Human resource executive" OR "HR
Rep*" OR HRIS OR "human resource*" OR HRMS) AND (Spanish OR
German OR French OR Bilingual) AND (SAP OR "Work day" OR Workday)
8111 Global Mobility Specialist:
("Global Mobility Specialist" OR "Mobility Specialist" OR "Mobility Lead" OR
"Global Mobility Lead" OR "Global HR Executive" OR "HR Mobility") AND
(Delivery OR "Global Delivery") AND ("International Assignments" OR
Immigrat* OR Relocation OR Assignm* OR "Immigration policies" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Internal relocation") AND (HRBPS OR "HR Business Partner" OR "Human
Resources Partner" OR "Human Resources Business Partner")
("Global Mobility Specialist" OR "Mobility Specialist" OR "Mobility Lead" OR
"Global Mobility Lead" OR "Global HR Executive" OR "HR Mobility") AND
("International Assignments" OR Immigrat* OR Relocation OR Assignm* OR
"Immigration policies" OR "Internal relocation") AND (HRBPS OR "HR
Business Partner" OR "Human Resources Partner" OR "Human Resources
Business Partner")
8125 Executive Technical Support:
("Executive Support" OR "Technical Support Executive" OR "Executive
Technical Support" OR "IT Resource Executive" OR "IT Support Executive"
OR "Technical Support") AND ("Phone Support" OR "Help desk" OR
Helpdesk) AND ("Infrastructure Service" OR Infrastrac* OR "IT Services")
AND (Pharmaceu* OR Biotech*) AND (EUC OR "End User Computing" OR
"End User Com*")
("Executive Support" OR "Technical Support Executive" OR "Executive
Technical Support" OR " IT Service Management" OR "IT service specialist")
AND "Phone Support" AND ("Apple Products" OR MAC)
("Executive Technical Support" OR "Technical Support Executive" OR "IT
Service management" OR "IT Service specialist" OR "IT Service Manager")
AND ("Infrastructure Service" OR Infrastrac* OR "Infrastructure services" OR
"IT Services") AND (Pharmaceu* OR Biotech*) AND (EUC OR "End user
computing" OR "End user support" OR End user applicant*" OR "End user
8138 Project manager III (IT):
("Project manager" OR "Program Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project
Coordinator" OR PMP OR PMO) AND (PPM OR "Portfolio and Project
manageme*" OR "PPM Solution" OR "Portfolio project manageme*") AND
(Plan* OR Develop* OR Maint* OR Monitor OR Rick OR Report*) AND
(Schedu* OR Budget) AND ("MS Sharepoint" OR "Microsoft share point" OR
"MS Share point") AND ("MS Project" OR "Microsoft projects") AND
(Pharma* OR Biotec*) AND("Information Technology" OR Technolog*)
8137 Project Manager III

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
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("Project Manager" OR "Program Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Project
Coordinator" OR PMP) AND ("MS Share Point" OR "Microsoft Share point"
OR "MS Sharepoint") AND ("Ms project" OR "Microsoft Porject") AND
(Schedul* OR Cost OR Quality OR Rport* OR Rick) AND (Pharma* OR
Biotech*) ("Information Technology" OR Technolog*)
8150 Administrative Assistant:
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Front Office Assistant " OR "Office Assistant"
OR "front desk") AND (Admini* OR "Routing Teleph*" OR "Phone calls" OR
"Customer service") AND (Typing OR faxing OR "handling calls" OR
"Incoming mail" OR "Outgoing mails")
8155 Document Management coordinator:
("Document coordinator" OR "Document Management Coordinator" OR
"Documentation management" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR
"Documentation Coordinator") AND ("MS Office" OR "Microsoft Office" OR
"Ms word" OR word OR "Ms Excel" OR Excel OR "Power Point") AND
("Revision Control" OR "Data Entry" OR Scanning OR Filling OR Labeling)
AND (cGMP OR GXP OR "Good manufacturing practices")
8166 (Sr Manufacturing Engineer):
("Manufacturing Engineer" OR "Manufacturing Operator" OR "Manufacturing
Technician") AND (Chemical OR Biochemical OR Biochemistry) AND
(Mammalian OR "Cell Culture" OR Bioreactor OR Filtra* OR Centrifug* OR
Upstream) AND (Historian OR "data collection" OR Excel OR JMP OR "PI
Historian" OR "PI Process Book") AND (Investig* OR Implement*) AND
(GMP OR "Good Manufacturing practices") AND (PTS OTR "Production
Technical Support")
8170 (Engineer Manager):
("Software Project Manager" OR "Software Project lead") AND (JAVA OR
REST SOA OR JBoss) AND (RDBMS OR database OR Mysql OR Oracle OR
sql) AND ("Agile Process" OR "Agile Environment" OR Agile) AND (Design*
AND Coding) AND ("Software quality" OR SDLC)
(8173) QA Specialist:

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
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("QA Specialist" OR "Quality Analyst" OR "Quality Controller" OR "Quality
specialist") AND (GMP OR "Good Manufacturing practices" OR cGMP) AND
("QA Compliance" OR "Deviation Reviews" OR Trendi* OR CAPA OR
Complian* OR Deviat*) AND ("Data Analysis" OR Metrics OR QMP OR KPls
OR SAP) AND (Pharma* OR biotec*) AND (Outlook OR Word OR Excel OR
"Power point" OR PowerPoint)
8188-Laboratory Technologist:
("Laboratory Technologist" OR "Laboratory specialist" OR "Laboratory
Admin*" OR "Laboratory Techn*") AND (Gxp OR GMP OR "Good
Manufacturing Practices") AND (Admin* OR Installa* OR upgrad*) AND
("Citrix Admin*" OR Citrix) AND ("Database Admin*" OR Database) AND
(Software OR Desktop OR servers OR Applica*) AND (Pharma* OR
("Laboratory Technologist" OR "Laboratory specialist" OR "Laboratory
Admin*" OR "Laboratory Tech*" OR "Laboratory Manager" OR "Laboratory
coordinator") AND (GxP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practices") AND
(Upgrad* OR Instal* OR Valida*) AND (Applicat* OR software) AND
(Pharma* OR BioPharma*) AND ("Computer science" OR "Information
8205 Administrator Assistant:
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Front Office Assistant" OR "Office
Administrative Assistant" OR "Office Admin") AND (Admini* OR "Routing
Telepho*" OR "Phone calls" OR "Customer service" OR Recei* OR Greets)
AND (Typing OR faxing OR "handling calls" OR "Incoming mail" OR
"Outgoing mails" OR Filling OR Calendars OR "Telephone Calls" OR Answers
OR Telephone OR Business) AND (Word OR Spreadsheet OR Excel) AND
("Business Manage*" OR "Business Admin*" "Office Business Admin*")
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Front Office Assistant" OR "Office
Administrative Assistant" OR "Office Admin" OR "Executive Assis*") AND
(Meeting* OR Calenda* OR "Prepare Present*") AND ("handling calls" OR
"Incoming mail" OR "Outgoing mails" OR Filling OR Maintai*) AND (Word
OR Spreadsheet OR Excel OR Outlook)
8164 (Administrative Assistant):

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Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Executive Assistant" OR "Front desk" OR
"Office Administrative") AND ("Microsoft Outlook" OR Outlook OR Word OR
"Ms Word" OR Excel OR "Ms Excel" OR PowerPoint OR "Power point") AND
(Meeting OR Plan* OR Schedul* OR Present* OR "Administrative Duties")
and (Pharmac* OR Biotect*)
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Senior Administrative Assistant" OR
"Executive Assistant" OR "Office Coordinator") AND ("Pharamcovigilance and
Risk Management" OR "PVRM" OR "Risk Management" SRTs OR ESRCs OR
"PV Operations") AND ("Preparing Expense Reports" OR "Expense Prepar*"
OR Expense OR "Preparing Presentations" OR Editing OR Spreadsheets OR
reports OR "Managing projects" OR "Managing Budget" OR Budget OR
Payroll OR "Maintaining Files") AND Pharma*
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Senior Administrative Assistant" OR
"Executive Assistant" OR "Office Coordinator") AND ("Preparing Expense
Reports" OR "Expense Prepar*" OR Expense OR "Preparing Presentations" OR
Editing OR Spreadsheets OR reports OR "Managing projects" OR "Managing
Budget" OR Budget OR Payroll OR "Maintaining Files") AND (Pharma* OR
"Pharma Operations" OR "PV Operations")
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Sr. Administrative Assistant" OR "Senior
Administrative Assistant" OR "Executive Assistant" OR "Executive
Administrative" OR "Executive Administrator" OR "Office Manager") AND (
SVP OR "Senior Vice President" OR "Vice President" OR Directo* OR CEO
OR "Associate Dean") AND (Meet* OR Presenta*OR Preparing OR
Spreadsheets OR Fil* OR Datebase OR report*)
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Executive Assistant" OR "Front desk" OR
"Office Administrative" OR "Business Administrative") AND ("Business
Manage*" OR "Business Admin*" "Office Business Admin*")
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Office Administrative" OR "Front Desk")
AND ("Travel Schedul*" OR "Arranging Meet*" OR Calendar* OR Invoice)
AND (Editing OR Documen* OR Formatting) AND Manage*
8297 Receptionist:

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(Receptionist OR "Front Desk" OR "Office Receptionist" OR "Office Assistant"
OR "Office Receptionist") AND ("Incoming phone call" OR "Phone calls" OR
calls) AND (Greets OR Escorts OR "Directs Visitors")
(Receptionist OR "Office Receptionist" OR "Office Assistant" OR "Front
Office") AND (Answers OR "Phone Calls" OR "Incoming phone" OR Dealing
OR Greets OR Escorts OR "Directs Visitors")
8210 QA Specialist:
("QA Specialist" OR "Quality Assurance" OR "Quality Analyst" OR "Quality
Specialist") AND (GMP OR cGMP OR "Good manufacturing Practices") AND
(Outlook OR Word OR Excel OR PowerPoint) AND (SAP OR LIMS) AND
(Pharma* OR Biotech*)
8233 Facilities inventory Coordinator:
("Facilities coordinator" OR "facility Manager" OR "Facility Coordinator" OR "
Service manager" OR "Service coordinator" OR "Operations Manager" OR
"Maintenance manager" OR "Technical Service Manager" OR "Technical
Service Coordinator") AND (CMMS OR "Computerized Maintenance
Management System" OR HEPA OR "High Efficiency Particulate Air") AND
(GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practices") AND ("Pest Control" OR Clean*
Review* OR Maintain*)
8234 Quality Control Scientist:
("Quality Control Scientist" OR "Quality Controller" OR "Quality Assurance"
OR "QA Specialist" OR "QA Scientist" OR QC) AND (Monitor* OR Trendin*
OR statisti* OR Validat* OR Investiga*) AND (SOP's OR "Standard Operating
Procedures") AND (GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practices" OR cGMP)
AND (Pharma* OR Biotech*)
8241 Financial Analyst:
("Financial Analyst" OR "Financial Analysis" OR "Financial Manager") AND
(P&L OR "Profit and Loss" OR "Balance Sheet") AND (GAAP OR "Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles") AND ("Ms Excel" OR Access OR
(Monito* OR Budget* OR Schedu* OR Repot* OR Maintain* OR forecasts)
AND (OpEx OR CapEx)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
8254 Data Entry Operator:
("Data Entry Operator" OR "Data Entry Associate" OR "Data Entry Admin*"
OR "Data Entry specialist" OR "Data Entry Clerk") AND (Print* OR Copy OR
Tranfer* OR Mail* OR "Data Entry") AND (Spreadsheet OR Database OR
Computer OR Software OR Word OR Excel)
8285 Software Quality Engineer:
("Software quality Engineer" OR SQE OR "Quality Engineer" OR "Software
Quality Analyst" OR "Quality Analyst" OR "QA Manager" OR "Software
Testing Engineer" OR "QA Engineer") AND (Testi* OR "Test Scenarios" OR
Coding OR Manual OR Automate*) AND (Validatio* OR "data Validation"
OR "Back end data Validation") AND (JIRA OR "Quality Center") AND
OR DLL) AND ("DB Tracing" OR "DB Profiling")
("Software quality Engineer" OR SQE OR "Quality Engineer" OR "Software
Quality Analyst" OR "Quality Analyst" OR "QA Manager" OR "Software
Testing Engineer" OR "QA Engineer") AND (Testi* OR "Test Scenarios" OR
Coding OR Manual OR Automate*) AND (Validatio* OR "data Validation"
OR "Back end data Validation") AND (JIRA OR "Quality Center" OR HTML
8324 HR System Analyst :
("HR Analyst" OR "HR Manager" OR "HR Specialist" OR "HR Administrator"
OR "Human Resource analyst" OR "Human Resource Specialist" OR "HR
Systems Analyst") AND (HCM OR "Human Capital Management" OR "Data
Management" OR "Ad-hoc" OR "Ad-hoc report*") AND (HRIS OR "HRIS
System" OR "Human Resources Information Systems") AND ("HR Report*"
OR Metric OR Polic* OR Matrix OR Payroll)
("HR Analyst" OR "HR Analysis" OR "HR Administrator" OR "HR Systems
Analyst" OR "Human Resource Analyst" OR "HR Manager" OR "HR Program
Manager" OR "HR Systmes") AND ("Ad-hoc" AND "Data Management" AND
HRIS) AND (HCM OR "Human Capital Management" OR "HR Report*" OR
Metric OR Polic* OR Payroll)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
8361 Manufacturing Lead:
("Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacture Lead"
OR "Manufacture Manager" OR "Manufacture Controller" OR "Manufacturing
Team Lead") AND ("Equipment Out of Tolerance" OR OOTS OR "Order OF
Stick" OR SME OR "Quality System Management" OR "Quality Manage*")
AND (Word OR Excel OR "Power Point" OR Powerpoint OR Trackwise OR
SAP) AND (Pharmaceutical OR Pharma* OR Biotec*)
("Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacture Lead"
OR "Manufacture Manager" OR "Manufacture Supervisor" OR "Manufacturing
Supervisor" OR "Manufacture Engineer" OR "Operation Manager" OR
"Manufacturing Engineer") AND (OOTS OR SME OR "Quality Manage*" OR
Analyze) AND (Word OR Excel OR "Power Point" OR Powerpoint OR
Trackwise OR SAP OR "Document writ*") AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good
Manufacturing Practice") AND (Pharmaceutical OR Pharma* OR Biotec*)
8378 Server Infrastructure Engineer:
("Server Engineer" OR "Server Infrastructure Engineer" OR "Server
Infrastructure Administrator" OR "Server Admin*") AND (VmWare OR "Vm
Ware") AND (SAN OR NAS OR "Storage area Network" OR "Network
Attached Storage") AND (Linux OR CentOS OR RHEL OR AWS) AND
("Windows Server" OR AWS)
("Server Engineer" OR "Server Infrastructure Engineer" OR "Server
Infrastructure Administrator" OR "Server Admin*" OR "Infrastructure
Engineer" OR "System Engineer" OR "Windows Admin*" OR "System
Administrator") AND (VmWare OR "Vm Ware") AND (SAN OR NAS OR
"Storage area Network" OR "Network Attached Storage") AND (Linux OR
CentOS OR RHEL OR AWS) AND ("Windows Server" OR AWS)
("Manufacturing Technician" OR "Manufacturing Engineer" OR
"Manufacturing Operator") AND ("Cell Culture" OR Purifica* OR Validat* OR
Test* OR "Clean Room") AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacture
Practice" OR SOPs OR "Standard Operating Procedure") AND NOT Senior
AND NOT Manager AND NOT Superior

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Manufacturing Technician" OR "Manufacturing Engineer" OR
"Manufacturing Operator") AND ("Cell Culture" OR "Purifica*" OR
Sterilization OR Filtration OR Fermentation OR Validation OR Upstream OR
downstream) AND (GMP OR cGMP OR "Good Manufactu*" OR
"Manufacturing operations" OR "Manufacturing Process") AND (Pharma* OR
Bio*) AND NOT Senior AND NOT Manager AND NOT Superior
("Manufacturing Technician" OR "Manufacturing Engineer" OR
"Manufacturing Operator" OR "Manufacturing Associate") AND (Mammalian
OR "Cell Culture") AND (Filtrat* OR Valida* OR Upstream OR Downstream
OR Sterilizat* OR purifi*) AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacturing
Practices" OR SOPs OR "Standard Operating Procedure") AND (Pharma* OR
("Manufacturing Technician" OR "Manufacturing Engineer" OR
"Manufacturing Operator" OR "Manufacturing Associate") AND (Mammalian
OR "Cell Culture") AND (Filtrat* OR Valida* OR Upstream OR Downstream
OR Clean*) AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practices" OR
SOPs OR "Standard Operating Procedure") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*) AND
NOT Senior AND NOT Manager AND NOT Superior

("QA Specialist" OR "Quality Specialist" OR "QA Supervisor" OR "Quality
Supervisor" OR "Quality Analyst" OR "QA Analyst") AND (Gxp OR GMP OR
cGMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practices") AND (Manufactur* OR
Complian* OR "Downstream" OR Upstream) AND (SAP OR Trackwise OR
LIMS OR Sharepoint) AND (Pharma* OR Biotec*)
("Quality Assurance Specialist" OR "QA Specialist" OR "Quality Analyst" OR
"QA Analyst" OR "Quality Supervisor" OR "QA Supervisor" OR "Quality
Specialist" OR "Sr.QA Specialist" OR "Senior Quality Specialist" OR "Senior
Quality Assurance Specialist" OR "Senior Quality") AND (cGMP OR GMP OR
"Good Manufacturing Practice" OR SOPs) AND (CAPA OR Trending OR
"Data Analysis" OR QMP OR KPIs OR "Trending Review" OR "Deviation

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Review" OR Commercial) AND (Outlook OR Word OR Excel OR Powerpoint
OR "Power Point" OR TrackWise) AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("QA Specialist" OR "Quality Specialist" OR "QA Analyst") AND (Gxp OR
GMP OR cGMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practices") AND (SAP OR
Trackwise OR LIMS OR Sharepoint) AND (Manufactur* OR Complian*)
AND (Pharma* OR Biotec*)
("QA Specialist" OR "QC Specialist" OR "Quality Control Specialist" OR
"Quality Supervisor" OR "QA Supervisor" OR "QC Coordinator" OR "Quality
Assurance Specialist") AND (cGmp OR GMP OR "Good Manufacturing
Practi*" OR SOPs) AND (Drug OR "Manufact* of Drug" OR "Drug Manufac*"
OR "Drug Product Manufac*" OR "Clinical Packa*" OR Label* OR "Clinical
Operat*" OR Validation OR Investigat* OR "Medical Device*" OR Trackwise
OR ""Clinical Product* OR "Batch Records" OR CMO OR CAPA) AND
(Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Training and Compliance Specialist" OR "Compliance Specialist" OR
"Compliance Manager" OR "Compliance Coordinator" OR "Compliance
Analyst") AND (Train* OR Complianc* OR "Training System") AND
(Documanta* OR "Version Control" OR Process* OR Fill* OR Manual OR
"Electronic Files" Trackwise OR "Master Control" OR Metrics) AND (Word
OR Excel OR "Ms Office" OR "Microsoft Suite") AND (Pharma* OR Biot*)
("Compliance Specialist" OR "Compliance Lead" OR "Compliance Analyst"
OR "Compliance Supervisor") AND (Train* OR "Training System") AND
(Documanta* OR Process* OR Fill* OR Manual OR "Electronic Files"
Trackwise OR Metrics) AND (Word OR Excel OR Outlook) AND (Pharma*
OR Biot*)
("System Engineer" OR "Senior System Engineer" OR "System Admin*" OR
"System Engineer" OR "Windows Admin*" OR "Server Admin*" OR
"Windows Server Admin*") AND ("Lotus Notes" OR "Message Bus" OR
"Microsoft Exchange Server" OR "Microsoft Exchange" OR Outlook OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("System Administrator" OR "System Admin*" OR "System Engineer" OR
"Help Desk support" OR "Desktop Support" OR "System Support") AND
("Windows Server" OR "Microsoft Servers*" OR "Windows 2012" OR
"Windows 2008R2" OR "Legacy 2003R2") AND ("Virtual Platforms" OR
VMware OR Virtual* OR "MS Hyper" OR Hyper* OR Citrix OR "Citrix Xen"
OR "Virtual Servers")
("Manufacturing Project*" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Supervisor" OR "Project manager") AND ("Project
management" OR "Portfolio Management" OR Portfolio) AND
("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR
"Manufacturing Oper*" OR Manufa*) AND (Validation OR Configuration OR
Schedule OR Plan* OR Operation) AND (Word AND Excel AND Powerpoint)
AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Manufacturing Project*" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Supervisor") AND ("Project management" OR
"Portfolio Management" OR Portfolio) AND ("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing"
OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Manufacturing Operations" OR
Manuf* ) AND (Word AND Excel AND Powerpoint) AND (Pharma* OR
("Manufacturing Project*" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Supervisor") AND ("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing"
OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Manufacturing Operations" OR
Manuf* ) AND (Word AND Excel AND Powerpoint) AND (Pharma* OR
("Manufacturing Project*" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Supervisor") AND ("Portfolio Management" OR
Portfolio OR "Project Portfolio") AND ("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR
"Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Manufacturing Operations") AND
(Word OR Excel OR Powerpoint OR "Power Point" OR "MS Project*" OR
"Microsoft Project*") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing specialist" OR "Manufacturing
Manager" OR "Manufacturing Supervisor" OR "Manufacturing Proj*") AND
("Project portfol*" OR Portfolio* OR "Manage Projects") AND

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR
Manufactur*) AND (Word OR Excel OR PowerPoint OR "Power Point") AND
(Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Manufacturing Team Lead" OR "Manufacturing Technician Lead" OR
"Manufacturing Technician Supervisor" OR "Manufacturing Lead" OR
"Manufacturing specialist" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Supervisor" OR "Manufacturing Proj*") AND ("Project portfol*" OR Portfolio*
OR "Manage Projects") AND ("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Bio
pharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR Manufactur*) AND Pharma*
("Remedy Analyst" OR "Remedy Business Analyst") AND ("BMC Remedy"
OR "Business Model Canvas" OR "BMC 7.6" OR "BMC Reme*" OR BMC)
AND (Redhat OR Linux) AND ("Web Service" OR Oracle OR Database OR
ITIL OR Framewok)
("SAP Supply Chain Specialist" OR "Supply Chain Specialist" OR "Supply
Chain Analyst" OR "Supply Chain Bussi*") AND (SAP OR MM OR WM
BOM OR SD OR QM OR "Product Versions" OR Manufa* OR "SAP ECC"
OR "Material Manage*" OR "Scale Distri*" OR "Warehouse Manage*" OR
"Quality Manag*" OR "Application Speci*") AND ("Information Tech*" OR
"Operation Manag*" )
("SAP Supply Chain Specialist" OR "Supply Chain Specialist" OR "Supply
Chain Analyst" OR "Supply Chain Busi*" OR "Supply Chain Manager" OR
"Business Analyst") AND (SAP OR MM OR WM BOM OR SD OR QM OR
"Product Versions" OR Manufa* OR "SAP ECC" OR "Material Manage*" OR
"Scales Distri*" OR "Warehouse Manage*" OR "Quality Manag*" ) AND
("Supply Chain" OR "Supply Chain Manag*")
("Mainframe EDI Developer" OR "EDI Developer" OR "Mainframe
Developer") AND (EDI OR FTP OR sFTP OR NDM OR Mainfram*) AND
(X12 OR "EDI Data" OR "EDI 837" OR "EDI 835" OR "EDI 277" OR "EDI
999") AND (Coding OR REXX OR "REXX Programs") AND (Claims OR
"Healthcare Claims")
("Computer Operator" AND "System Support" OR "System Operator" OR "Pc
Operator" OR "PC Support Operator") AND ("Tape Drives" OR Tapes OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Load Tapes" OR "Unload Tapes" OR "Load Printers" OR "Backup Tapes" OR
Print*) AND (Periphe* OR Monite* OR "Computer Systems" OR Torubl*)
("Release Engineer" OR "Operation Engineer" OR "Release Manage*") AND
(Jenkins OR Maven OR git OR ant OR Java OR Node OR bower OR Rhel OR
OSX OR Windows OR Agile OR Kanban) AND ("Build Infra*" OR "Build
("QC Analyst" OR "QA Analyst" OR "Quality Controller" OR "Quality
Analyst" OR QC OR QA) AND ("Lab Operations" OR "Manufacturing
Operations" OR Valida* OR Manufact* OR Test* OR "Drug Manufac*") AND
(GMP OR cGMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practices") AND ("Cell Cultur*"
OR Potency OR "Bio assays") AND (Pharma* OR Biot*)
("Technical Writer" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR "Documentation
Writer" OR "Document Writer") AND ("Standard Operating Procedures" OR
SOP OR "Manufacturing Batch Records" OR MBR OR "Formulation
Preparation Records" OR FP) AND (Tamplat* PTS OR Manifactu* OR
"Document Review*" OR "Tech Transfe*" OR "Maintain Records" OR
"Document Revisions" OR "Spread Sheets") AND (Pharma* OR Bio* OR "Life
("Technical Writer" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR "Documentation
Writer" OR "Document Writer") AND ("Standard Operating Procedures" OR
SOP OR "Manufacturing Batch Records" OR MBR OR "Formulation
Preparation Records" OR FP) AND (Pharma* OR Bio* OR "Life Science")
("Technical Writer" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR "Documentation
Writer" OR "Document Writer") AND ("Standard Operating Procedures" OR
SOP OR MBR OR "Formulation Preparation Records" OR FPR) AND
(Tamplat* OR PTS OR Manifactu* OR "Spread Sheets") AND (Pharma* OR
Bio* OR "Life Science")
("Technical Writer" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR "Documentation
Control*" OR "Documentation Writer" OR "Document Writer") AND
("Standard Operating Procedures" OR SOPs OR "Manufacturing Batch
Records" OR MBR OR "Formulation Preparation Records" OR FP OR PTS OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Manufacturing OR PD OR "Batch Records") AND (Pharma* OR Bio* OR
"Life Science")
("Technical Support Specialist" OR "Technical Operation Specia*" OR "Tech
Support" OR "Technical Operator" OR "Technical Engineer" OR "Desktop
Support" OR "System System*") AND (Linux OR Solaris OR Windows OR
VMware OR Cloud OR EC2 OR "S3 Storage" OR RDS OR Applicati* OR
Networking) AND (Monitor OR Maintai* OR Upgrad* OR Patch*)
("Marketing Supervisor" OR "Marketing Manager" OR "Marketing Lead" OR
"Marketing Executive" OR "Business Executive" OR "Business Manager" OR
"Business Developer") AND (NATPARA OR "NATPARA Speaker" OR
"Speaker Programs" OR "Marketing Progra*" OR "Peer to Peer Progra*" OR
"Speaker Trai*" OR Imple*) AND (HCPs OR "Healthcare Professionals" OR
KOL OR "Key Opinion Leader") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Marketing Supervisor" OR "Marketing Manager" OR "Marketing Lead" OR
"Marketing Executive" OR "Marketing*" OR "Product Marketing" OR
"Business Executive") AND (NATPARA OR "NATPARA Speaker" OR
"Speaker Programs" OR "Peer to Peer Progra*" OR "Speaker*") AND (HCPs
OR "Healthcare Professionals" OR KOL OR "Key Opinion Leader") AND
(Pharma* OR Bio*)
("System Administrator" OR "Server Admin*" OR "System Engineer") AND
(Websphere OR "Websphere Node" OR "Weblogic Server" OR "Weblogic
Appli*" OR Cluster OR Webserver OR "Web server") AND (Upgra* OR
Installa* OR Migrati*) AND (IBM OR HTTP OR "Virtual Host" OR SSL OR
IHS OR OHS JMS OR Peoplesoft)
("Training Coordinator" OR "Training Associate" OR "Training Specialist" OR
"Training Admin*" OR "Training Executive" OR "Training Supervisor") AND
(LMS OR "Learning Management System") AND (Compliance OR "Training
Complia*") AND ("Manufacturing Opera*" OR Manufac*) AND (TrackWise
OR SABA OR Word OR Excel OR Outlook) AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Training Coordinator" OR "Training Associate" OR "Training Specialist" OR
"Training Programmer" OR "Training Admin*" OR "Training Executive")
AND (LMS OR "Learning Management System") AND (TrackWise OR SABA
OR Word OR Excel OR Outlook) AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Training Coordinator" OR "Training Associate" OR "Training Specialist" OR
"Training Executive" OR "Training Admin*" OR "Training Supervisor" OR
"Training Instruc*" OR Instruc*) AND (LMS OR "Learning Management
System") AND (GMP OR "Good Manufacture Practice" OR "Manufacturing
Opera*" OR "Manufacturing Manag*") AND (TrackWise OR SABA OR Word
OR Excel OR Outlook) AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Training Coordinator" OR "Training Associate" OR "Training Specialist" OR
"Training Executive" OR "Training Admin*" OR "Training Supervisor" OR
"Training Profe*" OR "Training Lead" OR "Administrative Assi*" OR
"Training Client Specia*" OR "Training Instruc*") AND (LMS OR "Learning
Management System") AND (GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practice" OR
"Manufacturing Opera*" OR "Manufacturing Manag*") AND (Train* OR
TrackWise OR SABA OR Word OR Excel OR Outlook) AND (Pharma* OR
"Training Coordinator" AND (LMS OR "Learning Management System") AND
(GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practice" OR "Manufacturing Opera*" OR
"Manufacturing Manag*") AND (Train* OR TrackWise OR SABA OR Word
OR Excel OR Outlook) AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Training coordinator" OR "training*" OR "LMS Admin*" OR "Learning
Admin*" OR "Learning Coordinator") AND (LMS OR "learning management
system") AND (GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practice" OR "Manufacturing
Opera*" OR "Manufacturing Manag*") AND (trackwise OR SABA) AND
(Biotech* OR R&D OR Science OR Pharma*) AND NOT Senior AND NOT
("Training Coordinator" OR "Training Specialist" OR "Training Admin*" OR
"Learning Specialist" OR "Learning Coordinator" OR "Learning Admin*")
AND (LMS OR "learning management system") AND (GMP OR "Good
Manufacturing Practice" OR "Manufacturing Opera*" OR "Manufacturing
Manag*") AND (Biotech* OR Science OR Pharma*)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("training coordinator" or "training admin*" or "training Specialist" or "training
executive" or "Executive Admin*" or "training administrative" or "learning
admin*" or "learning coordinator" ) and ("manufactur*" or "site manufacturing"
or "manufacturing operations" or GMP or cGMP) and ("learning management
system" or "lms") and (pharma* or Bio*)
("Lead Recruiter" OR "Contract Recruiter" OR "Talent Acquisition" OR
"Recruiting Specialist" OR "Senior Recruiter" OR "HR Recruiter") AND
Pharma* AND NOT "IT Recruit*"
("Business Process Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business
Analyst" OR "Business Consultant" OR "Business Analysis" OR "Business
Process Manager") AND ("Physical Records Manage*" OR "Electronic Records
Manage*" OR ERM OR "Electronic Health Records" OR EHR OR "Electronic
Records*") AND (Collabora* OR Stakehold*) AND (Excel OR Outlook OR
word OR "Ms Project") AND Pharma*
("Business Process Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business
Analyst" OR "Business Consultant" OR "Business Analysis" OR "Business
Process Manager" OR "Clinical Business
Analyst") AND ("Physical Records Manage*" OR "Electronic Records
Manage*" OR ERM OR "Electronic Health Records" OR EHR OR "Electronic
Medical Records*" OR EMR) AND (Collabora* OR Stakehold*) AND (Excel
OR Outlook OR word OR "Ms Project") AND Pharma*
("Business Process Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business
Analyst" OR "Business Consultant" OR "Business Analysis" OR "Clinical
Business Analyst" OR "Clinical Business*") AND ("Physical Records
Manage*" OR "Electronic Records Manage*" OR ERM OR "Electronic Health
Records" OR EHR OR "Electronic Medical Records" OR EMR) AND pharma*
("Research Associate" OR "Pharmacology Associate" OR "Assistant Scientist"
OR "Research Assistant") AND ("cell culture" OR "cell-based assays") AND
(Pharmacology OR "molecular biology" OR "cellular biology")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("HR Administrative Assistant" OR "HR Assistant" OR "Administrative
Assistant" OR "Office Administrative" OR "Front office*") AND ("Distribute
mails" OR Catering* OR "Google drive" OR "Google Mails" OR Mails) AND
(HR OR "Human Resource*")
Accountant AND ("Preparing Account" OR Finance OR Account* OR
Database) AND (Oracle OR Excel OR Access OR Word)
Accountant AND ("Preparing Account" OR Finance OR Account* OR
Database) AND (Oracle OR Excel OR Access OR Word) AND ("monthl*" or
"closing") AND reconciliation
("Windows Application Develop*" OR "Application Develop*" OR "Windows
App*") AND (.Net AND Angularjs AND Cordova AND Html5 AND API)
AND (Jenkins OR "Lint tool" OR "Mobile Analy*")
("Windows Application Dev*" OR "Application Dev*" OR "Windows App*"
OR "Application Designer" OR "Application Archit*") AND (.Net OR Html5
OR API OR Javascripts OR "Java Scripts") AND ("Mobile Analy*" OR
Angularjs OR Cordova OR Jenkins OR "Lint tool" OR "Mobile App*" OR
"Unit Test creat*")
("Sr. Network Engineer" OR "Network Engineer" OR "Network Administrator"
OR "Network Analy*") AND (LAN OR WAN OR "TCP/IP" OR DNS OR
(Installa* OR COnfig* OR Test* OR Maintain*)
("Laboratory Calibration Technician" OR "Lab Calibration Technician" OR
"Laboratory Technician" OR "Lab Technician") AND (Calibrat* AND
Maintain* AND Repair) AND ("Clean Room" OR Operation OR Metrology
OR Toxicological OR "Clinical Trial*") AND (GMP OR cGMP OR "Good
Manufacturing Practice") AND "Pharma* OR Bio*"
("Laboratory Calibration Technician" OR "Lab Calibration Technician" OR
"Laboratory Technician" OR "Lab Technician" OR "Calibration Technician"
OR "Calibration Lab Technician") AND(Calibrat* OR "Calibration Activities")
AND (GMP OR cGMP OR "Good Manufacturing Practice") AND "Pharma*
OR Bio*"

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Laboratory Calibration Technician" OR "Lab Calibration Technician" OR
"Calibration Technician" OR "Calibration Lab Technician" OR "Lab
Technician") AND (Drug OR Mammalian OR Bacteria) AND (GMP OR
cGMP) AND (Calibration OR Calibrat* OR "Calibrat* Activities") AND
(Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Phone Screener" OR "Medical Secretary" OR "Medical Clerk" OR "Front
Office Representative" OR "Office Admin*" OR "Front Office Assistant")
AND ("Handling Calls" OR "Patient Queries" OR "Phone Screen*" OR
"Outgoing Calls" OR "Medical Terminology" OR "Medical Termino*") AND
(Medical OR Healthcare OR Pharma*) AND (Spanish OR "Spanish Language")
("Medical Assistant" OR "Medical Clerk" OR "Medical Secretary " OR
"Medical Administrative" OR "Administrative Assistant" OR "Clinical Trial
Assistant" OR "Office Admin*" OR Receptionist ) AND ("Phone Screen*" OR
Answering OR "Handling Calls" OR "Phone Screen*" OR "Outgoing Calls" OR
"Medical Terminology" OR "Medical Termino*" OR "Phone calls") AND
(Healthcare OR Pharam*) AND (Spanish OR "Spanish Language" OR
("Medical Secretary" OR "Medical Admin*" OR "Medical Transcriptionist" OR
"Medical Assistant" OR "Medical Clerk") AND (Transcrip* OR "Pathology
Reports" OR "Patient Reports" OR "Phone Calls" OR "Answer Phone" OR
"Redirect Calls" OR "Medical Terminology" OR Patholog* OR "Data Entry")
("Medical Secretary" OR "Medical Administrative*" OR "Medical
Transcription*" OR "Medical Assistant" OR "Medical Clerk" OR "Medical
Office Assistant" OR "Medical Receptionist" OR "Office Assistant") AND
("Pathology Report*" OR Edit OR Proofread OR "Clinical Report*" OR
"Biopsy Descript*" OR "Patient Reports" OR "Patient Biopsies" OR
Transcription) AND ("Phone Calls" OR "Answer Phone" OR "Redirect Calls"
OR "Electronic Files" OR Email OR Mail OR Filling OR Fax OR Telephone
OR scan OR "Data Entry" OR DataEntry OR "Medical Terminology" OR
Transcription*) AND (Pharma* OR Medical OR "Healthcare")
("Medical Secretary" OR "Medical Administrative*" OR "Medical
Transcription*" OR "Medical Assistant" OR "Medical Clerk" OR "Medical
Office Assistant" OR "Medical Receptionist" OR "Office Assistant" OR "Data
Entry Clerk") AND ("Phone Calls" OR "Answer Phone" OR "Redirect Calls"

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
OR "Electronic Files" OR Email OR Mail OR Filling OR Fax OR Telephone
OR scan OR "Data Entry" OR DataEntry OR "Medical Terminology" OR
Transcription*) AND (Pharma* OR Medical OR "Healthcare")
("Medical Assistant" OR "Medical Clerk" OR "Medical Secretary " OR
"Medical Administrative" OR "Administrative Assistant" OR Receptionist)
AND ("Phone Calls" OR Calls OR Greets OR Escorts OR Answer*) AND
("Directs Visitors" OR "Schedule Patients" OR Appoint* OR Schedul* OR
"Medical Termino*") AND (Medical OR Healthcare OR Pharma*)
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Front Office Assistant" OR "Office
Administrative Assistant" OR "Office Admin" OR "Executive Assis*") AND
(Meeting* OR Calenda* OR "Prepare Present*" OR "Composing Letters")
AND ("Routing Calls" OR "Routing Telephone" OR "handling calls" OR
"Incoming mail" OR "Outgoing mails" OR Emails OR Filling OR Maintai*)
AND (SAP OR Word OR Spreadsheet OR Excel OR Outlook OR "MS Suite"
OR "Microsoft Suite")
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Front Office Assistant" OR "Office
Administrative Assistant" OR "Office Admin") AND (Meeting* OR Calenda*
OR "Prepare Present*" OR "Composing Letters" OR Reports OR Editing) AND
("handling calls" OR "Incoming mail" OR "Outgoing mails" OR Filling OR
"Routing Telephone" OR "Incoming mail" OR Emails OR Filling OR Faxing
OR Typing OR "Student Appoint*" OR Admission) AND (SAP Word OR
Spreadsheet OR Excel OR Outlook)
("Sr. Administrative" OR "Administrative Assistant" OR "Front Office
Assistant" OR "Office Administrative" OR "Office Admin*" OR "Office
Assistant" OR "Front Desk") AND ("Front desk Operat*" OR "Composing
Letters" OR Editing OR "Prepare Present*" OR "Letter Writing") AND
("Routing Calls" OR "Routing Telephone" OR "handling calls" OR "Incoming
mail" OR "Outgoing mails" OR Emails OR Filling OR Faxing OR Typing OR
"Student Appoint*" OR Admission) AND (SAP OR "Word Processing" OR
Word OR Spreadsheet OR Excel OR Outlook)
("CRM Architect" OR "CRM Business Analyst" OR "CRM Analyst" OR
"CRM Analysis" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business Analyst")
AND (CRM OR "Customer Relationship Management" OR "Customer Relation
Manager" OR "Client Relationship Management") AND ("" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Apex OR "Visual Force" OR Crisp OR Concise) AND (SFDC OR "Sales force
Developer Community") AND (Installa* OR Debug* OR Design* OR
("CRM Architect" OR "CRM Business Analyst" OR "CRM Analyst" OR
"CRM Analysis" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business Analyst")
AND (CRM OR "Customer Relationship Management" OR "Customer Relation
Manager" OR "Client Relationship Management") AND (SFDC OR "Sales
force Developer Community") AND (Installa* OR Debug* OR Design* OR
("CRM Business Analyst" OR "CRM Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business
Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "CRM Business Analys*" OR
"Business Manager" OR "Business Architect") AND (CRM OR "Customer
Relation Management" OR "Customer Relation Manager" OR "Customer
Relationship Manager" OR "Customer Relation Management System" OR
"Customer Relation") AND ("Javelin Roster Manager" OR Javelin OR MDM
OR "Master Data Management" OR "Data Management" OR "Veeva Vault"
OR Informatic* OR "Veeva CRM System" OR "Veeva Certific*" OR Veeva)
AND Pharma*
("CRM Business Analyst" OR "CRM Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business
Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "CRM Business Analys*" OR
"Business Manager" OR "Business Architect") AND (CRM OR "Customer
Relation*") AND ("Javelin Roster Manager" OR Javelin OR MDM OR "Master
Data Management" OR "Veeva Vault" OR Informatica OR "Veeva CRM
System" OR "Veeva Certific*" OR Veeva) AND Pharma*
("CRM Architect" OR "Senior CRM Architect" OR "CRM Business Architect"
OR "Sales Force Architect") AND (CRM OR "Customer Relationship
Management" OR "Customer Relation Manager" OR "Client Relationship
Management") AND (sfdc OR "Sales Force Developer Community" OR
"salesforce" OR "")
("IT Portfolio Manager" OR "IT Project Manager" OR "IT Portfolio Analyst")
AND ("Business Plan*" OR "Investment Model*" OR "Portfolio Planning" OR
Portfolio OR "Financial Plan*" OR "IT Business" OR PMO) AND (Analyse

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
OR Schedul* OR Risk OR Plan*) AND (ROI OR "Return On Investment")
AND ("Information Tech*" OR SDLC)
("Sr. Creative Designer" OR "Creative Designer" OR "Creative Architect" OR
"Web Designer" OR "Web Developer" OR "UI Designer") AND ("Design
Vision" OR "Typography" OR "Grid Struct*" OR Color OR "Digital
Prototyping" OR "Collaboration Tools" OR Axure) AND ("Heuristic Analytics"
OR "UX Process" OR Leveraging)
("Employee Relations Specialist" OR "Employee Relationship Specialist" OR
"HR Specialist" OR "Human Resource") AND ("Employee Relations" OR
"Managing Employee" OR "Maintain Employme*" OR "Management
Employee*") AND (HRBP OR "Human Resource Business Professional" OR
"HR Strategies" OR Federal OR "HR laws" OR "HR Principles" OR "HR
Methods" OR "HR Shares Services" OR "HRIS Systems" OR Policies OR "HR
Functions") AND (SAP OR Word OR Excel OR Powerpoint OR Outlook)
("Employee Relations Specialist" OR "Employee Relationship Specialist" OR
"HR Specialist" OR "Human Resource" OR "Human Resources") AND
("Employee Relations" OR "Managing Employee" OR "Maintain Employme*"
OR "Management Employee*") AND (HRBP OR "Human Resource Business
Professional" OR "HR Strategies" OR Federal OR "HR laws" OR "HR
Principles" OR "HR Methods" OR "HR Shares Services" OR "HRIS Systems"
OR Policies OR "HR Functions") AND (SAP OR Word OR Excel OR
Powerpoint OR Outlook)
"Scanner Operator" AND (Initiat* OR Prepping OR "Trouble Shooting" OR
Editing OR "Scanner Errors" OR Downstream) AND ("Prepare Documents"
OR "Scanning Process" OR "Operate Scanner")
(Prepping OR "Trouble Shooting" OR Editing OR "Scanner Errors" OR
Downstream OR "Document Scanning" OR Scann*) AND ("Scanner Operator"
OR "Computer operator" OR "Desk Support" OR "Scanning Operator")
("Scanning Operator" OR "Scanner Operator" OR "Printing Operator") AND
(Prepping OR "Trouble Shooting" OR Editing OR "Scanner Errors" OR
Downstream OR "Document Scanning" OR Scann*)
("Development Engineer" OR "Development Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Manager" OR "Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing Team Lead") AND

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
(cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacturing") AND (Upstream OR "Upstream
Manufactur*" OR "Cell Culture" OR "Cell Harvest" OR Bioreactors OR
Fermentation OR "Roller Bottles" OR "Cellular Metabolism" OR Mammalian)
AND (Chemical OR "Biochemical Engineer*" OR "Biological Engineer*)
("Development Engineer" OR "Process Develop*" OR "Development Manager"
OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing
Team Lead") AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good Manufacturing") AND
(Upstream OR "Cell Culture" OR "Cell Harvest" OR "Bio reactors" OR
Fermentation OR "Roller Bottles" OR "Cellular Metabolism" OR Mammalian)
AND (Pharma* OR BIO*)
("Development Engineer" OR "Process Develop*" OR "Process Engineer" OR
"Development Manager" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Team Lead") AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good
Manufacturing*") AND (Upstream OR "Cell Culture" OR "Cell Harvest" OR
"Bio reactors" OR Fermentation OR "Roller Bottles" OR "Cellular Metabolism"
OR Mammalian)
("Development Engineer" OR "Process Develop*" OR "Process Engineer" OR
"Development Manager" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Team Lead") AND (cGMP OR GMP OR "Good
Manufacturing*") AND (Upstream OR Downstream OR Chromatography OR
Filtra* OR "Clinical Process") AND ("Chemical Engineeer*" OR
"Biochemistry" OR "Protein Chemistry" OR Pharma* OR Bio*) AND (AKTA
OR TFF OR "Tangential Flow Filtration")
("QC Scientist" OR "Quality Control Scientist" OR "Microbiology Scientist"
OR "QA Scientist" OR "QC Associate") AND (GMP OR "Good
Manufacturing" OR "cGMP") AND (LAL OR Testing OR Investiga* OR
Validation OR Reports OR "Laboratory Note*" OR Document* OR Records
OR "Data Sheets")
("MMA Developer" OR "MMA Engineer" OR "MMA Designer" OR "Media
Accelerator Developer" OR "Media Accelerator Engineer" OR "Media Arts
Developer" OR "Multimedia Developer") AND (MMA OR MMAs OR "MMA
Builds" OR "MMA Lab" OR "MMA 2.0" OR "MMA Servers") AND (RedHat
OR CentOS OR Linux OR "Shell Scripting" OR BASH OR "Cobbler Linux")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
AND (Opscode OR Python OR VMware OR "Hyper-V" OR Virtualiza* OR Git
OR Automat*)
("Multimedia Developer" OR "Gaming Developer" OR "Games Developer" OR
"Media Accelerator Developer") AND ("MMA 2.0" OR "MMA Servers")
("Multimedia Developer" OR "Media Accelerator Developer" OR "Media
Accelerator Engineer" OR "MMA Developer" OR "MMA Engineer")
(RedHat OR CentOS OR Linux OR "Shell Scripting" OR BASH OR "Cobbler
Linux") AND (Opscode OR Python OR VMware OR "Hyper-V" OR
Virtualiza* OR Git OR Automat*) AND ("Media Designer" OR "Median
Developer" OR "Media Accelerator Designer" OR "MMA Designer" OR
"MMA Designer")
("Multimedia Designer" OR "Multimedia Developer" OR "Media Accelerator
Developer" OR "Media Accelerator Engineer" OR "MMA Developer" OR
"MMA Engineer") AND (MMA OR MMAs OR "MMA 2.0" OR "MMA
Servers") AND (RedHat OR CentOS OR Linux OR "Shell Scripting" OR
BASH OR "Cobbler Linux") AND (Opscode OR Python OR VMware OR
"Hyper-V" OR Virtualiza* OR Git OR Automat*)
("Media Designer" OR "Media Developer" OR "Media Accelera*" OR "Media
("Media Marketing Automa*" OR )
("Media Marketing Automa*" OR "Media Designer" OR "Media Developer"
OR "Media Accelera*" OR "Media Engineer" OR "Digital Designer" OR
"Digital Designer engineer" OR "Multimedia Designer" OR "Media
Accelerator") AND (MMA OR MMAs OR "MMA 2.0" OR "MMA Servers")
AND (RedHat OR CentOS OR Linux OR Shell OR "Shell Scripting" OR
BASH OR "Cobbler Linux") AND (Opscode OR Python OR Program* OR
"Python Program*" OR Git OR Automat*) AND (VMware OR "Hyper-V" OR
("CRM Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "Business
Analyst") AND (CRM OR "Customer Relationship Management" OR
"Customer Relationship Manager" OR "Client Relation*") AND ("Javelin
Roster" OR Javelin OR "Veeva Vault" OR Informatica OR Veeva OR "Data
Management") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Java Software Engineer" OR "Java Developer" OR "Software Engineer" OR
"Software Developer") AND ("Shell Layout" OR "Integrat*" OR "Back end"
Frameworks OR Spring OR Hibernate) AND (RDBM OR Mysql OR SQL OR
"Database") AND (GIT OR "Automated Test* OR RSpec OR TDD OR
Cucumber OR BDD OR RESTful)
("Java Software Engineer" OR "Java Developer" OR "Software Engineer" OR
"Software Developer" OR "Java Program*") AND ("Shell Layout" OR
"Integrat*" OR API OR JEE OR JAVA OR Frameworks OR Spring OR
Hibernate OR RDBM OR Mysql OR SQL OR "Database" OR DBMS) AND
(GIT OR "Automated Test* OR RSpec OR TDD OR Cucumber OR BDD)
("QC Coordinator" OR "Quality Coordinator" OR "QC Investigator" OR
"Quality Investigator" OR Coordinator OR "Office Assistant" OR "Office
Coordinator" OR "Front Office Coordina*") AND (Delivery OR "Transferring
Product*" OR Distribut* OR "Maintaining Sample" OR "Submitting Work" OR
Pickup) AND ("Data Entry" OR Dataentry OR "Computer Proficiency" OR
"Customer Service Representat*")
("Project Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Scientific Project*" OR "Scientific
Manager" OR "Scientific Project Lead") AND (Planning OR Schedul* OR
Implement* OR Reporting OR Management OR "Drug Develop*") AND
(Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Project Lead" OR "Scientific Project Manager" OR "Scientific Project*" OR
"Scientific Manager" OR "Scientific Project Lead" OR "Clinical Project*" OR
"Scientific lead" OR Scientist) AND ("Drug Develop*" OR "Drug Manag*" OR
"Drug Research" OR "Drug Analy*") AND (Pharma* OR Clinica* OR
Scientif* OR Bio*) AND Phase
("Production Designer" OR "Print Production" OR "Creative Designer") AND
("Page Layout" OR XML OR "Technical Art*" OR "Print Page" OR "Print
Page Composition" OR Adobe OR "Adobe Creative Suite")
("Production Designer" OR "Creative Designer" OR "Technical Designer" OR
"Prepress Specialist" OR "Print Designer" OR "Page Maker" OR "Page
Designer" OR "Web Designer") AND ("Page Layouts" OR "Technical Art*"
OR "Print Page" OR "Print Page Composition" OR Adobe OR "Adobe Creative
Suite" OR "Print Production") AND (XML OR "XML Generation" OR HTML)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Business Planning Analyst" OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems
Analyst") AND (Facilities AND Engineer*) AND (Planning OR Reporting OR
"F&E Budget" OR "Budget Manage* OR Budget* OR Manage*) AND
(Accounting OR Finance OR "Sound Finance" OR "Business Plan*" OR
"Financial Plan*" OR "Business Model*") AND (SAP OR BW OR SRM OR
"Supplier Relationship Manag*" OR Hyperion OR HFM OR Essbase OR "MS-
Excel Finance")
("Client Support Specialist" OR "Technical Support" OR "Help Desk" OR
"Service Desk" OR "Tech* Support Specialist" OR "IT Resource Executive"
OR "IT Specialist" OR "Desk Support") AND (Answer* OR "Remote
Technolog*" OR Remote OR "Computing Applications*" OR "Network
Applications" OR "IT Resource") AND (Windows OR "Microsoft Windows"
OR "Macintosh OS" OR Macintosh)
("Client Support Specialist" OR "Technical Support" OR "Help Desk" OR "IT
Help Desk" OR "Service Desk" OR "Tech* Support Specialist" OR "IT
Resource Executive" OR "IT Specialist" OR "IT Support" OR "Desk Support"
OR "Desktop Support") AND (Answer* OR "Phone calls" OR "Client Support"
OR "Customer Support") AND ("Remote access Technolog*" OR "Remote
Technolog*" OR "Remote Access" OR "Computing Applications*" OR
"Computer Applications" OR "Network Applications" OR "IT Resource") AND
("Windows Systems" OR "Windows OS" OR "Microsoft Windows" OR
"Windows Operat*" OR "Macintosh OS" OR Macintosh OR Mac)
("Telephonic Case Manager" OR "Register Nurse" OR "Case Manager" OR
"Healthcare Case Manage*") AND ("Counsel Patients" OR Interpreting OR
Answer* OR "Customer service" OR "Medical Profession*") AND ("Prior Case
Manage*" OR "Case Manage*" OR "Prior Reimburse*" OR Reimburse* OR
"Reimbursement Scenarios")
("Telephonic Case Manager" OR "Register Nurse" OR "RN Case Manage*" OR
"Registered Nurse Case Manager" OR "Case Manager" OR "Healthcare Case
Manage*" OR "Nursing Supervisor") AND ("Counsel Patients" OR Interpreting
OR Answer* OR "Customer service" OR "Medical Profession*") AND ("Prior
Case Manage*" OR "Case Management*" OR "Prior Reimburse*" OR
Reimburs* OR "Reimbursement Scenarios") AND (Pharma* OR Healthcare)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("AudioVisual Technician" OR "AV Technician" OR "AudioVisual Engineer"
OR "AV Engineer") AND ("A/V Equipment" OR Repair OR Maintenance OR
"A/V Peripherals" OR MAC )
("Audiovisual Technician" OR "Audiovisual Specialist" OR "Audiovisual
Support" OR "Audio Visual Support" OR "AV Technician" OR "Audiovisual
Engineer" OR "AV Engineer" OR "Audiovideo Technician" OR "Conferencing
technologies support") AND ("A/V Equipment" OR Repair OR Maintenance
OR "A/V Peripherals" OR MAC )
("Audio Visual Technician" OR "Audio/video Technician" OR "Audiovisual
Technician" OR "Audiovisual Specialist" OR "Audiovisual Support" OR
"Audio Visual Support" OR "AV Technician" OR "Audiovisual Engineer" OR
"AV Engineer" OR "Audio video Technician" OR "Conferencing technologies
support" OR "Video Conference Specialist")
("Learning & Event Technology Specialist" OR "Event Technology Specialist"
OR "Audio/video Technician" OR "Audiovisual Technician" OR "Audiovisual
Specialist" OR "AV Technician" OR "Audio/Visual Technician") AND
("Learning Management" OR "Audio/Visual Control" OR "Video Streaming"
OR "Web Casting" OR "Video Record*" OR "System Design" OR Upgrades
OR Installat* OR "Event Tech*" OR "Conferencing technologies support" OR
"Video Conference Specialist")
("IT Project Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "IT Program Manager" OR "IT
Project Lead") AND ("MS Share point" OR "MS Project" OR "IT Project
Management") AND ("Project Timeline" OR Milestone OR Reporting OR
Schedul* OR Mitigation) AND Pharma*
("HR Generalist" OR "Human Resources Generalist" OR "HR Analyst") AND
("Business Strategies" OR "HR Solutions" OR "HR Metrics" OR "HR Policies"
OR "HR Program" OR "HR Function" OR "HRBP" OR "HR Business" OR
"HR Data Management" OR "Talent Acquisition" OR "Employee Relations*")
AND Pharma*
("Documentation Control Specialist" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR
"Documentation Coordinator") AND ("Document Coordination Activities" OR
"Documentation Management" OR "Document Coordination" OR GMP OR
"Good Manufact*") AND ("Batch Records" OR "Share Point" OR Trackwise
OR "SAP Program" OR SAP) AND (Pharma* OR Scientific OR Bio*)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Document Specialist" OR "Document Coordinator" OR "Document Control
Specialist" OR "Document Control Specialist" OR "Documentation Control
Specialist" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR "Documentation Coordinator")
AND ("Document Coordination Activities" OR "Documentation Management"
OR "Document Coordination" OR "Document Management" OR GMP OR
"Good Manufact*") AND ("Batch Records" OR "Share Point" OR Trackwise
OR "SAP Program" OR SAP) AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Manufacturing Project*" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Supervisor" OR "Project manager") AND ("Project
management" OR "Portfolio Management" OR Portfolio) AND
("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR
"Manufacturing Oper*" OR Manufa*) AND (Validation OR Configuration OR
Schedule OR Plan* OR Operation) AND (Word AND Excel AND Powerpoint)
AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Manufacturing Operations Manger" OR "Manufacturing Project Manager"
OR "Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
process Engineer") AND ("Project Portfolio" OR "Portfolio Project*" OR
Portfolio) AND ("Manufacturing Operations" OR "Manufacturing Processes"
OR "Pharma* Manufacturing" OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing") AND
("Project Schedule" OR "Project Execution" OR "Project Management") AND
(Word AND Excel AND "Power point") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Manufacturing Operations Manger" OR "Manufacturing Project Manager"
OR "Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
process Engineer") AND ("Project Portfolio" OR "Portfolio Project*" OR
Portfolio) AND ("Manufacturing Operations" OR "Manufacturing Processes"
OR "Pharma* Manufacturing" OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing") AND
(Word AND Excel AND "Power point") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Manufacturing Lead" OR "Manufacturing specialist" OR "Manufacturing
Manager" OR "Manufacturing Supervisor" OR "Manufacturing Proj*") AND
("Project Management" OR Portfolio*) AND ("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing"
OR "Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing") AND (Word OR Excel OR
PowerPoint) AND (Pharma* OR Bio*) AND ("Operations Manage*" OR
"Manufacturing Operations")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Manufacturing Project*" OR "Manufacturing Manager" OR "Manufacturing
Lead" OR "Manufacturing Operations Manage*" OR "Manufacturing Operation
Manager" OR "Process Engineer" OR "Process Engineer" OR "Manufacturing
Process Engineer") AND ("Project management" OR "Portfolio Management"
OR Portfolio) AND ("Pharmaceutical Manufacturing" OR "Biopharmaceutical
Manufacturing" OR "Manufacturing Processes" OR "Manufacturing
Operations") AND (Word AND Excel OR "Power point" OR Powerpoint OR
"MS Project*" OR "Microsoft Project*") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Customer Service Representative" OR "Customer Service Executive" OR
"Public Service Representative" OR "Public Service Receptionist" OR CSR )
AND (Filling OR Scanning OR "Data Entry" OR Documentation OR Business
OR DataEntry) AND ("MS Office" OR "Microsoft Office" OR Outlook OR
Word OR Excel) ADN (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Customer Service Representative" OR "Customer Service Executive" OR
CSR OR "Public Service Representative" OR "Public Service Recep*") AND
(Business OR "Business Admin" OR Filling OR Scanning OR "Data Entry" OR
"Incoming phone call" OR "Phone calls") AND ("MS Office" OR "Microsoft
Office" OR Outlook OR Word OR Excel)
("Customer Service Representative" OR "Customer Service Executive" OR
Customer Relation*) AND ("Inbound Calls" OR "Outbound Calls" OR
"Answering calls" OR "Answering phone" OR filing OR "Data Entry" OR
Dataentry OR "Phone Calls") AND ("MS Office" OR "Microsoft Office" OR
Outlook OR Word OR Excel)
("Lab Technician" OR "Lab Operator" OR "Laboratory Technician") AND
("Wet Process Operat*" OR Filter* OR Pimps OR "Transfer swings" OR "Wet
Process" OR "Climb Labbers" OR Plan* OR Delegation OR "Set-up") AND
(SOPs OR "Master Batch Records" OR MBR OR "Batch Records")
("Java Software Engineer" OR "Java Developer" OR "Java Engineer") AND
(JEE OR Java OR Hibernate OR Spring OR GIT OR "Testing Methodology"
OR RSpec OR TDD OR Cucumber OR BDD OR Agile OR RDBMS OR mysql
OR Sql OR DBMS OR REST OR API OR "Shell Layout")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("QA Specialist" OR "QC Specialist" OR "Quality Assurance Specialist" OR
"Quality Controller") AND ("Drug OR "Drug Substance" OR "Drug Product
Manufact*" OR "Clinical Pack*" OR Label* OR CMOs OR COA OR CAPA
OR Investiga* OR "Clinical Product*" OR "Medical Devi*" OR Tackwise)
AND (GMP OR cGMP OR SOPs OR "Good Manufact*") AND (Pharma* OR
("QA Specialist" OR "Quality Assurance Specialist" OR "Sr. QA Specialist"
OR "Senior QA specialist") AND ("QA Compliance" OR "Deviation Review"
OR Trending OR "CAPA Review" OR CAPA) AND (QMP OR KPIs OR "Data
Analys*" OR "Cross Function") AND (GMP OR cGMP OR "Good Manager
Practic*") AND (Outlook OR Word OR Excel OR PowerPoint TrackWise)
AND Pharma*

("Client Side Software Engineer" OR "Java Software Engineer" OR "Lead

Software Engineer" OR "Developer Developer" OR "Software Developer" OR
"Lead Software Developer") AND ("Angularjs" OR "Bootstrap" OR "CSS 3"
OR JavaScript OR "Java Script" OR "Node.Js" OR "Brower" OR Grunt OR
RESTful OR "Web Services" OR Agile OR AWS OR "Cloud Service" OR
Linux OR OSX OR GIT OR "Testing Methodology" OR RSpec OR TDD OR
BDD OR Cucumber) AND ("Front end Develop*" OR "Front end rout*" OR
"Front End" OR "Client side Templat*")

("Client Side Software Engineer" OR "Java Software Engineer" OR "Lead

Software Engineer" OR "Software Developer") AND (Angularjs OR Bootstrap
OR CSS OR JavaScript OR "Java Script") AND (GIT OR Agile OR "Testing
Methodology" OR RSpec OR TDD OR BDD OR RESTful OR "Cloud
Services" OR AWS OR "Cloud Technologies" OR "Design Patterns" OR
"Object Oriented Design" OR "Web Services")

("Senior Operation Developer" OR "Operation Developer" OR "Operation

Engineer") AND (MOC OR "Massachusetts open cloud" OR "MOC
Infrastructure" OR "MOC Production" OR "IT Infrastructure" OR
Infrastructure) AND ("Cloud Comput*" OR OpenStack OR Puppet OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Automation Tools" OR Debugg* OR Automation OR Monitor* OR "Shell
Scripts" OR "Setting Infrastructure" OR "Setting Up Systems" OR Storage OR
Networking OR Ceph OR Mysql OR MariaDB OR Linux OR "RedHat 7" OR

("Senior Operation Developer" OR "Operation Developer" OR "Operation

Engineer" OR "Infrastructure operation Engineer" OR "Infrastructure Operation
Developer" OR "Develop* Engineer" OR "Devops Engineer" OR "Dev/Ops
Engineer" OR "Dev/Ops") AND ("IT Infrastructure" OR "Cloud Comput*" OR
Cloud OR OpenStack OR Puppet OR "Automation Tools" OR Debugg* OR
Automation OR "Shell Scripts" OR "Setting Infrastructure" OR "Setting Up
Systems" OR Storage OR Networking OR Ceph OR Mysql OR MariaDB)
("Senior Operation Developer" OR "Operation Developer" OR "Operation
Engineer" OR "Infrastructure operation Engineer" OR "Infrastructure Operation
Developer" OR "Develop* Engineer" OR "Devops Engineer" OR "Dev/Ops
Engineer" OR "Dev/Ops") AND ("IT Infrastructure" OR "Cloud Comput*" OR
Cloud OR OpenStack OR Puppet OR "Automation Tools" OR Debugg* OR
Automation OR "Shell Scripts" OR "Setting Infrastructure" OR "Setting Up
Systems" OR Storage OR Networking OR Ceph OR Mysql OR MariaDB)
("Data Warehousing Analyst" OR "Data Warehouse Analyst" OR "Data Base
Analyst" OR "Database Analyst" OR "Data Analyst") AND ("Data Analysis"
OR "Data Profiling" OR "Data Mapping" OR "Database Technolo*" OR "Data
Warehouse") AND (Oracle OR "PL/SQL" OR "Data Profiling" OR SAP OR
Database OR Reporting OR "Dashboard Design" OR "Dash board Desig*" OR
"Data Model Design") AND ("Business Analysis" OR "Ab/hoc" OR Abhoc OR
"Business Reporting")
("Clinical Business Process Analyst" OR "Clinical Business Analyst" OR
"Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst") AND ("Clinical Trial
Management Systems" OR "Clinical Trial Management System" OR CTMS OR
"CTMS Admini*" OR "Clinical Trials") AND (OBI OR "Oracle Business
Intellige*" OR "Business Intelligen*" OR "Clinical Business Process")
("Clinical Business Process Analyst" OR "Clinical Business Analyst" OR
"Business Analyst" OR "Business Systems Analyst" OR "CTMS Business
Analyst" OR "CTMS Business" OR "Clinical Trials Business Analyst" OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
"Clinical Trial Business Analyst") AND ("Clinical Trial Management Systems"
OR "Clinical Trial Management System" OR CTMS OR "Clinical Trials")
AND (OBI OR "Oracle Business Intellige*")
("Clinical Business Manager" OR "Clinical Business Analyst" OR "Clinical
Business Process Analys*" OR "CTMS Business Analys*" OR "Clinical Trial
Business" OR "Business Analyst" OR "Business Process Analyst" OR
"Business Systems Analys*") AND (CTMS OR "Clinical Trials management
system" OR "Clinical Trials management" OR "Clinical Trials") AND (oracle
OR OBI OR "Oracle Business Intelle*" OR "Oracle Clinical") AND (Pharma*
OR Research OR "Research & Develop*" OR "Research and Develop*")
("Master Data Manager" OR "Master Date Analyst" OR "Database Analyst" OR
"Governance Manager" OR "MDM Governance Manger" OR "Master Data
Governance Manager" OR "MDM Manager" OR "MDM Data Analyst" OR
"Data Master") AND ("Data Governance" OR "MDM Data" OR "MDM
Processes" OR "Data Management" OR "Data Steward") AND ("Dash boards"
OR Dashboards OR QTA OR "Quarterly Targeting Alignment" OR Align* OR
"Sales Force" OR Business OR Financ* OR "Customer Oriented data") AND
(Pharma* OR "Health care" OR Medical)
("CMC Regulatory Manager" OR "CMC Manager" OR "CMC Regulatory
Specialist" OR "CMC Scientific Affairs Specialist" OR "CMC Scientific*" OR
"Regulatory Submission Manager" OR "Regulatory Manager" OR "Regulatory
Affairs" OR "Submission Manager" OR "Regulatory Manager") AND (CMC
OR "Chemistry Manufacturing and Controls" OR "CMC Submissions" OR
"CMC Components" OR "CMC Quality" OR "CMC Affairs") AND (Molecules
OR "Large Molecules" OR "Small Molecules" OR Biologics OR "Regulatory
Operations" OR "Regulatory Submissions" OR "Regulatory Project manage*"
OR "Regulatory Manage*") AND (Pharma* OR Scienti*)

(CMC Regulatory OR Regulatory Submissions Manager OR Regulatory

Operations OR Regulatory Submissions Process) AND (CMC OR Chemistry,
Manufacturing & Controls OR CMCCP OR CMC Components) AND (Small
Molecules OR Molecules) AND (Biologics OR biologics) AND (Documentum
OR Document)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("CMC" OR "Chemistry Manufacturing Controls" OR "CMCCP" OR
"Chemistry Manufacturing Controls Certified Professional" AND ("Regulatory
("IT Project Manager" OR "IT Manager" OR "IT Project Lead" OR "IT Lead
Manager") AND (SAP OR "SAP Projects" OR Ariba OR Consur) AND (HR
OR "Human Resource" OR Finance OR Business OR BA OR "Business
Admin*" OR BS OR Business Scien*)
("Statistical Programmer" OR "Sr. Statistical Programmer" OR "Statistical
program Analyst" OR "Statistical Analyst" OR "Clinical Programmer" OR
"SAS Programmer" OR "SAS Developer" OR "Programming Analyst" OR
"Clinical Statistical Programmer") AND (Statisti* OR "Statistical Reports" OR
"SAS Drug Develop*" OR SAS OR "Statistical Applica*" OR "Statistical
CDISC OR "Clinical Data Interchange*" OR "Medical Termino*" OR "Clinical
Trial Methodo*" OR FDA OR ICH) AND (Pharma* OR BIO* OR CRO OR
"Clinical Research Organi*")
("Administrative Assistant" OR "Office Administrative Assistant" OR "Office
Admin*") AND ("Answering Phones" OR "Phone Calls" OR Answer* OR
"Managing Email" OR "Conference Room Schedul*" OR "Arranging Meet*"
OR "Managing Budget" OR "Processing Invoice" OR "Processing Legal" OR
Presentation*) AND (Word OR Spreadsheet OR Excel )
("Sr.QA Engineer" OR "QA Engineer" OR "Quality Analyst" OR "Quality
Analyst Engineer" OR "Software Quality Engineer" OR "Software Quality
OR TAO) AND ("Test Plan" OR "Test case Develop*" OR "Test Execution"
OR Testing) AND (SAP OR "SAP Environ*" OR "SAP Tool")
("Data Entry Associate" OR "Data Entry Clerk" OR "Data Entry Specialist" OR
"Data Entry Operator") AND (Pharma* OR BIO*)
("Data Entry Associate" OR "Data Entry Clerk" OR "Data Entry Specialist" OR
"Data Entry Operator" OR "Office Assistant" OR "Front desk" OR "Front
Office Assistant" OR "") AND (Database OR "Maintaining Data" OR "Entering
Data" OR "Enter Data") AND (Word OR Excel OR Spreadsheet)

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Product Surveilla*" OR "Product Surveillance Specialist" OR "Product
Quality Specialist" OR "Product Quality Supervisor" OR "Product Specialist"
OR "Product Supervisor" OR "Product Quality Analyst" OR "Quality
Specialist" OR "Quality Supervisor" OR "Quality Coordinator" OR "QA
Complain*" OR "Complaints Coordinator") AND ("Product Quality
Management" OR "Product Recall Management" OR "Quality Surveillance"
OR "Product Quality review" OR "Product Recall" OR "Product Quality
Complaint*" OR "Product Complain*") AND (cGMPs OR GMP OR GDPs )
("training coordinator" or "training admin*" or "training Specialist" or "training
executive" or "Executive Admin*" or "training administrative" or "learning
admin*" or "learning coordinator" ) and ("manufactur*" or "site manufacturing"
or "manufacturing operations" or GMP or cGMP) and ("learning management
system" or "lms") and (pharma* or Bio*)
("Project Coordinator" OR "Project Assistant" OR "Sales Project Coordinator"
OR "Training Coordinator" OR "LMS Admin*") AND (LMS OR "Learning
Management Systems" OR "e-learning") AND ("Proofing Materials" OR
Schedul* OR "Schedule Meet*" OR Meet* OR Training OR "Sales Train*")
("Project Coordinator" OR "Project Assistant" OR "Sales Training Specialist"
OR "Training Coordinator" OR "Training Specialist" OR "LMS Admin*" OR
"Learning Coordinator" OR "Learning Admin*") AND (LMS OR ELMS OR
"Learning Management System" OR "Learning Management Systems")
("Project Coordinator" OR "Project Assistant" OR "Sales Project Coordinator"
OR "Sales Training Specialist" OR "Training Coordinator" OR "Training
Specialist" OR "LMS Admin*" OR "Learning Coordinator") AND (LMS OR
ELMS OR "Learning Management System" OR "e-learning") AND ("Proofing
Materials" OR "Scheduling Meet*" OR Training OR "Sales Train*" OR Sales)
("Project Coordinator" OR "Project Assistant") AND ("Sales Training
Specialist" OR "Training Coordinator" OR "Training Specialist" OR "LMS
Admin*" OR "Learning Coordinator") AND (LMS OR ELMS OR "Learning
Management System" OR "Learning Management Systems")
("Project Coordinator" OR "Project Assistant") AND ("Sales Training
Specialist" OR "Training Coordinator" OR "Training Specialist" OR "LMS
Admin*" OR "Learning Coordinator") AND (LMS OR ELMS OR "Learning
Management System" OR "Learning Management Systems")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Senior Accountant" OR Accountant OR "Financial A")
("Shipping/Receiving Coordinator" OR "Shipping/Receiving Clerk" OR
"Inventory Coordinator" OR "Warehouse Operator" OR "Warehouse
Coordinator" OR "Warehouse Admin*" OR "Facilities Coordinator" OR
"Facility Coordinator" OR "Logistics Technician" OR "Logistics Coordinator"
OR "Logistics Operator" OR "Material Coordinator") AND (Shipping OR
"Cycle Counts" OR Pulley OR Storerooms OR Stock OR "Stock Rotations" OR
"Inventory Management System" OR "Inventory Manag*" OR Inventor* OR
"Plant Operation*" OR Track* OR Delivery OR Database OR SAP)
("Shipping Coordinator" OR "Warehouse Operator" OR "Warehouse
Coordinator" OR "Shipping Clerk" OR "Shipping Admin*" OR
"Shipping/Receiving Clerk" OR "Shipping/Receiving Coordinator" OR
"Shipping and Receiving") AND (GMP OR "Good Manufacturing Pratic*" OR
cGMP OR "Manufacturing Operation*") AND ("Raw Materials" OR "General
Suppl*" OR Packing OR Package OR Shipping OR Forklift OR "Warehouse
Operation") AND (Pharma* OR Bio*)
("Project Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Scientific Project Manager" OR
"Scientific Project*" OR "Scientific Manager" OR "Scientific Project Lead" OR
"Clinical Project*" OR "Scientific lead" OR Scientist) AND (Drug OR "Drug
Develop*" OR "Drug Manag*" OR "Drug Research" OR "Drug Analy*") AND
(Pharma* OR Clinica* OR Scientif* OR Bio*) AND Phase
("Project Manager" OR "Project Lead" OR "Scientific Project Manager" OR
"Scientific Manager" OR "Scientific Project Lead" OR "Scientific Program
Manage*" OR "Clinical Project Manager" OR "Scientific lead" OR "Scientific
Program Lead" OR "Clinical Project Manager" OR "Clinical Project Lead")
AND (Drug OR "Drugs Develop*" OR " Drug Develop*" OR "Drug Manage*"
OR "Drugs Research*" OR "Drug Analys*") AND ("Cross Function" OR
"Cross Function Planning" OR Monitor* OR "Global Develop*" OR Plan* OR
"Project Management") AND (Pharma* OR Bio* OR Scientific) AND Phase
("Process Development Specialist" OR "Process Engineer" OR "Process
Developer" OR "Processing Engineer" OR "Processing Developer" OR "Sr.
Manufacturing Engineer" OR "Manufacturing Technician" OR "Manufacturing
Supervisor" OR "Senior Manufacturing") AND (Bioreact* OR "Bioreactor
Operat*" OR "Cell Culture" OR UFDF OR "Data Analys*" OR "Data

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Verification" OR Filtration OR fermentation) AND (GMP OR cGMP OR
"Manufacturing Process" OR "Manufacturing Operat*") AND (Pharma* OR
Chemical OR Biochemical)
("Desktop Support Specialist" OR "Helpdesk Support" OR "Technical Support"
OR "Tech Support" OR "IT Support" OR "System Support" OR "Desktop
Support") AND (MAC OR Windows OR Networking) AND (Phone OR
Deskside OR Ticketing OR "Client Support" OR "Customer Support" OR
"Customer Service")
("PowerPoint Presenter" OR "PowerPoint Designer" OR "PowerPoint
Presentation Designer" OR "PowerPoint Presentation" OR "Presentation
Specialist" OR "Presentation Designer" OR "PowerPoint Slide Designet" OR
"Web Designer" OR "Graphic Designer" OR "Administrative Assistant" OR
"Office Support") AND ("PowerPoint Slide" OR "PowerPoint Presentation" OR
"Prepare PowerPoint" OR "PowerPoint Preparation") AND (Editing OR Print*
OR Template OR Designing) AND (PowerPoint OR Excel OR Word OR
Outlook OR Calendaring OR "Outlook Calendaring")
("Sales & Marketing Recruiter" OR "Sales/Marketing Recruiter" OR "Sales
Recruiter" OR "Marketing Recruiter" OR "Corporate Recruiter" OR "Sr.
Corporate Recruiter" OR "Senior Corporate Recruiter" OR "Senior Recruiter"
OR "Business Recruiter" OR "Commercial Recruiter") AND (Recruits OR
Interviews OR Source* OR "Employee Benefits" OR "HR Policies" OR
"Human Resource Policies" OR Policies) AND ("Tracking System" OR "Brass
ring" OR brassring) AND ("Support Sales" OR "Support market*" OR
"Commercial Support" OR Sales OR Marketing OR Commercial OR "Sales
Recruiting" OR "Commercial Recruiting" OR "Marketing Recruiting") AND
"Life Science"
("Assistant Editor" OR "Junior Editor" OR "Jr. Editor") AND ("Reviewing
Pages" OR "Inputting Editorial Revisions" OR Editing OR InCopy OR
Indesign) AND (Word OR Excel)
("Performance Architect" OR "Software Solution Archit*" OR "Software
Architect" OR "Software Developer" OR "Java Architect" OR "Java Developer"
OR "Application Architect") AND ("Web Develop*" OR "web framework" OR
"Web Service" OR Rails OR "Django" OR HTML5 OR CSS OR JavaScript OR
HTTP OR "N-tier" OR "ORM" OR Ruby OR Scala OR Java OR RDBMS OR

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
Mysql OR "Postgres") AND (GIT OR "Testing Methodology" OR "RSpec" OR
TDD OR Cucumber OR BDD OR RESTful OR "OAuth" OR Agile) AND
"Computer Science"
("HR Contact Center Representative" OR "HR Contact Representative" OR
"HR Representative" OR "Human Resource Representative" OR "HR Contact
Center Associate" OR "HR Assistant" OR "HR Customer service" OR "HR
Center Representative" OR "Recruiting Coordinator" OR "HR Administrative"
OR "HR Executive" OR "HR Helpdesk" OR "HR Office Assistant" OR "HR
Operator" OR "HR Support" OR "HR Representative" OR "HR Coordinator")
AND ("HR Connect" OR "HR related Program" OR "HR Program*" OR
"Employee Relation*" OR "HR Function" OR "HR Policies" OR Policies OR
"Employee Policies" OR HRIS OR "HRIS Systems") AND ("Customer
Service" OR "HR Customer Service" OR "Customer Inquiries" OR "Phone
Call" OR Answer) AND (Spanish OR German OR French)
("Disinfection Specialist" OR "Disinfection Operator" OR "Disinfection
Associate" OR "Disinfection Technician" OR "Manufacturing Technician" OR
"Manufacturing Operator" OR "Chemical Operator" OR "Laboratory
Technician" OR "Lab Technician") AND (GMP OR cGMP OR "Good
Manufacturing Pract*" OR SOP OR "Standard Operating Procedures") AND
("Disinfection Operations" OR "Disinfection Solutions" OR Disinfection) AND
(Cleaning OR "Quarterly Cleaning" OR "Clean rooms" OR Cleanrooms OR
"Cleaning rooms" OR Bleach*) AND (Pharma* OR Bio* OR "Biotech
("Disinfection Specialist" OR "Disinfection Operator" OR "Disinfection
Associate" OR "Disinfection Technician" OR "Laboratory echnician" OR "Lab
Technician" OR "House Keeping") AND ("Disinfection Solution" OR
"Disinfection Operat*" OR Disinfection) AND (Cleaning OR "Clean Rooms"
OR Bleach*) AND (GMP OR SOPs OR cGmp) AND (Pharma* OR BIO*)
("Customer Service Representative" OR "Customer Service Support" OR
"Customer Service Executive" OR "Customer Service Rep*") AND ("Oder
Management" OR "Sales Oder Managem*" OR "sales Management" OR "Sales
Service" OR SAP) AND ("Payment Systems" OR Budgets OR "Account
Payable" OR "Monthly Status" OR "Monthly reports")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Program Coordinator" OR "Office Coordinator" OR "Administrative
Assistant" OR "office Assistant") AND ("Recipient Letters" OR
"Acknowledgement Letters" OR "Letter writing" OR "Gift Acknowledg*" OR
"Letter Head")

("Production Manager" OR "Product Manager" OR "Production Coordinator"

OR "Product Coordinator" OR "Print Production Coordinator" OR "Production
Associate" OR "Digital Production Coordinator" OR "Production Operator" OR
"Media Production Coordinator" OR "Creative production Manager" OR "Print
Publishing Coordinator" OR "Publishing Coordinator") AND ("Print
Production" OR Print OR Digital OR "Creative Product*" OR "Social Media")
AND ("Online Projects" OR "Production Specification" OR "Production
Process" OR "Production Schedul*" OR Schedul* OR "Budget Information"
OR Budget OR "Project Schedul*" OR Tracking OR "Tracking Daily
Delever*" OR Deliver* OR Reporting OR "Project Status") AND (Excel OR
"Ms Project" OR word)
("Production Manager" OR "Product Manager" OR "Production Coordinator"
OR "Print Production Manage*" OR "Production Associate") AND ("Print
Production" OR Print OR Digital OR "Creative Product*" OR "Social Media")
AND ("Online Projects" OR "Production Specification" OR "Production
Process" OR "Production Schedul*" OR Schedul* OR "Budget Information"
OR Budget OR "Project Schedul*" OR Tracking OR "Tracking Daily
Delever*" OR Deliver* OR Reporting OR "Project Status") AND (Excel OR
"Ms Project" OR word)

("Print Production Coordinator" OR "Production Coordinator" OR "Creative

Designer" OR "Media Production Coordiantor" OR "Print media Production")
AND ("Print Production" OR Print OR Digital OR "Creative Product*" OR
"Social Media" OR "Online Projects" OR "Production Specification" OR
"Production Process" OR "Production Schedul*") AND ("Budget Information"
OR Budget OR "Project Schedul*" OR Tracking OR Deliver* OR Reporting
OR "Project Status") AND (Excel OR "Ms Project" OR word)
("Production Coordinator" OR "Product Coordinator" OR "Print Production
Coordinator" OR "Production Associate" OR "Digital Production Coordinator"

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
OR "Production Operator" OR "Media Production Coordinator" OR "Creative
production Manager" OR "Print Publishing Coordinator" OR "Publishing
Coordinator") AND ("Print Production" OR Print OR Digital OR "Creative
Product*" OR "Social Media" OR "Online Projects" OR "Production
Specification" OR "Production Process" OR "Production Schedul*")
("Documentation Assistant" OR "Documentation Administrative" OR
"Documentation Specialist" OR "Documentation coordinator" OR "Document
Assistant" OR "Document Control" OR "Document* Coordinator" OR
"Document Associate" OR "Document Specialist" OR "Regulatory Document
Assistant" OR "Regulatory Document coordinator" OR "Regulatory document
specialist") AND ("Word Processing" OR "Database Struct*" OR "Electronic
Document Managem*" OR Documentum OR Documentation OR CTD OR
eCTD OR "Document preparation") AND ("Regulatory Submission" OR
"Global Regulatory" OR Submissions) AND (Excel OR Word OR PowerPoint
OR Adobe OR "Electronic Documet*" OR SharePoint OR "Electronic PDF"
OR PDF OR "3D Document*" OR "Data entry" OR "Electronic filling" OR
Importing OR Updating)
("Document Assistant" OR "Document Control Coordinator" OR "Document
Control Specialist" OR "regulatory Document Assistant" OR "Regulatory
Document Coordinator" OR "Regulatory Document Specialist" OR "Document
Control Supervisor") AND ("Word Processing" OR "Database Struct*" OR
"Electronic Document Managem*" OR Documentum OR Documentation OR
CTD OR eCTD OR "Document preparation" OR "Regulatory Submission" OR
"Global Regulatory" OR Submissions)
("Technical Writer" OR "Document Technical" OR "Documentation Assistant"
OR "Documentation Administrative" OR "Documentation Specialist" OR
"Documentation coordinator" OR "Document Assistant" OR "Document
Control" OR "Document* Coordinator" OR "Document Associate" OR
"Document Specialist" OR "Regulatory Document Assistant" OR "Regulatory
Document coordinator" OR "Regulatory document specialist") AND ("Word
Processing" OR "Database Struct*" OR "Electronic Document Managem*" OR
Documentum OR Documentation OR CTD OR eCTD OR "Document
preparation") AND (Excel OR Word OR PowerPoint OR Adobe OR
"Electronic Documet*" OR SharePoint OR "Electronic PDF" OR PDF OR
"Data entry" OR "Electronic filling")

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]
("Procurement Support Associate" OR "Account Clerk" OR Accountant OR
"Account Associate" OR "Financial Accountant") AND (Procure* OR Budgets
OR Payments OR "Accounts Payables" OR "Analyze Invoice" OR "Calculator
Operat*" OR Account Management) AND (Excel OR Word OR Outlook OR
"Ms Office") AND Ariba

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]

Laxminarayana Bupathi
Senior Staffing Consultant for US Process,
Professionals Trainer for US Staffing & Resume Builder
Story Writer at Telugu Film Industry
Reach me at [email protected]

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